Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1959, p. 7

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the pause that replenishes your purse want ads classified advertising rates no charge for announcement of births marriage deaths and engagements in memor- tams 75c plua 10c per line or vmt articles for sale runt etc 3c a word mini mum each kk billed 75c box no to this office 25c additional coming events 73c minimum first five lines each additional line joc card of thanks 75c for or ant 6 lines each additional line 10c accounts ore rendered wofwtfy following insertion latis inflebtlon time ut pjkt wednesday hone 600 jssmsmss births marriages deaths etc mamied curotekenyon on saturday september lmh 1950 in central presbyterian church gait ont ano by rev dr david gowdy been daughter or mr and mrs benjamin f kenyon ot 74 glcn- morris st gait ont to james lawrence curric son pf mr and mrs j campbell curric of 15 haddington st gait ont oahh blake to charles and margnr ct a baby son september 19 1959 st joseph s hospital guelph a brother for dennis ashley mr and mrv gerald ashley wish to announce the birth of a boy bn in walker september 22 at st joseph i september 23 at st hospital guelph qjit coats mr and mrs wm d coats are pleased to announce the birth of a son donald bruce a brother for ian robert at quecnswny general hospital september 17 mother and baby doing well died latno suddenly at his home 190 churchill rd acun on tuesday september 22 iftmt william gordon laing in hi- 60th year husband of beatrice croukes reted at the rumlcy shoemnk er fune at home where the fimer 01 service won held on thurstny at 2 pjn inlcrminl fuirvilw cenul cry mcgregor al we rivnn nurs ing home acton nn friday september 111 19 isabella lawsun beloved wife of akx under mcgregor and dear rnoth cr of mrs ann talbot nf acton and mrn aliee soyster of ok in noma city ftjnera service wgs held at the romleyshoemokcr funeral home on sunday at 3 pm interment fglrview ctmelery lockersuddenly al acliin on wednesday september 23 ltt lomt oscar locker of r tt 2 rockwood beloved husband of jesiee elisabeth wright and dear father of john of orangeville george of guelph mis george redman ilorena may of fer gus predeceased by two sons lome eurl and wayne resting at the rumleyshoemak er funeral home where on fun cral serviec v ill be held on but urday at 2 pm int rm nt ebi n etcr cemetery orerar on tuesday evening september 15 1w9 ut toronto professor samuel rutherford crorar basc retired profes sor of university of toronto beloved husband of the late jean mccarler hived father of mr r c christie i eleanor i and j stewart of toronto mrs d a oarretl ijeam of acton and j rosa crerar of leamington funeral service friday after noon september is a toronto intenment park lawn cemeur in mebgoriam hrpbubn in loving mrmon a dear fnthtr jumts hepbui u pawed away september comino ivints continued for sa1e jconhnumfl aoton dancing school is holding classes in ballet tap highland and baton each tuesday alurnoon in st albania parish hall inainr les invted b13 3fl heather club of knox church are holding mimmaae and baking tale september 2ft at 2jw in van gils store corner of mill and el gin a 12 2 3631 the duke of devonshire chap ter lode are holding a sale of himc baking planters and nov turkey bupper at churchill churoh on tuesday evening sept ember 29 supper served from 5 30 ti 0 pm program following ad mission adults 50 children tk a- 133688 venture into faith a i 4 hnu full color film showing the mm ry of oral roberts in a dram alic story of the power of faith in god shown in act in pentecostal hurch thursday september 24 at 8pm no admission charge a 13 3648 acton scottish dance club open ing night saturday september 28 1mb in luxton memorial hill willow st acton at 8 pm fam ily night box lunch admission c teen agers 25c children free acton junior pipe band in attend ancc a 12 23620 for sale for sale large size coleman space heatetv re usontble for quick ale phne0 0 13j965 for sale for money making milking all dairymen need