Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1960, p. 4

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th acton rw pnm thuriday fbrory 88 1960 minor sports dixie winsover woodbridge as brampton and weston tie brampton and weston tennis in int acton legion minor spoits kagui played to a 1 lit during tht first game of the playoffs on monday evening in acton arena l gordon was thi goalgtlltr for the brampton itnn and d colder notched the lying sioix for iht wtslon crew both teams wui mlv mauli ed and iht suits should pruu in in it n si ing ont for iht ftu pat cms who nth ml ih- pnmts ont puvtlh tor tripping wis hinded out to e owms of tht wesion ttnm diitmg tin houi lilt dixie 4 woodbridge t in llu second gnmc of tin junior b suns dixit downed the woodbrulgt- ttutn 4 i cook and j mason snniktd tht winners on to vktorv ray hlbbeit opuuil the stor tng for ihi woodbridge tinni when hi seoitd unusslsltd hut the margin kad was loo shghl when b cook on a pass worn a mcktnic teed the tilk and cook ixncnkil the tikk again on n pish from mason mason pul 4iis team mint up when on two octasums hi sun id unassistid to end tin suiting and m ike tht aiunt 4 i tht suits in this lcagui will hi i butk loi miton d ilit wa through and ixion tin wniiiti is announnd sonu intiusting gimis will hi pin id acton loses 75 in hespeler when 13 penalties handed out avttm nudgit 1nkki nam wvni down todtfiit u llu hinds silurdn nijju in htsptki whui tin h mu i lub oiitsttiivit tin lo- i ils 7 s pi ui miiu opined ihc si or ing up it ihi ught nunuti mirk ot ihi tirsl pcnod whm he drop pod i pass inm bnin meciisiill behind the hespiki r foi the mim tvuniit 3irk witdhmg heftx defense- imn toi ihi honu bnws coasttxl thmiijh thi avion difuist tin assisu a wj hanged i hard shot inui ihc a inn net it the 12 nun utc muk in tii ihc svun up luin ind tirks fallow ed in nxiissimi tor hespiler with i poal ri h io end thi scoring uui fui pen id with hispclir ft ulnij vl ulllk th ixnod wux handh ut lo ron m 11m loi a ion and rtm tsihaiw foi his jvli i th for high sti kuij pu rough the second pen xl opt hlhi up with maiks ind melktn lianunj up and marks bulged thi iwim 1 v his reond court ur at thi 7 10 mark and the iwx nptaied ihi teal afain with marks scoring il lhr lofl nolch m ihi time tloik wuh score tied at his pekr put on ihi potr plav and loivns scored unassisted and butler noli bed two countirs be fore the end of the arcond period doug from of hespeler re- weii two penalties in the sciond ncnod the firsl lor holding ind roughing with two mjnulis tor oath and ihc second for elbow ing a ion plicrs rceeked 4vc penal iks in tin second ncnod wuh ciwk ns r simg in thi sin bin t ii ilbowim marks sming x zs r-is-r- era playoffs to start in junior league u maskrs prisidmi of the acton lilim minoi snoris ihis wcik innounud ihi standings in thi juni r a h k ki k igiu thi following is thi si intling p l t pis mailboros s s 0 0 10 guilpil s l l himihon s i i si c ilhaiines s 4 0 2 thi plairfs begin lomiinw cvuiwl i ml i w nh tin i fom minutes foi lighting mil ion foi holding ron makolm t isuinduil and muks loi elbowing ti mpei s ui re i aging high ph was rough in his nuiod unl 1hh1 ilniks will plmlitul spu i itoin hum imlh towns disip proud ol tin iifuits duisimlo loss ron mikolm mil if tin g inn tin ntiiei 1 1 umed tin alton phver nnde i tin u him b stnkui out his tongiu ind hi iton pliu ihitmd onl i gu miii u i nil m idi on his turn ui in third period ptii muks spotud his tourlh hil ol i in iviiiuif wlnn in u mod a piss titim mecnsi ill in tn in ol tin ml mil ivjiiid luhlxr mi i