Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1960, p. 1

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ssss5is2 s acton ontarip thursday february 11th 1960 eight pagesseven centj 4 th county champions brought honors to actonjtuesday evening when they ousted the milton team in the final game of the playoffs the acton midget team won the third game of the series 6 5 in the acton arena before a crowd of 300 spectators pictured above kneeling left to right are ian jeffens denis utt ftwto gibbons john leather landbul dawkinsancubnanaaccrutall second row on left is ron malcolm and right garnet roszell back row left to right coach ben bayliss peter marks butch dedels ron mellon wayne mason terry waterhouse and manager ernie marks m tm aiikurrfttttiflpvta damage not estimated in shed roof collapse two tars and a coniidcrablc it ft standing residents hdv been amount of farm equipment parlfc wirncd to slay aw i i mm tht and machinery were buntd under building oitili lis tear one or a heavy wooden roof on tucs the wills being supported only day noun when heavy icc and by fallen limbers might collapse snow cued in the loot on a employees of the firm i quip- storage shed al rock wood i men tompanv were eating the shed approximately 80 x luneh in the m un plant acrovs 20 feet is owned by the village the load when ihey heaid the iif roekwood and several rest loud erash and saw the roof eol dents and the harris farm math lasse me company rent spaee for slor i total damage will not ik esh age i mated until the debus e in be allhoufch the stone walls are removed speeds to 90 five policemen comb acton in search for car thieves policemen h five polieeinen hiouitd the ae j wilt em fridav monting two men for iwo ear thuves aflti i slokn tin e ir llit vvtix dnving ei ashed kit ued into a hvdro pole al tht cornel of i i iki i number 7 highvviv and m iin i rt potted iioi th in hotil ot e ul i norman s homi a guclph polieim in on dulv i tint tilv illtinpliel lo slop i i i lot a routine hchl cheek vvlic the occupuils innl aw i tn llu pohcemin c iu eh ist speeding on ice hi uiiiil low nil at ion the siol en e it willi the polite ctuisei tol km tile rt lehed speeds up to w milts ill lloui otl llle slippuv hijiw iv constable dud huekvv ild ot llu avion op t del u him ui on dulv nt llu iiiik w is noliluil ot llu llu home ol i tnltd nun wen the moinine a e it otn in honl svntiolt itt i tht township warns all 57 tax delinquents nassagaweyi townships 19s7 l ix delinquents have unltl the end ot this month to p iv up ot lax tchuit utj will be iccjslcicd iliu1si their propel ties touneil deeided u the icfculu iiiiilint list week it wis noted there were slill a lew with outstanding i9s7 lax bills a itquesl wis seiil i lsquts inc couueil asking the dissolution ol the union school seelion at milton heights m psquesing school it wis dttidtd th it to simphlv bookkupinc ind billing eountils would pay on a cojt per pupil basis dogs need licence pioccduic in collet 1mg dog i ies w is illlllotied lo be ell mg eeland in luturt residents will hive lo buv dot hetnees instead ion ol pivinc lilt lfnn their isstss me n account assessoi don me millan currcnlk miking his rounds for isstssmtnl pm posts w ill be eat i v in the tags will him or thtv niav be pinch ised il iht township hill tees will remain the sunt is last veil convent inn tht tountil ind tltik wtit hi quiet thief s quiet thieves had a little prac itee in tire changing monday ev mint uul ended up with two wheels hid iwu tiles fof their voi k john o gordon r r 2 rock wood it polled the two rear whtels wtit missinc ofl his t ir on tuesd iv mornine 1 1 had been puked in his campbellville dis- hiel faun laneway overnight