Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1960, p. 5

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its tp do business the want ad way call 600603 classified advertising rates no charts or nnnmcmrt of births marriages dmths na engagement in metnor- tanw 78c plus 10c per 11m for ww- articles for tile rent eta 9c word mint- mum cash 60a billed tbc box no w thl wtttce 8c fcmworwl coming events 95c minimum tint five lines eeoh additional line 10c card of thanks 75e for for flrat 0 lines each additional line 10c accounta are rendered monday following insertion latest insertion ttm1 ln pm wkdnkrdat phone 600 births marriages deaths etc bow jqrdanmr and mrs eorl jot dan wish to announce the arriv al of marie uurena on february jo ibm at guelph general ho pltal jocque shirley wishes to nn- nounee the birth of hers baby 1 w er jtoph glenn q sa urday pruary 18 19to in guelph general hospital proud parents helen and joe fletcher ron end betty mcc fryer of guclph happily n 8 ounce the birth of twins at luetoh general hospital febru ary ffl i960 a son 7 lbs 8 o and a daughter 8 lbs 3 on proud grandparents are mr and ms herb fryer acton and mr nnd mrs geo fletcher guclph died in mtmotlam corrt dubv in memory of our first son tommy who died by accid ent february 1h7 age 6 years at the going down of the sun and in the morning we remember mm always remembered by mom dod laurie and lesley anne 014382 stephenson in loving memory of a dear wife and mother who passed away february 3d iw9 so many things have happened since you were called away so many things to share with you had you been left to stay every day in some small way memories efyon come our way though absent you are ever near still missed loved always dear sadly missed by husband and family b41om cards of thanks i waildie in brandon man on monday february 22 i960 wll ham james waldic in his 88th brother of mrs henry te mr d d w o funeral service ms held in brandon on wednesday february 94 196q mclean a the flynn nursing home on monday february 32 1980 alice maude thompson be loved wife of alexander b me lean of acton and dear sister of mrs mary mceachern of guclph funeral service was hold on wednesday at 4 dm at the rum- l bhnn funeral home in- torment falrview cemetery beeverawsuddenly at his home in aeton on saturday february 20 1980 g william beevers hus- tjsnd of the late bertha ann fill- ton in his 75th year rested at the rumlcyshoemoker funeral home where the funeral service woe held on tuesday at 230 pm intirment flurview cem etery ryder at hospital for sick children on monday february 27 i960 roderick steven belov- wtiotnjf ronald and muriel and kandson of mr and mrs glen rder and mr and mrs j w mcdougall all of milton funooil service was held on wednesday at the mckersie funer al home milton interment in ev- i eemcterj milton b denyes at the queen elisabeth hospital toronto on tueadav february 29 1980 james malcolm dcnyes beloved husband of mar bruce menoham and father of mrs a j mvlrca fjedai mrs w w king flora and doro thy all of toronto in his bath year funeral service will be held from the trull funeral home 2704 yonge st toronto on friday february 28 at ii am interment in evergreen cemeter milton at approximately 12 30 noon b in mkmom1am i would like to express my grnt itiide to all who remembered me with car flowers visits etc during my short time in hospital a special thanks to dr garrett ro ver crew st albans choir and grade 13 high school studtnta thank you o3543tra laurence o duby we wish to express our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for thr mony kind and thoughtful acts during our sudden recent be reavoment they were greatly nii ereoated and will be long remtm crod also thanks to the rev a h