Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1959, p. 7

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ow away summer left-overs- sell them with a classified ad classified advertising rates no ohiri far nnsuntnit tit births unrrinim deaths i and ervpitmonu in memor- mi 79c plus lflw per ltnc lor verncs articles tor sale twbi dw3c a word mln hhim cash 90c billed 7ftc box ho to this offlci mo additional coming vnrt7c minimum ant five lines rich additional jlno idc cnrd of tlionhn 7sc tor lor first fi lines each addition il line me accounts nre rendered mpnday following insurtlon tatest insertion time impm wkpnicsdav ll i phone 600 births marriages deaths etc boltlf for sale lutymr una mrs z lilly are ha to anfioiince the birth of n dnujher on tuerdhy september fp 19 a wee sister tor ann mam x and michael r gojka anna and joe happily announce the bi ih iif their ton michntl josiuh mi seplmtxr 11 at quelph general hospital a brother for rusrmaric and hilly fojt sale baby s basatncue with maims 8- like new inonc 728 ol23the fob saletrlkldulro rofitgcr- nlo 9 cu ft bond condit on phone jo u md bth bai4etrc1dlt drophead mwlirf machine 0 phone 374 w btjjfiltt foitsale beg 1 genesee wheat nouy to sow oordun lea- in act ii phuno kockwuod ul u ikiit b uttw fob sale 2 reversible skirts alee 12m 4 each mrs a ku- ji bu inn i 11 or imm m u ii 3b7 for sale 1w pontine coaui aeil mini t rau i iiiuwalu chrome discs 2ton 1mm icuiii ltiont vlm u u alui for sale 1 car lop unm til uniull cm 1 bauy h h ufi ihuu i uiiuis m jti ciuort 1- m a- tii u f or sale egg a lai u 1 o aui medium jt doi snuil aic 0w li ii iwit jlc u rt laamiry iui j u for saie hmsihold fiiniil nre owiien- leaving in u s a flume ww or ciiu al do loiignl road a liwu fob salf sit of 4 bowling woods and case comphte town send and caiki t liunipion nk j miow tin lubvltwi 07015 by 4 pjy pimm ttlsi u u j hllf vrnttd conlihutd eninjta tor young mem with junior matriculation or comparable qual- fficulbns desiring to inter the canadian banking fialtljrifnrmat- ion is available- at the bank of nov scotia and those intureated are invilcd lo cull n lurtom wantfd- full time waitress experienced preferred apply mnyiair rostaurattl ac n u 123021 employment wanted employment wanted can provide day can foi 1 r i piu htlnml childltn mis f llruunt 1uh chuicnill ltd n ailim di2j03i lost and found found r 1 male h iund black i iii ullu wlllu u ami y pn 1 n u12w6 for rent dlfcd r campbell at st michaels f ri mi l 1 thnndv siplemb r 10 1mb philip b m ibirnu campbtll blovd huanl of marnnt paters in diar falhi r of mrs walter stacty jriy f city nj dear brollur of mis alex pnrwlo actm mij nl monro and nul cnmptoeh t v onto son of tht late cnpl and it mrs neil campbell 0ui 1 sound funeral was held saturday st pi ember 12 in toronto internum i mount pleasant cemetery jabkfrsiirtrtenl it the resnlt 7 of an nccidinl tumiiih stpt mber ifi 1ww in st j wrih bsnital qlieuirt isabel c ripps rl c iraelmn wit t the 1 itl- tnarlen pa ki r diar mother of htv hansen nf oeoretnwn rnldh htnttn of dorvil que and donald parkir of oungi imn lestlnn al ihe harold c me clure rnneral homo fi ih