Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1959, p. 10

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a travelogue on new york perhaps we may be pardoned this week if our editorial columns adopt tho format of a travelogue weve heard all the stories about a persons trip being a tot more inter eating to themselves than to the hundreds upon whom it is inflicted but in this case you can have ihe choice of stopping or starting here the seventh international graphic arts exposition an event held only every 10 years was scheduled for new york city last week this was the reason then why five of us from the plant decided it should be an event worth seeing we knew it would be the worlds largest display of printing machinery and in this we were not disappointed leaving about 8 pm thursday night we faced a night of driving but with flvo drivers taking turns about every hour or two this was not as tedious as might be imaqmed driving the new york state thru way is steady and time saving we had breakfast in new york within 12 hours of leaving and there was no attempt to make the tnp a mvithon record stops were frequent driving into new york driving into new york city is an expert ence in itself our arrangements to change drivers ust outside new york went out the window when we found no place to stop with traffic zooming byxin about six different sides our carefully plotted route over the george washington bridge went fine until we hit the inevitable detour new york has one way streets and amazingly enough we weathered the detour and loot ed our hotel toll roads are extremely popular m new york state and so are the toll bridges but their facilities are quite time saving and do provide much more pleasure driving we were relieved in front of the hotel whentbedoorman assured us he would look after parking the car from our initial bap tjsm of drivinq on new york streets we really drdnt want to see the car again until we were ready to return home beds look good after better than 24 hours witbwsftftueri sleep the hotel beds were a welcome sight but in new york people don t seem to need as much rest and soon we were on our way to the coliseum about seven or eight blocks iron the hotel ours was definitely an economy trip so shoe leather was used ex tensively the exposition itself was interesting and educational yet fnghteninq there will be with the new developments so little room for the small general printing firm speciali zation will be vital as some of the new pro cesses and materials come into more general use complex forms were being printed in two colors serially numbered and perforat ed four at a time at a speed of 8 000 an hour the time used in preparing the press to complete this work was considerable bul the speed was almost unbelievable there are the developments where machines instead of casting lines of type from molten metal photograph the letters making a negative n preparation for the completion of a printing plate a changing industry a few years ago when we installed an electronic enqravmg machine we realised lh field was a rapkily chanqmg one but the changes have come quickly now similar machines are making four color engravings varying the size from that of the onainal picture and doing several other significant operations it was interesting and educational to see the tremendous changes even since we at tended the last exposition in chicago 10 years earlier keeping machinery and ideas current is no doubt one of the biggest pro blems in any industry today seeing new york we had to see something of new york too though friday evening we started wandering around broadway and times square tike many other unconcerned rubber necking tourists we weren t ombarassedto stop and look for the top of the building or watch the fanlastie neon signs flashing oul their messages we enoyed trying to figure out whether it was real water that was flow ing over the pepsi cola sign or lust a light ing effect wo concluded it was real water times square is one