the twinex oiuittd iii hemlkr and mi leafs win 51 in nhl game toronto mnple loafs ijtfmtcd thi muntreal caniidiens in the nhl it ague of the atlou leg urn minoi snorlh hoektv group on monday night when they elashid for iht flint garni or ihe plnyolls mondavs store was rantu diifflcld itndmikensrli etnh liillkd onie for the winneih whik johnson bulged he twine tviki for i in five goul win spmstoii was thi lone sunn loi ihe lositnjr learn foui penalties wire dished out to the canadiens while toiunto plaed shorlhandtd loi only n iwo mi mi k penult v although tin store dots not indjeale il both teams nit teas on ihly tsill mill hid and htlon in suits is uimpktid mum up lis 111iiv hi in sloti elm k tustill stoitxl aitons imil goil ixfoii ihc third period ended iv dels of alton ruiimd i pui dt m ihis fiimi toi hold nifc w ink fiom p n ki r and ts hw enh ioiktl ill lor his ntki brief comments f llliwint thi game ted eluies pnsiduii of thi omha was phoned b tin releru ind in formed a misijki hid invn in ide in calling thi niatih nemlti on ron malcolm mr elmts ordtr cd ihe gimi re plutd from the i7s mark of the second period on alton offnnls ifttr the gime tucsdas inninj w hen ae ton went down to an 8 2 defeat deeided thai if thi portion of thi first g ime wis uplivid lhe would be it i disadvantage is it ihis point one plaier wmld be serving a two minute pmallv and ron makolm would bi sming out a 10 minute miscondiut the atlou team wire shorl two phjers duiing the first game ind therefore would hi plaving under a handii tp it ihe tune was replaced e t mirks manager of ihc ac ion midgets re ported on wednis dav the decision wis muk noi to n pla the gimo to pnitnt possible tniuiits in iuw d tht bandinp and strength ol ihi hespeler uam 18hole golf course for north halton ai a muting of tin ninth hal ion ciotl and counln club dim lois pmvuiiial mill nimiigu ross dunuin was n innd e lub piiskkit loi 9m hun ill it iht ilub miv ton ukt txpnnding lo in 18 hole ouisi w is evideiil in pasl prtsid nl bill minaltvs dtpiuting re marks whiih uiged shaiiholilers lo gin the mallei some sit ions ihought mi menallv alsositggis if thi ttiritlois appioneh lln fieoi gi own lawn bowling as union with i view to iinorp ouiie its fanlilies with hose ol ihe noilh hallon club he point d oui lint i spin w is n ul ihk in tr tin i lub housi sun ibk loi howling grim tin lotal tost of thi tnw club loust will in in lln nuhboui ihkhi ol 100000 00 anordin lo i ix poil b the building ehair mm id bmkk the building houses i loin sheet uirling rink scintuvs ofliu jumoi lounge i pio shop mull dimiil loom pn ue dining room ohsuiation loiuii kikliui ind hu a ei m dih tiadine ufl lln main dinmi loim will be mi hided til future lonsinietion pee wee team out milton wins 140 aelon pu wee hoiki u nn wis ousted i rum llle pi noils in millon hsl s hindu whin i lhi wuit down to 1 140 defe il i at hi huuls ol ihe oune milton pliurs polish ind expet nnee told lln tilt is ihi voting alton st it j wirls tried in vain lo pul i noieh on the seouboird but i were held at biv by iht fist moving host tlub lack of experience md praet lie taulhl up with tin loi a i souths but dtlirmin ition lo ov uiomi thi big k id w is nivei lost al tn momint thioughout iht gimi the acton pee wee learn will wind up the season wuh i few exhibition game s w 1 1 h e 1 1 hi i milton or georgetown red cross benefits from classes sales tndiv afternoon gride siven ind eight ilasscs at thi rpbert little school held a sale for the rid cioss up lor lutlion were uimte books ind the votingsters hid prepared grab bigs cindv ind eookies ilsu