Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1959, p. 8

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development of facilities laying tha cornar atona for tha rww robert llitlo school addition on monday morning signified another ttap in the pro gressive development of modern educa tional facilities in acton all tha original red brick and atone school house has bean removed and new facilities are rising above them in keeping with the first modern addition beside the original school the past decede has teen tremendous growth not only in the town but also tn tha town s population and hence in the num bar of children eftending school additions to the original stone school house were made in 1892 and 1914 there was no further additions to acton schools until one room wai added to the smith residence that was serving as acton high school in 1948 a new addition containing six classrooms and auditorium was added to the srhool that has now been demolished in 1951 a new acton high school was construct ed in 1957 and the beautiful new m z bennett school was built m 1957 with an addition to it the somo year as a result cf the fire that gulled the reir setion of the school now demolished thi year the robert utile school be comes a completely new structure within the past eight years with 19 rooms plus throe rocms in the stone school with the construction of ihe new high school the public school took over the old slone school on their grounds and it is also used to accommodate the growing acton school population in 1939 whon principal g w mckenzie took over from miss m z bennett there were eight classrooms in acton public schools now 10 years later there are 34 an indica lion of how ac ion and actons population the disappearing conversation what is more interesting than an evening of good conversation yet in these day when television has invaded the living room of so many homes our communication with one another through good conversation has dwindled an essay of 1877 noted one of the greatest pleasures of life is conversation if you have trouble with conversation you might find ihs list of points from a re cent magazine article helpful as we did listen attentively many people concent rate so hard on what they plan to say next that they don t hear the other fellow talk about the olher person s interests if you encourage him to discuss his pet projects you ii never julfer an awkward silence avoid dull details li doesn t really mat r on monday or thursday slick to ihe important facjs of your story speak precisely if you ump from one topic to another chances are your lisleners will gel lost and give up avoid interrupting if you really must brtjk n try lo do it giacefully use the name of the person you are interrupting to ask john may i add something to what you lust said be tolerant and tactlul if the speaker irritates you try to concentrate on ihe facts forget his personality be free with your praise but remember to direct it loward something specific telling a speaker you liked ins speech for example is less meaningful lhan praising a specific poult he rrnde li shows you really listened even if you forget the points liy an even mg ol conversion tor sitiinclion the good old days back in 1909 take fr ibt m the ftt taken frem tha tan ef the fra back in 1939 preaa thanear iamlr mr vtrr mcnatfc returnrd to atlbtk billowlni trip tu the old land it liad n mml rnjuy kbl lime vultlni among frirnili nit ii trilling wnri f hi child huud and ymitli he vilrd iin n y nirvlvim luutlieri jinnct nml alexander anil luirtlirr they look trip ihruiigli lh unitti of hint land injure hi rt tail fr humi again mr mcnam old he eiiuy- cd every ininuti tlie five wnk trip ll mated he uw i lut in prrffned at mm h h aitm a quartette tf uiy win lrnuht bnfurt- ihr maulratr m halurday trtvrnimin charged wilh mnmiying mm john hitchl and twnily lnltn avenue by throwing ftiine and mini iniwlllng umguag mm ihe grandstand in ilie iiuik a lew doyr rvinimly the luya admitted thq charge iinmuwd hut tu do it again and w re givi n mm- iod advice ty llu magialrutc thy were let rff in in imp ihul llieir good iwhoviitr in the futurt would warrant thu linlency mr tilth li him im- ii mufti jrnwytd liy thiiifthll- iih unit hoiiii thin i nitli by lliui urimiiily nndml mi tin ftnind titid wh ti iji tin his itriiirly tlu mi wind mm w ni tin wk t um- 6rnnn sum i tun in auguit of htr am iliii who hud iwt ai ii krni linn ajfii on a inn md hid hiijmii in ubii taking ii itnitiin with n lumber cnnifjuny thi fftrnin a pm thuraiar augart ii 1im tin european crlili took on inc ut evidence of lu wrtallinmft dur ing the wnk when capt early of the uirin it i fie arranged fur a hunt ul die nniiturle here fmir inivf in en ilium guard duly ul lb iiiniuurim ilnra