Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1959, p. 10

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gditwfalpafe opposition timely the action of the packinghouse workers local 479 th actovi ciambv of commerce and the 8rdrnor company in registering their opposition lo the proposed air pollution bylaw last weeks council meeting was bom timely and justified contrary to councils reassuring words that nothing would be encouraged that eo paydlzed industry the delegation of glen tea residents et an earlier meeting was assured a t by law would be prepared on the strength of this those opposed were wise in registering their opnoiition early too often citizens sit back until after legislation is approved before registering their objections the majority feeling about the by law would seem lo be abundantly clear too a petition signed by 835 people is indicative of the opposition such a bylaw has aroused there is little wonder either no one is anxious to have his employment jeopardized and we have no doubt that council is not anxious to jeopardize the economy of the town already this year the town hns survived the upheaval and economic problems brought about by the closing of a large in dustry hero too people argued it could never happen but it did no one hns threatened rrml bewdmore s will close tf the by low is passed but neither has there been any assurance it won t there have been arguments the by law dcesn t have to be enforced and arguments it will if passed be enforced in the lilhl of the expressed opinion of the minority we can see no reason why council should mrur the cost and confusion of proceeding further in the preparation of the by law passing by laws should never be regord ed as a convenience in pacifying delegations wiih the decision to enforce the legislation left over for further wrangling we feel sure the company is sufficiently aware of the odor problem and will move as quickly as possible to rehoce it by what ever methods may be developed there seems no justifiable reason for fur ther discussion on the by law which is only gaining an unwelcome notoriety for the town and claiming many man hours in incondu sive discussion just plain talk v w h evans is president of the canadjan manufacturers association a group that has not been notably successful in winning pub lie support judging by his recent toronto speech mr evans may change all that he talked the kind of language canadians can understand and he made his points in good blunt english to hear some people talk he said you d think that employers took positive delight in lay offs and payroll reductions nothing could be further from the truth i know of no employer who isn t highly pleased when business conditions are so good that he needs to increase the size of his labor force that is the kind of straight forward talk that is understood there is not a newspaper in the country that couldn t use some extra hands about the place there is scarcely a farmer in this district who isn t short of help every store n town could do with another helper if business improved bui without adequate profits there cinnot be full employment for these sound reasons those who balk the legitimate aims of the manufaclurers and other sections of the business community are all wrong they cannot cripple em ployers and at the same time create em ployment business people like mr evans should never tire of putting tint point icros commendable action the recent action of council in choosing a thursday evening for nomination is a welcome innovation friday night wilh the stores of the town open until 9pm has precluded the pos sibiltty of many businessmen attending the nomunlion meetings the business