st oeorjtrtiwn trim thrsrtn noon fsineral rice will hi nld on ndday nfternmin at 2 10 n rlnrk ilrtwrminl fairnw eemtttry ae- irm michif at milton pi iv he hoi pltal on friday september 11 1m thorns mlchte in his h7th tear husband of tin liie hii mh j in sliiiv dear filher of ellen imrv w l mednnaldt r r m hon and marv mrs cordon mcgibbmi r r 1 mil i ion j funeral service wis hi id at the mekrrsie funeral h urn milton on i mnndav sepemliei 14 lnl rminl was in furvipw cunrtiry aet kinosbuby at him it m n 1 thin sdiv seobmtnr 10 1w marv aftnes kmrsiiurv diuphter of the late anum and liiki both kingsbury and outer f gilbert and chnrlcn both of camphellville mrs fltul tnnu bell of moffil and mrs killu r ine siiiter of diln ohio funeril spriei ivis held il the rumlcsshoemiku fumnl h nn aeton on salurda siiitunbrr 12 it 2 im 1- cttneterj fob salf orown eh sterf n id siiiu foam rubbt1 oxl wilt 11 run itn m l iiinldiiiiil bl ml tnd tibllh hki mw moving 1 1 usa fall vklj ii12 will job sale ribbons for all makes of typtwnurs and adding machines also typewriter napir ihl acton rite piess a227i if fob sale asph ill r iof shnii q 210 pound j in 1 any t il r tf 11 suunu m s ilm wli nquiirt this shucks me 11 it nniis tn p10 u slnliuli rs i 1 mud aclm oh iru sill b 12 hill hor sai f 1 urge flossy prints of ans start photo uriiearinu in iho acton free press 5x7 sue 7ic 8 x 10 sir fniui e now at the free press office 36 mill st for rhnthounc hs gutlph st hoi inunmation ph nu tun l 11 b rent4 room huuttrt lik uv iilauk utliibii 1 ai- 11 wnl uv st n 01 i nn in ibi i lojulenli 4 mom apnilimnt willi pnvalt baui apply 1w m nn si south 01 plume rt r phoi 000 1 tf ill elothmr store rielemniil only opi n 1 in ntirt w si iii pm fnrlin 1 0 pm situidiy ii mi 9 pm a 1 l 1 or smf aluminum doors grilles windows screens hlrnds mw iiiiis c 111 ipit s railldffs roit inn fir fin elinnus phone vft h44 2wllf for sai f for money mnking milkine all dalmntn need surie milklne equipment fir sales sor vice and parts cill horace tomlln- sen sitrke dealer bmmptr phone glendale 11273 a nl ill lie ill w 11 for rfnt upminrs piilmeiit mid built xiiiiia uiee litavv w unit t mt si if c i il iipmimiiit 1 in on itin t old ii lis lhetu h hw ri1nt slf c nlla nl frte t ta in memoriam atlan in sad ind uxinr mem on of a dear histunl 111 1 fi h tr roll e ah in h piied iwi lddenh s t mini h 1m3 and a deir n nut br tin r lloxd allan viho iiised aw i jeih 0 1936 god toik them hum il w i ii will but in our heari thev i eth tt 11 fur rememherrd b agkh and od bnei 1 12 w22 tf fob saifsmlth connn nort- nliha i model available buper sterlinn clipper skvntir aid w ills firvt and onlv ilcctrie p irt able typewriter low down pay- ment and remarkably 1 w cost iukihi t tnm nvmlilile the act fne pnss phone 800 a kr rent l i bnulu 1 oms 011 ground floor 3 pkco hi til tv out let wit 1 liglil ind luat incluil id in nnl lmmitli itt p si siim adulh nly 1 utik m phmt it 1 u heiittd 70 month both seir ton tjn i knod 111 v ird phuu tr 7 4 eorgtliwn onl b12 24 for rfnt heated 1 r 10m ap arliiuiit 111 roekwiod liir i mm kite lie n bedruom 2 i lilht s tins tls nil cm- n eneei avuilibli oil 1 