Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1960, p. 8

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grade nine girls were cttcs at corrtmtnccmcnt friday wc mill walk under a con slant lhnnl of foiling ice snow tunped the r- rsisilrihix again on weiiksdn ithrow i l host straps lor the birds thev re lining truubk finding lood with so mueti snow on the ground three busloads from alton and nerval toured ir kitchener lirewcrytin wcdnesdayimmlng alt preliminary work in griding and structures and pus sibly sihw pining for the new hmiild at cuss highway 401 run ning through puslinth highway cull likely be completed in i960 wellington county council karn cd au kuux s s tchtitai received their pins and brirs las i sundav the rest of the awn ids will be given this sunday of ihe nil gul graduating class honored it l com me nee nun fndi aix ire now m teachers college ind one at ryeison in mitutc it s the sc ison fur annu il mwtmghktmjitx of- all vhurch meetings will be c irncd in the lite press and group sec re lines arc invited lo submit it ports to the piper m my weit witching when eifeht members of the scottish counlr dincc cluh ippenad on television fitdiv lick mcgcnch ic was inlt ivlt w nit ih demonsltileil their dancing bkilt tven wttti ex ira chairs brought in witii members of the untied church congregation blood during the ii is mscrvlcc tn the y m c a sund iv morning the rev gordon admis conducted a scniee or confirmation fte dis work in bitter cithcr by bell telephone com piny crews were nullified lust week when a cable parted and a cfise full of delicate ciiclronk equipment ei nshed lo the ground from the top of the wo- foot microwave telephone lowt on highwiy 24 north of erunosi the tower was to have provided temporary telephone service be tween guclph and orangcvillc and points north pending rcsnv a hon f p a w e girl guide news tuesday evening at 730 mrs wilson came to instruct eight girls in scottish dancing before this wc run through the speaking parts in the celebration pageant the pageant commemorates the mtlvyear or guiding on february 12 in the robert little auditor lum ihe guides scouts cubs and brownies will each put on a short act there will be an udmksiun charge lo complete ihe payments on the scout hall while ihe girls were practising ihe rest of- the company wus in the basement plavlng gftnes then we wi upstnirs fn jr campfire day is done and taps lady teachers eat meet here the women teachers fedtiii tion ol halton held ihcii annual dinner meeting in the robeil little school here thuisdav of last week members ol the fiknd tyxirek supctvlwd lite cotd phlf supper followed bv f nicy cookius ind lurts with coffee ed in the kc slot ins ehbogtrntafoami mawijmk3j hear reports beet officers members of knox presbyterian church held then iniiuil meeting tin wcdncsd i evening at the home of mr ind mis win mac phc i son with rc hiukcs acting is c halt mm the vinous repot ts were gicn showing that ill coin plus which will be used to assist in the church needs olhtcrs elected ire w ird bruce sund iv sthool superintendent church treasurer bixn brute tint lope slew net gordon altkcn the minimis were reelected unt st in pullet was named clmr m in at the tlost i bountiful lunch w is stntil hv the hostess local newt mitlid mis geoifct d rolxtl sol ill ilttndink hit opening ol paihuntnl ind reception in tot onto tin tuesdn is quests ot htmoi ablt john root ind mi s root misses ross mil rugg ol like shun tejihtrs ctiltege in k ich mg k the lot il sthool this week undtrmrs n rathbuns guid incc while in the community thev are guests with mr and mis willi eel awrcy mr ind mrs j a bulloch it tended tilt buinr supper ind en teilamment it guclph on salui d i nifchl bill kloostcr ji ol