found quick siks at streetsville mr andlmrs fred williamson celebrate golden anniversary tifly years ugo on februaiv 16 1910 gordon hall on young si aelon a ramillar old land mark lo many residents was ihe selling for the wedding ol al ihi in medoniild tkksl dtiughm of mi und mrs win mtoonald lo f edit iik willlumson son ol mi and mis david williamson the eettiliony waseondutled bv tht rev j c wilson of knox pitsbylerian thutih to honor this h ippv tpnple on silituliv iibiiiiiiv 20 lln bikks youngtsl biuthei wilhed ml donald and hftwili lln foi nit i belty low ne opened linn ii urn on sliulsiilk rind to iikln ile ihis anniveisai receive guentn guests wile leuived bv ml ind mis mi donald mr and mis j snydti lliur only duuejtui and hu lijjshand lln bruk s two slslus miss m tigartl mi donald and mrs dun ikl ham niond and lln biuk s hi ttni w j midonild and mis midonikl ol r r 2 alton mis willi nnson for ihis uu as ion w is we nlnn i b mn ul d uk brown wilh lorsnge of gold the home was uidiiint with lluwtis and a liiindlv informal nflti noon was uijovtd by nil llmse who alleudul assisilng tin hosiiss urn hu dauphin in suving liimh win mis alex midonild ol put tr dii i m pht w s wik and mi s goul in riddill a nku also maskr guidon midoiukl a nt phew t i ived in west mi and mis wimtumstiti spml sivu il vi irs in wilnss sisk ilelltwan lorunlo and lor siv iril vi us notc hue mid then home on slieilsulli roid south tlnv hiu mn d uglitei mis j suvdii ind one giandson john snvdei of totoiin i i m mi donald ol cusluis albula llie bndi s ildesl hi the i wis tin ibk lo be niesent as was mis willi unsiin s sisiu mis albul youne ol aetmi wl wis in pool hi lit ii i tie st ii m ol i i id iv pieveiiltd sivu il fiom itliiidiui owuil lo snow i hid tails percussion band development shown kindergarten teachers tin pueiission band is lln mn si iv td tin oulnsii i tin voiingu tin ihildiui fit llu gu itu should hi tilt i ii i iv sound lotmd ilions llusi wui some ol lln unniks whiih mrs 1 ileen butknu muk lo i group ol kindeignlen leathers lioin geoigilownolkiilk hltl dislint illuiding i it lining mspuloiali in ihi w i duk siliiiul millon mond iv puiussion binds und ilmh mn mouitnm yn spend op lioitumiv loi i til phs l il ix pussion ind m iv mjiilv hi u fciidul is lln besl nu ins t i t v ing mtisnal i mind ilions i u i i ii in b isis sin slid a giem ul ai-uw-vwltb-fn-ot- kimkigaitin iti usiiil tlivllnn ot l ippinj sinks lollowul i hi n ilui il ilivllimii suise ii an pulsi lo piiiiiii in i n up il nuiseiv i in iik s 1 ik n i hun del and ihe ilitu buis diane bousl u id anm r ne t s iienc de vins tulvn r tss lkni wissen win in this ii mp wilh chin dunn im tie mollslialing ihe ileussitv ol us ing ihe tip ol llle tongue ihi leelh ind iht tips in puiei pal ter ram drops the in lu muli he gioup pir formed the farmyard cock in odueing the loosler lo ripn suit thi loud hand instrunn nls drums ind cvmhatsj m iilnr hen ihe mediumones timhoui mes and ihe bab ehitks ihe lighlu ones mingles nul bills ihi rikis ol mdlow n i and mu op 14 nt 2 deilh mn eiu ih si ihilduo- it mu i displ iv i gu il di fl of ilk iv ol loin u loi ind i ik u nip s wholi showttl lhhi piwus ol tonunlr ilmn lurv di wding hi 1 1 lie r nine dum ill atiiil koss ind i ilui wissu dun m stl hid tin note v dins ir d kulli nne f iilln luid tin puli i eooidinilj n also in llns nnip win muk llinsl il ithu mi giaihn anne mimillin shu i md uskv donmllv lln siiipnsi l lln limine w s the eompelillt pi ivine bv llu ah inil toup 1 vlsis nob 77 nndr momrnh musk il c p 94 no 3 huh by sihuhul this w is piitun pi iv nit irom individu