Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1960, p. 2

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the acton fk pmt thurtdiy ftbrvary 23 i960 personal notes or aetonlani veiling outoftown polntt end of visitor in acton homes after visiting with hi relatives here mr c g elliot l returned 410 comber on the weekend mr and mrs rov johnston re lumed home nrtcr spending three nnd n half wctks in florida mr and mn warren wood and steven of st catharines spent the weeke with relatives in town mm gordon holmes left on mondav for new york where she will ml her mm who k in poor health spending the weekend with friends here was miss joy mc kay a nurse with the etobicoke public health unit birthdta greetings kodcd to mr d dunk aturda earning uhen over 3p vnends from acton and guclph brought gifts and greetings mr and mrs j v krapek of huntsvillc were usitors over the weekend with their son johnnie and family at- the home of mr and mrs f anderson mr and mrs joe anderson of hale michigan and mrs mur raj havward of nassagawcya were visitors sunday with mr and mrs f anderson and family council accept resignation express regret continued from page one committee of the whole when council mcl as a com mittec of the whole monday evening all committee reports and recommendations were heard before f the re mn r m maidonnld who tin spent the lai tew weeks with her son in grmic point mkhlg n returned home on siimlni her son mr m l macdonnki accompanied her home members of the united ihnnh senior choir cnjol n skmiiin narty saturday evtnlng at thi bothwcll s rink from there ihii went to the home of mr and mis robert hirt for ginus ami lunch those attending the soth wed dins anniversary of mr and mrs fred williamson of strtmsulk on saturday were the bride s brother mr w j mcdonald mrs mcdonald and master got don of rr 2 mr and mrs george young and miss manlvn and mr and mrs fred anderson of acton both nephews of mi williamson nearly 300 enjoyed the high school at home friday among those attending from outof town were miss mary baker r r- 1 georgetown miss audrey jam es limehousc eugene turner limehouse mr and mrs oscar dnjber rockwood miss manlvn woodleylfer 1 milton george robinson rr 2 rockwood chico gerries toronto paul des roches hamilton mr and mrs ted cargo rockwood and miss frances hurst richmond hill letter to the editor music festival dates all set dr leslie bell may adjudicate for mveral scan now mid in hoiwnil tlml li lull uvil r blame steelworkers for company profit february 17 i960 sir f e groh a contractor cites the totil difference in the labor cost at s2 an hour is against si an hour on a lhioixiail ob as being ji09 67 my question is does thai mcrcasc the price of his knflxr hy i109n7 nr rlfflo thr this iwiprtt 10 will be no ilfflvn ent spitnt ih ihmi givikd in hi volus nl htimlivds of jilul ix from mini nnd in him sihmilo in malum who uiithti mucittii in jimuinl ioinhllllnn toi tlmutl sliiltiiih nnd mwiuk at a iwtni inecliiitf of i in hal ton musii limhttt iimnnilln iitmptistd of siumii inspnioih mink it in in i s it ml ivnivs ntii tit ol publk spiillnl oiuihiwi tions mini vliil hi llu pioniolltm ol musk mil ltlui itfini iniilu llu fhnitmnnshfp ul mis wi wll plans wmx nmdi 1m tin iim1 ltmi 1 arrange program sihools win ilitukd into i in following pump and pniittnms niimgiit toi llu daks ghon in ik il issilk illnn ol nit ii hools r ill those it hrookulk i si 111 m 11 i hid nlsslglvmvi pixlimm in iltninnlions will in hthl aput s with mils it llu roihii link siliix ail in on ann 8 noi h h ill cm in bin pithtnin a elimin ilions will he ik kl on aptil 6 with funis on apnl 8 south h ifon in bm run tfi div ion pielimtnni- ind fin ik will be held april 4 south division smnllei sehotils on apnl s west division tit jiii sehook on apnl 6 nnd enst division on apnl 7 the fiml loneiil will be on fridnv evening apnl adjudicator named hoiwhil tlml lb lull uvil riminin will mljiiilluile the riniili tint in imxuil nl llu i niu ut mi ami it ho iii rtnllmlmiiv mid una iniiiili ol i in lisihul ns will ih tilt vihkill mi npiii fi llu tilth ik hit ttillilnn will in wiiiklnu haul to imilntnlii llu 1 1 lull il n ul j il ihoil ringing wlihli im into vl in putlous vphis i in loinmliui linpii ilm dv ntldi il ii li ii si anil iihipi mil hi ii mi mii ills an i iii pilllll glllllllllv i oni vill piovi an is pll ilk sinimnl si iiiiii owtuary j m denyes was school inspector i dr charles wilson ol guelph teimen nnd mr smale ol brampton hive milton i greed lo litiudx iti the prelim tnnry