Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1959, p. 2

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r tht aclon fntglin thurdy july 23rd 1959 play ball victories losses racked up in senior league baseball khchener drubbd london mt in the wnlor laagro of minor sport bnmbull on thurday july 10 after taking a 1m lead in the if it innlns j price ace moundiman for the winners pkttpd the london play ers off baf ivery time uwy at tempted to ileal owen and lee batted a thousand with three ruts for three times lit bat stars in the outfit id for the kitchener learn wire mellon and dowdlng who nulled down some mighty hits london lucked the hitting abil- ily and still suffers for a pitching staff oakvllle 15 8t thorn 14 onkville edged out a victory ov- rr ih st thomas team on the name program when in the dying moment i of ihe game they came thrmgh with the winning tally taking an oarly lead th oaki were soon tied up going into the la i inning by their oppoaltton as the st thomas team threatened to lake over the game kuilnnw dtwn oaka a surprise was in ilnre for the league leading oakvllu team on 1 tumdty july 31 when the kit- i chener club eked out a 8 s win at the acton park kitchener led un til the fourth toning whtn the oaks evened the tally but tin mighty kitchener crew came through with hying colon in the last inning with ihe winning run bt thomas 13 london 3 st thomas youngsters defeated the london team on tuosday ev enlng 133 as the london liids fail ed to grasp the opportunities and went down swinging at ihe plate ryder on the mound for thi london crew in ipltc of nine trlkouts failed to curb ihe boom ing bau of the opposition and win replaced in favor of couney wh completed the game the lost leaves london in the cellar position and in position l play the second plate learn in the playoffs merchants down milton twice repeat 104 score in both games acton merchants rocked tht mil thy win up n kid by the tn kid sox m two straight lulu- uik iifmtt of j ltiulm us h wmt imdiale ball games over the past tint i mtu d held lilt virion in weekend and allowed their mriiruh tnw by winning lwu gnmes 10- fium milton gathuid ihi ir four runs the brtcktuwtiei4 in hie first inning but afl i n on saturday july h acton fan clainpdown by the merchant liny local iwup i ir ihi milton leinn in vlctoiy art it puk fuilitt to nnleh ihi iikiiii1 hi bnl hit i t illy suffering fto s lunluy mil ills culupin on ihen solidity its tltf ail in v ilioptfd lhni by th km mi thtir hume llndsiv y nit redecorating at st johns tin lot 1 uilsiy nil hid i mill it ik i i in i the interior of st john s chuieli t undiignng a chuiigv of i iloi a oncern from hamilton is dung uj iihiilnr a elotkw 11 bullus mill duwi i txeillint hliliiit- d by tin n i hi mi iukoui ml a mil tin acti ihe rk the lisioii ul th t it id ini finished thi ehanitl jitd vitiv in dom i blut stivict kis hi id sutidii inoinuig m ihe pmish hill thi crdit villy asphiitl pi inn co hnvi bun d ing abut hit ill il mill ilks mid i ndwji v impuwd see two fllma hi ih huh i raspberry pie social held wj holds pleasant jcnic- stone school community pleasant picnic association helfl a raspberry pie the annual july picnic social at ihe home of ben caae on silvtrwood w i hlld at waterfalls vening hospitality uf the host a walk around his lovely garden and an excellent program combined to make it a most enjoyable evening the lawn was well lighted for an outdoors program prisidid ov n bv thi rtpible prt dint bill furli tin itaturc of the evening thv wo n id i irith i by i r suiter of brampton f the credit vallty urn aulhotity on un unl silup and progress t the aulhorily mr sul ked m 1 fw nul pleasant affair for the fiw who were able to be then a noon pic nic lunch was tnjoyed as wuc races held later for adults as well as children and of course a swim was enjoyed by the younger once wi are glad to report that w r norton is progressing satisfactorily in guelph hospilil follow ing a serious opt ration evkrton thi monthly nit i ling f fiinlph caniiii club wis