staff photo best dressed bicycles in the nine year and over class were presented by the lliree winners pictured above ai ihc acton fair saturday shown above left lo right are sandra slmgerland second raymond sail first place winner and linda ralslon third many of the boys and girls entered the competition and their bicycles added to the large parade to the fair grounds president hostess for busy bees meet ihc ftusv hit- w i hi id til ii si pie mini mi elnik lit hi kin of iii president mrs hoy 1 mdw willi n nil ml m i of in mil rs mi i ii c nil n um n hobby and w li well ifsiiiind present photos trophies at home and school meet tin siplemhn muting of itiwk- liken tip f i assisimici in idly wo hi hum mil stlmul a1101 iiiluin um mid ollu i neetlv ninliits was lull ml hi iwn hull let wliilt tin tin inuf ef ins hm week willi a lugi atlendinu list wednesday mi riinii wylu hlklilmlili ol llu meiling wn fill ft and fmitturut is i iju illmi nl it ions if pluil s of mm slioulrtir ml is it pi mil able lo giuduiil in n mii iol link lit iii iii tilt lldlll wood pnsmlteib mis win jul i u i v oimtnud irphis mrs c w mason in w inm i r id i ill d iy tp i is l w i i r eveils i inn 1 wilv juiim hostess towms gill i ml wadilll jutn ii buys j h septembei met link f lh dn llu vlinilii iriluinduili wllt m n v so n k of girls divnl hnti mliiiuetih ulllllh w j bis miiiivii pilliisun sipltlnb r ii nl iii horn i mis klilo it n 0 hi hi sniot i is- w mlsm j wlil mis m i- lkl 1 mdllk ms lid ll i mil iii i f 111 a slllllultl v 1 hi i ji ill f i holm mil i i li m i ilk lit in j l mi i iii lid lh j rh iktir-s- wit liken in m s al x knik iu mil dm mills i unl at acton talr il-m- lis tt id ll mis in ul liv u jh aw i illlf sti lid j i mis vlelluns tin till i ism ii h i il in icetpld mi sininii is ii p id on id i j hi ii tit its fii tilt ibtplivs mm h wnti in pin up il llu hilts win siimi mil mis nxe mid mis mm nun win tin indus ii ii in i ok itfli i tins pies were i in mult tn hi tin indus of tin it i itdid hilduns linnlli il imlkiuliiifs win lo hi brought fin llu biur int in november 111 n wi u iinti i nniiihi i nf 1 ks lu mt in h ip with tin iiuili mis 1 intlsv mid mrs hnk w hi dki s 1msu fm lh am i iivintkii in iiilpl i 1 intl iii ifislorv krialnl m ii iti k suv m- i i nk i si n if n 7 mikkii halton manor resume services in chapel films introduce movie nights the flrsl service in ihc fall und wlnttr church services to be held in ihc chapel at the manor wm held on sunday afternoon septem ber 13 with rev e oraborn as oje minister nnd mrs lockle an the plnnlnt after rending as the scrip- turt lessun the first 1 vcmea of chaptei 21 of the book of num- btri mi orsborn delivered fine sermon on the words they pitch ed thoir tenia in the wilderness toward the sunrlaing mr oraborn firat explained the geographical background of this chiiptir of nutrfbtni and then des cribed the wandering of the is- nitlite for 40 yiara in the wildei niiii when they were on their way from fctiypl to the land of canaan i when thoy pitched their tent to ward the sun- rising they were gnrlng toward the land of canaan jlkc the ancient israelites we need courage and faith with whkh to face discouraging filiations by the exercise of deep faith like thnt of the early israelite wc christ ians enn find quietness of soul arbout 25 nun and women rcsld entn enjoyed 1j gnmea of binfto with mrs s allen calling tht numbers on thursday evening september 17 one lady and ont gentleman mis m smythe and mr jim beg ley won three prizes each while one liidy mrs m fori s won twr ptiei ont pnc was wnn by each of ihc ftillnwintt mm r tlnhni mr o howmrt campbellville meets hamilton la major final