Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1959, p. 4

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4 a day ay thi jaht meahs little to the tiny tot without a ride on the ponies but ih this case billy clarrtdge takes a turn on a donkey with billy holdinq the donkey in tow is alan hall of acton many children enjoyed the pony ridos and kept mr hindley the owner of the conces slon busy througout the day the donkey took the excltomont of the children in his stride and marched around the enclosure quite unconcerned buh pholm tucky winners at the aclon fair on saturday are pictured above holding ihelr prize money contained in envelopes left to right are ja irt glcndenmnq third m the best tricycle class the irtcycle enterad by susan lawrence which w m firsl i ut austin wis cameie shy and high tailed it through the midway joanne wasowir second in the doll buggy class elizabeth hursi first and teddy sam second in the tricycle class 53h2 stone church holds brisbane school too crowded annual tea bazaar 10 students join class here l dm th it if ml t f fir britain rlx hi iii is r 1 f 11 wm e i ind 6 nn bung trnnin it d in nhl the incil chnl hid in in tin junior room with mi- m 1 i k m smdri in chirgt ni i mr wm wriki st i- nm nl n siiur in gtulpli it spit i unit u itij uuli s i treatment f ri n rrrparr basement l 1 iv larlm ot ih busih pnintiar inn for n ju 1 oi iiik v kind i w i m in it 111 hnli imi injtngid in 1 mini mil ms f t1 lh lu th bavinnt n r it m j w lit i rtln muni bin ir in t tnk f i mmlh m v d i l i ton tnri fun id bwiiii i id tit ntl in filoni undid unili i tin 4ih urn of frnims 1 unship w th tin umiiil ihl l i nl mi c ab mimrr dpi in d tin i vol oinl ih rind fnllftftinj 1 u hi i siu df mnrlha and lln mjni u inn nl the brtaknifi of iht i ilh mrs s fnx president i f tin i u nuns altxilino of tin elm c nd mrs f duff ld of thi w m s ixliiiid ihiwc t ikinj part in 1 hi th mr 1 ten mxt minth mn in d r von 1 md d iinih h trr clttnitltino nf smnliiui hoihnd in unuiih with h doumir unit n in 1m l md mrs john van d r 1 n mil r ini ily on thi hikhw n j mr nnd mrs lfd 1 mlin spent tht iki id h t id midland liniiii mik nn enli rt urn d h i 1 irhunl cliiwnit list m ndi n w the neeii n f hi i ith in tint n mr nnd mrs r tpr nnd 1 m 1 m t d ti w v u it s t 1 i s iti t m ll i l it i a nn 1 i m in i ii i h 1 i 1 bin son mrs t 11 imi i frei mhn i hu cli s inn repti s ii udi 1 osnrmid sin i diiri it ku d nnd fl i 7 ii aku w is mrs 1 h t m r mimim w n i m st u spi ma i ik l uk dii i ind ihi inn of tlir j personal notes of actonlam visiting outoftown polnti and of vfillort in acton hornet amnni tho outnmown vliltorn who onjoyori ihe fiilr wore mrs j adatnimn oill mrs pui pinjoy jptielph mi sioily niliii gmlph mis pdnti smdir romnln mi iui wndtn tnmntn mih miirlhn orr lornnlo mr furl vincent toronto mr j h whltclock milton mr ralph huron n toronto mr frid cr wnon dundun mr geo ki uiriliy gudph mihn jiim i indwiy tiinnlo mr nnd mm churl gmlph mi nnd mm hill kindlon mr turn hill glon willlumn mi kichnrd harris itnckwund mi slunky mtkny sllvircroek mr nnd mr hugh reld ouolph mr und mm n diykliilr allis tbmind mivdlkwi totin- mr nnd mrn jim m nn rtimtp mi and mir t ion mri it g fdw nnnl hfmjh