Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1960, p. 21

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s the acton free press thursday- february 11th 1960 the mild weather is liable to play havoc with the ice at the arena the health unit is starting a new series of pre natal elapses in milton miss sandra blyth success fully passed her grade 5 piano with honors t mi hock tea acton heir drst championship for some time wednesday rain took away a lot of snow and made the streets slippery high school students are looking forwaid to their annual at home next week bad road conditions have caused the posinoncmenl of some meetings in the country it s boy scout week the dts play in the public school tomor row night highlights the week here town workmen were husv throughout the nifchi tuesday with the snowblowcr and snow plows dealing the streets in two other newspapers wc have read of robins being spotted already be sure to phone the free press if you see an cji ly bird in acton the bulltnnfad lorrispimidcnl for this paper repot is that cruws hue been seen in that dtslntt spring must be tisl around the corner she sas optimistically limehouse steven wolfe 10 year pld son of mr and mrs wesley wolfe has received word that he has been successful in passing with honors his grade six royal con servatory or music piano exam inalions he is a pupil of mrs c heard free press subscriber hartley harrison of toronto writes from florida when he ts wintering with mrs harrison to say that they get their paper down there eery mondav when they were at home in toionto they got it every tuesday an executive meeting of the acton progressive conservatives association was held friday ccn ing when president jack holmes v as host sandy best hallun membei ol path imcnt was i guest the informal session was devoted to topics of local and county interest the fans or bill smiley s sugar and spice column would expect him and ins wile to turn up at the weeklv editors ioimii tion a pair of sights ftec piess re prescntatives siw them theic ind we can assuic vou mi smiley looked mil and mis smiley smii t and charming oakvilic ind builmlon newspapers took iwai ds in tin ontario weekly ncwspapcis com petitions when trophies weie pic sentcd at the convention in h i milton last weekend in c ise you ie wondeiing the hoe press wasn i enteted fnlries wcnl iw iv ihis week for the dominion wide competitions though mrs j thompson hostess at postponed wi meeting mrs joseph thompson was hostess for the greenock insti tute for their january meeting and due to road conditions this meeting was postponed until tuesday february 1 the president mrs chester allan opened the meeting with a poem followed by the ode and collect the scripture reading was read by mrs cabin ailken why w i member roll call why 1 like to be in institute member btoughl van ous answers from the members the minutes read by the assis lar mri p son and financial repon lol lowed and the rcpoit of a social evening in the school business was climusfcd sever il thank you notes foi flowers and christmas dunahons we re read a idler it um t he distiiel president was re id conveners paper mrs t hcinslcv as eonuiu l ic an inteiesling p pel on public relations mis billen tine gae t lew turnnl events i ind reminded the inembeis of i national health week j muarv ii to february 6 silting a in canada 14 000 b tbies die cadi veir b cinadnhs dr ink neulv nine million quuts ol unpaslcui icd milk e 2in ol ill cm duns ie ccie denl il i ire of diijjnd it i is veil can ult ins list 154 s81 vears of working davs through illness- which might have been prevented new president mrs jennie mcjccown read in article about the new provincial president mi s lymburner poi t colborne a meeting on p trliamenuiry pioccdure by mrs ai thur hamil ton i rum the department lust fall was reviewed by several mcmbeis who hid attended the leadcis being mrs batfcntini and mrs hemslcv this proved quite litlplul for those who were on nb to attend th nnw second wi marathon euchre attracts 15 tables to hall tilled tables were plavcd in the cennd of a scries of wl maiathon euchres held in lime house memorial hall on satui dav evuuiit wmneis weie mis r t c brown mil weslev store see onds mis loin h unillon ind clilloid mcdonald ind s robin tied ind ci ire robeilson won lone hands pni 1 he committee sei ved lunch alter celebrate birthday mt ind mrs glvnn and peter visited his iclulivcs at st calh arines on s ilurdav where they