Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 18, 1960, p. 1

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jtfu ft- eightyfifth year no 34 acton ontario thursdaytcbruary 18th 1960 eight pkjc5 seven cents council offers counterproposal to read meters aclun hydro commission learned during their regular meeting thursday february ii thai council was willing to have tnwn tmpltivets read hydro me- tcrs under the same proposal made earlier b the commission lo council at lhc cost of is cents per meter earlier in hi year the com mission had suggested to the wa tcr and sewer committee of council that water uutcrs could be read by the hydiu metci icad cr al the same lime he icad hyd ro meters at a proposed cosl of 15 ccnls a meter until a moie a rate co be establish tound money mayor w h cook in making the report to the commission told members it would be tound money and extra tash in the pocket of council if they read the meters chairman e g tyler express cd doubt at the town leading hydro meters and reviewed pasi experiences when several em pluyixb had read me t e rs wi i h a noted increase in coiiuilamis from consumers mr tvlcr explained the pres cnl system of one man reading the meters and in oicinp object i ion said i would not want to be a part of disrupting our present good system commissioner g beattv in formed the commission it was his opinion meter reading was on ly part or the entire story he suggested it would only be pos mble to assess the meter leading cost when an overall breakdown of operation costs was available this breakdown had been ie quested earlier by the conimis sioner following tin spin between ihe hydi suit photo rover flag was presented by george haggtt president of thecout group committee to the newly formed first acton billy middleton rver crew during the baden powell night on friday pictured above receiving the flag on the- jeftws gelt billy middleton and sid newton in ihe front row rover scouls pictured in the back left to right are r curneb hintdh k gardner b otterbem d peal m homer and l duby and tht sewer and water departments secretary trcasuiei mis a urquharl reported she had ie ecivcd u copy of the hie ikdowrt prepared bv town clerk idiiiiius irator j mcocachic but noktl that the hydro auditors had not completed heir repot i to dale she did point on i thai tin auditors were mil in enmpkk qgrvcmtnl wilh the uporl sub milled bv the town ekik on is limalcd cosls of operation ol the hydro departnunl and the sewn and wal depart leased on lurmer publicumittct cominis mon opeiation eosls comparisons between the two reports will be made when the auditors repoit is avuilabk glad tidings were received in continued on pape three parents jarnjkhctoratjdjforium to view scout week concert 0cr wo patents and fn stood ngiillv at allintion an equal number ol scouls is biuwtties and ubs mur ol the ginup eommitke seoul and gunk molhus m pnkitl tin hell i kile public mill last 1 ndis i tllliol uiiii lo ludc 1 eiiloillll pi mil dm bukllpowtll week as k sine dod sive i ik juien sponsored in the semi i moup loiiimittii i in pnili nn uiniiid ed main ol hie sput ilois l then iluldhood tins is the wiling men and wnniui in ilu scout ind link jjioups poll i nul ti uhtion il uuc lings ind ttiiin onus mil i spt i si tl w il h in i o urns skils ind am m lies til the neul lotmetl ron i tuw lauds leaders i it m viii eh in scoill gioup loriunilli teed the pinjji nn whith i id ben seoul wei ulm at ion in u1onrtr iiiki md umiiiij ihe isl ale dun su i hided ihe w tuidi kaikis opening number i ill mhivuul jiulu blown owl mi- i iwm owl mis i iiul pitkus khun i hi l nit newton piesillki klell bai ce beieilo mi knight icietud hi i bai following this eerenitiin me tube is ol in 1st ami u biownic pieks ined in tvpieil siiici raines nuiih lo the tie h hi ol ihe audience the 2nd bnmnie p iik ittukr hie m ol bioun owl mis i hi iih if ltt wt w owl m i j i in j nil iml pekie khona me i leliein in iii in itiiohnint ecu mom wilh man heikamp as ilu umrliiid im iuw thru no blame jurors report in hilsburgh fatalities to burld new united church sanctuary let tenders to j b mackenzie son plans for fhi mstun lion of new united chuieh sanetuaiv disc lose tl a i icached the final stages on mon nicilme t ighl dav evening when ihe teluter mitteel lo the t fmm j b maekenje anil sou itldilion wds accepted h the building dime n pi committee e 1i1011 huikhmj u he