Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1960, p. 4

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th acton frw prtm thursday february 11th pocnr icmq urm to twi mtw praise for scout movement concludes with bitter njame fair board committees during directors meeting alton oninno rhnmr i t0 iditotv- the acton fret pre acton oninno dear sir at national bo seoul wctk i clou al hand wi ol tru vuiu group commit let would like lo pass on to ou and through von inwnp t neuk appointed diixtlur of inm c minabb s giiffin most cmetttl in scouting and tht at ton agriw sotklv llustutk pnrade s gi itfin on i opinion ihtsl vming men htld their tirsi mitiitih uf the n bintdnc aitkin g jink to your readers some pertinent ihm nwnnl fflcts relative to iht seoul nuw hard working groups jxusol to rnmt over lo tht uimmt arc ihit urn vbo uium paiihs ll weilneselnvjbruiuy j childucns puiudt wiillci 10 ihmw out their ehesti mil nlur approving tht minuus witudhurn m miciitlouuh ra we mnnot howtvtt shuvof tin pit minis nutting loimtd fiiulill m sproul j mushili imoiintm m this moutntnt all ihtii euijmiittees fin tin l0 fill jim udgu ihi kuls mikt us u proud lo i hi in alton hiii niuil tnititiiinimnl 1 woik with ihtm thin tigtintssl rolltminu t iht mnimittus kiniiui i a juhnsion m hun lo tulp nturvk nn ind then kl with ihi lnsi n until u ie i as in r eunlill i it h otht i ji t out i him man- ami ies lad rwdl me jd annual wi meet news of community in alton the movement is not sponsored b thunhts ot tn other organisation as is ihi pit ticc in mosi towns the people of atton art iht retort iht spon sors and lhe should be iiplulv proud of then thargis ai the present time we hau two brow nlc packs ont git t guidi cum pony two wolf cuh puks ont stout trtmp mil ont ruui crew these bovs ind girls irt under the direttion of a ftw rt dh dedicated leaders and assistants who dtstrvt iht highcm praise for their labours but more so for ihe fine future titiens lhc produtt good seoul wt hnc alt at somt thtie heawl the expression a good stout applied to somi pet son who is in all respects the tops belut us this expression is not wasted on anv of the viunuslcis 01 the leadlts in this organ ilmn we woulil like to si now thil tht training is not onl ivmt knots but also it u nine tlu hind 1 mentak of luturt tititnshtp uul comradeship oui riati cuw roimid i las weeks igo is ptihips tin hi si examplt we tin ollu ol the aforcminlioned iltnbutis this group was fotmed wilh 1 niuuiis of tht rtetnllv idmsltd outtns scouts which honoi is ont ol iht ictttr to the editor chairman outl asks help to greeting its i lonjj turn since ut hic hid 1 thil on sioiinng in aston 80 lit s to lei us rttush out mi moms do tou riminibti thil tht tilitns ot at ion iu ihe sponsors ot slimline in ae ton suhject to us oblig uions te spunsibilitits and iteliim thai scouting in acton cm bratts tht brow nits guides cubs stouts and roirs who mum suit wt ire ci- roru1nh1 to nine i bods suth is our stout md mult molhtrs assonation who hiit been attnt lor quilt some nmi mil rt dlv ptrfonn a glial 10b iht group commiiltt ait 1 hint winking ttw who tonliol iht mirttmtnj in atlein ind in nsponsibk lo iht flov seoul as sotialiun lor the tcfliicntt ol ill nspeets of ihe muitmtnl it is now th it wt tome to thi btltct pill wt art cksptialtlvm