Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1959, p. 8

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the acton free prow thursday july 30ih 1959 acton bantams will be meeting milton in the hauon county oba playoffs either a hnt as far as nun of drought a t thunder rms or a fiminc etrned days d by vmltnt vacatnn bible whool woi held at the christian reform d church i lost week many yuinksttrs from i the town and district attended the pointing is completed in the auditorium of knox church and service was hold there orin sindny rev a h mckenzlc apt ly chose liveliness at hii sir nion topic thi edit mil and pi idurtinn stiff f thi im shin i thi week the linotype tpnnlir v hi viks nights all ym bill whilbica1 is wiking dnyi tins wnk to help huliit iyi out a queen victoria jirbilie otn acton legion minor sports ex was found by allan reidt on the ecutive hove added an attraction liwn m his home list week il on i tfi tihnir munwler cimc holiday press window i pr rfiam with an exhibition la crosse rime scheduled for mon display in the thi n where y i hoi ot your visitois i r l bun h ilidiymr phone y mi itims f the c liimn to ww or diop them djy cvtnink aeton nicola have ar inmd a match with brampt n excel lurs from he senior litriie and ljcrovsi fmsirt advrnrt t bt on hand early t git ringside seats c thieves active in area police following clues thieves have been very active in tm ncifihl rhood lately and some valuables have been stolen from mveral homes police arc invesltfto tmjj sevenl clues btought to light about the robbtrles mr m mcbride pastor of the churchill conniegntlon is iwny for n m nth foi his v ic lilt n and will t in rlv duiuiiii fostll wtslill rulst ir at chu dull unilid h n sund i ind pn dud 11 lisp inn i the thy uu r nd kingdom c nut next sundiy thu will bi n thiinh at chiitlilll owimk in the imjt wukend tl wis tlimiftlit thivt tin i mrfnftnli m might inj iy n mid siimmei ti ilutny dr and mis inifr id icatvill nhd fam h of c n im ill visit d v ith mi ind mi- r i uivln th t hi c in ii itttntitil the veleiinaiy convention in jiiilph for your home plan evergreen windbreak plin now to cut down on your fuel bills by protecting your build injs fnm the sveep if old win trt v inds with a beautiful evei giccn v mdbn ik n thuik r of build nis i i house oltiutiv group thin row is used it should be located 50 ti 100 feet fnm the road si that n suiting ml w drift will ml ex tnd across thi iond the most siusficluy species ti establishing n windbreak norv iy spruee vlutty spiuci ifftmwml werrangeriproteetinfr hi ceddt and wist side and sh li st so fut bick frorr nigs hnou break one o m re r ws f tnts i v ted n ihi w i a a v nl n th rads ing sn w ic i problem f r iat binif whin hick vfd two acres the wind i pin mibmitlinii nn npplicilion l the n ith nrt mi m the de u id be it pnitnunt kinds and fori ts to the build wrurs haunr an irca if it leist two nens of land cxcusie of iny part occupied b structures ccrgreen for additional information is to ibnakside spacing ind species best stutul for a here drift w itr soil contact the nearest offic cm also be t thi on ino department of a single lands and forests nmpith is ixttmkd in tin ml tmi fmiib in tin de ith of mi arnold mlfihiv well known risident f this distnel msatir gii bln t uu h stin ifter his l insils md d u mis u iiinvid list wnk mr md mis 1 i si swikkliumr nnd daughtus hid a vtiv inti t st in visum at iliur hoim this wink md mi led etodiknp tif winklu muutibn 1hi hid been cliosi n in it c madi citmt i is i stndifit 1 tttt ndlft sli uu spl ojffl tmtlvbt it slritfud tlu utir tsiud w tli frmds and relitivcs in st lntlnnnes r miss bemicc kroiktr of st t irh i in is visiting with misms luin t ith old lkbbt bwiek hiinn this wik mis c dinir md famih visited ihis wttk with mi md mis h schmdell and fanyily of beams mile wheit thresh nj is n in full pwing n this niikhuirh ixl ind it ippe irs ihil the in i sting of otht r rims will be following rifchl afiei icajaaaa aagaswb j jamzzxajmvux lajjaiaiui delegation seeks action to curb tannery odor a three man delegation from the g ten lea subdivision and headed by roy moss 110 longfteld road informed council tuesday evening that 100 persnwere willing to testify that the odor given off by the effluent by the bcardmore tan ntry not only caused loss of sleep