Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1959, p. 1

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ftht ttt mh ft elyhtyflfth year no 14 acton ontario thursday october 1st 1959 twelve pages seven cents going going gone ttidav of thfs wcek was the- deadline for the steel smoke j the operation in the various ifack at the former baxter plan to remain standing or leaning the smoke stack would tumble workmen equipped whh an 80 foot boom on a huge crane disappointed if bets were laid removed the stack and after a portion of the roof was removed marred by a single incident lifted out the five ton boiler belowhe pictures above show interest enthusiasm sparked at c of c meet wednesday staff bbm steps some citizens speculating before it was removed might be but the entire operation was not bmlmgtaa settled assessment maps fer rest ef cemty an outofcourt settlement be tween wven hal ton municipal it lea and the town of burlington on monday resulted in an increase ot w0fi1 in milton s assessment or county purposes the settlement was made at the start of an ontario municipal boardordered hearing into bur- lliigton s appeal against the halton county equalization bylaw for 1059 which was to have begun monday morning at the court house milton just as the hearing got underway burlington solicitor a b mcllmoyle asked for a recess so the lawyers representing the municipalities could discuss pro- 1 cedure during the recess an agreement was reached and was announced later that afternoon the agreement will lower bur lingtons equalized assessment from 72281913 to s70b67 306 in creases in other municipalities assessments were acton 115616 georgetown 268 881 milton 160 8 oakviiie 41062 esqucsmg 131676 nassagaweya s4s 19j trafalgar 9129329j solicitors and assessors of the various centres agreed tho now as sessment method used by burling ton nude a variance in the true assessment picture as compired with ovhers using the older sys tem the board under the ehatrmin- ship of wentworth solicitor darcy lee accepted the settlement as their judgment plan visitation sunday st albans knox in sector plan all training meetings held here si alban s parish hull is the i the ladies of si alban s served hot roast beef dinner to the men mid women before they rtcetvtd instiuctions on the every member visitation sunday november 11 this is iht first yeiir that st al bans church has participated intra mctor plan but tht third year in a n w fur knox nearly 1500 churches me tikltift part altogether tho rev h stokrtcf is the gen milk prices up today milk pntes m aet n tffttlive at both dairies ruse one cent lodiy ithuisdiyi quit is of ugulr and homogenized two per cent in mojjtnutd skim ind buttermilk are effected by this one cent meeting place for a series of fi training meetings fur uiurchis p ticlpatlng in tht sector plan the first dinner meeting wis held there last thursday attended by over 60 representatives of 12 chunhts tikinx part ire st albin s ae lm ind kn ix chureh at on os well as others it oi uijttvillc guelph saltm and gtoigttown i tho acton chamber of com merce held the first general meet ing following the summer recess on wednesday evening in the base ment of the united church the m members present enjoyed a moat delicious dinner prepared and served by the ladies of tluj prjepdiy cipde t r nokahwunx oomuuttm president george sarbeau and past president frank terry john ooy with secretary j bert wood were named to form a nominating committer lo bring in n mw slntt of officers at the next general meeting the chnmbir agreed to appoint a committee to approach council ri garbing street signs for the ti wn it was the opinion of some mi in bcrs that tht chamber was not n active as it should be and suggest ed that four general meetings j year were not sufficient to keep the whole membership activt dbeuaa projects a shoppers guide and crnnmun ity directory published by the chnmbti of commerct m gturgi town wus brought to tin mum urn of the met ting and left with tin civic committee to mvistiratt as to cos and wurk involved tht results on to bt rtpmtid at the next executive mti ting the doctor and dentiit mtuuli n in acton was brought up at a pi ject