Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1959, p. 8

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impressive growth perhaps it comes as no shock to those in clpser touch with municipal statistics but the fact that hallons population hnd climb od to 106017 surprised us it wv not too many years ago when the population was well below half that number and the speed with which one of the provinces smallest counties iwa bcon developing is a little dizzying in fact in the 1951 census less than a decade ago the population of hal ton was totalled at 44003 and that was quite n jump up over the 1941 census that showed a totil hilion population of 285 is probably the most localized application to illustrate the sudden growth that historians will oil o boom is to look at our own municipality in 1901 iho population of acton was 1484 just 50 years later it had about ctouhl eel to 2880 but then between 1951 and 1959 it had added a similar number at prople appioxhtiately in less than one tenth iho time then too if you ore to lake the popula tion of the throe north holton urban centres you find more evidence of growth in 1901 the population of acton georgetown and milton was 4169 by 1951 il had grown to over doublemliil at 1 7r3 compare that 50 yeir period then wilh iho current period of loss linn 10 years and you find the population up two and a hilf times to 1 0 000 georqeiown s increase in population has boon comparabte lo those communities in the scullt of the county tl had a similar doubling of population in the fnl 50 years of this century hut it hu tripled in si2c be tween 1951nd 1959 tlio rjrowlh ol ihe county s population is supported by nrowtli in each ol ihe county municipalities on ihe surface ihe increase in population rem 11003 in 1951 lo 106 01 in 1959 seens phenomenal and yel it iv been the nrpwlh in eirn ol iho munici palities that has contributed to the impressive lolil meeting place of nations october 24 marks the 14th anniversary of the united nations an organisation horn and maintained of necessity in a world where it is becoming more and more apparent that the conference table must be ttenieetinq place of nations rather than the battlefield conadi has i a ken an active part in thu general assembly of the united nations since the signing of ihe charter in san fran cisco the 14 years have not been entirely smooth nor has the world been without its wars since the organization was formed hut there have been no global conflicts to nntch either of the great wars it is perhaps an irt dication that while wore talking were not fighting willnn two years of the end of world war ii however il was apparent thai the ussr would not permit the functioning of the un security council at the sime lime the soviet maintained armed forces through out europe blocked western attempts to reach a peace settlement there and used com munisi parties in other countries lo sabotage efforts at economic recovery and political co operation in defence against tins potential of soviet agression ihe countries of the at lanhc communily took special collective men sures under the u n charter which resulted in foimation of ihe north atlantic treaty or gimation progress of the united nations ippoirs slow lo us in our lime yet ms surctss is not to be udged by us hut more probably by those who will write the history of our linn s a visit lo the building- that house the per manent headquarleis in new york is in it self impressive though meetings of the united najtons hodu s miy be held my where in the world the headquarter huill expressly for llie un cnnlnns met lino rooms for the gener