but hiis over the past few months been injurious to their health appestt to council in addressing council mr moss i marked a minority of the tax pay rs i this town lake n neg itlvc f the situation however couniil i nin sure is concerned only h tin majoi ily who pay the outrngious taxes demanded and i pi 1 to you n t only lo try but in iki i p sitivl i f fort lo remedy l mill itlon or ilsi m iki w iy nl i next elicliiin or someone who ill fi id in fir nl hi nkes you up at pi l it even light ii our slitp a kid by the major how lung ic live i m town mr moss icplkd fight months he also told coun il i his s not only n nuisance to lie people bul ihi smell is i nuis met 1 1 ihi own ihis is not only n ikitik aeton tin laughing slock ul olivine people aw iy reviews situation the uuee nun wen told by mr t ook that council had contacted out iri i wilir hi amines com inn and hid ur pollution tests n to thick n the he i ith situt atidlhe ettplrnl spriy had unit on the house- u could evui w ike up in the mug md find hie cus and houss eoveied with h iimiirked m ij i c u k hi us i told the muui tint uu council chimbers it id bun filled ti capacity it one time with i i tt payers complaining f tin s inie situiition mivor c ink remarked council ns a nt ill out to iltcmpt to re the l he ilso reviewed 1i1s fith the plant re pre stilt hives and the ow c wh eh f olt lived nam tf cor lespndtntt with pirlics concern- nt ci ihcintd in uk past i i ottur timu and d n 1 smell i ith what i concern i be done iptnting reported as ul als i t implied sever rits ind other industries in n vill operil ng in the simttmnmr with very little odor reeve j goy isked the spi kes m in f h would s iy tins summer hid bun woist rtgi dinj the odor th m 1 ist summer ind added 1 think in my op i mon it if vrgen pressure council wis urged in put pros sure on the government rtprcscnla ne s hill mpp and was in fcrmcdtht group council hid visit ed mr hall the delegation were advised to pay a visit to dr a e berry of the owrc and hold a discussion with him mom suggested that council should carry more weight and do this and reminded council to point out that the odor wi driving people to diitrcas as they can i alcep make him realize it is not only getting on peoples lungs bul getting on their nerves he remark ed raltei objection mr moss naked council whbt they vere going lo do and remarked mayor cook has stated what can be done this statimenl raised an objection from the mas or as ik mphaflired i object mr moss i have done more than you or w people like you mr moss enquired what he mayor had achieved and heard the reply what i have ac hieved is nothing compared to what i have done partners together reeve goy reminded the dele gation the town was suffering from lois of a water supply used 3 years and he fell it wnfl from the tan nery spraying but could not prove it we ftl someone sorncwhi thi cause of this water supply being lost and want to know why we would have been in a very pre carious condition if we had not been able to carry out the water project on the third line stated the mijor the dctcgilttin tin uk ed council for their attention after being in formed that a meeting would be called by reeve goy chai of the sewer and water committee to review and discuss the situation in uil near future lifelong resident a mcenery buried in fairview cemetery in the community was saddened on thursday afternoon lo learn that mr arnold mcfnrry had pawed away in guejph general hospital after a lengthy illness in hut th year he was the only son of rot ert bnd margaret mcenery he was united in marriage with kathleen fvans in iw3 who survives him with one son david 1 mr mcenery fanned until i9m when he buoglit out she truck nut business of mr wilfred mrearliern and trucked until 1h7 when he sold to mr wlllard sandirvm hi then bought the farm f the lab- mr manajnch camptieil lot 12 rsqueslnk township in ballinafad he wu a member of ballinafad harding price william anthon and lloyd marshall flower bear ers were stanley norman and 1 garnet sinclair jesse errtte and bill mcfjiery douglas mceachern i archie lawr gordon and brian vans lome thomson aibert united church and took a great interest in hockey coaching the nallinafad hockey team for two years owing to iii health he was firced to give into up funeral service mr nel n