rellii towi tie alleys ken huifoid beardmore september 14 cino delia faz- las 633 war a shot m the arm for the tan yard and they got nwoy to a fnst start with n thrte garni win from the bcamhouv wtm ap peared to hi off the biam chrome were no respecters ol the fan hex and shut the office qirls mil with nury u win wayne spins and bub skidgmorc with 6w and 62 respectively win the hin nti lights for chromi cutsolc olmirtt wound up with all tht tin in china but thi up per lcnthtr hid tht effrontery to tic one game so it was a six punt win foi ctikoif and a sinelt ton point for tutsote roy hall 607 and bob agmw 6flt cut the mil lard for oils li with johnny ty- crs pi tuif i 0t1 r it the uppi rs curry wuc lolling im agiinsl tht rolling riim in tht first two games nnd win nil set t go nt the wny but the rollins room ral lied in th third go to nstir n win tiss nut tht ndirt ihniit tin wcakir sex cause it was joyce mobiles who piicid ihe curry i i the win with a mot 850 mount wcs alitn gnw hn n run f r her rnomy with 61 1 for rolling boom j hn dunn proved dint he is fnr from bung done with a 621 triple lffort bengtte standing chrome 9 -tnn-l- yard 7 ciilidt g curry 1 rollinj noom 2 upjicr luthti ib am housi offict girls 0 legion ladies j scptemliii 14 tht angillsmidc short w irk of tht count s in tin first two gnmen but ihe latter r il lied l win ii ciohi rolhd ganu in the fin lit to win by tin inn margin of iiviri pint making tht it mnrk toi tht antrl wilh good single iffirk win lover- buchan an 203 dot ih impsn 2114 tttna wallim j41 tht l- ituvs niti tht bin p foi t tf nl tht fjnks won tin ist and third p mcs fiotn thi brudshaws but tht brudshaws poured n on in ih stumd sluna to mnkc it om kiiik and t tils on hiir 51 ok shul t he nval iplains mini up with tin bit smjis 111 this k dm en il i v th 211 and 1 il rii- shnw 2t lit uls- 1 1 k d n tin tripk hontis with a mx uhmii slundinj angtlk i barlcs 4 llmrtshati r1 cintiis 2 industrialcommercial siptimhtr li aitui wo dei aft slgnnllid lluir idtnin 1 hit bowl ins in m with a hint jpum win from l ant r iga tht v od craftirs w 11 ihi first without to 1 much i1011i1i1 imd win n liditr- threatened ti win the m rond go eddu philips nit itin with a 29h to sunk hi 11 mud woodcraft 1 s win lodgug put on n drive t try and crash tht w league standing acton wood craft 7 jolly rogers 7 reliable taxi 5 goy cartage ledgers tga 0 4 acton major september 17 with the opening of the major ltagui schedule tig- ir cits last sea ins champs got ort on the right foot by shutting out the firemm thi cuts romptd home in tht first won the second handilv and when fi emen appear ed to havi the la 4 game tucked uwuv put on a last frame surge and nnstd out the win b 17 p ns tupping the tigers trundling wire jick bullnugh 69a it03 andy williams 6m miki binfu i 633 and don groin 630 pacing the ftrimt n in a vain effort to win wn wick holmes wih 7rtfl and j lekraptk 009 rd andm bench wo mm nsed the suri hin hi uncorked dominion hotel bicked up by harry phewn 682 c his pcycho 637 plus i f mcgil lowuy vl rfoubu the bins fr im tht hotel mide it a thne gimc a in from th new entry of acton billurds tht lids rrom ihi cuej tmpinum wire behind the eight ball ind mistmd in thur ittimiitsj to cjjstir a win the potitmltty to win is there fur the bihinrdi rs bob agntw 629 r ilph i tfortori w double hktws a d nihil shot of 435 fmrn lirry 1 p01 u i spite rik doirblts tffort from kti hint fu fidtl cistro casu n flj is knucklid unriei t tin pri in thi fiisl go then lh fhtr j t iff thi grmnd and zoomid b ick to rik stcr wins for gnmts lu i ind thin plii thi odd notnl tor t tnl- thi flytrs luintd in sum niti if fitts willi georgt oaku 637 ktn itik gfl i3u31 mario livuin r4 bum c isnnn 64o md jitk dimtalt 440 rioohlt ttn pi 1 his thin si irs plul li sin 111 6jwi md i hn itobson 64t 1a igm land ng tigi 1 t 1 7 dm 11 tun il til 7 cisa- n fu s tin pr 2 acton bill ud 0 f- in nun ii headpin h hires n ihi timt ihii fonnl j uiml hits the srcus most oi tht icau s w 11 htm full swinj thi ti n 11 undi 1 itnrfr- saturdav tn irninj st pt mini 2 and wi staff photo champions at the high school interschool meet in georgetown on wednesday were pre sented with their trophies following the day long track and field events in the back row are oonna smith erin senior champion alan baibcur erin junior champion peter lawson acton intermediate champion angela johnson milton intermediate