Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1960, p. 2

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2duwtlp9 no sure cure discusstoni on the futuro of acton aranii are well timed a meeting of rapraitntativai qf various orgsnlwloni last week resulted in some frank discussion on ihe operation of jhe arena and this is good were happy to see citens interested jo the building in the park because it has not received e greet deal of attention in re- tho w f to see dollars directed to the board of parki management aretfom the lux rate m well as the fund that may develop from park leitali taxes too are council s lource of revenue arenas are notoriously poor propositions when it come lo the revenue snf ol ihoir operation installation of artificial ice is no cure for that problem as any tlistncl munlcl cen y that the establishment of another board or commission can greatly improve thai siua ton the board of larks management is the logical organization to iak on the ob of 9peratmg ihe arena but naturally such a change will require the cooperation of both the council and board there seems no difficulty here and a meeting between the ijvo groups should be arranged shortly it should be well understood though that transfer of the arena from the council to lte supervision of the board of parks aanagement is no surecure formula it s the ge old question of dollars that are involved d no one seems to have any surplus of 111 commodity pa my will port r it would teem advantageous to trnnifer the operaliof and supervision of the arena to the board of parki management their function could thpj become yeai round operation and an employee engaged foi sum mer work in the park might conceivably ox pect winter work in the arena the arena and park are both in need of the thinking of a group unhampered by thoughts of a doen other things as a council must be perhaps too organizations might be inclined to lend financial support to specific improvements if they were handled by a spear heading group formation of a new group it would seem would only provide grounds for con fhct and disagreements late con like most people we find it difficult to be continually aware of the approval given all legislation until some of the restrictions we bfo to our a i i not al in the ontario hospital plan as he did for his earlier membership in the blue cross or similar groups the deduction for ihe cnlf up- pan nwntwuhsp it fnn possible to be avare of them such is the case now as we learn ike a good many for the fust time that it is not posubte to deduct hosptal expenses paid under the ontario hospital plan when cal cwtatmg out taxable income this was announced m the budget of last april and later incorporated in the in come tax act changes but it went unnoticed by us and apparently by many others prior to the introduction of the ontario hospital plan payments for hospitalization made by blue cross or other groups were applicable for deductions on the income tax of that year tf they exceeded the three per cent minimum to the individual there is little change the individual still pays for his membership sidered taxable income yet its use when ap plied against medical expenses now can not be claimed for a reduction academically this is an imposition of double ta all money paid by the province on behalf of a person insured under the compulsory scheme whether it is from the federal or provincial treasury has been subject to income tax ust as much as money paid out by a private voluntary plan quite obviously the time for obection to this measure is long since past already ft is almost a year old it might still be changed if there are sufficient people inter ested in objecting to it but it is quite natural ly easier to achieve success when the mat ter is up for initial consideration the good old days back in 1910 tkii from