eliminations in n issne weva and esquismg respeilnel ind dr bendei of kilehenei the fimls in these aiens the ksiivnl eommillee is er j m lknvis n jiublk s tiool nspiilni tun fin in inv vims pissul aw iv il tin omiu ill ihilli hospital in 1uinnj on iiilsdiv evening mi dvnvis ovit i puiol if 2 vi us left in minhk muni ol hiiiu whin llu insl mu sliiudi in 101 vi ns wis opinio in milton in i9ss il wis nmutl the j m dinvis sell ul in lion n ol his lontiihulion lo ului hum ind the innmiunhv he wns inspiilot tf dillon pubhi schools i mm 1911 lo 1918 luneiil sn ln will be tie lei it the ti nil tunei ll home toionto i i nil i moiiimt i ol low nl h in it r l eeiiulet ppioxilll hel 12 t dinner dance highlight junior farmers meeting lolhffln dttf to luiiti rrlilnv vimliifl a tun jun lonicd the past preufdent lot iniiiliiu mill jiml il 1 nrm i is iiiiiiiiiii linngi il n n iliimi iniiviul ji het u it in llu iii llltflmllllg ii will 1 sit iv ivriilnn nl ii kvllk hull rii l lli imihliig ikioiniii ihr iill in liniloi tntiiu t in mi a llu tin 1hl wim tin mini tin i llnu mill iii llll 111 iilnl hill iin 1 unit d inn new orrirtra niwoiiihm mi m it i it lllfllot lllstllllli pnukiil fov miivwuiil vlu piiildi nl ii il mull nl miiiiiiiv siiin 11 mu ik mlii mm ltlll ion i ii hliihon mill kiiiluilm null kh limloi 1 nnn i pk villi lit huh mmslnll un mill ml ian nniikh iu illtv in iminr john mi 1 mn in il jink idgiison mill m iii ill llll 1 siii dv ihiiliiiun mil rfii hihln regular meet miiiw mim walon mkirhllehon pron- pin to ml will mm and jack miiiihull piihtnttd oik to aiurvln hunltr nndv iliillmnitrt kd ii nlngmtng with mr lliivwiinl til tin plumi loi jhi liitiu wlikh followed uirk on lie ir pluycd ami r i diivklnon wii moor munugcr united aaissionacy society makes 38 friendship calls i lend tti hie imcnii mlldii i wilsi n is loisltnisl ie mil miiini iliinki mlioil ueitl llu in id llllll svi il biouglil giiiling i nigl is j uk son issisl mi igiriiltui il iipu nit itiu in m ihi on l irl oi putminl ol agiiinlluii mrs velnn noll is horn ii illnn woin in s insdluti m it spi iwl limn hnllon lulu il ion ol agm nllure mil s iiulv bnell in in liom ii il ion j on li n piinieis ill hiklion llu winilet of litis vi il s mler numbei lompililion wis piisenleil willi i liophv b st valentine topic of talk mrs w d f smilh w is guest spi iktr i the meiling of ihi tinndlv cnek on wednesdav febtn u v 17 in ail in united chureh mis smith look for her topie s v 30 attend instruction period before scottish club dance the laht aelon scottish dnme club regutnr dance wns very well nt tended the instruction period is proving most sueeess jul nnd 30 people avmkd mem selves of the opportunity ol learning the sleps ind were sur pnsed il how e isilv they eoujd be knrned in the nbsence of the regular insliuiioi jjek megeaehil jim donnellv took over nnd tniiltit the gnv gnrilontt and wnttt counin dnnee new dance ine hided in ihe piogrnm nm int llie nsuil seolftsh dinees were the st bernard s will the cinidun bun d inee puil jon is polkn sthottisehe bunnv hop the pnl us glide inlroduecd loi the i it st lime pioveit verv popul ir mr nnd mis izalt woiked on the glnsow hithljnders lur i short lime with those wishing lo progress with ihe more ambit ous eounlrj daneinl bob fovers was mc and jim donnellv doorm in helping mis foveis wilh relrtshments weie mis m memillnn mrs j don nellv nnd mrs t s new ion ll was announetd that lukels were now jvaihbk for ihe apnl ilanee modern square nnd seot msh to be held in the legion ludilonuni llnic again for the wivr to niov lhcmlvcn and the exeeul i vi hiih planned a v iul night l imorrow frtdnv a foil iealc pt idium hni bitn planned ho gel imhbv to pomoh hln shxi md in ike his wwy lo ihe legion md hoiiom ihe dot league ii interlng the hdfwiy mark and the pi lyers uie slrtving to keep ihur inmn ne ir ibe top of the heap i ndav night euchre his divel opeil into a large scale prognm md bunk is still h mding out big steaks lo ihe winiurs the unlki thiirih mksionarv tluuik vou littir fiom rev w a sotkiy mi i at ihe honli ol mrs lllunnisett i llifkui lhniiuv v whh 2 prrwill thi pimuknt mrn h h ion i ofmfinl the wilh priiyi i nod i liynii it was announced thnt the world dav of prayer would be ftheld in the christian reformed chureh march 4 the offering was tin iriiimili n ol tin jarnury ben neetved in- tlfiu w ii i lopti d tin ippio i por i i glvio hy ih um irtmirti mi s mr mim i slmrnoti rruii iwo inhriiilfia irikl iliynstilp froleci utpmh mm f fr ivr im i mm muni i frk ndthlp n ported