Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1960, p. 3

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fyisuffiaf jrfjf ntlendshn ceases the moment the referee pyops the puck for the faceoff m the minor sports league even though the boys on the various teams are schoolmates and chum together they drop their friendship during the game anclatiempt to defeat the opposing players pictured above during the faceoff between dixie and bramptori on monday night are george cook on the left for dixie and rbn hagan on the ngfit for brampton jack bullough an officer on the minor sports group officiates erin council determines pay appoints officers 8uu puoto teammates are always willing to help cjut the goalkeeper as he dons the pads jn preparation for hockey game in the acton legion minor sports league no exception are the two lads above as they struggle with the buckles on the huae goal pads pictured left to right are john mason mike miller and alan mckenzie the three players are all on the dixie hockey leam and play cacn monday evening al lie arena mike s black eye didn l come from playing hockey he had 1 fall during the ice storm board dismisses appeal to build on glenlea lot minor hockey teams play at aeton arena minor spurts hotkey is heading into its ixular sthidult and mond iv nighl the ounkis piatd in tin junior b lanks and nhl itagui in the lirst inn dixit mil brampton pi ivtd to i 33 lit in a hst mining arm tint siw i sn stw baltlt ronm from md to md of llu inna as plaveiv slomud jili ljujiil iliiiluint nmi til ull again in tin suoiul 1111111 thi l lor b wtston idyd uul llu woodbndgi u nil lo llu unit ifj 2 i in a last mimill 1 ill boll gaiins win last and il krixs vvut ktpl on ihni tins in an tffoii lu sk ilt with tht young stlis 1ht ihudgmu ol hit mtlit was playtd btivvitn c inulnns and iht maplt ltals in tht nh1 it iuii with aiiiduns winning oul 7 tht uldti att fcioup piuvidid miuli uiiulainniuil lui llu sm ill gjuup 11i p mills pksni mil li m pionnsls 11i hit it imi plajus in llu lutuu business grows on mill steer allolls mill mllll hllsllussml huh utllllluus iii lvpliul mill 10 m mow lindiv ttifcos tv mil hill shopping ttiiln will optn 111 ilu v in cils apulmtnl blink il 1 hi idinii 11i mill ind 1 igin officers and salaries for coming year flrc determined whin erin lowhhlp touncil held ihtir rirsl meeting uf i960 at the exthangt hotel hillsburgh on mundny jnnunry ii after being sworn in and taklrtfe iht onlh of office louncd members took their st us george vyallate the let vi r m burden deputy iett r h rowan p r ferg uson md a whetltr tuuniillurx tht ri r pclh im opened the session with pnyer and an ap propriate scripture reading -setpay- reniunti lion was si i is fol lows tltrks ml u v 1000 nil yiat lollulur 60 assessor 1 350 ircasuur 1 000 tiuilil ors s4s0 welfare offittr j350 truant offittr 1 per houi plus lot per mill weed inspttlor ii pti hour plus loi ptr mile building insptiloi si 25 ptr hour plus loi per milt room itnl is j6 per muting md 1 ptr speual muting mim btis of touncil will rmivi j9 ptr meeting plus lot per mile appoint mints made wen tliikj ci t laity assessor e mikinnon li usurer b berry tolliitur b bury auditors mornson saiultrson and john son welfare ofhctr e mekm non sihool atlindancc officer c mieown wttd insptttor j mi tii soluitois hungerford g imhk ind guihm building msptttoi c grove authorized to borrow the ncvi and ucasuru wcie uilhoiiiu lo borrow lrom ihi royal bank uf canada hills lu mm tuiruni es ituils lo thi 10 dtligalts lo altind the count 1 1 also i nlion of r111 il muniiipililiis loivv inline hit mimbiiship fn ol sis minibus of iht lounul will tx dilitiiis lo ilimd iht vi ir l60 up tin sum ol 3s0o0 with inttns il tht prevailing rati con mil igmd 10 join llu good roads association ind llu membership in ol iis irutttd lorvvardid members of il will be ippoinlci tonvih inn iii ntifcs link illtt 10 topits ol the muniiipal id lor llu usi ul lounul irtd wito iv is uuiml in i mis ld winiii nut