Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1960, p. 6

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th acton frw prwi tnuridy fbrwy 1tn 160 w iky flutl photo co may u smart wa the topic of the ha i ion homenmking club girls in their recent protect end disptiyiby various clubs were entered at achievement day alortg that theme dublin cotton queen jean britton end jean mo hat are shown assembling fheir display under the guidance of home economist mm frances lampman elect roy coulter president halton 4h leader counci the halton 4h uub leaders council made up f xvlunleer kwlcn interested in 4h elub wrk met tn the board room of the extension brunch ontario department of agruuliuix mil ton on wcdncklttt februars 1 the leaders wen guests of iik ontario departnwnt til agncul ture for a luncheon held at tin v milton jnn directed by branch 4h club work is directed in the extension branch of the ontario department ut agncul turc with local direction by the agricultural reprcmntatnc j a francis and assistant d e jack son considciablc help is fcixtn to thin program bv thi lotal eluh leaders who assist in meetings throughout the vcai and the plan ning of local 411 events the 20 4h club icadcis present during the day dec led rov coul ter as picsideiil and john will molt as vicepresident of the 4h club leaders council for i960 plan drama festival during joint meeting sandy buchanan president ol the halfon junior farmers as soctation and chairman ol the county board spcarhcade d a meeting on major eenis pi in nlng for the count ot h iltun the meeting was held on weil ncsdav fehruarv 1 in the board room of the extension branchy ontario dtpatimcnt ol ague id turr milton keen comptlilum is expected between the palermo nnix il uul milton clubs in the t0 di im i fcstixal aeton ilub is to he host tor the cmng the thru one act plavs will he held tl tin acton pubhe school it 8 pui on fndax march 4 annual meeting the junior farmer imn is board is made up ol dnvciurs from each ol the tout ehihs in the count 1 uh xi u il is im cvsarx to have a nice tint xxiih ncpnsentatives 1 1 om p ik i nu milton alton ami noixal i luhs to select the exiiutixt to upu- ent the countx this xi n s m rrrr 1xr uptil tit stewart um n h ill on s iiui dav march 12 at ii to am n6 oiganuuilion ort his xnih out sotlu soelll ixtllt hills in start the new xi it nil m gomt order the jumoi i mm hinquu and danex is being lulil on hi dax maih if il 7 pm in on 1800 damage to three cars three cars invohed tn an aeri dent on highway 7 near fcnsoni corners on thursdax maxed i total of 1800 damage bill noom was injured const rit andrews ot notth halton opp who inactivated said a car ilnwn hv jatm s starett of aeton had htppoil on the highwix whtn it wis hit in th rear h a cai duxen hv ronald corbclt of alton the l it bctt car then collided wilh in on coming ear etnven b uitciki pringle ot islington damage was 500 tn ijtarett ji00o to cortxil 300 lu pmgle playoffs to start for pee wee team acton pee wve hixkex te im start their playotl schedule ntm it was decided that m nddillon to the 4h tort sin club now otg fmixcd otbei projects to he ol fetvd would include a bed eluh dam ehihs a lot age elub n sil age coin eluh a traetor club a potato elub and a swine elub 4h elub woik m the proxum has doubled in the last ten ve us and in planning our expansion progiam lor halton eouim it was dec tele d thif a call eluh be ollcrcd in the