lb imuv rf th irta prmi thurmthy tvbrimrf i ill lr wirxil hiiiimt il ih millixioi wnlay h iwiol ihi woilikiiv iwrikh w i in innl illy lln 1 mi ni u iihi ol li iik it fill high ith i- if h ihllljlmi llvmiml frwvihfl willi tnttitiitti on tf inm whkh follow ih- r 1 wlilnowi lv v- u am hi trti- pntii kii ii mnif ii crlnlrralfnl i wlo mil i linniw by mh hull vnil wl 10 afrit ml iwfi ill i h ml- i jih it kl h ifl mnfi a lu ii by fin by mi si ii vi lum i irilliia lv miit ij i mknml i li vl b mi f w mimiii llplc i hi lirriuifli obi- i iirti of hiinr ili id r in lh nw of jinnct i by lav w n pjwi at wti k by ihi iiurj il pf hlhltintt in ojxnirijj i birv in fori w n i rn diijv mfl b ul ol my inlmii ilirik liqioi- in of ihlin il ihit umi the in i ik 4 inwi lorv f ih provirnl ntlirvi ihur iilnn r loo low jiiii stvirjl of thirn wjitid on th prouniiil vu ary hon tt i ffjnn ijnd ik 1 ihl the minimum vafiirv tr raisui hum woo to s00 ptr v ir thiv claimed ihi mini r r lurlcmtnl of ihi tiw ml il spread of local option in iki h ninssir to guard jiinsl in ice fantasy r tfiffyw suynattclsftice r for better health once again national health week has arrived in canada this event will be ob served for the 16th successive year during the week commencing january 31st 1960 of recent years the observing of na tional weeks for this or that has become popular but national health week is pro bably the oldest and certainly the most widely observed and the most important of ailnot only in canada but in the world- and why not nothing is more important for human beings than life and to live life and to live fully a long life one must have health hearth in the terms of the definihon of the world health organization is not merely the absence of disease but a state of perfect physical mental and social well being this is an objective to which every living human being should give thought and it is well that during one week of the year we should be encouraged to consider serious ly the things that each one of us as citizens should adopt as a health obiective for the succeeding year for too many of our citizens the only time one gives thought to the importance of health is when the doctor has arrived at the door after we have become sick far too few of us think of the disastrous resulls of unnecessary sickness in terms of misery un happiness disabtlity poverty and perhaps unnecessary death for too many of us sci ence lias provided the means to stay healthy but we are indifferent sicknessmental physical or spiritual is too frequently our lot because we have not learned the simple lesson that health and lono life are attain able fof virtually everybody this is a message to all canadians to help make health week a success listen to the messages you may receive by the spoken or written word organize your own group or community so that messages from authon ties in the field of health may reach good audiences help make the most important annuo national event m canada more m portant still because than heallh ihee can be nothing more important tor most puipk no mitttr how diil 111 i imhnnik hkil is ihvns i spciul iuk nunl in mti tin on a luumuv i i hi n mi i kv in ni linn intl on tntli ottston linn hie bun tin sihk sens iliims mlii lpilion stimulation ind sonu l hi ii akin to kar laibliiliil anollur ont mil iioprii tin smliptollls mv fusi iouimi vis dnn i was sixkiii unl gol im fust luh 11 uimiud hiuh hiking 400 milts all ilorn lo git u il thai was quiu an ixpuiuki for a kid whod nulr burn amwliiu or snn anvlhmg li s a good n to see a fair ihunk ol hk in a hurr hikh hiking amiss the counlrj iih 52 8 in our pockil there wis no letdown in the climax of that ourrtl the huge boil was ihere hid lu ihe vast doek the sumilores miri filling her innards hunthid of peopk were busiling aiounel knowing whit llu wiie doing jnd i was si uiiling