i ex lrv thing hul he luin hetu tnil inthi chan man lout iepuiuil pkkil in 9sh k leiulil ngiigatiotial things unlets were sub construction on the new build miinilue lxpeekd lo biejil as soon will ik eieektl as weather peimits anil it is hop il liiisim ttlu til 111 il piogitss will illow in ill w is com e nh totiipklinii upplitd lit a i it el pile grand jury report charges low morale at court house mallon count v com l iiirim einplmns m millon have low morale because ol an outdaled lavoul molding lo a supreme court grand jim whiih loined eounh buildings tluiing ihe reecnl spling assies in milton oinilv ooueilloin heating ihe leptjit at lucsda s milling wcic upset wluii the slate menl was lead milton rtcte ait dcsiaiihric s ml lie li id he ml ihotil ilu low linn ale ehatge in i tic it poll mil lilktd to stn il iuunl em plovecs ithn kritell it 1 lie i f morale is iih pel cent 1 icil that icporl should in uinulu hi dulired jail lmployeoi want kalse cleik aihekl blown saul tin conn hoiist unplnuis wue quilc happy and althoiich woikine span is nampid iht boil mi i otig pumkd oul 111 il kn iiuinilislul mus trtr ilu ikmoliiiini ol ilu new lluildlii old ehuieh bmulmu nekd m hl 187s would be i ilktl son i ilu- flic chinch tlesimicd in ii n mn on ilu mi v tdil hicks will known ihiinli dc uliouh now si mils lignci wil be completely moil j ihethiiuh ulilm cin antl w he n eompkkd will ntiissn wlun il w house enlnelv new liunishings m j oltlsnlion none ol ihe pustiit luimshings gctous eomlilion a oi pi ws will ih used itom tin oltl pf islet lilt iioiu ll building 1 1 wnn i suihi i belter orgnn i lintunikh no o an oigin his tntn nhttuutl il hum bukelev united elimeli in on mspition ilu loionto md the picsuil oil in h iiiul i misilt will bl sold w is ttnsttl mil eh hit hchliiil sukm lo ik in inw lit t it lie id m sillied ill hit ihlltlh silhtllllv i hilt stlkhtl iimlli will he t eonibmlion ol owi mnlh ilu vmia ding was nol satin iletl ll is ihe ill t uiplo low he said mc minis nokd tin piliis hid tut a laist in pav mil inskad intntd i udiittion ol ihe wink wtek with tin sum p n i ik t mplovt asknl loi a laisc is well it w is ttpoilnl itle ale no unhapp aboul tin toutllliuii reeve mli mai pe till tisl ihe moiic v irgc better huclhilcs the upon uoled ilu m i pnnitktl i m e lie ill the housekeeping wis imillinl atk tii he seitie ttitimittt im iliyi iutli nun ik is koln 1 1 ml pre tl ilhl in i s llne i lo nev nil deputy and ably estimates budget at 571 5 board reviews 1960 projects announce open house h peset tmp mirhttir es sleieoliuil tqiup piodtltc this he wp ipi nel f lldn libiou v tkt i h md e iht illllx im ml tin ii be i tnw no ihe pi ml pi otitic hon hums toi tl to 10 pm uid i who itc mltitsu ihe smilksi ilei in weikh iss all will he mil iulilislmil co s will ill who mint ni pi nit ol 111 w si alton i led tpi mus lvllll be hoi vl shun ni till see 11 he sti tin modi in huge llewsp i i l id iv llllu i if piinlni k will bi liom 7 pm ul i imihcs md those ik nc lhat tolls cuing rebiuiiv 26 lit ac ion boaid ol 1aiks m in il me nl stt linn tstmi iletl opt i i inu emxiises loi i9mi at s71s i spinal budget mittiiil 1 1 ihuisdn willi aiilnipikd 1 eiipls ol l 4ls and i sin plus i 82s horn i9s xi lions ll imouni iciutsti1 i iimi omit will hi j147s i ins hgni it in stills i 27s melt ise mti ll lsy ligtiu leeeixitl liom i oui m nl mb il lor b uh linking th au ludd itk t j i h list iijsll lie i b ill ot i lenelln distiissm uas wiilun tin lo on latigiil lion i id int i ot i iln hi niv i iht pai girls slosh paint while boys hammer as acton high prepares for at hom shop it lmi hneli l v iiil ihe skip aie r tpitll 1 ikme- tlhes 1ml sliukllls uudel the s ess lo kiliw suhtli flit ration syntem a ii0s0 hilt ihon ssi c i ipi on l nst ulilv iii il tin dlot ttl ihe n to uli1i up with hkm instiiiet 1 phil cad u knj in hi on i ami llt 1 ol iln nn lor id n tun i it i veil ht jllislk md h istlt ills is s nils o ph pans ol 1 ilk w is id 111 ll i v- inn cl ilu ickd eml i k nh hid ii in s i i tins pollll il mi uis in ippul with s invl si sh ll o tin tse tin s t iii 1 v noli mis s lie ll 1 pi n u 1 mill iln dkl 1111ls manufacture backdrops for the high school dance pictured above left to right are shop class instructor phil caddick and two of the students paul mcgeach e and petp hyr as they make a section for the funnel of the ship seven vas u tl theme for the at home and tbe complele