niikkkilline who iiim o pm olliuils accounts passed mini viut 18 iltms ol tunes pondniit md 111 inv ntulir u tounls mil passed lor nayminl 11k 10 id supitinltndtnt was iisiuuiid lo sn thai our roid- in ktpl will minted out and llnl out optialnis hi uulv if si ut work il hi morning if road oiloik ir uindihoii miliumn lor 1 1 in lik mvmullu llu i ik publk 1 with il niluh nulls 1 id i v willi llu ip iiin il all ippul in tuiiilli tonliiu ulnl lunmuil hid lu lion compim l ibnttd m loi tn alloll llullu gss 1 u m pit shiptd pun ol piunuiv 111 hllll h h i llu gluili siihium 11 vmv dis ludkilid miss i in r kiwi md til the 11 1 pi ll ill nl i ik i i i ik i wn muuiupil llu ud diniiij 1 in unit i 1 k now hlkd ml i ik ip u t mujli aii buii uiuipii 1 on uil uk tsa l p mo i- xiul iik lit ss indni nplili i ik diwn shortill sheet metal plumbing 1 heating gar wood furnaces etvettroughjng 184 churchill road phone 464 extensive damage to trees jhrubbery following weather conditions last work tonsiderable damage- has been doni to trees and shruh- bery aboul iht lommunitv with tht weight ut ite on tries bfanohes and limbs havi suftu td with tht rtsull that iht inis wjll show etlttls for somt linn to come in tht valley road irta hirth ts and puplar are so buil down iht tops ol some trees have touthed ihe ground a maple and a walnut tret on stewart rovtt lawn have sulfered iimstdir ibl a row of lall tvugrtin tnis w the upper part of ihe village show tht efftel oj lee on thur limbs due to the hvdro servnt bung affeeltd a fimilv had to spend a nighl dl a neighbors home near by enjoy coasting sinie the lasl ireeeup vuiuil people have been toasting in iht vitmity of the old harvtv lime kilns property on the trust ad joining valley rodtl employees of the cnr ift busy removing old umbus on ihe railway bndge md teplaeing them with new limbers a trant is on hand fur the wurk aeeording lo announitminls annual ihunh meetings ure fore tasl during the nixt ftw weeks mr and mrs fred dav and family uf ancasltr were up dur ing ihe weekend trie aclon free press thursday january 2 lit 1960 pupiraiinns for tht annual banqmt on friday jinuuv 29 have him hnili7id as f 11 is tin imtulivi 1 in go tin nst is up lo idih md ivuy mimhu jo di mil is skii is possibli wlnlhtt ihev intuid lo utind iht illairoi iidt inkils imm km pimlid md iulv imtnbei will ik 1 died tin il thur liome for thuiuicisiori hive bun i islnd mil piisintalioi mil die pi i iht ivimne u nine by iht unit von sivi up si ihin lor yout old ii vou 1 tmd invllnng to spuid il on ihe ailmmls ol our old igi md oulsiil of tin 2s vi 11 puis pnsidint s iiwel vill be tomposid ot r mint unminl by vimt mountloril the inon imm bus who givi thi nod ol ap- piov il to attend thi btlltr iht uiltrt mimtnt pit 1st ioopiialt ind eivt m immtdi lit answu lo iht pi 1 sun who tails on vou doting the txetulivt nuilmt mond n tvtnmg duims i iwlu v is appomltd is issisi int to thi suit tarv lo lend a hand with olf iht moid i li biuught lu our alltnlion thai um j of llu hih lanking olliuils ol tin legion lttuidul 1 muling 011 mond i nieht md iltu i hi init n u ing sliited honii 10 his loiintiv l honu on 1 hi w iv in rin nut ol w l his and hid 1 lold ilk m llu busk nighl 111 fl stuns is jliough this pi 1 sot lll is iinli h ind with 1 upuilus s iuuli and ji jnakiiin his oun lirs i pom int miht in n iiku di 1 to bung i hi pnnv md 1 11 1 in ik 111 own next tiun puhq al the h im ib high quality merchandise at low budget prices l dept store acton some of ihi bookwuik al pit still mxl guiu il milling snnitont dennis is iiiitrnpling lo nvisi iht npghi suggtsi a gurv tun ol munbuship hsl and his posted g isohnt lo hi unti illid il tht all nanus t ii uddiessis or itnion lui nudv inuiihu phuin nuiiihiis ut omi pkast wrllt ihun in itgion lui iiiuh rn i llu uiihu md in mining in inv j dunk ins iht uk im lut sissioni ptivus ind i tgmiutto 1 is muiipt 0 win lliuusilvis i sk ik dintur tin pint pong l ihk is uiuving sk idv uutkitil uhsv vvunv up iti loi hi ilk hiih il is lllll