of those interesting places whore you can stand on the corner watching people go by and be completely entertained it isn t enlf rlainment through humor but through interest on the surface everything seems happy and nay there is a light hearledness in the air slreet corner conversations are numerous and animated everyone seems to be going somewhere bul a closer look finds many aimless wan dcrers like ourselves something to come about nine o clock police started ar riving from all direclions and gathering around a veiled statue m hie central part of times square there was a platform and premise of something to come we stood waiting until 10 and then learned all the preparation was to unveil a statue of george m cohan but at 1 1 30 wo decided to catch seme sleep and return george jessel was master of ceremonies and there were other notables present in eluding oscar hammerstein ii the ceremony was filled with speeches which were quite interesting thousands gathered on cne of new york s mam arteries as traffic was choked off and rerouted from this point it was easy to learn the origin of ihe term great while way as far as the eye could see thousands of neon signs and lights flashed down very closely resembling the brightness of day this is the area that doesn t come alive until after upper in thedaytime the crowds were not hewy it was more of a business bustle but after six thousands of people appeared in everything from bermuda shorts to evening dress clogging ihe streets as they laughed their wiy along limited time a problem the problem of seeing the city revolved around the very hrniied time available an eight hour tour was obviously out and the shorter ones would only review a large portion of what we had already seen we decided to take our own tour that meant walking so along fifth ave to 42nd st we went to the u n time was valuable and the next tour of the united nations headquarters was 60 minutes awiy we took our own hurried look through the general assembly committee room and the other facilities we could obtain access to promising a return visit when more time was available the grounds and the build ings themselves are dignified and impressive we condescended to use the city s trans portation system to qet us to the next point at battery patk where we boarded a ftrry for liberty island and ihe very popular statue of liberty viewing the skyline the ferry trip gave us a wonderful view of the famous new york sky line where the mult stoieyed buildings reach skyward m almost endless disarray the statue itself is impressive m size the elevator tcok us up 10 stones but agam lack of time prevented us from climbing the next 12 storeys the view is terrific but we rac td to catch the boat back to the city after more time at the exposition we took a quick look at central park wandered again through the city s heart travelled off the beaten track less than a block off broad way can be pretty grim walking after dark gave our regards to broadway and pre pared to return coming home through the beaut ful pennsylvania hills along the susquehanna river was pleasant but rather slow the new york thruway was wekome as we neared home and the hour grew ate the good old days last launching sec at cutct sfucc it w iliniil qi 1 of hook rc- wiuin- tins wnk fir i itiniri an vi nt tit snl i id hmks hid thm in pluity f thiii m 1ih ii will linn 1 hi lissifml llu mil i hir in mini i ind iincihhinllfblo r iiiiiik is im of thi m vi jl m ijin fjws in m elm itui print m p ipi i n i bl f inimlid i i distilled 1 quid in a niiini i is u in jlcli lie i ki the tlk i prcfi r the gn id ilurr it 1 em kit it but if there s n in iroind 111 taki whileer is iivilililf somitimri whin 1 ve r t lid triumph t itidmi bingi inrt tin ii s nothing ft in the hunv jnil tin b inks hers arc rlnstd 1 wind up ktilpmc fever ishlv fiom such fart is th uid us n m j uinil n suprmin lmr i in f ihe kids 1hmk md n i ks i i iv en linn 1 edueed il the e id f nth t hst wiekmd t i i id n in rnneh ind fnjjl sh th