Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1959, p. 9

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wtm jum pzc first cut hay yield to relieve problem due to pasture shortage mnny haltnn firmer arc report ed to c short of pasture there are a few solutions to the problem of lack of pasture the majority of the group will relieve this situation by feeding hay to supplement the pasture because of a high yield of first cut hay most farms will have sup plica of hav to carry on this sup plemental feeding fcrnerpntr pastures the department of agriculture in mil ion have had a few requests for recommend i ions for emergen cy pastures for fall here are two possibilities for emergency pastur es that h1 fil into the farm pro gram at thn time of yrsr the practice of sowing fall rye for pasture could help provide an additional acreage if pasture is needed early a mixture of one bushel oat and one and one half bushel of rye per acre could be sown the rye and oat mixture will allow early grazing from the oats with the rye providing later past ure fall rye or the mixture of fall rye and oats should be sown in midaugust to provide the most pasture for this fall pasture management pasture management at this time of year is wry important now the grass or mixtures low in alfalfa should be wived so they can be used m september the reason this w to allow the fields with ul falfa to be left during september i this practice of avoiding grez ing of alfalfa in september allow the pin tit to store food in the roots this food comes from the leaves and is used to make buds for next year growth the buds will start to dctilup on he crown right at the bae of ihc stems any lime from the first of september until just abi ut freeze up trme the idea of avoiding september grazing is to let top growth dcicl op to tht point where there is en ough leaf area l manufacture more food than is meded for top growth you can lake off the food produc ing factory at the top and turn it into milk or beef the buds laid down early in the fall will start growth next spring the am mature buds ere reserve buds and many of them will re place at ems tost to cutting if you haven t got a good num ber of well developed crown buds then the number of stems per plant will be low next year top growth and bud development in september can be boosted by ap- nlying fertiliser in august second scoring l n bird who is judging halliths pasture management competition completed the second scoring on monday and tuesday august 34 and 25 the pasture management gram is scored in june and august i the pasture competition ia spon- sored by the ha hon soil and crop 1 improvement association i lrvyvsss halton county weed control news v e mcarthur county weed inspector brush control bulk tin is supplied fnc of charge the ontario weed control act by the ontario department of ag is concerned with only two species riculture and can be procured from oui local agricultural rcprescntat ivcs office or the weed inspector bark treatment one of the most economical me thods and perhaps least familiar is the basal bark treatment useful on a wide range of trees of brush namely common bar berry and european buckthorn i the reason of course being that these arc the two shrubs harbor ing the fungi which causes grain rust nevertheless we have many var icties of brush that prove trouble flnd bmsh wu fl trunk dlametcr some and if allowed to persist mcus eventually take over large areas in their early stages shrubs such thc chemical can be applied as survey to date shows farm accidents heavy first report of the ontario ram accident survey set up by the ontario department of agriculture to determine the cause and econ omlc loss resulting from farm ac cident occurred during the months of march april and may thc hon w a ooodfellow min ister of agriculture for ontario announces 62 of the accidents were fatal and onethird of the fatalities were suffered by persons under 31 years of age in addition medical bills ol more than ho 000 property dam age of nearly one and a half mil hon dollars ndj total lost work ing time of more than 19 000 days were inflicted occur off farm the fact that more than one third of thc fatal accidents to i farm people during this three- month period occurred off thc firm on our roads and highways dhows the soundness of thc depart ment s farm safely program to date which has been carried on in con- junction with the safety program of the ontario department of transport says mr goodfellow the survey has also indicated that the farm kitchen is one of thc moot dangerous areas on thc farm with a total of 100 accidents occurring there five of which were fatal falls or stamfales nearly onefourth of thc accid ents were caused toy falls or stumbles with