Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1960, p. 2

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commendable cleanup fortunate area the ice is still with us as we write this comment on monday but there appears to be an end in sight while the town and area has certainly suffered ihe ravages of the ihree ice storms ww have been more fortunate than many of our- northern neighbors indeed when we hear reports of elec irfcity off for days dozens of homes with out heat and hundreds of telephones out of order we can be extreme thankful while we re being thankful though we do want to take our hats off to the hydro telephone and municipal employees who have been putting in many hours to repair or maintain the very necessary services lack of hydro can be very frustrating as well as uncomfortable last thursday for instance the pages of the free press were ready to run but an ill timed hydro inter ruption stalled the actual printing we were ihanlcful lo see the hydro flicker on again without any serious delay in the weekly pub heat ion dinners have been interrupted heat has been eliminated in some xases but so far the interruptions have not been as serious in th s town as further north perhaps we can say we live in a part of thecountry blessed bythfct tieerno be south of the heavy snow belt we hesi tate to male too big an issue of this though with the winter still far from completion naturally it is hoped there will be some relief from the icing condition to allow work men to get serv ces back to normal not only that they deserve a little more sleep and perhaps a few days off fixing wires or clear mg snow from streets can be very chill ng work incidentally in these days of rush and run there is no doubt a cup of coffee for pole crews working m your area would be appreciated hats off to those who are work ng round the clock to keep us in business and comfortable at home due long ago we don t look on the planned granting oflftb vote 10 the indians as so7iibttiliigabuuf which we should crow actually it should have been done ong ago first word of the plan to grant the vote to indians without requiring them to waive their treaty rights was in the speech from the throne as the law now stands an indian has to waive his rights as an indian to vote in a federal election they can vote in provincial elections without such a waiver but of course many believe that if theydo they would lose their right naturally the plan meets mixed reactions e p garlow ch ef councillor of the six na tions elected council wh ch represents 7 500 indiansthe largest band in canada terms the announcement a happy message for our people out in alberta the leader of the 18 500 indians said they were absolutely opposed to gett ng the vote they want no change t i t ind legi af presentation to the dominion government of a brief how being prepared he expressed concern that t the present time indians do not know what extension of the vote implies manitoba indian leaders greeted the an nouncement with mixed reactions all cautiously anxious to know that the vote does hot deprive them of their treaty rights naturally such an announcement is likely to cause some concern until it is made par ticularly clear the throne speech announce ment does not spell out the details it is not meant to without resort ng to flights of imagery portraying these as descendants of the pioneers of the country we do nh nk there should be an early grant ng of the federal vote to the indians without impairment of their treaty rights the good oldgays back in 1910 taken from iheuwe of the free frew thursday januar j7 1910 frank smith who was so wv erely scafded when he slipped into a hemlock bark leach at bcardmores sole leather tannery a week ago last monday sue cumbed to his terrible injuries at the guclph general hospital on sunday night acton won ihc first hockey game of the year in the hal tun peel league on wednesday even ing in the actoh rink when they defeated the georgetown team 62 the local lads appeared to have the upper hand throughout the tussle and kept the puck for the most part of the game inside the georgetown line actons first score came early tn the first part of the game and uas followed by a series of tallies throughout the game in spitejf the score the gome was clcati which is remarkable for these two teams few penalties wire given by richard blaln of bram pton who rcferccd saturdays big snow storm ac companicd by the gale blocked the local and rural roads for quite a few days recently farm ers wishing to secure food sun- plies had to walk the largest part of the vav as the snow was too deep to ijkc a chjnce with the teams most of the sturdv men used snowshocs ind hump ed their grtxcncs in u sick uvci their back back in 1940 taken from the issue ofnne free press thursday january 25 1940 the first shipment of bandog es and first aid goods made up by the acton