champion bill brush milton senior champion and bruce andrews winner of the tom watson challenge trophy for the 880 in the front row are muriel newell mrlion tied for bantim championship- jvlat the w russell acton bantam chimpion ruth sluiritt litti for bintim championship ami liz uninr cliiropion bottoms g ot jctow bruce andrews wins challenge trophy as acton places second at field day ju4 a i ls hii old nte t11 11 ai i angela c mi ng in ihe id of timt md sijn nil up the hi school jang will toe the foul line on mond iy rvi sipumber 28 ot 4 o clock barring- diynlions jian knight is still aclllfl t itcidfl im for hir ladits brush ltuiue which will be bowling on mid dmli alan flu hour f 1 bi wn m bum c ugili a boi lard relay irgctown unit dimi piiii i km b un md it n mir ton don cmr 1 i in fosn r v knishaw mid hill bi iisli n don piki j n iluis ni bakir and btuci andn ws jibli220lrd cuy 1 i mn bith qintktnbush 1 cunk liz b tt m- md llu ki ibush n ijinni smith amu bir v titiin mtaithui ind nanir start soccer team l acton ffm p thunday september 24 1959 to play game sunday cj saitz enaaaed soccr fans will be pleased to j atl s ml vj mjm as ymca secretary year acton in a h tue by lht at ton mi d ilub w 1 k f 1 mini- in pri xhihltloi stntly ti iimrik gomea this sundiiv the a1i011 tt im will ploy an exlubilion gitnu og ilmt the gall united turn at lht atl n high jchool playing kid at 2 30 and locil tans will in able to see lht boys in action prestnily no executive has tutu ippoluttd jimmy wiggins and l4iirv no m an looking nfti r tin lub until a met ting cm bi calhd und officers elected to dati 12 plnytrs havt signed with tht club but iiiyont inti resit tt s uiged to enquirt dtulng the gaini i ft is sunday and will ih kivui i ti out alton ymca will r 011 n on wi old m icome anyb uly sepltmber 2 f r tlw 101 iwll kim enrolimnl ol minibeis bt un sipttmbtr 21 ind contiiuus all puiposi of leading and instructing tin lugli this wti k nighih ft urn 7 i oungiuis in anv if the vnrlous p 111 nctiv lies v lilt h are plitnnt d for 1 1 willing lit git i tune mid abllth mirlhy asks drivers to keep oh 401 ton many people tike highwnv 401 already hiillon county opp off ict m are moaning fven now iwo moinhs bifon ihe section to highway 21 from highway ii n offle ill opined to traffic thv v had to stoot jo ridirs off tht iuh tt ur hint supt ihighwin const roj llnzlitt who has thiirgt of the forte fluid anynm using highwnv 401 in hilton county btfon it is nnrntd will bi prosecuted itndi r ore itgha mffic act thin h ivt lirailv lietn two ae 1 doits on llu niu ltighwj for the forllicumlng siosou bid tin salts has bten inguged as m in nil secretary mr sail i11h hi n employed in the salts ih part 1111 nt o benrdmorc and to ltd f 1 ihe paal v ymi and movitl w hi hla family to allen tiiinl tuilph in novtmbir lb he in ti nils to niitinuiiii and if mislble mnd tin mtnibtrmip of thi lotnl mf a and hopis to bt iibh to tonlimte the iood work whith has lui dime tiy thi arl 11 y 1 1 a in hit punt i he y m c a ndeavoiirs to ht ip lio s gi ow physical mi nlulh spn iliullv und socially by giving hum n stlmi of bilonging rmij lion nut nihil vt mi nl mi sjl i points out hit progrnm which is now being ll inntd tor lht mxl siuon u dc sinned to pmvidt optiituuilit s f r in isonul di vilopini nt baaed on tin netds and mtirmk ot mllis mil ihi etwinlial chrisllnn piiithisi f the ymca volunteer lenlem t viluntetr lendinliip by hytntn h is always bt in the but kbone or ymca programs thnnigti thi it und thi jtttppoit and cu puatlin of man penplt is neett id for the successful uthitvemeiil ot his ptiimise mural entjry a iw ot the points which are to be included in the program if suf ficicnl in le rest jntl purtli ipaliun can ih assured nrt anhtry bud nt in ton bnskilbiill itodv building and wil boxing water ys swlmmiiig flour boekey gymnas tics und tumbling judo and self defi net woodwork model rail ways ufj ym md upi and hi y and liirls groups leaden for nil the above ortl vllles art invited to contact sitl baitx at tht ymca building at utidti his home it lephont number rh4j furlhermore lht re an lht adult piogi utin of thi ys men and ihe unlit u auxilury whiih ritpure sftonfo t grants radiator shop specialists in all types op radiator skrvici repairs recortng boiling trucks tractors cam car hiatfts quick efficfnt service free pickup and delivery phone ts acton colled 252 queen si e acton ont if you were advertising