foi pjrinulais call ulttr 0 9911 or writt b ix ho fite puss a 10- wit 11 l 7 illh if this wffks extra special lwfl deluxe plvmoulh in g ml lnnnnir uder 2 inn t n sti n v hllleiv nl low i pm paw f it 19ss cbrslcr winds r r imp equipped 105ft studebiikcr onh 10000 195- pint ic deluxe ml imal pvi p ml ir de u 4 do r ridto itv be 1 1 r h v r mt i ndn lvi4 stnli baker clump 11 for rent mill in teiitrallv incited 1 and belli 1111 npji inn ills uri now av 11u1i1i1 111 tin mw van lds apnt theie ipirtments nrc cmipletely le 1 iied and iiim tin tun kit in 1 tupbunrdi 1 put bitln urns ind i id w u 1 in 1 si rn w 1 n lows ih 1p11 inn ills h 11 r 111 ih ivi ind 1 n li i he 11 undry il by n iiui il ki ts lluipt li is bn n 1 nsliiiit n tlist w h 1 h now off r 111 oililili living unim y 11 miv call and npiuinutik it spired i il irt md it in inspect in the mint these van gils apartments miscellaneous cakds of thanks i wish to think relitives neigh bor and friends for their limlv eards kindlv inquiries and v dtfrlna m recent ace dent and convalesce nee a specnl think v hi to 4hc lad es w ho assisled me n 1 mans different way a133608 mrs j ihn r spnw t would like to exprrvs mv mm qsnt und thanks for the kindness and thoughfukiess i reut in friends and ne- khbor during ihe recent loss if m m thcr snoc al thanks t the rv h b si vr of dr w cw krnncv and rumlev sboesnaker funeral himr ur errjmns of svmpaih ind knd ly acts s ii always he- remt mbi r td b133kw hltf chnvnn f coming events tljirrtman dniartiwent si 1 r 3srbl have thoir el uckv draw m frtttov siptrmbii 11 11 8 p ti a 12 3r34 baraar and h me hik ng an pim dsiirhipr f kn x s1 1 day ocwer 24ih n kn eh ti bvemenl 30 t 4 in 1 1 12ftw37 1w2 t 1 uph iafl mi 1 mv w ih rnd 0 n v 11 111v cir ulu chequ kn w rnicinr wl kit f ills liv r mv n n t rk informntt m t ci irr m it m if a y u will iect vt cr d lerman car o nlir st s m it tb aio wanted wavtfd a id h me f k n 1 ii 11 yw i 1 1 u anted botmir z d cm f latli n m ern ralh u11i it s v rton f r p a 12 kci wanted ha lion ouury pro ducts dealers in live and dressed cmttrv and fresh egrs cnst im dims phone milton tr 84401 a tr vi vtfjv- rttmible nd 1 si w lv w f r cj 1 it pes ph n 4im2 c in a i help wanted real estate apartments one months rent free 4 and room nparrmmts lm mednfr p ssejmion nn sumtv fiom ttll innntlily sydney k lamb ulal fstate 14 mill st r 103 lnngrmld ud acton phum 124 oinn lill 0 p in acfon pnlui roc mom and bar it n1i a mortgage onirlu fur iajh monthly f btdiomn bilck turn giluw 4 pine milh oil fumnti aluhilmim storms and sen en full pine 101100 stbrecreek modern 1 bedromn biingaliiw wilh bneowiiy and giiugi full sii 1 bnscnnent uhimiiium tormi mil sen ens sltualed on me tin if aire lit full price i2 7imi mary gibbins fall fair bargains house empty must be sold trilevel acton lake mai istati iconllnud must be sold we have 3 litftlng nf 2 bin i room bunaulows one is brick mid mu is nliiikjo an offer 1 rcquitt minudiauly uti either or both priced at sanoo and 7100 pfsmt your down payment nama your teirms and wn will try lu ace mi mi late vm pull 0 w o id stnw piiiinnlly g w goldstraw lirm f1tatf bbokfb pliniii irlit 1 