Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1959, p. 10

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s0wdf pfe f barefoot boy one of the subtle chflngesduringlhtf lisl generation has been the gradual disappear ance of the barefoot boy he has all but gone from irw summer scene as late as the i920s the barefoot boys were as commonplace as the robins in rural districts in the suburbs and to some extent in lle cities aqd towns it was the thing to do os soon in wtrffl weather arrived kick off your natural soles on the grass you could hardly wait how sharp the gravel felt those first few days it was as if someone had scattered thumbtacks all over the path and how com forlnbly by comparison the soft yielding grass foil on the pampered sktnl and how delldously sooth inn wis thr i iim1 of ill creek bottom oozing up 1 tv f tin lmsl soon nlmosl before lit knew t a boy foml humwf hiking ovn in we 1 til 1 vi 1 iivii c riders and the stuhhlo l 1 llrv ly inowtd field as nit in ally is if his m 1 i iwiyn gone wild and what erstwhile tiia fool bo y on ever forgot the eeru vinitioi ol putt ik on stockmqs and shoes iigain m hit autumn lo stait back to school it wis a tioss between feeling your fi el in whit wlnlhei railed lh prison tells of priilc and wttttipksion you were walking on jiir many lad honestly doubled in- would ever git us l in il riipin dnllon tnteipi up cause for concern the duke of edinburgh can usually bo ccunied on for something fresh and rhal lengmg when he undertakes to address an important public body his record in ibts field suggests that he i k well informed on a wide v of subjects of significance world the modern ihus 1 j tii t it wasno after being installed as the first lay presi dent of the canadian medical association contained some pertinent and challenging cbseivations on the question of the heilth of canadians mis survey of the field showed him tint canidtans m spite of the fii thai they live in one of n hcit ivoretl nitions of the world th 1 stindird of iivhiq most unsur passed ate net pirt iu1 nealth as a whok a ho 01ed authoi hue figures lo support iins iw it i hat to le accepted even b those to whcjurtt may be surpnsnig punte phihp wflsnl sit ified only to ex pose weaknesses but also hid ideas ilioul remiidies thest imluiiil surh tilings as im proved physn il education in idioou and ex panded rtvioitionil inlitiei however the most siqnifit ml rei ommendn ion was per haps thai for an niganiation lo puliliae sportt anct hutm u m t couiiige part ic 1 pal ion wiiujuc iq the will is not present lliey will fail lo achieve then purpose if indeed anidiins are not healthy as they should lie it is their own fault in a sense tlly they have succumbed i ir too wholeheartedly to the lure ol l he v it hie and the blindishmmtls of smh mndmi enemies of true heilth as the ninlot c ir and television if indeed some agenry inulil he cieaied to counter ict lh nilur il dull to the flitcifl life the hi illh problem of win li his r0y1l highnes spoke would not he 1 mir cause for concern kilt lienor wik 1i00 record back to school this is the time of year when many par cnts develop a worried look and begin an anxious search for ammunition to convince their teenagers to go back to school through harned eyes ihey watch their young man weigh the value of education again the thoughts of work and the ready aih which is wituin easy grasp nl the near est factrry or other place of business to oh tain a job money and the things it will buy and lo gam a new measure of independence in what appears to be an adult world all the boy has to do is to make what he considers a small sacrifice leave school too often the sciles arc tipped against