il asi nihly count ili committees and commissions while the going is ofltn murfh at thi ll n lis continumce dots give he ut for pe ice in a chaotic world where a gi owing realisation of the ultimate deslruclioii of wir may find a moro constructive outlet at lln conference table should university education be free should the milkman s son have the same op pcrtunity to enjoy the benefits of college as the son of the stockbroker yes is the opinion of many canadian though not too many have said it aloud but now it is being said more strongly by more people the latest voice is a big one the canadian home and school and parent teach er federation which represents 307 000 par ents across the nation the 1 959 annual meeting of ihe federation resolved to pro- mole public acceptance of the idea of free university tuition for all academically qualif led children of canadian residents the federal ion urges that university edu cation should be free but not that il should be universal admission lo college must be controlled the question who should go lo college and for what purpose is asked in an article by margaret cowan m the october issue of canadian home and school maga line here are some of the points made the greatest untipped resource in can ada is rural youth we lake greit pride m the vistntss of our resources and our high stand ard of living yel we are filling miserably m the development of the richest resource we have our youth we are spending mil lions educating our children through the sec ondary school level but most of those who have the des rr and ability to go o univer sity are prevented by lack of finances we bring them up so far but tor some reason seem to be unv llmg to help them to the top the rate of futures in first and second yeir university i urmecessanly hiph and we cannot affod the luxuiy of keeping univer sny places for young people who are there lust tor the rde students whose mrel genee and aptitude combined show no pes ubiliiy of successful completion of the course one in ih rreen of our college ce yoeh s a right or privilege going to university at present and mmy who are going are not filled for it mmy students are sent lo college by their parents merely lor soci il or mail rmonial reasons universities sbduld be so crowded by the able and willing tli if there should be no rocm for the un lblp or the unwilling there should be more youiiripeople in college with jjmtna bucks the universities want the young people with lalenl and those with imbition ihose wilh analytical power and those with staying power ihose who will think and those who will study of course ihe identification of those wanted types is not always eisy students c innct be selected by a mechanical rating of intelligence and m disregard of other factors of character and achievement brilliance in intelltcl is not llways accompan led by character moral fibre or stability many average students who work hard get more out of college and more out of liter life than more gtfied confreres many men have ichieved qreitnoss wilh out l university edin man mmy more will follow but tod ty is we watch the lwesome advance cf science with lis potential both for mass iwtlermem nul mass destruction of minkmd we real t thil perhaps more than ever in fore the future cf our countty de pends en knowledge t depends primarily on ihe men and women with those qualities of mind and character that can only be produi ed in suflic cut mi nli r hy the universities we hive the nw mater il for qreat it id ers and deat th i kprs n tomorrow s com pie world but mil h rpvr ed cupn is iv i fahle o a i tl ose whe have tie dps