Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1959, p. 11

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r yearno 18 ht m sttt t acton ontario thursday october 29th 1959 ten pages- seven cents wins 1000 staff photo 1000 richer because of her hobby of bingo mrs john foley 22 scene street acton proudly displays the money she won at bingo in guelph last saturday a regular at tender at the games in acton she won the past five weeks here and ventured to guelph last weekend mrs foley tied with a guelph man for first prize and the two split the win nings each taking 1 000 tfje lucky winner stated this was the first time she had ever won anything over 5 00 in her life acton bingo fan hits jackpot tenie momenta listening bo a lone past flv voice calling numbers over a loud a lucky wn speaker in a crowded arena and the i sudden shoot of bingo brought a 1 000 reward to mrs john foley 22 scene street aottffftast satur day evening when she attended the monster bingo game in guelph arena tied with a guelph mnn for the 2 000 or new car prize mrs foley received halt he monej after both decided to split the winnings mrs foley related she had been waiting for what seemed like ages for the last eight numbers on her card to be called when suddenly the card began to fill up linlttl only one vacinl spot remained in another seat in the huge arena a guelph man sot anxiously wait ing for the same number to be call ed in order to completchls card a lo the sudden shout of i 16 over the loud speaker brought shouts of joy both from the guelph man and mrs fcflcy for it was the re maining number to be filled in on their bingo cards how to spill the decision to be made now was what to do cut the cards winner take all split the winnings the answer came from the two winners when they agreed lo spill the money and tach receive 1 000 the acton woman has been a regular bingo fan at the weekly games m the acton legion and the timrk3e mjahubjjfcjtffla mates cheer john leatherland chosen gentleman of the year cks has left the trail her luck at the games in acton made mrs foley decide t attend tht bigger g tmes in guelph two weeks ago she paid her first visit lo guelph but returned home a non winner last so urdav jf the second viail was paid lo gucrph and this time was mrs foley s lucky night as she collected her winnings not in the least superstitious mrs toly just wondered if the hot lhat tu 15 a member of the acton legion ijidics auxiliary ind that the guelph legion was i ning the bingo in guelph last week had any connection with her luck this is the first time i have ver won any hmg over 5 00 ex claimed mrs foley this week as she stated she wouldn t like to wi huge sum of money i would be contented to win a utile as i feel a big win such as the sweepstakes would alter a persons entire life and they would lose friends she said legit cheers rocked itorlum tuesday leatherland youthful m athlek was presented vv watch for beine minw sports gentleman of thi ye u the award donhcd and pnstnt cd by local jeweller don ik x ton wtll be presented ytirly to the youth who conducts himself in a gentlemanly mnnner both on tin playing field and on the strut in making the present it ion mr bexton reminded the large group ot boys it wain t necessary to score goals or work hird at bitting in runs he told them it wis an easy award to win if thej simply conducted themselves in i genii manly m inner at ill time their attitude toward other players managers and thi general publn it taken into account before urn award is meted out the don ir t iltl the gi nip it was his intenti m t c nil ilk tli iw ml each yeir providing i pirsm is found to fill hit p sit in tm boys for award night biys en uded int i th jo i tin pn senlit n and spec 1 iwaut f season s hotkey mi dules ted elm unl cnl of llu out m 1 atsocnti n sp k 1 outlined tht imi it in limine sp in vv 1 1 i aud- reiching the big time in sports when the scouts were looking for john mr elmes did the boys that every j talent they looked for certain sports sp rtsman should have something potentials in a player he mtcd i wrist to fall bick on after his playing that a player who holds his hedd fun ahead her husband is an employee at disstun saw plint m acton and is il ed for a few exciting times this winter due to the win satur day mrs folej pointed out her hus band enjoyed hunting and has had his eve on a new gun which now ir will be able to buy the couple h ive one son john j i who is happv about his mithtrs luck at bingo it seems his imbition is to become a vcter- innan when he completes high school ind outside of cinng for his t wn dos he is not a big money sptndet where asked about hockey sc times informed the group up and knows where he is heidine ls mr ib an important asset to i team confirmed on pane two council seeks government help h dctermmmg arena somdness a bevy of resolutions regarding aicni rcpiirs ind charges were withdnwn from rhe council table tutsdiy evening following an agreement to request the provin cul government to assist with stinchni s mildness tests on the iitti building v r mel tod chairman of the hull t lie commit lei infirrned c un til hi t miiuttet hid rcc immended tt il mill nit of 250 per year bcf hufd t m nor sporls for the co rll ihtdu during rlk ind that ins imii requested tandird rates uttii ilso recommend should be inspected for lis struct ural