i inn mouth open sto mal h ehuining with ihe know lulgi thil id si win be pirt of il ami a whole mw life was begin ning then ihe re to eollege whl the first tup dial 111 it an ill low n bo clad in i ihe ip suit anil 1 deep in teiioniv eomplei those other fieshmen looked so sophislu il id those luls looked so un appio uhable a there was no inlielimi tlun eilliu simhi theie wis ihe ilul ii iling exploi nion il thi minds il ljiit men luiim and lie id and the lun of pluing in the irsitv bind ind being n ihe tollege lootbill dam mil work mg on ihe varsity newspaper and making all sorls of odd f i lends anil falling in love onee or tvvive a week ail of it w is liughleniil by ihe beginning of wu and ihe eerlain knowledge thai tollege davs would be binf tin nixt trip a short one to ihe leiiuiling offiei triggered snel il i lis ol imllllll join nevs md not um ol the in v is i disappointment the fus was a hilarious hileh inking jaunt lo niw voik with lime ol he i nolenitil an heroes we hrttl aboul s20 i lib ind thil tin eilv up blown one of nn m it is e m bjjl boast th it he spew by bill smiley avei iid lluee boms sin night a ugaiitle girl m jninl promised lo wnie sell exeuision w is t big eioss ihe all int til lit id helo advert basic pur advertising practitioners have had any thing but a good press lately what with one thing and another and we would not wish to add to iheir woes there are abuses in advertising as in everything else but these shoutctnottause us to lose our sense of pro portion the consumer should certainly be protect ed against false and misleading advertising the answer however to such thing as bad taste exaggeration hard sell pressure and blatancy u not to be found m forcmg adver tmng into a legislative straitjacket but m decs ve consumer reacton vvhen business is good it pays to ad vertise when business is bad you ve got to advertise so runs the old saw and this is indeed a fundamental truth even if those who shudder at advertising which is fatuous and mane or ust plain annoy ng may sometimes wish it was otherw se fortunately there is a great deal of advertising which s responsble resinned informative and ntelhgent tbe iad thai this kind of promotion appears to be on the increase no doubt reflects the qow nq sophistication of the men n arey fannel suits as much as it does thai of the average consumer recent critic smj of both the nature aid cost of adverting bve tended to obsiue the central fact that t rp e n a free cc petitive society such as ous s vial ei bask both to the proper funconng of the economy and ibe ma ntenance of h gh g standards dodging round the district by roy downs mil ill town in maine omul i sin ill hi st n pnteh mil trinl to ee t 1 eome is ilion ul ihe n hives wnuliln i speak wold when h wnndned tl llute m is i hw igunsi t liking lu wis wild linn s sni of i unit ii il liniment anions us ih il noboilv savs in v thing uiii in i in inipiom on hi siluiei reviewing he situuion ihe uiuiiiown review klaus bow wonderful it would be il eviivbidv i illiwid this ink but in these divs i ion m i 1 1 ion 1 11 un is on iris ind the odd viwn dining eomnu m ilj i i bow atufviitv loifuttv int to supptessttntiisii n tl m nk- jioiip t int uh opini dvi twins galore lvk 11 i 1 u iis on ihoinbill dm i in nlkn ind no woinlu h s h i initd is wondiiini it in uldition will hi ihhmiv i t itu si hml snn tin ii ii mil lujulv so foi wuhm ix viul sim h hound ihoinhill dim ty 1m sits of twins ind i siih sit nisi mmed nut it thi im tine nt rhr mmtirrv s un pi ml t in i two sets 1 twins on the carpel ukmill uquismon lo 000 wnib of ikbenlun- f i n 1kmkhi ikhn n to itu likvilk tiiiiiii lujh shl his pot nnul iiu mix is up i tin i u pi i ihi b i ud simp wt i i kllil 1 oikulli i un il iskiril 1 i llu n n rnvi i tkv kuimilid i m ii kink vplimimi whik m ni is n s the 1 nmuiis w old s lt