nttd ol actisc membtis for iht group commiiltt unit the stoul ind gmdt molhtts assotnlion we cannot hope lo toniimu salisl ittonlv wilhoul mon htlp md i do not wish to topndii the intuit ol tht how 4 uils welcome to visit wt would like to isk rrii piittits ol the boss md unls il thi know wlitl ihiir chrfd thus al iht stoul ihll all points in wtliomt it m him lo 1s11 and w itch the umiiics ol the s p is ks ind i tould bt onh n htm and now md pl 1 we ihink urn s lo isptiss oliisl lumii hid liiiii si miiiilion to ill mint is toll lis l till 11 11 o void 1 tin s i uiui in bln1f miip ommillu ines scouting retire loan enjot the nccommodinon ot ho denosiw net thil a a his found snnitinrs then and usi our stout homi t cr silurdas nichl thit thi mtmbns of aa wui a tn ml contnbuung luioi in ihe recent rmor rcnov hum ind dttot iling ptoil whuh h u mack oui seoul home mon horn e bnghi ind ilntitul that our stout gi nip com diittec ieknowkiltis 1 dibt ol gratiiudt to ihtm lot ihm whok he 11 ltd suppoit th it tiui stout gump c mi mniee will hold open house dur inp tht tntmih ot mis a hcim ln nation is iviendid to ill to attend that thi brownus guides cubs si oui s and rovtrs tomtit will bo ht id in the rotxil i ilk auditorium on fndiv in nine jfibruirs 12 a u il lit 11 lui m don 1 miss 11 thil wi tin 1 n inns ol a ion iitrs of oui scout h ill lint 11111 gioup iiiuutcl 1 tmmi rtisnii i si iw lull 111 solium ninth u iboul il i iks i mi 11 1 il suppoit whm ihi thiiumaiv ht ivv hoists ch is 1 honip mhi witltr unham wallet lt haiohi biiiwn mulls j a robinson r i ilixiikon r i tenltll win 1 hompsoii n bi aid t j mm sit ill s giimhi l mi1n light hoists tloui m1t1 in piihliem m spiowl c thorn rilph dunn jissi mtrnti pson w wunlbinn j ltdgti ponies don blown miiimi suuiin ind pusiium huntti booths and timlu n m juinptis j a robinson john spiowl j dtiinis w i mh un 1 dennis juk maishall ud lkmsu j mush ill llovd mibn suptiinttndini ol tank toni mtltiis smiih gnllin bttf tattk c ihin aiiktn d d wildit j r ptaien mehm me cul lough siintk both in 111 go nil sim i ill mil kit 1 ink gtoite jmkson cllin spiowl will let sw uk h imn din 1 ink nino bi udi chis mtkiown sun momsoti ctms mtnibb wtlnui liu don milthiws vie somuilli shitp ales ne u hun w 11 4 11 club n bi ud 1 aitkin i soitfimllt tins mikown j a li inns gnnts pitsulmt ml smn u s gntliri akx ne 11 l ail km n bi mil i in nut t aiiktn r dnin moigm mudill a niai r i disidson r i uuull n biuidi win m nka j 1 edgn pusid mi nul situ l in sups nidiiil ol lull r i dividson j a r ihms m 1 mi i im suhiiiiuiiikiii ot lu id i a sw ukhitmi m spiowl win 1 hompsoii t 11 puking atlon hit the laejits aid iintiu il milling of knox t inn th w is in id un we dm sdnt twnlng al ihi fionii ol mis goidon ailkni in dtwiiioiiil somi stertls ol hippiniss mis l ike 11 h its geoigi giunih 01 uspondtilii horn shui 111s lot lanls and hills umud whs 11 id h tin mr llll mil kills u polls will tlcll mlllj i vll mlllllmht all lillsiiltss i tnsiiiii orriccrn 1h 14111 in itlti t iniiillti s r 1 iii iml mis uis ksoi siiuil i11 iii ii 1 n ill illkis 1 ill mi loll s rrlmiliu mis willi dim sulu 1 mis 11 hi 1111 hid i- mlii mis n m kniii eurusp nidini stent in mil lu isum mis suntn midllors mis ii linn ud nu mis a bulloili pi mist mis ailkni 1 ml sointiin mis smile 1 pioginni eoininiiitt