soundness before any money wis spent in repair reeve j h guy sue ties ted tht building committee provide ncc cssary ice at present and let minor sports use the arena without fix ing up thi toilets until it is found the arena is structurally sound motion defeated n ition to forego tht services v anderson engintcring iltants ind ask foi applica wnere is the free press office until friday evening it hasnl moved on monday morning it hill be in new quarters on wll low st in the former baxter s laboratories building for the convenience ot those who wish to place classified ad varusing leave news articles or pay accounts the present mill st office will con lino e when re novations are completed there it will beeske dills stationery ban dltng stationery and office supply items and continuing- as a branch supply store r h elliott will manage the stationery and office supply store the phone number of the ar ion free press wilt not be clung ed continuing as 600 outline new plan for administration council accepts for balance of year acton council tuesday evening wis tabled retrutsl ng tint the i what they were all about and point authorized the adoption of a town suggested schedule be midc i sub jed out it was a public melting administration plan for the balance jeel of i special council meeting i and toe press did not have access of the car following a discussion tpin to the prtss this amend lo the diagrams he suggested there and review of suggested plans ment was lost ind received the i ippeared to be a move to keep all members of council were pre support onlv of couneillors rach something from the public tnt at the tuesday meeting with pope md lowe the mayor informed him ihe the exception of councillor h peal miyor cook also chairman ofthe press were at liberty to read or and when the vote was called idmimslrative comm ttte reviewed view anything which appeared at councillors h lowe e pope and i spcenl committee meeting list the council lible ik t whics nil council witc after the cxplannlion had been it ted to itttnd ithis meeting tne collnc remarked ii is held in camera with ihe press appears as though another job is going to be created is that the 8 d rachlin voted in the negative while reeve j gi y deputy reeve j greer councillors w mcleod j hargrave and mayor cook vot ed in the affirmative prior lo the final vote being to each oouncilli taken an amendment lothemotion zled eouncillor rachti xtluded i the illustrittd sheets presented apparently puz 1 the ma- or informed the council ho asked lor that this yeirs council could nh prtsint a phn ft r next years c unell as it would be their pcro- riliio li do whit ituy set fit he also reported theri was no ncccss ity ti gi ti the expense of hiring in engineer tis an administrator and slid i fet 1 ihe two positions cmlrt be held by one individual councillor p pc suggested coun cil wis truir to idd txlru dutus in to tht clerk md reminded them 1 it mli six month- im it had htm rcportid tint tht ch rk s dut ics were 1 10 heivy to handle mid a b ikketper elerk hid bctn engug ed to assist in the offict the conn cillor suggtsttd lhat the clerk s duties w mild b me i usi d ih n e limes ifawmii ippoiiittd to the pisitim f ndmiiustrator something tlshy ciuneillni i owe indicittd his satisfaction uilh prtstnt proced ure it ihe t wn offitt but stiggcsl- dthit i good mm to direct the woikng foicc shmild be consider d he remarked there s some thing fishv ibout this deil depul lltcvi giter enquired f he council 1m hid any othtr plan i mind md wis mfi rmed there was i plan in fnrti it prison councillor r chlm informed his colleagues he biluvtd the plan thought ti ci e ite itiolhi r job ind ml if ivotic lot il the p situ hud school for blind is convention site staff photo halloween treats will be bypassed by these children as they dress up to knock on doors this year as in the past some of the children will collect pennies for unicef in order that a child in a foreign country may be provided with food the group above appeared on tv this week sttown above front row are paul wolfe and bemte benton back row left lo right kathy mckenzie sally wilson v vian smith and hilary pope missing on ac count of sickness was tony leighton advise members choose officers to govern new high school board ind clnldn tioni for a resident engineer to act no in tht cwpacilv of town admims iir s tritor supervising all public works h ilti was deftitod with councillors their lowe richlin and pope votinj in nil i members of the horlh halton a county ippimtce disincl h gh schotil b ird ip mmid h hilton and oakyille pub proved i two paji plan for dis viol teachers who comprise solution of the group at the end of biaid w luld i no 1 inspector ite will hi id the year dn njj their m md ly posed with an d strict h r scho 1 mi rly c m pa- the the affirmil hi i 1 1 ce it rtspectivelj ring skititu nights hid out th it with si m th c immitt e lint witti toilets in ii md gr iriuilu doll acton legio nilttct ind t it should rtt tld lint th pirt wpit n in li k w i sin j ii t mpirid l th is era t ion i f tht h itue- r duration imporunl stressing the np rt nu lammj an cduciti n as w prior to calling the vote on the motion mr richlin voiced his ob jcctloii to tht motion but filling to signify his intention when tht volt was cllcd t assumed to hivt voted in the iffirmitive 1 mr lowe informed counc t od f