4 2101 inipbillvilli onl ph nu m hon ib ii ihj21 100 00 per week will lii lukem off mio down p mult n ihu honu until sum lnl pilnh dim hiie it this wfrks down paym1 nt 90000 altriutlvr 1 ir hnck spill in html d gii irt lu 1 w irkm ihip i ki v w- subdivision rtdftr prmiie in 1 n ft 1 urnii siiimh i 11 tr l iov u h 111 i i no mouf to sav sfe for voursfi f new 1 in li in silid in ik the most in modern a low if 1 100 il wn a i w prue of only 1 1 wn absolutely n hidden su ind morlgige lo hi h il scalpers disi unit pr ci s no piomissirv 11 iti li c ime di 1 h int n mell 1 this sacrifice 10 900 i kitchenfr upholstfry hive your chesterfield suite re- upholstered bj us and save eftn i mhing one eek servite call watsons music slore atf farmers tike not ice we need dind ind crippled animils for mink feed highest prices paid w mud hivi diad stock within few hmrs campbellville ui 41 24h nllct a4b9tf j iniurancf free estlmites on insurance if all kinds if vou are 1 ennsidiring a change frrm vour iresml piilict or lookme for a i mw plin contact omar h park er ihme ul 6 4465 a 40 1047 tf fioor refintshtng we now have a modern sander and edge- wf mil refinish vour fl iors or ivnl ou the equipment to do the job yourself j b frank phone 37 4 frederick st s acton atf reimer uphulptfiu add uks and romfirt w th k ihd re i lvlmg ur furniture cm be h in u mc m 1 in w ii n iow c vt mvi rug clein ng ami re fin ehmc phme 8s ac dm a tf deadstock service highrst cjsh pr c fr dead or diviblid hirsis ind c iws old hor i lb f r prtmpt r c call lmt lisiince and i k r 7fnith 0il n charge t 1 v m steve pfxonx lannon atf repur to all mikes rntal macto me br the week pwtsbles used from 129 50 sec th latesi s ngers sfwrng machines free home demonstrations bruk nnrh length windows 2 1011 down t ill nionllih piymmi includ tij itx s 72 immcdlile posstw compare prices town property br ck duphx 1 000 d wn full price 10 p0 4 heriri m brick 1200 d wn full pi ee 12 100 st 1 1 level fl x tile full prco 12 5 rev ind hilf open t iffi 1 full pr e 112 0 ti levil 1 100 d wn full 1 nee 12 900 bnngal iw icn 2 500 d iwn full unci 11 ooti 4 acres indus r il hcirt cs loik nh ts00 country property brrk c iiikc 2000 down full price 500 insiil si nr 1000 down full price i 500 frisul brick flexible down full price s 400 2 shirej i me open o fir full price 1 w ch ce scrv ced bu idina i n 1 wn 1 000 one acre lot 500 down buih nc empty 24 x 18 ei bl ick bisem nt w ii ip ben i viri n h ivv u red h 1 ho 1001 eumpatitd to 0 pmonf fvpnlnhsl oil w bowen and bortoloth limitfd jleal kalau rrokani and inanranc guilphs largest sellir of homu 1 diiukiiin st fiinunir hldg spacious bungalow this fini home locitid al lln ias nil inti in 1 i i mil 1- mi idi if h iv f i mini in wh likis 1 i il of vpin 1 in his house a 23 f i liiing linn it fi ui bfilniinn mil 111 f t kiti hi n riviv ui id il iiulii hi 11 of s him fi 1 hvinu spate ill t id sp tkss 11111 nulv lindsiijiid uui ii pi itul itmttuliubly lakeview a fine ehnice of hm s in ihu an 1 foi silo with vim iiiki f d iwn payment abu 1 i bklrmm lnmmilw f 1 for information nr app llntm nt to vnw ui- homes or ninnv nlh em in this area or