and restrict red cross society left the headquar ten in the government building and was shipped to the main headquarters for distribution elsewhere the force bowltrnj team ran their consecutive winning screak lo 12 straight games when they took three games from printers for a 70 win tucsdayvmght in the first half of a double header acton tanners hotkey club de feated the parts team 1m on monday night after the blaek hiwks took an early lead baler in the first period the acton boys hit their stride and from there on vic rumlcy had the playersanswering every com mind the local plavcrsoutskated and ousmartcd the fans tcom throughout jhe game nncl in spile of a small turnout of spectators those present witnessed a fast game of hockey mixncy w is missing from ho game hninc miurcd his ankle in a tilt with kitchener last week miss m t bennett was guisi speaker at the regular meeting ot i he greenock liter uv socicu list frid iv evening and lold t her rceenl visit tu the new enc hnd states the spcdkei gne viud and interesting outline up the ski tow sccfcvi and sfuce ajjratifying increase it s gratify ng to note that 90 per cent of motor vehicle owners in ontario now carry habil ty insurance the hon john yaremko q c minister of transport noted recently that this is a 15 per cent increase in the number of insured motorists in the two years that the 5 00 fee has been collected from the uninsured for the unsat shed judgment fund probably everyone has heard the story of the uncanny man who decided it was cheaper to pay the extra 5 00 fee when buy ing his yearly license than pay the insurance premium on his car to hose who may still th nk the some words of caution issued by the m nister of transport may have a message if you are unable to pay a claim against you for da ar smg oeit of an a ace dent sured motor st must repay the fund the amount paid out for h m and is prohibited from owning or operating a motor vehicle unt i he can do so th s explanat on s a clarify ng one it points out once again that the extra 5 00 payment made by the uninsured driver does not provide h m w th insurance it s qu te simply h s contr but on to protect the unm sured driver who was thoughtful enough to protect other motor sts w thou govern ment prodding new i cense plates have been on sale since january 4 and in recent years the first issued final dale has been left without change long- i ne ups w ii only be avoided th s year at ihe march 16 dead ne by those who purchase the r plates and drivers lc enses in the days well m advance of the went to see a tarzan moie with the kids the other night i looked forward to the evening i hadn t seen tarzan in action for night onto 30 years well sir it was like going back to see an old sweetheart afler 30 years and finding the slim prelty weneh turned into a gross gaptoothed old bat in a soiled blouse i don t mind telling vou i came outjjf that theatre shocked bewilderectand disillusioned no experience in recefit years has so explicitly confirmed my creeping suspicion mat the world is going tu the hogs now i was not so naive as to think i d be seeing the sarne tarzan as the one of my child hood or that the slorv would not be jazzed up a bit for the hardcved little hooligans who haunt the movie houses lodav but this taran was no more like the one i watched in mv silid cias than manlvn mon rtn is like mickey rooney turan was an influence of al most overwhelming dimensions when i was a kid we read all the tirzan books eery satur da afternoon at the matinee we sin two reels of i tarzan semi tint left us limp with excitement and fear as our hero struggled in the toils of an anaconda or weni tumbling her a mile high clift as the episode ended but e elidn 1 v ii all week imnl nel saturday we knew he d beat the rip i dreamed about him 1 suf fered innumerable contusions and sprains irving to swing through a maple liec the way he swung through the trees of iho jungle in ihe pm lev of the sandpit i praetised culling the apes as he did before go ing lei sleep at nijht i fought my way bilenlly but mdomit ably through hordes of blaek wdrnors with nothing but my krufe and a tast minute assist from tarttor the elephant my tarzan was a mature man with craggy features wearing a sh lggy animal s skin his straight black hair falling air shoulders trie tarzan m x molc the ovher night b thy fated prettboy weiring a t ulotcd leopard skin indwe ind oil on tii5earcfuuycurlcd hair m tirean swung through ihe iiingle from tree lo tree in e1 eat swooping ares that hid vour heart in voifr throat with envv this jerk the other night made onlv one swing on tvmca tittle- hop of about fourteen feet m tarzan was a friend of most of the animals in the luntle bur titf didn t hesitate to si ib an onltrv lion to death or e nek the rck of an oulv gor ith this beach athlete the olher n jht couldat kill am thing but pe iplfi end he shot al them with