education it shocking when we consider that every year thousands of young canadian men and women are willing to make this small sacrifice according to the dominion bureau of suitstirs about 30 out every hundred younrjsipi s who enter school ohlam their uinor mmnculation and usl 10 or 12 out of a hundred receive ihcir senior malnc ulblion our country cannot afiord this appalling waste of brain power we are living in a very complex age and everything points lo more complexity in ihe future to be able to meet trie challenges which this age presents we must make full use of our most valutble asset human resources a growing awareness of the need for mere cdnratmn is npflected m industry where educational standards over the past 10 years have been becoming higher and higher tins rend is bound to continue the ob winch is open today to the youngster with a grade 10 education may be dosed to morrow to those at this level and it may be hat the younr man or woman who has taken such a job his liadrd trie future for a lew dollars the complex aqe which offers them so much now may leave them behind m the future because they lack sufficient education to keep pace with rl it might be better to prepare for the demands of the fuure hy ob taming more education todiy the good old days ibwrmtottntt- 1 wi nw the old mill race suycvt and sfeice back in 1909 tnkrn frem the tame tha free fffm thnnthr aavt ft hm mr harold nlchlln who tin huen ill thr london brunch of tiir mer chant 11 honk ilnu the fimt of the ytnr won hutn vrr sunrlv nnd brought wllh him ihe ntws nl 1 tinitnfn hi wnn nhiflcd m mmi dny in thi rt tliiimiih hriineh of lt lunik nnd willi hie rimvo uttp tip 11 niitili lulu lt lehii 1 id wlllliiin hntllli lilt iliirliihn thief who hni i mieiulinu luikdy ii verluuh iirl il ihf iirovlmr nml who wit miiilfiiril to 11 tu in in clueltiii 11 biluirtiiy i tn billy iiilihtii wlin ii will in rermtmtiiti d w hustur im 1 llmr it kxhrvi willim11 llvry tnulf imtiie vi1 ytri ml titfiu wurkid itl itiii vinrliy fr shtnc tlmi- munbiti nf tin ifiwiirim dull him twin wth iimitikulily wl durltib it w1 d lik il ihwm tu 0htrgt uiwii on wwlmdiiv l i onr rbim mulrli nnl llii- rmiilli wfrc mil liivintlili im i h mk pirliiimh ii rmiii lhiiii tin amim hiiwlfi i t iilhit hm lo hy ii wi illv 1 yrna n tlif hi tin k imi nil mly um liiljliujti uw riiiiii flu nlliiwiiik vi mn tin imi wiilfc shuiitib whili vm f ll mrs did mt kii w ail in 11 i ii i himi 1 mi f si st iiliuis rid llw tim s back in 1939 ttkm irntn ui ian f ttir fttr tlttinday ami s ism hmvnrd sliill fnrmffr of the rirhth hn mirth f omnj6n nuffirvd iimm of nitirly tn000 and miin jiilnfiilly ulthniirh mil crltl- rillv liiiinid filioiil imlh irmi nn ik nlli niitid tu nave hli fann itxtil n mi from ttic llir thiit in uih t 1 nn ho nnd the nriiti- iin uiti hiifitiliik iiih rfawin h rii if mtunl tin linrn mntt if d11 itriln 0 1 mtly krjln m ikirjilur iiiiii nl in r furni imilcini ntn wen di stiovi d uriil iint 11 um ill irr untlm of hi i w 11 mvirid uy mini 11 a mil iihifilli ncirrh of ttl dtllii lift ii ic dim in nf ijiki wiihli t 111 11 mntii 111 wih mi ifiil 11 njindy wtn two fmh iiirnii disruvnid lln body nt itn- bit hiwm ii wilmii mi hi ihori if is i ivi jntl 111 fl fmin win 1 1 hi imiiv nl ins mimiiiim intl mi ii 111i1i hid ixn rxmrl i i ilvh hi 1 id t llii f l1ld m t wii mauuiuilil waikiujiilldywuilllju hi nn in lil fill in fliwh i 1 iii in dv r wi 11 l li im i j- i i 1 1 111 iii v iii mi u hi h by bill smiley an i tik 11111111 niiniij iik pi 11 miifllid in tin nlvit 1 i sum h hill 1 d 1 miiu ii id ft uli linkup hi llii 1111 id j 111 1 ni ikll 111 mkis ulu 11 his ill i lkillil llv s iii imky mil 1 111 1 hi 1 mil 1 stay