mi nnd mi d in und h lis njuitstm ii nd fain ly nnd mis it b ciinnin i g id n aitkin ind fnmilj h n minnlyii nnd fnm ly tin clph mr alix v in h in wil- i i nd fum ly irur li slio drvndil md hur ild skilling and nnd mk win hull mi nnd m ii i ki town mr nnd mrs jimilv gmlph mi and misi miily pol onto mn m bride ftnd mrs t shirr ind daughter of morrlton ipvnl tha weekend t the homo of mr nd mm chnrloi dnvldton and family mr rny grartwell ot hi john ni wrriiindland viwttd with iiih matvr mr d c hi per 72 mmn st b aclun ncinlly mi4 go thin atnn fiom 1ltllt tiwn ni w hutnpiihiri und diiiikh tcr lllliun visited lut wcik with m ii iwaid muiwiih nnd fumlly bnck in town nr a vlmt with rrlnt vm in thr uniud klndim nre mr and mra john barr and their two daughtira they inude the tup by plani many actonlon wl bi aorry to hnnr tlml a i tjimmyi stuikman a fuivntr aclunliin now livini in torunii in a plillmt in muni si mil lioitpllul lunintn llimi from hnxpitol in toi into nn sunday for u vmll w lh hi fmnily bh mr d dunk mnnlmi of ihi si john amlnilunce bi u ade madi the tilpa with him liy nmbulanci mra wm huofs of hunltvlllr n luinid hnmi on sulurduy alur nearly two wka with mi and mrs ourfitld mifudriin nnd fnm ily and mr imti mia guriy mr jfldijen nnd knlhy mr nnd mra gloria swiuir und fnmlly of icuonti dfcnnipnn led by lur pun tit r v and mis j r riiarn nt edmonton alhu lu win wcikihd kiiwt ul tin honu r mi und mis c w muxon fmr vlaitois ul bin h mi nf mi und mrs duv dilli win mr und mih r iy ltrwn mmrlsi mi w nrl mihn ddthn brown mr fin brown mils 7lu micmlmy f tirnnto mr nnri mrs b h st w ml i f p ildiill rlird professor interred in city sympathy u ktndd ia mra 0 qnrroll hiuowtni ha doath of hur fuihtr un tucaday plmhar lit llraaa hamitel hulherfufd trw rnr barc waa mllrd pnilrair nf ihs untvfrilly nl toronto and puaacd away in toronto funeral aervice waa held thai a r i ldy followad by inturmenl in inrk lwn ramftvry hr la anrvlvrd by two daunhlera mil r c dirianv ot rtimftln nnd mrs oarrtdt and two mm j stewart crernr of tornnlu unit j lloaa crura r of uaminiiliii o services held to9ay for william laing funeral icrvica waa held thia nf urnoon ithuradayi al iho rumley shoamakar funrrai home for wll hum oordon inlng who died and dmty at hi homo iso ctuinhill road on turwday the rev a ii mckenala ennduru d the i vii und inl rmrnl f th wed ul t iliviiw melt ry mi iiiiik mi nnm mih hihiv miinjnu mr j nk mui ii i atioi und hublved flv yilii hi wm in hm noih vmr h ii miivivid ly his win tlx fotmu hutilh c iks nth ii in ikhlilrt jtaii ilidii siindny indn viler n nnd pm iitlu ns bi aiirttnw unit lliv rt hi nt liiim nnd n hnm r i 1 o i ulnu of mill n obituaky nmih i imti mi nnd mis g ailku 1 wit id mi pi ui mi s mumpi ii und family nivul gin in i on iln wo kind mi und mis jiuk muinpui h in tint sill his cliithlinid snnduy mi nnd mr b ii wilson nnd fmnily h nl ihi unkind in n w voik city wstmu with mrs wll wins mlir mm tmtt warrmr misn win n r lb on tin stuff f the rritnh f n mn offn und w irk nik in nw voik until dinmlur mr and mih guidon muck iy nnd ijiindsiri itie tlim st in mix kuthlm wunabmukh and dauith lr miaa unnro wunabroiiith all nf toriintn sptnl saturday with mn annu smith und mm wun- tin smith