re ind the ih i ty to go roi gi l n vets w th out refpience to the r finant al stand ng we are w i1 nq much of oui coun iys gre ilts resource and i o g iwn pot- r al sreriqtt that we need te ktd i i tevoop ot r pi ici n tne future the acton free press pvbthhed by he thh rrlntlnc and pttblkhlnc c i imlted fundrd tn 187s ind puwithod rr tuirdi at sfi i s k aetin ontar vtmur f iht audit hn- i f cirulit on the ln aid o lano qui 1 dim won ih i w n a adint n rin in q ic- sl firr plion pnv ih e in idv mer 3 iv1 n aniiij 4 ixl i i the united s ale x month st 7s a i iw ed as boctnid cov mail pm oiucp ufii- moot ottawa th uly paprr txvr pnliltehrd in rlon g a oul edilorin ciiof davul r nju lunajting edilnr business and editorial office phone 600 acton c the good old days back in 1909 ttfrm tm ten u ftm thrur ocutnr 1 lw broiniiao counoll hoi received a pfllluon far iubmlulns of a bcal option bylaw signed by 40 per cnt pf the vulori of ihcmawn- ihlp thin u n ijtlrntlld bohlnnlnij and tbp wiirkem lire ionfilrnl of in order lo rivp the number of the qouioviif kdmnllinmi ijpi lunliy of upend i ok it mclnl cvin- ing with mr henry grlnrtcll prior to hli liuvina tor fort william mr and mm h y mnort in lor ulnrd the mtunbir nl mimrptroft lart krldiiy evpnlnu principal sluwnrl and mr j il coleman ix cbalrmiin of the bnurd wire uuo ireint a vny tiliuniint viirik wui t nt loticliidinn willi won u of viry firvi nl tmlimimy in mr qrlndrlu muitrt in lioo mil tori iind v ilm u ii iiiliiibcr rf tin biiiird a inn lodh i oof l rini inn ft i ii spit ml i v ol rn nl i urn duy i ik tli ui liuni ii un tin cllllpll indhts will t back in 1939 cv thfn uw im tow uw ty tito annviul buikntuvi ipmtlofl nd ilcctlun uf afflcvri o tbo acbsn clllaeni fiarfll wo hvld but nbjlit id ihe bond mill in the arena be- ginnlnu llic year with a deflplt of 110 ihiy npnratvd during the year nfttr wlilng out die old deficit nod indtd inn ycur willi a deficit of imj offkrn ikctcd were honor- nry prcnldtnla mr n f moore iiml mr 0 ii drown president mr 3 slmpon tint vlco-presld- uit mr e whdclhan iccond vue- iirmidunl mr 11 tuyor secretary mr ntrmnn bmidii ircanirflr mr v tunir jr librurlnn mr r iutnek iircipirty cunludlan mr o m hmllli a toiminii mntt ma led by qren- villi muxiili n npi n d the regular mi ding if tin- united church yuiing 1itipli six lily a ikitcb wi ihiiltrl tiy klbol kniriklln mrt i hi 1mi mulxl ifiuru ti mo- ihlli mitt mri i n atl y m aillini tang n ri rlkii i hi mill m lltfkl ikiidi i iilu ly tl- i ontr- r inn set in dold suyat and sfricc wlnl i twrocnti a fiw wneks out ou hit i iki 111 mn ilm oil in iki in hut nmliy 11 i n mii hid i inst in id fhnj uitli y mil i ilm c in idi ins i ni m i iiti si islimj il mm llu k il liiikiiin infill lid low mth th ut itv f i vin ii ii km uillitlnti iiiiim i ind ant anil hi v ih i il n kt unit is hlu hi dii it l kt v t nit liny l i kul iii i rjjmjj mil tin n hi mil hi i ii vu kimu il in i- disrlniifiilh flioii u i m il f w hi hnivatinn jhi in i tillv ii sr n lil mil i id sin mill hnl i mi xt mil rui i in ij mil ti in hi nil m il hi ii v k ii li i in j iris ml sunn mils i ill ss ud v nil s i i y in t lit nl 1 m up mrl 1 in rn uliti tin sun tik i d ji hpiiii iiul wnil down tiki i mill its ly mil d llu ml id llu aiu sv tt m i w di m nut tu isil fin nds il llu ii ct 1 i ii u is llu hiji lusinn i rut f snmm r ind tli ivhihk ur is uji i 1 wl llhwi u ss hi liudi unl tin i wi lhim nl i i i nil ut jujiliii pn ud wilh fill v hi mi liliiklilll nir hid i kr r i imdnn wr en pi 111 illldlllllltlil l sjlrld f 111 vllimj wilh dt nl risii mil n ibidy sn alii llu i uli i d n kills