mckcnzic and lo the rumlcy shoemaker funeral home the family of the late mrs ooxe a 35 435i coming events for smi contintwd for sale lota of used tvs 17 inch artbo 21 inch at 11250 up wvgg tv and appliances 79 mm st e acton a- tf personal feel oldt went ityfeel younger thousands of men women past 40 pep up qulcjt with htlp of ostrex tonfc tablets make 3dny tet only 09c at all druggists n 20eus for sale take advantage of our low cost quality windows and doors doors 134 9v installed win dows up to 100 united inches 22 00 installed no money down if you buy over 3 windows and 1 dom take no chances save fuel up t 33it get n free demonstration and estimate just phone ed or jack it 60 or 86 acton a 12 tf 41q2 euchre at crewsons corner february 28 followed by square imd round dancing sponsored by lo l 467 a 2- scout and guide mothers an holding a euchre and pmn snli m the scout hall on friday march 18 at 830 lnnch served n3 43w cmc to the one and only four seasons tea and bake sale spun sored by the friendly circle in acton uniled church april vt from 31 vi euchre bannockburn school saturdo fetru iry 27 nt h 10 t m lunch piovided admissi in 3k auspices bannockburn w immune a t4140 the dutcelsr wvonshjre rhnptcr iode will meet at the horn of mr w j btulty on wedmsdnj afternoon march 2 at 230 o clock officers tea n 31411x1 modern and old time dance will bi htld in the acton ltginn and itorium fndiij april b 9 pm u 1 am mtn tokens orchidia acton scottish danct club at 4161 watch for further detarls actnn ys meneltes grant rummnge nnd toy sale toys of all kinds book dolls teddy bears and gnmec lo njnaerous tp mention keep this acton scottiih dance club reg ulor dnnce february 27 instruct ion 730b30 pm- admlwton wc teen ageri 21c refreshments sp cial danct legion hall april 8 modern square and scottish dnnc ing admission 100 a 314384 at home mr and mrs h masil es wi41 be at home to their friend on the occasion of their 60th wed dinr anniversary to bo hi id in thr auditorium of canadian leeion hall on sundav march 6 i9fl0 time 26 p m a 31 4316 women s world da of pra er to be held friday mnrch 4 at 2 30 pm at christian reformed church churchill road specinl speaker rev j nutma b a b d offering taken to extend the mis uonnr outreach or the chnmion church at home and around the world bsi 24m9 travelogue and films of 32 coun- triei by mr harold kitchins for meru of the oac and united nation at brootcville hall fnda februnrv 28 8 jo pm proceeds for mdton and district retorded children s asaoctution sponsored bv nmafmaeva wi inctend of a door todonr canvass b 41661 oryderman s dollarsaver 1918 dodge vb power 2 tone finish and radio 37 monthly if purchased on our no down piymonl plan full price 1188 21 1017 chev 2door hardtop v8 jiirtiimntlc nnd radio another jocajly owned automobile 1957 dodge custom roya1 with radio and whitevnl tiret attractive 2 tone finish s4i monthly with your w model in good condition 1m7 ford 6cyllnder wlih rndin 41 monthly with your 13 modil in rood condition 1918 richfl1eu monarch 1 door hardtop immaculate eon dltkm with automatic tower broke and pover steering cryderman car sales where joii can bf sure of a better rienl onlirlo st s milnn phone tr 8 6600 b 41 help wanted hflp wantfd add to ymr fnmily income b miving an e tiiblijhisi avn urrilotv for pi i onnl interview in voui homi ti dirtlnct mnnaer m ni rfolk apirtim nts g p rr hflp wantfd wimn want ed full 01 pail lime lo diinoniti ill horni protiucl must hi m u ried und vn their own home ages 12 tn is vous commiwi n write lo puriu 7bi wnrdtn ae soirb r utrh onl a 31 3 41 m women wanted full or part lime to take orders for nntionnlh advertised rmc rodurt mufl be mained homi ownets sitary commission send i nnu addiuii und uliom