eelebratcd his mulhet s birthday achievement day tm 4h itub girls horn lime- house displavcd their completed r artnrvcmcnl fi it milton on saluul iv their skit cottons m iv be sm ut bv the use or an lion was inlritduccd b llcinur kun ind bcllv arttil blown and 0 nl gilmore weie comment itois mis kuk patuik and mis gishv he club leadcis moved lo ilombv vi ieeui the umov tl ol the f askm i miih from the vi1iilc ihtv now hvejin ins late 1 uhci s home cast of hombv iodes observe 60th anniversary mr hint iiili tin of geoic town wis soloist at limchousi picsblcinn church on jinuuv 31 on ti h 7 i jimp ft um the vaesl totonlu piisbvldv presbv leiian mdis asmkiilion iiulud inj t quirtcl condueled the sd ng to judge baking a put luck dinnei is being pi tnncd lor the next meeting at the home of mrs tom hemslev when the hiking contests foi the dislnct annu il will be judged ind tested pie isurc wis expiessid bv ill when tluv learned mis ld pe ticn w is able lo be home illei spending some tunc in hospital with a lrauuitil hip anniversary cake tin- h islcss and hei issisl mis sen id lovely retrcshments in eluding ice etc tin ittul e ike ind i icli ihcinbei cnitivcd i piece ol mr ind mrs peat ens 60th in mveisiiv tike suit itom ml ind mrs pi ucn mis j mi re own w is couitisv i onv e ne i 1 he oucc n ind the institute dl ice closed the meet mt mrs knox returned as regent of chapter the annual meeting of the duke of devonshire chapter 1 0 d e was held at the home of mrs d bothwell last week with the regent mrs k knox preyd ing mrs j carpenter guest suloisl sang two numbers climb eve it mountun and i had a little talk with the loid immigrants valuable mrs h r force give a i ilk on the value of our immigrants pdintng out that although the popuhr belief is that they lake jobs i mm canadians thev act tjaltyawworth m i iheir needs for cars home apph anccs and all the other nccessil ics ol hlc new officers the following slate of officers wis elected for the loining vc ir honorary regent mrs b mow at iccent mis k knox lust regeijjmrs h f holmes second vice regent mis g spcn ccr lee secretary mrs a e newton assistant secretary mis b mowat treasurer mrs c heller educational secretary mrs w wolfe convener lot service at home and abroid mrs j jaifv convener for empire mil world affans mrs h r force con vencr loi canadianualion and etlienship mrs j mcgcichic ee hoes sec re lar mrs gordon beallv membership eonvencrs mrs h mainpnt mrs w j m c m mainpnc standard bearer mrs e thomas councillors mrs w g beillv mis f salt mrs r m mcdon ild mis g a dills mrs c matthews miss m z bennett mrs h mimpnc mis j whit him mis d leslie ballinafad husbands guests of institute at pot luck supper saturday one to go midgets drop second game to milton 54 funeral january 30 wi evlind svmpuhv to die lamilv ol the lite joseph scott whose limn il tixik pi nc on j in pm iltus wen sh mil mnlv uirv 10 flowers weie pi lee d then m ins mcinoiv mr and mis a w benton mil roi tripping imi r milhime ic mr neil benton wsiled with tin cuvtnfc i pmaltv loi millon greenlee s at camplxlhille on sund iv where mr j ncilson celebrated his 82nd bnlluliv mr and mrs beit benton and mr jtck oitinum spent the wnk i nil with mi ind mis gordon oumton mar meifoul alton multels dioppid the second l inn ol then pi ivoll sel les with milton ihiusdiv inijil in alton arcn i 1 he sunt w is s4 to even the tallv up it one e line ipiecc the g line w is i isl mil iiicid in the lust pciiod ross miku sic opened up the sionne lot the visiuiis il s vs on i piss i mm slcshui dents gibbons e in id tin sum up it 9 07 whui ik ind i m jclllics biokc llu iulii the millon diltnsi lo link tin lijjil in alton s i iuii milton i mic lliioiih il 11 s4 ol tin lusl pciiod willi dim seiond c il wlim huu i dutle hulcvd the iwiiii on i piss horn lhlson lo lim tin nluiiiij in the lusl pciiod it 12 toi mil ton ptiiiltus wen shmd wilh mecnst ill loi vlon out two minutes in the loi tripping ind b mitull playoff s iluid iv fibui u 11 tin 00th animcisuv l dn i o l i the order w is founded bv mrs ci irk murrav oi moiilu d and tin lilsl ehiplu wis loiined in j frvtk rn ion n b 1ki m 4 duplets ul the i ode liom tbi lukon to new tmindtind nuti ippnrvimatrlv t4womt ihih i thi mi tube i s taisi ind drpt i m mulv 1000 000 pu i in tin luld ol niuialion ovti a tii ii li i i million doll us is spilll is lullows i200 nrinpt sr w art members of chapter hear annual reports annual npoils of etiuni mcmbeis ol lakeside thiptii 10dl wut