i i r linn n tin im ikf ist i rnw n irln how mini i mks rrid n i vnr then s no w i cif kiojinc imk nt them i dilibinl- h ii id four or five it a t me kiipmj ihrrn in different places in ihi h ufi in inihr t confuse mv w fe uhi abhors mv idrlirtion i ti i f riinihil w i ihe hick of ihetoilil whili im rubbing the li in r ml my fan fur a sh ivi ruttimilly whin 1 hiw fin sin i in iinik llus column ilmul 2 im 111 snt ik into 1n i nnr i m null i in md now i i i link fit m unl i hit pi in ind mizzle h f konfi i ind this pi dm ni svmpithy the first njilt if 1 mts 1 1 itkrid down i diytl ind r in worn go lo w k mi i hi mm m uk hut shi iutht mi il it m 4 am anjw ly i ve swilled mv wiv tlmnijji i w inli mmuij bo ks 1 i i ly ml ihoiiou i d im tilion ihim hint txprrt i scholarly rt- uw with ldl oullini li leuir of sahilm m lit i iry mt u di nts hid ill lllll j 177 i lcii it f n 11 i sm kuik pnrtwiiis j thi i inn si rnilish sttidtnts ivi b nipping it ne r ihe id ks inlmin rit i jhs f th i iff rl lis wrilli n l h nn lln f whum i hi iuvi h i i mil is nil d onk in am u i old n i- i i w wh i lues in hi deip s mil md puis hi i neuspiin i in vh i i thin is n thing but ediiomls h s b ik is i ollict n of short pun s p thj slui vrl w llv ilirmd ind ury hum 11 highly recimmmilid is a b rls de c m panion if von ciii t di btlltr thm i h i k by bill smiley flimrmlory cfti el on wouldfcr cms is sortdy cit publishiri mil limit inlid libi inms no win i nt i in iv mj i n h is i bill h ml b rwdy bu k h muting inrt minimis s nut of it is im funny ait irithiii tve n id tnni is infiic thi in i ns won 1 und isl ind it ind lhi itll ill i s wont hive ihe pilnnci to siirl d mil s 1 don t kn w whusi minis it tliuiuti iif o fimihed i- b k wti eh ins hid nth th an ilh r is or 7hivim by boris pistermk ii win i nobel pri7i which russn wouldnt it i hnri c lllict ind i don t lilime tin m ii s 1 dovislalinit picturi of hushin fiotn 19h lo about i960 a tim pnolic work if you m lomich tin mti ritiiiliiilli hussi in summits ttin names m i pi i n inns anl then is witch thit fnds lhi n hi in m nit i il nov list hujh m11i inn 111 tins is i rivol- 11 ni iiiiiili t lhi modirn 11 i 1 n 1i1 il 1 it ik i si ry us iin ippiientlv simpli but sir nt on of c in id 1 s best mic- i i nn n hi 1 e ml ind mitiinu fi w wu irs f ul in on ihr cun- tintn cin boait th s book alone is ample pioof ih it ctnarh pro diiti- in in linn hckty pi lyt rs m ipl vinii ind im whki thrn yon ire f iur ii mks as d f nnl 1- c uld in and if ho mti mpud you just whin thi mk sp hani hin wis ibtiut 1 k ik the 1 idv n un tn in i h ipi y nil pardon thi inirui m back in 1909 tike ton the km hit toe thwrf7 ryt s3 im oeor stavcl ahov merchant l fcavlntf an addluon 13 x ifl built at 4kb rear or hti ihup on mji1 st he wll utllix thp nrw part for a workshop and will arid the old workshop to hla utor giving ii thin much nwded elaraetnnt mr slovela impruvemenlii from lime to lime are a tnd index to the prnprlty which it comjni hi way st joephi rectory hai ben re- fmdtrcd and d enroled thimthiml n4 la now very attrnctive and comfnruiblc father wnlah apprec iates very much the tronaformut ion affected urely through the tlndheafled generosity of a few interested parlahlonern some rf our ttneta and vacant hit are till lllcgnlly decorated with ctonnxioux wieda and other rank growth someone la neglect- fns a very manlfeat duty a inmtfwhut painful accident be fell earlr qaivln clerk in nixon drug aturc on monday when a particle of a chemical he wo working with m a mortar flew into hit eye thi eye wa slightly burned but u uktly lo be alright wilhln o fiw dnvn mr w lnwler i itc of ihr un ited states tanning corpontlun of pennnylvanln hrrivtd in t rwn tfiif month to take a forerun rtihip in me r beard mure cocntiany 1 sole lrit her tannery he will re- mdi in mr p snyiri new huune on chit ch jslnil whin it 11 thi strict en names still await the nttinlion of lhi municipal of- fictr some of lhi church street erif nrs are covered wjth three or four inihtn of fine