Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1959, p. 5

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in results low in cost you ciassified- advertising rates no ttonjfc for tnnounctment pf birth marriages pentha ml phgogemcnti in memnr- rnnn 76c pink ifk per line of verses articles for sale mt etc 3c a word mini- ftium cash 10c billed 7ftc box ho to thin officii 25c additions coming event 70c mlnihium flrjl rive line each oddtlornl line i dp card or thanks 71m tor for drrt ft linos each addlilnnul una ibc accounts ore render d ofldky following insertion latest insertion ttmk 9m wronrroay frhonfe 600 amammjvmvvm in mlmohtam cent mdwttlnlbn in loving mommy of o wonderful mother innwun mcmullm who passed nwiv august 7 iftm got know that she was sutforlnfl that ho hills wore nurd t tllmli so ho loied her weory cyelik and whispered pence he thlni mvnv in the beautiful hills of oml by the volley o real so full some toy wc knew n t wlun wr will mwt our invul nm th ri dieply loved nml mnd hy daughter doris a 1 1447 cros in inwiu minniy if h windeifiil mnlhir mid hi nnd moth i llixttbith cruin wli i pawd away aiirurt 4 wyi four vi in have paused ih n mi ther sine vim were cnllrd nway wantld continued liihiinwiit k by the iliiv ftijly e iiiilwucil ilmijli lull itttil ar- inn a 014411 l wantkd hilton wiultr pro duct dealers in live and dressed i wnn it inert h wo vmi di to h ilt your hnnd or kim inndlm lint will inmcntbur nn wli li lit throiifth the liii few words- 1 hud will you fvor rwmrmoered hy innc 1111 kiitnridniifflvlei miirlene il 14 iii us and imrsrs oili 1iorhpr 4 ml one nf our truck passes iv cull miwuud ta 4 2b7fl or ferpus illut 34 hour itrvlif dlslrlel dullv cull nilv ii gnelph ta 4 2b7b 311 wls cil leume oihsi 1 7 voir i 23 r- cardh of thanks births marriages deaths etc bottomley at st josephs hospital london to mr and mrs terry bottomle inee den- fae coleai a son paul jnrnc webster juy and mnry web ster are happy to announce ihe iv v 9 m fiipltai at the chatham oenei nl hospital fkjn6smlli to mr nnd mrs charles klnjtwnill ot oiulph general hospital on thursday r 30 1958 o son raymond iley a little broth r fii n nnd bronda tyers mr and mrs john tycrs are hnppy to annnuncc oh birlti of a dauihler mary anne n monday aiihusi it losft nt st joicpht iiiiuil rut uih a nis- tcr tor john nnd paul mottrison shlilty and itr are pleated to announce tin or rival of their fcohy ti iithor mark william n july 23 1019 at quctph gonorol hospital proud pnronts arc i il nnd bill morruuin acton ouruin wr wlh tn thank aliv inhniun druce shminnkri tvln 1 tun ii ut dnvld jpnn and mih spu i ion mm drtwdlnk and mis lis- tick for making the illui sinn float a succowi nfl1454 elslo and tid sv ifl mny extend our hearlfill ii currib at acton on sunday aiutum 2 1d19 archnbiild camp bell curri of acton biluvcd husband of the inti jean gni ham and deoi futhir nf camp bell of gull gurdim nnd mis fred otvinnj ivioiiti both f acton and mrs john brush marauerilct of hamilton itettrd at the riimlev-shocmuk- fcr tuwrnj home acton whir funeral service wns held on tins- pay at 2 30 pm inurmonl fau- vlew cpfnetery rwwttfd your sympnt thoufthtful wnys during i licioiivemont voui klndnt i hnvp monnt miirli t us nfl1449 the cunic fun wanted to rer null li ii di itpnilmnt within 7 mill 4 if atm iniuliid lv quit t i rllnlili f i uplf cminlry iluiniiih prufiikd fliil tlss ii r y nit ji uputy in i mmimi f i niimabli mil iin iihkiuii oil i n ivuiilin lit piioni ill ahill fl im commq evenis annual fun fair fdcn ball park satmday aiihusi i 710 pm tnjnw f rnin snlui draws biiikti pimv ildts nnmh chiiner for young n fnhlimcnt booth on million free spontn milli community lull for