inimbir li puntv 7fll wirden aw sear borough onl a v wanted wanted halton munry pro ducts dealers in live and dressed foul try afcd fresh eggs custom illing phone milton tr 84401 a tf for rent for rfnt- hcited rpnrlment miscellaneous for depend ible refr ceratton and air cond turning m imli nniice call refrigeration ser ci s phone 924 aclon 30 f 3 if kitchener ufholstery havt your chesterfield suite re u by i a sa mkctuanffoul canmnimsl redeoorste your home nowl 0 borne interiors offer free home displays of the latest designs in draperies carpets wallpaper or paint color combinations helpful suggestions and ideas on interior decorating for home appointment without owlgatlon call 314j ac ion tr 79091 georgetown or vis- it our store osborne interiors town ont repairs to all make rlmtamach ines by the week portables used from 39jm see the latest singers siwino machinb free home demonstration dtson betting center geokgktown tl 74m1 actdni gordon babdware etd tv aerials all types repairs now instflllatiorft 20 ft allchannel 30 new nilchannel head 11 rotor from 70 larry nolan real estate harvey keith hfai tor acton 98 special down payment offer owner v ill cnnmdi r innd auto or wrilirude cqiiilj on modtrn 1 n h a 3 bedroom bungitl w dic incited cniport nluminum for discriminating buyers benutiful enrner bunpilow immar ulnli w tlh recivntum room il tjichid tfirnifi nivcd drive mam ixtrii t bediimmi tiled tnlh living ii tn km in n limit s llic nlm at 1 1 kill riil li attractive nha 5 resale ideal foi w nkini finuly compnet lib ii suing 3 tiedioom bunki 1 iw el we tphvits trnniporliti n indtmi 71 mo uhlv ci vei lr neiiwil inten it tnxes a kinj 12100 ui oiir dirfct toronto lin t help sfi i your propf ht ba 1 1102 av 1 tim live rent free 500 full down paymfnt 8 900 full price 1 npirunent bi ilriinr nil stpnrate intrnncc selfonlitned bilh mom in each live in n 1 rmmi iportment and lei the rent from tht hhi r 2 apirtmenti morp ihin rxiy uir mortnc pn 995 full down paymfnt 7 000 full prjce 3 bcd 2tore home nenr uiwn ci ntre lirje kitchen and lu iik rvm furntee bithroom 1 1 11 i t kti ijp lov taxci must kttl ittatt tcontin campbillvitu sacrifice sales 3 types to choose fr6m s room brick with garage m monthly pays all costs excellent locnthn nha n snk only a 1 mmignge 1 room split level brick 2 rcc rooms fully decorated 89 montltly pays all costs excellent location only a 1 mortgage n ha rt sile lit q extiaa room wartime home newly ren ovated basement dining room mw furnace additional extras s37 monthly pays all ooirylng ciwts mchlgnnc only 4hf the above homes are now being of fired for immediate sole at srently reduced prices due ui le iiaturt if ihest saei if ice snleh further information may be had oily tl tht offlci john r holmes real fstate ait n jw acton district shhml iraiihl iiiiii in i 7 rmm i usi willi uir ik i khl l mi nil snliflile fit small fruiti nnd i ilt iurk wni i in presnin hit i liil n coiinu d jt7ki his anil 1 lion y b ick house li h i s h i an h i i k t pi i hi rtd unit i sil i umis shidr lu lnu i oh h llllllki iii klvll loiitlls i kid ii u hi 1 co ljl pnceii i iw n i irti tin mm 1 km tviimlid i i n w 0 nim f 111 it dllllll ki1k- ini7i vn ni l thru t hid ro m livinj loom l x 12 oik flois h it in ii i hinting 4 pio i imli tl i i i n i ii ti iw w iv nnd n 4t 1 ix s j10 i u 10 hod mil i john watkins acton phone 411 i j a willoughby sons limited hfaltors auction sales auction sale of furniture tools etc the property of the estate of the iatf wis 1rabf1 deforfst in bhe agn fi r cr nndi saturday febhuary 27tb at 1 30 hirp the f ll w n norjte 9 ft rtf rigi r ilor with an loin it c defr ister ind inrge freezer rimnaiunent like new cbs 2t inch tv in new condltitn coron ndo rarrgittc like new small