depl of travel and publicity pholo by bill saailey arrows from behind a tree if ou cm beliee il 1 blushed for him mv tarzan was i simple proud man he couldn t even speak english when he was with the fcirl she d lrv lo leieh him the words wouljj be fl ished on the screen she d siv me jane you taran and hed repeal me jane you tarzan and she d giggle prettily and say no me jane you tarzan and he d finally get il but he really wasn i interested girls and al that time neither we kids wed scuffle and grab e ith others hats and horse around until the oc part was over and our hero was back in action churning across the riven with the crocodiles snapping at his heels and us silting on the cetec of our seats teeth and fists clenched pulling up our heels in svmpathv this linker room bum the olher night was simple jaoough but he wusn 1 proud me had about as much d as eh is the disagreement between the senior ind tumor hockey clubs c ime lo a ehmax friday morn mg when three teams and a score of men employed by messrs bearclmorc and co ai ned al the rink the premises were completely demolished the waiting rooms and platforms ucie removed the fences loin down posls uprooted anil wiring laken out nothing was lel but ihe ice this action not onlv oblitcritcs the hockey hut wilt depute all the oung tolks of the privilege of skating for the bilance of this ear at leasl citiens are en quirine why the lirm mentioned look such dristic action and u might be explained thai mess s bcardmorc and co hid present ed a bill of 800 tor lumber and i ibor which ihev claimed as onlv a share of operating the rink i r the past three seasons ex tstshfx is f i f ftlslois ctistuiris and oceupalions of the people of new hampshire and cape cod president evehn pcaren was in chirge of ihe meeting ind scci al of the members took parlin- ihe piogrim wild music ilscl roads were blocked for a few dis list week but the huge plows soon hid iriffic mount fieely igun in ihe nil il ire i bulldozers nnd grtcjers were c illcd in lo biuk i lie he uv drilling snow eiilencc lint ihe housewives ol act tn ind disltict aie tittfllv inteiesicd in their homes and prcpanlion of meals was lo be f hind tucsda when i he own hill w is filled fir the hdto cookiiu toioim the cvenl wis sponsoied loc illv by the public utilities commission md the cliclric tleilers arul irnnfccd by the ont ino hvdro professional directory and travellers guide sc m- funeral dihectorff instead of striding through the jungle as though he owned it he skulked around like a 1uv enile delinquent looking for an old man to beat up but what got me was the plot in the old tarvan films animals were killed but only in self dc fence or for food in this epic we siw the other night there were no lcst than five horrible nit jvnpif g dr w g c kenney phys clnn and surgeon office m symon bl rk 43a mill st e act n orticc phone 78 rmiderwp 111 church st e phone iw fffc d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of w how and river sts entrance rivw st acton ont phone 238 dr robert d buckner phys clan and surgeon 39 wellington st acton onl chirotractob a d moore dc pilmer specif c chiropractor 17 mill strwt phone 40 or 6 office jiciur wed 2 7 sat 2 5 optical and heakino aipb you r sk losing everything you owninctud ing your home your catv your sav ngs and your future earn ngs the 5 00 addit onal fee doe nor g ve those who are required to pay any protection it is cred ted to a spet al gover iment fund used to pay udg jments against un nsured motor sts the un n deadl ne we re pleased to see that 90 per cent of the motor vehicle owners n ontar ctftave been interested enough in the r own pro tect on as well as in the protect on of those whose property they may des oy to protect them w th i abil ty nsurance this sundays churchcalendar opinions of others ri presbyterian church in canada knox church actov ndrew h mckni ba bd steady growth for a commun ly the s e of orangeville jure but steady growth s a better s tuat on lhan the type of spectacular development e per enced hy a number of towns and c i es growth of that type has taned school sew ag and oiher se beyond reasonable capacity oranqev lie ont banner 1urid covers laws for the control of advert s ng are already of a prevad nq nature of th s con tinent we would i ke to suggest that he t me is far past due when such controls should be extended to another spec fc form of advents nq the covers of magaz nes arid of bocks coch ane ont northland fst melfort sask journal may be our fault by rafus ng to tower your head ghte for 8n approach ng car whether or rfot the other driver dims jus you are hi nd ng hm don t ever th nk you are the only one be ng nconven enced on the h qhway pemb a wnktyr man 1 t angle p ogress jwt r 24th 1b0 ms nm ch rch s 1000 1110 th b ble c as united cfforch of canada aetan ontario ret gordanadams ma bd jfimiter mr oorje ell rt orxtnrvf and chorrv ltn