that time rhr men duly are corporal it i trim fu nicniuk pte jaminuii nml tle a uiktiannn jr thy arc on duly u hiiiir ft day a tint ha been put up nutide tin building nml the men uep hi n- urn in i hi armour n thh in in ki fping with ihe ixihry ihrimighnul ihe dominion in put ling u guunl on the waterway hvk plmiti and dimiiniin build ing furh day teem to give n liiikhler xuttihtk on ihe runhari titnalnin but ihcre dnen appear t in win piepur limn on ull nldet aclin inliiiuibula d baaebrill tinni will iiimi gull ivkiirda in ti firm round llu ii pliyiff the f l uam will be it unit or hulutiliiy unit ihi return me in arhn tin fulliwing hnturliy i1 il m mermaid and water lilies sqan uut sfucc m n h iills a dfwritful iilitik a s si rudy ufbiiikii wtu itiuil m thodil sun- 1 ly iv rtdt wn hligid undi ighl el ir kms 11 i nds i mil- yinmii pi npli htut il n itin it- ml p it griv wh j full ifuri i i f the wit oi mm in mid 1 tin humi ft inn 11 k ili- at tin in i witt r i nli idjy ii rll id a ri by uhk t t ill vn by pr id i kly in wspijm i mitlimt f in i lllllllls s m d oh hi id tilih ii inly tf tr i ui up pinp ii nm inl his w ituili s lomihiij thu is 11 oi urn in ii iiiiv by bill smiley lh lb it mi fill tinnniif list 1 b lui r t-trtr- at in rmtting if tin i uli in jf hi itipt il liiirh s d i iki thil i full uitk ms ul i li njinl is so ri s i l his bu ihoikh v m community enthusiasm when did you last do something for the town that would prove you had a degree of enthusiasm for the place you live it may seem that most small towns are similar as you drive through but if you hesit ate a little longer you may find a very notice able difference it s the degree of enthusiasm that exists within a town that makes it better or worse than another town of comparable size enthusiasm for one s town is evidenced in a number of ways there is an active in teresl in municipal affairs wilh no particular problem getting candidates at nomination timf there are active churches serving the neets of the congregation and participating in ihe building of a strong moral community community organizations have active mem bers who collectively seek ihe betterment of the town through a variety of proiects of course the enthusiastic town is also blessed with cheerful merchants who exude their confidence in the town they serve and with interesied industrialists who seek ihe the ex the ex is open as close as we are to the continent s greatest show we often fail to appreciate it but each year around this time there is a cer tain urge in most of us to spend some time at the fx it may be the vjstness of the grounds for tliey ccver some 350 acres or it may be the multitude ol buildings for they cover 25 anes m themselves perhaps its the tremen dous number of things that go on display there every year tor there are more than 1 000 commercial industrial and govern ment exhibit pehaps is because of the crowds that we have an urge to see the fx qn tor thee are nearly 3 000 000 there eat h year tt may be that the ex bong w th t the thi ii of entering hvetfoctt m competition wth th country i bet t may be the variety betterment of the community in which they are located the passerby may notice some of the evidence of an enthusiastic community but the real evidence is there mainly to those who stop a little longer enthusiasm is an advantage to a commun ity and strangely encugh it all starts with you a single citizen you are the motivating force behind an active communily you are the communily there isn t any room for them there isn t any room to stand on the sidewalk and waich the town paiode by the observer is too often hypercritical as a means of justifying his position there isn t room in the enthusiastic com munity for destructive criticism only the con slructive kmd that builds communities in the enthusiastic community that one that vibrates wilh cooperative efforts there is only room for acnon and active interest do we measure up when cl d you ho something for the tnmenmtit of tht com num ty as a wholi n jiijuud ui vis ulupiii mis rtt liuikiiij ftl niiiiif lhrnmh in f l hilts i i ik l nub in s to his bit thu 1 nkinc nf kiiisis follow to ci thin ci it hi tilt qui i n or hi t sh ilidn i i twmlvfi pn pin id 1 1 i it i in limit lh it i hanqu shot of loin ilu jui in i pipir tup i pi hi ho ip wlh niihit potntois mil uiv cold tuii md ink vi nm hurt tuinp i unnid pt iijnt iiinls pn u of iu vkhh cin i in fipiti iltlitlalik t kawtliff il d pending n hl m idi il i slut w inn sh ti i ji i rr pound f a inm p ml iin p t in i pifp old tin plilrs th n li uks bj llu i ihi in i 1 t ibl il n to lmk m th hi ul libit ml tin liuky just ibtjiil th tim rt head bh hon iin sirvid thi ir eoffir mil in hailing up ill tommin vpi il llu i iid f thi lim nbli 1 th i phls