Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1959, p. 1

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zht n mtn from eightyflflh yer no 5 milton ontario thursday july 30lh 1959 iwuivb page sevn cenll adopt guelph ambulance service for acton council to decide fate of town ambulance the iarge and thi small are compared in tils picture when this week a one and three quarter inch harvest fly as it has been called was brought to the acton free press offjce adrlenna sealen daughter of mr and mrs j sselen mill street acton reported the fly was floor the monster is pictured above with an ordinary housefly to remove dismantle diving pier as board rules dock dangerous the tllvlmr pir ut faliy lake swimming urun a gift to the parka rourd from uu acton y mon club ti tew yjjfirp ago is doomed to uimnjilur mm the liiko forevor following un agreement by thi board tn huvf thi dock haulid from lhi wuli r und dlamuntled this aitmn tnnk plnci utter a lingthy dlhlumlon during th rig- uliii nutting o tlil buiird tihiih clu july 2j a li ltd from swimming in miiiiciu jim bucklmul udviard tht board cerium piraoim win ubua ti tht purppic f tht duck a in- htulluiiiin he iiiggisud u bi it- muvud tht cun ion i of un litlci dnw i ho common from vlct chairman g v elurbcuii thul in vu w uf whut imp pi nod reiuntly the drowning of henry labellqon july iso it w his opinion alao tin hli ahould be removed nmr tn flavor ttourd mombir a irwin ncittd h- hud ntver bom in fuvni of tht ilutk imtt recalled cxprcamng his doubts ut thi turn tluv bud fust iwaumid reapuntubility fur jl ciuiilillir e pop bunid ropi milium i sugglnli d somithinr loco i would huvi tn bi doni win thi i kwlmn tht pii i i rtmovnl wuk thi nmtwu partly anflwend in the ontario park stum tin doubt a to authority doubt m out in the mlnda of mombuia un l whin tlmr uuth oiity bu a n und ttiilid in ri- latum in fairy imkt qtiuitmiit wore who owns thi lund undui the wuttr how inulh jiirwdiilliin diuih thi bomd iiuvl over lhi wut- u winn din tht park prupuiiy urn mr baibiau uskud when tho high wall i murk wus nt puiry uiki a tiwm replied it was ut the firm hlnne outing u doxuiution on tht win i unbuilt uf tin tint alunu it wuk pnmttd out thul it r purku chuirmun uf the board hud nolid turlitr the wider it vol wdi marked on a itono no one hat bean able to find the tone ainco njrnaredmr irwtn pbtjihwlnu lueeivad mr banbeau reportid hi had nriivid cnmplnlnu regarding the nltltudt of tht purk euiitnktr when t hiking to people you huvt hud complaint ton mitiiid mt popt tbr in link cliairninn nnlid a chuirmun r k purkei wmi present trailer for treatment mr liurbtuu uifoimid mi of u cumpliiitil fiom it s nipiilnlnidint of i in 1 u john ambulunct rtngudti i continued on pifc tu lluil i m guid bogmivin ut 12 01 am satur day august 1 alton reaidtmta dcinpu tin ikf an ambulance will in itrngir huvi the nnnimin nmilibto but mill nut ttu htifiit ptovkltit by hu duval lily aminitancl ownti by vumn s gu uf ouekph filiainti riimila upi ivul turn duv t mug 111 it udi ti t rllowixt a imihii nouitith tit ufltr a inottinfi with tht dm iph anrtmhinci owner and ou iff ul nunly the rale schedule ii wan p ink 1 ouft to council by oivii rtinl lh dmlii4hiit rail i iov j ii dry uiwl mmilloi w mu hi i ii iiui voud in tho mgtiliw hkit i kulli lhi iwi1 milbuluik fin iiiilu mimithtt bcfiiu iinl ting uo full frlre 1um1iihw dirtily lliv j m uioi oi- ukni u iiui ougi f iiiiulitlb to the a hill llllllllllll wllui iii utfktd wliit in iiil uboit til ibttllgii black flies prominent few man eaters seen itku und n buiiimi riitj iiirtpn riptirtpd rhrep of tbr