Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1959, p. 4

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tho aden frko prto thurtdiy july 30th i os senior league oakville finishes on top four teams enter playoffs the regular schedule wai com pletod in the eenlor league baseball of acton legion minor sport league on tuesday evening with the first place oakville team trouncing he last place london team 164 in a threekin ing game and st thomas oimching second place with a 13lwin over the third place kitchener team in the first game it was just a cue of going through the motions as the shorthanded london team trailed throughout the three inn ing stanza and oakville continued to rack up run st thomas 13 kitchener 7 st thomas cinched second place in che second game of the senior league tuesday evening when they outsmarted the kitchener crew 13 7 after a lengthy battle for sur vlval i kitchener took the lead early in the game but their one run lead was surpassed when st thomas notched six runs in the second inning to start a rally which saw five more in the ttwrd and two in the fourth for the winners kitchener came through in the third with three runs and again in the fifth with three runs and again in the fifth with three more but the hard pressed winners held them at bay to fini in second spat in the standings team standlnra w l t oakville 16 1 1 st thomas 9 9 0 kftchtncr 8 s 1 london 2 16 0 the playoffs will be announced at a later date as soon as the he dulc is completed brookin pates nicols 145 in fatiguing boxa tilt hen an eight goal third period as sault on netmmder jim ruucdge broke up a nip and tuck boxlo struggle between brook in and ac ton nicols the visitors chalking up a 145 decision over heat fatigued wool crew there tuesday night tlie locals playing with their ranks riddled bv vocation and shifts stayed with brooklin over clear and sink a yl bounce shot harrison kcntner andtyers tire n p but trie vtsttors at lull strength ran rough shod over them in the final period the met hardly any resistance from the nicols jnd a beleaguered butledge in the nets often had two or three attackers on his doorstep without a defender in between tt was brooklin s second win in as many games over acton who went down saturday night 15 5 in brooklin brooklin displayed a well bal anced team in their first appearance here rounding out fast breaking forwards with a heavysel defence their top scoring line of carnegie doug and don vipond accounted for nine of their 14 goats lost shooting eye aoton meanwhile seemed to have lost their shooting eye they lost ttielr chance to take a com i lead in the first two stan- ras by some erratic shooting play ing coach at garbutt was top marksman as usual for the nicols sinking two goals one an effort which saw him outdistance the en tire brooklin team break in the crowded the courts on wednesday y22and tuocdayjuly 28som of the folks hadn t laced on a tennis tempers- twice bouts of fisticuffs broke out footitl of the i cals and r cragrs of the visitors staged the main event in the last few minutes and were each penalized five minutes in a some wh ch saw only six penal tics handed out cfirnegie ltd the brooklin club to their victory with three goals and an assist while doug vipond and don chirrs each fired three goals and oaned a bracket don vipond collected a poir of markers iind birton and davis accounted for one apiece the nici is don t pis at home ofiain until a we from saturday when thcy mcit the uoodbrdgc dodgers here meanwhile they have two trips owa a game in oritlia tonight and another one next thursday in wood bridge w water ys swim club uolterfi wgestmnue w tests mvfvk this year has been a tough one on the golfers and equally as tough on the sports editor of the free press with regards to obtaining results of local talents activities on the golf course a complaint has been lodged from a former acton golfer n w residing in california vhr won ders if the golfero here have died or just given dp the game per haps the letter nuhes they are too ashamed of thur scons si net i left to have them published i the former acton golfer we use the term loosely informed the free press his game has improved and he is now shooting in the low 100s ci i bunests tournament j perhaps an international tourna ment can b arranged with the former acton inn to take on any comers in thi local legun who dare to uphold their upuuhion on the course i the acton water ys swim club are continuing their summer activ itiei in spite of the hot weather nnd holiday season w hi many sea soned members climbing the lad der to success by passing addit ional tests other newcomers are working faithfully to