vii t 9 iummw uhi gdotvttat pft a western neighbor sail ntrhflwin 11 regarded ns n chinged jrovinro iin awakening economy no longer i wheat lis only product c w n a representatives were told ry the prrvmrc s minister of minprils ind risoiirrr rfrjina itelf with a population of dec to 100000 15 a rapidly growing centre s tn the mirhl of the soulhern wheat phms tho province is proud of its oil wells its new vice products its poiilo industry its liimbcnnq in the north arid its attraction to holiday crowds spectacular scenery and unsurpassed spor 5 fishing in northerfl precimbrnn gliinnl i kes ire two of tho provinces nsets pcprcsntitives of c w n a mido a trip throurjh the fimed and historic ouappelle vilify tins is one of the most remark ahle mrl r iiions of the earlier ages a sharp cjongo in tho hndscape the valley dips clcp ind runs north of and parallel to the tnnscinrdi highway east of rogma its chain of lalcs 1i5 rolling hills and tree lined arcs make it an arresting change from the endless prmne tnat surrounds it one of regma s most interesting attrac tions is the provincial museum of natural m t ry openc in siskaichewan s golden jubilee yenr 1955 its displays of zoology archieology and paleontology which occur nitiomlly m saskatchewan are quite inter esting the displays were being readied for the quefn s visit and all was a busy scone of activity rocjini too has remained an important administrative and training centre for the rcyal canadian mounted police a view of their training program assures the visitor of ihe high slindards required of mounties indians too form an important part of the provinces altrnciions an evening of indian d mces was one cf the highlights for cwna representatives young indians fiom their early youth were taught the his tone dances of their race saskatchewan is on interesting province rnd one of increasing importance in the economy of cimdi a newsreport notes the u s s roady to 5locfepjle atomic weapons in canadi hul full control and custody of the we ipons inu t charity please it is difficult to believe then should be such t v ineiy of conclusions when the agree ment is that close to going into effect eitwtthlhe us meanwhile wo learn lhil dctfnsr mints tor prirkis a boil lime ago slihd hint tho us rotiins ruslorly of the weapons until llity aro roll noi for oponlion in the country itelf our dofi use minister s slnlerncnl iur tber st ilocl 1 be counlry then has a velo the countiy no d nol use them they are ov iilable and onn ihoy have been as m wi ro innded vor 10 llio occupying country 01 lite iiioi counlry then ihoy are emplo ed unilei llio dinction of- the governm nt o iho ciunlry the news report records tbnl a us stale dcpirtnipnt offiufll commenting on ibis stalenient said pearkes may he laboring under a mine onrrpl ion ho sin i iho ii s wnuld not r li vo ru tody cr conlml il any lime unless vetoed by a oint resolution of th hou o represontahves and senate the agreement wilh cintdi will rjo into of f t fndiy dgbttrenthj hicre has been btttet nous of commons on nnny occasions about ihe icneiiuiq conlrol canirh has over its own defense hems there isn t any doubt llm common defense on a continental basis is the only logical and realistic pattern we don i tike i bo idei of alomic weipons being