Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1960, p. 3

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sua photo a wide variety of customes was displayed during the m z bennett school operetta alice in wonderland last night wednesday when the pupils played before a packed auditorium at tho robert little school pictured above in the frpnt row are left bob radford as a cat and right ronnie johnstone as a lion back row left to riglit are john beerman as a irog footman jimmy ware as a march hare and john dunn as a fish footman rockwood retires from st john brigade w mulholland feted recently i tmily of antitstcr win weik end vimiuis in ftixkwixid mrs nellie imtcoxe resident 507ers mis nciir m cum i icuunl dl autin tin so vi irs pistil m iv in south pul milium il hospital on uni 12 mis ctxl uhdlnd biui ill im ihtmi i nk hid bttn liin i tks villi iin i lit pisl ivvii m us wnli iki daughlu mis jlamlil skil hut she wis the widow nt iln i ik di h a cuxl wlnjp ivnl iw i in w she is suimd bv torn ditiijiius mis w t tlmkni tklml mis lino mno hi 11 ind mis otlis dmkin- vti it ill nl antn ind mis sktllmt dno til cooks ullc iwi bioihus wlsii binkkv sli klotd student posted to health unit ni a former resident or rock wood willi im mulholluul wns the ncinl ruipunl ot i uimbm athin uih liiv and lighter on ihi onnsion ol ins iiiiiiiil hum ilu s john amht orgmi in fergus a ihli numbci ol class munlms initvid iwuds ut iiil uji elusion ol ihl luursi rtinernl service fuinnl il tin liic cioii lounutd luhmm who pissiil avvtv in cmlph gum il llospti il hisl wltknul look pi iii llis day with simn in rut k wood united thuuh ki cab moore ollmikd willi john siitui awsliui iiiili mini was in hikkwood tuiuluv surviving tui his vvik ihc formw mitmti waison i clinch kr dons imlsisius mis rohm wilson irul mis i wells aid lvu hi minis winui uhi km iiulh ol loiksvdk mi liihiuai was tlr sun in i iw ol iln i ik corl wilson i loiinu tlsidiui of roikwood pillhi iris wiu i rink chatks i mils m wilnnr dmd w ilui pmdu i ioiihs itul riioji atkiiisuil buck from i lor id h ru ii ii mokml umipiid his pulpil d si johns cliimh suiuu lollowiii his mult hoi id ly in i lot id i hi lompim with mn siokuj papers opt n house fine u hhct puv iikd lui open homm mnndi ilkinoon at tin at km int 1ixss up lo duk pi mi uhui tin uspiiink ills wei pusuii k toiii itu punt and set tin npu nun ol ilu piinlint piikiss i in inuiivpi in i thiiiis imiil j stl ohsuud tin bi puss l m iln wwkh f i luiiuiihik nl c r ni sih ioi hu iniiispiiukiits nigh ochoorrarret tin pulv wi divnkil in lumps ii ii i lo hu i ki im ins wu meeting highlight mtvtl uut i hrtlf skml hill a piul ihstllsslttn iln pupil tiitoud ii w is pk imiu 1 hid his v iuu lntblnhkd hums nuil mi iui mis a dilk t lv v 1ik m sbil mkumil duitiil hit in iiiii n k hut lmk svh kji imiu r slullkl pushful illhll i tin cummtiiiil wis li kid p nindt inloi w s r r 1 r h- r lurunlu mil chv will bt pit wllltllll idwoiid wh il i in lin is burnt ioi ptals lo pipe band mothers auxiliary euchre penny sale on saturday the names of many winners georgetown gis ouchtr mrs wen announced at the pipe band molhtrs auxiliuiy euihre and penny salt saturday at st alban s parish hall lueky ehun mrs evans luikv clooi mis ruddiek luckv te i cdp jauk dennis l lilies hist piie mis r l i iviilsoit seeond piil svlvi i wilhimsiin luhsoi ition m le i on n i mi mens hrsl prize cam sin tint seeond pi ize s