for tin chanibi r following some discussion n iht subject 11 was agreed that the sit uation n still an atuti problem and one unit tht lumber conumici exteutivt should follow up sugg i sled pr ijocts funds to hilt tlit u notitt to bi diiilt with cctors h h 1 hurfct tlt meirtbirship et cent j in acton would be discontinued if the j ncmbershlp was not increased committee members agreed the brigade had done a worthwhile job in acton and fell it should re main as an active organization in town during the report of the retail seffloli bf we chamber il was noted thai discussions had taken place rcgaiding the possible no parking on mill street in the bus iness area the committte fell it would creali a problem of speed ing and rtangt r to the ktnirjl pub ik as wtll is dme busimss from town further action was scheduled on this for a joint meet ing with the police committee of the town council a report of the santa claus par ade was presented by committee chairman jim ledger this year it was proposed to organize a christ mas party instead of continuing with the parade arrangements have already been made for a hall and a helicopter will be arranged for to bring santa to acton en torlunmrni f r the children woult consist of hk mls cindy grfts etc on hit n t of approaching win ur and sanu itnvil the mtet mg adjourned al 9 p m riilulset speculation ends steel smoke stack removed this wtik markid tho end f a 1 icul distuhsion among some rtsi dtnth is to whin the metl chimnij j lit the former bnxui plant might i l i i nshiiu to tin jr und 1 dm uir recent months mh r il p ipli glantink toward tht chim 1 six acton veterans to join in 164th battalion reunion chocol he milk in both pint ind quarts remains unchanged as do pintb and half pints if white milk ind creim in miking un utim uncrminl don timmings of aclon diiirv ind wes misiles f mnsnlct 1 urv sud the dalritn could not be blnmid fit tht intieise ind ixplnned tint a letter from tin milk industry bo ird f the di p n mi nl i f agi icultut t insti ucting them to r use iht puce to the f irmti mr vi is iles noted tint the board set ihe prices paid to the farmer t the dune- iffttltd this eoupled with the recent rise in cost of ill duly supplies bottlis caps surillmng tejuipmcnl and solu t oi s plus gtnti il ovtthtid midi il necessary for the dairies to mere ise the cobt to tht tonsumer mi misiltb ilso pointed out iht farmers art getting a 19 ctnt pt r hundred w t iht inci e ise in milk efftctiv e today the government ordered us to piv this increase he sa d this brinjis tht total to 5 10 per hundredweight pud to the f n mtrs who ship to the dairies abflyasi ei at chairman of the steering com nuttec and explains that plans arc being made at these meetings which will assurt the full christian lm pucl w ii be nndi on iht commun ity the every member visitation is to get everv number fullv com milted ti jesus christ ns wt 11 as a fin mtiiil c impugn he strtsstd dmctur of tin sit tor plin is the riv dougl is gordon of guelph secretirv is mrs jt in c i u f gutlph and the counstllor is the gentlt a sound film strip two sides lo it coin wis shown with the rev h mckcnzii at the projector m mcfirlinr of gcorgt tht hi tht benednlu fith acton churt ct mmiltee for knox jim gieir is the gen tint ehiinmiin with stan notion lit tr iret of piogrun mis- inez mc ltllin imttrmls wilf metarhein visitations m ic spit w i risonnts at st albans w h chiiny is the gem i il chairm in i in piogram commit tt i denny issislcd bv tin matt nils vic bnslow newton visitations c lilherland with ken knox risnurccv dr fr ink oakes with george barbeau hostess committee mis t coth- i nt and mrs g barbtiu lu own thir of is harold diwkins vilh t s many memories of world war 1 will be recalled in acton this sat urday evening when the 164th hal- ton duffenn battalion hold their annual reunion in the aclon jltgion auditorium although only six acton mem bers of the bittalion are presently i ving in town the will be joined b many of ihtir buddies some of v horn enlisted with the acton re crultlng unit and others ki nearby towns recruiting first began for this battalion on december 27 1915 and is under the supervision of serge ant wilfred coles