dust which tiuny ixtli sli uim 10 1 nbliitcil to wadi ihn uh ni office sliff of the canatl 1 ftlnvi- tforks tik an enjoyibtt h litl iy drivt on siurdiy ifter nifin slanky lnk erin wis the r ndi7vihis ind 1 jncnic wan an illrntlivi fi itui f the milm mr a c noddlir ihnf accmuit nit w is 1111 11 of ui menus ih nmoviil f hi lelhihom ihiles on mill sin it it th new sin 1 1 lini h is vi 1 y much im iimivui thi appi 11 mci of the slrut it is up lo th torpor ilmn now tn movi injhc ileum lihl pihs mr jamis ft reid who sus- i lined i inout a fill in the mlo ii mr kijxrt johnslonex form m u iduilly recovering his injuries viii jnirifiil but no bone wire in iki n ind hi is resting comfort this sundays church calendar united church of canada aetan ontario ri cordon adams ma bd minus 1 r mr geoige flliott organist and choir leader sunday sfptf3mbfr 2fth 1qw boo im m rn ie p icr toon amsimdai vhl 11 is am t rn ne w sh p at bols cis eh dren 1 ind undr mttt in th 1 irsr t inirekit m ch id n presbyterian church tn canada kn chfrch acton i andnw h mcki 1111 ba bd i wl the acton free press founded in 1sts and published evry thonday at m hill si r acton ontario member of the audit bureau of circulationm the cwna and the ontorwquebec divi- ron of the cwna advertitlnjj rates on request sub- scriptioni payabie tn advance s10 in canada 4tt in the united states six months 1 7s nnflle copies tc authoru- ed as second ctm mail po office department ottawa g a dtlts editormchjel djtwi h dilk mnin editor 9 business and editorial office phone 60 tj acton the church of st alban the martyr wgucw ie res h b i th tb li jeffrev st phiif igi the seerrteenth sindu ifi r tr n su sfjtembrr kith 19w to amh4y eucharist ivim h k e ichat l ind chu rh scrrnl thi n leb a i m mark tht bee nninri the 1qs9 confirmatifm clae 1100 amchiral eochan- isu- sen m panh ball mnnrl11 21 september 1bss 4 30 rn in r cnlrmi on ch x nm dl i c n f nil ion ctisn ah ae welcimc christian reformed church re j vurna ba dd m n fir 301 queen st box 46 phnr bs sunday skpteatber 20th 14 1000 am enitlwh m pm dutch l of bscfc to slsd september 20th 10 14 im church ch 1 10 no am bibli c1t 1i 2- 11 00 a m morn nt worship s r r n hi mi the mn f 1 t if tht church p n i childen ri i f r v i rtur rrc re acton pentecostal tabernacle 33 churchill rud paoc hi kenieth j reid pinr must ii in wit v vt setttmbfr 20th lt9 10 00 am simdav scho i it 00 am mnrnnc wnnim to ti m fvanct- litie t iedn p m prater and b ble sludr thurdai r p m chnt amhair subsihaa afnci thi in n el n sh i tjoattodr- tiurdai r p m carm id ch- t mu an a friendlv wilcome to all baptist church actov pator rc g don m h imes b bth hi bower aeiue slvta september 30 1 99 9 45 a m churrh vhool 1 1 on i m public w rh a it there be no s n too nm- nsf 2nd tri r on bbrea on ha s tsec e cotw ohrt o f 1 u rsvp sos dv ohm wednesday 8 pm bible slurk w p s i i rhlo a and uion sw i- kas r ci o i erns ire n prepant- n kr lji a f fie i ike p-rtv- nc f keti anrl ktltmjin part r rft va es of he mf c ltr thi e ve- on and ahtr aisla oni an1 1 e fi other ifl f he w r d number ng lea i 4011 je j pi ed to all m s ma r bt the brbte 5ocute wh i ar j ned rrthi r in the li 1 bir sfn bible uwmt sindai zachijh k i 11 mon dj luke is 1im tiwu i ikr ifi 1 13 uedneda i tike ifi 14 tj ti rl i tike 1 1 19 i i ik- t 37 saturday kr is 1 l back in 1939 tat flwr ifct in of u pw ptmk tlunmr bra ii tm th arena crowd at th lint jillht of the acton pall pair wt n nuw record in attendance on tim- day and when fair president j j stewart took the microphone tu welcome ihe rnwd every ent in the place wan filled thrllli and pills were plentiful in the potato race and bltfh jumpa rum cretghton and hla artlat were quite an innovation for the even ing performance and draw a large applntim from the crowd acton i contributing ha ihnrc in the flehtlng force of the em pire sixteen me from here are now in unlforrh in a little over n week alncc canada a declaration nt war twelve pi thete are cx- memficni of the lirne