Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1959, p. 8

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gditutp4 what ues ahead it is encouraging to see that the acton public utilities commission is wondering about its future as the reaull of n municipal vote inst decemiwr the public utilities commission w voled out of business at the end of this deccwniier the hydro section oflftb commission will revert to a hydro electric commission ond the sewerage and waterworks sections will coma under council jurisdiction wltat coordination or supervision that will be established to achieve the benefits of this change is as yet unknown wllh a superintendent of waterworks and a superintendent of the sewerage system rjhe only new position that might be possible jjs a town manager while we have haard tho usual rumors of this move there hat been no indication of it from the council table with the town nenring its final quarter the citizens as well as the present puc should be advised of the plan if there is no plan acton citizens boughl a pig in a poke last december like most citizens we would be interested in knowing councils plans for the coordina tion of its works sewerage and waterworks departments a closer link thousands of hoi ton pupils went back to school on tuesday its an annual event bul this year its significance is impressed by the increasing concern that is evident in our uducalional syslum llioaxomejsjljklwond jwaum- ber of individuals it affecty it is harassed by the pressures of sputniks and flights to outer space it is trernendously important because iho developments of this generation awl the achievements of lite next will be in the hands of hose who are educated today our system of education tins been in transition for centuries keeping pace with todays swelling population is a formidable insk in itself bul the addition of new facilities dos not automatically provide the education today we have been impressed with the ring of easy terms wilh the sugar coating and unfortunately this has to a certain ex tent found ill way into our methods of ob taining duration uul tins i nut tin only problem il is difficult to generalize without error but ihere ii il seem- strong need for a more intimate relationship beiween the porentleaclier pupil chain here indeed the t rutin 11 only as strong at hi weukeil lint a suitobu- home atmosphere for study is one lecuiittt but bwtdet thui there is a strung mmd tor encouragement thdi tlie pupil will swik new achievements and not be ton lot it with the overjgv ot the past all this is difficult without a goal and so often the aimless efforts of obtaining an education become discouraging while the heme atmosphere is important so is thai of the school if the smart remark- prevails in a cl 15 an intru on the study of others the school is challenged to provide the knowhow on infelligenl studying the desire for knowledge and trealment becoming those who ad their age facilities are important but the desire to learn is paramount as in industry the workman without suf- ficienl qualifications is doomed so is the case in education but here the problem can be either thai of a teacher who has not been sufficiently qualified or lhat of a pupil whose interests lie in fields other than those achieved through education education is a complex subject we make cur comments with some miigivingi when we road ol the mobility of pen lo reicfi conclusions there is little doubt however ttidt university entranre i becoming more d fficuh wilh the mctaiing competition fur the limited accornrnodil ton wilh the in creasing need loi luc jticn though il is irriperalive trial we arhievc- even higher standards of scholarship increasing interest of parents in high school education is a welcome trend only through butter communication ixmween parent ttnwlur pupil niri school hoird will there be improvemints a place for dreamers j-j- the good old pays back in 1939 takrn item the tarn el la ft mas tbtar heat h imt acton intermediate were muled from ball for thli