gen iph call tom fl fminc nt ae i11 khji or mr i i stfwvrt 2111 m i wi will iirci it any ti le culph dial ta 2 iii01 opi n til ninn executive type homes for sale from as row as rr down large 0 riiuniid silid brick buns ulow 1 buln oma atlatlied 11m ugn kliimn and acreens lurgt ikiiuistu kilchi n beuiililiilly d 1 ml il iei 1 im full hisemtnt fully luiiilnmpid t inn 1 il 1jmk arrim fir 1111 pi 1 monih plim laxus 1 irgi nrooniiit solid bilik bung alow i hidritiimn liirge xipiuiile kill he 11 ilouni and ulicitiis em pail ntii ilion room full tiiim mini fi 111 nl filly undue upt d eoimi lot im000 cnrriiii f 1 111 inr muith plus inxn liiiiiimnt bilck imiivriiiow 1 ind 1 nuns kilt hen 4 piece till d huth toiini in atinl n ci eat 11 11 ro un iind full haskinunt fully inn i seaped hit hi situs and ieie im nl hint 2mklv iitrles v plun tuxeii laigi linipul hi 11 k iiiiiir ilow riii ui iltuhed i ludi urn lugi kiiilnn 4 iiiiio liathrooin minim 11 1 tn hinuiil full litsemiiil uudseiipul i it nl in at iliiiim iind mruunn llihk m mv ulli in in sin iiiiind ri d htrlds al i acion 2in wm j mcleod rfai fstatf hbokfll m in st ailon auction sale hirniturk tin proptitv of mrs thomah itobbif ii ftlilll si ceolgttivil il monday csfnlng neptfimhrr at j pm i iv iik 10 in suili diiiillr 1 mil btiiiinii kiiiiim kilcliin fi auction sale oc 31 haad of dual prfrpaaa cat tle traotor power implemenu farm implsmenla poultry dairy feinlpmrm and i- urn hire tlii undi rsigneel hnvi ntiivxl iiiviiiut us rum tuomah l vivian in ml by publu iiucli 11 al iiim reduced now only 7500 fuli pi1icf w ih 500 full down payment 4bedrom1iiitifiil w on m 1 11 r hrge kiti hu i p 1 ci imh mi him menl large lot tixe s 110 irlv 1000 fu1 i down pamft 10500 full price hlllllllrt 11 ii saltkv krptfmrfr it itinmi nting at i itlntk liu ii 1 i witig a iti f 17 tn 1 purpose sh irilmrn e w ill lire i for roll utiil wnit r frenhening breeding date hivi 11 day f mu 14 diiji ptirpusi sh 1 th fin cliv n l4n 7 months old veil and bitbiesi poultry ti yearn old hens hi iv v liruid thacror and powfr iw pi fmpnts i tthetr midil s win iiriiu motor ne ntlv 1 vi r h mled cus power iniiwtr 7 ft 1 kjult firuhir gi 1111 eiiill nwt tin t isi 2 furrow rut 01 plow tm tractor disc 12 plnle i rubbet llrrd farm wagons foe t 11 v built w iud tloctnc grain r indir dairy equipmfnt farm imjlemfnts etc mh grain binder 7 rt lot mirwir m h gin n drill flil hny rack coik shuit manure spreader disc set if drag cultlv itnn 2 xeta of covirtng liiiruw int electric cream stpar 1 ir 2 unit milking much in elec trie piwcr churn 2000 lb kale 1 quantity of scrap iron furniture walnut dining niim m p in ludlng en tension i 1i1i1 s rln rs ehinu cabinet md buffet hill iack 11k dlnmi ru m ixtinsi 1 uililf and fl rhu i ock 2bcdroom bungi 1 w iud flonrsi de ment oil furnn re ntre 1 k love 2qibec henlire en pet 11 tiv ik no t odd riikhi- sulirv and numerji other smi hour i id pffce s terms cnsh vttlement w t clerk n djy f sale 1 1 nstrvt farin sold hivdi f and fl iiott b 11 2 aucl oneer 5500 full price j 1bedrnomhomc n main mid closn 1 1 sen mils basement oil heal asking 2000 down 1000 full down paymfnt legal scottish