joe eon solalmn lam a spenee pnny sale groeeiies fthel ii ititiil tup and sautci miss c mooi e gai buge e in georgt gould russ m ie marlh i tui kos lioeolatts jaik white smith guelph tote bug rosemary look bowls mr an drews rotkwood ehoeolules h melloi glassis hinry ktlly meiihsoeks john cuighion gioeciles aiken t ivlor low il and fan liomi ldilh thonip- son nkii s fclovvs cv r uniev mat mis f dl hi e uiniskr su rhona mvcaeluni kmel set mis w hulay pillow lasts ve la maddotks uill i tbleelolh mrs john rik s il id su donn i shojtill iwkie jai willy hank urn tigamks ailetii tayloi flit ttuek man osbounie i u wilma chapman nittei doll bliiv cook 1 uvkv eakl diaw wis won bv r l davidson mx uv i- tis a x isa approve accounts at council meeting town accounts united- gas ltd t 63 m ser tiuek cushion lid 12 so mrs w d e smith inducted as president of ys menettes a most nnpiisivi induilioii stnui wis loiidiiuvd il the ys mviidles metlin h the iiohil of mis w mikini mondiv cumm the i960 iveulivl is pusid vnt mis w d b smith seucl irv mrs c misiks lie isurei mis g iuneheon thty win hi dm led by pist piesideiit mis c rofcnv ildson mis e i iclke i mis g w mekenie and mrs m nulis the ikw toup 111 lbili i mil 1 vs ind made liittr pledge to do t ii 1 1 bvsl low irds y sdoin foi the eomiiil yi il al this iikijiiil i new iikhiiki s sn also iniluvkd bv iln sunt fcioup mis d bolliwtll wis in thugt nl dtvolions she t liked on bio 1 lie i hood and u id i trimly snip lint mis mektnie pi itd ioi the inmns a tlkiy ol ikl stupshois wis on displiv ind mis w dubois guessed iht nuisl toiltillv mis bolbwtll won tht lutkv di iw plans wiit disiussid foi i ti mil sale ol ilnldiens lovs hid bixas ind dso i iuminie silt liiiuh was snvtil bv hit host vss mis smith thnktd her lor the pk isint eveillill and the list ol hei llonit wi marathon euchre in hall saturday wa meets tuesday ilu limsb ins ind llun 1 i fiilus willi lilt hiallh llnil titin tkp liimuit mi ind ml antlv rts hililun 1 wnhnt moi mb till 1 imiris pl1lll kind emsis w m iniludt i mi nkk ci id ind and im hvil hll tmild m- lehid isibtllt ml of uilpb mi w ii mil w in mt ind mis rv mil w in ind diiilh liis visittd on sunday with i iiml mis m and i imilv vc c kdon rctcnl uesls riunt kiu is willi mis i ii ks iii iikluikd mi ind mi lislu v 1 1 son mis w niiill- oilon m rid mis i ik i w son llillshiiitli mi md mis al wnki tiisiu m ind ms it ind mi ll ii ihilthm ind iiiik lit ilnldiui born in i lumboro lnithki ol tht lik c mil minnih binkkv sbt noin in wtsl ihmiboiu ship in 1881 ind w is man nlsslfclwiv 1 hi iw8 slit vv is a membu o piesbvttu in thinth md kw a it mtkttwa ollunttil it itu i line 1 d snviti u iln ruin k shotnl iktl llliiti il home on itbium is lnltrnitiil tollowtil in i niview eemelev pdlhe litis wen si 11 itulsmis hill skilliii in diwkins hi iv i iwsm piul liwsn jatk pink and bill spit mint inh in j i mills kw ill ind on lilt ol tin bit wtit pi iv it i ime1i use mtmoiial hill inuttki in lht stilts ol wl r ilhons on slluidiv evenint iileis weie mis s robin and world prayer service planned ten i idles itpitseiililli sin i itesl nt tlenomil ilioiis in ai ion iiki leetiilly il ihe home ot mis j biuniin chuith sluel lo in iiile the del ills lot lht eonimt win id dy ol pi ivei i nd iv maieb 4 il 2 11 pin in ihe christian refoinuil ehurclr this ve ii ihe serviet foi ill women ilu woild over has been eompiltil b lht chiisiiin inki cliintli conkil