who had been npttnaled home with wounds the first two acton bojs to enlist were rilph swackhamer and clarence milhevs but thev were joined shutly by many more in four uccks lime ihe ranks had s ilhd from two soldiers in acton ti list ng in this bdtlnlion lo 20 and in mother tw weeks 41 had signed i ieir name to join within seven weeks over 380 men had enustcd for duty in this balta lion from towns in halton and duf term counties wjien towns inhlton consisting of acton milton georgetown oak ville and burlington and towns in duffenn county consisting of grand valley sh el burn and orbngevillc had each recruited two platoons the 164th battalion gath- ertd at the fairgrounds in orengc- tftfuo later moving to camp bor- dan in one of the first battalions to move into ihe newly opened camp the soldiers trained it this new camp until october 15 1916 when they marched from camp borden passing through acton to their new quarters at hamilton on the th of apt 11 1b17 the bat til ion embirkcd ft r erst is when ii cy became p irt of the ith divis of nt hill- tennnl munoi i htmli bcr c mid pr irii l in for nil church gi uvs suggtsti d piijm submit rcporu the industrial e mm n waa wibmiurd t t- t chairman ind givm b n da it id sto in mini comm tlii hid had an mtr and had i ituiiri n trirj win itcured i h it i ttil hi t ties hart biiii eonuelcd nginliu the wwil c nibltik 1 1 i- u was ftirtrtir notrsi trnt d ir c- d ft inns existing at iht plant plan hjd not nulirlaluod f r hi j t of tht build ng the incttulnal displo n h ton fvu flr a mm- th cummittit agrrtsd il had bit n a worth whir jw jttl nri 1 pjii m being nde r anu ht i dipl iv ncxl vri blaarf aa air rllumi the connnittce reiort d ij members the chamtirr had taken a stand regarding tc pwmble ad t ion of an air pollution b law and the effect u might har on attract ing new mdiuiry to ton this sparked a hrated drtatr it wa agrred to review the ent r situation further at a mrrlmg of ihe chamber the rfpori al p nted nut a tempu were being mode to boon the membership of the st john ambulance brigade following re ing l teat n ts it the public sell vol m iht jiuiur grades ihe pupil were allowed t stmid it tht side of the schihil ma w itch is the hugi ctint liflid ihi stttl stitk in iwn sections ind phnd thi m siftly on tht giound bits is t th p ni i f uit roof rtmntdl ill tw tin in in t bt 1 fled ut h is i i r pi it id ind wotk in i i pi nt i ntimniij nt i r ipid i ta th now pi pn his dills ir nt nj ind publ lwng mipam 1 kku hi thus in kmhtnir hi pi t liim m n mj ttu t muip nun ml tht in w iik hi n s mi tmu un m n h 4190 people isini pi ml uespllr the fact man families have left town during the paal lew months follow i nj the layoff al malum last rebruafy the iu i i ix in i ik ki wis n hum topuutiin ha inrreaaed ni w1 36 ainrr ua september town intoitun ul f oiiit r ihr elerk j mrgeachlr reported yea dwilk ut is nt d d i si lerda i it u li mi 1 u d s ppi ii halnt completed the tammer in i i slii f u u ii ili mtl population flfjurn be finds 4 1m t i iri i tin iv i i in tn in petiple in tonn al preaent in tit-v- i i i- w i i ih i iti i1 comparwn with 4 is4 al he aame 1 in pi i h ii pro id it r period last year j to ju u3whil it iw aftnj fire chief urges citizens to observe safety rules w 1 nfi tin lent mg to ull l hid been u uied l s ill nikhl ili ii p s and d lib s will tll sh n 1 uivd 1 lu l tpt is fi ni eku ui t ill k lihtnir u i1 d with tin 8 r cr un bits and xpir wtiik rs rt v n t i l ii so foot stuk flm misti lit hml sidi tin ml portion roof remov rd tin still s uk i tin f i- 1 i i 1 vlft f 11 1 1 i b in police capture trio wednesday in acton corp lal ray mason of the local opp detachment captured three km igi rirls in acton at 125 n m on wednesday after receiv inp a nport ihev had escaped fi m the marys ille school at names too numerous to mentio ill bt recilltd at tht reunion th silurday elxpecled inning ll jcwsbiasft3sa nunv nunm v ill be the six mc still living in aclon e e bur locker j loutelt dr a buchanan gus clifford and sn snow fluff photo the new executive to head aclon legion minor sports was chosen monday evening follow mg a buffet luncheon in the legion auditorium pictured above