toss of balance and frightened animals the two leading causes power equipment was in volved in half of thc fatalities this first interim report clear ly shows the seriousness of farm accident picture aid as hawlhornc wild pear etc can be cut with thc ordinary field mower this is not thc answer as the root system keeps spreading and sending up now shrubs chemical control is much as it kills the roots a well as i he top rood tovetops buds the extra f od is moved diwn into thc roots and stored once thc nod is tn the nxk it will develop buds ihr nigh september and oct ober when ut hae the food neccsjurv fur buds oscrvuntcnng and rapid growth in the spring some susceptible i i like weeds some species of brush arc more susceptible to clu mica is than others fur instnnci i birch cherry elderbtrry plum w illow and manitoba mi pie art easier to kill with 2 4 d thin elm poplar apple barbtm buckthorn and hard ma pit eirgrcins si ch as cedar pine and spruci sified as very resistant t spray or with o paint brush thoroughly cover the lower 12 or 18 inches of the trunk and any exposed roots with a mixture of two pounds active acid of 2 4d 2 4 5 t ester in 10 gallons- of satisfactory fut 0l thls application is effect ive when applied at any season o ihe ear it a cost of only two to three cents pir irec georgetown avoids staggered classes gfxrcetown last year s 1 idiche sugrcrrd classes will be ibmnt wlun georgetown s five 2 4 p i ubl c schtmn open ihur cjoors thi hnd eonlrolis not practical with september tn public sfflwi this chemical h tht contrictor of the lat anone interested in eradicating ddition georse kenncry pub tr ubcsome and unsightly brush school and wltc sufficient from their property should secure impressed with the progress made extension circular no 7c cntitl d hofminn instruction ind sub cd yiur guide to thc chemical nlractors to make the announce control of weeds and bush this ntnl your passport to better living advise farmer of wheat seed there arc several factors to con slder in purchasing winter wheat seed there are three varieties with white grain recommended for haltnn these varieties are daw but gencve and richmond the dawbul vurloty li nottd for strung straw and resistance to loose smut gtucsci is resistant to loose smut and is the night si i yielding variety in most of on tar j k richmond is more winter hardy than dawbul and genesee but at is susceptible to loosi smut registered and certified mod have blue lags on the bags that indicate their certificates hat been issued fur varietal punly and identity at the irisent tune titer art three grades of rcgntcnd and two grades uf certified seed in addit on thin nn thic grades ot commerci il hi mi tube i that no i sud of ill cijssis his higher germinal ion and a inuili smaller tolcrnnct tor weid acids and seeds of olhir crops than two grades of cutifud sved it has bitn stated thai thi cost of seed in producing j ciop of wheat is bitwcui eight and 10 per cent of the tolal c isl of product ion it is wound economics to pur chase the beit ccd possible s ihut the remaining 90 per tint of lm crop produotion investmint is pro tec ted goodfellow and indicate thi wisdom of establishing a softly education program for ontario farm people thc npnil is the fusl of ii n lerty ri ports in tin dtpartminl s farm accident survey i the bible today the acton frw preu thursday august 27lh 1959 for better lawns seed in the fall on t p of ihi koyn sun moun tun in japun there is n plateau and tlu iiea ii eovtrid wilh nmn mki hi of tht shinkonxhu sect which whs lfitablislud 1300 yars nk b koko daiahi who had n lurmd t i japun if tor ninny years if sludv m china two uams of cnimrtturn of tht jipnn uimt sociity from the wa kaamnkin prifioture exltndcd tht tr w rk li cmer thin buddhist mon tsl ry group they visited nniong the 100 temples mid mm isiujis and nidcivored to interest the student of the buddhist un- iwimly and high iciiihin m tht i iptuns hie towns p ipuliitmn is iiunud lo bt 10 0m ind tin mirroiiiiding lowns and villagis nn undir 4r ng influeiui fi mi kovnsm mouninin it is uihiitid thai iffti tht six iiumbtis f tin two it nn siuil hjlf a dny in priyer ettmmenenl ihek wtmk trnal dif fmilliis win sunn untd irtd mill tfjvi ml c p is or tht niv win iskid ftu by tin out of hi high ih mis who iirdiitd m eopus more for low sill ol pupils ha a good idea lo follow natures plan and sow your lawn in ihe inh summer or early fall according to horticulturists of ihe ontari i dr pni tin cut of agncultuie during this period hint is nl so mleiim and thi re art fiwir weeds limit r i wlnlhtr t niourugtit good roolinjl i sow in tht tarly full so thai i hi grass is well tstablisbct befi n wind r sttx in well rooted pliiiiln i will suffer lest from drought and