tricounty championship to meet hespeler in omha actons- fast skuting midget ftpekey team hung on to a one goat margin in the lust few min utes of a cliff hanging battle with wilton tuesday night here and 4vent on to win a 6s verdiel in the final game of the best ol three group finals close lo 300 tans witnessed the game which gave auon a ticket into the om h a playdowns each team had squeaked by with a win in the first iwo meetings but the acton team went all oui to win the important deciding 1 game they will meet hespeler in ihe first round ol the playdowns mccrtstall stars paved bv a thtee goal two is sist effort liom bn in mccnslall ihe acton club i in up i two go il lead in the tails minutes of he final period this w is mrlltri iwo quick mtttufl mirkers but i twu goal second peiiod give tht locals a 42 margin gomt into ihe final chapter the teams traded to ds in the first minute of ihe thud peiiod aninjury to mtlton nclmtndtr timbcrs seemed to tivc a badly oulplayed milton te mi din spark and when bum mecnslill completed a hat liiek by seofing on the substitute go die ihcv roared back with a pair of goals to come within a whisker ot ly ing it all up nelmlndcr good tiling the aeton club still hung on allhoulh john leilhei land was tailed lo make sevei il important slops in hil list tew minutes while milton hemmed them in lluu own blue line bnan mecnslill opened iml losed the scotinc loi the aelon l im his hrsl go il twiun- it 2 2 il ihe flisl peiiod whtil pelt marks rtl lyed a puss lo him and j from the blue line that caught he fired d low one into the ficl ihe far corner and nelminder pctei m uks nude u 20 il is 47 timbers un iwart on iht hrst of a pur he bugged aeton fired shot after shot al on iht nifchl willi i long shut the milton net but it was poor actons decade of development attomp inyinc tins weeks issue is a 24 page supplement out inline aeton s dee ule of development tl his been pitpaied by lice press stifftis in tiwipti ilion willi the atton clumber of commerce five wnters have comhtd tht files of the past 10 years interviewed industrial extent i vis uid pi inned stgml leant pittures th il would best poitiav the dee ule iht issue w is uiicmally planned for puhhe ltion tn 1 he janti ii v but the iitiiitndous i mount of woik involved in nli lb il de idlint impossible old thus the lalei d ite was esl ibhslieil minting lditoi dive dills and the entire stall who hive invesltel i clc it in mv hours ol uveitlllle know lull well the i e will be smut things omitted that should quilt liktlv h ivt hien lll hi fliumrilly iipsihli to visualize all thcsc limits in hit pi timing md divikipmint sligts tht issue ts is complete as ihe suit could honestly in ike il il is hopeil it ultis will enjoy its review an extra qu mill y ol ihe topics have been piodueed ind ihev will bt distribuled bv tht aelon chimber ot commerce lo oveist is and amentan points tarrying the story ol aeton extia copies will also be av lor a h lime and in limited quanliius loi those who may want them lor friends midgets playoffs 1 1 approve bylaws licences during 43 minute meeting refrigeration services first tenant since- 5 7 dennis obnen of 71 rostfurd tetr ite his announced that he his leased space m the canada piektrs hmrduil formerly oecu pied bv wool combing corpoiat ill begin optntions mststinc ptuieipally of insi ill iii and seivicing industrial omnieicial uul domestic relrig i it ion ind nr conditiumnc quipment under the name ot kit nut ilion services wink si ill is now pniejcssinc ii it it phone and povvti lo in ikt tht ottupicd ai t eon uncd unit ilk moon ib indontd on tujivvav ihoiitd lo uuntl tht 401 on llu oulskuls ol tinonlo rut il muiueip iliiits mini nl ion lilt