district of the town is of course one of the important elements in ihe town s total complexion this change in night then should assure their attendance at the significant event acton nommitions this yen according to our calendar will be held on thursday november 19 it is important that the leidership of the town be active and representative it is on this mqht that those who may be dis satisfied give fair hearing to reports of pre 1000000000 wasted by world standards canada s fire losses are a national disgrace taught to be more careful heed the r practual adv cp dont give fire a place to start no european nation even remotely ap proaches us per head of population in our evident consuming tendency to burn up our bri6l commgnts selves and our possessions certain that we cannot be- h and more than one billion dollars is the sum of property destroyed in the last 10 years this is an appalling economic woste far exceeding the loss of any other decade n our history on the human side 5 355 persons have died horribly and thousands of others have been scarred ind clisf qurfd for life the tngedy is that most ot the fins werveaused by human careless ipss the men who have had to fight these fires believe that new qeneral ons evi he in it the same time as individuals we should reexam ne our attitude toward woil security and le sure as voters e should examine our beliefs as to whit wp th nk ihp government can and should do fit n neil j mckmnoi pres dei t can id an b i k of commerce the camdnn gas assoc it on his pro- hurrd a helpful book on home ac dents md how to avod mem it cona n a vxeath of mater l under the t le ho ie s homo a reading could be in i ul i r i 05 hi arris n your home ss the acton free press buxtwd by u doia rrtatttac ni fabltsklnc c umltttf fnundvs in ut and published rert thursdiv at sfi mil s f rion oitarm mrmbrr it and bureau of cirralnt mm iv cwna nd the o u ir qu txf dm won of thr c w n a adxrrtsnf ran- m iqiwsl sub- tcr ptmnj wjiblc t advance s3 00 k carta jtaa m the uad s ale t x month it s virlr rt ri 7 authi nz ed as sond class mail pi oftire fmur thu o axis tt ly patarr evtr a marian in arton business and editorial office phone 600 acton g a dtm etfltarin chief dtvm r dills managing editor the good old days the urge to jump suyai ztd sfuce photo by either taylor sent officials and also place their names for positions it is useless folly to be a complainer if you don t have sufficient interest to allend and support your complaints on the other hand too if you are satisfied with the work of civic officials in the var ous groups it is only right that you should mdi cale that satisfaction at the nomination meeting nothing can be quite as discouraging to a conscientious civic official as complete s lence on his or her efforts make a dale now to be on hand for the nominations and the usual civic meelinq that follows its a date that directly effects ihe administration of governmeni rlo est to you lets not be apathetic lbout it a mws stnrv the othoi diy uild f thi ci ish hndinj if 1 20 yi n old sjitfue list minivoi of its bind uf the billl of bntim rai fiom making me noslilric il ravi mi 1 niiin ifltisf icli n pi bib- h i slid t mys it m 1 f llli s dild out rtfis v fhu ii ited thil s whu thf v kivo us 1 1 li tin on spits tli t hid b 1 11 uirnuh th killli of biilain ind fli xx is th utlli on y d be n tin ujh the mittl if ii mlnj no i m ifinid i didn i til mnt lmentil nbmit he rill nil hllle spittiri when i rod of 1 dem ive i j t so rmny bid fit os wh hynik lb ihinrs ihni i itw iv 1 kfrl on thftn w 1h n jiwndited eye lflfiwiids hn1 11 did stirt mo hi nk nj lb ml n f the hinpum 1 mi s i hive pvi 1 hnd nnd n mi mln ring sm of the ik 