ol cnnidi md h is is us ihtiui i iboitis to- ltlliti with ciod this spt iker liu lllis woi id binding seiviee is rev j nulmi ha bd sptt ill niusie will he supplied hv ms lurdun row en ind i idles ii mi ihe cbnsti in reloimed ehtiitli combined olluiilts liom the woi id djv ol pi ivtl stiviees t to spu id he losjfolm d itasl 12 dilluenl eiuintiies ot the world is well is work ihioiil the new canadians in oui homeland t k bi llee1 111 vau rmrttstsw ir iim le mil v ill i htlll svhhi i 1 hs rud old lloiiu r il uul luutnli jeiaieeu i 111 linv km y id liiiitiui hnuv attn lu iin ii nllkiui lid dm i hs 1 sludet il i ell pii i mild ii i h hi it i i d i h t inh nt cnrnnrtprn ihlph ullet iriiin ijn1 hi ullllel pisletil 1 tttolle tth w illd div ind wolte ehllett the ilkxlm id sin i halton county hog producers association marketing board hog producers cooperative annual meeting friday february 26 at 1 pm in the agricultural hall fair grounds muton guest skakhmr alvln kiitteul provincial toartl mantbar special f im the better way will be shown h armstdong president a r service secretary mommy mommy mohmyi o tluu a ehlld sir deaa bat t first advertised in ufe hard-of- hearing get this free offer locally at e l buchner mother did hoar her crvirg ch she waa hstenlr but she was hard of hearing and did not yet know b the benefits of an acousticon the new tiny hearing acoust1c0n ofiers a free booklet excerpts from a new book bv a vohd famous physician which includes vital inforrmtion for the hardof hearing drop by for yours or write for a free copy ac h aid ct tf fm piymrih mmnpa all makes tp red fresh bittenes on hand try a 1960 acoustjcoa todaj private confidential tesfc tomi inmimsi ii k hini i mm im hi akis km t mpuuk uilh ul n h n i uul ul i unveil ii m i inn p u inl alol s1kon jn help mhi willi vnur i unik and likiieh e l buchner ro optometrist and hearing aids 45 mill st e hearing unum acton ont eyes examined hearing tested wednesdays only olliet houiv 2 t j p p ill emmnjjb bv appointment telephone 115 ii no n mi phiih nerlon otfiet collett sheruood 2m7 j w me dun ild md j roijjilo mil lime hinds prle in mis mi mlllei seedlltls nine u mis riu i tiil eiiinmillee seied luneh alleiards wa meelhk the wa met il ihe huille nl mis a w notion on rrldtv complicated machines yum loiusponiknl iiiomtl i tuui ul he new home ol ihe ae ion i lee 1iess on mouthy illii nihin it w is most cnlithlemni to see ihe eomphe ilcd miliums in opetiition pinlme t neuspipir md iuu lokhnl u u ulv ioi iln ill ul ii vori eoiilil i mil il possihk lo illend open house on i rid iy evenine i un sute ou uoiild be imptesstd as she was cnr pelly eash ac ion hydro conim bell lekphone cnr svmrm hdwe r thompson put is nelhs consliiietlon rtiompson mutois ridley call ifee pmuse motors lolh molois gi mt s mutois h owe mikifcc m nor cook mile ige j d i adoueeul miluite c i insl sewage sail can industiies lid j b mnekenie hei cm tiil aelihi wood 441 17 20 928 is 89 11 844 82 14 46 208 02 2h0 00 iw 70 228 60 s9 00 tho acton fioe press thursday fehrunry 25 1960 qbituaby leonard tubman dies at 44 funeral in rockwoocl tuesday home r r allei leslini il h 2 guelph lune i ul he iii lebitniv lf ritim roekimind uinleel hmeh tor lion ml tub in in husband ot mil tun wilson hi died miiltknk in giitlphgin it il hospital on siluiday pebru arv n ie si r u e u is eonilueted bv s 76 the re gab mikul ol roik 17461 luood unileil cliiudi isstsud