obtain mem ber hip in the club las week due to the inclement weather club instruct ir j m buck lind held idditi mil meetings on widniidav cvoninr and saturday mirnnj ti allow members to co nplett tesli past tasts m itthrw russill completed fifth i h test nnd susan cohen fourth star awnd by tut promptly and efflc pit blundill ind ian johnson wen i iih ace pttd into the club after c imp u nj thi r f rst test w m with prn si fr m thi r in mruclor mr bucklimd r p rtid the life saving clnsecs art pi iftcding on of course travelling fee prizes schedule with pe fortnincis by the mid have to be pupils up tt reqii red mindiirds ench side f the the instruct r ils nottd thi the ameiicnn cla will be r id 1 tiki test al would can to thi gutlph po 4 durm thi win s i ler season nd other extras met by placers oi border unless plumbing union handle all cxpins better known ns smile laughing mike of just plm boots the golfer now frequint ing the southern glf cuui equipped his wife with a clubs and the onl artice wi en offer him from thi distant north i dont heckle thi gul w th u laugh or our name will be mud i di nop heir itn all joking aside it was good to m 1n lf hear from mike coxe again and he did wonder what his happened t all the old duffers in act tn since the golf column ha iinud to have fallen by the wjyside editors note to mike the 1 ttl birdies time flown awa ind in formation circles har closed in like the gestapo all are swimmers after week at camp m all the b v seituts who attended lt ciinp lnt wetk ni rr fwrim could ir swim when thr got hx me there iiril who kurned hi skill f them passed their sw un mmp tests a part of their second ins lout work an instructor spini i full d- w th them tht ui rt timed homi fndu me a p b condition m kapnaobomm h um ameti- tafc colonial day was the fact thtsl a htsbmr oftac tad u my lor bit board before toav- ittorhtaritettvaatad to a7 the charges one jail felt particularly out because prisoner eg ttnttttl sb w impiun wh ch ind in usid as i form as beads made of shell ven irh settlirs occaii mally pad tax b lis w th wampum hew boundaries accepted red sox left unchallenged the ontario baseball association met sunday at newcastle north of yankees retaliate down churchill 64 the yankees retaliated against the churohlll teom in tha wuo league on tuesday night and racked up a 6 4 win over their opposition the small fry formed at the halfway mark of the minor sports league schedule are battling for experience in the hope of entering the regular league next year and show promise of filling positions like veterans len varey moundsman for the winners pitched steady ball rack ing up eight strikeouts as did bruce bothwcll for the losers boys on both teams played heady ball and with coaching from don bothwell bill carnooh- an and harold deforest are devel oping into baseball talent for the bigger leagues tennis topics the tennis season is now getting into high gear after a slow start approximate t people jhpc fbr4px5 year buff quick ly became enthused again with only few grunts and groans these tpccnl evenings will be continued on a weekly basis but henceforth members only will be admitted alex pitcai a former tennis in slructor in hunger is teachinp children the fundamentals of the gnme send your child along to become t junior member of the club and be eligible for instruction ripiirs and renovations arc being irned out to the premises and we ill soon boast all the comforts of home wh dont you come diwn and join the fun for full m formation contact mrs lorraine root phone 46j acton drops game tocampbellville143 aclon merchants went down to defeat at the hands of the camp bellville crew in campbcllville park last saturday july 25 as the home town club sent hamilton and roberts to the wound to hold the locals to a 143 score chuck jewell started oe mound for the merchants and after giving up 14 runs off 13 hits he was replaced by ab robinson vet eran hurler campbelville opened the scor ing early in the first inning when they scored three runs and in creased then- lead in the second with an additional five runs the merchants came through in the tip of the fourth with their three run only ones of the game when barrager lawson and an drson tallied the campbellvillc team climbed steadily scoring their final three tahies m the eighth inning toronto for their regular monthly rettolftthtr included in the but inesi session was the question of the population of the town of bur lington o question that has await ed answering by the governing body for some weeks now there has been some heated de bate in post weeks as to the status of the oampbeuvllle merchants tn the halton county league the answer to