surge milking equipment fur sale eer vice and parts cell horace tomlln- stn surge dealer brampton phone glendale 112t5 atf for sale smith corona port ables 5 model available super sterling clipper sky n tar t world s first and only electric port- wanted wanted glrli winter coat age 1 in good condition phone 110 w 13 aj3 3677 wanted customers for the da ly mercury in the souih west end or town phone s99 at336fla wanted full time help ap ply in person watson s dairy bar 11 mill st e acton help wanted tank j50 phone 750-j- for sale 2 boys sport jack etc size 1314 and 16 1u like new 10 and jis phone h65 a 13 3660 for sale 1 coal ind wood range cheap phone 3i2 m v a 13 3651 foet sale 16 01dsmbile au tomntic heater new muffjer and b ake lines good shipe jl 400 phone 306 r a 13 3679 for sale- man i english light weight cycle as new record play er gmlir phone 1097 aflir 6 a 13 3681 for sai e wood ombmlion toitn dor screen pair of glass french d rs 17 park ave ac ton alt 36mi for sale boy i navy gjbar dine c ml with 7iuin lining ap ply uftor 1 pm at 3 j hn st unont 270 w a 13 hj52 for sale ribbons for all i makes of typewriters and jdriing machines also typewriter paper i hie aelon tree press a 2212 tf for sale pure bred jersey fist cair heifer due ti in october gordon hume tr 8 9874 for sale wihchcter single slut sh tgiin 13 gfluge mossben1 22 repeatir rifle apply milton dairj peter mcgibbon b19 3j6 for sale girl s heavy green winter c mt size 14 ji0 nny blue pleated tunic 4 phone 9h4 w for sale established hoe re pair business low overhead stll ing belww cost for ouick le ownn taken ivtr d finnt bus mess phone aeton 606 a 1 1 t8gi for sale kitchen cibirict arborlte 2 rnllaway beds extrtisi riwing machine vuwmasler pro leel r riisuiable phone 417 af irr 6 pm a 13 t57 for sale2 reg hdstein hei fi rs dm to freshen his w i ck applv aruaur swnckhamer r r 1 ailon i phune 18 w 2 13 1662 for sale used refi g rat rs with sealed unit all gu irant ed 29 up beven to choose fi m ciiduta eonwrey hardware st ire georgetown ont b 13 3673 for sale used westinghouse clothes dryer like new c ist sj49 wll for 1119 95 clearing of 1959 moffat kclric stoves from 14991 jp suving of up to 1100 cjmwtlctsi ee momv hardware stun c rgt town ont b m 3671 help wanted woman for cleaning 6 hour a prcfciably fri diy ph ine 1097 or 543 after 6 a13 3662 help wanted femile lypn with expeuence of general office procedure apply m cro plastics u ix rio acton a 113670 help wanted male fc mile payr ill cleik wilrt exper lence of general office procedure ind sime tving preferred apply mien plastics box 120 acton help wanted avon call ing for women who want to earn 2 to j per hour glen lea subdiv pen also rural arena i 13 hf1p wantfd rawleighs tp c ali imuks siles aids q lal it v i hi of 170 h mi and farm m ns ma answir your desire for in ike iic iiu full t me or spare tune pi ins wnu i djy fir b k let yu wnv to a hitter liv ng rawlcigh dept 1111 ff 4k h i hi utu montnil i 13 hfclp wanted one of toi ttntos be known realt rs is seek- hk i ripiestntitivc in thi am to sell real eslile excillent oppor lunily r the light person to bt ihur wn bss in tiative nd de r an your only rejuiremen s h gh c mmiss on expert nssist anei backid up w ih g od adver 1 u please w t ti wilt white 181 lglinlon ave last to ronto giving us some particulars about yiflfrself all replies will be answi n d and e infidential h keith realtor 111 eglinton ave eis toront j t t 2 3655 for rent for runt 2 rooms 1 single 1 htusikuu tig apply box 62 ac i in pit ofliee a ti 3671 for rent 4 r him apartment how wiring apph 13 church bt t ir ph m tk 1 921 ue trge tiwn a u tbm for rent- self con mined ap irlnunt siparite tntrance 1 bed r in j p ei bath hi aw wir nn and h w itn ph nt 95 i 11 3645 i bid for sale automat and frig gre bedroimi in ietlet arto ntc butfct dun tli iiutc ungle tied rocker w chj r wotk bmch m tie usa phone w i ii for rent self contained ap rtmint miuritt entrance 1 bel m 1 piece b ith hnw v ir nj nd h t i ii ph i 1953 we little knew when we woke that m rn je