lit id list units day ivtiutik ihe oal lluelph in llu piojeetion lo m owing 1 i short noliee fir mniibtis only u fiw win pitsenl those who wtrt prosenl had tin pri of ccinn two films tiii and spin kill h with his p pip hi s tin infiild kt lawn bowling on july 11 llitkwini wi u it iis it hit aclon gums i ui tike tight puinlk unikw mrs r j vyse died suddenly iuiuiii y shot wl i dut tiki 11 i held at the funoial huim for mrs mrs dennis papillon showered with gifts i 1 tw kill i foi h uogus mis ff it 1 f connection wihv j1aihmftht tr b vrl mw ttisl film dtall with riw mitin il 1 w q w nmr mis s o lihuli for lensts for eimnis from the y e e ban mis n v hlhins ulirt uf uructamiiif hi u finyhli a wyu- mit lt p 17 hi iciilmc cion im musical numbers paul kidny ivi two silos w hi his m thf 1 mi gordon kid ney mompinying him on tht pi inn 11ml a du t is ilsi sung by mis kidn v ul paul ill of which vun much appreciated j ihn glynn laoktd after tht pro jtelot to kvi a mug song and lift in tin mirh an exctllent nature film mr nnd m bob routber were then brought lei ihe platform and premnttrt by mis bert c orb it with rift ihe irtsentation address bi nu khi bv eftiir bt en y tht sihivx n in u mint for the cily sunday is popular day for visitors sund ij and 1 1 tht t bt mis hthlhll slttl i 89 tears old old fi lends and m nhbors wtn phased t be ublt to have a few v iris wilh uiu f thi jfuis oil bn irt sit lifchtlv on hi- sthilders thr social c immittee ihin took charge and un it r the convi iter slop my ij 1 1 c ru t nd mrs hans i nit ii r vred rapbrry p it cnani uid t uf nt the visitors with mr and mirncill wire mi uid mrs litidsaj ind mis bronskill ind son of wildtmir mr and mrs hani y lestm visited sundiy evening with mr and mrs joe pluska milton mrs maudt of cuilph is spend ing a fiw das with her daughur edna at the home of mr hiwud suntei ind mary m md mrs harry rortop elwabeth and nancj were away on a ft w daj s holiday mr and mrs robert pitten ind family and mr and mrs albert alton and ian gut lnh wt n 11 ttnl visitors wlh mr and mrs john alton and miss jennie tovtll miss pitsv join spent 1 few davs list wetk with htr c usin miss donna milne rock wood mr and mrs t d jtstin ind family visited sunday evening with mr and mrs james milm md famil rorkwid purchasing wwtr is not in creased by wage increusis unleih they are accompanied by increists in prixluctivity and stable prict s nf thf prodnct -he- secoito film dtall wilh naluri blessts quaint japan congrttulilions to mr md mrs peter sim nii tnid mcnubb on the occa ion of thtir wtditing tlur ing the vvti kind variety program friday 1 veiling tin imiit r firmirs of willinglon county nut n j good vintty program all numbers presented win cirntd nul in good foim thin wis 1 uid turnout of pirtnts and fnindu of the young pi iplt congi ituliti ns to mi mil mi j bnkh on un i ilh f 1 tlingh- ter rt ind mis g a ii m mie and childrin in v it ill ininji in halifax ns mi m 11 is ilsi supply ni in 1 thuitli mis r fmstr f i ac mih al- btrta spent 1 rtttnt witktutl wilh mrs oscir ostnndti mr flmtr hammill ind lsl r miss thi us 1 h uiitnill spi mi f w dnyi with lit v c br iwn it 1 aur- tl out mi and mis ross all n ind memoirs of firmly wen w k nil v sil is wilh mi md mi- j f p i attention merchants wilh th inmslu civic ilohdiy progr un bung plinntd foi august 3 bv thi alton it turn minor smiits i sh its imi lit aiuus tntll bh potnts llnkw odg day mis j me lean h r daiou mis g milnt 21 f alton miss till 7 j m lean mis m lavlor iii d ct ly mrs ktlso id lotal 17 points a week igo roikwood wis dt finlid to 4 al g 01 i limn it lgtu si inditij is 14 of joly iii uilph 40 ait 11 2 it ukw k ill jeoigliwn 11 nightly tuiriouls h ivt bun sm ill tht pist wu k bti uise kiv- riu u vill sh ibdteiuatuei shop and save at pallants 14 mill 51 acton summer clearance 25o off reg 1 b to 4 98 womens white hand bags now 149 to 369 womens seersucker pajamas reg 279 now 199 chiios seersucker pajamas 246 rg 169 now 129 girls seersucker pajamas 8101214 rag 198 now 149 boys seersocker