glen wil hams spent the weekend with his i mr aitd mrs k kloostcr mi and mis d slcwail visited with mr ind mis alex tovell at owen sound on fiida little greg millson of guclph spent several dhs with mrs m j it k son mrs mitphtfson ind mis upshall isitcd on situtdiy with mrs john ismond who is a pitieiit in guclph hospilil wind his been itemed fiom mr ind mis win wi lyj horn sunm cihlointi thev uc ic is lug tut i hiullci mm i to mexico a hiilhdav pitt w is held situtdav nilil loi william kloo- sttt at his home tht tuesls in dud til his patents uid brutheis and sisters d g robcitson puticlpilcd tn a culling bonspkj it etui to wedtlcsdiv mcmbeis or the link received h issoeks is second pnzc elect new church managers during congregational meet tin innii il t ilrilili mil tmds went lo mis cimpbcll sm iiuvl lit ol i tmliuusc pitshmti tlur and win bdltnlim and i in ihuith w is htlil it the home j mrs s millhiwsfoi most tout i mi mil mis w mitchell tin hinds tht lommittec stiied overheated pipes cause fire alarm acton hithghtcis made a fist urn lo the home of lvk cnpps 7 sehool line when slove pipes bit nut overlie ited causing al itm last tnday evening tvw trucks amved on the hut omul h unnce ust itei lire t lilt i j ntwtoil ttpoilcd lilllt d image ciiised hv 1 inn s 1 1 ill u nit ii loi mint kn a cikki in iul mrs j glxnn ihe mtelllll all lininnil oblicitmiis wcic ind reports re id m in iltis ippoinlnl i ii ihui e ii turn wen 1 h rti ml mis luiith lite i thtie is now i lliol il vehicle in uvt in cimdi lor cer 1 i persons ind d pissenfcer c ir i r eu 4 8 pet sons acton hiy club donates 50 to y dating the icgiilu intttuil ol the acton hi y club tticsdw the numbers agreed to don iti s0 to the ymca neiilv 30 meiiibcis inswcitd the loll cal illci a devotion il peiiod led bv s uulv dnidstm a d uitc was planned loi tiidiv ccning in the ym t a mil ehaperonts wtu seemed members ieit td to illind i hi y meeting is mists ol ihe guclph club ntl unk bcloic llit toiuliision it hu mecting il w is pi iiiutd lo holil meeting tins situtrfiv equipment dealers form new company a new tompim noiton tuniei ltd has been foimedbv mikt noilon ot balltnil id ind o a oil tunur of bt implou is dealers lor cisc fiim machine y field service ind parts stock will be nvjihhlc it both pumts mike norton his been cisc deikr il billinifud leu iwo veils with 10 e irs experience in field service on turnci his been in the unplcmcnl business i ir 30 ctis as dcaki parts and sit in m in igti driver unhurt e ii dnvtn b i guclph mm kt unt 111 l biwmin ittt nit js00 dim iec in i ei ish on hilit i 7cnh mond i muimtil but tht dtiiti w is unhuit const dave hauh sud the in itiltnt hippeilcd a milt wesl of citwsons comets the west bound ear j id on the icv euie went out of control and slithered into a ditch score in final minutes cinches game for acton acton midgets defeated the mit ton learn 76 tuesday evening t ihe local arena when a goal by ptltc marks lit the dying mom c of ihe garni clinched the victory milton opened up the scoring curly in the first period when fletcher tallied before ihe cheers ringing throughout the arena died out run mellon evened up the score on a pass from pclo marks marks unashisted weaved his way through ihe milton crowd and drew out timbers in the mil ion net lo put the locals one goal ahead be ore the final whistle looted lo cud ihe itrsl peiiod milton stoicd ugain when bailey nicked ihe red light and lied the score al 22 period fast the second pel tod opened up with play fast and buteh dedcls on a breakaway with teammate uuii maliajuuciuumariid lbc mil on too i it to stall acton on ihe upwaid swing aclun s lead was shortlived luiwevei is ihe fast milton crew dug in and evened ihe tally on a goal by hamilton and wenl