ajtr i d in ii ui undid in limb mltjiliint if in un ippiucunn uuluily t nd f nod bimilumt mt ouucl i un if ii i in in fining jjulti ill mj hit dialiil in id speid niunaft i tiu- und u lilbuury hlituma j fly uppi i wluiliu hu tiugi fly biuuvit lo puici lower glenlea water services asthey freeze puc decides ut hud uiintly gum n hit inki tukmg with i dogi und hud ii hint fi i kilby lt form id tntmbi doik had u tcndinry to ntlrncl h vnt fuilhir nt d ilu irliim hnrppln from us own mvolvul hud nillwl nt thr dnf antral umn offin to rtkimtr u r mp- thi miuh dinuimtd umim pil hunt he iiih piociind u it lit r piulikni cami tu light again frim his doctor ntlvlsing thul the ihuridny t m ning whin a it tit r nun n subjicl to cramp und it f i im tht otkvillt hiimimi sutitty wn- netomiiiry fur him in g w im ntlimid tin bttii id ihtir rontinl ming with his dogs who wrie nffiiii hud puid ncvirul mtits to trained in thi rvi nt of an utlnck lhi pink follouing n rtxpum fur mr popt huggimed if ihey mudt hmiitunci tn txtrcmni dog con an excejtion in thin ense thty ti 1 in thi puik might nr well fnrgel the dog wi ll u iv n itt d thul during the vl untion altogtlhtr iti n lolutmn if hu dog by luw ti was i kilb k opinion tht ad- luul ink ii plmr it w i mukkttd mission lo thi purk com red all b un burnt unit iin hi poult d facililus but iht suimmuik he iintimni uninnl uwnii tin ir pits mquirid if wi don t own t hi win uiiwili mu in thi park run r chiiigc piopli for usitik rt a liw in impaired if llio tht if mr bnttnuu rtplud 1 foil r b a rill hid nn jul ikdiclmn otr u haw u m mil r sponsibilil d k m thi wiilu nl fans laki this divunsiun tided ut this m hi un mfirmid in uitmg chmr point whm lhi board ngrnd lo m man g hnrhiau thi qumtion wm i miiniu atiht mxl mieting when v tot in a report on water mtvfee in ncors and do nothing tba nport i to tiiptall tmah bo4y ilknlaa lubdcvlslon was rwclveffl wai flletf tun propurty crnnnuttee wai by acton public uullliu commia- jbiaair with baort asked to look into uu vanou alon at btiolr regular thuntrtuy i mibilitucc oihti hi tin maullii mrtin tht engmm a v and a fin llewdfnoi and c hf n m i k n lrson and a nnueattd uurr difnn ly usrwfn- fnm th by 1 acthum wihirt ih woitl rpl received jrom u ui f wh mwbt tak imanhnk frizim u c t dvnmurt rni hltut united thai nowdrmwe mid tl hwt aubipnmn wu thurt fh d wm htr ul i rd to muvmi i th- i 1 aiwiu b dug up id who nruni wlu lumntrvn qmm nmyk iii i liiuiunv i uuid slrift i khl in tidy a- rn hu th mltw 1 1m il allii0l1 ow i- ltl m ii uf1r opmlt n t i un1 uih ft i ik kimw ijft ii i ncolililc r fl iff m k tf dht mwkr uiijvunetu plunl o ituntuii bud frwardid l imimtni ii u leflir ihcuikoik imiiuss n f ir thrr oihhhi two year winner ted quennelt is buiy wofluig on his soap box derby car as the deadline for race li monday august 3 stretching out a little taller each year the yourtg racing enlhuiidsl finds it necessary to take his vehicle apart and remodel il to allow room tor ins feet receives broken leg in highway accident li it 1 at whuh fret i he imgim i1i mliud mt thul if dp ditxhi wti woddid uu i d m ui id ant i in wu livt i ui mil riilnri thi kingur if fmin commisaioiikra d idod t tm pi the in ind propiikdl f tin ngl increase rates for acton taxis porxingi 19 in ar mi i m v 11 pnv i ig in mu as i mu tiiik d inn nt nppiovtd in in u ct 3 ctntv ti ml ci ni i ill in 1 w walor itisiwr problima i tin ir mini slrnl north pint tin w jlir presmirt tad been in i i m d b lurniiik but k into m i vhi the well und pump on mom stmil n irtli thia avnirte ol up ply hnl been cirl iff ven un hhirrtnll ii uhi north well und pump