january 4th i9n ser cm a tfic v m c a 0 00 a n fqint pner 10 00 am suftday whnol for the acton free press i tw n mm rnattni ia rbtbitnqrrs uaiim f unttea a is and publ rwd cvt y thurvia at s w lkw t acton ontario mrnibor of he acid t bureau ot ctrouluoji uv cwna d the oitarm quebec d vi on f the cwna adertiiik at on rj iet sub t pt om payable n ad inc s3 00 in i aiada 4 00 in the c i ted state i month tl s nale cop es 7c a ithtini ed as seo nd cl m t post offke dipartmehi ottawa the nljr paper em pabusbed tn kctpn g a 6 lis edtor in ch ef d d r d lis manatmir edc business and editorial o f f j c epjlqtu 6j1 l a c t o n acton pentecostal taternacu 33 crrarchrh road paoc r kemrth j ritd patir ck m ph ne w h si ndk jwt ar m h 1w0 0 45 ari smdiv schtv 1 hooim m irurw hp w pm finkel t c ticd- spm bblcsidv md prim th rda s pm chrt arrfbmi d rs u are alays welcome baptist church acton pastor re g rdon m holme r bth iis bower axeneie sund january 24th i960 945 am church school moo am pub c worship 00 dm th man reeefveth sjnners it rrt in trie series on when propaganda bickfir ed w etwintypreyer neea alt are welcorh the church of st alban the martyr xxrotan rec v tse hei h ft stnlrreef 1 th stb irs jcffrr- s phone 261 the th d sindat if er he emphini si nda janl r 24th iw r10 am h ly e cha 030 am h iv f hr aid ch irci schfl ii 00 a ti ma l rt nt week ce m nrjl 2s janrafv rbbo the 1 totjeiot nt s rrt pa 1 10 itv hofj eucha isr 8 pm ann a verr meetnn ll are welcome irnm ihrough the heart a beau tiful girl was impaled on stakes in n pit another fellow was pushed down a mine shaft a f mith was shoved over a cliff ind landed flat on his back on a n k even young kim case- hardened bv many a saturday af ternoon of cowboys and indian cutting each other down flinch 1 at the sight of a man stumbl ing into quicksand and sinking screaming horribly out of sight n my dav the moviemaker ddn t harr to rig up trouble like that for tarzan s enemies he took care of it himself there hcdlv tied to a stake the native amors dancing t round him shaking torches in his face old tarz would just rare back bellow his ape call and iri a few minutes hundreds t hit brother apes would pour cr the palisades and chase the black fellows while a h rde of his elephant fnends trompled down the whole wat ust milage mivbe im just getting cranky and old but when saagcrv and corous violence are replaced by vi iism and psychopath i thin it s lime the crocodiles tth5ijv caught up to tarzan and finish ed him off once and for ail real estate and insurance e l buchner ro f l wright 30 wilbur st acton ontario phone to appraiser real estate and im dr h leib office houn y only 130 00 pm nt by appoin c t for tnvbtidi dulal odfieon flcecomer mill rrede rick street office houn br appoli telephone 19 offleecomer mill and fredf rick street ilntment christian reformed church re j nutma ba bd minister 301 qoeeh sl box 48 phone 8b8 sunday jantjari 24th lo 10 oft am enirnah- 3 30 pmduuh eod hour car strikes pole area driver unhurt a car dnven bv mis joscpfunr fivhir of r r 2 acton received 250 damage wednesdas ceeriing irf last eck when it hit a pole on higtmas 7 after sliding off the road and mto the ditch miss tamher unmjuroj cnnrt rav andreas reported rhe tccident rnppened on htghwaj 7 mil iwih-j- mcciukttiafr cor ners dr a j buchanan office rourt m to 8 pm cload wvdnaadar afternoon telepbone 148 leoal c f hatherland q c barrtater a solicitor notaer public offree hour 1600 am 1100 pm 100pm 500pm saturdcvi hy appointment opir office a phone ret ll acton a bflalda b a barritr soliehor ifofary public i7 matn 9l- acton ont phont ftt office hourr pa 9 pm 1 pn ojfi satnrdar u cork st k gualpfa ta bt otstrr hour 0 m pn saturday sam ham hastings payne barristers and sol let tor notaries public 1a mlllst actcm offtc rovrs hn fri 100tvil43 am 1j0 4j0 pjn sat lr0to0m phone t optometrist and hearing aid 4b mill st e phone j5 office houn wednesday i fvenipgx t houae t robert r hamilton optomatrbrt eyea examined hearina aid service 181 ouelph st oorgrtown onl for appointment please phone tr 7w7i atmmngaccunttno lever hoskin ctiarlered acconntanta 31 main st n lyjkjnf st w brampton twofrtrr 1 phones ol 1424 em 4 till trf vhurv ouiot gray coach lines coach lcavv acton standard time cant bound 8j3 am dafly except sow and hoi imim iidim 108 p m sob pm sss pm s pm loot p m sun and hot i westbound 10 ajn j7 pm 3 s7 pm 7jpm 717 pm oil pm 1im pm 111 am pfl sat sun and canadia national standard thne eaatbound dafly 6 44 ajn puttr except einda ft 12 am rfufftiopl 7 oft pm sunday only 8 01 pm dally except sunday flyer at george town 8 27 pm daily fljer at gesraetown 10 11 pm westbound daily 1144 pm dslly except sunday mo un 144 pm saturday only t32 pjre sunday only 0 43 ajn fflagatop sunday only flyer at quelph 705 pm dartr except sat mtf sua p rrt

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