Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1959, p. 4

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tj actgri ifr jo thurictoy sept tofh 193 cheer up only 106 more days until christmas somp of the lonves are begin- nhag to show signs of turning with children buck at school the streets seim empty and quiet these days baseball is almost n thing or the pa it in acton now with only the odd game left to play the weatherman promised n change in the weather today won dcr if it really will turn cooler golfers are preparing for the acton open golf tournament and quite a number are crowding in extra practice sessions quite n number of telegraph poles on the cnr right ofwny have been replaced a crew work ed in the area last week making the necessary changes soar jtannan smith son of mr and mrs w d s smith acton while picking hnmtqe in their garden found a plant with 4fl tomatoes h owing on it citn you top this school children nre reminded tn wilk ind ride their blcyile iifimy goinf to rwti frxn school hmer the sifrty fl phnnl is still in effect at the schools the overpass on highway 21 crossing higbuay 401 at milton hm roi lamly mide a difforonce to llintiigh traffic wont be lung un til the new highwny ts opened to i he public quite i number of people have been unable 1 1 sleep these hot nights miny hmi been staying outside on verandahs oi walking the tncts until the wer smoll hours trying to catch iny bieith of cooler air lived in acton for 61 years ma george chapman passes acton for over 60 years mrs eliza beth chapman wife of the late george chapman passed away saturday september 5 following n bnef illness m hir home 26 main strict north when tin re sided with her dnughtir miitlut always active until hir recent illness i hi irnil old indy of thi neighborhood was fond of chilrtrin and olwuys willing nnd iblc to spend time chatting with the sm ill tykes who frequented hir duiir fm ireshly baked cookies a liftlniifi church workir she was nctlvl in the aniiliuin church nnd buongcd to thi anglican womin s auxiliary afur she v as un ibh to attend meetings sin continued her work with this group uirmnj la i cnt miimy fond of housewoik nnd household chores lur intirttti curried in r fin hit r afield with a kewi vuv on polhics until ill hi fltli hiruliitd hir i tils uir wns llu firit time she had failed to ciisl a vole in the elections her plcanni rmnnor nnd kind smile will bt missed not only by the nughboihood iluldiin whom slit ndoftd but lin fiv jjriiu grand children with wham she spinl many leisure hours in her younger yenrs mrs chap man along with her liuslmnd took much pride in cultiv king i jurat harden with much of the product handed over to trnny friends ind neighbors mnny of actons former voung iters wilt recall thi k odh imilr afforded them when n gentle knock on the chapman door bid thim to dtefut 01 the ow i sunn in ibm garden orchard born in lincolnshire englmd in iikw she was one of a family of nine born to john brankley and ihe former murjirot robinson of fnjlnnd shi cime lo this count ind m in ltd her husband dnlt m simcoi county tniy mowd to act in in 1bbh ind librattd their sixtiith weddinj nnnivirsiry on september 20 1940 hiisbmd died in isiu t liiivts to mourn he i lost- one dnughtci mndic of aclon ind im im hti chnln biankley of mm titipohs two rindchildun j hn luprn in of acton ind kithlttn mrs roliert pfnff of winmjxj five greil ci jnilchilrin n will iso s idlj mist tin kindm ss of tin n ii it ljiudm iho cli ipm in was piidipeim 1 hon fiihn of fcigiix iimii n and ihrie sister d n kithliin bi uikliv ind mis bill iluntiri i and sisti i s who rt i v ijfls studio pholo recentir married in erin mr and mrs mervm dodds arc- pictuned following the double ring ceremony on saturday