ant unit walnut chet ofdrawers pine ehesl of drnwen wjinre oak ex tmsion tible oak buffit daik oak rhini cabinet small chtn cabinet oik desk 6 dining ch nrs studio r nch sintfi r dr p h jd sewirtft machine 2 rocker 2 simmons stiil bds soring and mattresses 1 sti beds springs and mattressis 2 drissers 2 uish s inds c mm xlr ch ir r nod oik extension tible 4 kitchm chiirs kitchm cibinil jc b x 2 imill tittles kitchen ink r binrt fmpire cal or w id cook s i itl reserv oir 1 irgi oil spici heiter sm ill colemin oil spice heit r ciulph c ki or wood qui bee heater mantel clock house lirge bei lied kiw 1 c c life membership for l a member blair auxiliary children meet the februnry meceilng of jlu uidkh aid t st david chuuh was held nt the home or mrs a t maun on wulntndtiy olin noon mr e calms opentd tlu mtetlng with a poem toi huppy ntw year the hvmn lit uiuleth mc was sung mrs moon read the 67lh phitlm pmv ti was glvtn by mrs j r mi phal tht secretary irenhiiui and cheer sctixtary cnlh gnvt ihtir rtspettfvt lepuiu and ullli ihc an nun i rt ports weix quik cncourngirig ufa membership dm ing tilt business pel lod a commilltt wns appointed to in run tit tor tht si ponitks sup pti several olhcr items of imsl ihsk win dhiusrcd a let let ol apprctiation from rev david tan was rtad mrs mcnzlcs on belmlf of i hi lulns alii prt suited mrs j r mtllnil wilh a lift mtm intship cutihtalc in ihc wo nuns mission uy sotkly tlu mil t ill wjs answtrcd hv p inunt ol nuinrnrahtp ftts sunpl misting iirv day w is mini iriil iht ineillng was tlosul h upkiiing iht loids piiivti in unison iuiim lulus uiimul lilt mh i il pti kid blair mcellng tin blim iiuinn auxmun mil it tlu linnieiil mrs j k mc ill ul mi wnlncscli tmiiiny mis r malum optim tin mitt my with e puiiii hit hvmn i ulli ol inn i ilhtts u is sung ami piwn was ulltitd bv mi mm hn iht sitipiuii laktu friiiu ails 8 2619 untl 1 uht 21 22a wus nutl in unison tin mil tall wliiih wns talk it a sm prist vtjs iksvmiui h oikii niiinbti gmng ihtli impussiiin of aliltu as al i k ti is i he sludv loi this mai this was inititsling wnrkcrs in africa mis huniblv luul thiiigi of ilu stuik period und giim a spltniliil attihinl ol iht uttk und wotktis in altku a wuilhwhlk ilitliis slon lollowtd molv uihk hulli liiitt was sung mis root i son stiitlu unit mm mik lit 1 1 tn asm ti gju thtii itpoils si 1 1 ul iu ins tl tnislntsh win lis tossed iiuns wut made foi hi wot id div ol iiuvii stivfn whkh will ht lit i1 in hit thtutii on mai ih 4 mis wii 1 1 an jiuvt the iiood tlioughl bi voui inst all l hi wa nn suimir it ads rtu wis sung hit piesidtnt ilosiil ilu milling with ptnver a pkasnnt tlnit wus tnjuvtil hv iht in latlits pi t st lit dining ilu smiiil puioil children mel iht 1 1 in u uy uniting iht tt vas lu kl in ihi i run ih sihool iikiiu mi stiunliv imitn nim thi pnsktint mtrjont ukitk opt mil ilu muling by singing fiotl i illing d folli nnd wiili piiimi in jutlv inghs tin smniiiti ussuii wns tiatl hv tlu pusldcnt mrs mnn g iu tlu bihl lisson well known orton resident norman a dearing mourned on ulli i ii ktti n inn in albi 1 1 ti irtiio who p is 1 tv i in iklph iitui il hns il il nn i ihni u fi alkr 1 slinit iniuniiy inmiin oiiii mmuim wluu ilu mnsuiiu lonunltt il miiiu w is ndllckd iht olliiing uis ittthul hv l nin it milhuil mul susjh vim skkli on htluill of iht txttullvt mrs muiiis pitsuitttl uitllkiitch mul si ils m i imta wnlion jiuw highs iktiv wiilmn maine smith niiiiiv wahon anil ann smith shlilt ilia miss jovte htsui duinkiil iht giusls who uiu piisnii also mis mtniis i in hit riitliiv snug was sung lor liml w ilimi maigu llluk bon uli intths md mis mm ik ii i inda tuid i hi mlmiiis anil mils lustit tin ilu liiisiitirs it poll i in nt itu mhus iinswitid tlu toll