mis r biun mis r r lu 1 1 sou mis aitkin mis r ms i w 111 mis diiimk mis si i lini 1 111u111 m 1 1 hogs moilit midill i elltt hil1isk pouliiv ud kiniiui rilphlkmn buu w uson don guttkiijiej ild mill 111 i ml kt nine 1 li avtorr hnit bitioil t this u u ii i nun loots md mlelihl sim iihiiiihi es c ihm alike n liwuneth tie will he ihugel henislev fiwikhi johnsi hl mu eoinpi ntion in ink sptowl 1 le somimlk tnkl nops l ihm aiiktn m meeulloinji j mush ill 1 me ri l in the lu lub lillleh mis lull m is imh 1 s mr 1 i ishe ii ike ml- kthiling coolest lilllil speeill ihoushb s tulki mid mr robeilsoil miited iippue lalio ihi nu minis dm lo tin ml i 1 1 ion ol lilt j 11111 us line mum tons biismesv iliinv s ilisnisied iht stent in mis buil1 hi lilt 1 tit id pi mis 1 milium 1 ill idiiil mis n i mm son lulu ilioii ol auitullui il lb ink v sliib suknl pus ml llu nt u nu mbi mists correspondence rend i ellns u u ti id horn tlu ol fm ol llu ilinii minishi ilso tin nn nistu 11i iiislni 11 know kdijiic ueeipl ol piotisls u giulini it idnil si imp liitkis mil issisl ints mhi ippomled loi hie nt xi tills 1 uin club ill st iiids on guild mish doils i in es mis c stout mm w sluh binuon md mis w muphuson ii w is dimled not to tutu the quill limit si loi this distntt ill nu il nel 1110111i1 is lo be 1 pol imk i imik ttuitn hm net 1 i his 111 llll eonlisl 011 appk pie md puke luilise lolls is lu hi inkl hit in iiioiilhh tuilius in l be iisuimd this 11u11 s mi- aln g gi 11 1 pin i i ish u mi iiu inled 1 mis pliers llu in h k porter sales highest in history iiibk us 1 m imluil bink li h iusi m m i oiii seoul gioup committee welcomes the oppot limits to conn itultle ihe nilens oir at ton for promdtnp suih spkndtit leiomm d 1 1 ion loi the hiiictn i holhtit piesiduil ii k 101 in compiin ine putsbuilli lennsk mi 1 lllltoumttl i isl wetk th ii hit slks i l wt it iihtel m ill lime linji ol js 9sit04 m ll1lk lst u mu wsts ililinilluus ltules ueoldllll 1 mi llulhtil show m inuiise ol 7- m us i pmlil pel sh in 1 i toniiiioii si uk ti 1111 f id instill i tl l 2 slock lll lend pod septemhci 10 ws m sjs8 lu s in wi holbnl iioiuitd 1 ins on mhi lb il ihest uiiimn wen 11 bin 11 tlin mil tonilislittl iltu 0 nuiln million lt 1 mk il open espense i 1 uli lime p mi l hq ol ilu eonipins disstun dim u aim bibuu sum minuf itluiing 1 minus m 1 lmd 1 pilluson new phut tiusi opt 1 nine it din silk itgimi uul lu iw slut up ntm busu retire music exam results out ksulk diiunki hkou n lllllll 111 ills ill llu i lllll t l ki ol musk iniulili iiiiliiil i im iklll llllllllllknl ailon 1l mis i 1111 did tun iliiuls il i 1 uln rulniilsiii s nil rill 1 ul 1uslu ann 1i11 nu 1011 i mm r ilslim ll j mil 7 lui illon is 1 uli nsliniin hi ulki 119 don 1i1i r 1111 w jo mm b 11111 6 mnliul wolk dim mhi iik x7 11i1 iii li ill ii ill 8s ink islkkn i nulshoi ontli m bonnu bui 1 1 nli n 1 l li nniniin mh 1ln is nil si hi m kin11 i his 11 nniliiit u 1 mill nu ol illinks u ahkui loi ii mis a ik s hi mtlil llu 11k 1 llu i nips niimi u18i sniitkir miss ooslol i lllll si wl li willllltlilll i illllu ii lllll i llll ii is til si sh ikil il ihi lllll i ill nl llll minimis insulin n uln sli llu siihim inn iths iii i pi 111 ills is lull 11111 11 i ill ihsi 11i so 1 ituuli mis pupils ol llilin i nulsb 11 until guili i 1 mill bl lull 100 jgft hii 