scot local platoon fire threntcned a car pnrkrd on main street lout thuridar nlghl when ii ik believed a elgnretti butt loaned carelciuljr into thi cor art the upbhrtrry ablaxc thi whole interior waa on fire fur a i inrt time until flrcmtm quelled ihe blaxc durink the pmt few wi cka time wirrten leslie bray hni bteti enrbjiid in awuting in the dlnlrrb ul on of young phconanh in war lous part of the pruvlnce in hilttwi county mb birdt were turned ikiae in each of the four townshipa and they should be ready f ir the nnnunl ihoot noiit month the duke ij dcvonithire and ljiljidi chapter of the 10 dk teumed up on saturday to mcitthe flrat cill for wartime needb they collfctid o considerable nmounl of chimren i clothing nrtd blnnkrth mil fundi to piirchtiftt tin ki m-eit- ul urtitlti fur tlu thildrrn who hivi bitn rtmtioved fiom theli hornet in fngliinit tin uikmule hapu r alio cimdutlsd hnolhn nt lhi fair ti mipplcniint tin ir fundi init mtt with i hearty nsponat from victors in their efforti mr but mifim brouuhl the i rattier n jitculmr uai tu s bit in ton window itunmr in mn wtn grown beside o trumpet vim in inn kirilin in imi mnnnn hie hi iwth got inikttt mid a full size in m pod izruw and flouriahed on hi ktimc branch o mowim lnl on the vine the septcmhi r meeting of hock- tiling women institute wan held at the home of mrs w patti rtun with mis w mcnubb pteslditig in the obstnee of the president the indu tnjoyed severtil garni i anil contests professional directory and travellers guide y j vema medical rpbferal pikkctomil dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon o hee in symon block 41a mill st c acton offjce phone 78 rp idence 111 church st e phone 150 dr d a garrett dr robert d buckner phvsieian and surgtsin 30 welhngion si acton ont phone t79 office hoir 08 p m afternoons b appointment rial fjrtatt ad intobancf f l wright 30 wilbur st acton ontario poone h5 appraiser ilejt eslaic ind in- chikqphactqlt aceordins ti the latent wre of he m mar rrteirch librarj idic mbrr h lw there ire it irt ni lh30fi pr t vj pkntal or h leib dental surgeon office comer mid and frederick sreets office hours by appointment tflkphone ib 1 1 t1 four i nion text thi tr ie n demand f the r i a nh hem he r h- in an th id l n m vir nt if the scrip ures h in 1 en ncriaed tse i e i w hf inn vyanja f rajland ln n i bo of south f dr a j buchanan ivnul surgeon office- 1a mill street orfir hour bam to prr c i sed h edncday aft rnoon ttlepiione iw c f leatherland oc barnter solicitor notary public offer hour 10 00 am 12 00 p tt i 00 p m s 00 p rr saurdat bv appo ntmrnt onlv of i ce 22 phone rev 151 acton a d moore dc pilmer spec if tc chlmprartor 17 mill street optical and heaeimo aids e l buchner ro optometrist and hearing aid consultant i acousticofll 48 mill st e phone 113 office hours wednesdays only 1306 00 pm ppointment appointment robert r hamilton optoreetrtat eyes examined hearing aid service id i guelph sl georgetown ont for appointment nl ease phone auditing accofntinq lever 4 hoskin chartered accoununte 51 mam st n 212 king st w brampton toronto i phone gl 14834 em 49131 travmav oupg gray coach lines co a che ukayx acton daylifht time uluound u3 am dally except sun and hi i bm am 1133 arn 203 p m srh pm 633 pm a3 p m looftpm isun and hoi l westbound 10 27 am 12 v7 p m u7 pxn in pm 727 pm 13 pm wc choe i one farmer mar tae care of so n ik ng ciwn tmjay he could a braida b a nrrtrr sulidlol sotary publie 173 main it s acton ont phone 7 office hours pro 9pm lpm- pm saturdavj 15 irk si e cuelpb ta 4 2242 ofrce hoars tin 3pm saturdays ft sm 12 a m hastings payne bomtm and solicitor notaries public 1a mm st acton office hours mon frl 10 0011 43 ajn 1j 4j at 32 pm ml hut 1 12 a m frt canadian national railways standard tim 1 easlbound sundayt 1j ajn flafstogf 714 pm sunday only l0i pm daily except sonday htr at caorg trrm ul sun j7 pjj datly pm liiv exbept is all arc welcome 15 ium mtf -omttp- fipsjaaaie

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