Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1960, p. 8

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the acton free press thursday february 11th i960 the mild weather is liable to play havoc with the ice at he arena th- health unit is starting a new series of pit natal uasstj in milton miss sandra blyth sulllss fully pscd her grade 5 piano with honors r the midget hotkey team gave acton thur first thampionkhip for some time wtdncsdnv rain took away a lot of snow and made the streets slippery high school students die looking furwaitl to their annual at home nejtl week bad road wondilions lu e caused the postponement of some meetings in the country it s bov seoul week the dis play in the publie school tomor row night highlights the week here town workmen were busy throughout the mtht tuesday with the snowblowu ind snow plows dialing the streets in two olhtr newspapers we have read of lohms being spotted already be suie to phone the free press if ou see an eaily bird in alton the billmalad eoiitspondent for this piper repoits ihit trows hive been seen in lh it district spnng must be ust anmnd the corner she says optimistically ka jjsi a u k -a- umehouse steven wolfe 10 year olttson of mr and mrs westey ttte presidenr mnehcter- president mn lymburner port has received word that he hns been suceevsful in passing with honors his grade six royal con servatory of music piano exam mations he is a pupil of mrs c hcaid v free press subscriber hartlev harrison of toronto wntcs from horittfl w4w htf u with mrs harrison to say that they gem thur paper down there iciy mondav when they were at home in totonto they got u every tuesday mrs j thompson hostess at postponed wi meeting mrs- joseph thompson was 154 881 years of working days hostess for the greenock insti tule for their january meeting and due to road conditions this meeting was postponed until tuesday february i allan opened the meeting with u poem followed by the ode and collect the scripture reading was read by mrs call in aitken why wi member roll eall why 1 like to be an institute member brought ari ous answers from the membeis the minutes redd bv the assis- tj see ct m e pn through illness which might have been prevented new president mrs jennie mckeoun redd an article about thi new provincial an executive meeting of the acton progiessivc conserv itivcs association was held fnday even ing when president jack holmes w as host sandy best halton member of parliament was l- in inleresting pipei on euesl the mlormal session was public relations mis billeti devoted to topics of loe i and unc ac a lew current events lounty interest reminded the members of nalioml health week j muir the fans of bill smilevs 31 lo february 6 st uing sugar dnd spice column would in can ida 14000 habics expect him and his wile to turn j tut year up at the weekly editors eonven j canadi ins didiik nculv hon a pair of sights fice piess n million quails of unpasltui representatives siw them ihcre utt m colborne a inecling on parliamenldry pioeeduie by mrs arthur hamil ion i rum the depwrimcnt lasl i ill was reviewed by several meinbeiswho hid attended the lc iders being mrs ballenline ind mis heinskv this proved quite helpful for ihose vvhu wire un tabl ihi and manual report lul to judge baking lowed and the report of i social a pot lutk dinner is being ning 111 the school business planned lor the ncxi meeluig al was discussed the home or mis tom hemslev several thank you nolcs tor whin hie biking contests lor ihc flowers and chnslims donations distnct annu d will be judged were read a letter hum the 1 ind tested distnct piesidenl wis re id pie isuic was cxpicssid b ill conveners paper when thtv leanud mis ld mrs t heinslev as cunvcnci pe ireii waivable lo he hoim ind we can assure vou mi smiley looked nt it ind mis smiley smai 1 ind charming 0 ikvillc ind binlinijim newspipeis took dwaids in the on la no weeklv newspipeis com petitions when trophies vvcie pic suited at the convention in hi millon lasl weekend in case ou ie wondeling the flee pi ess wsn i elilcied rntiies wen i iw iv this week for ihc dominion wide competitions thuugh second wi marathoneuchre attracts 15 tables to hall iw fnicm tables ueix pldvcd in mi 4 hcnu of wj marilhon euehres held in lime house memorial ii ill un satui dav evening wimuis weie mis t t c brown ind wcslcv stores sec