the bride the former margaret hilda hagan is the daughter of mr and mrs f hagan of aclon and ihe groom is ihe son of mr and mrs g dodds of rockwood the couple lefl on a trip to northern ontario nnd will reside in acton on their return gladioli decorates erin church for doddshagan wedding mi- t on h of at hi ittki v finn nci btothi di ciosed uillnms fll i is n wil fasti ttintrnl services by hi r pishir stokre f on ulll i thi riierrnd k tuesdnv fiom t leu pullbcircrs were ton ironside dim cord n cnltilor will mi dcnni sum snow and lii dub the many hon tribute b re ustimony to tht istecm in which she was held pale pink nnd while glad i oh mud nhnu fern decoiatid all s inls anclicnn chui cli fun on siuirdi siptembci 5 for tin rmi r age of margaret hilda hngan ami meivin flvin dodds rev coombe offio dtd j1 the double ring citi mony tin bride is a daughter of mr ind mis fnnk hagjii 170 long fu id ltd acti n and the gi turn is i son of mi ind mrs chrencr d xlds r r 2 rockwood organist was donald crydcrmm fun who plajed six srleclions in iluding ac maria he accom linied pit osullvin fun who sung the ioids prajer nnd o per feet love during the signing of the white oigansb gown given lit mnrniige by her father the bndi woie u white urging down with a bouffant skirt ending n n cithidnl trim the off the should i neckline v is trimmed with chantillv luce and seed peirls and she wort tlbow knth o ein7i lives a julut cip of organza trimmed with lice ind seed ptarls hi id i fingeittp eil trimmed with flow if pejrl jshe cairli d i bouquit of red iosis with whili stephjm u ind rmidenhur u rn th hi ide w ire a doubl r w f cullund pnrls with n ilisp of doubli hi irts sit with d im mds th g i r the iroom three attrniunls maid of honor was miw film penrose of mind wvjle f u nil f the bndi bndismaids wer m ss ruth co bit t bi irountiin fru id of thi bndi ind miss eiliin i idv of cimiiliellvitlt mmir i il thi thne atttodnn wit i iw n mtatton cannon a beginner at the robed little public school this year showed preference for a mechanical career and is pictured above trying to see what makes the truck tick nearly 66 children reg sffcied for the first day of kindergvien and teacher miss alice s dey will have a full house for both morning and afternoon classes ion held it hilltop lodge frin the mother of the bride received n blue figured nvlon gown over t if fell with nnv imssoncs ind nsij1 of pink tunilions tht grooms mot htr insisted in a kiwdtr blue slicilh with con isiiiir icrtstorits ind corsijji of hill cnrnnlions tin nnd s tihh decornled with unty summir floweis i no i ed wilh i thin luiid weddinc eikc leiving on t trip to northern ontaro th- bride wore a ihund oringt ict pure silk drtss our t iffil i with wh ti stoh with iur moni7inc accessories on their rdurn they will reside l y ung si ac km guesk attendtd fiom tern cotfi fun bilfounlun onngi ville mil dow v ilc toronto pi lerborotikb allin weston ceonlown cnnp bclhillt ind aqton pn nuts 1 1 hi r mirnigr tlie bride wis homned it misrellineoits showers n august ii b mrs j i k dinnv acton on amjist 2 l mrs svd ihoinl cs rfhwr i d on autusi 211 hi w ss i ii n ln- mi ulowvili spnnkltv company purchases boles farm farm i ind fronting on no 7 hihvvm it thr 2nd line of eramos i t wnship his leen sold b i f b 1s mi 2 oulph u th grin mil miioufactiiiihi coiiipjuij of c inadi personal notes of actonians visiting outof town points and of visitors in acton homes and mrs wea msrchrnent j grand pareu in of madellna and drw nd j u marie mjrchtnent took thtn to prter- nigh vinting for ihe long vi ekend piter wolfe and robert parker ii d to st andrews collegi for the fall khool term oi widnesdny hubert is entering jaili 1 1 fir bis final term i lei begins graav il luck