sorrow the da would bring tn call wnr sudden the shock scere to part with one we loved so dear sadly mlssid by marion und er rett a 13 368 for saieasphjlt iih 2111 pnmd 3 in 1 aiy i 7b5 a sonare selfmai ng h square thest shingh a jr 166 m n the duke of devonshire chap ter iode wish to exprets their thanks to the people of acton and district fur their generous sup pi rt of the tat days last friday and saturday a 11 3t6 the thoughtfulness and sym pathv extended b our friends and neighbor during our recent m row will alway remain w th tit a precious mem try o ir m thanks to al alex mcgicgtr and fam l a 13 wil 1 wish to thank all my relal ves jienhbors and 6r lends for kind i new shown to me during m rec ml and bereavement spec al hanka to dr kenny dr mcoae ue nursing tuff of guelph gen eral hoapital rev richardson gorston rumley shoemaker funeral home a 13 3641 mrs elsie newman coming events penny sale and euchre pariah hall september 23 auspices art m r cltsb al3 baaaar and home baking aus pices daughters of knox satur day october 24lh in knox church basement 230 to 4 30 p m united church nas- swuwya will ba bold on sun day stptenabtr if at 11 am and 7 90 bjss oueat mlniiter rev ft g hjutetwood ra rd of ham t iiid fen pro fi mited act i phone for sale large glossy prints of any staff photo appearing in the acton free press 5x7 size 75c x 10 size ii 00 nqure now at the free press office 56 mil si or phone 600 a tf for sale back to sen 1 sp cal i n clothing at the mil end store rockw wd only ipn t ie and wl 16 pjn frfdaj i 9 pm saturday 9 am 9 pm s 9 5 152h for saie aluminum dvrs irillwk v nd screens bl nd awnings canopies rail ngs r of mg for fret estimates phi ne 3s s 44 2961 tf i 12 2 3011 for hfnt 6 roomtd furnished h s ga furnace central apprnx m ely nitnbr 1 to mas 1 ui ti box 90 fiee pr ss a 13 2 1674 for rfnt furnished bedroom w h k t inn pnv ueei and all nv times phone r ickvioud ul w 8 wh u n mtwer ci ul 6 519 b 12 3611 ir pm a 13 3872 tor rent 1 rikmed apart ml 4 pier bath kitchen 1 ving im newlv donn ert sv month ph n 66 r pi 1 136 bi wer i 13 1 oh rent healed 3 room ap ir n e nt n r ckw h nj r mm kiuhin btxlroom 3 clothes clos i dll c nwrninok ava lable o i l f r pjrtwuuis call ulater fi s i r w r ie b ix 80 free press a 10 sim tf miscellaneous pmnttvg milciuanwul emknueit rul utatl tentlnued sstk bowen and bortolotti luthib iv1viwiv u wi1vi and finest tntemlrnnanl booking agency the j jan raid agency 1j9 dupofit st toronto wx fl jim currently taking fall and winter dates for king qanam and his sons of the wei tommy common tommy htmter plus many more exclusive attractions write wire phone 8139649 pairs to al mnkea rental mach- mwino machint rrm horn dmiutrtlom onoh hnnho oumra aeootfown n iui actoni oowon baw1wam roofing our business tar and stone asphalt shingles plain or selfseal also chimney repairs all work guaranteed j byers limehouse tr 7 mot a tl ceramic tile aud mosaics whv settle for imititlons when the reol thing c wis veiy little bob mcginnis miltm tr 82m3 real estate 100 00 per week will be taken off the down pay mini n this home until somebody purchases it this weeks down paymfnt 80000 attractive rug brick split level attached garage ben workman ship lakevlew subdivision ns limnerv odor i private no realt ors fcesl t mortgage isavt 1 oop compared to 6t hone evenincs 635 w 46 monthly carries mortgagf 3 bedroom home decorated alum mum storms and icreens 4 p oce tile bath nil furnace full bise men large lot full price 9875 asking ttv down bargain 990 full down payment one mortgage only 10890 full price detached 3 bedroom brlpk bunga low with sepirate dining area 4 piece bath dec rated aluminum storms and screens oil furnace high basement large landscaped lt nha mortgage if 9 900 rime n tgage uhly secmd m irtgage limited real estate broken an insurance guelph a largest sailer of homes 5 qouglaa st uummer bldg i six acres a country home within a mile of town large 7 roomed house with modern k tchen and bathroom id all city conveniences 6 roll only its location suih as would