the question of whether the new boundaries which have been in force for some two years now taking in the township of nelson and part of wentwuith county or if for baseball purposes the old boundaries were the nc ccp ed rumng has been awaited by oakville brampton and milton in particular and campbellvillc also no other solution there was very little question about the ruling laid down by the top dogs who in stating that the town ta accepted as it stands to day could see no other solution jack carson second vice presid ent of the association from belle vllle pointed out that there had beeh some question by the belle villc entry about similar ondt fnns there in which the town had annexed some outlying areas and had increased the population there stepping thorn into a higher caleg nry without giving them even one extra ball player they were of the opinion that the same bound erics aa wire in effect the year previous should bi racagnlred wldch wiruld also mi un the pop illation bi ncket being lower akn ut ivory tuwn across the coiinhy has witnessed this up surge in population it wns pilnted out and if then was an allowance made jn coin case pop ilotion bnckcts might as will bi lluuwn ut thi window adds to population playt r from thi town player joins soma tt0m people in the ease of campbelkllla whert jack pries who livaa in what was nelson township now burllngtonl is a star second sscttar campbaltvllle hsvenx really cot loo many worries on the subject especially with the lead they hava piled up as top club in the alfht kam halton county loon apparent misunderstanding on tha lullnaji of the population of bur ling in has caused quits h tusmoil birth oakville and brampton nn fretting about tha news lsmpbeuville having to move in- li then- a ifajor bracket whlls the ullton red sox are quietly giving a big jrifh of relief with the move wnlch leaves them un challenged in the b sfat asso included at the meeting wbs the distributing of ine team categories for the oba playoffs itth die lorn clubs net ving nut of bin hngtejn thirefure add to the ici of the dntc thiy must ul ready population of tho common ly the f r un plnyotfi fishermen ere insecure bunch maybe lucky if they only catch a cold on expeditions toronto in a blithe vacation spirit and with the whimsical sug- gestion that anglers arc insecure james l tiller of the onlino de m- rarl and forests of fers some holiday snfelv advice in syevjc irepartrnc b monthly magazine if m your wife wilt inform tho neighbors you go fish mt ind tfatih a cold you may be lucky at that says mr tiller anglirs often come home with fish hook wounds knife cuts broken limbs poison ivy and various other poisonings diseases and injuries sometimes they step into a h le and never come home at all this sort of thing annoys the insurance c mp- anies shiverlnc grief as many anglers hove learned tn their shivering grief shallow water can conceal holes and dropoff ledges therefore anglers who can swim ought to carry waterproof matches so they can start a fin and wtrd off pneumonia buy them prcpirod or dip your own in melted wax or paraffin anglers who can t swim needn t bother a companion may pull you out of a hole but he represents oddi tional hazards unless he is highly proficient be sure to stay far far away when he is casting or swing ing an axe overhanging branches seem to crowd the greenhorn lines snag but axes can perform the most curious tricks ou could die laughing going wading many anglers seek their pleasure on the most in secure footing in the world the slippery rocks and stones on water bottoms in the consequent tumbler they incur bruises and filers and often many miles from vehicular transportation they break their ex pensive bones as despuring in surers point out this tends to spoil a man s holiday fata surprise holidayers who fish from boats ilso insecure ns boils arc apt u roll plteh or turn over tin for mlrii of b it in hazards is much too long to itimin hire sud den fcuirmn mjy come ah j fittal surptisi on lakes lint sum mull nil the boat c iues bl wjtch the woulliei ol it ipe for a in racli n ihty flesh wounds cm bi pre ventid by using plieis ui remove hot ks from fibh for boaters a landing net is j safet device when using a kn cu away from not towards your own anatomy be cartful wh n chopping oi ultci nalely wear s ifety shoes it you bruise eisily dont cimp under a dead branch if you want to enjoy lifi avoid skunks and sunburn as f i thi p ji son plnnts mv oak and sum ici a mmml of d nlific tlm is w rth a ynrs supply of 1 ti in giing rihing tike along i frying pm in cjsl jou catch a fish a box ut tissut is cise you citch i cold and a kit cont n ni a first aid textbook