1 f 1 lids mi nnd w ink 1 throe 111 nlh tip cnti nil t linitic cours n sjlt f ns in lb hi 111 1 f shi i4i 1 11 ihr d id of in hit h u it 1 tli in tthuh tlur is n ilinf d 1 1 pilots fi m ind t and hav vfll vn 11 il n lhoiifh si tirf 1 int in ntlonk ind uphtmkinj tli ilv imv ulii ser pjii d tr ih induns imnif tli m h iin wlnl r au tnliin c in id ins a n afein 1 c ml f hi 1 limti i b ij in 1 bi in f n u 7 lind 1 11 i hm in 1 lunrtf il nt s 1 ul fni1 h in 1 t 111 s kli 1 mn- m 1 chi 1 i in m i itinh md t nldnl ihidl urb 1 tin on i wmlir nifihl v d m hint i 1 1 bik s il lit i d iin if us in i ind tf down hi hi irk 1 mi f 1 fine if ihn ncihh h inj pubs in 11 if ihr wit nifchl u i lioop spini is hifih is iho sk ml ihe wiirrtth f iho fnopln ind flu sli 11 in f jinwtfr ind ll bumnids htkv s liitmon an i tin loriu would turn fi 1111 th 1 dnis 1 h ni 11 10s ind shk tli 1 hi ids is tin m 1 1 id 1 c 111 and tin p nls w ul i flw ind iii duls wiidd f1 mil 111 no limp it ill hi p 1 li w ild h 1 k nfi wilh ft l li 1 ni i fdvni li j md i i ni nt in i d win diff 1 mi 11 tin i up s hi bpst put h iv 1 n 1 in id 1 fr nchm m ns11 i vmni rili ii i kp j i t 1111 1 e d 1 1 did oi 1 n nni yodil ne villcpriir ml ii or in kutr il in b i- 1 k rtu al nt siw f w ri- li pit this sundays church calendar mtesbyteman church in canada knox lllrdl acton li v andn v m mrk n ha bd si sn ot tonfn i 1 11 1 h 111 ininl sihl 11100 im libit cli 11 00 m fill c mmiin n kprpinit up fm i rh ii 1 n td 1 t 2 1 he the church of st alban the martyr anglican rir r tv r it b si k nf i th stb ttci jptfrrv st p nr ifti jl n r chu rh gi m n n r v r i i si ndiv srh 1 up d tr h d n 1 id n ft arfst fstlai si ma ottohfh 41 11 tw im h it virhni si v n pa sh h t i pisrhir rv h t m 1 i ruld r a stb ta id churcn h011w turon o ont mit wrfk sfrht fs m rwtav octnb s s9 a m j n 1 t nr mi xi clas 10 t ti snior cnnf m n c tivtn ortbrr 1 i a 10 an h v eiictii t r ipbni n mirks hr te nti ne i th ami al mh acton pentecostal tabernacle 31 cn 1 ib i p h tlr k 1 j r d p r sk s p ii- fi w flnim ottobfr 4 h 11 in no am snnrfav srh 1 11 on am m rnins w rfup to i n fanrpl ti- pnr r md b blr 1 1 hj rhipjrr ff iv lvtt christian reformed church rpv j uma b bd m n o soi qutffl st bar ph itif pw sloa octobfr 4n 11s9 iho m english w pm dutch the church ot bck to god hour- i r pm hr 1 ambii- baptist chutch actoh stvn octobtr 4th iri 0 4s rr trrrrh sti 1 1100 bti publif worth p cm rr in n sr- r- 00 urn sos fntith n lh frri w nbbrcvat mi ottirr t lollw dv ohms wdnda b pm p ator ml mg all are welcome by bill smiley on our wav homo wo d prnc t s f uniiiti m flvini nn mir bik is u h no hinds which fi- hii ntly m ml winding up in i lb in bpdjtp thp chmnx to thp 1 d buck wis 1 nicr down tin stn hill li 0111 hill with n lights no hinds nnd v ry often n iinkps thi rpd bp lipmnd oils pollisi ins with cinsinjl i nijtnrtr h idios flymk in ill dm lions it ihp hritini ii s hinds prllv illly m i il vk is but wi kku ill ui vuin md vi iv hi 1 n tin f iiio i in- th nih thpii yi ty bid m edf0 if bitl niss in il 1 t iutli f mj sprchl frionds wprp nils v in s iili md puldk wi fit k- in the sun flijhl nip ind drunk 1 jjih 1 n i pursiird v in mi v mnj w moil ti lh 1 ik 11 back in 1909 fikrn rrin ihr- inw f we ttt ft thand7 oktobff 1 ww during his wrmon in th moth- ofllbt church on sundny cvenlnu hev t albert moore general lecretnry of the lord day al liance incldrnlnlly remarked ihot tomplolhts hpd been mnrle in the attorney oenpml at the province of the nile of pnppts from the sun dny mnrnlnr inilnn both wiipm nrid pnrrhtiwr are liable in fine for thu illegal jirnetlcn mr g a bltiek mntpq ihnt he has leased the slnblm nt ihe dnm ittltin hotel nnd