prove appeiling lo a speculator auaion sale apoon an 67 lots ponjsi and aadrtle bred horses apjjalopms palpmin as welsh andaketmndl sb hol- sltln heifers 19 hrm 0 opan 4 horlhorn hereford cows bred is shorthorn haraford yairlinga sattjildat octobeit itth 1959 cattlo selling at 10 am at clarksburg qrey county ont loff rlkgnwsy for detailed information write the owner rnydon hunter clark 9liur ont a13 lake view 3bedroom bungalow large mod ern kitchen oil heat aluminum atorms and screens low down payment and 5 n h a morl gage split level with attached garjge a cleverly planned house expertly built and spotlessly maintained a beautiful home you can move right into and find every thing done for you for rent 5 room bungalow hardwood and tile throughout 4 piece bath handy to school and stores can be rcnled or rented with option to buy for information or appointment to viow thse homes or many oth ers in this ares or guelph call tom fleming at acton 633 j or mr j j stewart 219 m i we will accept any trade guelph dial ta 2 bi9i open til nine a 13 i auction sale in itftln township imretum hi kahlre swlo aheepbte the undersigned has received instructions froirt llabry p burt to sell by auction at tha farm lot 15 con 6 erin township sit uated on the 6th line 1 mils west of hlllwurgh on tuesday september iff 1959 commencing at 2 00 o clock shurp the following vaccinated grade hol bte1n cattle marie holstdn cow 2nd calf born aug bl 1999 lucy hulsteln cow 2nd oalf due in nov joan hulsteln cow due befove sale day ruth holslein cow ind calf vein sept 13 sal ly holsteln cow 2nd calf due in nov daily holslein cow 2nd uat legal notice to creditors and others in tha estate of laura may duffield late of the town of aelon in the county of italian widow deceased all na riles having claims against the aforementioned estate of lau ra mjv duffield who died on or about the thirtieth diy of june 1919 ire required to file proof thereof with the undersigned sol icitui foi the execute rs on or be fine th twenty sixth diy of september 1919 after whiih date the estate w ii he distributed having regard only lo the cldims then filed dated at acton ontario this e ghlh dav of september 1919 c f leatherland qc aton ontano a 11 j tender notice tenders will ba received by school area no 1 township of esquesing for the construction of a five classroom public scho 1 drawings and specifications pre pared by harnett and bieder ar chitects will be available at the architects toronto office and re ference copies will be placed at the toronto builders exchange and kitchener builders exchange on monday september 21 1959 tenders vyiu be received in the architects office sent by register ed mail postmarked not later than 5 00 pm monday october 1 1958 and addressed to school ar ea no 1 tuwnshln of esqueslng c o barnett and rieder archif eels 96 eglint n ave e toronto mechanical and electr cal tenders will be received at the toronto bid depository not lnler than 3 00 pm friday october 2 1959 the lowest or any tender will not neeesmarilv be accepted a dep sit cheque of 25 00 will be required for drawings and spec ificalions b 13 auction sales auction sale in twp of nassagawfya this wfeks extra special sb f m dr ven only m 000 m t v one wner eng no n l m jl cover 2 ne t i sh full price 962 dr ven only 8 months q9 ix hill super vv i rail c vd elet n f cars frmi uhfh t rh v w fr m sft up do you knnn rnmeane whi m ghi buv one ir th abne s ee als or anir car in stock ph me fsur information to crvdirmjn ar s1nv milton if a a e fc suits you will receive a t0 cheque cryderman car sales ontario st s m it n tr s66o0 farmfrs lake nlri vt need rl ai and cr ppkrt animals f r n nk fefd h gnem pr r paid we m m havi dead iifk w ith n few h rs t jiiptrllv lie il 4 w c hit s419 tf insurantte ree estimates n ranee f ill v nd if you are i n der ne chance tram your tesrnt t tier rr th king for a new plai eintact omar ii park rr plun it 4461 a 401047 tf nxxir rfftnlshing we now c have a iindrrn undr and edge we w tl ref nh ur floors or i ent vtm tle equipment to do