onds mis tom hunilton and chlloid midonulit ind s robin tied ind ci ux robertson won lone hinds pnc the committee scived lunch alter celebrate birthday mr and mis glsnn ind peler visited ins relatives il si cath aiims on salurdiv where thev celebrated his molhei s birthday achievement day ten 411 dub lirls horn lime house displavcd ihcir eompltted mm mis il aclmvcnuiil di it millon on s mud iv their skil cottons nnv be smut bv the use of an uon was introduced qumlun in b llianm kim nut bctiv anne blown uid g ill giltniiic ute lomiikniilois mis knk pitmk and mis gisb tie dull eiders moved in hornby ac iclli t ihc icniov il ol llle f askin f imilv horn ihc nil iei thev now live on ins laic lathers home east ul hoinbj li huia iniain of george limn iax hulutbl dl lime house prcsbvtcrian cluneh on jiniiuv on fdi 7 1 loop i him the west loioille picsbvleiv plcsbv lc 1 1 in mens assoeiiltou uidud inc 1 quartet loiidlkleil ihc set funeral january 30 we extend svmpilhv lo the lanul ol ihc late joseph seolt wliosc tiinciat hxtk pi ice on jin u iiv 30 flnweis weie pi iced then in his mcinoiv mi and mrs a w betih n and mr neil urn tun visited with hie ceiving greenleis ul cumpbelkiili c 2 civc denli d ui ill c mull ins ire of am kind ai can nil ins i pending some time in hospital with a pneluted hip anniversary cake the hostess and lie i issihjiils served lovelv retieshmcnls in eluding ice en un mil e ike m c ich member criiovcd 1 picie of mi and mis peauns 60lh an nivcisuv eikc sent j nun mr ind mrs pc tun mis j mdscuvvn vv is coiutcsv lonvenei the oueen mil the institute glace closed the meet fe mrs k knox returned as regent of chapter the annual meeting of thi duke of devonshire chapter i 0 d e was held rat the home of airs d bothwell last week with the regent mrs k knox presid in m rs j c rpun litv-gulhlsoluiitr- sang two numbers climb evcrv mountain and i had a little talk with ihc lord immigrants valuable mis h r force gqvd 1 t dk un l he value of our immigrants pointing out that although the popular belief is that they take jobs from canadi ins thev 441 l uiirlh nnhuii thinuiil ihcir needs for ears home appli mces and all the other neeessit ics ol llle new officers the following si he of officers wis elected for the coming vc n honorary regent mrs b mow it icgciit mrs k knox lirst bauinafad vice regent mrs h f holmes second vice regent mis g spen cerlee secretary mrs a e newton assistant secretary mis b muwat tnasurer mrs c heller educational swdarv mn w wolfe convener lor service at home and ibroad mrs j j uiv convener for empire and woild affaus mrs h r foice eon vener for canadianialion and eilienship mrs j mcgiaehie echoes seefetan mrs gordon beattv membership conveners mrs h mampne mis w j macka pub convene miss m m unpne standard beai mrs thomas councillors mis w g be ittv mis f salt mrs r m midon ild mis g a dills mrs c mdllhews miss m z bcnnill mrs h munpiie mrs j whit ham mis xl leslie srut husbands guests of institute at pot luck supper saturday high fellowship conducts baptist evening service the young people of the bdp list high fellowship conducted the evening service al ihc aclon baptist church last sundav in 1 vcrv impressive and helpful manner following the song service led bv ruth l uidsbwrough j inne rolston took ihargi thi b h f ihillinlc was the eall to worship ind the bhf piaver bv janice w igner was the invoeilion pi ay ir the responsive n iding and ihc scripture lesson were con ducted hv jo nine em pravrs hv thdma phijjj vaji8vcjst one to go midgets drop second game to milton 54 in playoff acton mulgcls chopped ihc second gillie ol then plivoll sei ics wilh millon ihuisd iv niejit in aclon tie 111 ihc scoic w is s 4 lo even the lallv up it one tame ipieic the tunc vv is i isl uul uigtcd in the lusl pciioil ross mc ki i sic opened up ihc scoinie loi the visjiois it s ts on i piss 1 1 nm slessol ii ms iihlniis c v c n cd the score- uph 07 when ik mil in jdlncs hioke ihiuuch ihc millon dclcnsi lo link tin htht in actons i ivoi millon c urn ihioutli il 1 1 4 ol the lllsl pcllnd willi then second t whin hum mc diillc bultcd the twnic mi i piss hum hilson lo cud ihc scoiiiil in the lust pciiod il v2 loi mil piililllis wile shiled netll 111 mccusiall loi avion silliii il two niuutles in the emili tripping ind b mi dirt 1 1 ic pen di loi milton second period the sicond pciiihi opened