tliy i it 1 k fin v ml in just s irting ihf ir pit whui h inn nm p ni h fill professional directory and travellers guide ind b w th ir m nf rai ihrfctors nil i h t spi ikrr nn lrli ih inid 1 s hit iin 1 mir h f ji i pints b it it mil di ink i txilungmi dm issins iiuil v ill ih s lni of i tn w f mt vmikus th go mil bl th ilu i n b kilihn md tj tin ir m i l tin i mi d i phn nvnal inks lumpv i i pi klmt hi ih i it 1 ft irrtint ri him f ir iki ij mil mbdiid f liikh u tint hiu th tinsi spi k k nt h ii th n ipnli i witilu n th nn t t it 1 f oil i inn oh i m nut down n b mrpn ts in l think iht for i niinutt i lov him but 1 think 1 w is bun b ul 2ixxi v its 1 i 1 11 bit p n ih in h br lb ml lu in n it mm bi nil i is in th lit ti n vi rs mil j hum l hid i k blit f 1 n m win ikiii dr w g c kenney physn 1 in and surjtrin oftci in svmop block 43a mill st f ait n offic phimt 7b risidmc in church st f dr d a garrett is open d ht is ifs h 1 tin of band music that attracts us the bright lights and endless barkers of the midway the beauty of the flower show the picnic lunch the vastness of the grandstand show the eaobc and appeiimg aromas m the food building the e is many things that of course is one of the reasons it has continued grown and prospered smce it succeeded the toron to exhibition n 1878 that s why todav t s the worlds bgqesi exbib on w th land buddings and equ pmeit v u0 a 50 000 000 we re looking forward to s t ng the f again ths year and we th nk a good ma y from this area will also be coun ng pi a day at the event when you re s tose t s really a shame to nuss r and evs a d of wonderj t displavs eah vm see you at the 6 this sundays church calendar tipsontouring ty carol lant woamni trove authority v unit rivr onl dr robert d bucknek phndan and surgfson 39 wtlliiigtin st arln ont phont 079 office h urs 6 8pm aflrrnoom by appti ntmont rfal estat and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton onuro phone ib appraitrr real estate and insurance chiropractor a d moore dc i rntr sprr f t chiroorjrtor 17 m ii strut optical and heakivo aids e l buchner ro optomhnrt and ilrarlnn aid conaulunl i acourtic 48 mill st e phone us office hour wtdnndaya only l00 pm fvrmnu bv ppnintmrnt iioum cfttl by i appuintmtnt united church of canada m ml t ttieacton free press hyuw4 ky tw dow prmtaf ul fwta c uwlto4 founded in 1173 and pubiubed rwrjr thuradny at m mill st t acton onlatm m ember of ihr audit burrau of orcukatiofm th c wn a and the onunaquebrc divi wxnx of lh cwna advrrtiaini rates on rfqutt sub crtptxmi pajau ui advaitc s3 00 in canada 4 00 in the united suim tis months 1 ts tine copras 7c aurhom d as scmd class mad put office department ottawa th tr bmpar rw pikwh la art g a oill edinr- r cii i david rdvll manfinj editor business and editorial office phone 600 acton presbyterian church in canada hn hi r ii afton h 1 m mi k h a h i si m m nt st id ii the church of st alban the martyr nglh an tv tv hn h r m irt hth dental mon- ttenumi dr h leib dental surifn off rec orner mi i t mjrrtck s hours by j thfphonf 1 dr a j buchanan md uninrvlay nft- i c f leatherland qc barrister a s lint r n urj public 1 h in on j n 1 00 p m a oo pi s i dm by ap- rmen i off re 22 phf h hi robert r hamilton optometrist evi- fwamimd hearing aid service j1tniwfh bt ctfitimn ont ii nt plit th 7 3971 ai dftlnr au cu vtino lever hoskin c hjrtirfd ait mtant mi i s n tit knjsl w ir n ttonl 1 n 1 1 w34 fm 4 0131 travellers guide gray coach unfs oac 1114 i rwr acton jf t ti acton pentecostal tabernacle 33 ch r ii r ud paot r v ktnr j h d p ior tkm i ion 49 w undm algl st tnh v 10 00 a m sunday school 11 00 ammumini worfcio 30 tj e anelitic tuday 8 p m prairr and bible nl noa al c 10 k i i h u fuih 11 ho tt u ail jl1 v e importjume lictt thiirt3i i prn hnst amh c t is mr an mdly cem to au baptist church acton si7wday august 30th iw 43 am churrh school ii 00 am public wrsfcip 7 00 p m gospv srtiw mr h ilme 11 he in thr pulp wedneota p m pilde sudy prer tmiiif au gordtillr wefrotnt eleam m t pass f finally don dme vi- iif rrr ti inlr upcrt it vip 1 ie m ro neded fur petoeptie safe a braida 8 a i uer s 1 tn ur nuutr p lb c ft minsl s ar n oil phow office h ii ipm ppon 1 pn 0 pm 1t idm is crk si f jelph ta 4 2341 off re h nf 9am s p m turdaii 9 am ljm hastings payne rjrrjter and solicimin nour t pub w 1 mill st artort office hour lion fti 100011 43 bin 130 430 pm bjt moo 12 00 pbdft 1 n s j- i i 1 j 11 s r a p i ih p 1 11 i in r j n a 1 m i 7 tm 12 rr x is pm 9 11 pm i si sun canadian national railways standard tim et bound dairr 5 40 am dl wb sund am iflajitt 7 14 pm supdar only 1 01 pm dilj except sunday flret at sv- n j1 bl tfl dy ftjcr at ceorfbtown 10 1 1 pm westbound pm r vj 1

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