the b yours j b frank oh one i i v frrder ck 51 s afen a p reimer iphillitxry add 3 v a d c i t w h k lied re tv i it r f irniture can be hnd me an i new gwtiow mt mse n dean ng and rvrn iini phine 68 acton a f dfdstoc semvici i h hest cash prices for dead or 1 so bled hnncj and ros old hor es 6c a lb for prompt trv ce rail 1 ne d tine and a ik for zfmth 751w no charcte k jrnu stfe pfxom hannon i handymans special unfinished bungalow n large lit with divided basement large kilrhm lw taxes hilf m le f mi acton asking 5 050 full price terms special 1 h drioni bunga w peir tiwn centre large kitchen ill modern cmvenences full bisiment i rm ind streen urii 1 ind c i ed it ssoo flfll down 8 900 full price or rerfuci on for cash building lot hj i m le to cton 13c x 133 ft 800 full price building lots the undersigned iucti ncers have received nstruction fr im robert watson to sell by public aucti m at his farm nasaagaweya better kniwn as the nellis farm silualed un ihc blue springs line 3 m les wf of act in c rner of acton t dc r ad and blur springs line on monday heptembrr uth c immncini at 1 30 o clock the following cows holstein cow milking wi ii due dec 25 holstein enw due in n v red and white c w due oct 26 roan c bred may 24 red cow freshened in aug red cow bred mav 2 young cattle holsti in he fer 1 year old red heifer fl m dd 2 black steers 1 wr ild 1 he fer calves all above herd s bl od tested pou1 try and hogs chunks 1 gfese i gander i dim hins rmplemevts oav d rr wn trai w uki pullev hydnfi tc and power take off 2 furr m iracwr plow stone boat mh m wer 6 fl c it gr nd- ne m h 10 ft rske finn ng m i m h fl h nd r walking plow mh llt oih r tut r v k i ugh mh u re d i i r n kit us int ir p held hav 1 idet in maiure nmtler c rri lr aw 4 ecl en le i ch ppr 10 i ulper w ft udder 2 in and at hav rack lyer crejn tapa w ih mit r hen fnw c n iwra r f t hi- 1 adrtr 25 june holsle n cow 3 years old milking well bred may 29 col- loen heifer milking well bred sept 13 9 pure bred holstein hoi fera due frorrt oct 10 to doc 20 this is a choice lot good size well bred bred to college victor son of sprlngfavm fond hoothe above cuttle have all been vaccin ited and will be old subject to bio id test at purchasers expense reg suffolk sheeph ewe limbt 4 shearlings 4 2 year oldh 4 iktd wes 9 ram lambs ready for service this is a choice lut pedigiees will be supplied al pur chasers expense all under 2 yenr old ire sired by imported rim piu lis victor reg yorkshire pigs yorkshire boor crond duke 9ttn bern feb 16 lovi 3 young bojis i m mths fiom dualified buw york s iw w th 12 pits at side 4 weeks old yolk sow bred 1 month h young sowi bred in early aug all pigs are eligible for registral tfrms cash with clcik on diy if sile n leseive is the owner is gung into iog holsteins sole held un du eovei in case of inclement weather wm a gibson auctioneer phone guelph ta 4 147h henrv wheeler clerk a 13 public auction sale of s9 head of pure bred regist ered and 24 head o grade hol slein cows and heifers dairy fqutptnant and i5ean bulk milk cooler for v oebald henry lot 9 4th line east chlnguoc ousy township 3 miles east of brampton then 1 mile north no 7 highway friday october at 1 30 p m pure bred cows i gloria lochinvar silver plusx due sept 10 2 brownie silver plus pabst ann due sept n 1 grace tot ilia star bright calf it side 4 tri x a prince supreme calf at side 5 co unt rss mima silver plus fresh 6 nancy hartog supreme fresh 7 couritev monogram sup re me calf al side 8 gail nether hnd rag apple fresh 9 rose rag apple silver plus due sept 21 10 helbon hartog grand master a due sept 11 haxel pabst rag apple a due sept 30 12 susan palwrt grand master lass due oct 2 11 jewel ann silver plus due oct 14 calanlha tex bl pabst b due oct k 13 fair child tillie tctitia due oct 22 16 rustondole ra jewel due oct 24 17 hilda countess silver plus due oct 29 18 gail pansy victor due nov 10 19 lilcv rig apple voyageur scgls due dec 6 20 r vi pabst grand master du dec ih 21 totilla car 1 marks man due dtx 18 22 colanlha j iv s lver