dance cfub names program committee for year thin unnoiii ticket are lu lie uuinbired willi a view to a poi- mblc lucky drow nt the end of the mis nt ion wlln i dunce while ami i i 1 fin tin ij li on hemlemtoer 13 n meeting of ihe acton flcottlah dante club wan held at the home nf dr and mm it lliickner a general discussion lo ik pi ue nn the program ror th flisl dunee of the iuw till s 11 th kyjilly nighl on s11i111 lay sc pummel 1 2d it wiihdttllll t hill u pi kill 111 with m vital inniibiiii ncl or us m h 11 die ilirieuinl dame lln conini itn lu in iiiii mil i 11 li fovim iliiiiinan hill wlnm juk vlelii 11 hit and jim ummilv dan i unnhe mi fiviib 11 1 mvitui f ihe luetic aunilhmv will ulloiulu in li f n lln diffeiunl danuia riii 1 ii if the iiriiiiii d men liuiahia will im hiimi by the club hut 11 waul li ruled ti havu imx hun hi fu 1 tin f iiiuly nrius wtrctxvlfaf vmstkw8lls good citizenship topk highlights wi meeting mm w j hall of hi ick avo niniy paper hut and a rmialcal in- w in hml ki for i lie ropli mliei hti umuil of soma vmifty und 11 nndiiig if ael 111 w mum instil jmedley f st ph 11 ftn nuiifi uti mis inorgi fly i ihe pi wnn biihr und played idunt piiiildift und weilc mill lln j slrv mm willeispm wh- tin p grim ludd wluth wis ibli ti hi pmilllt aflitl in worthy objeetlva riiektiii ptopimed n rvsul- ehhh wan miopdud by bill lhat lln ait m scottish club should have a worth- ibeietlve in ihe tomniunlty hint 1 nell in ship nhoulil bo 11 f 1 the high null ml or pub- h 1 fm imh prefnubly 11 si it h fliivn tins ri mi- ii is iuishiii und left fur 11 1 mslil 1 ih ui nmnut live midiiiitfiit iiiiniunrid lhat mm of 111 1 0111 ii tounlin 1 w in pmceisa of dlairlhiil i in 1 nly img ed lln fnv fin igniu uf o canada and the com iiiitlt niviil innili to add li lie plniniiil ufliiniou mm j ru imiil wm 1 uileny eonviiiu f 1 llli diy pluni ti in 1 vi hot humus mil op 1 1 iti tin im ih in atl in fin 1 iluy win hindi- mis ci 1 fiy 1 mrs f and 11 111 uit m su m hall wm ih i ill 1 mimtii ih mvi 11 allien i 1i10 l ih iu hi ih program preentrd 1 ir1 1 n f holmes plumbing and heating eavfstroutshino prvuura sytftmt mief fstimarpm piionr miss m ir 111 hull win k splendid pnpi 1 11 himjli as 11 arf its fvny d tirn tun ihrn 1 jiiiml 1 1 h ild 1 mil f op 11 wis inn idui i 1 1111 i rig i uf mii i iiijiihu miau l uuv ids 1 mis c im ilii mid mis f aridn m tin ipusll us wi 1 kd by mi1 m if ii 111 1 w 1 f ii ws 1 an w is 1 1 tnl 11 w 556j 2 ai j vllh mr 3 an lie fn r 1 jih f 11 h rusl w is pr iv 1 led with a rmuntfitm rws w-j- ml p l 11 mil d in ile of mi i 41 it ffeunl rlr al 1 k i ind inrlud iir the 11 ml ling iiri r iipn inlo whuh th 1km siri 1 in tun p jpul 1i1 n i- iv lid ihrr n ih it t 1 i hi r nl lai gii igi p ken in canida auction sale of furnlure antimohju fte nf si if mil park notice to creditors avd others in th latair of eu2abkth hsvna wallace lata r the town ef aetoti in the connty of s8 hey look i i icre landscaped 1 i new fiun 2 dauoi 30x16 10 blocks high and a 24x13 insul mntie cotite just bu it last spr rig fullv uvsulated new asohalt rw very clean and neitlv dec ra ed looted wiv bitweei acin and gergetwn i yc ciji