Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1959, p. 3

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twin daughters of mr and mrs j mcnabb of acton barbara and brenda had their first taste of school on tuesday when they registered at the kindergarten pictured above left to right are mrs mcnabb barbara brenda and teacher miss a sidey following registration the children were allowed to sit at their desks and play with some of the toys i an ear for music was displayed by the two youngsters pic tured above as they started their first day of school at the m z bennett kindergarten shown left to right are paul buck weld and chris wallis the two boys were fascinated by the drum and played by the hour many of the children took to school like veterans with a few hesitating at the doorway erin township council to ask department to take over road erin township council during their mcumg on thursdiv sint amber 3 agreed ti petition thr department of hurhwa- l its sume rpsponsrbilitv tor tht 1 1 1 r cnttn rkid between no 7 high v my nnd highway 2 tht nnd umiiiiiinu known is the biiunciury inn between four ttiwn ships it to lii ussul da u di vclopmcnt rtnid a levy from on credit v illey conservation aulhonu ariimtt the tenvnuhip aniniiiitint t 1 024 i is authorized tn br pud accounts for simp killed in the township including minitti m trips umutmunc to s23u02 v a approved for nnynunl couneil asried tn petit in the ontnrm department of h ilni n loi piivtiunt of tht atiiiii i ji mt tor nkt cxiirmlilun i august si on j i in t uiihin mils tionorn tectum t unt mntnij to i86 17 md a wifn ieeoiint nn mount mi to jj1w v it uulh irized for iwvimnt lctwthy akm other btminex rli nil nh nin inn the lengthy cuinril nieetinc included a petition of ritepavci it recking ja d ltte r received from tin fr n adxocatr re account thi ivparlment f municipal affjir re chunjti if id drtw hungi i nt gimtle i id guthrie re rccr in if boidi f and lwl cuuniuri i ul ljlxxm everton v poa cunninghamhenderson vows given in double ring ceremony in community homes recent visitors with mr and mrs roy hindley wen mrs dave mc millan nnd mrs caesar of guclph fru nds of mi john alton win sorry tn hear he had to be mrved back to gitelph gcncial hospital last wuck several from here l tended the incril of the late waltei coulinc at oinitmvmic on tuesday burial was in fvtrton ct melci sympatic is extended to iclutivcs and friends mi nnd mrs hiuy annus of toronto visited sunday with mi and mrs ted jeuin and jjfrls mn m maude of guclph is visit ink with her daughter edna mr and mrs aicnt tniker if riplev isited a dav list week with mrs e parker and colin ladies of the church of chnst disciples ire pi inning t chicken barbecue to be held this month sundiy iimlnis with mi and lloyd ciittinj nnd raymond wire mr and mrs ken burnnett f toronto mr and mis cliff slerntt and mi and mib sam finky of acton m accept truck tender 1 for eramosa township r dl ptnk and white gladioli landards and bouquets of gladioli on the altar decorated the church of st alban the martyr acton on satur day september mh at 12 rnxxi for the marrinuc of rooheuc germalnc henderson and john heilman cun ningham the rev h b sftkrcct officiated at the double ring cere mony the bride is a daughter of mr and mrs jnmts price henderson 21 quccn st and the jjroom a on of mr nnd mis gordon cunning ham 20 rnnnm st organist was mrs fg oakcs during the sei vice mni nnney wmhtlm tang the weddink piayci and miss shnley turner sing the lord s prayer brides attire given in marrage b htr father the bride woie a white oiranza gown over tnffela nppliqued with alcncon lace on the bouffirrt skirl the sifbrina neckline topped n fit ted bodice and the sleeves were long and lily pointed a tiara of i rides cent sequins and pearls held a short veil of tulle illusion she carried a bouquet of pink rosea ind white kliphanous attendants win miss marion roche of fergus asmnld of honor bildcimnids were muls heathei withers of acton cemim of the hnde and miss norma cunningham of acton sister of the groom jackie lee of acton cousin of the bride was flower guf ring bearer was ftieky henderson of acton brothef of the biidc attendants dresses the numdants drcjnes wuc of runch blue cijstil charm in i sheath slvle with i short full over skirl with n biu h the waistline then hiaddressii weu flat bows l ftilh short vi lis of i- tench blue i crystal chntm they wore short while glovesi and fcdto shoes the flower gnl wore a full killed diess of blue crynuil charm with vh u lace trim on the ctllir her headdress