plun wiliri the acton free press pmhm ky tw doj rriomiw hi rablkkbv cv umlt4 rtnindwt iu 1t3 nd publlhl rvvrv tuirdav t is witk st acton onurio member of the audu bumiu o cbcuiboom th cdfna nd th unwmq di- n of the c wa a dvprtuinc rates on roqucsl ityb criptiona payable in advance s3 ho m caiida woo in the united smte x months ft 7s jtivfle rop- avitrpnt ed as second cls mail pos oftier department ottawa the tmtf payer evcrpammted in artoa g a dills edtorm chief david h dilu manfm editor busjk1ssan0 editorial office phone 600 a c lo n atkonalll hhps imriimhis n uumplmd duit iiuhlmiii w h ii i i i mx i 1 1 t hi n nut ihi i wkn hi i i s w ftr r n i ilm cmlim l plpels ijsl week m milton wis otluid i i h 4 h ms illei iht vtumnv k toimer nursviv wui ml i i mi t ikwis mi i hui nk a km i w u t i h with itn hoi in 1 n puks bm hits is k u v le die iln1 appreciate txivaltv flrftonl v div 1 mih n tins th i mn hmi hv ki- u m w n i pi unlit in th ik i ikl vpi tsw nu i nimiim i ist wedtusdia s unit ihn sis thi w inn is in tjii i tfov l t the st mls whm nmh iwn hukus nil htllwud lutliits with ihi pin its tust tiv pinits iw iv him sup piiinisidsi i ikt ishitptis tu ninii invvhtif nc il milions eiiihusiisni for the birds oakvll i f the nihms au hak limn ihe siirnv souui mr- le rue i epoils ihe lust mom uj tmr uepmun plight kmiil uui ihitbbv bud shi saw it jjnuirv 14 eomimnis ihe reeoiitsiu li would se m ihis buds ludgimmi is i r ihe buds dofgone i bl rlisgtos an irate kiuhcner man docsii t think much of burlington s juvtue hi wis sumnronsvel for failing to bin i dog lienex tor a elog he no lunger owned he hod to dnve down irom kitehencr lo fiec the cnarge whieh was dismissed dog pme tkbctiloui nt u a- back in 1940 taken from the imuc of the free prrw thuraday february 1 1m0 y hm i mint k ii nut of sen ut tint win n die wo tor gut low jrihi plmi nf the bcardmore til iu jihini workmen inveitlg il it mil i n iimmd the vroen of ih hum ji ialrv iak they fdirid th lolike tlowm wjlh h h fh ue wn nil bvsiiv and lfon tub were lured bm i b mi ii md 1 1 i cmifnate tkii vrt flib trirttof ihtm ha f ilnownori ihe b mk before hi rfhrinif wih k tr hc ik m of ir wn tin k i nor r il h rl nnl w is i greal mlflt o 1 w fwn liifil r- r irr1 iht t r ii- ptvrr of 1 jimv b rfrtjnlmjt ii t ttrwnw ui ibr fsirll a tfirt rl ih 1 rlii rhuf j riijhf t ft kjrimior tl r pi t up in- t ier fir i prwrfj r- r m k uh he r ft if iu t t f f 1 r y j i u iff i rr r i t f fr m n bin i r r h k hi v r or no t miking their junes thus hitv mis p muidtkk runvtfl in orilu list weik for ihotism i liind puntid pins irom thi t f hon co in toronto mrs mjii dinks hotnt nude pins h iv buomi will known throughout thi in i ind hi i intnds wish bu he ik si ol uiek in this u n lute a british couimbn mm is in i mn ibis wei k uviiil lo m iki lit ingiuunts t r ihe loeitioii 1 i lie itiurv here in town tlk i e is some 1 ilk of ihe be 1 tilephom to ist ihlisjung u klephoni line in the cn onie tin motljei in idi nu tuil uilli when i w is i kid all i n me tube i ol ihe missing is s i siikniss suhmuini se ins ind i big 24houridiv iiiji gunu hut willi j till ill it was lo see llu eoisl ot ireland just is il wis when m gre ii giandfither shook its dust olf hi feet whieh wete prubabh buie al ihe lime then ihe fust oumev to lorulon on leavi 1 ihought i w is a bhse voung mn hul nn hi ii i was pounding like a maidens as ihi trim tolled in ui lint v ist smnkv nieliopolis ilk he ut ol the impiie whil 1 ul il w is then before thi inks tikik ovei hv sheet lorie ol minibus sitlors mil sold ins and an men ul eveiv dtied nation beautiful women evirv while and in ihe verv air thil spieid emilemmt whieh onl i wai tan ptodiiee sadlv en ough and more lotirnivs enh slim ulating in its own wav meelmg mw peoplc lindmg old pubs in seodaml and wales and si tor mis fngtimr and sikin in