Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1960, p. 5

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personal notes of aetonians visiting outoftcswn points and of vltttort in acton home miss iwbcl allen of toronto spent the weekend with friends in town miss lynne hamlin of sin jose call torn n visiied with mr and mrs l 0 johnston this week i mrs robert taylor arthur st had the misfortune to fall on the kc this ctk and hrcik her irm after spending the past month with mr and mrs c k browne mr wallv frnnkum returned to his home at maple sunday friends were soirv to learn that mr walter lamb fell and broke his leg on tndnv he was treated in hospital in guclph islington united chureh young people s society held a sluhinc party salurdav night ai the home or mrs mnnhn rolmak son mr ind mrs cvnl tilor of brampton who lived hire for merlv visited on sunil i veilh miss madge chapm in ind mis jiiek chapman sr the rc and mis gulon ad ams and their i imil mined from the pirsumgc on wcdncs diy mr adims is the new mm isler f6r a ehureh in sudnun on silurd v membi rs ol knox church choir ind i heir guests enjoyed a turkev dinner together it the ro i hotel guclph inel unit to i sh v nfterwirds miss w thompson off clinton isr visiting with miss m main prize mr harvey young mr rov young and miss margaret young and mrs dtfiicl radehrfe attend cd the funeral str iee he id in braecbndge on monda for their aunt mrs clement bunn ol ullstvatir who was in her 94th vear in cuelph gene ml hospital with appendieilis assistant scoutmaster laurenee dubv was vlm ted on sund ly by the rovers leader ron smiih billv middle ton george hagge it anel s d neuton of the sciiut jioup eom mil tee mr and mn john lrme ind timih toimer bower ave les idents hive moved irom bui wash industml firm to mon icith reformator where mr iri me his taken oei the duties ol superintendent he had hem as sistml superintendent u bui u ish lot seeial u us tuesri ty evening students ol the home dteoi iling eouise it m j tit sihoul with iheir inslrtk lor alex dune in ol dummme phee ciuelph louied h irdin cirpets piint at brmiford trip was m ide b school bus with a slop for luneh on he way home welh guests the class doubled in numbei to almost 40 loi i tie lui him ton i followed bv i 1 1 im bw38wwltwjwhji campbellville man found guilty of manslaughter john david culls 28 of camp bellville was found quills of man slaughter wednesday afternoon at the hillon spring ava7es held in the milton couit house he wis ehiifced following the nov 17 deith ol gerald schrmfr 39 of preston who died of a gun shot wound nenr the bam on the campbcllv ilk distrit i fai nl on which cults v is a boarder he will he sentenced fiiihv the ease was one ol i ur beine hcad h supreme coutl judte mr jtistiee schal free driver in in eirher c tse k irl dud mils 25 ut 1 il vto w is heed on a elnrge of inmtml ncjji gence lesulting from the kith or tuo guelph men in in tecident on highway 7 last june 21 died nchs suffered loss of memory lol lowing the ace itle nt ind the judge priised ilefeiiee lmer f divid thompson of milton lor his handling ol the ease whteh freed the penniless bricklayer toronto truek diiver i eo pllll porlel inee 27 wis found nol guiltv of i trim i nil nctjifcnce ehiila in the ikilh ol two per ins oelobei 14 il wolle isl ind burhnl1 m he- w is ilu diner of a truck vehieh eollukd with l ir e i using the car to citeh fire a buituillon tn in i id his 11 mds n died in th wieek visitors top locals in mondays games aeton pee wee hockey team went down to a 161 defeat i hi ijands of the georgetown teum on tuesdav evening before a eold gathering of nireiits md interested sped ilors in the ae ion aitm georgetown took an evil lead and rapped in live goils before the aeton plaeis e iueht their tnst wind red lights continued to flash behind the local god as the veell coiehed and expeilenc eel visitors shot i steady bainge ol rubber milh aeton go die aelon loughl hack valiantly bin the list skiline crew horn geortetwii foiled ecrv ittempl tu score dav id- spi oslon seoied the lone talk foi ihe loe lis when he diiive a hud fist shot it the georgetown net which tound a spot tn the centre of ihe twine the ftisl gime or the phvofls his- nol been scheduled to date hut is expected d be appioved bv the hoekev executive in the near future bantams lose aelon bantams diopped an ex hibilion gime to georgetown on mond y evening 40 in the second t one of the evening pi i was fist md rugged ind although aeton wcnl store less thev pi ivetl i i p n leh tunc ae unsi ihe visiiois the lusi gime ol the phvofls is si heel foi thuisihv lehiiiuv 11 in aelon with letuin gime in george own the f ill ivv tie silurthv boh coon s ii im ftom bnks fills will pi v in exluhili n gime llunst the aeim pee wee te im on sitindn in the aelon lien i amendments to zoning bylaw dealt with by planning board aeton planning board during ils first meeting uf ihe vear tues dav evening dealt with requests foi iinhiielmenls to the offtttg bjlivv md celllllellcs ol oeelip ancv pre sen at the thru hour meet ing were two ntvv members to the boaid humtlton vc il and btrt hinion as well is chairman j win i him mavot w h cook eouncillot l pope and ptunntnt consultant p aim de icon the board grin ltd i eertiht alt of occupancy lo the dills printing and publishing compan lor then recently acquit id build ing on willov street and give verbal approval lor a cetlinitc of oeetipmey lo ihe same torn