iiitl 1 llu s hint sun n ill u v ilk if ind in iuii n i urns su mi w imijkiiki ldinu i 1 ml r il lh s shimipid in link om t idniill 1 inns ui i ui j kid ii uiirl 1u tin in ini d in i v f in i il ts i in ind ipl uivmi l nimbus f nl wit i tinpd ind mil i a tl l wis ikwill 1 n ud lil kill iii in kl miin ui mn 1 mr f i u lids h in iflhm 1 ind lust h ulhn il1 wm1 ii k i hi vim i uh f i tli- i f rlllf in uiid r i v isi s kliim pin in dunkini ch llil sudrnc mil lint i i pikli mil slutf ii idin fmim t hlus i juv- iuk d tin n tl mil dilnitiunl- piiwld md wii i n upni1tblit ind lntk llii u i in il li li k ii tin rl minrtid liukli f ind t i iml wri th ir lit n th 1ml ihk i v dipirsindli ii ml ill ii mimis ami ii k i up rl this sundays church calendar presbyterian church in canada kno church acton il v amln w it mcknlc 11 a h i si m tx ntnm 2 h 1qw sm i m hiiili vn 1 the church of st alban the martyr agii an n r th it v ii h st krrf t l tli stb ivt jiiri m phiu mi t ti mrcih s 1 i t s si mu ovtobht i h q1 in m u u f irhir 1 t n n h u f hj d ciirl sri 1 ih i m n if hi f i thr 1 1 h i r n lk hi t hp ru 1 wo i h v th hi h th n n ha stii mid ufhk t fifriution u luttn cx h qs l x h fu h r ici wricimo christian reformed church r j vima rl rd m n 1 301 quern st b x phne fiw so ottoant u una 10o0 i m fnci h j to p m oulrh the chiirrh of th back to gsd hour slda octojifr h 19 snn1i t lie i n p me vh 1 1 1 oil a ni m rn n wnr hip ii n i mi 10 ii ti f ri n the r i sj 1 i i kll are welcome by bill smiley y v of i i lovily almii llu in uli hi v h m kii f lili in nv ilhdi n juki i isl inl sitvi i sind hid id nk uid liliii sky cll if i ill bmrdul ip nd hi nk f il ii v is umrly in i 11 ik nd ik pitiful hi ii uid llu yi lliw liklitu linih n is i d fmlinii and insirl hun wis it hhbl u whim flic win wflmini mill ii fin s mrl lli k it ruli mm lis of y4miil loikry llllli in if nine anil in un lik ilfcint tn id ntii null rly m irt my c nidi n niiiks il ui wild i ik mtifiil rv hw liuky wi wrre i i iny- united church of canaoa arton ontario rt gordon adams ma hi si nu k toiifr 2 h ooo in mi imc fnsi hi iki i in stmda vhihil t r acton pentecostal tabernacle 33 church i r id si xtohfft 1 h oo 1111x1 i m sunday schixil 11 00 am m mine wurwhip 1d pm ranklitc r li e hi m rn i tipsontouring by cortxf ton a wofltnii trovbi authority inusu il cir ni t cr rtly rrkr chatter chafer inn bakf lir worn i vv hx ne prrr h it or tires squcil tread unevenly ii nwij he tn heel al rn rp wdrrl t ie 1 nt air n x j mi i j dri r l i xt ii ii it cmld ue ou a lot f roiable and money i i wiikhi prciiidid 111 liriwtirik lull ih h ivliljl urn rmndddl wiiml worn id int i i iii cd rully ii uli i li tin vi tin lnwii in pnf iindili in tor tbt liluiijrni nl uf un i nit d howluik ahr1i ill n in in in id tm plllill nxt siimrrur linu imv ixiri il unlij ruitlii i nol i i uilbri ik id diplill i f tli ilth in ms mill rkulli nhi yxl a f ill i w i tin i ms in cunt yishid iv f i i wine llu jdi ml hi ins ii in h 1 in down i ih i v uii uh 40 yiiii iu iiouir ihi thi h in bllinufjl ind i inn rn iioik ind not liki ly mir till suwjlllhwil tl il i in ill prulub lily not in n nib iiik oukvilh f si i llrv itfm i and v ii v i m miv of nrikhy uuo ki ii u i mi nl w is in filrvkw rmitiy iindiy novrmhi 24 w m vi n ii miiiiiti n nlulil by hie ioiiikii mi i hum i m nd iy i vi nitik lb i in ti ti d imomry will in in id monrly dimrnhi i i i jnlv ii liinnh iftni- will triri ii iprniii nn i i in alkirmn oiirmu kn im v iiikiii wlk t in t it m miidriiuld of find t ihh pni in pupilh id ac ln xiikui tin tin hint ihhiyi in fin- prviritmri wmnm were i i ih lryu kvilun