sale vi mrmomam bilocco in lnvlnc mtown of oif fathri camithi bilocco who paswd away on aurust 10 1027 ever rernemberrd by his wire ant family n c 1442 francescatoln loving mmii- 1 017 of our father anttolo frnn- ceacto who msscd nwny on august 4 1955 ever remombtml br his wife daujthter denn bonnie and ed- 1th fl 63443 kbfttnss in lovtns memory of a dear fattier and husband jos eph kcntner who passed nwuy july 30 iks jdorover in our thoughts r lnvinvly remembered by his wife jessie and family a 6 allen in toxins memory of t dear son and brut hi r limiird wray allen who passed uwav annual ft iftm a httle tribute rue and tender just to show we still remember always remembered by mother dad brother nnd stter 1 03432 2ajac in lo inn memory nf a dear husband and father janenh zajac uho paiod nway july 28 1mt motblna can ever take away the love a heart holds dear fond ammoriet lincer every day raaaptfarmnce holdt him near sver remembered b his wife and family a63429 for sa e w cliev 2di niitbiiiiimlly rnod phoiu 11p7 nfl34ul foi1 sa1j 13 plyuoud bout nnfinlthfd rmkonnblc plumi 10j m ifl 141 for salfljirtya blew u pi 1 ful conitilion apply in mil si w acton 11 imjii for sa1 f 11 kirrt 1 t n truck phnnt 710w 4 aclnn afl 14111 for sai f tioplcd fish 1 1 irt uiuiiiliimi iiump r ttr nnd all iicrissories 573m t0 1440 for salk ribbons for nil makis of tipe writers and addmit machines also typewriter paper the artun free press a72tf for saif gnrdentr iclor 1 hp with plow nnd cultivator hfw used less than month phoni mil ton tr 8o240 n fi 1411 for sai e fkit a lnri 4st for salf uwd rtfi llrntor 9 cu ft capacity excctli nl comtii ion hssunablv pneiri gonlun hirdwire limited n6mxh for sale aluminum dnom srilles v indows screens blinds nvnmjs ennaples rallincs roof ipit for free estimates phone sjw a442ltf for sale white enamel 44 inch steel enbinct sink unit left hand drain boaid complete with fixture like new phum 63ij a43s for sale larte gtouy of nnvtaff ghoto imarlng press yt t i omwjilliiii iu in unvimaii pnoio acton tree press b x 10 sue l the free press phone 690 for salesmlth corona port ables 1 models available super sterling clipper skyrlter and onds first and only rlertrtc port able typewriters lop down pa ment nnd remarkablr 1c budget ttrms oval free press phi cost cross memory of a 1 attance we dry every tear i tpiawi br jon rinby and mertnuw grace a3m masjscy in lovin memory of dear father joiyas maaaey t august s lfift for sale for money making ufinr all dairymen need surge milkinb equipment for salf r vice and parts call horace tomlm- n sunte dealer brampton phone glendale 11275 stf for sale fleet nc toe kit chen set stool baby crilj 2 liwl bwln oiikc rocking hirw tihles awinus ehildrens boots shoi j mm boot hill s it m n r lo ni tit plater pillmv hiid cage tiboccan mike offi r ph m 62cr fi mu 1iblp wantfu linly 11s on eial housektopur on fnmi 3 adults 111 11 htulinutim wilte box 40 f to press acton nfl3 14i7 help wanted the friendly way w ciwmetics in your m wilte dish lt miinnkm klei norfolk ajhirtitu 1 rlvink ihnni mai hikh uafmwifl stlvercrttk i are sbudroom bungalow wllh bnekiway nnd nafatto situated on onti pih acre lot nlirtnlnnm uk ml streeus low tnxu ik avon hvioiliood for rent loh rknt it 1 iiiiini in nl 1 iipmtmi mint imilitiim limit 1 lludwii flonih imion for rent piioni 1074 miscellaneous hoofing wiiiir r w ik wnn 1 1h22 chimney i u d til 7 1 1 h kitchfnfr uiholstfry have your rliestt rfleld ultt re- upholsti rrsl tjv us and save efin ishing one weik service qbhi wntsoni music store ntf farmfrs take notice we noed diod nnd crippled nnimnls for mink fet d hikhcst pi ic s paid w must hive ddid slock willun ftw hours cumpbellvilk- ul 4 24h1 