plus due dec 21 23 j iv sensation silver plus due dec 4 24 vecnun susan hart g due feb 13 25 hartog armsby willow due time of sale 26 li len roseland pnntiac due time o ston church elder thomas mlehle dies a member and elder of boston presbyterian church thomas mic he passed away at milton private hospital on septcmbe- ii his home was at b r 1 milton he was born in huron emmtv near brusclb in 1fi71 but moved to the scotch btpgk when he w quite small and lived there ever since his parents were the lite william and jane michie he wjs married in nassngiwevn in 1903 and his wife ellrnbeth jane storey died in 1945 he is survived hv two dmghteii ellen mrs wilfrid mrdontild rr ft milton and mary mrs gordon mcgibbon hfl3 mi hon brothers james robert and ernest mlehie and a sister mrs i orne nlchol all of brussels rev b a nevin conducted the funeral service al the mckerile ifuneial home on september 14 and interment followed in falrvlew cemetery acton the pallbearers were kenneth mlehle john michic bort archer chlsholm hume oor don fisher and robert w dredge flower bearers were doug robert son frank robertson j g gillies jack turner fred robertson and george michie carlisle swamps milton in final carlisle juniors in their first year in junior baseball have taken hal tin county honois an 18 s victory they posted vtr milton saturday rl the ftmgiound was the deciding gamo in the bist of five se r ei wh eh they ciptured three tmih tt two fdch club had pikslid two w ns m the serkb prior lo s uurdav s fix hire and cirlisle came through in fine sf le in the climax frnie zim mcrmin hurled for the winner and illowed jist four hils whili t total f fiv pitthers weni t the m und fir mill n and k ve up 11 hits in the inslaughl iber tv i i oloi notice to creditors and others town of acton in the county at helton hplnsier deceased all parties having claims against ihc aforementioned estate of etu abeth hannw wallace who died on or about the twenty save nth day ot march 1969 are sequired ti file proof thereof with tafe wider- signed solicitor for the executrix on r before the twenty sixth day of september 1959 after which date the fctate will be distributed having regard only t the claims then filed dated at actnn ontario this eighth criy of september 1959 c f leathfrland qc acti n ontario s lic tor fi the executrix a 11 13 pure bred hfifers1 hel bon susan reflection yearling op en 2 ciunte- sylv a reflection yearl na open 3 pearl rag ap pie reflection yearling open 4 trixle vinev rvftecti in yiarling open 1 grace susan pabst reflec 1 n viarhng open 6 tes reflect on yearli colantha reflction l la co open 7 pen 8 ida fotifla reflection jeartng ipen 9 betty jewel re flrti n jan 6 1959 pen it ger id ne j v reflect n feb 10 1956 pen grade cows 1 grade enw fr sh i aradr c w rnsh jradr r- w f rrvh i gride r iw fr sh 1 a d r w due t me f u 1 voir row due nnv 11 jrvle n w freih f idr c iw fr h grade c w due n v 14 1 grnrlr w due ni 1 t k a1r co f tin i grade enw full f nw u 1e c w fi ll rl w l grade ct w i fl w i grade row due t me if e grade c w fresh grade hfifersl grade he open 2 grade heifer i ng open i i ne ipen i ling open i rig pen heifer fer lbi an1 i ll acreacjes sydney k lamb real estate 14 mil st f 163 long e d rd acton ph ne sj4 open t ii 9 p m t duible name hay kn fe rk ncs sh vrl chim rake evttiev lh xcn hi pj e hags and rnanv nther artcles tt njnwrvu ment n ha avd grain ftc ab ul 21 1 1 hav 10 e arx iim b gra n abouijwo bus rodnrj djj n tenber i f sleel ind cdir f nee itoisu and mmt household effects such as tables cha n e r tfrms cash setlement th clerk on dav if sale nn gvds i f r x id rerve r fari hivdle and fluott i auct hirers i 1 fred bapt c clerk 13 1 6 grajie heitei 7 grille he vcar na opn a grade he ri ye nid bred aui 20 dairy ixjuipwefttt i r uv lacan bulk mlk cooler ed f li year u nless steel o e nah t ibs de laval 4 un m ike t h irse centura m i 3 de laval stwllng m ik e new vacuum pip ng and tao f r 13 eow 3 mi pi 2 wk rtwrr 1 rlectrc not alr hearer wod electr c 3 h is v nde 30 watar bowl and p p