und itlendld thi fdir i mr nnd mrs frnnk gilrtionn nt undid ihi rhnti ninf nf then krundson albirt jnmea rfrem t camp pctnwuwa ovi r thi week md thiy alsn nttindid n party jtivi n in honor of ihi ir ion in ijw pnvut r t ilfk n who h ivii immediiitdy fnr fnyi born in ballinafad was norval farmer arinlihi h its diid ul mill m i tikndu- splimlhi 1 nfln u itioi lllnisa h hud hem nl tin i nl n rnul mum i rr nl ml u y n uml linlf prill t i hi dilt h a s 1 ruih ii bom n bullinufiid h foil i mimi of hit lih ni n n irv il st ilim nn tin i i mi wll ii tin i ni ily mvd i mud ihi i i m whiti bnditl mm hilt nil kits d txr inmljinri ivnl ji i it simviviim lhli ilild t 1 wiirnd unu i mis it skvni althiw lltfoid idilli mis i hilimsirvi wisliy j in i n 1 bi1b mi t loki kj i uiindtfi iditn ii uh kfi tin fun ni miv ii w i miliiit ed al genrtfelnwn ny hev jtihri itidlibk ni liidv sipiimlx i 1 1 i i ii i at thi iunday venm erw m itio c h n s heart pothwooh tlifl 4litoo of on uly hlnm bleated pklurerl am the rev a s rtllnyln in i iliu h s la ft in cs sp parish priest blesses statue hi inn ii f ii su 111 i s ii i ii d n s inluv t m i k i i win hlrmllt liy till t si s i i lh hn a h uj j ilu suln i vf y in i if l kt n m- p t noon blaze hi i ut k m u i m a hl ltt k i kjm jitu i i i t v in i ul i 11 s n i llki i i llv i ml hn iisii i r 1 ii h i ii 111 th llllth ii km rn i jim dilk stivm ginrri bishnp mr nnd mrs e hufmri 1 and idon f alliiton mis curl martin and misi m 1 dud mnrtln milton mi nnd mr inck sti fjiii h of bnrltnctnn 1 1 l roup knox evening g shower of article the spptrmtn ni i t i1k return 1 1 thi i g i i u uminc t 1 in n h h i h t for th mtri rii nj a i i i knox chnrrh the mill nv n h 1 i home of m v 1 i hi us av lh m i i the imtdml ir i n th i hip w r i u i ikfi t v bt turn- i ullw 11 me the e wind uk i i m fj mi shl h mi d the work d nr a tndill ii i miwitrral amnh i k d xvaoatl hi aid ttin la chureh ntr mm onnk imii d h mud b rxplmn nu i nil of wrxice the l id j- 1 i eluded th ihe p tn n xh oftenns and ng nc a sm bwarer f hlfu the business of the mon h i eluded a ahor of g rts f he bale a baby larette and cloth ng tor adults mm eli masters r- 1 cvlved then and mdr pln fur wmak than valued and packed brings for bale i n nned 1 h r ih i i 1 nr ir md flei niv i nn lo thinkd i i i n th mr und mr bob cunninfihim jnd f mi 1 btrpeumlle mr ind mrs grant ind r simiry of moffjt n v villi mm olhir dwrd r und john itnntir intermint v hlllriert camkry norvil otrruary f i i buck in their various studies are mw ji nn bnrkni r who ii at tmdinic teachiri traimnf cnl hgi in ijndun enelnnri mnsti r rolaiir buckner who has enler cd n pnpnratory school craw fordton house moniaivc dum fnuaithire m scotland and miss helen buckmr who n taking an arts pnurh in ti r nto univrrsilv mrs alex mcgregor interred at fairview funeral acrvtce wj held nt the numl shmmukr fnnet il him in sundnv september 20 f r mt alex metribnr aftei nn illnmf of four month hhr humi tiv v i the flmin nnrink if me n fi riav sotilimltir ih daniel gray erin treasurer funeral server wu held tieiida for dnniei cray 8b of hillaburh tii1p1i former erin townihip treemirer he waa former president of hilton mutual life insurance co he had nnd mrs kn adimwin and