a former pastor conducted the service held at the itumley shoemaker funeral h on aot m when one at the largest lumber of frirnda gatturtd ti pay their last respect to one wh i had spent his entire life in this c ni rnimrty mr v j shortill sing lifes railway to heivi n which mr mcenery had requested be sung pulfbeareri were l i jarnit n eddie smith arthur willetts dawson interment fairview cemetery lnltrinent w it mode in fairview cemetery acton in monday af- u rn n tht ninv flnl tributes showed 1 the high esteem in which he was held fruntts fr m n disiinci whi at tcndd the fumnl included mrs j fd adair blmhtim mr win reinford birn mr md mrs stinlty rvjns brimpt n mr ind mrs chirlc f tne mi ind mrs fjrl rn mr mr- mr and mrs kinny sti mr and mr- n rmm shhi m and mm elgin id 1 in oranj vi tic ille health unit report outlines services delivered this week were the 1918 annual reports of the hal ton county health unit printed by dills printing here in acton they are in thrtc olors with a dtsttnc live and unusual layout a few of the copies arc in the frio pnss front window this week r iy thompson of aeton was chin man the boird of health for 1958 and of course the fact there is a brjnch of the unit in town also makes the report of special interest the clinics nursing service school medical scrvtci dtn il heal h service food control and cnvirmmental sjtitation arc all reviewed followed by the state ment of revenue and expenditures for the year slatf nurses include miss marion mcadam and mrs rae west of acton while mrs ron lewis is on the clerical staff goingqui scenery and a pleasant combination of trees and water contribute to this attractive setting eymon ga freeb weekend guests attracts big crowd in community homes top m i s v i o kv 11 y ja 24 d k t m nt m md district rmidenu rc- 1 l m j 1 ii x i i t iki f th ismn to m l k i in f t 1 neo sponsi red bv the l i m wlli i l t m 1 r k on f b no pi iid id i is ijndtd t i uk wi i n dun x i 1 p ml s t j i i i d 11 m i s r i bi m 11 k n du h 1 miv j i stereophonic sound for military band smithcorona worlds finest hectrk portable typewriter now available at city prices complete with carrying case t ii ii i m v h i t roys electric service bonded registered master i lecuicun c n 1 le t uk if pi ts it t is 4 t i t i salls sfjtvll i ithmrs rr free nrtlriales phone acton 420 i l lid t h uet toj t is t f i i 1 r rl u n ho l t k f l it i 1 1 1 t i i i do 1 i it i if twk i in c i 1 i mr 1 m 1 i 1 ii k u and wei u i t k l 1 1 i t 1 frili mo u kh ms harr 11 i i k l mr ath mrs f m ih d tj- i i s nd m i i ii r h heather of bu lin i i iri i t v k t br sunday w lh mr id m v unir i i t r i nl f i paxkr ujrle jjek nkil h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douguf st gueiph phon t ay lor 2 7150 199so many many features of ihe electric office lypewr ter enoy the speed ease and letter perfect look of electric typ ng plus the conven ience of a portable w th smith corona s ex cusve power typ ng your f ngers float over the keys you get more done faster even beg iner s work looks profess onal for power typ ig pr n s each character w th the same sa p u form ty it a thr ii to use the world s f rst and f i est eectr c portable come in today and see this exciting machine iow down payment with easy monthiy terms may be arranged if desired the acton free press 56 mill st phone 600 fori poors open vjjzpi 9 am fri july 31 dooh busters mens imported dress hankies 3 early bird special mn white with pocket c shirts 44 door smashers boyf 616 short slve sport shirts 88 wieners fc pkg mens rne quality short sleeve s shirts 99c mens name brand firsts shortstops39 balls tceod mens wash and wear dress pants 499 group one mens all wool made by one of canada s quality mfgs sport jackets 1699 sutfs fine quality mens to clear on 1999 shortstops 29 golf jackets 3 mens white dripory no iron dress shirts 277 mens chambray work shirts 1 68 khaki blue grey carving set 1 reg s7 95 mens stretch nylon dress sox 47 including monarch toughies boys wash and wear dress pants 1 99 boys washable wind- breakers meits si jo to 2 00 ties now we mens polish cotton pants now si mens dress shoes nwlit roys white dress shirts now 77c boys pattern t shirts now 4c boys perry como shmts now 1t follow the crowds 1 to

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