Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1959, p. 9

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dont give fire a place to start is 1959 fire prevention slogan mm a aitim rkttadiit tuiidcrav rtttrttcd 1 1qco acton ontario thursday october 1st 1959 second section acton hrefightrs who protect the acton reo are pic tured above with some of their equipment shown front row left to right are ted allen bill spielvogel bill quennell captain bill williams captain bern van fleet captain wayne kelly john krapek harold townsley and doug mceachern second row phil mccristall norm price dorion frizzell chief jack newton wilf mceachern sam tennant and j h prict back row herb dodds pat waldie jack pink john turkosi doug mason alf duby leo synnojt and harry otterbem miss ing from picture are deputychief mick holmes don van fleet and henry bittorf portable oil space heaters too hazardous it you use a portable oil space healer in your home remember that it lopresents a definite fire hu a rd it should be set absolutely level and should not be carried ariund from room lo room while b irninj changes in draft are i ible to cause explosion canada s fiic scrvicis hope that just as soon as you can y u will dispense with it in fivtii of a more permanent i j pi of healing unit stall photo kispino uptodate is an important factor in the acton fire department and fire chief j newton points out the latest orders to four of the firemen pictured left to right are j new ton a duby j turkosz d fnxzell and s tennant the board is installed in the back room of the fire hall and is only one of the many devices for keeping firemen abreast with the latest details of firefighting u take the hump out of heating costs with thompson fuels budget heating plan now you can take the midwinter sting out of heating oil payments by arranging for the ba budget plan for your yearly supply of economical ba solar heat heating oil your years heating bill is equalized over 10 full months at no extra charge make yout arrangements now 10 equal payments from september to june with no carrying charge ba solar heat budget plan agreement 1 payment will be tn ten equal month i installment spread aver the normal hud if i period of sept 1 lo june i pajmtnts on budget arrangement made ftr september ulll be equalised over the remaining month of the normal budget period for example payments on a budget agreement entered into in november would be divided equally over the aeven remaining months 2 the amount of each pavment will be baaed on the eattmaied nil consumption for the season a tiaikh cheque book will be unpolled to help idu keep an accurate account of all pa menu made 1 a complete statement will lie mailed to inn in june at thr hoi of the budget period am una 1 1 balance tn tour favour or oun will be settled at that lime simply fill in and mail this card today i would i e to talie advantage of the b a solar hea budget plan name plcjic pnn address date signature number of rooms heated ray thompson fuels limited phone 69 ok 364 acton ontario use soapy water to test gas leaks if you suspect a gas leak make up i concentrated solution of soap and water with a small paint brush apply solution to the var lous joints and connections bub blea will appear where the gas is seeping the rate of the formation of the bubble will determine the seriousness of the leak a predominantly yellowish flame indicates poor combustion and should be chocked into by qualified workmen new meaninc f r th ii3imds nf jtirs mankind his battled to control his moat iluable or tervanls fire now in iful elimix of nucltir fisi he t flash the battle takes form and meaning afahyburq storm doom 5147 ttfozofuii tack on window materials at gordon hardware limited mill si acton orrl are your hunting clothes ready jnktj pants and hats can n be w aterproofed for your oottlmt tn the moods wool h l jackets sweater and eis w ear longer when ex fh li c caned be ready tor itic opiii ng gun call 272 custom cleaners same dat sesvki excapt saturday in by 10 jm wrt by s pjm maw st n phomtltl 27 men dedicated to firefighting always ready to serve community the true story behind the acton fire department la not one of a new fire hall shiny bright mach ines hundreds of feet of hose and various other pieces of equipment it li the story of 27 men all vol lunteers who man the truckb and equipment and spend many hours training to be firefighters fire righting is a tough job not just dangerous but dirty hard and laboring a race against time ev- en practice sessions can be stren uous and all this is done by men who hove already put in a hard day s work for their own liveli hood dedicated work it takes a dedicated kioup of men ti of fir hard work in n vol unteer basis men who often leave their warm beds in the early hours of the morning or by puss a hot meat or rush fieim litlk house hold chores to answer the tall of the siren consideration muil bi given also t those who leave their jobs in industry and other places of bus- incss and to their employers who with consideration fir thecommun lly and safety of live allow the men lo dcpnil from work without scveranci of pay fire fighting equipment must be serviced and