student eou x i has been active preparing f the da sioshino paint is an important feature in preparing back drops for the hiqh school at home pitturcd above ato ihree girls busy brushmq paint on tht mtst shown left to r grit are lesley anne duby moira mckclvy and jo ann force the annual dance will be held tomuitow friday evening returns from work greeted by flames re h wtnk i ntmin last hmti niulon tin niughim 20 rmsum sitim wis grw kxl h ihn k sinokt mil i piercing shti ol tl mn when hi opined his hmim tkor flnnus i iuhxi b in ovithe 0 ej liuimee had mask thtir wav imm tht kistiiitni ihuulh i hot an ngiski iml mln i paiiilion ktwtn iht hathrihuii uid iimhl umim hi n 1 1 tt nu n rue 1k1 t ht scxni ot iht im ihe immtdnub poured water intm iht botvokr linos on the minus mil in onlor toprewni the tii tixm sptxading w rorypri to remote a portion 1960 health unit budget is 211 636 induct new member into rotary club bi ru ih n j iii m k por- a 1n1 hilton ik illh inn bol i h l k tallnil j2llrvsup slr 4t i ti omi list vv ii hill t s n h hints in nkhlionil i i mill in ll 111 ol the pari i hurt when a scvonvl lux tniek ar jiwel at the meno tinmrn laid a mx t ion of two and a half inch hose from a ncarn hstlmnt m the ccnl the fire should spread but it was not found ncccarv to press the second unit into service tliiv al it rtnxtt s k hntttv nm t i ti iii it h ilk n unit shiimi bv c pi i bull mom tin hiu 1 tost wilt tx i1mv 01 nulls iimpud lo im null in 00 ivrvavinj ttmiiue h in 1 i plumhinj inspcttion ks w i blanns tor tht ima ie in ount t ctnitnil s share ol iln htii1eit ihi moh xplhind insnmim mi n i eonn has dropped hi mi io tx l k irri i i mrr 1isv othtr hirti it iuum m u i limine ls l iht i ii mo which wis uw n i is null tuatiinnl s ihi iililnioti wis n i e u bus md iiimniuh h i i i i ii ill in tkt loped lis s tht sdlls i rk ol vli im wttt reptiiutl bntn mil ttsntnit mi n iu mii in nt tlhil ip iml vhtiiui i bxh il pusn rim th ikilih it v pi mnimi lliiiu h inminits1 womi tntl i jmhii ii i 1 u ol mr ri wns ink lp iht distns il in ihl will ht p ml n iht iijli n t ill tilolts in tht hilion minor rsiid sshuh in ni bin iiiuttil pntestion is nintin inmirn nnl s- x i c i nused lew lot miss miviuls sins will n mill ipmil to deposit s2 pan b the he illh i no wlun ii umisid lt lor million sht is s t ui tu ism oth r minor miinutniiu sibnv i u ih iu mnunlv ox ibnn list inin ssirm ot pn i n pitinl io tin po in i il t i qot ritf he nnilmn nttt i 1 rtekmin wh 1 i don i ihmk iht rt irt riirifttlar problems in mil mo pi n hi municipal piants iach n 58is i budfrct items t si turns in thi builpit an is to ki lows pcrsomt senin miludin nun medical nursang samtars irupev hea mp rahic sprcath tun i ii m irsri loimt i u ks nisi n th thi mini i s ims rcpoikd ind tht ir hum ins h niiik sipm soniet uh rabid animal ii it id n ll wis xpliund iht mnv had ntn npun b ttntworlh tht ijikiilinr il ounimiikt u t lmi in tottnrns m mti t innnded ih irisltrson thi soontv mmxiiion iommritit ol it uin er ins n iht iw1 sn whith c krk bnwn w is uux mi iiru iiliui d nprtmnti tprtmnttiu mr bnwn s it st i utt pi mt json nmior h prim in oht tin ol thr iom n i in sm 11 do n plow millet iv tti isk ttw rniiinnal ssitjton sihi trop ind tornmini to tsihhsh a on io uport irv club dur- me lhxii mi dtnnn meeting on inrtikloitd ht kot in in t shu i s ih n t m mbtr was io din led bi rutanjn a shoe- m ik r t pi nis w r m ii for i number 1 mnirin is o ttinl ile innnal ilali m siihi h t ihe o iph rotjrt luh a p nn i ibfcc ussion on rolary w i ioiiiliuiil h presttlcni f p us ml mi nl in r li ill the rmmlxn joining in s pminiiiii ol ibe million dol tun ci io man i idlinon tht tltikis i ftno i- pi on i ihu s mi wmps uirr t anm w pciit t i n ti id tor xeupani roul b tvcimbir i ind m amount kins 200 ismh ints to njunt hut si11 bndpeiisd to take care treasure mrs a horioh md of exira hunts and staff ttunng imrs g mikerae 1 4s per hour murnraint ind wbtihrr il is i od or i bid thmp in ii mrs t s00nm0 hs txtn sptnt bs tht crimp s rmmbrr munuipili run prtpora llt ln fghtinii annexations hi rding the tk added tht motion timed in inflations conrmued on paoe thrrt tht tkhil dt nihi theatrr uhl lo raise turhts lo hirihrr the wnl of the iluh in m irch md pi in urre tmrnplrled lor lidirx nipht next month guests attrndinp ihe meetinj were dennis 0 bncn and doouit mcbnde

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