will look after ihe horaes of the trnvelllnr public he si i by ihln plnn ennuren tnb1e accommodation for the nurnrrmm horiei he l comtnntly handling in his bnslnim he will alnn hold ie mionnunl wlei here of itock im plement and other articles miss mnmle maples arrived home from a three months vkll in the old country while there hhc visited many friend arid took a trip through scotland cnlllnr nt ihe principal cltlct joe devlin nn itinerant timbrel la mender wa found guilty of nn attempted housrbreaklng inst wed nesday by his win ship riivp sw ickhimi r nnd smtinciil li 1 month in the iiunly jut tin pi is unti sud he wis the worse for li qitor or hi would jwi hue il lemptd the nits complained of mr snm liurd ustified tbnt ho hid m thi innn luir off hip screen window of n rear room in mr john huihnnd s residence on yotine street and thin proceed lo enter the house he caught him nnd ordered him owny and then lind the information acton fall fair held on tiu s dny nnd wednesday of this week proved t big event and ihe secret ary and presldint were kept busy ihiuikhnut the two d lys filling in entrv rrm ns exhibitors kept sw irmlnji to ihe fnir grounds thrintnes were ihe largest in i nnmhi 1 of yenrs nnd the ex hibits wip jilnced in the hall in such n manner that they were heiiutifullv display d the grain ntlle nnd other displnys certainly ittricted miny visitors tho work of rephnng ihe wood ind fjii el melnl buildings of the ael m tannins ompnny svith slul tind rolnformed cement which has bien in progress all summer is cnntinuintt and it is be lieved eomplitxin dite will be in f th se d js cl united church of canada a 1- ion ontario n gordon adims ma b d si nihs oc torfr n fi h b id i rn 1 1 p v nr t rnpr a th k t is 1 ld them bni eh 1 i md fnd i ii ii hik f htm rnn im back in 1939 fmm rfotri rm mm mo tfro tttm fhwrtllf flrftfwlf li nn the ftrd of dlfectofl 6f atn murray merhnflnl yttga hlfv oniffged mr w 3 will ftnln or toronto ti bp fitipetvhiw wt- ceedlng mr w c jonwi ftc started his dirtle yetttw4kf kft is now get ling inln tnr wtifk arid plnnning bclivltle for thi eoiriwirt seaikih fnrce flectrlc product tfn entered in the cnrnmepelnl flowl- ing league in clilflpti tnbk the first of their gomrt fuiy rtlgflt when ihey oefeatert ctiplfal onr- iige actnn won 7 ft th forte lnm it comprised of the follow ing ployers m rrtnt n mntfrm b mnrlon w corfy j arlbmiiftn nnd f morton a group of boy- nt thf acton public school organized a aoftbdll team and hnve played home add home gnme with mtltnn nnd georgetown they hnve woh one and losl one with each team nnd nie plnylng good ball the following is the lineup of ihe arton tenm ditcher harold robson pitcher wilson gordon first bnse rien veldhuis aecond bnsi i loyd robinson third base vutir mast in shortstop dnvld dills iikhl field jack kentner icntie field cnlvtrl rowles left field fdwnrri ruskcii subs t h 1 iimb allan gordon the sil 11i policeman nt mill nnd m un stui ts broke thi silriue iibmil midnight inst night whin it wna hit nnd dragged nlnrtg the pnvemi nt incidentally the pol iceman n well as the silence wns broken on saturday evening mnny friends of mr nnd mrs douglits gathered nt woortside school to hold n shower onrt honor the newlywedn after the presentation of the gifts and the rending of an address the group enjoyed a dain ty lunch and dancing plans were laid innt night at a special meeting in the council number for the formation of n red cross branch in acton the meeting wns arranged by reeve mccutcheon and attended by members of both brnnches of tht iode three institute branches the acton lygion council clergy and ladies organisations of four churrhes plans- were laid for the f irmnlion