heat next summer start your final seedbed prepnr nlioii about 10 days before hit cliosin sowing ditc stir thi soil itiasi itinlly ti dislioy the wtedx lhal have harltd it ill and mki tht an lo produu a dm kvt1 si t dbi d on ulike anas liy dragicik pi mk buk jnd fiith t pniim lln mini liviltfrctt at stilling titm nitst of tin soil slduld bi as l fun as siftetl anhii dint skinm on seel a neodinh x of hint t five pounds itr 1 ikms square fut is best wlun tntv kentucky blittgnsn forms n iukii perrentnge of the mix tun sifw hulf tin sttd over the entire area opi ration thtl rwt rljhl utl testimint thl flr suw whin h rp pal of j itttk wind take soil lightly after use i fine spray when watinnr no as not lo wash away seed do not salurjli pasture thistles destroy hayfields pasture thistles push ihelr way into pasture and hayflilda and push out produetlvt rl ivera and grasses thiy art varied in appear anee but apnrt from ihr ntl attive purplt of the flowtr thty hnvr lit me to nrimmiml thi in j- vi n bulls av ii pasturt thistks thtse thistles are rinsed as in tnnlnls heeds produn n fhit ro- ittt of it jives in inlilsuiiuih r 1 tit foil pwmg spring tht i ntltt glows rapidly and heaves tip u flowtrng rtatk on fertilt land thest stalks may alliiin n luiitht of f vi ft it ir mun sulci tlu hi ihiill s inn a i p rt tiny may ik dun up md kill id jiul they me usually pre nt in s ich laki diimlxrs lit tl tli s tnetii d union nix il m w n mill ilisti y i p of flowiis but j lulu fix turin tut iw lli nit i i n pur lint resullh spray willi 2 4 d just a the pliinls u t i n bud sinct at him lm i ihiiii ihe plants u bon l ui pndntf seed und tin fliuall riisettea jil piistnl tind killtd suggested readings sunliy jihi 2 12 28 mondiy i iik u 1 31 tticdny luke 12 2240 widntsdw t tikt 2 41 w tim sdiv am s 14 24 iruluy obutiali lfi batuidiy jonah i 1 n charged as nazi fn jhhs 1ouja remhitt ttntndrt the auto concern in france nation iliwl in 194i utnnglt died in 1044 wlult iwaitmi twl is i nazi nil inboriloi pollock and campbell mimulnclurpra if high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 wafer st north oalt tfltpiiunk zmx mm mmw one of these wonderful gas appliances free at the one 1 7 modcru as tomorrow ipplianccs 7 wonderful chances for you to win during your gas company khihition drift don t miss this chance to modcrti- t your living with a modern gas appliance win one free at thc c n e union gasunited gas natural gas c e ntr e c n e moffat airooaatfc gas dryer one of canada s toprated appliances 4way selective drying cunt 21 blower big drying cylinder li hamilton cnffietd automatic gas dryer by thc inventor of clothes dryers aeuiraic i ibn set c ontrols sun l j ultra uolci lamp fssflaj artessrtc c raage complete wnh all the features you wanl automatic lighting for top burner and oven includes smokeless broiler tic resuential gas ladnera tor ends t rah and garbage prnhlcms takes up minimum space takes on rrui mum loads rnbrrt nrdoa uamradaire svbarfr- an da lmp gives a sofi plarc free light weatherproof tvo nomili to ope rale 7tte beat book tww money 1 bryant red d cntal- clas aatomalic gm water heater guarantees a con it ant flow of steaming hot water talalgias tank stas rusl free litra hcav insulalum rc a wlilrlpoot as refrig erator replaces cath kc cube automahcally ouiel eto- romtlal dependable 1 ull 10 year warrant serumic giant f rcecr compartment ufft cd cc one of these modern ru r m i j win tktt automatic gas appliances ml nt sf n e hcrr of sen hftpfil hjndhonl ihit will hm the lnirrrtt of rsert mrmbex f ihe fimil i b n m vjm i i num pjvthnok hih in kr ismii fiipntt lt bftlrr in ic li i the nkil book or those ho nik ahead and un gel ihe h if tirt hy i hn vourvnrm r n l brans h opt- b nl ssins unt lo eaih member ul thc famih tula bank of montreal ii sv nyn acton tranch wilrtam faktcty mjngt wouinc wi1m canadkns in ivty wik of llt sinci 1117 fill out tk foaowiffl biorwotloii wil b omwsvd ccftwiin name aodrcss city til nufh hotwrol cat h gveeb m my ksv at m pmw mm ti i no i 1 my cm coxpay h umw cot cypw i ud goi lj deposit in ptlson at kmea omlmkst on nmmt k fhe nartw ott omisa cni awwst msh t icfto im- fc fc lm ml i iponsoiid t union oas company og canada iimitio and unitid oas umltto ham11ton ontaiio prizes rules l tca w1mi on ilil mi irpw h frnplvfrt ot loai nl fmir awtowvtk bn wwmm hra got mbonim a xav i um kmkt 01 ortm 3 kit ji naa t- ft of k hlllcrthu ammii 1 emromi mt met b pr4 ft ol qm brim m liiiiiull n ii tl 0n ta- l wniii htwn sos t ft lha ilimlii 5 tidai war hkiia hi kv hhi ot mk lm law 0 c 1ii1 mv nk mrrtn nun k 4rtmlkt pmrtrm awtniiimt 0 vmar ttoatar moclll sffrmlo i ts mk tiirminni 1 7 wbwon oi b omaf b a ftta a ow im -a-

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