collet 4ll9tf instlrancf free estimates on insitrini e nf nil kinds if you are cnnsi ehotimy from your phone ul 84401 floor rffinishing we now have t modern aandr and edge- we will refhndi your floors or rent j 011 the equipment to do the lob yourself j b frank phone 77 47 frederick st s arton alf reimfjt upholstery add looks and comfort with skilled re styling your furniture can be handsome and new again low cost also rug cleaning and n fin ishing phone 88 acton n tf deadstock sfrvicf cash prices for dead or repnln to all make rental mach ines by the week portables used from tlllw bnme latest singers stwins machinh free home demonstrations nron wwmo prntkk oeokortown tb t4tll mftry qlbbins wartw vrrron mocaaum mml iwnto sold sold this past wrfk 1114 iuiihfu11 ltd 10 m w4iuiy plan l11i h lmljjfh id lid business is great so dont miss these bargains 750 fill i down paymfn1 om miiilknge only 7500 full price 7room home with bnsi town cnlii nicdv cmritn vw motttfily prlnclpil nnd iiins 1400 full down paymini moiittnui only ltiedinnni in uk liunifalnw wilh dininn in ni 4 hnt luth di nnili d niiimiiiiiin stoi 1111 mid minus fimiil liindsciipi il i 1 iiikii bihiituiil ml fitniiki n ii a 111 iltifi iiiiiim low 1850 fill i down iaymfcnt one m ntitihi oraly 10750 full price 1lmlioom hi ick buiikiili tuipoit coinpldily di 1 nm lil bath 1iik liikh dlvldid lxhirnru i oath fitinit i indssr 11 nha 1 klw n in nthlv land for sale i nens lust milsldt town 900 full price sydney k lamb heal fstatf 14 mill ht lj1 lonafleld pd actnn a free press wont ad acton in snow card sayi so ih i il h vui i iii hour aiiiui inn mm k and ii nli w it 1 1 il v k i 1 ih i 1 r 1 1 11 n 1 11 nk t h i ml iii phuo by guidon ciiuipii ii mr and mrs tom mnnes were married in nasociwuy presbyterian church the bride is llie former donna mtmillmi recephon and dnocu allowed ihe reromony acton roclcwood cars collide last thursday i manesmcmillan vows in nassagaweya church 1 ndi and liillkliil auction sale of modern furniture he the property of mr a mrs r orifffn at their himu 2m kingileigh court milton on r a terms cash settlvnnl with lerk ivininu of no risirvl hfnoley and elliott auctionc monuments brampton designs subrrulled cemetery li luring r rncr posts mil mnkr a good displav in stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st w brampton shop phone gl 10445 res gl 11613 rep tom nichoi phone brampton gl i smi real estate bowen and bortolotti limited real estate rrafcera asrf immranee this weeks special country home imtjb or crow old 5o twroh iw you most of an lorlncly remembered by daugh ters anne lena and aon albert and daughterinlaw martha a 63441 cross in loving memory of a dear mother and ffrandmothc- ehlspjetn vrws who pjsscvt paoted since that mnther wa cilled was h t herts sv lmth still ant 351 iwfl plvmnuth ordinal tnnsmission springs tin u sal 1 nnt hne recent 1 lien replaced with good credit and l down pavment enrr c fr 41 per month i 7 roomed home on 6 acres wnn r location lthin i mile of acton large tcar garage country 11 in st its best ith lo taxes w3 plus 6 acii of g md spt-cul- ntue tind last chance to tflko advantage of our great summer clearance sale nt adams furniture co ltd fret hornbi is will 1 n disltlrts tin prtplilir ling c iiiph edd ng trip tn mm r holmes plumbing and heating eavestroughing pressure systamt frff fstimatfs pmonf 556j 1932 mayflower this car for the twoear family ideal home on lake four sad da when our di awar will cryderman car sales ontario street smith milton ontario backing tnd ul m 1 f ir wthm sadn famlb cross in lovins memorv of our dear mother sarjh fliatmth croat who departed thi life augm 4 ims the oavth of sorrow tell of 5ts of one we loed