acton nassaga wca area oiganiation meetings lor all ctllhs will hi helel 111 ton on siluid i apnl 2 three lontpcltlloiui llu tlliee udjng eiiinpetil llxistink sud mil i mil i iic will 1h ik id this i n will is i pillllls mdil whi iis took lilt lotni ol i s illce hue am ik v iikiiihus iiiku in loiumg i 4 ii eluh in should eonl ui llu olliic ol onmiio din illiiunl ol agi lure mlltoil belole apl ll i five years the campbelhillo man found guilty of nninslaughlki list xxnk by a supreme louil jmx xc is scntenetd to fixe xcais m pcinl enliury by mr jusiilc schul on friday at the milton com i house twcntxtighl xc n old john 1 i vid cults xns loiind guillx in t he nox e mber sliiiot uig of a preston hotel ownei deialil sehnnll who w is dkgcdh piowhng in i hnn on i ik i urn whin culls w is i homlu uh case was om ot tout lu ml in ihc pasl tun xxuks il the spting supnnii com i s1ii111ls an oakxille in ui icuimii ol txvo counts ot 11 nuil lohhux xx is freed mil ix on uilui it the uilge luteal theic was tn stitficient cwilcnic lo loinul llu receive guests on anniversary c until atulal ions lo mi mil mis ttirr ml mcnimpih 011 mis on isioii ol hun 2tlli wiiklui 111 iimimlx lu 11 11 linn homi mini si j inunx 21 oilui num kisol tin i iniilx null 1111 uh i lo lln iihihih 1 27 mi mil mis mi done ill utipiltlls iii pilmllls mill ml llo ill mis i 1m011 dim mil duidllils ot louilli lini i 1 11110m spun suuilix unh mi mil mis midouill inl i iniilx mi mil mis tuil hn nul iiumluis i llu i iniilx a am is in 111 v tl i in iluiuil llu wiikml ml mil mis ross all 111 ol itllolltll lip lol llll xmlklllt wilh mi uul mis i i i 11111 uul miss 1 ix 1 l mil mi mil mis ihonns wml v uul sou lomim l win lli xxii wikllll mmhlls iupai iloix mix ic w is lu 11 smuhx uul il lln lsl tuiui ihiiuli wnli john llukli in 1i1 un mark 25th anniversary uj cottons may be smart achievement day i winiv ht ins iifii llii li ikniiinsluiliiins iiiki skils vvlii spimn 01 sku d iiiuusi vv is j ttueiim il ilub mcnllnrs or ilub 411 minikiii ikinj luh aihuvi mini hlmk hit nun i iloi thi likmiitiiliim il iiiiimiri il i k kiiis ik iskid lo nl in khkh hiihuikol iktu kiisl ilkn lliinoii vuiiikiu mil pin lo willi llu llimir uotuiinl at auklind inn jikk butknn pil di iik wiiifkmtmli nl ilk ash siiuhiin jithuin ilk illtls suikit i skit ilpksiiilitii- llu iiiiiu ilnli iliniiili ij llimiiis win umii id iippit innilv in liikl ill ii loiinu t svtil linn numhtrs impklnl llu pikil nitons mis hrstmil ttn stturntiv hs imintiii ikint lull niinilisis in llillin loiinu iiinpkkl llu tnkl llun i nil oillon ymvns all iikmlhis ot 111 ilntnln nn hi mink mm millw nk pill in i isln n sliois tllisl n ii mo ik smut iii n iikj nl 12 pnniils lunnly honors akll pi s ilk i mil 11 iik on tkuu umiss lor llu ull i in nn miliums itioii skpit niinuils tins will litvin m 111 i ill ol l0 111 i us 1m ui ii ii lit ii nil i ollnisl wisl lull lllk pkstlllll i l pkll ii nl ss po is wl mssj iiis 1 impn i po i islijon slum i linns wnli s mill nn i aliiimc nuis s alban s gulid iinwis lill in 111 m n lmll i sn lliimlinim shih ilnl pkl ol 111 asiiljol il inliloium ilk i tin tins kiin linns minks h lniiiii lis ntl his ills bets bazaar date i ol ink tslnl piinls mtl wiistillt aim ii milium 1 1 mil i iusl ol lilt diililm tlul hull st alls in s wmntii s ctukl in kl itr-t- llnrr- tin n inrt i i h htnn ut ih mntji llossiki iluh muilvn sou i mil i is piistnliil imuiiiu in hi pmittl 1 i ulns ssho