was also a flat bow of the same smdc of blue all carried bouquets of pink carnal ions gioomsman wis robert cunning him of stieclsville brother of the gioom ushms wetl bruce cun i ingham claikson brother of- the broom and david aldworlh of watliloo toiimn of thi bride reception a neiption was held in st al bins paush hall mis henderson lecnved for her daughter she won t sheath of copenhagen blue silm fulle with draped omiskirt her aecessoiiih were beige and siie wore a nrsrge of pink roses mis cunningham asistid wear slate blue sheath of pcau de sole and a matching hat her cor sage was of pink revscs leaving on ft trip to eastern canada and the uhhcd states the bride wore a chocolate brown eash- c suit her hat and shoes were olive green with purs of dark brown she wore n corsage of pink roses they will live in guelph on their turn guests attended from detroit stouffvllle toronto fergut ouelph waterloo london r rln wlnghnm and shclburno as well as aeton umehouse mrs r patterson has arm injury the community rthibi ui l robert p ittertn stifflied it broken aim while visiting at thi wilbui pattersons rockwood last week officer cadet peter boholz is spending a wiek of holldnys with his paients hero prior to his re turn to royal milltai y college kingston aflci being stationed al trenton for the summer miss jean culp is holidaying at pointau bnrll thin week school rcepcned at sb no 0 on tuesday with an enrolment of 60 under teachers miss m archl bald and mrs k hearn mivandmrs jtucd aadfttmily of pairy sound vis ted lhe thorn i hamilton s i week ikn re open sunday school spnday school at llmi housi piesbyteriin thuith will re open on seplemlin 11 ul i 10 pin i ciililn conducted sei i n sundiy fnlliiwiug i month i f holid iys rtlul lliomps n of toronto has been vimiiiik tht w miuhtlls ind mrs rem h inn il lor i ind lebbie visited rlatives il parry nd dining the weekend hi a c pallcrmin s it hi mod sunday after t weeks h ilidav to timmins and knkhnd lake tlay 1 pruvineial parki on list restrictions for game bird hunt migratory birds open mason be gins in halum county and tur rounding district at 12 00 noon i october 3 and end on december ib it vas announced this week j limits are in any day six ducks exclusive of meronger ol which got mure than one may b it wood duck and not mne than foui may bi canvatfbackg oi red heads fkti geisu 21 rails cools u gallinulei eight wilson s bnlui eight woodcoek pomewion poxsihsum limits 12 dtuks or which not more than eight may be canvanbaeks ot redheads 111 ceese id wilsons snipe 16 woodtoek if lawfully killed tht may be poskessid fniin the tlnu thty ait killed until august il mxt follwlng haltoit gtnte wnidin rrb ri ul addict unt guns must tie encusut fi ni oiu half hoiu before sun diun t one half houi after the acton fro preis thursday sopl 10th 1959 ruhh hour 1amk whjta my lane u a compuls ory g iwlrm game inflicted on rush hour drivers by a small minority of impatient laneswuchen ii th widely unpopular wlui the niajnt ity but everyone hni to partielpale there ure no piuos but seven penallift may be imurieit fin full lug l- guess coiiictly the ontailo safitv 1 eagiie points out drivuh in asketl li iimiinbii that i piati 1 lane winiivg to ui t mi soint in iiniiiliiiy advantiigt in posili n is ntive weaiuvg on the petpt tinting dilvei iirilating in olhtis anil dangtioiiii to all engagement hwwhwww mr and mrs alt xuudi r r mikhlli of it r 2 guelph wlli to nrmoiiiue thi etigngi mint ol hull tltltih ilauglilir minion poi nt ii t kenixth mill my qunrilt sn f mi and mis j ihn iji i iii it 7 tliulpli iht in in lam mil h ki pla saliinliy oitirim j ul hh pn in tin 1imlyl inn thiiieh htltn mills i hi limit is n gnat giimildaiighli i of tin lali atigiisl ami it ivht 1 llunli russ a boundiry and union school line cleiks office re oil mid gas dull ink franklin pre s ri pimlim 1 l ciiiihtm and ci re proof of sch h 1 dobt nture s jchotii debenture s and confirming sale of debentures hunmiiord gamble and guihni ii st h ml drhe ntiii cs c 1 1 tit il 1 conserjtion aulhont re is sisanunt department of transp rl it mfctv program on hlidn viekend franklin pies re cost of printing debentures registrar generals department rt receipt of ri cords credit valley consent ion authority re township pipulul ion frmk owan co re insur met riyal bank re chinge of in tercsl riwd aecannls tin fillmmg road in mnts eramnsa township council me 1 for their regular september meet ing on the tirst day of the month in rockwood town hill with all members present reeve je seph l o ikes presided following