one ahead when hilson beat john lc unci land gum ding the acton bait n a old mcdufle were kept on heir tues as play went irom one end of the link lo the other until bulch dcdels or the homebrews rttti 7il i pasuutwmvrhif notch the disc in lha iwinc iu even things dp again rein mellon- and brian mecrls tail moved ihe puck up the kc ahqrilynitcr thujacc oft and m on tilled the light lo score ac tons fifth goal milton came back strong and mckcrsk s redmen ganged up on the acton goal and rapped home two quick goals lo end ihe period 65 in ihclr favor wfth mcdufrc and bulky doing the honors fust skating and steady ploy making entertained ihe crowd in 10 4h girls model dresses mrs man sell ncihs blue springs road was hostess lo dublin wumcns institute for ihcir regular monthly meeting hr5 horace blyth ihe president occupied the chair and gnu a though for today ultei which there was the opening excicises a novel roll call wus i utw hairdo which each ludv itutuicd scverul letters of cnrresponikn were read by the nfcielary mi c armstrong plans were made iu have ii he opening of ihe thjrd period when run malcolm and bulch dtdels teamed up utid broke inruugh ihe milton dcjefite with malcolm notching the licing coun tcr the balance or the period went un stored until the lust few nun ulcs remaining in ihe game when pclc murks on a long puss from m ilcolm sank ihe rubber tn the net bejuadjcimbers to iivc acton their si vc nth goal to win ihe g line 7 6 a good crowd lurned out lo sec the youngsters play and it ccived ihcir money s wutlh in cntcitulnniciil play was fast and tkan throughout and only four minor penalties wtic dished out by ihe tcferccw- r t i tho acton frw pro thursday january 28th 19fi0 icadj mttttt w- t co m way in millun on fcbruarv in and 17 committees wcte formed lo look after ihe euchre pirtv in mix ion hall on kbruuiv 12 ho was volcd lo cure a quilting ul one of the members homes will be held this week 4h guesti a special fcatuic of the ing was the atlendance ol ten 4 ii sir is who had completed their rcscs and modelled them much credit goes to ihe woik ol these girls under the tuloiship mid guidance of ihtir u ituis mrs duncan molf it and mis m ncllls pach ulrliultl whit hei dress cosi the girls uttendmg ihis mum fire misses jean m iff u juih brit tun jean brillon shirkv laiigcvln sintha blvllu it nl ii t brillon join cot minn i mary molfat mo k in dull n and sharon blvmi model dretwa the iqurse pn lotus cm i mrs bovrl mrs c britton and mrs alex near mrs wm milntvrc look i thurgi ol the gi uidmoihers pro- t 11 im iind gim i nading that pii niei gianditw f mine mrs robtilson played the accornp nnfment for a dng song or toi lt i nana songs mt chirks rhoiiimin eonduct ed i i mlol and mis mitnscll n his wis ihe unfile t mrs l liiis hi wis iu irded the prizo i k tl most nrjindiliiklrtn aclon s place bus been cimjj id in ihe playoffs and ihev pi iv tlicli hrsl monday inithl in ua ui t heather club names officers after turkey supper in church the knox heitiict cluh held ihtir unniltl tut key supper in the i hut tli on thin sd iv jauuuy 21 about 21 munbcis ciioycd the delicious meil attci i nil till lois mukenie kill the secret uys itpott and m ir minn tut he lieastirers icnoit 4 mttvt ktikness it id i delight iul chiislmis k lie i fiom ruby cukcil now in tig in l iwndale cihloimi ii tilings wtio te ctiittl t om helen coxc inolhtt tnnnti- ntcmbci how iu caliioi 1 led off ken rt hi wilson pttstdtd for the election i olhtels which iul tluiuii u piesidcnl mis a mtkinit pist piesuknt oial noilon pitsiiltnl mctvl kuk ntss lirsl net pics dent jc ill bullet see i id viet ptesideut mug net ciucsl tie isuici mity mann sect clary audrey glib chow corresponding seetejarv alice wnldic nicinbciship lauta