carpenter free is nee radio id to columnist is flying u iiglund this weekend with pletur ij thi air show at the canadian n itiouul exhibition while there will cover the famborough in i national air krfcw nobpxt ruekner i homi un ofler a two monthi trip to ulund fjirlund and wales ilulivift nnd friend in july ml if ttr t thi ipitow writer classes tannery odor as blessing in disguise omtmer mirjr bt sept mr editor dear sir being an old time tanner 1 am very much intareated in that du tlnctlve umir the tannery trade in the old country where i served my llm previous to coming to acton in 1923 wai considered a veiy healthy occupation even by the medical profession in some tanneries 50 wan ago fumes weie just as today in gen ii his in jmiishmv iaik i hnndnim os l of i diaelihiiftl iiijaoiiprathirfj idy i miss stlh ninik of 1 iron la vihiting wih miss m nlyn itngnv his n this wik ii 111 ils 1 1 turn ti itvn in instil lfclinoliiy ii xt w i k mdflin ilinic ind inm drw visit i w 111 mi ind mis g itn nd fun 1 of killind il ir jnii mis si in mill ili ind il if flm will mis rockwood minister concludes sermons tin uiv gab moon f the unitul chiixh biuli his suns if smnolis to i s in i i when ik preichttl on tin t inc opui air itilimon i hr nocknei i nnd tin hst uili 1istival ll aoiship gid in thi r hindi i or hi pin s 1 wns i form of bihef ik id hy in in- n nun 1 eliini h tl i rs ill as non chiihh itn nth r- y s iy ihrj don i h ivi to gi to tliurch to worship g1 i r n do as will outdo is iiijtimni tin liinniv of miuri thi insist going off bv himsiir shi idh i w irshi c iid in tialm il mii nncti i- s ol n i t i i up r imething ilse g ilf for inslnncc genera iv il is not ciki iho v r hip dnnijh i few h most f ik di find 11 m outdoors wln kind f god do i nl wor stun m nilnit in isked in en ition he went in un mc i luthhss cod nilui 1 not uncli g xl to in jlw us biniv il tit hi told of isi1int n cleilmum i f shmj tribd htsis if tutii i k i think god f r i fu id if th the horse soldiers mon tues sept 1415 adult t ntertalnment home before dark s v of i iuhk irl dim n 1 1n ii hit 11m alto showing the amazon trader wed thurs sept 16 17 adull intertainmrnt 1 guns girls gang sters 2 man in the net 1h hi tk f going back to school specials boys sshirts me up boys dress pants 1 99 up boys western belts 1 00 boys nyion sox 69t many more rmi buyi too numerous to mention charge accounts welcome mr ilhd f iht f im ii td r i nir wh i was pi used fir li s will i dm uir rjrni v u nnd tod in d n wtll hi w is t id he tk d ii sh uld iii fun i whin i hid n ill i h m it n tl i r i i i i ed i slk i i 1 th d u it nsih b itffint skirlh w t in nlus t immid with rh i cisnde of hn mmif id u in th bid-smtl- wi n iv mlu nrn n idts f jrtii w hi grihnisrnsa wjs brilre ft chard itcrrbllon at iodr i un th itiwt r t on r th r jmkjnjj lt 11 s tl it ictorj silt gnn- ii is nu k sjinkltr tqiuumrnt it m i kntun exact whin um ir ir ti luj buildinc mi boks has ned the firm fir ii ii i 50 years ii was ownvd v i link n lajifly john coffe a 1901 rip ha the section blank with n ntr named it is wild lb 1 j ii us otxht utl ln pmp i ts m th whit i d n t a to an t isiikli i k i 1 i t mi rrii n f g thsjinan h s td one rm ivlv w irh h hi hi tun in ins f ie wtl s til n h tin riirisiimi w r ji i d not jut a n crejlii but mwwm limehouse wi ladies okay bursary donation the august mretinn of lmi homr women o irwtrniu ws ht id in tle mem rial hjll w th t mrn bers presint mr hoyhle oi ided th meeting ipt nid in incins th more we gt t t etbr f ii w ed b the lo d prayer the secretary rtad the m nutts of the previous mettinx and an- the rinancial report n ws deed ed that a donat n would b t nt to toe hatton bursary fund ms cncoton report i d the matt rial had been purchased