Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1959, p. 11

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anm ttwt pze 4h club members complete tests in livestock and crop club work the final meetings for the hnlton grain potato and forage club were hld on tuesday aukuri 11th ench of the 40 mefnbers wrote a final qui ovirlnft the year work fiich mcmbir jitdfjid cluwes of red clover potatoes untl barley kiviiw i iuiimmi reasons on the clajw pertalnlnit t i li their particuhr club during the hi npxl month tach tluh will bo pniili paring nn cxlnlil tor millon fair ai well each member will huve 11 sample from their own plot t exhibit at the fair on aujiiwl mill the 1w 4 11 tntin- ixih f tin h iltim llouiun jmv ciilriiifv swlni ind hi i f mil dunl llubi wrolt ilnn rin il i the hsu win writl n club limit ih ul kmonstn iiiiih nil apple growers vote on promotion plan apple firowirs ihrnufthmit onl ario will vote august 2ll on i plan to improvt thi industiy by means of promotion research and a marktw information ntrviec ii was profaned tay the apple section of the ontorlo fiult and vem tnble gi iiwi rs association nftir lnnn study of pnijinims in ollur apule anai and diiuwionn itf ontario a need according to arthur ourhtred of inrketmiwho 4chuananjf uil nppk ttcliop the plan 1 purdy otp of promotion and infnrmillon ii dots not pmpi se nny i mlt il over pricing or marketing two farti iwttimiummhiulfafc iiiiiilian ippli grown- mils u imn ii einiimi t t it thur i 1 i 1 m hi mi i id f am in jrfc wit n r i mm mil tin lan ei in fir nlnlim of ut iuii ii mil iimi nit itjrijl h uml ilm it thi piogron tin nn i wool i bi thioiigh thi sili i f i ve tiling mimps monl nj llmmil llllll l ills 11 lllloll i i frisli ipplis hnh w ulil l fixul i thi ronlimir n i i i l ipinying tin iipplt sliiimiii mckay ind john wilmolt fitted tin bctf calf giiirri pcllrltrrin nnd jim t arniv thi d ilrv calf and mac ah x mder gi vi i lulh on ih fltllng mil show mi of swim 1 1n ihuli- ni in if hit dub uadir council bnnimhi tin muting to i closi col ling tin mtss 1 uy i u tini tthu lluiiktd thi dub imi n inlnlf f tin 4 i mimlh i- fven llioimh ihi 4 ii inrilini ire f nkhtd ixniu for thi atunt fur- in mont ti ll f tin tluh pm nit hit ibiis in hl i fmisb liaiii mi llllllivl- iir sipicm- ii ill i ii 1 i the i ntini id thii fitm sna oughtrtd wliile ippte immtdiii is increasing in canada unitid slates cormurrpti creasliik as ploplc lorn lo ollur highly advitihl product- u- children 9 12 cause damage to glen school geoilcjfrownlwo glen chil ilun iitii 9 and 12 h iw bitn elm i cd with aiusitik nulitious dinjagt lo gltn williams public sclio l which according to empicsmg school bourd vtiiliry em bitkm may run closi in i00o il took thi ch lined pair npprnxi mntilv tin 1 1 h urs in miki i shimbu of thi nuidiin buildinu and thi piiiuibh uiuld hii i in tinned tluir tstnuiuni but f i tin inuivinlion of l hi giorj wn lioltie tmd fpp who nuhl llu i ounf iindats nd handi d lit n humimiiied lo thi hl in hn ritunt bc muiri ind mis hub llmnik wlio in ml llu in ik m bins ink on tllrn dnm iki to the ndows iloiu v ill ion mt hundreds all if llu windows uli im u tuk t llu buittl in ml in dts lhrouth ut tin sell ol uu shiliind md uli bliiikiltd llu ground ouimd in side ririiis nut clink win di in il ishid wilir color pi ml in uji mt i lii lbt win biokui nut aim t imimhuir moviblt w i- ovi rlnrntfl in one room dtiplicitu fluid wis poured over ihi lilnl flooi tni uiiluitt will lu ntrir thi clm public school is ihi fmi li i in il i hi 1 t i i xpi rn ii i kiniksk inl ilisni which in tin pn- f w hi il li ill wn vh d ahii pol lie vhnl ind milton h oil public school tipsontouring by carol lane wsmin f vrw 3 xulnoriiy atid fi m ii tt em luttn k ml ii and lultir nmls ni whnt would v ii mv ii iv d m hi m il jy i ft him i midi n m is iii m v i in 111 1 i hi v us il in liunli ds luv 1 i ii it md in i th w l multiply molilllt ilk ii fll 1 nl t lb n w c m ini llu uml inj i ui f llu djiv r nirht irnil m uu i nl i in mil kn w tint w i in fm i i nit nl bl u iiibk li id leninmodniions m i ult m 1k him mulliiliid our mob 1 ii ii u in sun 1 d l n il nl ill i mod m itil miik sun it is incited in i qintt spot 1 ly i i f n i mt s 1 litk f in llu h thw i ii idii n i is usuilh lu i i n b u i nt ir nl is ii ns w ii t u i i hmji t us i ipph in ik s i hinp karly i it i f 1h d il i ill hi ih id i an i dm ii ii i ii llll i f i 1 111 1 1 will ill hi t an i i si ks in cias x ii ml ithu ti s l ii chirmd ihi nigh hit ihnil on guaranteed investment certificates for 1 2 3 4 or 5 years issued in amounts of s100 to sis 000 a iioai investment for trustano estate funds intrtst pavaue ha1f teahiy in the vent of death certificates will be cashed at par at the reouest of executors offk spm 9 4 30 fruuy 9 6 30 halt0n peel trust savings company head office oakviue o l manning 0nrl mumgr branches burlington and brampton burlington innch 451 brant si phon ne 4102 j e wrutelock manager phone tr 8 9535 m hon assets exceed 5500000 hiklh ih intl fiumj f n ii lit ti v at milton i i 2llth the bible society of india nnd ceylon reports an increased dis trlbutlon of mnc thnn 140 000 scriptures in 19m om million ihret hundred thousand biblcn testaments and oospels were dis tributed lo individuals churchis untl schools fach matriculant was privnltd with ii copy of iht four gisptls and the acu of thi a oitlis ind tnch gnidunti rrcdvi4 i nipy of hit new tutnmint jnd psalms