pusinttd it llit innuil meeting ol the ehipiet tuestlav in the legion hall miss jessie colts prcsidid tin 1 1 pull ol thi nomin uing tomuntlte was fetven bv mrs j ki ipik a pot link suppil pitttlled 1 tie blisiniss nut i mil livitlt is lo lx pup mil loi tin s iv t tin cluldun ruiul tout unint 100 w i kits rtptisnit itms win numd lo iltliid the aieiii loniinismon niiiline widmsdiv lis iitui a dun i is to bt hi id apul 2 reception tnr new ctmdnns will h lukl id milton in apnl mil niiintxis will issist houi iitvv iiiitnbiis vim oitd on second period the suond pcnod ope mil up list willi ailon delitmiiiiil in mtrcomi the um ginl tt ut at 7 si ron millon i mvirn llu putk ilotit winded ins tv tlitoucli hit millon li mi mil shot i i nc om iioin tin blue inn wlinli lound i lomu ol tin ml hicli on tin lilt hind side lo ucn ihi sum millon i inu bnk mil r biown shpixd i in disi ik hind 1 1 itliiilind ut tin ait m n t ii i0s0 on i piss hum ruull lomhunil tlloit bv gibbons 1 iltolm mil diwkins llukid i i illv in tin mt houi i si i iinbk i in i hi millon ind ind pi nod ndul with hit sum ind 1 1 iin lilies in ihi sm nd putod in dished out l pheis sent to the sin bin wtie w mason lot b mime r mel ion lot ihuuiil mil b daw kins loi si islnne third period milton i ippul home two i ist e ids in tin thud pciiod wlnn llimillon sioied on i loin elloil and t illnd icun wilh m issist hum b mcdulic ihc last li imc vi is ioulimiui lest wilh uclit pm ilins h imlid out bv tin it at ion s lin il si m i um it i uhui mill- n llukid llit ml lihi n i p ss hum imu m uks l i ml tin suiniv ind c inn with mil ton loppmt the lot lis 54 ailon pm dins in tin mind pillod wile nniiil out to mil lolm l i hippuic dtdtls loi slishni nul millon i i iliu ing millon pen titles went to b lhlson loi hookinc b medulle loi holdlnc bimt medumi loi lutli sinking k bulcv loi hold mt lllt b sltssoi lor s ishing iht wli inld a pot luck sup pel on stluidav nitit with the husbinds s ti- when about 40 sit down lo a well laden table roll t ill w is insvvtred bv the men with what mv wife docs lo please me most and bv the i idles vvliil mv husband dots to pit ist mt most it proved to hi quilt humorous i to j i in k son showtd two hlins mil lllt lest of the evening w is spent in plavine tutlirt weekend guests mi smith mil his moilni of loinnlo spin the weikcnd il iht home ol ills brother it silvtr neck community shucked the lommunilv wis sutdnicd lo kun ol the train sihuol bus tolhsion i ikint the lives of three lii1 sludcnls ind the bus dnvcr it iltllsburcli ciossint i uncr il seiviees weie held on solid iv jinuuv it lot doiiii i jat kson and gudi un kwh un tin miiiul iv loi k mn awiev ind ihi luesdav lor t ilvm lei ill the bus ihiver soini ol tin slmkiits in still m imspii il all om in wishing tlnni i sxcdv iieovcrv short meeting tin w 1 held their rihiuuv mccliuc on thursdav it the home ol mrs i co j imnson as ihc i idles wnt busv with their sew int ihss project incases on imishiiil ihc meeting was short it was confined to business open int wilh the ode and mary ste- w ul collect hospital support mis c i snow tc a spkn p nlid with libi tins unl equip nnni i injmiioiiisiii and iw mis ji innd lo 4 an uii in simk tils a i pilot pnist iht 1 o d r h is nlopitd 1 1 sehwls m tin wisi lmlks i aim hi iirsi md veoiid va ii j mi mot i il i uuds 11 uvtise is posi unlink siholirshif l 2 000 i nh unl 10 c in nil in univitsilv bin suns ul simm wen aw udid in the viinio il 11 mn unl almuod iletuinmm wdouoa avjx sjktit m tan id i n will m woik ind i mihmiii iinmrxrs ut thi ioh1 tn pro iis m dun own v immunities the iodi his sent j 100 xxi t hlnl supplies to i unpe mm i koit i md tin visi hnlnv mmv thipteis avioss m ul i hut un diltlkill the skiilmlshtp i des miik unl iituei ihiultxn there m two ih iptets in av ion local rotary club plans ladies nighf leiililiu pi ins win mde in llu veion rol ov hub diniiit ikii weeklv nniliu tmsdv tvuitnt to hold a l nlns nihl inm month in us suasions win i it w tulis1 is i nu ms ol ie tilling i dixtst n tut tin speenl nithl bill imil pi ills wen 1 be dctlekd it i i hit dik pi sent i i n with i iluh jui i i tin iikaim was bob ti mi i aeun i ii wm dn il iinn in i s v s lie ihi nnntxis ni m i hi i nuiiud ihi ae a jm speed barn collapses with ice snow trrrf aiiraithiii h 11 ihc illk ituitiiit m iom pui ul im birn il iimih i si k hh llu silii 1 sm is iml ki li i ik llu i i ih li m msi mil mil p in 1 llu hi il n n ml muailliu iml ixi up hk tnrnnutlinj