onlj 2 illy ued is 2 t t 700 full price 1500 ull down pamfnt kitchen 1 v na nwn rt n room 2 sun p rcies t bed is bl h a aetid garage secluded gi dm a th ts nf 1 ci th home ha i brull m ii e nrsox sewro cevrtr nc4ircetown tt 7m21 hea her club f kn x fhuti t h d g niiniia md hnv ii sd september b 1 2 30 n n gos sore c rmi if 1 1 and e ob 40a r fia a 12 2 1k1j srpedwso 1 1 1 ik nc 10 to 11 ia q n iv prvtuc f shle f rm iv er ft ea- r lots u 1 1 1 full acre acreages 30 and so 11 elo act e hive m ire ler mile i 10 m farms a 1 ui tie htsing claim i against the alrementinn estate of fj17 2tmtrt hjnn wadace who died on r ib it ihi tweitv seven h div f march ibm are required b f le dm f ifcreif w h the under s an- s c 1 r f r he fxecur x on hef r ihe twenty xth lav f se t mber ijttfi ater which da e ihe etat will be drs r bu hiv na regard inly t the civ then ftlrd dated it acton ontar o i ghth da of sevtnrtber ids c f leathkrlanib qc ae nn ontario slchr the execut x a ii 3 notice to creditors avd otheks tfmut imtr of tke tmra rf 4eton fa law cam widow si limehonse w a w ii prra a boath in the retir fridar rvri int september ir lo the fa r munus on sat irdny amern ion september it a ii w acton scottish dane cite opan- int n ght skturdaj september 28 in luxton memonal hall avtfd pm i v eilimn 1 g 1 chuk irde s n h s h n tf rprv for onta1 1 hitchpt ftn ch d leghorn and other eg pf d 11 n breerd i iberat emmi- n ffr p bix 1tj fori er c 1 i 38tt ttetp wantcd avoo prod ucis has opening for womn 1 t roofing our business tar and tons asocial dimple uuin ir self al alsi ch iinev riwri au work gua antwd j byers we sav have sfen the r is and e rikntfff tr 70 xhnr holmes and lester macswain rbal estate brokers 1 land for sale we hive id ace ti 54 acres ot od land w h slreims pr red sydney k lamb real estate 14 mir st k n u i having claimi affains the af rrsn nlancd eatmr of lau ra mst dufeh who died on o- arxiut the thirteth day of june iw are reerutred to file proof thereof with the- ondenicmd gl antor for the exeesnors on or be fore the twantyatxth day of settetibr 1939 after which dae the esate wdl be etutnbuted asoif rejrird onl to the claims then fled dated at aetna ontario tdis eight corner mark 1 ivi cieorgelown batlruat septfmiur is al 110 pm including 1bi ptvm urti 1 n n s c 1 pe in go id condition heinl 1 pan 1 rjh r ngi lirge f h useh id fun i ir- tfrms c asm frank pftx h a irt n 1 gturgt own tr 7 2fl64 promotional special save 50 on kodak film hor tucll roll ii film ifff at million suirc for davmloping von itiuv ponliiiii u in w roll 01 mm foi only v hitfnliir im hiatant 5 to 1 slera we recommend that you visit the chamse of commerce industrial display acton mu pair mah krmt ih fftee movies free draws drivar crwdc unh symon hardware e l buchner ro optometrist ami hearing aieh hlu st i acton oni eyes examined worlds finest hearin6aids wednesdays only office hours 1 306 00 pm evening by appointment house caus by appointment ttuphome iis t tj t sxrutur be sure to visit out sooth at ths acton fair adl us ber tto homeomnbi pn w picaafa j ca 1iajrt iteaw eow pt kaas i yi

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