u ilti aclon dclcrmimd ti inn llu om t d lc ul al lodfcs observe 60th anniversary meiford jessie coles pte sided the re poil ol the nnmmilint lomnutlcc wis ten b mis j kt ipek a pot luck suppct picccikd ihc siliucliv rdiiunv ii is the business nkilint alivdlclslo mlth innnetsuv ihi iodl w pupmd loi ihc sive tin the older wis i lunded b mis thikhin fund cont mum 100 clirk mumv ol mnniu it andirticles the liist ihiptu wis turmed nil repusini ilivis wuc ninicd lo fleilcitclon n b itknd ihc iun i loinmisi n the ii in 4 iluptcis of the mirtml rttsrirpiil loh i horn tin tukon to vw a duui is lo be hi id pril 2 i lumlhml wilh ippiovim ilih a uccpti m loi new t in uh ins 2wtt mi mix is llu-ce- minirxis uill lx held in mill mi in ptl mim llhl dispose iii lll h 000 hid illlllltxls will issm lutll 000 a ve ii inw iiiuiilxis wen led on in ihi i ivld t nine iiuin om i qu iilci t milium doll us six nl is loliow vdmh sundiv where mr j neil celcbriud his 82nd biuhdiv l mi ind mis bert benton ind mr jack oluulmi speill the w puck iiimk winded hi- iv l ihiouth ihc millon u un md shot i lint dim hoin the lilia hue whuh lound i conm ol ihc members or chapter i n he kitiund side i hear annual reports miu1 il iek d r annuil il pons of executive blown slipped the disc behind membeis ul uikcside chiptti leilhcilind in tin ul mi ml n iodl weie piescnled it ihc 10 0 on i piwliom iv i nil i a until il nice tint he eh iplci comhijiid dim i bv ciibliniis tucda in ihc legion hall missmikolm md dtwkms linked wcic all dished out in aclon plivcis sent to llle sin bin weie w mason loi boudint r md ion loi ehiituit uul b dawkms loi si islunt third period millon nipped home two i isl toils in llle thud petiod when ii million semed on lone elluil uul t illicd iluii willi in issisl hum 1 midulle ihi i isl li line v- nmthimt t nl wilh nthl- peii dlics luneliil oul hv ihc id aclmis hint si u c inic il lss when mdli n linked llie ud htht mi i piss mom imci m uks to end the tonne ind e unc with millon toppint tin loe lis s4 aelou pen ilhes in the thud pel tod vvcle llie till oul i i mil lolm lot inppmt didds i 1 slishuil ind mill mi t i hut mg millon pen titles went in b hilson toi hookm h medulle loi holding biuec mcoullc foi luth stickint k bukv loi hold lilt id b slessol loi si islung j he wl held a pot luck sup on situidav night with the hush mds is gucsls when ibtiul 40 sit down to a well laden table roll c ill was answered hv ihc men wilh whit inv wife doev let please me most and bv the lidies uhtl mv husband dots to pie ise me most ii piovcd to be quite humorous i co j imicmmi showed two dims ind llie lesl ol ihi evening wis spent in pining euchre weekend guests mi smith md his molhei of loimilo spnit the weekend it the home ol lus biot her at silver lh community shocked ommunitv wis sidikiicd lo katn ol the liain school bus collision lakmg llie hvis of tin ec till slutknts and ihc bus diner il hillsburth ciossint runeril seivices weie held on sund i jiniiuv ii lor dunn i jnkson ind gndiun koch on themoiidav loikaiiaijl uid ihc lucsdtv lor c ilvm leileh ihc bus dnver sonic ol tic slikknls nc still in liospu il all oin m wishmt ihcin i specdv iicovcrv short meeting the wl held then ichnniv nieetint on thursday it the home ol mis leo j utile son as ihc i idles weie husv with ihcir sew nit el iss piicc douses on liinshmt he meeting wis shoi t il was lonlincd to business open nit iih ihc ode ind mary ste- wail collect hospital support mis c i snow tivc a spkn t illv in the nit horn i su uubli ui tin milton uul uul tin pumd nded wilh the sum hid 1 fvnillin m ihc second pciiod i t t local rotary club 2 21x1 idnpkd schools which in i pivukdwih ihi ms nd iqup plans ladies niqht illellt i lfji sdlol it ships hills mies uul iw nik t mud 1 4 iiiielnn sluekllls as p it proum ihc 1 i 1 h is adopted 1 1 se hook in ihi west indus horn llu first uid vumui u mituot4il i utiils i oveisi is posi tiidinii sdiolirships t j2 000 t uh u i w nidi in iimviisnv buisuus ol jlmxt win awuded the vel illc ii we in sti ll llltl mil phi 1 itu ties sujh i uk i i loi tlu hide iw v huh dm uit 111111 lthstliv lldls ldll is i mj xm il nitht hut o he decided barn collapses wtthicsnow lud muailhiii hid ihc mis loi tunc lo lose pm i i his inm mi wedllcsdiv i lsi xveek wllh illc wcidlt ol nnuw md rce ii iintk llu n ii ih sik uul west end uul pin ut the i ki d