koaon when the oalt plckorda whipped them 101 in he final same of ih playoff last saturday norm morton autrted on the mound for aelrm mid intelied good ball lint tin fiildirtk lahind htm wu erratic canada him joined tho br iii h empire and enlcred he ntvond world wtr with only throe dissent ing vote out if us vote at larlia- ment this wthk the duke of dtvnnihiie chapter nod lake id o chapters of the lode have wnt out an appeal for new blankfli nnd clohcn or moncv to buy 10016 ftw children line 614 yenr of out- who have been cviirikiled fnmi their homes in tlren linum tlte fine large barn of mm erneii rob win on the hthwuy wont of rockwxkl wih tniilu tttftni- ed by fre n frday rriiif the re- flcclion and blaze cuuld te teen for mile and ittlucted many foul here the seahons crop and live slock were destmyed nikinc the loi a kitkii one acton eiiuncil paa nkiildihiii the slow fur actiwi rnrimii u wvwvmv wtub imwmmlium back in 1909 ttkni fren tba fea at ih tree pm ttmrwar lpi is in mr jaines r andenfarj has pur- chnced from mr henry arnold hl local wood buslneu and take vim nudiate puupiulan mr andcraon ulo lukec over the i rent sprinkler buiiiim wltxh mr anderson has conducted i he irat wo years at hie end ol the aeiinon the water at paity ijikp are lower than tluy jniie been for lean the present time would bo tin excellent one lo remove or cut off many of the slump which interfere with sad and eoiiiftirltible boatlnu in many section of tle lake a movement might be in augurated for this purpose by tho acton aiuatic club il would rc- iiive uenerourt support from u niim- f ill mm and ttii a 1 1 fy inn mmlu nftrrno mn of mi llvllii i mr till would as morris 1 conn 11 church i playnu with cmon after setm v he into trd of mi frank sennner an iisirian fr a stick wliieh he a1- med mri setwners son hid taken a ay rum him the woman ran and casped the lad hurl nit september gold gawew i i i ttrrir suycli and spccc i have just tried to wade through imjuiel on world history who for a riovl wrillin by a woman which example started chcwinn the lal roihims kws nftt of fine jirint w ih thai nililf in hie cirderi f and 1 u ic the wmd wade advis- fdenv was it adam icily it wa like lurching tliroiiilli i swamp in a pair of hip waders why do women talk so much ii a liuudild pound ol wjlijiii ik it liltauie tbejle nervous i n u sl unmy titnk rtonht it is it lieciiusi- they feel in- sretire i tliuhl ijial iu imr tin- only hunt the novel cun- v vd l ilii linn nf rrad- inr was miiieutinu il wliieh i was now im not liyinir lo mitiuest thnt men are itnmu silent t- who rifvr open their muitli- hil led liiey are abunl to emit me morsel of wimlmi a visit 1 f llinie itiltity palaees of elresi- ill hnowil ill llllajlo ji- th-ri- in hit gredi bjg countty o curtdciu ihere should be aniplt- ycni to si rote thuigv on iv flm ltwtn otm i oeweiof l cirjec luyollio mid thoi eapaiiim mn itiuluiy crdnipc nut at inttfrjjijk at poisitue ttieit- tnt an doub lim mm h cm- o iim yren ctidlkjitytit u twii piuimrio ooudt srtjt oritur bfjuontf ut txtic t itodiig o ei 96 ude this plan wiier ivojio twir rjirft tyioif jreeli a wide a troi iyfo h o aeieixan tewnt dnoppeoftd to lt ifjl t c tii ffiu fttiyui luut- ii i jitoltrrfed iv- otltjilowl 1 fc5 fjiri ti niudc ii r a cjad o jorodt jj fct ijtr llo uu to nuw i am not trying to le of- foiimvt when i say iftnl 1 inn nieii makiiik a scienllflr ohser- vni u eajiv lo olte emr i ami 1 lopi jiien lhi all worn n talk lo i inueli no more iiijii wiiiiii an- nil men when sin static riully and ive lnaul it u liillmd lim- mill sel- tih iir i slfi b- si just n it till i i eiml ll e n imihi mii can iilk il 1 in i smihirii 1 mulv i 111 i sii i uti of lii- in limlll1 i t d- iltt leu lit ii talk emle- li piiimi mri rns ii iomi aie w mt eht itoi t m- ia i ol lei wilioils ml tt an i do i s lauutil i i i nun th i uii1 11 hi 1a n ac wil el mundiy t -d- w1esdy ai i t htn d y even nj al seven oclkk but jrv oiljaed t- remain i until 10 i m in fyn s skip miute- ciuld and h play tiormii- fitd al