j bti a member of the board of nuns wm kitchener directors for about 25 vears until and mr william fieldi hr r ln w i ind hathpr oakill mr crav fa ment n 1b11 for 33 jnrn he was r wnlfi st andrew s col- louwhip trrasiirer aurora who plnjid ih the i his firm wife the former mary r pipe band ipncilu barden predecranpd him s g sirr w s hj srr mary s rrs ii monbrii k m 1w6 mr gn s second wife th lormir eluabefi chambtrs of t rn o did ir ims he leae thne aons ind i djuchter bv h rut mnr e mrs erna m burt l in s prrs f t rmu doula a a id f tiki n d firn an h r sun sm j a buchniin n i s s d n lo trie 1 nj id rl j art n f iera daith t 114 v s r h el t ll f t u- mr ind mr fank brown ng of w mnfim f t n v imi m thr weekeid 1 ni 1 vtk tit f f m and m s c a d i1r m aid vrs ri mcfaddcn of s n furd sited with the mr radrlen m aclon wt eek trafalgar wets nd prohtbttton afer fir eek in hospiul n wi ih mr e t barr n home hd n tnendr arr ftad to team ehjenezer choir iener roast went we r w ri u k snio i ners r cent of fiom rl k tle j majoih in liv 1 if v edt snsder npbeil f t ront i marpuer e talir 1 rkend miss rth o 1 j nn n a the d mit kumji q tfir and ber 1 nvk maorittt on h f ur r- m ranged fon 3 f wt cent u aid n x r 4rd a f 11 h u n the m- and mrs alfred butcher and m sj in wh te of oshawa ent the weekend with mrs an- eus mceachera ounf st rttend are anrr to hear that mr roy arnott has been sack for the past two weeks everyone i g predeceased r sh h mbi it th of km fun pre and al fjlrview ccmetcr pallbearers were 1jmi wren jack mcgregor gnrntt plty und william frank nephe jick ijiwsm 1 ousin and john mc htiih a fir indson she is born n l mchrtisi- daukhtir if the late ann shari nnd andrew iw ind 1 is ed irnird aetm she marripd alex sindv iccr ir ji g 1 inn n mich llfk nd the c utile f im d ir nautafinin tor the pist ib eirs thr hid made thi r borne j 13 j h s aclon mrs mcgrjtrs m n nteri i in on home and fan h sfi 1 iunixcd tij 10 djuxl tiri mrs william talbot arm of acton and mrs menin s ister a ce nf oktnhumi c ly ne tjndcn id mrs j hn mchujth f aclon and two jreal rrfndchiidrei two bro hrrs and n itlui redeceated htr membirj f the hji on mutual fi e aid si ce w r id the b 1 u parade a kn n ph f n churci b il n in it sindav junior chamber of commerce giant car bingo saturday september 26 130000 in cash rums plut your chok of 1959 chevrolet 200000 cash snowball jackpot 130000 in 51 numbers guelph memorial gardens children undr 16 yean not allowed lo ply acton ys mens club turkey shoot october 3rd 1959 at 1 00 p m highway 25 south of town limits flynn nursing home farm 22 rifles and 12 gauge shotguns ammunition supplied careless a careleash tosaed cigarette but t hie been he cause f 3 srnil nmp and brah f re n rh o campbe ivillr mundar n iht fi e hief a e clemen sa d the incident happened t 1000 i m on the property of g kenn- gn th l ne f emer douae he blaze lab shortill sheet metal numuno t heating oar wod fwmactt eavavrrevphmg 184 churchill road phone 464 the humor side of the want ad county cream producer an nuals next month watch this space for date and place 41 rd and ut th want adt its fun and its profirabta phone 600 the acton free press

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