at the request of one of the di lull fdnciitionil ofticus of llu madras st it n opv if tin nt w tlstamtnl in tamil has bein pli d m uu km stbonl libnnlis in his distrilt ihni jri now full tune wointii si crittti ies ut work in south in dn wist and nutlliww iiuin n nth india and bib u ind in oi inmi mint wt t hi uk 1 many intli in iilwspipeis publish thi oible in it rial form in thtir hatton county weed control news v e mcarthur county weed inspector harmful pollen ragweed nnd rolden rod are the two worst offenders us ttiev re- leant harmful pollen in late sum- mei and fall until the first front eomts soitu 13 pollen county sta- lions urt mairrtnined in ontario thtir n worts indlcutc the density of rajfwied pollen is nol incrtnslnu ii net in sunn nreoh it h neluully de crtiisink this is vtry eiieout iikiiuc md should inspirt cvety tllien lo itmtinm thi war nkiiiisl tht nc wwd rntnnce it ii ii imn ifilimibd lint h ilf i million people in out il i suffi fiitm v irrous alleiies and r hnpa 71 ptrcint of these are nlkr nlc i rarwei tl in nomi derrti although tin pollen may travel in the nu for hundreds of miles the txpniuiti of lk il hit fi vii mr hlflk th i lb i intkmiitu i plains tfinj mndi unv d to nr i hnlum county is definitely con irbbutinff to honteonos discomfort kvtryoril snoutd do their part in illmlnntlna this weed in thi inter- tst of public health along rondsldes in fields and vnstt places ragweed enn be killed with a spray of 0 to 8 oi id oc- uvi acid iwr ncrt if applied while llu plant is activdy kmwlnu cut unit md pullink are the best meant uf imtiil in small fin dtns ln di accordlnr to mitllcnl authorities xi ii en from golden rod is much liss troublesome although a toilt in nlltrglc to it umially lb s typi of allergy enn be pnvent id by rutting the goldtn rod bt fort it flowtri in the immediate area oolden rod is designated a noxious wiod in this county but is not very tiuublesonit to farmers excepting in ixiiluiis whiih nrt seldom brok ijin mowivir il should be control 1 j within urbui oi ruhdividtd iiinswhiri il m b a tunlth haz- the acton free press thursday august 20th 1959 fresh corn best if served soon playing pollyannn t easy etmugh during august and september with hweet crunchy corn on the cob in senaon you can be glad you live in ihe new world for com la atriet ly a north american dfath introdue- td to the early settlers by the ind iana and be glad you live in ont ario where corn is frown and brought to market really freah ac cording lo d f williams of the f irm products inspection service ontorlo department uf agriculture the crop of tweet com is excellent here this year too nest tallng is in ears that luin plump milkc kwriitb whlth art tinrin yd firm ihe husk r a wtkht gnin and nn tightly wrap ptd around the eai lo ktep tht quality high hurry corn lo ihe re frlgerktor or ihe cooking kellle corn may be etortxt huaka and all 0i if you prefer atrip the ears and wrap them in any mo 1st lire proof covirlrtg but p4 in to use it ft soon nn possible because it n best wh n it s fresh corn la cmty to pfuhrm 0rt nmovo the huaka and silk and drop the corn into rapidly boiling witter cook for five to ten mtnutet until tender aaa a uiat the ketaeu can be eauy altgcied from th hulla indivuhmil btittfflng and aaltlng to ladle at the talkie doea the rfert if there are a few ears oi corn left over whit doesnt aeem likely you can cut the kerncla off tht cobs and add them to arty mixed vege table soup irlltcre nufflns or souffle then ihe outof thekltchen and oflforapkntr weather this mim- mer suggeau earn on the cob for a welcome chance from sandwich and cold drink tare fresh earn ut made lo order tor outdoor cooking over an open fir roast it over the em bus or cook it in a big pot set nn llu grill and lis almost a dlffer- t m vi g table from uk indoor var- iftv to rouht corn aoak it in a butkit of cold water tat half on hour before rooking when the fire hi died down to embers arrange die corn still in the husks on the rtll let it roast for five minutes then turn the cabs and roost the other aldt for fife minutes taste for donenett peil oft the hunks and serve at once with butler its a great day when you can get the best for less now careful drivers get top quality auto insuranceat lower rates than ordinary policies the hofncat twlcl of the home insurance company cv i a gives you important savings this auto insurance is available only to preferred risks and it is produced and serviced by the most modern machines and methods that means big savings that can be passed on to you w top quality insurance at low rates this is not cut- down protection the new automated auto plan offers eery bit of the protection and services for which home policies are famous its the best you can buy easy to pay for not only are the rates lower but thi3 policy is written for a convenient sixmonth penod that means smaller payments that are easy to handle f claim services covering canada and the v 8 wherever you are here or in the u s yqu are near a home insurance agent and a home insurance office claims are settled fairly and quickly at home or away sold and serviced only by hometown canadian agents i for your hornjecaatofioj see the h0me4nsurance company agent in your town home property protoctlon tine 1863 111 richmond strmt west toronto ontario home rjssjik home ifr rv yo j bert wood insurance agency phone 585 v actqn ontario

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