here sunday lllty thatill games ontario intermediate major finals begin in campbell ville on bunday soptembcr 27 at 130 pm with hamilton red sox supplying the opposition ihc rks will be the beat of five and there is a strong posslb- over 65 golfers in acton open aclon dittikl their apikt a in u uh iwmlm illstoi i ink lu c iii rislup mis v i nils idd s rik sink full wed with mrs m h i i lh il mo i his pill 11 in i m id in d rii tin ii link ijlis mis alln ll ul piipnrid mis ii ii i sun nid mis ijidds of tfreii r mlesl a k i hi ei li in lliktt i uml ini v hi ml i l n m vt it hi il v l l i 1iii1l hid s lllll f ll llll llllk mis ii i in mi i m i i i oiiiitii ill tllfsi illllbir txhili i in lh hill mu w 11 mi w lw lmci n i lh pnyer nnd ii wr in tiuilin inl mu mm i u mi ihilus ill d fi lh in n wis sun fti i which ihc hiweis in abiuidnc t m rmndd tint lh hosfss mhi i ddicimit lunch cils in lh run liultidiil lsss tmi would i lh e 11 mu is i ink d in mis alln f hes i thsilllt iihldiiviiik k n ii khlll ot hi ii in i ww i lh 1 i vtli m il i 11 h mhmu 1 v m milton edges zurich next game saturday golfers ill don their hpikts and whet i golf course nl onmgi villi this saturday to pnrtl eipiitd in lot aun open offu nils in ehiui of the ycnrlv tiinltst poud out ibis week that llu number of pliiyt rt registering fn hit i vi tit ih more than double that of last year teeoff time starts shirp at 0 a rn riiytis can bt assured of a good nulliifi iik pi les galore are bt log pi ovid d and iv ryunc entering will win omiihinn t mi irophies m up for com pitilii linn venr and will be on di plaj in tht tret press offltt window until fririiiv night hulls for llu tonlesi an being lli i cl si in what from lust ytai mrl rry pluyn will bt well in mined before hl ites off on the long ink a ri till informant has fore wiiiud s init of tin golfers to be win of turk cochrane who plans with n huidieap of h julian zajnc who rounds the tourst with u handicap of 13 and last yoais chnfnpton mha holmes wtttl jiandlcap no doubt mueh opxisition will be linniltti out to thexe players as nn ill nipt in dethrone last ycu s 11 be played in campbellville as hamilton wiihes to lake odvuntage of the large campbelwilk gates 1hti will be two giimfh sehcdulrd ftn the weekend of october 3 nnd if any otht r games an neceisaiy they will jit played thnnkagivinir weekend ottubcr 10 11 and 12 hamilton with three ex profes slonals in then lint up should be favored for the series but cump- btllvillc has bt t n playing good defensive bull and if they gel hit ting could make things lough for hamilton campbeuviue wr mrs robertson wa hostess mik j robertson was hostess to the blair rvtning auxihaiy tin wednesday tvtnirig with mm r miihon prtldlni tht met ling win opined by singing hymn ibb o clod ol bt tpel by whose hind thy ptnpli nlill are fd mis dr m ii 1 1 ad tin up line lesson found in pint nl kit 24 lh ind 21th ehapteis of gent ms pi y tr w it orftud by mis j biynlon hit topk was laktn bv mis win wilib who ravi a ji brief history of st vt ml mothttii of the bhilt this wiis putt inlertnling mih rolitrtson kve tht mi n liivs rtporl and tht financul r km by mis i ingh mi lestnteti the ehei poi i mi h russt ii hut ren gave he rtpoii i if the bale which had ml httn pink id rlllv robcilsnn ivortd wl h a vtiy nice piano solo reads article tie pitsldint nid in inltiestuig madi giilo pud it sundit m hon kmi sok h i nil kn im hi i ill in h bisi of pii7ei are in tin golfeis as they finish in balls dill of the sund i whet i thtir carls pisl on lh mi mill of he bitlt good llu i ill i mik ult sreond u btwiks mul n llul i 11 it s x nursery school auxiliary plan crfn nmimi llltlll ol 111 il