oulii thi sboil hip but the big oih uross ihe channel ind into noinimdv no inlklinnis then but the- sijld satist niton ol ml iniii king itnirmlnahli month nf li lining bv smiting tin im hip in i ihieh thm tin i ipid king leaps t iilli lo antwup ami thi fust tvid imptissiotis ot ihe bubbling hie ot people newlv lued attir tout mtolenbk v us ah i in when 1n vou thm into a plowed field in h ham stm- wheels nml begtn- nitij anothir long outn0 ae toss i billii h isik hud inisn ihk ti k hui n t without us hi kill pi nits 1 iviieiiuni jjlimpuj s ipe tn ii 11 md kim sti ilid in i nini ii ti un hv in 1 s i ii ni m is kid i kv o 1 t r ih niii 1 hi ti mutv i iwln w if ross s is u i sons totlils iuvhhol would hi metvnvinioie siuh i hm win opevd mi uogi riham of it uogi riham of thi mivsons c nets nuphhoth hhi old om of his fine botses t a ill buel fin u tam pllee this inorv t hi- hj k jnl ipine flikrvine n tarrm itt f it ih h ispital hf hai n ontin t i t his bed ii nn th rj i tui been a itrs paifnl r eion intirmeftut s veri d w i to dtfe i 1 t f uj hcn i ihev lost to pjtm 2 1 in pan t 31 d iti ihe 1 il it im hj 1 j i t jo hid w m one game 1 jw ter rfrm ire nurv ompk i ul md tin mason km nnj m i p inv mi 1 rn ve t h ir ijrer v 2 qu uiits n cialph s ntvt j wnk lb i mip nv vet 1 hive mm num t r ni issir unan f si in it the mw siti and will be t iintirul n the lr siding whkh tins a better shipping m mitrftmrb professional directory and travellers guide fineral directors dr w g c kenney rhslclan and surgeon office in sjmon blick 43a mill si f acton office phone 78 resideice ms church st f phone iv dr d a garrett phvsician nnd surgeon rorner of w llow and river sts brrtranee rivnr si acton on i phone 238 dr robert- u buckner phsician nnd surgeon 39 wfllinglon st aclin ont phone 67b officr hour upm afternoons by appointment real estate and ptocrance f l wright bruce e shoemaker chiropractor a d moore dc pilmer specific chiropractor 17 mill strtsrt phone 40 or m office hour wed 3 7 sal 2 5 orm al and hearing alptt e i buchner ro optimctristsndiihng aid 4fi m ii st f phone iis oh ice hour wdrumdyi only im 600 pm fvenino by appointment hur e- i ftir tnvltd i mplishi i n ih in whu i n vllv fitful out 1 sn w ih it i n i nhirkoi on in i h i iihitmv whkh ptimis i n is iiin is i m i him tutminii i m laumhcd rm a toot ncv ol ixploritmn in shit 1 m taking loiitnmititn uy tending ihi bible vttcr lo thie mini vcits ruf on lh u to- w ud a lighting ihanfe it pet tine to heaven a friend siiriiivts thjt v u t in i sw ill w anibin vi hole with oiii tonpui in vwir ihetk but i m point m pnv it a dr h leib dental surscon f c- corner m 11 i frdrr rk strict i tl h a th fptfos 1 dr a j buchanan c f leatherland qc birr i s ciior nomr a braida b a 1 1 lr- i k- uk lrt piibl c 3 vain st s art o- phone 578 offwr hmiri 6 pm p m 1pm 9 cm iiirrlan 11 trk st c gimlph t a 4 2342 jit 5pm ii da 12 i hastings a payne rijer andsolieitnr otn pubic 1a mill st acton office hours i fn 10 001 1 45 am 130tmpn sal 10 no 12 00 am robert r hamilton optometrwt fre examined hearing aid service ifil nnlph st georgetown onl for appointment pleaje phone tr 73871 aithttno accolntiio levetti hoskin ttwd annnntantj m mm st n 21 km st w h i n tronli i i n t 1 i4 fm 4 131 ttaviutrs 6uidi gray coach lines liifs ifaf actos standard t me fwlbtnjrtd j1 i ti di ir rrep sun and m y x it s3 m nr pis rwirr- hi pm 8mpm 10 p t s n nnd hot ueit bound f 2 m 12 pm 2 57 p m 11 pm 7j7em hi pm 11j1 t m li j m fn sat sun and h j canadian national rahways standard time daatbouad daily 44 am dily 9 bumlatt til un ffiacttop tv p m sandaf only 4oj pjn dally except sunday flyer m george town j7 pjn xkailj flyer al georgetown 1011 pjb westbound dau ut pjn dally efp sundtr ix am m4 pj- sabiiry only tjbr flyer at only dally

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