Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1960, p. 1

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foe juftftt mti ft glvdlume 100 no 41 acton ontario thursday february 25th i960 ten pagesseven cents 1 main charactbts who performed in the m z bennett school operetta last night and will again be seen on the stage at the robert little public school tonight are shown above m cos tume kneeling in the front are manford zundell oa the right dressed as a mouse and robert b on the le as e e s in the centre row icft-to- k ing chrishne lawrence as the queen and lynda bratda as alice back row are nellie huisman left as a guard and donna sterritt on fse right as a white rabbit fair book wins mrs c w swacuuuher sec retary of acton fall fair board reported this morning thurs day that the acton fair prize list won second prize at the ontario fairs convention in toronto on wednesday competing against 243 other places with class c fairs the acton book was judged for printing type coyer content composition and format if was produced by the dills printing and publishing company first prize was won by thed ford second by acton third by harrow and fourth by arnut- tara reference books given to school a complete set of the emvc lopedia britannica arrived at the high school friday a formal pnscnlalion will be made at the school later contributors of the books en cyclopedia britannica of canada eld arc giving over 700 sets tu every qualified english speaking high school from eoisl tu toast earjier this month hie gover nor general graciously aeeepled a set symbolie of ihusc to be pre senled to canadian high sehools acton hiy club will purchase ownpasystpm unani molts approval was given by members of the aeton hi y club tuesday evening lor pur chase ot their pnvale pa svv kin lor use duiing their weekly council accepts resignation express regret mayor w h cook resigned tuesday evening at eouneil meet lug and reeve j h guy assumes dutitb or the head uf the munici pallly until u new appointment lit made in a bitei interview with the rctii ing mayor following the meeting it was learned that ac eording to an amendment to the ontario statutes in 1958 council shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy from someone presently siding on euuneil the vae iney caused by i cuun eil member taking the mayors puiltion will be filled by the un successful c indid lie during the past municipal election who pol led the highest vulc this is art field office not permitted mr cook pointed out he was presently attending a euurse io toronto and if successful in his examinations would assume a position with the ontario depart ment of well arc he noted that the new employment would not permit him tu take an elected position in presenting fiis resignation to council mr cook si ited he had always attempted tu work in the best interests of the luwn and in mayor w h cook submits resignation ivlcouncil mayor served five years mayor w h cook concluded ins term of office on the munici pal council tuesday evening when he tendered his resign ilion to council during ihc regular moct ing mr cook li s wife and two children j in and barbuia mov cd to ac ion in wi he served during 195657 as i counctlloi uul then was elected in ivor n 1958 the next year he filled the of ficc again by auhmitton md in the i960 ckclion polled a majority over his opposing e in didale to agtin he id acton coun cil when he fust moved to acton he was employed as in inspector at maflon willi ik cinccffilion of ihc trios contrut he too was without i ob is the result of ihc eiiitailincnl of production his icstlnilion wis mule nee ess iry bteinsc his new posi turn with lie ptovmcial govern ment docs not allow him to i iki an elected position while sen inc at ion n he mtinicipil council he has been in active participant in municipal progress tsv proiccls completed during his lour vc irs in office were the utrcct paving program ind the completion of the water supply enlargement with the well on churchill roid another of the projicls which c imc into effect under mayor took s guidance was ihc adoption ol the new municipal idmmis ration plan being used this year omha acton bows out to hespeler reeve goy calls special meeting to fill vacancies reeve johnny goy has called a spec i il eotmcil meeting for tu esdav march i it 8 15 pin to discus the ipnointmcnt of i new mayor and councillor the ap pointment will be mule under he revised st utiles ot ontario as imended in 1958 section 170 subsection i of the act reads wheie the office of mayor reeve or deputy reeve be comes vacant in any year and an election to fill the vacancy has not been ordeicd in a judicial proceedings the council shall cl cct one of their number to fill the office for the remainder of the term if die member of council ap pointed as m ivor is the reeve or deputy reeve a successor to his present position woukl be named under the same section of a utien to fill the vacancy on council will be made under rip sec 169 sub 1 which reads where a v icancy occurs in the office of alderman or councillor where al dermen or