itwrc hi bun ib ills mad by ilw mrn bir mrs a shwrnikcr g iv t nport on j piriy gin n t mr k i johnskm mu m m linprlr rrpftlr j th il a bik had hern nl t ihr frcd victor mism in arid rrad rh devotional period mm it johnston took charge if the devotional wilh a hymn md prtytr mr j ruhtop read iw wry lfll vr y g johnmon thrutln ml h r forcc tlad hl the l heme being the ijrfil prayer lb rody tciok im afnca di- i obd wji gien bv mn h r f t i the hapler ijtfed on a htiiffr ami hvomh rfrml titmc ftr4iiv m m- brraih ia grwl ina and ur iatmum fovif hi rtirrtmft wmh prater ir j vt r and vttial i tn nd rnitd yr jtl operellaxasl- continued from pagt one divid becrman axel nieseeri divtd hargrave james biunn r my huppcr andsvdney pasma playihg ihe part of dwarfs were patneia chisholm susan winter manfred 7undell sandra hwin sally diek linda ralsion brenda aherne kathv cox sein dwycr neil mtkcllar c r iv couture and anne mcmillan lovell bros modern meat market dont fix that old washer trade it for an inglis canada a finti wr ngr wmr ingus citation with trida 1270 jucustimjmth trad 104 50 both hv pmnpf m wot lor meeting on tuesday on monday night councillors were informed thnt the land deal for purchase or the a braida property on mam street south near the wnter tower had been completed and the town was now in possession of clear lilk to the property councillor g v barbtau chair man of the finance committee said it appeared the town would wind up the 1959 year with a slight deficit reeve j h goy reporting for the sewer imd water commtilec told council ll i representatives from the international water supply had visited acton and re viewed the three pumping sta uoni the representatives had sug gested that the town could get by with purchasing less equip ment than nntteipnled to install a standby engine at the churcriir road water supply well he said the reive also stated that the main street well was overstocked with equipment for the amount of water pumped hourly ll was recommended that the standby cnunc at the main street well be moved to thi churchill road site ht reported that the main street well only pumped 60 gal ions of water per minuti while thi churchill road well pumped nearly 300 gallons no answer yet councillor w g mcleod re porting for thi building com mittci informul the council his eommittei hu a mecuufi with represent itives of a proposed arena commission regarding turn mg tlie inna ovir to ihi commis- 1 sion i mi mcleod report td that the representatives hnd been told no definite answer could be given as a meeting with ihi pnrkv board regirding the future ol the nnnn hud been request safety requests during the report ol the fire and police committee it was d1011 out jhat a letter hod been steel co of cannda grnntcd ihei employees a raise thnt would propei ly have entitled them to raise the puce of slecl s3 so n ton but they raised the price of steel si2 a ton and who gets the blame the steelworkers of course studies conducted by many enlightened cmplovcrs show that production increases when a coffee break is mliodue ed three per cent the cost of labor is a factor in reckoning any cost depending on tjbcjaiio involved in the manu facturc or cigarettes three per cent of the selling price goes to labor in the manufacture of shoes as much as 28 per cent the cost of productive labor on a car in 1957 was 75 the ear sold lor 2 600 in the usa if f e groh would tell us what percentage of his total contract price hepaid to hbor the picture would be less cloud ed affects customers we must mlie too that the workers are potentnl cuslomcrs and if thev arc pud ntnrded wages their abihtv to be cus tomers is also retarded the ul timate iwull of this tnnd can onlv be a repetition of the dirts thirties when vvorkus and eon tractors both suffered i jnek hmrv r r 3 oikvilk cd so mueh be leeolniid hi h id lovelv llowirs he alw ivs took lo ihe sick and shtiltns she brought into hei talk the iceiets thai he had nnd how mnnv of us loo have regrets nnd how we enn irv to live in such n w iv is lo hnve few lhins to be sotiv li r i ne lor lodny and don t look biek she said mrs men in ncsill ihnnked mrs smith for her talk inspiring message mis a on verv iblv conduct id the worship simei the roup is ilwavs nper to heir mis oi r as she blinds to ihe mulinl n message lo like h ime al this meeting mrs on spoke on elijah nd ehshi at the dialh oi eliinh ehsha took upon himself eliihs miniil lo e im on ihe woik of his dear ininil ind li uhet tin mulinl opened wilh ihe i oid pi iv 1 1 miss ji in mil