fur ne p at- rorm curtain and asked for vol unteers t help w ih tre nuknc of these mrs h stl convener of public relations pressed far the fcllow- ln p ron cau ra an werid by a way of tft rtudn to respect public proper ly iv nwwers were ahnon un- i that the traininf should tiken t v ms i rhn give report th f i vt nu nriiri r n r t m rorts mjs b wn 1c r ard cinvl m indus- in p j i p t1 ri ms c rnta horn re mom r aid hal h d utl qck t hwemaktrs m j bp citiirnshtp aid edocjttim chief ciusts f a i fi n canadi mrs k rkpjiirlrk hisi srrcal re the bijfhl e at the evening was talk by mrs sut er of the cred i it vallev concenarton which he dluitraed with beautiful colored slides show ng tie work in ei qunuif and peel county tfarouih the authonty the meeting elided th the q h oh tmm 1 atrvad recrashomnts lovell bros modern meat market where quauty is highir than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 business associates to mm th bait impresiionl you can always be iurtj ot a succeisful business luncheon or dinner when you bnnq your client or colteagu here thi mayfair restaurant wise mothers know that many school oyl fli of iasi year w ii pioutily seive anotbe season after a thorouqh cleantrvg and recin sh q here free pcv up and dahwbty custom cleaners sami oat snmci beep seturdey tnbyloem out by 5pm main st n phone 171 wo fuh likt this mil whanevw anjrona mb you all bottlad gatas ara abkadont you baliava it i for titrnpl therat parity raifhty unpor- tmnt ff tha gas it to bunt with a clan btim aamawlth no qoot or nnoka to discolor your kitch en walla ptropax oai it aa pur at the mott xacitnx san- tiflc taita caa mkm it with pykvax gat there ia aw gueaa- ing- about quality about etotv oinyabout dapandabilltyt call m today i i- a ritm fcj a w rnki om cwfmraim root hardware anal construction ltd dockwooo ont tone ul 653l concrete tile forwent septic tank tytrtemt culverts and cisterns pre- fabricated sidewalks and ptlios top quality loweat price erin tile works phoni 34r2s ertl thoufih hides were trmted fust like t baby gradually brought to maturity in the early stagm to remim in biulnass these dayfv even the tanner muit move with the limes in regard to the smell it s t healthy smell to treat it as a blessing in disguise tom bailey robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e p head hone ouhph ta 42071 sb st oeorgei squere reopening the acton dancing school is now rcopehing under ihe direction of lois allen so bhd private and class lessons in ballet tap enquiries and registration september 15 3 to 7 pjh it albans parish hail im mill hired n brenpten glemule 11347 proud owners depend on quality work for their ne home mario casarin r r 4 acton hone 196j2 a complete hout from ttw footings up or individual contracts on footingi block work brick work cirpmtry machine finished cement fireplaces roofing attention golfers acton open golf tournament sat sept 26 to off 9 a m 1 pjn orangeville g i c c trophies and prizes t cveu mav be sect ed to- roy tuna mic holmes andy nolan jack mcgeachic no tickets solo after sept 22 tax notice 1959 munkipalfty of acton thud instalment now due a trit i rtrui o htnrl f 1 1 m ahle lo the acton public utilities office inrtm mfvt abf dvt foi i1ws third instalmtnt fourth instalment septemter 15 november 17 acoordlnf u the tax cillect on bt ii ct nt prr m nih w ii be art 1 d in h am n r hr i ui rtr of miy th pnj v applet w earh nwlmrni in a penalty if 14 f l rii n nine unpaid th ijrnuon of jimleparm h dirrti m ttw pfnahin and other rlaur printrd an lh rxmr tua ol twrry tai noticv nd expla nrd m ovwtl on fvrry tox bill maki ratmtwt vow avd taffxk tovb tax hotici htth xov when makix43 watxkhv j mcgkachtk couwtoc

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