tail miss lusut and mts i mitt ik ii luul tliugi of iht si nit v gioiips mis mm miss hi slit nnd mis miuhih pnsitiliil i short ski i n tiitlinf i ulv loi mission ii mil i i nin smiih iiffittd praytr mil tlu 1 md s pi iw i iv is it pi iti il in unison di ut u is sung ind i d iiit linn li was suwd in ilu mr numliis norval boy attends n h sunshine school ilu rurnlmmi ut noith mnl ion s sonsliint sthool loi re lautid ihlklrm wmt hut k up lo 11 i isi vink wilh iht irrl il ol i iuw imi hum i iu noivnl ihs likl tlu hov wis tmoltitl ihinugli ih ttlntls ol uoigt tpii- iht slillxll txtllllm ritiuilvoni hov mnwil mil ol ilu tlhiiui ind uittilmtnt ul tlu milion sihool h id dtopihtl lo nliu 1 lut tit i now 10 pupils iiiiii mi hi mug w is bom in 1881 ilu ild si ul i i imilv ol ughl ihildun ol ihomis dtinng oul annii t nihil in irin township ind livid hit 1 1 all his lift livestock business in ixn iu man ltd bissit ros ill md took up rtsidmct in or ion until iht timt of his rttirt nuot lour t us ago ht wis en guit in i hi ikestikk business iu took i kttn interest in pol ilu s tommtmitv affairs and spin is md torjlinoid doing so until iht onstt ol his rttnit ill iu ss sinn 1916 ht hml been an nr dint m isnii md hid dttjintd tlu i 2m ilijut marked anniversary in siptunbir 19s9 mr and mis dt inng iilthiattd tbtir soih annntrsarv btsidts his iift ht k ivts o mourn his loss hum in orion mrs h c wcl lord jian lowntv cil lloyd vttslon six grandthildrtn four brut ik is ind uo sisitrs service al hills burgh tuntnl stritt wis htld at tht dotihir funtral thaptl hillv burgh tutsdav ttbm m 9 wilh rn f collv of orton lnilttl churth olf renting ttmporan tntombmtnl was at llonoi u v p dlbi in is win hon john root mip i imrsou dims iiiti i ims allutl whtilu in i wilsiu md i i us aiiim pullluaitts wut hoius root sltwail stolt ruv limit v ciwixjii nudwill w a giitsuii intl j a bums the homi inlmlts wit mmv and wtrt tarntd bv earl gia clifford watson huricy mor rlson herb lush 1 mi strtbbk and jatk watso bun il wilt tiki pi uc hkr o rtas ctmtitiv mimisi acknowledge receipt of 1000 donations at ton ymca bo rd mi mh r uknoukdgtd rect ipl of dom lions fiom tin vs mtii s club and y lutlits auxiliarv imouni ing to si 000 during thur mnl j ing in tlu y wtdntsdav ftbru rv 17 i churmin w wilson ilnirtd iht mtthng and prtstnl for iht bosi ntss session wtri c w i 7ii siirilm j ridkv trtasurtr f misalis mil r tmrs pro grim tommititt c rogns ildson j and y snrttir s s u mr miktnu ind mr sail wirt mmitl to itund tlu na lkinil ymca uuntnlinn in ha mdton best groomed guy in town si ivs ihil uiv btciiise he kttps his i indus m perfect tondluon with fnoutni ind ilfuitnl dr ikanmgs and prtssinjis c ill us for fosl custom cleaners same day sekvici excpt saturday in by 10 m out by i p m main st n phlsne 27 the hou of qu i use our layaway massey in lovtnc memory of our dear brother jim wso pass ed sway february 25 19m for sale t hay j 41688 for sale choice butcher twultnjrs b the side or quarter cutting done tree wilk 1rilson we remember you in stlende and make no outward show and what it meant to lose you ho one wih ew km ly mioedbi platersarm r e- n snd brother albert and sisterinlaw martha 3ii360 for saleto good farm home anrn i i m f 4 vewold german shepherd lues wns n ai chlldren d atch d phine he was such a kivable soul one of the vers bwt be heard the master calling corrte home aon come home to rert he left me then at hia command tn walk with jraus hand tn hand ttie lord is mi btieprrerd 3540m wnv marion swcknty in lov bat mocnon f a dear mother and sister nnra for sale pair itirl i tube skatst wrhite sue s 2 pair girls i j u jj 1354155 insurance free estimates on insurance of all kinds ii you are considering a chance from your present potter