stockpiled in canada but we have stronger doubts when it appears there is some confusion on who is to have control over llieir use add i his problem to the continuing doubts of the value of the bonne missiles ihit hive replaced canada s airow pro qrim and there seems to be something seriously indefinite in the defense deparl mi nl wo on only hope that if the agreement on illowing slfckpiles goes mlo effect on tr 1 ty lie defense minister his a clear idn of what il involves while wc nave every respect for the forces cf the us we have enough pride m our own forces to not have their moves dommilec by south of iho border derisions two price system lis constantly aniiving ihe number of bcull lo niainliin and protect ihe mdivictu pecple who have plans for red slnbul eti of illy of a fumcr cr businessman qovi rnnif nlil ri vnniif w lh 1ixhon nmd ile i iiq c ii 1 p dereivmgly simple lo sug be tint tiny ikvu qu u woik otil sistnl irf in wli 11 pnrl v c pn 1 n c w t ii q it i i i nl s lo 1 t tn i 11 w i ly i asp p rmv t on r 1 ln t 1 ret k 5 i qu o rev i il ov mti i ni i 1 iy ins fr f 1 t nt ir u u t kl f h l w i r 1 1 jh 1 m no time for complacency the good old days back in 1939 tsktn u rm prtw tlnmfer july 1w rcaldcnts on slgin street were mated lut friday to ee iparka back in t909 tkn frm the htet ttie frk frim tkonfey siy it lmfc the regiitnllon of the edncatlon department of ihe province re- comlnfl from one of the bl maple 7t 1- i quired the introduction of tne nrw treei that line the itrect inventlk ntton by the fire chlf r m mc- nt the public chool and donald revealed that i wctiun of cerium new uxt book tn thi hinh a arnt limb ihnt wm portly dend choc is nt the re opening of the wai on fire in the cntrc f ihr- tree and burning briimy a coll to superintendent witiion put in nil it win nl flmt r- mlied thnt the irt origin itrd from tlvclrlc wire that pnif cl throuuh a oll of water pound from ihe tup extinguished the ulnzr and n woi found the wire were tin feet dlatant from the fire thi nly other conjecture of the cnue i f the fire in that n bird cjrrnd a cigarette butt to it nest in tht trie and ftnrtid n fire in thi hullnw limb motnnst1 who hnve occiflum to mti tho second line f om acton i i milton find ihnt hijjhwjy 2 h is hod tome iituntion but little im prnvimtnt the rondwiy wis mini inst welk nnd the dust nitnttim wa nlkvinud a ft w louls of iftoiic ravil wtn pnl in th hiilc uni hiy and ihnwn in ill ditch thi mxt by th tnffic tin rtsiill is ii llistll fs ill 11 illll ml i ulll that it is h inllv fit fr n iv i school iifler vieatinn the m book un consider ly lower in price ind irt cnirulntd to rivp the pupiln t mw 7il in tbur sludu s nnd lo blur fit them for iho vu i llm frr yiii yi ir on july ii ii i reid prescntid n chiiil fi wi purpmlinjt li tn signid by genrce d 11i1 acl m ind piivnbb to tht ordir ut ii i iui1 it the me hints runk 1 irgi town ind netivid thi ensh wh 11 ihf 1 lb alton f r- y prf itnd rrs htndid rhu ling ii mil in visind 1 ind iiismt 111 1 ikl md in whin h f nf guflpti tin 11 in hi hill it miw mnnil itfkttts wis hind by thi alton public if r t n hs 1 si i school hnini thurid iy eveninc 11 tn innin li a i- iim til thi post tmsid by thi nsik hoinliu h u m ii ilmri f miss t f hunt vis f r m j itmkflw hu guiui