il p u ts ami lid li i tn um uk b si mi ol lln k i t lit i s lh il ihis nielli be the uiswu ii tin piubl in il liow to inilutk ii smdiiits 11 nuisii lis li ils ip n i ii nil ehoiis those i ikine pul uu janus blunn diuil hipnim gu dd dnk pluhp di ihim cdthuiiu hifc tins jill hursl rtithann leathtt land vim nne reynolds anne vik j inue watner jitk wen slev ind sallv wilson mrs o morin vi is rhe effititnl pianist tin 28 gnls and bovs taking pul in this dtinonstr ilion win i msporled lo millon bv i dnk j dorrnelk w dtimiuh p dunhtm ind wjvdson ind third learns p iung and ihi sciond and louilh teams mut ing phvoffs also be y n lunm exinine in ihi amuiim it 11111 wuh hushiv uul r k hi ski pi iv mt asks esquesing hsqucsing tovvrtshlp count last week was requeskd t ptuit ihe location of an ur sinp iihluding 21 nu sidiruad on thi wis suli ot the third li 11kr k viihik if millon owiui ol in engineers uui pilot inxnie asked counul it i here wen a regulations ikaidm projtxt he said ihe siu us suit able and small hinge is and poss ibk a itpan slp ii pl- lets all hebl by welcoming the acton legion minor sports cinvkters who will call on you monday february 29th and march 1st soliciting your support towards their okay a strip ann booster night couikll dlxldtll matter further at thi nniting i iwalwiek proteat to dho t h t lmbow wnle asking counul lo indorse a protest to the ixrwiiniini il hihivs on their plan lo expropriate nearls sq00 square km ot fits pmpcrtv including the id gnsl mtll it noml mi finhoi wis askod to appur ai louiiui lo dituiss the protesl the tinder of r a dikv co was accepted at 9 0t on w 000 worth of 6 per eenl debentures foe the new five room sehool at speyside comcmthm share councils share in the credir vdley coosenation authontv program wilt be 1290 for the year it was learned accoun totalling 7009 tre approwd for payment booster night friday march 4th acton arena 800 p m featuring galt figure skating club startng unda ann ward and neil carpenter western ontario and niagara peninsula junior pa rs champions acton citizens band and junior pir band tn attendance admission adhi 50c children ise uptodate stock for all needs what do you need for your office its here 7 in our large assortment of station ery and office supplies see our w de selection of ledgers eis columnar pads and sheets ring binders post binders and au types of loose leaf equipment is your filing system business come n see our catalogues on metal and wood 0ce furniture we can supply you w th f i ng cab nets cha rs desks rubber stamps made to order stamp pads and stamp pad inks niton st e wcvcwl j fiimv an added ttnture or ihe ocean ion wus i hut robert lowrle a well known resident or alton tor many years who makes his home wilh llie medunulds was re n ivlng birthday wishes from many i hinds for february 21 when he et libra led his 941 h biilhdav he is alwavs interested in visits from lormer friends md i of the old town s 80yearou pkys tunes at own party mr and mrs leonard coulson weie hosls to lime house farm foium on monday evening when llu ictoup eilebraied the 80th bitlhday ol its oldest member g ail hut coulson lost heir expert ihi ivinintt was spent in sing fug old lavoiiles playing euehre nut lost hur al whjih ihe guesl honoi is n exput mi coul son ilso i ivond with mouih or l in selei lions a huge birlhd iv i ki md leeertam eompleted tin hslivilies great and growing thire an mure than 200000 numbers ol ihe girl guides a souaiion in cnnad i nearly j7s000 jt bifmwts mi imh ind kangns and lln nst aii k idus throughout thi wotld linn an ippiuxim ilely fllt md i h ilf million