ng if anv ne nterested in gind m rr bred and grade cows and sri te be sure to attend this sale clean blood tests it rase of ra n cattl w ll be w a iih c pwlttvelr no r t j henry n going out of vf di v business auctioneer snelgrove phone alber mcbrtdt b 1j clearing auction sale in twp of nassagaweya of orde holaleln cattle flradi shorthorn cattle tmetee implem enta hay grain etc the undersigned has received instructions from oforoe dredop t sell by aucllm at hi farm lot s con 1 situated fiurth rikw od line 1 mile east hilt nvlle 2 m les east if m i 11 wednfhday october 7 commencing al 1 o clock sharp 17 cows and bred heifers holstein row 6 vejrs old fresh sept 12 th heifer calf at t holmem cow 3 years old fresh sept 6 with heifer call at foot holslein cow 3 yean old fresh sept 11 with calf at fxt short horn cow 4 years old fresh sept b w th he fer calf at f t short h rn cow tirst calf resh sept ii with heifer calf at foot hoi stein cow due dec 7 black jrr say due de 4 shorthorn cew milking well bred july 5 holstein siw milking well bred june tt olstvtn cow milking well not bred shorthorn eow first calf milking w4l ho lata in eow milk mk wall not bred shorthorn cow milking well bred july 10 hulsteln eow milking brad july 1 holstein cow ireeh tn july with calf at foot not bred hoi suin heifers bred may may 10 this is a choice home bred herd in a bruceuoala and tb free area all artificially bred to built from maple unit youno cattle fat hereford heifer about mo tba hereford leer about too lbs t yearling holstein heifers 1 yearling short horn steer and heifer 6 young calves tractor and implements ford tractor used 4 yeans in fxesuont condition ferguson 1- dearborn adams f u r n i tu r e co ltd presents their fall bargain roundup wa have corralled all the bar gains again this fall so be lure to take advantage of our new imet of merchandise at the easiest terms in town dinette and kitchen sets 5 pc chrome set with beige and brown inlaid tablewith extra sturdy relnforced legs the narrow table you have been looking or at 79 95 or 75c weekly clearance special 5 pc red chrome set with large table one set only at 79 95 or 75c weekly 5 pc bronzelone dfiielte round table with wide leaf makes a roomy ova i whr n ex tended this set is equally at home in any room special 139 95 or 1 50 weekly something different for the larger kitchen k ng sued table 5 side chairs and i arm chair while and coral combination to clear 1 50 weekly other sets from 49 95 up our new televisions are here for 1960 but we find ourselves with two 1959 models which must be cleared at once 21 marconi table model in wal nut complete with base only 239 00 or 2 50 weekly 2 1 marconi console model in walnut regular 39 00 to clear at 249 00 or 2 50 weekly furrowed tractor plow we have 4 refrigerators n stock 229 00 to 499 00 trade ns accepted immedate delivery no wailing 3 reel ner chars to dear 2 brown 1 green i 64 95 ea or 75c weekly see our complete three room selection bedroom living room and kitchen ju op weekly including stove and frig 7 50 weekly including stove frig and tv- do 00 weekly blankjts shktspiu0w cases spreads etc 150 00 worth of your own choice 30c wiekly 1 00 00 worth of your own choice ii 00 weekly coaae in ano visit at your rtlenrxy fubnitum shop spring tractor spraedar bear- born ford mower dearborn lid delivery rake like new lie dear- ing 11 run fertiliser aad grain drill s assay harru binder fa rut ccarmlck com under internat ional fs sp toqlh culuv itnr ertstnr tpib i srlader papau cutting boat chet- am fanning mill steal land rellcr eumn rake hay tftfder rukbtr tired farm wagon flat bat reck hsy fork and roae ail email toela lloconnick decrtaa milking but china 1 usut c with pump nlsnsd oka3 iw bu e wheat 708 bus of garry oats 40 tuna of choice baled bay twhls ch with clerk nn day of sale no reserve as farm is sold wm a gibson auct nneer don mcmillan clerk blll no obligation 10 buy at adams furnitvjke co 110 37 mill si nom ims ontario iarg8st i home furnishers

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