pinv loi i proposed lenint to oecupv i portion of the lormcf titt piess bulktlng on milt sheet requests change secretary j migjachie inform ed the board the4wn ol aeton iiqucsted i change to ihe zo by liw on a propeity bclrtt puf chased on main slretl soulh 1 1 was pointed out this pro ner1 was presently roned is re sidijilial ind was situated next to pre scnl town proptitv heme used f ii i puinphc use ind si i iei sile after a it nt thv discuss i n it was icrecd i ice ininiittil lo oiuicil in tmendment i the ol he id town pi in lo ihiny 11 14 n pi in si ifttl lot 164 on pi in 227 in iht r2ont to tommt mil rtsiiicted lo iiiiinieip il uses in cludine i municipil iid it was fumtur letommcndctl it chinex he n tuiil hi ihe bltiek of hind on ihe west side of w il avenue and llic noilh side it vvei pitikilv ovyied bv blow piess md a i cicin toil pnn fiom m i one to m2 prcscnl m 1 one allows ltlh i indusliv onlv md ihe h iiiee would peimil u witki t uigt of industrial uses perfect sleeper smooth top mattress gives you both top smoothness deep support in one mattress 69 50 serta superfirm 79 50 matching tox spring same price acton home furnishings p one up midgets win playoff opener trounce milton red men 20 aelon midget hockcv team chalked up their first win in the tncount plaxoffs mondn nighi when thev trounced the milton team 20 in a fasi clean lnme l hocktv al milton yem the first two periods were score less and w ithout nt nnll ics as both teams raced back and forth on ihe ice surface to gun supamaev winning himself i shulout john leather land in the ac ton net plaved a standout game is he kissed the puck into iht eor ner lime and time igain ifler mopping bullet like drives from the slicks of the milton phveis master of all he survived lea therlind sparked his teinimms into added zvsl in the third pern and with i milton plivtr serving time in the sin bin ron malcolm and peler marks gme eetup on mtdtiffe in the milton nets and malcolm slipped the disk into the ncl for aelon s jirst counter later m the list period brian mccrtstall on i pass mm ron malcolm pulled mcdurft out of the nels with mi lion a man shoit to clinch the game lor the kx ils with the second and final ttiunl t uf lb ini a bkk1 chinec of winding things up tonighl hostess rolls regular 29c featured at 25 always fkesh avaiubl at ledgers at dills stationery 134 5rv super jjwj f j snidtoina inttmwcooisfm talkis acm t3m v j arkjs i i i cl ippfr lia u stfriino df5 met ibm stationery accounts advertising and news articles for ihe free nsa accepted study on nigeria presented by group complete with i oslunes and si iee props mis kciwin mc phlill s group ptesellled a veiv inletesluig stuck n nigel in ut ihe diiuehlcis ol knox meeting mond iv evening lliev look ihe members on an imiguiaiv milan iboiul ihe ss nigeni along the cioss iivti lnteivuws vvilh people ilong the acton free press thursday february 4hs 1960 ihe trip presented the customs aiikstrprstiluns of the nigerian people tkv also told of the woik being done by the prcsby lei inn chuieh in canada since ihth mission nits went into ni gerh in 19s4 mis willi im spielvogel eon tlikud ihe business portion ol the meeting plans were m ide lor ihe sum i evening church ser mcc followint the world d iv of pravr at lhat time the guest speaker will bo mrs denton tay lor or belleville chairman of the hoard of missionaiv and deacon ess training sctftiol tames were enoved and lunch servetl those contribullng lo the most tn lovable evening wdre mis k mephail mrs e a han sen mrs h price mrs w j mcnight mrs m jordan miss helen holmes nnd mrs william all food features effect feb 4 5 6 we reserve ihe right to limit quantities save 8c h tins iga beans with pork 2 29c save 6c oz j a iga peanut butter 29c quick or instant save sc 48 01 pkg quaker oats 37c save 6c pkgs of 60 carnival serviettes 227c medium cheddar oz cut iroyal gold cheese 49c strawberries 3 98c 40 fathom cod fillets 29c mccain 9 oi mgt french fries 2 29c 6 c 5 ol pfcfl chipsteaks 35c check your iga stare for iga i sensational coffee mug offer iga royal guest small link pure pork sausage saf lie skinless wieners 8af 35c lean minced beef 3 i 3 100 golden ripe bananas 2 s 25 u s no 1 garden fresh urge sialics california celery 2 for 29c iga now headquarters for tv s romper room the show lor all children of preschool o monday thru friday on chch tv channel 1 1 hamilton 9j0 a m ckvr tv channel 3ame 1 1 1 1 10 a m ckwjtv channel ukkingston 1230toljopnl chex tv channel 1 2peterboro 1 to 1 30 p m wkbw tv channel 7buffalo 9 30 to 10 30 a m thnx pen iltie vun out 1 m lion in 1 l in iht third run hi blueflnc stdcglanccs in ink d lo at ton the finic i on mtndn niptit fast ind ind lean invnnr gam to ihv 1 1 t 1 isl the i n p t 1 h l mippt i mil fit thv inn loi them on me ihi i i m an 1 ihevr wuh a l t ut t f threx ganu tkn ih 1 1 i in 1 wefjkand specials goodquauty dresses odds and ends of sale pallants oppontv rml of ik mark every grave f mm th e h hiec p m i h tn hi 1 1 el e iv vh 1 w wh n u v 1 i i t i lc 1 llell j m l brampton monument works rep t k nicol gt 1143 6s queen st w brampton shop 6l 10445 wm c allan res gl 11613 extra special monarch l s pudding 9oz regular price 27c per pkg kfathrice 2 27- buy one pkg gh one free save 27c free free free one package humpty dumpty corn st rase valuc free with the purchase of one4 0z package humpty dumpty potato chips 29

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