hnndii k itn inn miulilt mjrunl siiiii rvilh mrl uly hiiikh ld i mi 1 ad m ituy s ml trrcip md ill wlf nb 1ik wdl lild th ir n nil il apli duy in a ion on sji- iinl ly i in iiiiiiii d mt umn ii inir of the lluki d dvnnhhirc oiipl r ki lf ws hi id m th y mc a on friilny mm f burr thr rigonl nd mm it hliidt viurmtnt ikiivd thi jiutsli tho fancy work tdili wm rnnvmicl by mr imn sinilh ird mr wm john- 1 m mr m sihrmder hurl lin ki ut ih lu ubkn the tuft ed ihiinllc buuprtid wii won by mrs it iiriiim of tihonto i rrcitvwksrjbivi professional directory and travellers guide i hint in in lk llnl wi jnsl stuff i ins ls uilh f d in i ill ink iiuith i ss in h in ih h ir- rl i nid w nl ii iii m yli w 11 lurl tu mm h niss irniin willi im wilfrid inijih it ind an nl ild 1 imp m in is h d rliddn n mivih wi i jutt iind mrniilrjtivi hut 1111 ly tin u is n rut un on llu f ici tht inrth ihii livix lis eiurilr si mmli ind ns il ml il s hill thnl why im k ins i mg out n in i wh h 1 vt r rrckrd hi s mi r rnv hi- tun ur b d 1 hi i idirnci mihi i nn men tnmixli p f i- 1 firm it funhal dikectou or w g c kenney iiiybiclan and snrgfnn o if ice in mdn block 43a mill el e acbm office phone 7b rnsidcnco 111 church st e phone 150 or d a garrett physician and surgeon v and tiivcr su of wilk entrjrwf hivi i aoton ont phinc 238 cmeofkactob dr robert d 8uckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st aclon ont phone 970 office ho irt 68 pm afwrnuons by appointment riai fhtatf and insirancf f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario i none 9s appraiser real fmate and insurance dfntal at at p r pri venti il ine pr r i re ng hi h ii urn i un t in 1 hat ho na md tkic na mind when the engine i unt c id n ii bi ir it k pi ucs sn ippms cmk u i crck d imrm i r lewd ui k lug in lit r lntnr fan bhi sijuik fln v u rr up the i t i ix ii jn i i in bhl mi ill s hv ng i ti c h ni i ind r i hl i n ji ih vht i rine pump un- miffl i mitu mther rxlkiust vile u n d eaunf dtntal surgeon off cecorner mh ind frederick streru office hours by appointment telkpflone 19 dr a j buchanan dental suraesin offieo sa mill street office hours b in to f pm ci ed wednesday afternoon telpbune iu c f leatheriand qc barrister solicitor notary public ofce hourt in iw am iloopn 1 h pm lot pn saturdays brappgmtmcnt op v nt dajs br appsimi hi a bra ida b a of fir hour i pn pm hastings payne barristers and awkdun jouries pubtc i a mui si acton oftio rourt mon frt 10001145 nv 1 m 430 pm sat 10 00 1200 m pbomlu a d moose dc palmer specific chiropractor 17 mill street phone 40 or u office houn wed 2 7 sat 2 5 ortuat agp hfakiwo aipj e l buchner co optume rut and hearlnf aid c inmiltant acounticoni 4h mill si i phone iis oftct cod october 281h h purine f vimbh 4th robert r hamilton opkometrlat eyes kxamloed hearing aid service ip ouhph st oeoramowo ont f r ippiintment pie phone th 7atfjl aiumxg acrouxnno lever hosk1n chartered acrourrtaoti m mam st n 312 kin st w brampton t woo to- 1 prwne ol 14824 em 49131 tiuvbw quo gpay coach lines c4xachu lkavb 447toh daylight tim cmtbound 33 m idailj except sun snd hi su am 1iji am lotp m son pm 33 pjo ls m 10 08 pm sun and hoi wsabauad wr7 un 1151 pm 157 517 pm 727 pm 9 tl h 1123 am 1 13 am frt- su sua ard h canadian national bam ways 8uodrtt tin ejmtbowad datlj j 40 sm dallj mtvt t suadui 1 am ttmitw pm sunday only tolpm daily eteem sunday flyer at ceorfe- tn 911 am j7 pm daily fljer at georteiomn 10 11 pjn daily u ssni saiurdaj m2j ls pm sun day only 903 am ifl4rtopi sttn- oaj bui flyer t guetph 708 bjh daltj except st pd sua sa

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