or looklnf for a new plan contact omar h park- er p ul 64465 a40 10tf floor retinririno w now we will refiniah your floors or rent you the equipment to do the lob yourself j b frank phone 177 47 frederick st s acton a tf money available ua second figure skatca while slie 13 phone 3ws after 5 p l pawed aika fb- ruary 25 1951 utiful memonea are all we hoe for sale bheumatu pa n if ou suffer from backaches himba t sciatica try rumacaps today lo help brinft vou prompt relief drunpta evwvwhere a324 41 of one we lo dearlv and iall neser fontec her lovtns arane and happ face a broken link e can nexer re sad ww the parting no one can tell so sudden on earth the om memories we treasure no one can steal i death leaves a heartache nothing can heal j lovmgly remembered b the famriv a5435 for s l gl prtate of any staff photo appearing in the acton free press i z 7 six 73c 1 x a iw n e now at morijiagcs or buv ing mortgages- patmenti ai iow as u per month principal and intercut guelph ln esuncnts companv tavlw 29700 a 2912 43 hyline chick rucmri get h gli tsg nccme fiim rxxri cltic 3 icnrv high lnabkitv and lars eg r ot h lnr no 934 wr r lavers order yours n from the actun farm supph acton ont 6300 full price room home near tow n centre larce kitchen all modern ci n sinicnces ol fum kv full b ment larsr lot akinr j1 000 down or rcdjjction for all casta low taxes tils wartime home artime ace fenced trotxn home tn the t ite beiuti dt- wdod flxtrs i 1 furnace lot for more details call 524 o iu aixe 91 w aaqurre n at ib fteel prais tfucstsl mu1 st 5v phone 00 at for sale for money making milking all dairymen need surge milking equipment for salea ser vice and parts can horace tomlln- son sunt dealer brampton phon clendale 1- aitf woods freezers m ni n j319 loves tv and appliances 5 wrndham str j gueiph ta 41656 amu reimer upholsters spec lalumg in retipholstermg all types dt tarniture bell qualilt matevial fine workmaruwp prompt service al furniture ref in shing and ru cleaninjt phone 88 mark grocery act i a tt cforgf dbson pa s thf highfst prices iv dead and mbled ctttle and hnre old health nore cents pound res tdence nhone fergus 231 w 12 plsnt frnnu s2 or gwjph ta 4- 2br collect r pnmpt service a 344099 tf deadstock 8kky1ci highest cash prtees for dead or disabled horses and costs old hor es 6c a lb for prompt service call long distance and ask for zenith t795q no charge to you steve pecom ha1cnov filter queen sales and service for a cleaner and healthier home phone- after 5 pm tr 74297 geor a 23eow attached garage brten nt 4 piece til b h o fumicr nha st rrkirgige carr c sss month skrne sim sydn k laa real estate broker and instrance ageno 8 v 11 st e 163 lonsfeld rd act n phone nv ly new chest of silver neu stainless toel stag ti i i cni- na 1 new sunboam rt mirf i i new sunhom ilirtnc click if rhni nnd glisswsr rt thi o 1 limp k tihen u ns is ier hinirint hrnp cr k ruilc td twit limp diss r lamp m i s b rtd ng inn cinhxins picture fl cil stoni dim 1 jtont crik 2 liwn mowr airdin ind1 daymonds guelph the showcase for hne furniture 8s sofa bed nt que detlirs ind fine f nd menl ten t c vufrmit thurs w sat pallants opfsocita post dlftcs cushions flil si7fd sprisc fit i ed mattress plan no interact no storago chary all miuluntlisc insund rut dining su early american 2 pee livineroomsuite authentk in inn dct ul winped haiks ifmirtd wfavf cotr ror rtiaxed comiortablr iivino buggies fnglish pcdijrrce umd ccndrtm wjtcrliwi sunshine seiecnon evbrmunufi ris emtrsmm prices tour enouwks soucrrad daymond home furnishings open friday t07 quebec st east ta 27730 nights to next dot lo guclph but station 9 oclock dining room suites kitchen sets cirpets baby needs

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