so vhw ave sleeps a peaceful sleep ho- memov we shall alwar keep ever remembered br daughter nnd aooinlaw sarab and el mer amr wanted cannot 4w5 w anted bab crib phone si 1 1439 wanted part tme enk fo- sttnn hotel u- nu hoi da lod phone 4s4 wanted 2 bicvee prefer abl hois- phone 775j3 mornme or ex chin 36 3413 wanted a housekeeper i ine in tnd rfo lutht hucmork wstrnds free if desired phone 2 a43430 economical bungalow situated in lakewen 5 will plan ned nmuhis nnd 4oicce bath c mt h7ti1 fenced lot owner i anxiimts 1 ifl n ht his b might ruhrr for informal imi or appointment to ie th homes or many oth eri in this arei or guelph call tom ft fm1no at acton 833j or mr i j stfwart 219 m- he ill iccept hit trade cuelph dim ta 2a191 open 111 nine a- grants radiator shop spkialists m au itpr or iadiator sttvkt rtpain racering bailing tlucia ttactots cak cmhutsb quick efflclfnt service flm fkfcup and imivry pimm 5 aclon celha 1s1 oimmi si i acton on mother of fivef taught children j icontinued from page onei i rr other di the l 11 em plied ind t hot ought t clcincd out bv park caretaker herb frier and ihe 1 ttit children us n tht w 1i1 ctn be istured nf hi leinlins if mrs rot will be rh svl h thi mani ch idren who cime ti knim nd lik hor 1 i h h dr parltre m m memoris will re min in childish hri t nf th k nd ind helpful nrelaki r who under- t od eich ind nr prblen interested in mmunlt mr irt m ri 21 knox it fl 1 ai i whenever anyone tells you all bottled gases are alike dont you believe itl for aiampu theres purity mighty impor tant if the gns is to burn with a clean blue flame with no soot or smoke to discolor your kitch en walla pyrofax oai is as pure as the most exact ing scien tific tests can make it with pyrofax gas there is no guess ingabout quality about omy- about dependability call us today i root hardware and construction ltd rock wood ont phone ul 69551 bih r mt ill kr she hit hi lovell bros modern meat market where quauiy is higher than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 first quality shfpf nyions 10 evi ry rumomer opening n niw ftanijtit bringing in in w rustomrr or rtilding to in r prcium flrri unl 11 11 nnl totj curly to spruce up nt trill inspert our new am vih ol biankets ihrhs pitahs hhktwb all our rjrrivonrtl pirvc lamps chairs tablfs firfsidf bfmchts hamprpb trr ore irirtitcl willi rt vlr iicglil i 1 vourit twin continental beds fully pfnfj filld mflllfivs rtrnj ixiv 14 so cili ul of lor 16s 00 onl 65c wot ly bunk beds in miplc or natural finish irjmfrrmble spring filled iflttrses these may be le lo iwm herii and iced ot 179 95 complete or 7 v weeuy smooth top mattresses for ihe tamfort only the bwtionlcs syle cin give all 1a 95 or 35c weekly coniinfntals are lso avail able ri tins sty rockers v d praining chair5 m ti fibri or v tn vinyl trim o 1 95 to 179 95 a j 75 wefvly fff fill ho jmr1o dont fort our vlif om of swee peps polishers and vacuuivs 75t to 1 00 weeh cedar chests ft ih woth inuranc only s4v95 or 0c ekv ojf chr stmas iy ai plan tas yor 1 to effer dont et tn arrn days fool you cwxis iyj niost mpormflt j s i j f v s3 h u t 1 ie wee bo cn s j m te s iw i ju i d so s no st arijms ju i landinj dertiritioi i and school t in t friendh c rrlc j recent h mr root mfmer of the j acton public vhwl txiard the it tend si albon a anslican church i their ultive n o mmir n af 1 fairs will be missed in town i e l buchner ro o and hearing aid consultant acousticoh 41 mu st t acton ont wednesdays only office hours i 30 6 00 p m evenings by appointment house calls by appointment tbjphone 115 re sale definitely ends tuesday august 1 1th adams furniture 7 m i si rxxe 095 acton

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