i 1 lo biusti llu old 11 insult now oil wetex oxe t ae aoaoc the highway patrol officer stopped the small european car to enquire the trouble when he noticed ll bouncing up and down on the highway every twenty five yards or so its all rlghl officer said the driver i just have a bad case of hjecupt a lut of lokts i bout smill lot ugh tars vb shll miking iht louuds whither or not vou n 1 ian linn s no tkmmg hkv do h ivi ihui advanl igis is pvuillv is i sttond 111 tor oui btsi uil to tt i hound shopping puking u llu ihildiui tit todays best buy 1958 pontile strato cbjef fl qc 4 door with radio in excellent condition f lfjt jimiov 14 ln iline h 1 r vvlmd t mm i ik i n m it mike ipiluiliuii i uun lli hi imindmuit 1 1 llu m b 1 iv and i iilme tlii u h- i i i min 111 m njj hi iiiuniupil bnlniid u 1 hdiiiumuiis uitiu tlk fk il 1 ki i n hi in impluii lining in i ivv ii 1 i t tn gm- hit lkuhuii vllllld n lo htiml bin 1 1 mitt i ii 11 1 hi- lit 1 ilu wr hon in ilk p il 1 h mi mi p ml i 111 loiupmv vviki iliu otiunilk bmll m ls crh4tl rve iiittil id ii kllstl villi till iii iii 111 i k tlk pi lilt i i inunlx s i iw lss ui 1 il nil 1 kiiliimiil llu v ibil iiuiim 111 ni nun 1111 ilu 111 i 1 hlllkl lm i t j mill ii ilu i iimi hum 1 i j hki n i luitiui iinull s 4 iiulsv i wink imm mil bowl bowl for pleasure open bowling p acton bowling lanes phone 697 member o bjji it main st ivfft friday evenings 9 pm isi afternoons evenings mrs j bell dies after long illness aliu 1 lutein li v m mlla lilt lkll fivm i m v lu gkt vi 11 il in lb tm uv 1 llonu 1 n smiul v niiius in ilw hjii iuku ui l uk it 1 ii or ilu navi ic v 11 il 1 iliuthlu miv x on iml m orr prcvunivh shr innt in rixk mix mil llmivtuii a immtxi i llu li id nib mrs mujiu 1 lu jraltt ms 1 linn 11 111 v a siind iv vhnl in ih 1 ilu 1 slu iv ttumki i ilu 1 op v ami ilu i oh 11 mnlhiitii limu il mii m huttl 1 v ihi ru i ut 11 i tlv ul ilu ro j i v tumill wui lull n avion ml lions 11 nih 111 1 nunl m hiiiim n inuunv pillkixrs stx vtiunm bill john tnnu willum vitl arthur unu klk tiui in i george ken shi iv mllvllrtl iv 1 mhl v il lold bm sin ulshoik p i s and lui d niht hiritm vmnd i11ki diughtir ot iik and hhi turmr vlu vv iv s ni 11 drew ui mmlo umnvhip intl wiv mamed ihcre in 1900 to thi tali john a bell mil j 11 1 miv on iiul 11 i iti ilkafl business opportunity a modern sunoco 2bay service station has been made available in the town of acton st vu smi ui cte c it 1 n idcsia y as tra 1 ig s prov ded at d a salary s i i i li ii jrc icj ig ths 5 opnniu y for ihe r ghi ran to gettfiw the ti- if- oi md md n a ticitcr lb ascage come in wr t ig k ndy ddvise fu ic ni vber w h resources and assets ava lablc o r l marck svinoll co ltd burlington and victokia sts hamilton ontario phone hamilton j a 72901 before 5 pm burlington ne 40421 after 7 pm beginning of ihe nineteen hundreds hut the nptn mg f anon s first chartered hank nude big mi prcwion on mj dad and he often old me ihout thnst carlv djvs here elt as i was jing actons first hank wav ojicned in januarv i90d and there were onlv aboui i vk penpfe in the village at the time thinj sun have thanged in the u vcars smie then origin i iv it wai a hramh of the old menhanis bank bui it v been a bank of montreal hramh for as long as most people can remember hr the first vear or to ihe hank was ituated in the pernman building at mill and john ihcn it ived to permanent premises in the vv arrtn blink mfmivfv ihjt nlltic in staved there until the new building was built n s u the north west corner of the same iiiicrscuinn yes both the bank and amm have uim i li uav in the past rt vears li hint time am i v seen a lot of progress and iharcil in u too through working together at mill and vv dtow and i winmc to t multm cmoumj nyni diking wi m cai jues u- hk i ill u t rr lli na i ilosi ut i i t i a huviint tin a h jn a u it f m m i l i 1 1a jr i ij l tlt iulj i il bank of montreal illiam mjcka m iu ins in viit waik of ll stnci ill

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