ready fur use at times and after the trucks have returned tn the fire hall it mi the men have li remivc all the wet hose and replace it with dry check and clean all equipment in leadiness for the next alarm jgawsmthwsii encourage voluntary home inspection wise plan to adopt for family safety the man at your door asks may 1 come in the man wears a fire fighters uniform bnd bears credentials his shoes arc clean hob a person of pleasant pcrsoriality who has been carefully selected by the fire department of the municipality if his call is inconvenient to you he will courteously go away but because what he has to say concerns ihe tritely of your home perhaps your life it may be worth listening theics no expense to you and it docsn t add to your taxes his mission is voluntary h me fire inspection he is il jour dot r cither under a planned municipal program or al your own invttii tion a penny ouch whether you re a poor man in a hack or a rich man in a split level the ideas the same maybe there is rubbish or oily rags that can be easily thrown out maybe forget ling lhat the clcctricil fuws arc the watchdogs of household wiring safety you use 30 amperes in place of the 15 siie or worse a penny or a hairpin the fire fighter is there simply to make safety suggestions they re cisy to lake and voure not obliged involved in any way while public and commercial buildings in canada must submit to rigid fire inspection the home and the owners privacy are res pected nevertheless it is h the home that wire quarters of all fires so often with tragic loss of family life efftttlt apptwck more and more across ttie nation voluntary or courtesy home inspec tion has been established as an ef fcetive approach to the problem while the program is highlighted riming fire pievcnlion wk il apply hreiughout the yeir borne communities however re strict miss slieel c ills to fnlr wea ihcr months mindful of ihe house wife s pridi in her polished flours uiuilly inspectors w ik in it mis down the slrcil from a fire depart hide which is nlwnvs in inch with h itfquji u is in the of iuv unl they specific illv iikcd their ittention lo b iseme nt ind ard besides irish they ire ilert to slongc of fhminnbk liquids jnd stove ashen smoki pipes ind chim neys ind faulty or fi lyed w ring they look for obviously unsafe or doubtful condition- tiny will give ou a privtte and pusonil written r port on their findings without use of your name and without rossi p about the neigh bouri and they will not advise on repiirmen or equipment sup pliers its been a completely friendly call and ihe rest is up to you tips on extinguishers know how yours works as the fire services say the best flies we fight in ihe home arc those thai never happen if yuu have a fire extinguisher i your home but don t know how lo uie it properly you re living in a fof 1 s paradise if you rely on it to do a job in an emergency this is a straight from the shoulder warning by one of the nations senior fire prevention of ficcrs some tips read ihe instructions on the housing of the extinguisher and bone up on them at intervals n w what the extinguisher is capable of doing some types are ineffective in certain situations know what these are short operating time because extinguishers in general have a short operating time there s no point in starting yours going when you re 50 feet away from the fire by the lime you close in on the blaio its effect may be lost some types need recharging every year if the retharging done on the premises treat 1 wife and kids to a demonstration of how it works a final reflection by this ority fire extinguishers are a fine first aid but call the fire ctcpart ment first no matter how small the fire even a waste basket the depart merit would rather arrive and find that you have in the meanlnr mastered it than have you tab the chance of seeing it gel oul hand or of re kindling later list names of fire fighters ite idy and capable of dialinc with ull i pci of fins ind unci kindts in iht aelm arei are 27 volunteer frown who spend mmy hours li lining and studying modem te chniquck of fighting fires the acton rire department for officii ncy mid lr lining purposes is divided int thru lumpanlcs with chief jack niwtn m hying order i i cuplilns f e ilii divirnm ihe following is a list of the acton tin di o nlmi nt memoirs chief jack new ton deputy chief mick holmes a i nmp my enpt un bi rn vim heit fin nun doug mason henry bittorf ted allen bill quennell leo synolt herb dodds doug mceachern b compiny cap un bill wil him flremtn don van fleet norm price john krapek pat waldie alf duby harri oltcrbcin and jack pink c company captain wayne kelly firemen wllf mceacheryi j h pric hniold townsley phil mccristall sim tinnint bill spiclvojil dnrson friizcil and john turkosz good idea if more people thought in tirmi f more and larger ash trnys for smokers in the home canada s fiic fighter say the fewer would be ihe number if small fires and tvon small fires can mean disas equipment hall constant checking weekly in spections and the running of tho apparatus arc only a few of tho chores undertaken by the 27 vol unlet rs un tilt acton fire depart ment the fire hall in kept spick and span by