m school is ust another adult phrase to a young person however in the adult world he or she is about to enter it may take on a new meaninq assocnted with regret to ovoid tins as much is poiiblf it might be wise for the young man or wonnn who is determined lo leivo school to pure for i moment and analyse ihr- prospective ob perhaps they should ask ihcmselvis where does it lead and how far can i rjo in it with my pn sent education if it is 1 deadend ob il might be better to consider another line of woik and llien to rvk the sime questions aqam another yeir or two nt school might open pew doois to desirable ob opportunities which arc now out o reach irr seeking ammunition parents should rememler that no brand is suitawe for all situations each type must bo self mvle hy eich firmly fxuig ihe problem inno mm mon sense and undert nidnin as the nnm ingredients the consisiincy of fie powdi r often detcrmiiirs ihe efect veness of il e mi brief comments thou shall not kill s a hw of god and a law of society i had ilie itghl of way cm never he a vil d in si catharines slmdird contentmeni is that nre stite acni red by a persons schoohng hnieil o le sai s bed wdh what he has wtietln r hf i les 1 or nor woodioia sent m i r jew if indeed camd ai s he net 1 l iii y as they should lie t is flu r oaii uh n a ense uh y hue u mini in 1 xi 1 i and too whole hrntedu tc- tli hue of t 11 sob ht vid the hi ind slme s of mich modem enemies if tuie hei i moic car and ttlev sion i s v lcjenry m h l ctojfed to louiiii net mi i t il tt to i e f i ice id hte the healih p ohlei cvi ih h s royat highness spoke woul i 1101 lie mipi 11 t is i n hi vi ii i lul ihvd 1 11111 1 llti ill ill dm iill tin iml in ii is 1 mil mil 1 1 t hi hill 1 nn ml n lnis w ns r ill ihiv duii sns 111 wlk l in 1 h hi 1111 1 hi um and hi il s nit ilu k inn illi 111 in li in ipl s 1 s 1 a dk is- w ik tin li 111 hi in vis on hi 111 l ixnh tin histliiik if lmly linn li nn of 1 ni nil sum il d ii si ii fiikhtni iillhlnik thi 1 ii umin lmkid iui whit mil pu id cd in thi nlilnn i i thi train fur pnris iml lh iinnn u lelirnlioti i 11 id tin hill n 1 1 i 1 why tlnih irs 1r1 in the evening th wnmtn i h 1w pnttir in ili riideth im l hnvclwn rlm th j w nld s 1 nitf lluir k 11 m lh vi 11111 tliy is irini 111 1 w 1 1 nitihi- if hi 1 wis lh i ndl y tin stiti 1 1 nf llti piv iikimii iii nir if irs ruihhin 11 tthi in initinilin i in sireim f tins itid 111 k of lirikis tin ii ilmiifi nf jiikitinx ii hi vision y ji nnl sjiunrls hut mi professional directory and travellers guide tin uiilil n i s itd i n hi it 111 lh y tt 11 r7 iumr wl bus trip hits tv show ihl myl its tins heeimi li s it 4 vitnly ml dual on ic mil llw im siinim 1 hi 1 nl isin m ivh dr w g c kenney ihysunn mil siirjm offir in syrnnn him k 1a mill si f arhm minfrm nmrrtons wllh sttipid thdi ipll 111 111 i pi ih kl t f 111 on i in vd iv uf i isi wnk tin n nl us mimiihr ivirnnj s kliin in lituli indus and u n imhini ms u 4iil k wlilt 1 trip they l mhu tt nts ld f1 rj i lul iy thv ilfnv 11 k i i in ottri snnd md it lunch in dnt nil 111 knl- 111 thi sum i 4l w i i id th vninu miistimi mm i 1 i i kn iw h 11 1 oh ii v 1 l 1 tin t m hi t kht is t oi 1 s 1 d w i s j ihun lh 1 in i luh li is mmi lnl v i n lll iir i x i i i ihiin ihr h ippy m uh s l if ihx h imii th 11 sn rmmfl v li m in but ihe tt si f thi hi nimbi tin s muds nf sun i n v just i n anunii whinmi im v mtik uh with is sinet h it in 11 nothing 1 iln ind nn in n 1 mf nt tik ixrt iik wi m i 1 thi 1 p111 hidi irkik ronnnt pin lh v irm still an f h 1 1 mi h urn fi mi ivmk th la ihlti nf i mm pushul hi 11 1 iki thm sttiiiniini ur inn ni 1 m 1 tin rhrthmu m n th 11 m in inywhm is of hill nls n