ju ilqun iusi 211 iniiiiiiis kim mi li 1 si ih lu llu iimst i i ill us uhui n hippnuil lungmlulhtlon c i ilii i mis vi ink th mps llu lill il j son liicalt m s all i sun in spun link ml null ul ms in inls s ms tt ill ci il ist p imh inhi its 1 nisli un svsv 11 111 1 2 shows nightly 6 30 9 p m phone 110 james stewart and vera miles in color 1iil stom of tijl man who apturcd i lit nations most notorious killers the fbi story showing thurs fri sat i sat matinee mon tues adult entertainment it liv1 s again to k1li again all new in 1lrriimno tlu1n1colour the mummy mil 11t ild it take to kill tlirautrirr see the curse of the undead complete performances 7 and 8 is pm wed thurs 7 a 9 pm storn ol msioidijl r0 uomi onl iiii his atl a rk cmr cxrfoll baker uli pvlmlr in did itporl on iht work that is bung done tn ud ol thi new hospil il in tie iite town theie w is no motto or roll i ill is they were to in liven on s u urdav niht when the w i tn tert lined the ir liusb inds spring cuming spi in must hi iusi iruund i in turner is trows hive bttn sun in llil distiut high fellowship baptist evening tht young people of the bap tist high fellowship conducted the evening scnict at the atton baptist church last sunday in a verv impressive and helpful tmnntr following the song servitt ltd bv ruth landsborough jiniee rolston took thargt the b h f thalltnge was iht tail to worship and iht biif ptavtr bv janiet w igntr was the invot ition piav tht responsive ri iding ind the senplurt lesson were ton dueled bv jo nine fmmirson th h i dunn i pendleton weie olleted two musreal numbets urii bv the lumor tjjuir and a duel bv don m l indsborough ind kutn htl itr wert a worthy tontnbutton mik hopper ind john tuinm wire ushers round tabic i our vounl people donn i i indsborough sindri cnpps kiitli dunk ind divid h ipni m ibl pusenteil i lound t ibli dis tusmiin tniitltd where do in to hum htre tin theme keep elose lo vtiur uide w is continued bv the hi mist li rev gordon holmis in i bnel uldriss thi whole tven ine wis dtudedlv profit ible in till hifcbesl stnse lo the i irgi ionliet ition ul woistnppois conducts service from the heart vjbw c fiion volonl b nq lovpd onfi log dills stationery pilut il ion nu ins divelopini ihc mind nut sluthne ihc itietn robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e p head phone guelph ta 42071 58 st george square this weeks speciali sparlrrtbs 39 drons meat market service and quauty a specialty free delivery phone 18 ho f wei likt this fuel whenavar uiyon tells you bottled ijuem ir hkdont you believe it i for example theres purity mighty impor tant if the gas ts to bum with a clean blue flame with no soot or smoke to discolor your kitch en walla ptatofax gat is as pure as the most exacting scien tific tests can make it with ptkofax gas then is no guess ing about qualityabout ecotv myabout dependability call a today w f q cor lio ub a mavaea root hardware and i construction ltd hockwood ont phone ul e9s51 a home nursing course sponsored by the st john ambulance brigade division 332 will commence on wed feb 17th at 8 00 p m at the home of mrs wm coats 35 roseford terrace glenlea enrolment and the first lecture will be on the first night mrs wm coats rn insiiikluss amu supt hart islinit i eiiiui pic iii mrs wm coats mn il niiishiu oflilcr 3s rusejiiril tcrnix ph 77 miss bellamaye roszell amini tkim this llll rsi will nv hi obikmli hi join fill brkaul shortill sheet metal wumeinc k heating gar wood furhictt eavastreughing 184 churchin road phone 464 a tv tower 800 yours for as little as ljktiii ed steel lubmg complete cement base 3 year guarantee per month no guy w res no roof leavs easy ma ntenance instilled tint gvarantled city chroma television service phone collect toronto ho 54431 your kitchen will positively sit up and take notice mike your mealtime heedquerten work for you discover the delight of efficiency end loveliness in i960 kitchen designed end built by j ft mac kenzie and son we cen give you dreem of i kitchen custommade to tuit your special needs visit our modern showroom this week and talk over all the details with our advisors oau48fo aftet atrtomfestmaton materials to remodel yoot old kitchen1 mke life more pleasant at home hush noise effec lively with ceiling tile onry 19 per 12 x 12 hie change your pace of uvmg vinyl floor tile h wears well looks well too costs ust 15 a 9 x 9 see us fot all your home improvement schemis

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