stolen tu whnh titshtd willi expenses p ml aitoiints lot vv is slokn in toionio ind imntdilltd silw plus i roul suptnn bv jan khmeuk jttndenls vouehti lor 52 0s4 si arena future form special committee to discuss acton arena ii uk tilths ilh lllslllt hglll in siloii ial vvidc experience i mi obntn vv is horn in v in t mvtr md employed belvvtin 117 uid i94s is a marine rtlnt ti ilion inpnttr with the union c isilt i int i rum thtrc he mov ed to loionlo hid ins been as sou itcd with vinous rclnttrat urn eoinpinies lit is a mtnibei it the anient in sotittv ot rt lnj1 r hum i nunttrs ijid also uttiilai ition serviee inuneeis ik libs kit loi some lime i h it iht it is in tveelktil opptirlumlv in ihis m i itir mdiisltial aid stokn enr wis stm pt vviiil atlon mil llu avion ton si mk ailtinpluik lo tlieilutm down i i no iv ul vv iitlitd tht sink n vt hie ii il it mpl t m ikt llu tuui al it 11 iiound s shpptia pavunuit stukiiil i hi livdui poll jumpttie into tin uiiisi i irftt lo ilk hik ot itll el isll till atton poltetinui wis loititd in mittti ol seconds bv iht outlph pohiupin who elustd llu duel i el ijoiii lutlph is bv the unit ihev ii kihii the s stent ol the i iml ikil iht v hi k m i ii id aw iv in iht in i nine il u kne ss on loot mi mvvhlk cliilph ilv vhe had utuvttl rtilio v ill while tht th ise vv is k t vviui iitlph ind v ion ui t h id de spitt he d anothe i eruist i vv hu h it i iu d wllh iwo poliietliell to oiii tilt outlph o p i dii k hint in hid tlsotllt i elulstl vmh tun op p ottltvls i iht stent lllelwlth in h lew nimoc hj pnhetnun hits tree headon ind i mil itlnyeration sirvite ii ved with his tamik lo in kiohti ol lasi vui n b1ut- advlwd itlat- he nil his been pit iscd uilh iht help tmemkd bv everyone with whom iu h is t unt in eonl itt sinet ar 1m r i v t i in vlun ind in parlieul m 1 with the timjntration and en i in ieun nl itttivtd irom llu tj nitltisii i il ti mm i hit ol fhtt kimtxi ol ommutt first tcramt this is the hrst tenant in ihi hmldine smtt ihe wool combing corporation ceased operation in 19s7 and ti lns ot ae ion will ik pic ised lo sec aetiv lies 10- sumtd friends of mi obn n vish him stitt ess m hi s new vet ture ind hope il till uoi bt one bt 1 jit he will reqi tie addil space appnn il ol by i iws granting iwo t im litenees and an amend meut lo the official pi in ol the town tonsttlulcd business irani it ltd dunug a 4f minute council meeluil on tuesday evening one ol iht shortest meetings in the lusloiv ol ihe tountil il wis idioiiitud it 811 itttr which tountil mtmbtis viewed two films shown by m uiul rest rale ol 6 per ttnt this had bteil incit ised to 6 i pel tent and al th il lime an amend ment was m ide he noted a see ond imcndmtiil wit ntots ii tpie lutaust tht inltiesl rale had now risen to sevtn per ttnt inal it iduic of ihe by i iw will bt uvtn lollowing approval ol i hit munmpil boaid mt mi unn ithit ntnnlcd oul that ihe dt depieling mdus bt liu nul p until 30 dayt after ihe validation ordtr had been reecivtd operation soowshoe huge seccess for atton rover crew two minor accidents cause 115 damage aelon opp detaehmenl inves li ued vo minor uudcnls this week when a to d ol jl d un iet nsulted ii im ilwocar ti ish uul i litltk attidtnl on tutsd iv onst ible bob moreau inveslitted in attldent vvhtn a direel winters transport eountilli pulling into tht frank tolh mot iko n u ois scrvite station on no 7 high nines t w iv slmtk a plisiie sten on the is pump i dam itt was slight lo tht sijn unounting lo appruximattlv j40 and the tiutk itee iml equipn keeve j ii ooy reported the i nd tiiinniilttt had been consid nine iddilional equipment lor use in iht lown ind invited them to set ht lilms alter the regular liusiiitss