councillors are elected by general vole the unsuccessful candidate who icccived the high est number of votes at ihc next picccdfpg election shall be entlll tfdloh o up t prescribed dcel iratfons wilhin he prescribed lime and if he fills to do so or disclaims ihc office one of the candidates fol lowing in regular order accord ing to the number of votes re ceived shall as hereinafter pro vided become entitled to the of ficc on making such declarations within the prescribed time speculation is that peeve john ny goy will be appointed mayor to complete the balance of the year he has been on council for three years and has been reeve for oneof those-yearsi- sellout crowd sees operetta staged by mz bennett pupils alice a jltfondcriamlft joukt leal play in three acts was stag by the pupils of the m z btnnclf public school wednes day evening in the robert lit lie school auditorium as parents and friends jammed the hall for the performance marie huisman icled is com mcnlator lor the operetta and explained the details to i lie large audience weeks of haul svoik ind much by the pupils ind cuu il lime b parents and teachers showed the result in the excellent pciform ances during i ist mcht s show big the same pt is will be pre cntcd again tonight thuisdiv when the eurtum was raised un the urol an the audience siw i beautiful cudeu scene complete with a dtxjru is to i house i hubc mushrtiuiii and i ties alice linda utauli iks list asleep it the foot ol the irec and a group of dw un entci the pic tunc and duice iivmiid i he sleep ing til i hih sing i mint alice awaken a wakes tu u t- her iw and then pinches herm1t 0makc sua she is ie ike slu begins lu wonder it she h is i ill cit into space she birsis mto sung ind strips how xlh the little crekthlilc at the end f he i v i alice spies i cilirpillu sc heel on i mushroom smoking i i oe k ih t them hrnli constipation i mini w ilium nut kind the icr they are all mad agroup of eardmen appear on the scene and sing the march of ihc cards suddenly one ol ihc cardmen shouts the queen the queen the gardeners throw themselves upon their faces as a huge procession appears inctud ing soldiers courtiers quests royal children a while lahhit ihc knivcul hear is the kinc ind queen ol hearts ind two paces the queen hrsl orders ahcc s held off and then socral more but the queen and court mn in a dance and est none cnjos the pciloimcrs mad tea party included in the second act ssas ihc mad hatters tea paity with the hare and halter alice and the dormouse busily cnciccd in a queer conversation which con i uses alice all the more as thev ask riddles and wllv questions the mad hitter sings twinkle twinkle utile hal more str ingc animals appear md scsei il songs ue suiil bs tlie fc t- a li m u h davidson fiih fuuluian john dunn assistants during the performances makeup ol the chirictcrs sv is under the supervision of r r paiker and mrs w sproston mrs w wollc w is committee chairman for the making of the costumes assisted bv mis s joe mrs g haicrasc mis j dowd ing mrs j mcgcachtc mrs e lidkca mrs w sproston mrs vi cochrane mis helen mason mrs w lame mrs k allen mrs pamuc ky m rs sid sai t mrs d anderson mrs r s hirl mrs w dubois mrs o willnms mrs v wheeler mrs r marlincell mrs w dubois ssas in charge of the scenery and g p nks music teacher plascd the pi mo mrs b benlon was conductress lor the presentation ttkmg pirt on the jury dance fourteen members were pre sent and mswered roll c ill advisor doug copeldnd gave a list ol prospective parents who hive volunteered lo ehaperonc ihc tegular dances in the y m ca the membctship igrccd that mike j lomc r should be admitted irec lo the dance in view of the svonderful work he is doing in preparing colored posters to ad vertfoe 4hedancus before the meeting closed mr copeland recommended a speak ei from the oac in guclph for i future nice tint exams on monday for first aid class tin il c innn itions come be lore spring f fc f su dents the firemen who have al most all been cmollcd in the si john ambulance firs aid course ssill he irvine their exams next monday this weeks diss wis review and practice when the men divid cd into competing learns about 30 took the course this winter new helpers harry ochhicf andv dvc rob- a l v cl i erl browne bob racllord ron ml t ocnool ind witmssvs ire called white mmrs busth scribble on ihcir janice wagner 1 i he i v shies as ihev heir evidence gis jill huisl and di nit piincji en as ihc curtain tills on the p gcls wen i find seciu pekir alice is in ihc bv sheila donnellv migdslin cciilieol the stac with ihe caiels pimuks ruth ann u ilheilind piled hitll aunilld her as every j itm pilncia sc uilon one veils ott wilh hei head i mane lame j ike p ism i nellie hutsmin darfenc mccuids and johnstone ind mchael miller t r of ht y ladies ol hc court included ladies auvih irv was bcld last gait tiinmv lmd i junes sdlv thursd iv fehruirv 18 at utc y wjlson dorecn mekclscv tath ti m h prme higms j ine loon irell urk were re id and approved jtsso neve helpers mrs p auv tin and mis i price are nwv lt helping with nuistrv school help is grcitlv