ujliiicaliu03 ijm y 11 i dinrr wis idthiper mnn pn nt tirs itr tikipttfm ncndcmle till linn i niith in 111 r p w w p yil uii r s thi f t jy hit loutuv li in natures solitude suqar and sfrice ih oikvilh luiky i t m u thi ad drivinr down ihe highwny li siitidiv night th tht f imily ill islttp iftu 1 big diy of sun swimming md 1 hugi bubnuiil sli ik i found mjsilf tursing with 1 lint tint vtliiminti tint smiml- i i ijmly fimiliar bnht nnd rnly mil would ill ihi i ivy in g lg lo bumpers roof ind iiinm ho uds as n i bit ikfisl ivi r hid ualk on ihi old cluv giv till llio kitk mil limb 11 1 ih rt 1 sit jiiii hmk tb him imi ul d f ii by bill smiley il thi d tufir iliwn 1 7 ind thct oiks h 4 tin u im ihi ntkhl- u dih ile ut i 1 m m th nkfullv f rh objict of i ifftctio ivtr wh hkhls whin i hid cooled down i tried to ti number wtir u i d ht 11 d ih 1st paitiiiilir phrisi s ikfok ill just lliin ill nit iii th it in hau off with 11 kids pihd in llu m lop uf tin biddinj vl gn u fi mding if nd lurching unlit w rot on ii nnd alur tin mils in mi tin 1 w uld lt ilmxt r whin did hidn t lul nv h p thi f- nei ind intm ik lit out n thi 1 w mid hi 1 i ih shidi of 1 n in i tnngi th bibi s dnp- n wlnli did th uigid un tit nxt nrfior pmic wis gilling fu old hiv nl the firry wi h id lkss th oltiwa hivir jnd it is 1 git it llirll t ich yiur hut w ilihing did trvmg lo gi i th 11 cir unto thi firry wa tn- uth to mirk 1 child for life yra- iflc r nr when hi s iw my fmh 11 drii up thi ferry ciptun us plyus p ng gi ri i ind lfl r ihr art 11 1 night h lud uffs mil hi i i m ii n i ty ith h 4 plai 1 mlu bd o willnmi w culun mdin m r n o t mil 1 tul h iwi i mif idi k iy c hii ii b nn nd w nld h lp it i his i nl the ngmeu thi professional directory and travellers guide fi f nfrai directors 1 i1il tv f imil piy 10c to 0c more 1 tl tut in id to issi 1 hie wheat farmer li a o i to cl ounrji every oilier pro i 1 to u iqci a sun i ir solution lo the j iulf n cl 11 re is ng prices un ml filly ihf he ivy western produc t 01 of vl tl 1 r jijii rn is ckjitiesnr costs r f i n lixino pi ry inc ikfilry otd nf the 4 1 i 1l li in i ul01 ol us whe11 i lo 1 t 11- 1 iuni i hi lgrjn i il 1 ii t i 1 r c in hi m 1 1 i 1 o 01 n mil i he fi a 1 jly jlili t ihirc is ik ihuiq t 1 til i i kiuii or mkiijf u flri 1 1 1 1 1 in ti pute el fk d iuli l 1 ik h w is ihoul 40 iihni ml 1 los 1 hi p in fn t 1 1 i hduv it li 1 us tut f 1 h h w is llu sli id 1 but lvi iy so often tin nt im minui thing un l ik spur of shu r t rnr w kids lb it 1 llu w iy hi nut 1 uh ilhu in thi bick ikul dun the cish 1 vis md whip 1- pipi r h lissui ubiib 1 in n ilisp il tht imliv ilosi 1 n mud llu i1 irk br isl di ippt d hi 1 hi id li m ii i 11 111 lh id tin lips npidh mv 11 1 mpl llv r itt t 1 n usl il tin hi 11 1 1 ml wntl ght hi tn th md pieul thi link 1 lie linn tmj ih li lis w hi 1 ti j di ip k tl 1 111 1 1 uh 1 bo lh ihi liinuil 1 im f 1 nun n 1 1 i 11 mi m the ol 1 1 nf un lmi thi bti- d mid ril th s ih f r rlod n atb w tic r i nf tin us throurh is the rik dr w g c kenney ilnsrnn ind siirgtvm offici in smon rlck 43a mill st f aclin otfire phone 7b resulencr us church st f dr d a garrett vicjlun june 2fl 19i9 in august 4 19 umfeu fc oemakcr iiiropractor dr robert d bucknfr tpir etrh rml fvtatf and 1siirancf o kin 1 