pajamas 246 rag 179 now 135 childrens i girls shorts rag 59c to 2 89 now 44c227 childrens mens swim suits rag 98c to 2 29 now 73cl 49 slightly soiled bloums rag to 298 now 149 odds ends womens house dresses rag lo 498 now 229 maternity jackets rag 298 now 229 girls childrens knit pullovers rag 98c now 73c beach bags tote bags rag 100 to 22s now 75c169 all beach balls swim toys rag 59c to 529 now 45c3 98 mens sport shirts rag 249 now 1 49 short and long sleevaa imah only all summht jewrry 25 off cotton sheets 72 x 90 rag 425 now 298 newtons 5 to 1 store tht fmtnthy jttotr 3 mm st phona 276r prb8ewing ketfe of oinikal foods kttchins hispbtriv jam n on of tht etsu st tt make as well ns tht unit dtlit iouk ao why not iry tins very tsful i ip rahlbkrry jam 4 mps prrpnred ruil ohout 2 quart ripe ratpbirriet 6 citp lbs upur t bottle ccrlo ruil pei tin to prepare fruit crush com pletilv one luvtr at a llmt ab mt 2 mmrth fully i ipe rispbtnus 1 1 f dtsirtd sitvt hilf of pulr to re mm esnnie if tht st ds menurt 4 cups into a i i ry luryt siiit van to makr your jam to the meas ured fruit in suueepan add ti4 cup sugar mix well puce hit high hint bring to full rolling boil boll hard 1 minute stirruik stantly re fr rtlr in certo at foam with metal sfitnin stir mid ikim for i nunulos to cool sliuhtk lo prevtnt itoaunr fruit 1idli in to gljsk- coer at once with s inch hot paraftln mnkes aln ul 10 whm u- mrnrutn pctttti nioti irniii miy f don t ttallft wndc itond uhul il u well p tin t limply tht tuing ubtant r u nm in all fruitt in varytng amonnii certo u ptrrrin nrartrd ft fruit rich in thii naturqj tub tonc inm tt fitted conctntra n and performance ctmtroud 9i nattiraelv tchrn you cff imd foltou th tid ctrrto r i pa your jam and iiy alti ay n prfcty pi iw fbitm ii a tcood idea to tamper all new dan jars before using in order to prevent breaking simply plac the jir on a rack in pan cover with rold water and then heat gradualh to the boiling point keep canned fruita in a cool dark place the darkness protrrts the color the cootnesa help pre serve the flavor irrp a ft out for tny next column u hirh will hate another recipe by th usv 1 won horsr any prtbfm trh your jam and jrlly making i uth you d let mr know t maw bt ablt lo help you hilxrl jjinex vy with th it brook officiating interment followed at briur hill cemetei sul mi mil vyet whose hume is al h r alitrlv wnn vintlnii her thlld n in atlon jnd dird tuddenly ul iu od i tk periiiii on sumliiy shi wh btrn ul bi id criek ni n i the frinir i tjf t y ann mint sun mid win ihe duukhttsr of irt tuie i iinoi leiinyhun uid liv 1 me i mary hno she wuh mui ed in iw19 and her huxband pro uetfine i nor in i9li mm vy ih urvlvl by four ins und richard of acton lit ib mllum und howard toron to nine djughtoti mm muudo bipmun quelph mia evelyn i ok ind mrs lillian sj under ac hi mrs evu willuughiin ulna 1diiti vyte mri emily a inn worth mis ueulli lytnehuk mis mjjml snll vun md mlsx mureil vyxt ull f i i to und ii iruidehiltlroi there nobility in man who uili di lo di frnd what kr con- din to be hl rlgtl but unl luclll hit 1lnin who v lhty in n nwn whii ruki dlh mnrrted to denim 1npillun wan l defend whjl he ttnuldiri hl dntertalned bofnrt hitr marrlitte rlkil of way at 4u11 imint l in r until i iwhxv kitt hi 11 1 wii i kilt in 11 dim 1 mihh m ir ann s honored iho br de with hmvar a tniteill hieout nhnwi 1 it ihtr u me ol mit if atlon mit mi a ruiiiundu h id howr ul lhi- in kittlmni 1 closfd for holidays vanity bar hair dressing wkl u closid for holidays from july 15th to august 11th l i i i is coming to ledgers iga foodliner acton ontario friday july 24th from 1 pm till closing free samples and refreshments served by our attractive demonstratorsi free prizes dont miss it a good neighbour a good friend get our handbill for convenient shopping don t miss free bingo games friday july 249 pm in ledgers iga parking lot 14 free games 14 prizes grand barbecue value 25 shop friday to obtain your bingo card

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