npprceiated oung mm nici sitipnt ind then disappe it oil stae chasing thkhltt with i hop skip ml minp the little while rabbi l tppmiadics alice md attti seitiivin uound disappe it in ihe vsimhis ah r is unabk lo uncle rsl md the qucei odtks ol all ihe animis when tin i thhu u ipjx i s hioiiiu toi i ksi ohicm ik siks aliex hiding hthmit ih uuish x cmtk brr mtts arm ind n quests his dois- tuf tan all t believing he i ibbit has n istaken piekinjt up his uoses n tin and hands them to him lootmcn appear i tvhee is istonished i stt i ftsh and tiiv tot tmin p tt o the yiw and quictlv mi anxind alui tonfustn rsuhn ahee mevkls kmxks ri aiihv on tin oor wvril linns wiuh jhn dunn also included on the piolrun rfuten rhvlhin time bv gride ihk i hot il leadine bv eiade swiss polka bv eiaele lout names of casl lollowme is i east ot ettrs who i ikt pait in itn- c irdmen wen iiinunf o phillip mtii ngulat leaehc pi ins were made i r ihe y s mens hirthchs bmquet in march when 7s guests ire epeeled the mevitni wis dnsa wtth jr mip ill fxuedietion and lunch w is served tdlrriedfhe members although he was unable to take an elected position he would be quite will ing tu accept an appointed posi lion if council so desired in conclusion the reining mayor lold council hehad thor oughly enjoyed his term of of flee ind ihc cooperation of coun cil he noted that he would now be in i position lo enjoy more time with friends appoint member c kirkncss was rcappoinled lo the library board for a three year jerm council agreed to accept ihe re commendation of the welfirc committee and don ited the blankets and equipment used in the former town ambulance lo the st juhn amublance brigade this equipment his been on lo in lo the brig ide since council dis continued the town ambulance service the falc of ihc old town am bulancc will be decided al a com m it tee meet inc sometime in the future appeal levy it was agreed to appe il lo ihe onluto municipal board regird ing ihc ac tun levy for ihc credit valley conservation authontv council discuvscd the benefits af lorded bv the lulhontv and those enjoyed by the residents of aeton council agreed lo imend jhi subdivide r s agreement ind to hold the contractor responsible lor replacing all lot markers upon completion uf any new sub j mcge ichie clerk idmmis ttator was appointed well ire ol fieer during enquiries bv members councillor i dubv said several residents h id informed him about the congestion it the cur ner ot mil and mam streets he w is told bv mavor cook that slop h a scheduled to installed in the future continued on pagt two suffers 82 defeat thursday ac ion midgets bowid tut ot the omha pi lydosvns tuesday night when ihey absorbed ihcir sfccondjoss jn as m my gimes to a bigger more powerlul hespeler club hespeler chilkcd up i con vine ing 2 victory over the loc als in liortl ol one ot ihc largest crosvds to sec a minor hoekev game here in vc irs the aeton boys seorcd the first and the list goals hut the visitors showed a better defens ivc club scoringsome of their markers when ihcv were short hinded thev killed nir 12 pen il lies in a lamc which saw 18 handed out by ollicials john lea the rla nd in the acton nets played a si indout came but he hid little eh nice on the shots evhieh eluded him he ollcn blocked three and our close in drives only lo be be lien bv a tilth from directly in from of his cige where little ptoteclion was afforded him hespeler spotted alton i hi first goal hut re idily lied it up and in the closing minutes of he lirst period notched three more from the ticks uf parkes eilon and from making il 4 1 the visitors scored ihc onlv goal oi the second si tna in the m ajj urx ia- two cars involved in rearend crash two ears involved i tnetxollklon on ihphwav2 tot th of acli n thursd iv rccci a total of i7s damage the drivers were murray fflc connell of 61 birton st milton md john johnson of 204 m un st milton const ardson of nurth investigated irly minutes increasing ihi m irgin lo 51 in this period ac ton miffed several chances lo seoic on two occasions missing an open ncl the fin d si ina saw hespeler conltnue lo increase the score despite a rish of penalties they seemed to be iblc lo control the puck as well shorthanded as at full strength and by the 13-rain- ule mark had made it 81 peter marks made it 82 in the last minute of play with a breakaway goal bnan mecnstall scored the first acton marker on a relay from ron malcolm in the lirst period the officials mcduffe ind norton had their work cut out lui them in this encounter which al times threatened lo gel out ol hand with rather rugged chicking tsehan of the visitors received the only major penally a five minute misconduct for us ing his fists on bill dawkins head parkes and wildfong paced the visitors on ihc score sheet with a pair of goals apiece while i wildfong also assisted on two ca ton from el rick and lavcn notched the other hespeler goals the acton clubs last skating i forwards looked tu be having an off night in this crucial game of the scries but ncvcrthclevs wilh anv lock might have had three or four more goals