tttklslu 1 n is in 1 h n 1 nti rnmt tl 1 il tilth li 01 s f li hivsl w inird thi jour 1 1 mi 1 t k lh bin witcr hil u iv 1 i 1 fu r thtn on lo v rijihim i v s tnn f h mm i li tth m ti stt 1 inotr im cnlled o us finrn 0 t 1 md t 11k titnitm d nn the jir tlnv hid 1 buffet si ui lhl tin hill it w ticiirn which wi ciurod t by li tti ah m w 1 ind jftr j flit this sundays church calendar two local riders in oxbow rodeo i f n s hrn on in id r j 1 d ii hi h i united church of canada presbyterian church in canada kno chi 8cii aiton i v an im a l mtki 111 ii a dd rtnn ontario 11 t 1 i m aitims m bo 1 i nn id ox b m y si tu u 1 1 1 t 1 1 vi t iw n and 1 ft cvi n h 1 i uh ause for co rr it l iuk 1 i m ii n dun t wi tw aen free re s s blhlrd b thf nilh prinun an pablhhlnc i imltrd founded in t87s v publihsd u- t lr t vi vr s e clon ontan mirnui f i and- b 1 n ciniiuthins the fttsf and the oil in qu- 1 ti v tinn rf thf chna a6t i in s r s sil ldvimsp uno n i mid jim cr ptntrvs pavabr in led jte x 1 id a stccnd cla si ts ptl olfite ivpirm 1 o tb mir piper ptrr p in arion g a dill fditir- ncmrf daid r d 11 manvpinr editor business and editorial office phone 60 0 acton stmiu nitni mn thi church of st- alban t n s m n q 1 the martyr h k 4 i h 1 1 m 1 1 t ii rim 1 1 1 h 1 1 iuii 2 i i t s th in j u n ljifl f porcupine may ti t damage 50 trees m s acton pentecostal tabernacle t3 lhi i rid r m h kn o j r d ps s k s p 1 m g41 u m i ttik tmii 1 tti i ti 1 fi 1 hi 11 t nrt n r fl i i nun h f ir- i prr d s n hr baptist church cton sd ai cist 2nd iw ri 0 rc c m n hm b tl ti lis br- avrr dr d a garrett on vnitmn june 2fl wii until aiirint 4 19fl in cisp nf mirjfnry plis r s ui a b mccrl r ta 2 i 111 dr robert d bucknpr jhridn and surttittn 3 w lliniftun si a i n onl phorn- 679 office houn 6b pra afternoons by appommcnt rfal fbtate and iksrbancf f l wright 20 wilbur st aclon ontario ihone k appraiwr ftl estate and inmiraner dr h leib dmul surton offif comrr mill and frrdertck strrrt office hnurs by apmtm 1f1 iphonf ii dr a j buchanan dftital surgtn offier a mill srt offir hi urn a rti v fl p 1 ci sttl widniwliv ifttn ieatherland oc ctrr hritor s ury puhhc a bratda ba barnsvr solicitor nourr pi 11 ma n st s ac i- o pboo s offirt- b iit m 9 p n 1pm 9 pm situhdm rk si f ou pn c hlropkactoft a d moore dc f ilmr sptrfii f hirnpr lor 17 mill stmt optical and h easing aidh e l buchnefi ro optimtnut ind h nrinn aid nnxultant aoiunticnni 4k mill st f phn 115 offiro himni wdnday onlv ijofloo pm fvrinirk uy intmnt if u si cills ly unpxntmrnt robert r hamilton opttminnrint eyin examined umrink aid service lfl giuipf st 0rjetfwn onl fn ufffknrttmefit plrwi- phtrnt tb 7 3071 auditing afcnvstviri ievfr 4 hoskin f hn t i inlnu 1 m 1 st 12 knit si w m- l trtrito 1 i ii- l 14824 t m 4 hi3i travellers guide gpay coach linfs caiifs lat acton diil m t me k si 1 r i 11 xrfpt sun and iw jtn 2 rm p i c 13 p m rj p sun ind hl wntttxiiind 2jt m 257 pjn t2 p itv sl sun ta 4 2242 pr 10 00 am simdav svhl 11 00 am m rime woiiip o t vn ftnjt listic tirsd 1 i pn rninil 1 da mtfjt 2m i ms am h i sfhl a frund uilonw to all huh mn i i 1 d r ail are welcnme t liprprli 3 riifin br cf jt mil nuv tx- kilhd hastings payne bjrr tfn and snlicibi nota e pub c m mill su acton office hwn mon fn i0fi145 am 130 430 pm sat 10 12 00 am phone 981 daily am daily wtccp sundays 7 14 pm sunday only 8 01 p m daily except sunday fwer at cwfetom 9 21 ajn 6 27 pm daily flyer t george town 111 pm wettboiitd daily 1144 pm daily except sunday 830 am 653 pm saturday only is pm sun day only 103 11 tu imly flyer 1 daily except sat and sun ul pm canadian national railways u

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