the firemen whu arc the canlaker of this important build ing in town thnmgti funds deriv ed from ihe sale of tiekels and with manual labor provided by the firemen the quarlus at the rear of tiuck storage space have been equipped with dait boards a ping pong table and a television set to the average person this sounds like the back nioin in the fire hall is nothing but a place of rcci ration on ihe contrary ihe back room is a meeting place a lialning room and a place for fire men lo sit quietly and pursue their studies on fire fighting tech niques many a fire call has been an- swered promptly by firemen en- joying the recreational facilities in the fire hall when the alarm was sounded volunteers well trained fire righting today is a prufts- m pn and acton rates among ihe lop in having a well trained group it volunteer firemen ready and willing at tht sound of ihe siren lo drop whatever they an doing ind i ace lo the tire hall lo dun coats bools and fire hats and tpeed away on a modern piece of cquipmint lo fight a fire tl e devi 1 ipmcnl of the com- nuiuty iver the past few year the increase in sie of the fire area protect d the advance in tixic and high volatile chemicals and pins lies add lo ihe hi id ichis of a noricrn fin fighter but the 27- tun crew whose r tipoiutibilily it is lo protect this aria are fully cap- iblt in thur chore of fire fihtliml the daya of the bucket brigade and the smoke eater are over the lint of things to learn is end less nnd as each is learned science bungs along something new lo bo rn isti red pre planning is necessary to combat that unexpected event that may place acton in the same sit uation lanark onoounterud this pant bummtr and the ac ion fire fighters an endeavoiing lo pre vent this situation by regular and steady practice sessions- each week training training and still more training is required this is the secret behind the success of ihe men who guard life pr iperty and j bs- agiinst the first of mans not- ur il fears fire protecting life limb and prop erly must not bt lift entirely to the fin fighters ii is the duty of each and ivery citizen to help prevent fires not just one week each vear but every week woa m 4 ifc- vi2iazlitiitk3tenxjl l1q canadas 1958 fire loss rated urge all citizens practise safety i9w d liar loss in fires perished many i iver one hundred and f nind still sitting d liars i11000 desks canada amounted to fifteen milli 000 ooi thn represents only ihi property and at that forest fire losses the ct in i ves is equally high with some five hundred and twenty nine 529i persons tw hundred and sven teen 217 of ihom ch idnn hav ng died in fires during 195fl allhiugh t may be deeply bur ed in the pist e i ttle tug jt the mem ry wilt rekindle tht nn if hornr ind anger you filt the hst time you saw heard or rt id ibout a f re which t k lues particulir ry lives of children tragtc fire do yiu not remembir the tragic hoi icaust al our lady if the angels sen i in chicag last year when almost 100 children ll could hive been y n cist in and vur c last xcludes hippened in chirac i t happen this year yeir fire prevent obscred this year 4th to 10th inclusivi insurance companies woik c i up rat in papers rad ions banks parlmcnls canadian nd televnu m dilways fire wire i fur example running a lamp little i tord under a carpet where unnecn i can become worn and frayed to n i lni point of short circuiting replacing a blown 15 ampere fuse with one of a higher rating and it ins disaster freim ovcr- i heated wiring nut bothering to is bi me n1vt tnc f checked before october itsirting il up for the winter be- ki alright buying lectncal and othi r an where i board through the anr rtjt pl hunters play jt safe with hunters insurance why take chances just knnks can insuti you against f guns aqvipiimfit biggiy and oriwr you re protected all rile time you m awgyand w y va travelling by plane tram bu or auto however you go no matter how far you go you re covered for further information vmt or phone j bert wood arc spreading the gospel i prevention throughout the try lutrn learn remember these mesmgea are d rected you the pi tential victim of f listen learn and remember most fins over 73 per cent preventable in other are caused bv c itry fire coun s thai do not bear ihe un- uts laboratories label permitting rubbish lo accumulate in ittic or basemen u kid n b g or impt riant things ii i it little things that ihev are ir clmed to gl ss over quickly firget and it n these litth th ngs that cause so many fir- cause share of flrra these little things menti med above cause more than their share nf f res fire that must all be boa- eally charged lo canlssncm how much long r can we afford i arr ti be careless with livct and prop ihcj erty canada s per capita fire lost people receird is among the wont i id and wont improve until y u ii citizen practise the basic ruls if fire prevention on a year round bam listen learn and remember stop fires save lives harvey laverty heating sales and service repairs to au makes of furnaces custom sheet metat work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main stu3tn ockwo0o hon ut fs4 kockwood 24 h

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