hespeler hodges goal from if mr coy accepts the mayors chair possibly councillor jack greer will be appointed reeve for the balance of the year mr greer has had three years ekpej lencc on council and the last two years was deputy reeve if these two appointments are made the vacancy on council would be offered to a fields a candidate in the last election for council mr fields would then have seven days in which iu in dicate his acceptance or rejection uf the seat ischan dclcnse lavjn me don id baton forwirds walkct elnck pvom pope wildlong barter parkin alts acton lcalhcrland goal daw kins malcolm defense gibbons centre mecnstall mirks wings halton o p p mellon dedcls roszcll jcflerts waicrhouse alts only 200 loot in cash register thieves who stole a cash reg ister from the cedar spring mo tel on highway 7 sunday night escaped wilh only 2 in cash plus a few packages uf cigarettes const dave richardson north halton opp said ihc cash register was recovered but the looi issdjjiuwng weather retort thc weatherman is predicting anywhere from four to six inch es of snow today and tomorrow hu i qurtt conversation which con ett i both mollis i wednesdav niehl ahee linda bi uela e tieipillai philip sai gent queen ol hearts fhiistitu i is re ihc duchess aim bennett di ii mouse bil iv st nu no e ixik hnsihh bhinn while t ibbii ivmli irtv cheshire eil n ild lailc t too man bn m she nd in tweutiuner dauns al nu nd miuh haix david spms ton hatter stephen dubois r hu william vsviin hurst and w hen ope mondav first li cot ivspeintli shinp man btliv look kinc ol ht j n he irts john dowdine kmv ol ltiw thelitis rvvima cochrane mink ltm ninfe tonv utehumi ctsphon im fish tootman t met open house attracts overflow crowds as guests tour new free press building the new plint f pills punting roi m in i that over cotter and fndav evening ts for evervbudv 41k1 pubttshirl cemipitn- ts n- eoktt- mrs rubcrtsoti etipresjri in a tencnil open house alt elcn is it will uu ix ihis seerk id ihe thinks of the group and us ill be sseleomc the entire si m hid ihe pliee nnh jim ind dave dills spoke saturda allernoimi will be all shmng iwrf- tmbcttesttwv tidv bin llv w uppr l t their shtp lk when rditorwf thher the i ol them up from milton h mine vsen v urespondeni thev were mi ballinitid mrv limelumjse svuh h muehintli liscn a hoe k lei ind pen le ihe mond iv esenine cookies and c the- litis wen rcadv tor v and 7s in the seerr ervcel these included car ti einhets i ihe miht n kinsmen s lub and their sists milton con ill is md iheials haltejn mms ih ills and manv milton t ik selas eninc the milton arrived m their kitts l lhl thursd n rtiht alue juih n m doehevs wuh s si hi vind bam o bnen svipillar raxinwl jj y jltl 0 da mucen trf hearix chnsitnc silseftrvek with mr marching- wlovsed bv the mitton rotrv tvduxjsvi e i i jhcbotri ba u misdg robertson ot cw dub immhirs vvednesjav guesls iimitit h arnhh- bills semcnes pitnfe mn w thmpson o were ibe tm ku group of ihe icst m k s chu covirsp a olsl pauls united church zt a nhh lv scrnt dent mv harvrv jcsm of milton sslxtx rfl qucen l s r luin t and rkhanl harm of rock thursdav ahcrnoon j actun sv a v ncr dap vsxl missing were mrs k c puhhe hool children wdl tuor fhi f tnx h m ai m jmi noilkofonon mrs e lowne the plant ligmens alice w ta jcm oekendcn omi mrs grover mae ot eden thursdav cvmine has been set talka to cat father william brian scutt mills iside for aeton ollioa ib emv finam alice musters up en- voung man lvnne maslers king express appreciation turners ough courage to strike up a con of hearts gerald dick knave of after a full tour which tank fndav three busloads full of vtrsalion with the cheshire cat hearts ruth lamb mock turtle longer than anvbods had antici milton public school children arc coquiruig what type of people david lidkea gryphon john paled tbey gathend in the news- expected h wrsc wcck txnn wurk lash correspondent wasjpaptrs and pnnters arc invited reputation later sparked bv plant muntenance supennienelent vitlt mceachem with his nam l brush all the stmff have been tidving and polishing print shops have a reputation lor being messv this tine mav be later but it isn t this week staff guides include dave dills jim dills rov downs don ryder murrav scovnc jim greer hart le coles vtenrv deveau and fflf duval others operating their ma chines are ready to answer quc- ikmiv posted lo serving coffee differ cnt nights art mrv ian sillars and mrv chester fraser of m1i- twi mrs c rvan mrv clarence rognv mrs don rsdcr mrv bflt waicrhouse mrs jtm dills and mrs dave dills mr and mrs g a dills are welcom ing visitors well be seeing you thi oratmion of a newspaper plant was explained to free press w re durinef tou o a tse gow pon w th rofler feem left to right mrs w thompson mrs d g robertson mrs r mcenery mrs a w benlon mrs hjestm mn h marchington and r hams unable- to attend the open house were mrs k c mevtlli mrs g mack and mrs w j lowne following the tour of the newspaper plant the correspondents were served lunch arid presented with gifts

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