fljshlight bandages upe bund aids tweezers spirits of hi munlu bum ointment and untl si plk usi it immediately on km nkin wounds kerp up your pren hum usk i production up ul p iduits product d in kip sjtmu pope churchill downs yankees 106 in tha little league of tha minor sports baseball schedule the churchill team defeated the yankees 10fl in a hard played match on thursday july 23 wiih pitcher len varey for the losers turning in on excellent perform nnce and pitcher bruce both well for the winnersholding the oppos ttlun to a minimum of hits the little leaguuri coached by don udlhwell bill carnochan nnd harold deforest arc hilling their stride like a bunch of veterans and by next year will plsy in the reg ular neheduls in tho minor sports loop bill dlacxok was the big star for the winners racking up two runs nnd playing an excellent tame first thi little tykes under size and undei fle for the big leagi win formed to allow thi m li ii n thi principles of the game jnd in vin us case hnvc sh wid m ii xiiit it and ability than x f tin biggir lads taking part in the reguurly scheduled games lawn bowling reversal est harm seems to be the order of the day in intercounty leskjue action two weeks ago ouelph shut out aoton 110 last wednesday night georgetown played in ouelph and won tl1 georgetown had four wins and one lie and overall point margin of hi l to oomes for july js were acton at ooorgftown and rockwood at quetph heavy nam forced re scheduling of the aoton george town game for friday th atlh no report has been received on the llockwond quetph game league standings july 2v ouelph 41 acton 37 oeorgetown m rwfcwood 30 closed re houdays vanity bar hair dressing wilt be closed from july 25 to aug 11th for annual vacation for tin 1018 59 scison amounted to 12090 000 cu ft an increisc ovi r the prtvious si asm f fflllloto cu ft th ontario de pirtintnt of ljnds and forests re porls concrete tile fur wi lis septic tank systems cilvtrts jnd cihtirns pre fabric itid sidewalks and pitios tip quality lowest erin tile works phone 34r23 this weeks special cottage rolls 49 for free delivery phone 589r art suddaby meats ft gaining top quality beef cattle good typed high producing dairy cowst got them by using c o c b a sires sovln to th brawl of your choice halton county erin twp farmers phone triangle 72204 or long distance zenith 40150 central ontario cattle breeding association freshness quarantmd 1st anniversary sale at dept store acton 20000 free lucky draw ladies cotton housecoats josjth zipper front sizes 4044 colors ptnk and blue ughtmans price 495 ladies slim jims in c tton and chino clo h tailored to fit sizes 12 44 plaids and tripes and solid colors ughtmairs price 199 299 ladies baby doll pyjamas in drip dry cotton no ironing requ rd print and stripe deskfns slass r ucftttans price 166 ladies dresses a ww tfllpmnu hs jmt rr1ved bringing to you beautiful snle for afternoon and venirg wear rnawr lt art rrpr c- uon ve ion and sheers sties 8 to 18 ct lours to numerous t mention l lo lmei 7m uamtma p s4 jnd lot ro nco si20j 3rd ut ri fvk sl5 lkjhtmans price 79 ltohtmaws frtce 9 9 girls pedal pusher blouse sets in astiable cotton stripe blouse and solid colored pedal pushers with trim at cuff navy white utt suss 7 14 hfihtmaifs price 199 girls cotton slim jims in stripes plaids and solid colors am sitfc button trim size 3 tt ucrttmasts price 100 to 249 99c to 169 sttes t it ltahtmatt5 prick girls cotton t shirts in attractive tlts some with v neck others with tk collars colors pink blue yell rw and white hvc lightmans price wv childrens overalls n tr n weprfng denim fadid 11 le on r sisei aa 2 3x specal buv lkhtauvs price ttc mens shorts in cotton twill reirular ind vkx mudt ttle sizes 30 44 culor bt e- nav ind wit i ightman s price 295 399 mens moccasins if f- liniltmas price yim mens short sleeve sport shirts 199 arto is dectens and ci lors s w de ranee to choose from siies sml lichtmw s price special buy of mens boys ivy league caps 49c boys 3piece play suits white shirt with trim short and ions pants in striped denim bliet 3 ix cl n blue and hed lkhtmans price 199 boys jeans in rhino cloth ideal for holdii snd plar tan color only sims 16 uchtman s price 249 babys waterproof pants d me fwteners at des sues m l and xl lightmans price 29c toil air baby diapers n bib ro fletie food i 1 ightman s price 269 beach towels l9 bed pillows all feadier filled 17 k m mlo ful t v fa re 11 m tm liohtman s price 139 bed blankets sittn bound 73 x m nlon mix pastel colon reg mjt lightmans puce 499 pillow cases excellent quality atxe 42 x j las nhtc tlsv wa uobtliairs pblc c a

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