wj put into prodjucbon i3uw p ip nd midi iluhut repair ierrlrh on i i ui t k hyttr inn k h x r il p lo win 1 ng to ul don irk w n bi m si o inu mltrrt a dili iil whit tin c ti unun i h n irie dom it 1 iv r wliu li r rw 1 mit x kiimit m lial my mipieau lint h f i kdiaed i i vi uakil ami wai n i y tl wilfuie v1 b1i out ills l wil li ill i ihmi rmivil ntuny khnpll- menu on lh rate vkw auneat we uhould be aub- idllng vk pur uull whin tut one haul uikod rf preaent rm ar com liujutile in uu unit if wt un ijet- tiiin ml il un uiiilmilmtt bubimha i t ifiil nd f it ull jgiuiir und i t nbs ti ul u lit poplc wl i i hi mi ve should jy umpl m iztil mi o iy tree fuf st4f mi lv tlw i f ii tnthi f i mi n t m a i i i sy 11 il mr y nit uui i ii ui w ium mill gel rii ivrf if tt y wm imligird ul it jtil uny jintjul- i itm popularity queen to be named saturday will reign over civic holiday program wsttzixzijmmaiiiil ii ui iwitfaam m in liy refused paymen magistrate commends board but dismisses park charge f ii had bei ti idv il wtt p higher ti i ii s and n d f r ill z a iii uirli m ik stniu k m lang with lis d t ui i m m ndm nntiiin li wiia u in 1 1 ui v ii k- b mni legi r ghi u t kn v i ihiri udin vni n ti at ton prk u ihund pnk ihurge k1 i nuld bi a ng hi a s vutiri hi d d until udtiktri t hi wifi uir park tht re kidlt ril mr w k th t pumnk id it ai ii u mulh ind ml h ndi r nk f ititi i t ih nl f hi biart1 f parkv ii rn if lhi liui of acloti i braidu if h was i ui igi irmng ih def mint iddt on i riti ffeel bi biaidi rniid the tiagni tti ii ii ui ws passed er ul 1 lead t ither doing the ihmg mi i sn ik ng pi r council to sod gedka ditches ivuk tl hi nf r rd hint w i eha nd ufur in hi im k 1 1 sundt j uu 3s iii i it it t w h iiuur i i k riiigt of 2ic per car and rt i aid tlv pit adu t f i sun dai joj h itidava wltecaan olle a bra da counsel fur thi parks board called a itnessr j me cckhi t sat clerk mrs c frv er board weretarv and w roizel park gale attendant takins the arid rn mrrs- n a p i w th whal hi hi j ne a kn ledkinu thi h o h charging ca la m nais t nti dtkmixrrd lhi charse g i mr moss m grounds of msufti lent emdenee 1 76 ami costs l i wlu imag- md hm ca- i vided or i m 7 th n r 1 a 7 the dwntf in m odajr youngsters pass first aid course ual 11 a f rid fee- a1 pied seen offenders found gmltv i masimratet cnun in acton m n h s i n a morning for infract in of the rii i h ghwa traffic aei were f ned a fh his wn de- total of tt and cokji i wk pet tense mr mas told the court he j one ojierperjn appearing be- tv c had been unemployed for 11 weeks fore the magistrate was remanded other c f and thougtit b iisi ing the park for a later appearancu the solu i aiss poflllaritt qosn will be crowned on saturday augvs i n frct c m ovn ia i s eds and at present aqueson mark hangs cv ie eads c e cw ycg vo es saj the front row above earlier this week the iod jj sjc ig ji e c i c e rr be no announcement wiu be made until saturday a j c d c jea abc- s g- a eve wacke gor a latimer uartorie gcugn ad t i sea an g- scoo s t agei are back ow let o right mrs r iohnsoo leg oi lades vi g ac on m wr 9 speuogel lakeside iode aars c rognvaldson ys aaeneties and vs b vowa ojie c devonshire i ode te 1 m i av aie 1- p b i- j fuadwn t r hiwr j hcrva da i h f sari hpit a h trt vatarxi t jrtf ji caadua will f sfic- certiibtej of t iiq j1r m ihj j e aad brocade aaja f- 1- ian r s hat- iad ool i peng-as- aru a idd a nj 5 j ruucx3rt vt jci f ea t j- bmiic ni ol m scwat ar ad- led gjd cip j1 ko rtean c 1 aj ity oe jeir bodfe er on tiej tt oi c t hl 11 m y

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