17 ni dulu corporal moves to london opp coipn d r hikn who his bun in ehugt ul tin noilh hilton o p p tie i u huu nl si u i il m t i p liiklun wlun us loi buikhnc bill onnt cm id i nolhmi else 4 m t9q tounis a reiuw of iht ptouiss made lit us pi tnbuii li tin tied u hihlx diuisiliitl iiimn it med liitkis uul the minibus muni slums t ujwlh pu ol ihe seofir in 1 guide molluis 1ln dining llu tsos nnttbnl ssiki hi in nun imtiss el t u tnaioi eoipoi 1 lints 1 hi ullen unittognid is nuns in llu p isl dinde siks sun oiu suieisstul opnalion hue imuistti hv 8i nd in tttlon i sini oil i ihnili m eoiju b w uul euninuin lo lenumhu llu mtsi mdin u sioekhokk 1 s tquin b 410 implisbnuni ol 19sj stu portu dnisions situ nulnstn omen stents tiuh 1111 melius eiih plmts in the llniltd chiiununt ot nil utlum ti 1 stilts c in ul 1 uuludint atlon aetnn 1 im humbk proud in he mexuii ind cuiopepduemt 1 sm ill pni ul ibis w indutul sitel uibbtr ind liutiun prtv oilini7ition dueis isluslos ttsnlts hieh mr fililoi mini ihinks fn suit igi tketnnl equipnunl ion 0111 silmel spue ind fn 111 11 u tors ikeliual equipment nisi un liiil suppoit motois fins md blown s punts sptn ilti illos iclnitoiiis u in i unveil chuimm k u pih st nit gi up ninnttet mu 1 ipi uul sit md nits p in rsucouii wis glkk tlvuiom newton md ou hall mils vull be i ssippi- ind ilso iltn innioi snd liwin 96 vixiin smith kind lo llu 1 ondon opt ivvk 4h umu misltisw juelv dtbv it tliment moul n u wis om s4228n in 19s8 u 7xs s1 j llllk undsbuiough 8ft noumed this wnk pupils ol bubtii clnnipioii cmpoi il llikll his s hillsbuigh l p u with the 0 p p glide 1 ciitn coulttl t uie ol llu uk 11 bith c micron 97 m 111 ikl uhmint sniei ht tlllev tbm lhuthu l and m imt un i that oui stoul hill is uisuiid foi j200u0 iiiiiients j2hx th it iisi u u w iitiuti si mm of bink loin thai ue hm m outm induil bank loan ot 2m mrs g harrap girele hostess the baptist women s mtssi circle held then fehruan mm ing at mrs g a hairups home on bouct at tht pnsukiu mrs c landbhoiough ope met ihi meeting with iht hmn si uul lip st uld i p i 1 ksus uul 1 puvu miss a 1 lee ptlkmptnti 1 elil thi minuits ol tht piiueiu nutting whuh win ippnstd roll dl was ansuciid h tmnibtis ti ing a l iht vtlrre cliir parcel mrs d cohm uul mrs h cnpps brouhl a most intmstuijr dcmltlotlll itjlllill selipttuts psalms p- md connihiins as an isiensiu asuim ett wurk in anc 1 nut alti a mis cohen gave a missmnars rtjelinc entitled mothu s link hv a season of ptaiu lolluweilrtti nsins of hvnin 4t mis i bui choosing indn mrs r fcangota mr c batttit bolivia and mrs g ralston home missions the devotional 1 closed with the hvmn be 1 the ctoss of jesus imtts was discussed and a reject adopted mrs g holmes 1 moctini wth pravcr i hour with tea hos- klfat pt cohen and mrs c m eniostsd miw l ttgwed a vote of ri or opt v j bkctinv united gas timitep and the canadian gas association presents y frank sinatra ij7 q salute to the fejylalx kiihulsiin mis 11 mis m ink 1 i mis ai inliilil i n llu siinnil ihi in si ss mis m li ks issisl 1 in mis vi i vius 1 mis ii wii1 1 1 lint i111 mis ullllllsiil slllll lllislllllll i 1 1i1i111i 1 pl isnil 1ii1111 slorn iiuiiiik un in 1 11 i s liillu ailkni uli nl 111 11 s 111111 is nil limn li lis dm 11 111 i in nl ii m nil i ism in i i 1 1 1111 llu in ssm w llin ii mini nl