mn mi mic i thin ml him up in ihc bun pniiint hu wn iis 20 niinuies h i ie ik li mm j- l lo the house h mi d unc ill ie s vhell 11 tl ipkii d concrh lulu hon ti mil mons lt l s ti ink lh nips i n clll i t j s 10chi mi s mlltil s 1 1 kiv week tul wilh ul it us n 1 shows nighlly 6 30 9 pm phone 110 james stewart anp vera miles in color llll sior1 of tnt man who captured i lib nuiomb most notorious killers the fbi story showing thurs fri sat sat matinee mon tues adult entertainment it i iv i s ac mn to kill acain all nlw l ilrriiving tlc1in1colour the mummy in vw1u llll it takl til kill ti vaviiikl see the curse of the undead conipklc performances 7 and 8 15 pan wed thurs 7 1 9 tm stori oi in iovi n in rwo wtivn osl ii ml his gl ii vkk viii i t utroll baklr uli palvii r in but not for me port mi the work being done in ud ol the neve hospit il in gcoi down thcic w is no niolln or mile ill is thev weie to he flvcl oil sit urdav night when ihc w i en icit uncd ihcir hush mils spring coming spnnt must be usl iioiind donna pcildlclon weie offered iwo musical numbers one bv the liinior choir and a duct hv don na i indsborouth ind kaicn hcl kr wire a woilhv coninhnliiin m irk hopper and john riinmv weie ushers round tabic foui vouiifc people dr un i i mdshoioueh s indr i tnpps kcilh dunk ind divid hipnnn ihlv picscntcd i lound i ihk dis eussion minkd where do we go hoin here- the theme keep close to i ur tunic w is continued h llie minister rev gordon holmes in i bud iddrcss the whole even uit wis deeukdlv pnlilihk in llu highest sen ongicfcil ol upper from the heart t tp dr tcntqri gto ng h nq loved one togrll p of c lon volorir ve ca ch o dills stationery die hive dee en in i he dis let tduc 1 1 ion nu ins developing llie nmid nol shilling the nicin robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formtrly f p head phoninguelph nrjon 58 si georges squam this weeks special spare ribs 39 drons meat market service and quality a specialty free delivery phone 18 ho fuel like this fwelt whenever anyone telle you ell bottled gasm ere alike dont you believe it for example there purity mighty impor tant if the gas ie to burn with a clean blue flame with no tort or smoke to discolor your kitch en walls pyofax gas is at pure as the most exacting scien tific tests can make it with pntotax gas there is no guess ingabout quality about econ omyabout dependability i call a today a home nursing course sponsored by ihe st john ambulance brigade division 332 will commence on wed feb 17th at 8 00 p m at the home of mn wm coats 35 roseford terrace glenlee enrolment and the first lecture will be on ihe first night mrs wm coats r n itlslllklkss iiiqimi 141 omll ph 762j k im ill mrs wm coats divimiinil niiimiiu ollitir is rosajdd tin ut miss bella maye roszell anmim ilklv iiiis coiirsi will notd obiidmlu 10 join rill brkiadl root hardware and construction ltd rockwood ont phone ul 69551 abivatl tvpiiiiikiii s4rtltw xll in c in n4 i n i ii u i ii is ind iimiu ll unnls i tiuiuv itliitlt ii e t ke ui emu h me tutu in ol thi ioi1i 1 pt lh lotu h is nvii jllwtxhl llll i mpplkn l uim mile i ki i md llii ini imliis mm ihiplein iitxin t ui uii hue un du liken i hi nihilmtnhip ol elin tituti ind nhie11 ihihinn thue in im ihiptus it ai ion i nle e n l m n w illit cole li sknl ie ip lh ultimo htt ih ki imlli i llle je i siirni shortill sheet metal tumblnq t heating gar wood furnace eavmtroughing 184 chuixhin road phone 464 a modern yours tor as little as divan exi mecl tubing complete cement base tv tower 800 per month no guv wires no roof leaks o easy m i n tena nee installed md guaranteed city chroma television service phone collect toronto ho 54431 your kitchen will positively sit up and take notice make your mealtime headquarters work for you discover the delights of efficiency and lovehne in a i960 kitchen designed and buir by i l mac kenzie and son we can give you a dreem of a kitchen cuslontmade to suit your special needs visit our modern showroom this week and talk over all the details with our advisors call 48 for a free at home estimate on materials to remodel your old kitchen make life more pleasant it home hush nose effec tively with ceiling tile only s 19 per 12 12 change your pec of bvinfl vinyl floor tile h wears well looks weu too costs ust is e 9 x 9- tile

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