lltlll liltn s lilts sli nun liulhott i ikinj pui nitiuln is in i9ss j an uiloiiiiins sk s jiitllst lulluii drtssts ym iillim in lit n its ml i ill 111 iii illllllllllt lllollllll i lh i iitiii s in i tl hit in ljiili vmlssui mini all llll 111 1 11111111 slll ilblll mlll alkllls lh iuil1 tlissill iii it i j kl 1 i u i lost if ol hit i ik i iii i i i liii sin ui us it il iiii 1 ii l alt ninilsi in i i 1 is iui sill iii stllll hik i llltll dolls lok t r ii lls iilnil sli hut ii- isliliil lit i li linnrd imiin iii 111- im ssis plvstllkl in iii lsol li lilts willi ilnh m iiiiiii ls it huss null llus i i lltni km llolslnl i a mil hi wl nilliiks mis lnii n in i i i i n hi mill n i s vv ii isllllllls ui1iii t11111 lln ii sh tils iniilini on wctl mnilli insls lil in us i itilli mis i ssil ot nl ij pisukul in lln thlir nl juils lit slop bnsintss ss is ilismssul tntl i il ut si i i ii ui in islm is h i i ii is m ins iili is mil lln milks wis p 111111 slll lol im ll hu l still sill in lulil il lln di ml ol miiulluit ui mil liunli is is iluiis its mil 17 ans sinj nl lo isslul luito 1 litloit tlisntr n llus pwi mil sslii ii ihsfilisiil uuiinil hi loon in lln ilnin s ui ms in in litis ol hi lilss iiuu nl i on tin tslnlilss i up in iii n lulis iii lopn ol hi i slul ls ss s lions m s ii sn in win 11 sss is 1 1 ii in i ui moll il llitln htuki uil dlls moll u i ill mini on lilt it itspitlm tlul tvlnliit i i lln slipi t 11 in ulns lln di inn i ii ii ijniins iii 1111 1 ii 11 ij1iiis llll llinulis soulli lion d 111 lulls nll n iss isss i c 1 ton hiplits m my ikimhislriliiins lln llitnji ol i minis m s l sin ul ss i i umii lh i lln slllll in v lililitlk ol lit ill moon i h liil mi ml i tk llnl lit t ill l s i loi mil liul i ii lliv luilknn i is iliou in i uniini nop nn iilili lis i xt i 1 1 ii itl inmpliliil ii i lull ul mli tmpl ml o announcement mr george g purdy wilh the aaulml ida of cmiidd mil w ii tin tomp iny j ri pn i i i live in llic cenli ll in i nor llu m m i o hil ion tuesday night xx he n thi x pin host to the georgeloxxn club in the halton count rone georgetoxxti milton and ac ton d-tne- xvmners- h- pete against the hamilton mm winner schedule to datcv is george town at acton tucsdax fcbruarv 16 at 6j0 mdton at acton thurs day februarv ig at 6j0 acton t mjtoo saturday february 20 ahd acton al georgetown-sia1- dy faniaiy 21 the greatest house heating deal e7eh 5000 tradein for your oil burner if you re having trouble with yottr oil burner why pay costly repair bills united gas will give you 50 00 allowance when you trade it trrfor adomesuc ashea4tng uott rent a gas conversion burner in jubt a few hours a itpendalijc trouble trie p is coinerston burner a be4fls4a41etl m v4itrir4m4it funiatu nu duvvoi paitiienu no earning c hargis no installation ums i lu u ntal id st u is t 2 per month depending on oiir lu ating sti m and s iu i is ik i 1 i i if jour present furnjut nd- n plat mj c i- tn aiinj tt in tan ir itistalltd in a few hour- with thi ftillnwinr adxantagts buy from deaier 5 years to my pay on cas bill the balance you 4ioo 4 hi dhler iut u101u- k b n a mi part base mm no bw n v the gas ho itmg unit will ht pur p t nn nt is r tpnred for l das z- thaspd and llun pai tor n on tin lulum i an in sjrr id ovir i our niontbu gas billv i i u ind t- paalk on our j niniithk u hill see your go heating dealer or united gas limited nn7 si 1

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