the veiiins v le riutoft iwn earns boalmg tmrnmint li ivitihv cup twai in- d y play the on left were the acti ie extern need ami f de- fr am kil by bill smiley 1 s no the talk of womer tia ii putilif affa s i talk women p- no lirse ielight- ld re itikd professional direaory and travellers guide l c jspd tjxu rjuuumiss r v-j- wj yrf1 stin 5i ks l st t vv m sitvo jvv n s- emaker s tuhilutckt cmmhirmacm x wcojs t mfioir rnnittpj ai j jtti ote fr c- n- t n jftiofe ij iilil leleplio 1 m i it 4f ol ori only leading way fittur- j n unjj vrnfm a tjk b r hv jrsmlkm k tidt n cid foii did itit tftrl f ft 4lil crdin ppt li o k oufw rkm wr drtnbkt n reliably rpoew at ttofxrig tj 1 tyw to otficial enwrtirirg jll i nirnlt nil wli m this sundays church calendar united chuich of canada ailuii tularin ii iomiuu adanib ma till m in m tin kill 11 m lllkmhkil the acton free press aihii hf tw dub ritelah mmi rnblbdithc r umlt founded in 1it9 and published everv tnnmdo m r ml 8 ti acton ontario member til audit burau of circuwtkwm toe cwna and trie oiijnogn ui div- sion of the c w n a advrrtuunk r on nn- sali- icripuotu oayabtc in advance s3 on n adi h i ti tin united suiea au month 1 75 m- iii- 7 aitportr- ed a second cum hail piml orfter 1 urlmt oiij tw alr aa mr pwhuabed in aeloo q a dill editor- in chief david r dtlu maiuinb editor lusinefr and editorial office phone 6 0 0 a c t i3 n- m in w the church of st alban the martyr anuutan lttr ttr itn h h tkif i th sth tha jtliry st ylut 2fcj tin v sfav skitbshlfll 13th iv kmthr wek p 3 am holy eucharut s30 am church srhwl oprn for refuitration and organ rt ion into clasjt filn jtsm trache forcivefieics i ah are welcome i u1 mxtnik wit- l n m k aiikrlistie thn hn irmllv wrl all rattrst church aftos rev nrrlhi m hlm ha hti lki ber avenue sunday septemnm nh 1919 9 45 am church school ii oft iiti public wrhic if there be ni g d- 7f m bn it fn abbavviauons that su- th rei nther ui fillw nsf svp 906 dv ohm wednesday 8 pm- bible stud- witneas and prayer au are wfclcume itipsontouring i 1 coral iom i wmmdi trovw aofkwrfy auktiii tmx t w i3c piesbyterian church in canada kvk ihikiil atllln ii 4 anlew h mkeiui ha hi stmlav swrtmllkjl isili liili 1m i liii1i stl lllni ai h11 i 11- li jl acton mntrcostal tarernacu n ti null n ituid r a nc it i kniu j hrd rt ck si ph in- aw w slntlw skitkmhkll ttii in oil p sufutav s i 1 1 ml 7 an i tr kit l i- r fm she l 1 r th tnc a nn ver pnsstbl swne plast rvit n the mirkrl rive tempivirv vrvl prneeiiwi pr- t nf jnd uiihleri j rum und ird iis uiiwl of plkifilm vi v hlal mlitt iu inilllmt kru1 mtr d h lftb lvlll suftnw ifer cner m1 and rv1rr st iht lliim h a inline nt m iiii iw k a j rchanan i w 1ij sor ut k l rl c f ifatherland qc tlamilrr solicitor niiury putlie otter llur ifl oil imlpir 1 u0 p m 5 oil p rr st rtioyi by anpitiiint uiiy fill iv u itmr lt il acton a bfiaida b a jnmer s4citor noury puhlic 1t3 man st s aruin onl prion st dffier h ur 6 pm 9 pm i i m 8 pm sjturdav ctk si f cuth ta 42242 off r ll i saturdays i a 13 i hastings payne hqun loodlt s an 1 m 430 pm sat 1000 ttoo am vttana tall yi a c tm n otttt hrtnra rvwx1 yjx lj- t 11 mvwhtf roftilft r kamrton oplueneuiat kjrt erammd hrarf aid service ij crh si geurcatuvti ont kt aiuinirnenl pleaae phone- th 1wti atpltiho arcohntino ifvfb h0sk1n tijitnj areiintjiitii ii mil si n ii kmi st w ilratilni tnitti i fiej ji t2 fm 4bi3i traveufrs guide gray coxch lines coaches leave aitom daylifhl time lint bound 13 am daily except sun and ml tm am 1133 am 2dlf p in sfjn pm fixi pm iu p tn 16 08 pm isni and llul i weatbuund 10 2t am 1117 pm 217 pm 127 pm 117 pm til pm tn sat sun 1 1 32 p m and hl i canadian national railways standard time rambound flailr 140 am daily exempt sundayi 0 12 am iflacstopi 74 pm sunday onltsol pm daily except sunday rlrer at georie- lnn 921 am j7 pm daily flyer al georgetown 1011 bjn westbound daily 1144 djb daq sundar i jo ajftj saturday only 1j3 pta day only ml am flagship ow baal

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