n m k 1 li i 111 1 li 1 1 i mil 1111i1 hi i nil illilii 11 1111 mini i 11 1 hi si 11 ss 111 in 11 u innih 1- ihi iiiiiii tiilih snii illn is 1m1 w m mill in 11 h is iniillni in ihi ui ihu mini in mull hint hit inn hinisi ailkni mil i kiiluilsi iiiuniininltil in liiniiun ansi il imn mu 110 lislilnu mliilim uiiiilh mil upnii inn mh miss rj hi allkm mil mis nl cnlnli usui un siinil 11 with ml mil m unu a mill i ml mill mis ni 1 i ills s ills ninlhii mil sum 1 ml mis ai inlil sum 1111 si ml ul cniii ul 1 1 1 cgil news in lihiiiuv h llu cdir piishluliii lull iiiinitl llu iniillnu wilh ill lutitst mill tlvmn nil ki shin ill hun hul llu 11 pin is in is i ikiit mill i al mis rnhh link sun 1111 1 1 in polh campbell m imifnctiirtrs of high grade memoriais memorial engraving 62 watar 1 north oalt tmfrilone 2041 lovell bros modern meat market where quality is higher than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 vmiing i mis w islti pili i loilsnn 9i sifill is inn bi sili mil aiijiim ul i uplii linn n uiiiil c i 1 id17 hi 1 in 1 nil jr select and consult an independent insurance agent as you woullvs your doctor or lawyer ti service is ihe measure of quality phone 455 make it a habit sulci ilulllis iuil nil in us lui tin ill unlit tu uuinl ik mini asuns hilkr limkini iiintil i isl mil timints ll s iimki ilulhis nonom xjww custom cleaners same day service except saturday jn l i oulby 3 main st n phone 272 wig0 tv wigos hive lott of tv i in stock for immediate delivery isiy mi money unc your old itl for 11 mu ulluwitncc un ii new itl or luive un itnulr your presenl tv six mukvii tu chniihc i rum tv a specialty not a sideline id uk hive you mi tullmtile on a new nerliil lnslll1lnn or up ilrliik yuur prtxenl uirlul tonic in mid hct our hi oik of appllimeii prlen kt l low he i like imdelfm mike v ml ii nil il si i ll ihe t i ii i a ion wigo tv of the species a starring mr fnidun i rwtrft rna rtirni mary onta barbara hturr jniiitf prairie- riddirand km orrhentra ndw night jo 1030 pje cbit chnnl 6 chch channel 11 mark very grave brampton monument works rep t k nicol gl tj94j a oueen st w uampton shop 61 14445 wm c allan res h 11613 dills stationery w mill si aclon p nul aa your complete supply centre lor office stationery supplies furniture and fixtures sunshine waterloo co offers the best n qual furmlure o r ofce cone m and see the r catalogue of d plays today magic markers for all your marking needs wkiirs os asnimsd tmirsttstvsrn r 79c and 110 refills for 50c zkores dai b 1a tpf leaner i i sinlin of fingirs smith corona typfwritir ribbons for all makes si 00 rubber stamps made to order stamp pads and stamp pad inks rexbuilt business cases by cooper and weel lid brief bags attache cases portfolios bus ess or crhegi b high quality leather good at ders popular pncai fine quality buxton personal leather goods llllsl tts smri is brand ifixfrs rin b1mhks uf ml fkxikn 1hxtr ml oiimnar shi f is ml lilts ml st1iis uf likisi ihi kjllputai magazine subscriptions for all publications forever yours- social and wedding an invitations etc rsunahiii slalioners nipkins paiktli matches pining c irdi piisonaliiii si iiih tarn thermo fnai mil business i arils free press subscription advertising and printing accounts accepted here ii ill x i j

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