wouldn t ou like to know thi results of our efforts thais why odverlia- rs in the acton tree p ess arc iways so pleased when you tell tin in you saw their advirtistment in ih fne press monday uht rno adtle nolan the fm but tin w m rlii iftt 1 ugh clutch 1 rami l hi by tw pins f 1 1 1 in ton ndn ifls t p ti johnsi ou ion gr ptte tutk s 61 g stikid out f 11 i lljt i s thi black 1ik of un ers was fhinj il ft in thi brrcxt with 1 fusion of nnd outh tin r mts en tied lht a 1 delimm with point v tin jirtis in th lingers iftrts wi i 1 ff fi bob ajniw kvi wiimii s and skipp i htv r hi4 it but it is nlm st tntbt lu- ti s having i i ttlt iting s mi ol list springs nuiscr th st nhi mah s dt nt mr i ft w i n i okiv ulh 631 1 ll r u tilt slkltsxllit ll l i 7n 1 hit ai i ard 1 i 1 i king h rnv with n bins again and addiri thai the p iskibil t ot i j i fr m ihi dixit pi 17 1 c kd for if this mat r ill w porl of call will bi in s heerinj seelions pirfitl uihi pin ill d f intermediate girls m m b i in andr ill l v n i 1 l j ti t it nglorn angtli j purd munil wallets gone filter queen sale and service phone afur 8 pm tr 7 4197 georgetown milton reprismtativi earl power 3ss mountain view milton attention all veterans 164th battalion cef the 164th battalion ci f halton and duffenn will hold e reunion in the acton legion on satur day 3rd october 1959 fall in with your old buddies at 4 00 p m dinner will be served at 6 30 pm sharp at 7 30 pm tht battalion will pu i wrtath in mi mot y nl thoi wh war und thou who lui passed i iph to pi ii i doing tl u tit iurs tilt acoon citi7fns band w1i 1 m in attfndancf for the pahadf every exmember welcome itn bi t i ml mil i r citr of thi art i hac finiilh sun not out th brack rtliabl tu the fir m emu stupiid tli cold and r mpi h t th insure and assure protection life fire auto j bert wood 114 mill st e phone s8s acton ont insurance agency wm it d for un mcgill w i gn r i i a poddlid h i it in relmhlt iii ii th ng si rt mlmlf w h im luded a m5 i dnb w 11 i idg k a bettklbii bandsmen win challenge trophy in 4team softball league play t atr in ji ixgi n wrh c hampttmmhfp in l 143 fig f r new shipment ladies hats just received reasonably priced pallants opposite post office c m th msi uig f ii sure ti 1 iff t ii end t it srt r i p ihe r i u l i dtrhtw bs put ml nevr- gw dowti fie by hf tutdvrten i fell v0hj i ru k a the drjrr section tvnrd t v a hir blows hieh twirled the balm 9tf acsekcepcr r t b the he t ef ghte bring exploded h bit hihtii r and pi 1 upftltuc ff havismrr of some deserving eompe bowl bowl for pleasure bowl for healt open bowling friday and saturday afternoon acton bowling lanes rkee en membcs obtj it mela sk mo run ifftat this rutu whenever anyon tells you all bottled gases ar alike dont you bclir it for impl there s puritv mighty impur tant if the gas is to burn vtith a clean blue flam with no aoot or smoke to discolor your kitch en wall pyofax gas la as pur as the moat exacting acien- tific testi can make tt with praofax gas thera ta bo futtaa- tng about quality about coo- ottir about dependatntitj call va today root hardware construction ioocwcoo ont phon ih 9ss1 ltd take the hump out of heating costs wth thompson fuels budget heating plan now you can take the midwinter sting out of heating oil payments by arranging for the ba budget plan for your yearly supply of economical ba solar heat heating oil your years heating bill is equalixed over 10 full months at no extra charge make your arrangements now 10 equal payments from september to june with no carrying charge ba solar heat budget plan agreement 1 payments will be in tarn equal manuhiv butajlsnenta spread aer ihe staemul kaalch period of ept 1 in jane i raratenu oe baegel arrsrvrewenu tnaav after aplembar wilt be equalised over the raaaalnlng moaltw f the normal badge parted far example pavmeni on a budget agreement entered into in nnremher would be divided rquatl nver the seven remafninj month the amonnl of earh paj met lejsnn a bandy rhequr bnnh all pav ments made 1 a rnaastlele itatemrnt kill br snajim to aw n small balanre in nur favanr or atr miu i milt be hated on the eatlmaled oil rnnaumptlon tor the iii he supplied in help oa krep an arrurale aeeosinl nl june at the rlaae of the hurlfrt prrlred mllled al thai tlsne simply fill in and mail this card today fl a ioi hea r i i t p number of rooms htated ray thompson fuels limited phone 69 or 364 acton ontario