meeting countdlors saw colored movies ol sirett swiping equipment and bat knots anil other pieces ol inumtipil equipment in action operation snowshoe piesuil lo show the films and ed seven newly formed rover txplun dtlaits ol tht cquipmcnl seouis from aeton when they were kevin mtaiiisfer of ihe i participated with nt rlv 100 other shcimin products and kent bs rovers it tamp manitou near sin ol ihe ctorgc lssan traclor burlmcion the past weekend salts tump mv equipped with wo tents a dumil llu regul ir business kitchen shelter and pup tent for 1tvt treenct s were printed m mnrstfiragc purpwes tlrtftrst acton mildted beernun and c pcycha bill middlclon rovers com lor ijw operation peled in tht moo i operations en appoint parks board i t in tompxlitions council ippnncd i bylaw ip food important p inline a johnson i kilhv f was one ol the most im mis fiver ind r r parker pori int ilcms on lop of the to the bond ol pirks manage must list lor tht atton stouts muii mavoi w ii cook and md so pkntilul wis thtir sun- on tin wtdmsdiv coipord r n untsiil did ii orntr ol mill 5t7ecis when iwo t lolal ol wstlimip a far driven bv mrs j vu jutm nl acton and j vcliiclt ill in bv vtn ruth conlini outlph tollidtd u iht inttrsi tion j v b irbeau were d is tountil rtprtscn l ilives to the board a hv i ivv w is appiovcd lo amend ihe olllciat plan ol the town ol aelon lo change a piece ot propulv lettnttv purchisett bv the town on main slreel sonih which is prestntlv ontd it suit nil il lo eomimrci il tot tint mumtipil purposes oiilv nd m o ou il jiccd lo petition tin eeived a tstp iilmenl of i d uu s70 797 88 0 w mckenic hithvvavs f taut ainuunltnt plv thev rtlurntd homt portion which ihtv cniovcd il their monday night meeting in tht stout hall under tht itadtrship of ron tnith iht rovtis lomptting in the various tesls wetc br in ottcibem ritkit currit mike hornet ken gardner and peter new ion indooi competitions imludid ihe funniest siorv the htsi i ilk mittit of proust v ippointcd idustmuii ho resigned helping hands i iu nds ind nt ith burs ot ittil meatlhur t inn to his issist nice last wttk whtn a potliun ol tht barn roof taved in under the stiam or the heavv lee and helped titan up iht debris thtv are bus this week making repairs i couui bvl tplit nllv interest rate lp i iive lit u leadings to a i uiitnd the mitrtsl rati n sihiiol dtbtnituts imouniinj to jwftdoo jor lhtrtetnl addi lion ii iht jzubtrt little public sthool c k rk j mt gtachit informed toum it ihat smtt the onginat debtniurtv were planned tu bear newlyformed lions out sets date for charter night i mdul i i llu si i ihil it ilmttct mil huh riwnond arbu tufil miilkn mim n ii ul jhnvi 00 pn ith pisnl i illmi hi 1 null dill n hlm- th in thing ill il t ted an fctltn milts nnn w is rxlca ed tntm gutlph ottutal htnspu il wslcrilav iwedncstl i allu titalnuni till sealp ikhi ind kg mimii- rvciivvxl m i smk tar utitknt on hihvta 25 nonh of ptvstek tuesdav monjint chist william benntil ol nonh halion opp said forbes cole was dm int and crashed headon inio a tree the ear was w-recked- liuunilonil pisuitt mt dalun h1e4s tnm toionio mil won i lire nit hi lip ind km gt williams t tr minnjjcmrgctown lions club last mtnnts minults were read hv tht soerttarv treaurtt lion j ae k liht 1 1 and a hnt t irtisurtrs rtpri vsis gittn till twisur lion to inwv ntdt tnnehetl tht in imirv some vvhai on his mm il aiitmpi a tail tvvising two new mtmbtrv ptiipk liavje km i 1 minded t ilum bv v 11 i ions clubs fminsm pi mv wtie 111 id the eonime birut nijhi mj ft al ihe atti n c in tdnn tt ion hilt lion tt ink tiin wis ippoj td taiht il ihuimin t r ihe tbirtit nihi o rjnit niuil tnd 1 t t up led lo the chib b the presid to