front row left to right are e t marks rirst viccpresiden v masters president a johnson past president and j bui lough second vice president back row b drink waiter secretary i kilby superintendent of records and g mccutcheon treasurer during the general meeting plans wore made for the corning hockey season and bylaws chscked t jsfca iv biium-l- kikr mmnmy w ndst an tin r e rl had escaped with tht tn but ihe fourth was not with ihe girls picked up m acton sht w is found il her home in hamilt n tin threp caught in acton were mined vn to the hamilton chrld- ini aid society for their return t the sch n windsor headon car crash causes 800 damage two cars received 400 damigt each m i headon crish in high way 7 iast of acton tarr mond iv evening but drlvtrs escaped injur const davt hardy cuunij o p f officer said a car driven bv ernest law son 4i elgin st acton wis passing mother car when it collided headon with a car drhtn bv reginald lazenbv uf ii norwex d road toronto back to normal pupils move into new quarters occupiliii of pirt of thi ntw m i m addition at tht robi 1 1 litlli pubic srho i bigan ih s wiik when f ur r mi wire otcuptd by students alii nding stiggtjed classes sinci the stirt of seh i stpttmbt r 8th on mond i y m rning ridi 7 f jack n l r dni 1 i u- atfi f rt rittnttoo wrk w m xi 1 nrx- wck n aet ti h 1 is is u f remi n k- fief ghling equ nihi aiid w i b able k qucn ns jioui fir fighting chut niw n rfinndi all li- n ns thit r m the ptr d dec m- w i ihiember 19sb the dc- w no iitrcd 30 ruril call n1 19 hxal crfll at result of ifw- fits f ve people were lefl h rr cs to rtnlr ugl f tht alls d 24 i i ired 17 alb dbribatc ufcrslar f keep nj w th f rr i e csri week the rion f re fishers w 1 d i r bute 1 ifraturr d x r 1 il r w fire prcftilion and safetj npi c cho 1 and mercantile pror e a wrl as indulr rl on fr dai fn m oc ber the firemn ii h h opn hjur- at ihe fir hall and f lm on f re prccntion and afrlv wil b ihown qllitcm of acton and rural area will have an opporuin lw rlre lw a h m he fir liv for e on am in ed on sli48 ihe chief remind crrvonc that fire can happen am m nue he jcr the utmual i cau on al all lrnrs c ith air rem tsd hat a v luntprr home inspection t i point i ut ft- haia di 1 bt rsinduci ed b he f rrmrn in request in ease of emegency call your fire department by asking the op erator tar 300 pupils kiupirik llu st nil ii liirvpurary tun it r pitthtd in ttaiuid u i t 1 1 di ks i mi rt perm on nl ullh nigh ti mporary quirten in ihe new 1 ii id elisi in thi u i tuiiuni in vi m nd iy br uglit rt 1 nh l th pi pih b il ii i hkl illlx tv r ditio with much fmshing t j be d nt pupils wil four r ioms until llnv ulid ni fully f n slu rl pcrmjih ihlv se llli d wn in tl i term the iwa k 1 1 7 ilas t h by keith hi uk ind k th m in n have been us n in sc nit ii ill w ih nt ells- i pi 1 nj f r rim es in the m oning and thi iht r n the aftimm aim in v ng ski itnl 1 1 i v ment 1 iher mw i nis j- doug t j i liinri nrrfdi t till us which had ttis r i h i ri nk with hi iih i ur j e i kh ind mrs u c trtlunts i 1 which hid lem ii imii w n j i i ih li iilnrs spiinllv mji nil pi nt il w mk iitn k sill alih ih uu hiil hit n 1 im i n tin tui m t ii in hit n w utii li n ill m ti tiy f in 1 iv tin w illnr i iii i n lv n nif it in i 1 ih school board meets inspector in camera to discuss results remand five youths j charged after fracas k sulf pn o a harfy movf both for techeri end pupils wai the one made at the robert l le publ c school on monday m four rooms of th 12 roam addition were occup ed for the first t me some or the boys assisting m movtrvg the desks and equ pment are p ctured above as icy enter the back entrance to the school tn the meantime s nee school began grade 7 has been holding staggered classes in th scout hall grade e ght staggced classes n the r re gular room and grade four staggered classes inthe auctironum it is hoped that the complete new addition wtll be cornplered shortly in order to have the classes settled for good u rtr reullme n be i i p ithed thr lam nd w m piisiponed t it n i e t runt n n r nt th ritrt i iv wai njarted l i mr johnson left al 1150 pm

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