nu minis ol tin ul nude mil nl si nil mini dnnkou phis driving equal probably not yet your house might be half tmurti a serioui matter if fire or windstorm catches up wuh you why take a chance for an ex peneviced check without obligation call ui today dennys insurance agency cgjt news unltd church mn amlenorrled us in a sing ming of african songs followed by the purpom ana hymn the business pari of the meeting came lo order and we discussed a trip to guelph lo nee the ice cupudes near the end of mareh sale of lulmdnrs und ihe world wide day of pruyer service nexl was the worship service lid by mrs alleh she read a very nlexe sling story about an aln ian gill whiih wis muih cnioy ed by everyone we closed oui muling wilh taps k knox church onteliruary 22 ihe knox presbylcnan cgit group met at thi church the group opened ihe meeting with the cgit purpose and hymn the worship serviee was then led by manlvn lemon the pres ident the business pari of ihe meeting was taken by ihe pres ident ind secretary the scerel arv s and treasurers reporl was read ailendance was taken by pat sle vmson the group planned the st pu rieks day party whieh is lo be held on mareh 14 the girls worked on the serapbook ol canada the girls then had luneh the meeting closed wilh taps mr and mrs hugh macdonald of guelph wish lo announce the engagement of their daughter donna mae lo george william fountain son of mr and mrs george fountain of acton mar riage lo lake place on march 19 i960 at knox presbyterian ihugch guelph engagements m attentioni western rock a roll talent have you ttaoe xprinet fxptrilncc or not the hal lon counv western musicians chub h looking tor more mem- bin earn money by taking part in a western show ir interested phone- miss joan hums oakvlik ontario vi 44339 order your seats nowl canadian national sportsmens show coliseum toronto march 11 19 two cottas afflozoigly diffeent pompoff thedt a co spoifj royal family of comjdy guy thehon co the flnet bicycte oct ever developed ffiank s itetitleveits greoleit relr eving oel wi jpoft jhow h uof v jimmy risk add norma sentattonal hof lekor p leri ng of ill beil bob hawthorne world coitng champ on the silckers the molt popular performing leott ever wamboidt sisters peters brothefts combine for xc tmg oct of log rolling and cano tilling square dancing gay and colourful go kart racing a thrill o mnulel hrhrmkri twice deilf liup umif 7 lo a piiiivmi mm wlwiwr fltimaillf teat lnmj intend seah 1 25 boi sai 1 1 75 pi adm on io bv irfinj advlll jo on odoftd taui onl old 2 s t adomm to ku idmq only adult 75f children i5r admlmlen rlchet lnctui imtittthmil ifhtoffm ikiwiw stt di eat leup m litn ii ija m ii tm 6 rucpi v4tft fm wwel l lih anil mbu lwl ar mm areer tat the canadian national sportsmens show tmi couuum toaontot camaaa altlffaahilm and supplies notice to motorists who have not obtained 1960 licences nnr 199 driurs iktnct and chitic jxrmu will expire m ilniht mdkh loth afiir ihis dak it vs 1 1 1 he ilkftal tliint wuh 1919 imnn or plaits nets hat bttn n sak stnti januarv 4th ck iv from mu ol tht 250 aitnt offms ilin unhnut the nine amtl dtlav jnd intontnivikt d0nt wait til the march deadline omilumtill ii lll ww licences now an important reminder ou must show pniof at lwbihtt insurance when vou apply f r platis or pas an txtra 00 fee if vou do nol have a iirtifnait fur licrntt purposes call our insurance agent ixta a poucv for fire theft and collision is not liability insurance ontario department of transport hon john yaremko qc minista d j collins deputr

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