i in was al thi pi mo for the hvmns thi gr nip muled an tnvita lion to ntlend the presbvkriin church on sund iv inning mireh 6 is guesls of ihe dnueh lers ol knov j thi minibus hi nilhl more gills foi llu 1 ivelte lllev ill is sim hi i up nnd toll e ill w is d iv ol bmh pi ins were iliiussul for i finn si isons in luni h w is si i vi d hv the gr up where quality is higher than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 white tti call f today in andsfl hltja ind il h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph phona taykv 271s0 harvey laverty heating sales and service repairs to au makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n phojjie ul 69934 rockwood 24 hour sorvica iee our vooepn tc our prices are low on tv aerials tv repairs and tv towers six makes of tv s lo choose from special this week on tv 21900 29900 pffiilps 21 model tioa unh uur i ti fleetwood mooel 21 132 2 speakers i ilh uur 21 iruk linuil oil mart 101 r tl cfntri thi storr is thf ci sire or altos wig0 tv appliances ivcelved from the home and school association making cer tin requests for safetv mea sure ni the m z bennett and high school nrea as well as other spots in town where children had lo walk to and from school councillor les dubv pointed out his children and other from the chwchill road n a had to walk down churchill road to rvel street and down peel to acton boulevard to school he committee accounts were pre sented bv the ehairman before being approved for payment dur mg the regular meeting tuesdav aid no m had beei of providing sidewalk in thn area bv the hume and sehool association mr duby criticised the school board for closing off a spot in he fence at the rear of the high school wherr th children from his area took a short cut to school asked wh this had been done mr ifcibv could onlv imagine it was to save mud from befog tracheal into the school ow c suggested per- l to save the janitors i tap the mud this jesm 1 out the pupils were thhr shoes off and in school in nt a mess on the p runve suggested m he cirs driven bv mrs m inon inghs of campbcllvilk and miss geo dcsender of ca ttttffeaeh reeeived tt2u0 dam ago in it headon collision on thi campbellville sidennd west ot thi villjgt wcdnesihv ot hst vveck letter bv the rkme nn sihool assoention vveix perhips t ob lor the ehoojboards toloik pollock and campbell mimtfactuitni of hig grade memo memorial engraving 2 water st nonh oalt tbuopatowg utt grants radiator shop specialists m au nm or umatm soviet rapain lacoring wuats ttacton cak cm pkateb quick efficient service lamis am cum ssi omm st t atmi onl do you own property fronting on a highway perhaps yoo would like to know what kind of income could be yours operating a service station that you hav both on your own property expert adv ce can be yours free plans tanks pumps and s gn pole are suppl ed by the sun o 1 co w th eng neer ng adv ce and layout a free serv ce station operators course s included whic ndudes bookkeep ng and salesmansh p and what is more expert direction and guidance are yours by the company representative when you are in business if you are nterested and would i tejo have your property analysed as a prospect ve sunoco serv ce slat on local on write or call 10day for an appo nrment ft t maltck sumoltco tn and vktooa sts hamilton photta namihon ja 7 2901 or burlington nt 404 j 1 after 7 00 pm final winter clearance msnssuburban coatst all wuul oinlail 1 mill rit j1911 tlfruft ladie5 bengaline 5ki iuioo sin nh mil lull skills siis 12 18 irts- iii uk mil 395 mens dress shirts rit i ms tl ot ladies corduroy slim jims l7 biillim mm siis 12 iu ulirs ri i tin qus mil bluk 349 mens quilted car coats rulilxnid rit lo s to oh ladies nylon slips mtt t ui mil nltktt mm sias 12 c tussvlw fj pink bliu tiiniii is nlshil spu ia1 w mens plaid shirts ru i m sadies nylons lill slnilfs m im lis 4swr ooc pr siis 8 ii si kiai boys lined denim jeans 179 girls 3 pce snow suits a t sim nh lur mm mil hniil ill i h1 sisll u lift to 298 411 girls 3 pce coat sets mens suits a itmlis spiiiil prut dnl 2500 s r pi m i off all boys duffle coahk20 off girls lined jeans 169 199 ladies new style winter coats all tinlls tidutisd rip j6991 sale pni also reg 4 95 sale ptrce 14 ladi ail wool skirts cilirsbssun r id blut cirfn ind blask from childrens training pants 6 y qq 499 pr flette blankets 0 ntd quilnv stntt with lolnuivd lrtjcr3 from 395 pillow cases good lor lvda uiar larjtv special 77cfr lightman s dept store

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