colquhoun soti il tonvenct m it tircl oroutkc issistint liiu i colquhoun i i tin eonicncr oi il n irl in puss seeict iry m u y all in it w is decided lo hold palncks ic i unii baking sale on s hurt iv much 12 the vaxjotis conveners were chosen the mccliug closed with flic mipah benediction some lively games conducled by lauta colquhoun mil m itl tire i or urkc brought a pleasant evening lo i cli cgit news on j mu it y 2sth i he knox 1 tesbylcii in cgit opened the nu e t iul willi llit cgi t purptisc uid hymn ihe sccietaiys and irtisuiers itmitl wis given al tend nice w is i ikeil business was llici taken by mis giicr ind m irilyn lemon linda pukci led ihu woishtp mi we then piactiscd oor worship kcivicc lot the christian youth service on monday night which t explorin ire lo attend wc played i few games the meet int was closed with taps ti aihiim success one must m ike an attempt snelgrove 290 case farm machinery norton turner lid balunafad and brampton i id hi ct lvtee111 ii t ihe meetuil um tilt 111 hist i l i it mu ik kiudittion luiuhj hold shtmcr i i hj1 niimbti ol in mk in i l ijjlhots y ith id it tht ll l 1 m nl mis s k kplii k i i n li nt i nj t sh w tht d uyu i n ih i tl in bus hil ii i ii hi t th tins tl i 1 piliu iii 11 tllll lilts i l ul wsll d iiiil w i il id ni it in i ilin km h kwxi turn t hi i tin inn ill i n i t i i w i l m i ii tilt inst ll i stilts ii ii llll ii ill lilts sx i ml i tti u i 4n a i hill n stu l tttniil wit tuts wtit mis wm bilk u inn mil hiitikl catnpbtll stt along vilth this send vfefi look mom no hands v clevcr trtefc bvgter but whn it mmw tocuvw of wa comb with a r i tshts bus also bet n i npk iintlcr be leadtrship f mis win mcjniyre ind mis c aimsti iil scveril hdlts motlellcd lluli ncwdrtssts uiti ill shmvul l mil hmdiwoik huy win mis mil tolin mtill it mis dune id m i hit mis w wiikms mis win ii ink mrs c milntwe mis- ii blvlh- mrs gtotgl rulhusti -pohoctand- campbeir miiniifncturcrs of high grde memorials memorial engraving 61 wlr si north gair trlfphone smi business opportunity station has been made available in the town of acton service station experience unnecessary as framing s prov dod at l a il ir is poittwhile you are learning this is an opportun ty for tho nghl man lo gel r io the business- or himself arret earn a better than average income tn writing v vlly advise phone number w th resources and assets ava table to r l marck sunoil co ltd burlington and victoria sts hamilton ontario phone hamilton ja 72901 before 5 pm btirhn ne 40421 af 7 pm the greens made it all right i all stooooo of t m nd you t took mr gee 1 8 yars and that s what he made not what he kept t ke the green most of us n our lifetime w m earn more tan ts s mpos ng pite of bank notes quest qn sc how much will wf keep feys temafc saving at the b of m heps you keep more of what p ll mt loud lev nj mn togrt touch ih hn ii of thoi you itft g bio volfntni b ool th 0 ou compll iell on of g bton volnhn to dt dills stationery trick with hot water move over and make room for electricity and the master of hot water magic a modern electric water heater with low coat electricity eitry member of tho familv can enjoy the comfort of hot water at the turn of a tap km also have the extra reassuring comfort with n modem two element electric water heater of the rtgkt uze nd emfmaty for your needs you will always have plenty of hot water to net more out of life get the most out of doctnaty mf dp live better electrically hydro is yours you make just one of those looooo dollars w open a sav ace for yoo keep rt strtctty for savrrtg and there s one thing you can say for the money yoo put nto that account you have really got it made bank of montreal

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