10 lul lv did w 1 brew bodv eng ir ilnili and old rgit to i 3l 1 1 i i i i i m ii ii cll 111 so tin t 1 i 1 nl t 11 n j i tin i thm i 1 li 10 sh li 11 t f 1 ni 11 iifl shown qeneirtl t i 1 l i 1 1 iiud planes invt i- f 1 11 1 tlvriq tinkfrs wlh go t 1 1 n it i 1 1 in tin m 11 ie iin 1 i i 1 1 iiy t tn hen tis i r y 1 this sundays church calendar n btfn ut 10 i- fl 1 iy n tlie world will nl 01 ts v a 1 1 i 11 y oi forest i es h r hm llyl m ssnss flulbow 1 s t vo in- o 1 thi it nt i otteniters imt t1 i s 1 ie loist s im c n s i up tciseiilk the acton free press tumihea bf thf nilli printing and puhlliluac c united v 11 ijsl n 1 1 d pub hd 1 thursdi at mill t r n ut m mini f sp airfit bureau of ti it 1 i nd is o harwquptwc oi 1- 111 li a a iv t iir 1 1 umi rrqwsl sub- 1 t 1 l it ir 11 icdi 14 00 in the i 11 i 1 s j x n it si s inl eop es 7c authorn- t s c 1 i 1 iff 1 vpjrlinpnt ouam thr ant papr rrr pablhhed tn rton c dill ft r n c f da i ii dll m niemi fdi f business and editorial office phone 600 acton united church of canada ac- ton onurla ii i n adims m iip mi s mi ri t ortjin jnd h 1 i nl r st ntm jl ly 26lh tsw ut pu ll presbyterian church in canada kno hi rt h tn i ii m k h iii f l wright 20 wilbur st axton ontar o phone w appraiser rfil btate md insunnr frederick streeu office hours bv appointment tfi rphonr it dr a j buchanan nntnl surfin of r sa m r t 6 pm d moore dc r sptc f c c hir ipi 11 17 mill sin i ihonp 41 r till oitiral and iifarinfi aih e l buchner r o oplimttrisl ind itinnrik aid consultant aciumiiin 4b mill st e ihuii h offm hours widnfsdavs unly 1306 00 p m evtnmu bv appmntmi nt lb im culls by uipiiintmint robert r hamilton ott mti t ai uitinc ti ountinc lever 4 hoskin thirirrd arnmniinu si mi n si n ii kmit si w mmmptiri i tl 1 4b24 fm 4 1131 1 1 c1 uindav aft 1 141 st iu lt1 m li the church of st alban the martyr ml h n i r r n h n s kf 11 sib water ys club take life saving course ieatherland oc trr a ilintor v uiry traveuus ouioe gray coach lines oaiifs leavk acton 813 1 daylifht time ftbund n daily except sun and hl h fl a m 1133am 20p m ii pm 111 pm k 13 p ni to or pm sun and hoi wt bound 1027 am ii dm 2 tt pm t pm 7z7 y u i ii 3 sot sun baptist church cton pwtr re g rim m holm- b bth th nih s iili 1 w n m h li tfrii 11 00 am m tim- a braida ba bj lcl sul nur nouv public n lnnx jv 26th ls9 4s im hurrh choal 1100 am public worship to pm open air m on the church lan wednrday i pm tup mid wcrfc mtmcp fir bible study wit nws and prayet all are welrproa acton pentecostal tabernacle 11 ihunh ii r od imo bex knn ih j it it p r 7hk m pi n g4p slnpo jt l 2cji 4j in 00 m sunday school ll do am moraine worio m nm fvanrrlimic tud 8 i m pnjcr nl b t ud amb n a tticndu wilcomc to all i 3 ma n st k a prnie s hnn 6 pm 9 pm s- rv t f c ta 2242 hir 9 jm hastings 4 payne barruter and sol ci r ota- es publ t l mill st acton olice hour dnn fn 1o0o114s am 1 kl 4 30 p m sit lnno 1100 am pltonr l canadian national railways standard time kastbound dally s im daily except sundays 7 14 pm sunday nly 191 pn daily exoept sunday flter at ortown h3t a m 8 27 pm daily flyer at georjc- wwn 10 11 pm weslboutd daily 1144 pm daily except sunday 130 am i3 p m saturday only 1 32 dav only a03 ai oar onlt rtyet daily eicept sat and sun ul pjn