the ret i of lenders for a now truck f r township oik that of hinna salc and servici gin iph wis iceepted it n to be used ti plow snow ind general tt wnship work this seas done subject to the tppn i uf the d patmint of highwats corn sp mdence was fled from the township of sarma regarding the dnllinj of gis ind oil wells in thi ir district and fiom the insptc loi of legal offices concerning lots one two and three in concession two and u i lal farm statistics clerk stewart roee wao in strueted to arrange a meeting if pt sstble with the council of west garifinxt it rockwix d town hall on wednesday september 9 at h 30 ipprtri fir pivi h j s 21 i w cvconnoi w t id iiir ti roe meul r of iig c signs jr2 50 j d adams c parts s044 88 shell oil co f ui t oil grease 491 is r e price hmlng culverts h g tile x hauljng fill 24 r mreachctn bridve iwympnt 1700 h w herle road supl 106 l wutsim drac and praetor iso drag end man tls a philips rultrts tm hnihing sw j sooth n set t ig 22 opentmg 834 c bran wrts tl ib r che mm brushing o row an w i d harvey laverty heating saies ard service repairs to mx makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main stuft n ktoomooo ttibht ul 6to34 ockwood 24 hour svrvm i i high quality merchandise at low budget prices lightmans dept store acton wn dine in cool comfort br ng the wloe fam ly enoy our popular sumrier menus delicious saiacis cool dt nks jusi tke thing for 6 lagging appetite it j always comfortably cool here watsons dairy bar 15 mill st phm 14 bates accounts amounting to 3214 8 werl pasttcd fur payment council icets next on october 5 at 1 pm al the call of the reeve insure and assure protection life fire auto j bert wood 124 mill st e phon585 acton orrt insurance agency insj an themv ly express buses direct to old woodbine races saturdays only aug 3 lit to sapt 26th leave acton 1 1 25 a m daylight time return inclurirs fore jiv admishim return after lut rm tiekils ind iiifornwtnm it wiles confectionery rilonb 207 h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 dougui st ouelph phomjaylorr7l50 leave itto beaver every waek on tv dchhlful family cumuly brought to yem wttli tlto cumphincntb uf bensons shoes the friendly store f to every customer autiirrnphi il lt letrund wnll v plniuujrailu cunie ui fur your tfetax vve 7h w aoa a utile ireen man from man hiked into a reauursnt in nmull tnwn hi tyr fluhlni red hulh purple light uhlnlnt nut f hla hreant peiekeu hla ntrnrui hi up in three different roliin lie tured dumbfounded al a juke box folni full blaal i dnnt ict ii he atd al laat adrtreaatng tht limlrument whati a good loiiklni babe like you with a voice like lhat doln in till hick town will thiv don l imvi puiili liftlilh 111 theli brtimt puekilm hut tin umd cim on 0111 lut in e mil uf hits woild fix vii i in j ml imk i mi nf iiui hiitlnfied eusliiinim who huve binitht une mul drive n ii fin 111 1 lea nnd miles nf trnubli file driving todays best buy 1953 plymouth station fa w looka nd drfvm lilt nmw 47 ju imperial branch canadian legion giant car bingo saturday september 12 130000 in cash prizes plui your choice of 1959 chevrolet 200000 cash snowball jackpot 100000 in 50 numbers guelph memorial gardens children under 16 yare not allowed to play 3fl most convenient way to bank by mall al lh ini sou iunp tinw nd tripa hm ou bank h mail at the bank ol nova serott ivpostta cn be marlr h mail in samnfs personal chequtnf or current accounts as wdl as the bank 1 exclusive personal secunt protra for bankbymail forms and full information on those bns servicw which thterest ou phewbr wnte to your nearest bank ol nova scotia branch rtykt now b a soodrtirne to do it the bank of nova scotia acton fair friday and saturday september 18 19 in acton park mmt la lata nm t- ft cil saturday features official opening at 200 tm by stanley oaming biiks falls fmt president qnrno agricultural sociy livestock exhibit stock parade pet displays poultry exhibit contests prize winning displays domestic baking homeciafts school childrens work womens institute displays plants flowers roots horse show variety friday evening 800 pm program incluuls high jumping with 2 cloisei hackney ponies with 3 dassei harness ponies w ih 3 tjawti potato race on pomei by biy or yi u jtr musical chairs on pon ei for txjyi i i yej bands acton crtiuni band junior pipe band hall exhibits open all new bigger and better midway rides games bingo donkey baseball acton amna saturday night lloyd mdnhty pnvdam mis mm swackhamts swnunr tn irs s m

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