of this branch and a k nernl meeting will be called nt which time a guest speaker will be pus nt in mitlint nil del ills professional directory and travellers guide mvnirai fgnal ftflfrctors n is w is i i ng sk nn n u wiliiin whi hid in id his w iv 1 is ib n rih sp in i rishing innt w th l 1 thirs hi wis s 1 rinn ind sli until h hid i fi a 1 1 r- th 1 tn n d int 1 v kuij vm s mtumn ii ignn v irniv ffcir kh hid pscip ri n fi nee ind spin inlling in i spinili jilli sx miriths b f rp l ilinr 1 hiikhnd ii hi hid tn n i n m d s nuh wi hi sin f i w illhv s kh f m lv 11 ind 1 it h id ill lh l h n 1 4 h 1 i vn 1 i s w 1 xxl ib h t 11 kid im i r n 1 1 vi s f in 11 ml dk luibin r 1 lx 1 ick luird flish 111 i r xxn is md wh i t th m liutlnd irt 1 i uif when hi i d hjiiik vpi h xx nl i 1 fl vlu 1 mm ind r w 1 i i 1 hilly dr h m n i h 1 i in tu they ii o lit 11 piddx ai i lupihr his ini- 1 in xx 1 1 fi d 1i1i b bi irur l x v i xx f ih fn sh 1 1 xx 1 f1 i ft r r m knj i 11 ii 11 hr 11 int nit but 1 1 rkle s 1 thr re ill dd nr l h m 1 n fi ir v in hl rn k jumlklrin dr w g c kenney physiciin and surgeon offir in symon block 41a mill si f acton offioe phom 7h rcsidmci ll church st f dr d a garrett physicnn ind surg on ir f willixx and itivir fntianc- rivrr st aelon out dr robert d buckner phxscian and surginin chiropractor si act n ont rtai fstatf and fnshrancf f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontar o pi ion r 9 appraiser real f 10 ranee a d moore dc palmer specific chiroproctor 17 mill street phone 40 r os office hours wed 27 sat 2 5 optical and hearing ajuh e l buchner ro optometrist and hearing aid c nsultant acousticom 48 mill st f phone 113 office hours wednesdays onlv 1304 00 pm iv ninsa by appointment house calls by oppolnlment and fm dr h leib d nti surgeon off cerorner mill and fridtirk slrsets office hours by appointment tfi fiironf 19 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon off rr sa mill street office hours 9 am tn i pm cl srd wednesday afternoon robert r hamilton optomrtrm fyps examined hearing aid service iff gueli sl oeorgiwown ont for appointment please phone tr 7 3871 ahmtfno acfotlwtino lever hoskin rhartered accoununts 11 mam st n 212 king st w ilrimpton toronto i phones gl 1424 km 49131 ttavnitrs od1de gray coach link oanr lfavf acton c f leatheriand qc notary morf d4ncfr the iixim f c imd ins from kji 1 ulmban and c un hnrr brine irreawt danger f rr i c i 111 rausrd f rrs the pnter spor f thf modem home aid onr strey phnt with m re r- riira ippl airrs more circuit 1 hi lulsdp lrad cr ng h- ideif ai mm 1 nd m r- asr tank and ioncrtlr slab cim- slriirtion in d rcl c ntatl u moist tarth ire factor barrister a solicitor public offer h urs loofl am 12fw p rr 100 pm s00 prr siturdais by appontmnl ml offer 22 phonp res 151 acton a bra ida ba rjflstrr s ticitor notary puhllc 13 ma n si s acton ont phone s78 offw hur ipm 9 pm i pm 9 pm saturdav n c rk st f gurlph ta 4 2242 offer hours sam 5pm iiimlay lim 12 im hastings pavne barrlrter md sotlcllnn nottnw public ia mill sjl arton office hourt mon fri 10001145 am 1 30 4 jo pjm sl i00o 1106 am pftoum daylt 1 itlight time lmtuouod 833 im 1 daily rtrp sun and hoi hw am 1133 am 20b p m im pm 613 p m 833 p m 10 06 pm sun and hoi westbound i02t am 12tt pm 37 pjn 527 pm 727 pm 612 pm 1132 pm 112am fri sal sun and hoi 1 canadiahanational raftways standard time eaat bound dally 40 in dally eseevt sundavf sjs ajo ifiaalop 7 14 pm sutmmy oovi5lm- dhily nnpt stahday yjer il c wtrti tit am if pfl flyer at goramrn 1011 westsdunst daily 1144 pm dally sunday tjo am til satui oy only ffrfrfi tful dadjy imfai ia a4 pjil

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