b ihjojaek bnleh ol fcdtii mills piesbv bi i lid inl witiei supply gell tue sei ten pio disl aelon welding cnmn atloinev ii illun opp i akelev greenhouses hilton re olhee bun seiv hoiisi numb h g b iijftw co addiessoii iph mill 1 1 a bl uda lot puteh tse 1 squesmg i wp leliel depl ol health insulin j b i edger lllilse rum shoemaker home g lawieme pu it ienl roy il city amb h a wilson eii il li lines manning ileelne ilu lmk sehult i ishel seieillille 20 00 100 isoo 86 82 212s 10 8 99 6860 14s0 9 ik 194 62 1100 29 so 8180 1816 81 1000 1h 10 00 19 80 9s14 44 6s is 90 7 si 2000 i so 00 12 00 178 00 mm 68 is j2 10 22 so chmdi jiik the pallbeoeis loibes jiek bliek willi pi dei ihimis alkinson chnl l unison md wilmer liidsoi intiiinint ve is in rutkwoi tunelei plan projects s during meeting 1 he biiinnekhiirti wonieii s in sttlule held then nuinlhh rneel ini al biinnoekbuin seluiol un ihursdiy evening riien memhers mseeil ilu oil e ill m i hid i 1 ire department united- gis lid bell telephone alton hvdto omtn s ijety supply to assue i lie cluels ii dtoil i lie pieenliiii 1p9 28 80 1148 2196 isoo shoo wihi else n lur ittki m be de ill nil pi his 1iu i i lult unil in in suviei pi ins wen mt b iikjiiel nil mei hems of businis h a donitioi ol lo ihe musie i iliseussid ioi i gioifelown llospil il be ilu s mi ii m ol mis iiisoil eteiliotl ell a coles md mi turned in pi in ioi ihe eteiliotl il olheeis in apt il mrs s mniiisin then fcte iw ii liluils kisoltilious mil m 1 1 dp nil o h is gone nt went limeh eoueluded llle e uiinij pf depfndable refrigeration and i airconditioning v maintenance refrigeration services phone 924 acton ird rulni in w is born finn de ontano 44 veiirs ayo he uteiieel his eilueallon in ae ion whele he iwiikeil ioi sev 11 il m us ixlote momiie to ihe lilin mills diminl he wis in employee of ihe guelph sunt mil gi ml he wis i niembet ol ihe roekwood united cbiieh b sides iffs wife hi is suimiid in lus il 10111k i di us mil h his nieee tloise wilson hi w is rhi mm ol j 11111s mil i un 1 tuhm in bioihu ol wiiuri ol tooksille kmmih mis r wils 11 helen 11 i mis wills leinor both of peleiboroiilil shortill sheet metal plumbing heating gar wood furnaces eavestroughing 184 churchill road phone 464 raspberry jelly rolls regular 35c featured always fresh available al ledgers dollar mrs 2nd big week while they last i ah food feature effective until feb 27th orange juice 40 v nn 31 save 16c fancy 15 oz tins f i mhtm fk07i n 6 oz tin juice krafl aamirted cheese slices aylmcr fancy save 16c tomato juice 6- iga apple sauce 811 5 creast style corn 71 pko kleenex 611 s oz pkgs jave 17c 3l 20 oz tins 8l pkos almcr buslun brown stive 16c beans with pork 15 tins 7- save 16c beef or irish york b s i ot tins 4 sulco lancv while save lie tuna fish 7 cm tin 3l tomato or vegetable save 13c 10 oz tins aylmer soup 9 1 choculate pineapple ur hhilc save he 17 01 pv pjllsbury cake mix 3l while swan save 6c toilet tissue 8 1 wc reserve the right to limit quanllllcs lean mild cured peameal cottage roll 3fr mrn or well done prime rib roast tahl ritb rtu oh bltb brand 69c ib a hrty energy food canada no 1 p li potatoes 21 u s no 1 solid heads crisp fresh lettuce 2for25c iga presents monday thru friday televisions famous kindergarten romper room it fun for in htddtvt check your local nowapaper for time and channel on daily monday thru friday-

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