thej spent enough m m vear in engineering fee- t nted on thit a their own engineer and havt him jittii tht build ng assumt ihe ponti in of idministn l ii e l i f lcpairs ncc tor n ii p c hut been re a discussion regarding severing i rt the i nu of tht c lun their connections with tht credit l valley conscrvilion author f as tfcmd thu the building sociation revealed tht conclusnn teichers conventi if th district this year at tht brantford scho 1 fr the blind to be held tomorrow fridav the prognm includes business sessions clissroom visit and a t ur of the brantford school as wtll is a guest speaker put tin bu id in hid complete plans for poppy day gctirgi t w r plan is d result p est ntlv adm n islers the act n milton and gtorgelown high schoi is to be rt pljced h ihrte separatt districts each ddmmiiitercd by a board ivenmg mctting high scho 1 the uird thdt ltd by the h lv sch i i b ird hivt hid nirmin harrv otltr lck innounced his ctm i mpltted pin div n ntv for thi ember fi kanimb mr dai th churmin po ntid out thit s rs hid been nbtiined but v iiintet s would bi ippreci prorrfms have betn printed ii noven btr 1 ith service and lis dniil c mpl ted i c 1 ils be held it nis ia and rockwood with local n ind a imc in ercsted tht plan if thit tht acl sch i 1 b iard li activity j ulnar gaw bv the acton public schutil board counts transfei d iioluti n notes i district high be fo for i 1960 w 11 bi appoint d y natsa elsquesing and districts and filing of the ntces siry reports in accordince ilh the sehnl act all nurlh hal ton trustees will tomain in office until all outstand ing business is transacted the re port concludes the board tinanim lusly decided l retain col g o brown pres ent secretary treasurer lo contin tie the uork of dissolutn n and tt appointed h nrw distntt secretaries in ihi first four months of i960 board mimbcis ruled the w irl was not complettd and no regul ations had been f imitated as yt when they den ed an appliciliit mmedaulj aur jam ir 1 from th ctirgetovn memorial the baianct f the pi rrri ire h bplta womcn s al plan covers details fir t ansft ranct final rosary st par georgetown vv luld i iv e thrtt 1 wn council ap- p inlmmts i its bo ird choofce offlrera ahead tht pr ci dure plan als notes that while ntw tru 960 it w uld bt adv sable lo a st crt tary tieasurer and off tt rs tentatively ho en that datt and made official nquir htn sujersttd f i idmmistrilt r iltive civ pointed tut hi it with the dis int on of tin p u c ihe end of thi vl u hit clirk would not hr in their tmpo and could hindle tin new postitn mi goy ilsi uif nnid c until lhat the molion simply called for the adop- l n of tin pi m fur iht bilincc of ihe car md it was not toing to cost myont in incktl 2150 voters this year 2 150 eligible volera are named on the volera list in actol when ihe llu were potted this week in the town office the clerk reported uut al though any voter has only 14 dayi after posting to report not being lbted the posting date lui been set for november 1st and therefore the deadline is novem ber 15 for reporting a name not listed nomination night his year b haled lo be held in the robert llltle public school auditorium on tbimday november 19 and if an election is necessary voters will go to the polls on tuesday december 1st sole man registers in home decorating itrgistntu n figures climbed to m uly 190 whtn all the list minute sludtnu j lined their night school cl isst s it the high school monday ind tutsda tvenmgs about 15 nine just is classes wire starling ennll in those which wire still irerpting entrus list to s gn up for home decont- iigiiftir 20 women was tht sole thi i hi the pe mission tj h ild a december continued on page three buck sent of tu farthest row too tht first two nights coffee and 1 ughnuts wtrc strvtd lo teachers mrmbeis f the nighl school ammittic to st irt the season plea santly is wtll as hopefully ftfft fboto a wrist watch was presented to john leatherland of acton for be nq the m rtor sports most gentlemanly player both on and oft the playing field the award was donated by local rewelter don bexton and will be a yearly award to the boy living up to these standards pictured above with john is ted elmes secohd vice president of the o mha reeve go- nm nded i u ic i tha wi hig v uiuld be ptmng oon and expressed his a am- at the in creased traf c on numtx- 25 high av suggest nf t i i as dvw ilk be rtsullcd for pedes ccmc crv hill pay th following account poved f r pa administration fre building welfare roads nirg this week a night of witches and clowns and spooks comot str ct measures o prevent foolish w 11 be patrolling the 9k in ti gia d at the schools 6jw throih the distr c everv avail 9b aole opp officer will be on duv 13 63 to prevent a re vkjcurrence of last 1 4tt8l ver hooliganism minor sports baseball and hockey teams were presented with riddell mike vale and bob turkosz back row left to right arc trophies on tuesday evening during the r award night st garry teilwer denis gibbons john leatherland allan robtn- the acton legion auditorium pictured above are members of son steven dubois and jim jennings ted elmes second vie the winning teams holding trophies won by their club front president of the omha was present to address the young- row left to right are pat vale don harris jtm bui lough jan sters

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