all number- these members were lion members con m vvui ivtina d lo i ion it moin on hs hrsl rttort it pobhvhinl a btmonihls lions tvn which and poitnlfal making sure the puck bulged the twine jor acton first counter wayne mason peers through the back of the milton net denis gibbons and 1an jeffer s of the midget team on s combination play broke through the milton defense to even the wily during the second game aga nst mrfton on thursday february a although acton lost this game tbey won the inter county championship on tuesday night in acton clciring effort by the acton tjiy fense thtit enabled hamilton to score ihe firht millon goal in a hide more thin 1 minute the vjfc itors stored igain to lie ihe scone up his time by bri in meduffe second period pitt m irkt gave a pass to mt ctlstiill from behind the net and bt 1 in nude no mist ike to upcnw scoriut in the second ncriutv agun atton htmmtd lie millon it rm in and twite tricky centre denis gibbons- stt his wings in the tleir wilh pissts only lo h ivt timbtis slop ihcm from close in however muks tipped in mo cnstdls dtivt it 945 to givs aeloii 4 2 k id in tin t in tl puiod with millon shoi iwo mm doing i unt ul ihe sin inn mn mcduffc inlcrcept- td in acton piss al his uwn blue luu irokc kkist jnd stored ma solo tlfort but ron mtllon bnng- id 111 dtms gibbons rebound at ihe out minute mark tu nufnty ihe milton t illy goalk out a severe e ho m td bv milton nttmindci timbers durin- 1 incki iiound the net 111 1 1 ssi i did his ti mov il antf rrutt mtduitt suhslilulcd in the millon c tgt hi h irily tonk over jii irdi inship before brian mo cnslalt backhinded ron mellon s piss oul bthtfiil him for aelon 9 sivlhjn irkti ind wh it looked like a comfort ink thiee goal it id howivtr hit millon tluh went it tl hiuuiiir mil lout uid it w isn l long unltl h imilton bung td 1 toil inoujh p iss helund john ixillurlind to m iki it 64 and thtn with thi aeton ikfense i id 1 111 brim midumi slipptd in llu fiflh millon toil his llurd of the evening tht trowd sil on the edge of llicir st its those 1 1st few minute and itt loose wilh 1 hiji roar whtn tht tin il wlusik announced n aeton vicloty tht win ijvis ailon ihur firs hallou countv h impionshlp team in t number of years scoring summary firm period a mtctistdl mirks 228 a mrks mcciistll s47 m ifimilton 832 m brian mdmllt 946 pens bukv risell second period a mccristall maiks 329 a marks mtcnsldl 946 pens mtllon curnt itlsnn 2 mtnutes plus 10 mmiilc iniseon- duct pcdoli third period m bum meduflt a mtlton gibbons a mtcnstill mtllon m ii millon m brian mifufft ptns slosur 10 10 mirks 046 101 7 45 1013 1229 mellon total damage 80 in twocar crash const ibk bob moit iu ol the atlon opp x tu hint til uivesll jj ltd a iwo car crash it the cor nt r ol mun siml ind knox morn i iii when rovtnng uktk uul diawinfts i rover ideas thcv ilso itslttf thtir skills in llu hnsk cool air xl m i king tire hv trillion and waitf bothntt a tut if war w iltr tarrving rate and tbstaele rice on iheir first outing since their t the ft fdtn mills car dnvcil by garnet maidouad ol ldtn milk trutk ear dnvtii by cd lidkca of atton iht i idki uhick was tempting i itll hand luni uff mun stieel onlir knox avenue fun the maifviufial proudly boast ol u wondtrful inu in spilt nl tht low ttmpera- urt and inclement weather l jtta t hroadtidt damagt uat t slkna4lth to both vehicles actdn lost the second game of the tncounty finals on thursday february 4 to milton but came back strong on tues day night to win the championship a fateoff m the milton zone is pictured above during the second gem acton now meet hespeler m me first round of the omra playoff

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