ml lllluk tl 11 j dlsps i ml iii nil bu id in i k ik i setrrlurles i ii lkti itepiirl il il 1 s it his d n is hal mul 1 in tl id i 1 s f plus sjlurda link 1 t i i mi si 1 it m t 11 with m il m li ui 1 s m i nj i l l t llhll low 11 m 1 1 1 ll i 11 veil sit tt ll 1 t e null l 1 ii s v 1 iii in u i 1 sll 1 ilfi 11 w inns s m 1 pill 1 11 k v i s 11 i ii ll 1 v k in n i chji ili tins son slou ltd emu in m lion ltosort til tk ilifiuss n r h i f 4 10 4 11 4 1 li i o i ii 11 1 t i i i i i i 11 n u up f held nl u t election i tillow lllfi ihi old t maine nt the i smik ws sunk for one of lh hei hymh 417 jesus lo my soul was jsung tin inmdiiil iliswl ihr nittlinj wllh pi mu tht hosliss asmstd u mrs tttbb and mrs itd bilh ind neil rtlx t uson took t irt of lilt sielil period which w mjired b all the tnvclling b ki 1 w is cnipt ed ippi n ted sldll ilum mcc id n bt tt foitiit trt usurer v mcgliderj ern liry elci- fruilir re elect di social m nt i lena mason ire elected stint nin hurst card cunven crwm price nursery sehmi hurts isery school will be held jg ihi hildren bctwet n lit iged of thre and five regis i hum will bt held october 14 seven members midc plans to iitnd the inter provincial conferi in m orillw in october tht grmp is endeivonng to nri ni w members and anyone will ii m st wileime meeting art mid tin the th id thursday of ihc nmth tin next meeting in ocl- holmes plumbing and heating eavestroughing pressure sytttttnt free estimates phone 556j roys electric service bonded registered master electrician cump etc line of electrical app nnces and fixtures rtpa r ki all makes of oi burners complete stock of parts mi t rs and ciintrtils il ls service repairs rttr free euduts phone acton 420 an oddity for this last weia o the td a lex i buiche ro then young ii if t time of he year was the birth af a lamb i ct an iuddabv of acton mr swddaby ted ol fl the suoltt vaivtoduce o ot the year the young lamb one week old wednesday is pictured with its mother this weeks special spare ribs 35 1 for fkee dtllvky phone 589r art suddaby meats the campus crowd knows its smart ind dmdcids in i net ra- cllhcs a ii ciurt k when mu depend on n qjal i cleanint jnd persv f custom cleaners same day service ekcttpt surdy in by 10 m oulbys pm mam st n phone 273 mr e flsker mrs e long ho rue and mr norman vlggors first movie nljhl saturday evenin septi mbti i was the first movk nirhl in il fall and wlnttr season of n italnmunl at the munor when i s allen the miperinte ndint in the projector in the showirm ol u ee separate films the first film a colored film lie the title autlrnllas coral wonderland and had been m by the australian film board showed the tropical fish tuitlts nd othtr forms- of im lift thai hound in the waters around auk idliait ofeal barrloi rttf the rtcetmd film in black and hil bore the title heies huck y nnd descirbed the various du plets of this canadian national paotime after showlnx htiw yoeinu canadians an eoaehed in tht game their own home towns the im ended with some very excll- h seenes- from n nhl game in ie montreal forum the vtiy meat inte lliicence ie australian sheep dogs in heidiitk of iheep in tint ennlinint d iwn undti and the methods by which this intclllutnee is put in piaelftal use was the subject of a veiy itppinllnk fdhi enlled man and his don also made by the australian film board harvetltlde stmejay the rekiilar thurch seivlces hgh had tie nun on sunday seplembtr 11 weic cnnliniitd em bunday soptembcr 20 with a ser con due ted by rev d a powell rector of grace anrlknn liureh in milton an an introduct n tn his sum nn mr powell inled thht thn sunday was mar- tst tide sunday and that special ervicts lo thank god tor his bounty wire being held across the land r powell remmded his conn re kittion of other rifts beyond the pin of a good harvest thai arc ven by god to his children two these sifts are the facts that od is ever thinking of us and is ci fill lh ful lo list these rifts as ell as ihc many other gifts thai imt rithii the hand of cod should ach us to be humble in the fare all cireumsuncis and in nil elds of thought and activity the acton free preit thuriday september 24 1959 conference delegate describes trip to bannockburn 1 institute the bannockburn women stituti held their monthly meet ing on tuesday of fast week nl bnnnacttfcurn school the mettuir opened with the institute ode and mary stewart collect the roll coll whal 1 have i ft undone to get here tonight v in answered by 10 membtis and two guest arising nut nf the businim change date foi nxl mouths rut e ling the i raulutiems for lh arefi convention in fiutlph win rend plans weie hindi foi an oct ober penny salt leaders appoint d jfor the wi tramlniyeniol in milton to lake rocus on finishes weie mrs l sinelair and mis b mort isnn c ungralulntltins we i e exit neud to mrs s morrison and daughter mm gun l who wm die- hall in county wl bursal y mrs rnmervllle guest mis j fix and mis s m it llitws wnt in ehaikr of llu pro gram mrs s mutlhews intnduid as guest sjiiaktr mrs g some r ville who alt ndrd the a w w tonfeitnte in kdinlimtth stol i land i mrs sum i ville ive a try in 1 1 sling nreimnt on tht high ights nf in tuber lhotni tl d ihi ki ii r tup pustruds it xhi hr mis w tul ml sjuiwmi hit liiokltls and night back us linhnm thank 1 he n que en 1 uae 1 ii ting t ids piny ik h was si d w ti ii nd hii vid lh tin tmlltllll liucllll in it tin svtniiik hsh0lden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglai s gueiph phoiu taylk 27150 new trustee doui manning b now a mem her nf the public feehtwl board following the rteslgnstltin of trustee monty root mr mannlni mm sppolntesd and derlared to offlee mt a bpeclsj meeting mon day evening mr root ha moved to rork- wood and waa unable to flnlah his term which laau llll decern ber 31 i9m he had edged out mr manning in a close contest at the last municipal elrctlon every week on tv duliklitfulfimilvtnmwiy brought to iiu willi ibo compliments nf bensons shoes the friendly store irfiftf to every customer aiilnuriilii ll i and wnllv iml kniiilu lumo lu lor iuuru sfetpx exe pi u aaof a teumat waa on his way to new york tlty and stopped to ask directions from a fanner at the roadalde keep going straight ahead said the farmer and yon ii tee ll happening i nin up that way a few years back and aaw it saw what uked the tourist people kunninf to work leit tit people uk die lddl llu ard no wnndi ive so ninny e xceplnwil i used cars light now uift ly tenled adusteti und we viced lime on tlown end join the liowtl a or inst met ef fnk prou wh it to expect is todays best buy 1952 buick super two door t70c hardtop fully equipped ff ft til ioi oldisbjvmt iilmkatimo v of iivic to cahaoin pauls mens and boys wear formerly henrys announcing tfmzexeajqql reciiicrcd i raikmark of c 1 po1cm i ibrc one price only t orpet prcvin with a icnlcnc xool tailnrcei- teimcasure nun antimc anhcrc it keeps its freshly pressed look wear after repeated wear now thnosc from over 25 new icntcnc vttml fabrics in the latest 1 all hadc all at om irice 69 50 tailored to measure choose i tip top haneuut tailored lo measure suit for salue that simpt tan t be beat km either suit of comparable quahts will cost ou at lcat 85 00 now for all i ip top tailored tomcasurc tuitsou pa only one price 69 s3z thb would laroitt ont ptut tahomo to miaiuri clotmiim j-