Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1960, p. 6

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tht aetorufr ftttt thwicuy ftbrwy 23 i960 i i l 4 t m m ivttnti hope to m yog m the ftw prow open route friday even- ins united church cg1t flirt have twin silling calendar oh a fundmining project workman haw been clearing lec away troiu tlu takh bsin mi melting www dialm lyom th precis students ami tome ol the xtutr blitted th high school m tiaslum saturday to tu down all the at hume decuuilium monday alkmunn giade se en and eight pupils tit ibe room uttk school eniovecl a skating pariv at the mum with teachers dcmg cope land keith black ami kuift martin iis basketball plavirs nut f tus mmulov al w moon he i fergus wun both seimu and u ku games- asjumi went up to fcrgo vwhwselajuliimim u a return match umtivtt rtirtrfitium on tin weekend wi bad line visitm drvwe to lowfl titday cvmn d small cc and ivpwted m shake v ok be won blown right ult itk rewd church mission band has sunday meeting the ukmott band uk i til the nxmtaent w the ehurvh on sun- iim tnontuig with the kekr mrs to tmican w ehare- scnpnu juki piiivi wn taken v mtv jnkrvon nd bnn sin cir a prar 1m mismoiwtncs wgn jjtavn b mi short ill kalh catnr ioiwijur tcm a ior and allan jamknun a a reading on tamjtaabiv the women lnvnmu held in it few thellered ipou un der dripping cavcn mow ha melted enough lu reveal the earth with pale green houi ol xpring bulb already above the ground one look u good to a lonk 1 a whole micclmtltm f car had to be unved wit allot the at hume fridaj althmtith llu ntitk- ing was line when the diiven went into tin hlih shoul ihi tame out to mm knowdrlli right up oui the howl lot several wixvs now thux hwsnt hcin nulti imiush rnm ku all th ikw to ti tn the bivi pimi on thutmlnw todav lhn are 10 paoes and m hope tot n pvrleil makh tjt ad and niw were a mrrv n vuu are whvii mr wxmie vonliibutiun has to bt hvld nui if u don i uki wtirktnu with svuiuimhiv looklnuom1 vtuu houhki um nuv ik ulud oii doiit k at the livt pnvt thk wwk tlwu haw betn totitx eaib alternoon and ewulnu oiu talfcr tuund hv itupl had to luv oiit all the trk lu did while aivtwiiiii iituilloitn at llu xauk tlim and malt all ou agaui athr his kiloix kit entertain visitors in community homes mr ami mrs tlam jtslin kiul sundav wninu ulih mi aihi xiiv jo plusku milton mr and mrs rohtrt patttn woe and koim lklph wn sonda iuoin with mix john alum alut mtv kiinu toull sunda iuors with mi and mix albert viare wxix mr and miv ernie eduik und bo lniwmulk mix rokrl hanul ion and childixn mix bttt hamilton and ted raquost program imaginary trip to africa enjoyed by alert auxiliary lit knu ati l tvtiiiiuu aiu iruvullinu lutlhcr day v tim i limy wtire dellyhlud lu wukoiiiu live niuiiilhiik or lliu dautflilirk ol kiiiii to piimiivu riioyium ol ail linuuliiuty vull lo ahlia on wudiilhtldy ivuiiliii in llii t1liiiili mi kiiwtn miiinii i u- llni to alfliu mao wllxiiutd by it inualuiiuiy wmkti mii a hmiimii who imvillnl ity iliml iltiwli tllu tuihn itvn vlnllliitf ii lhi toliiiiy iiiiiluib lltidihlui i tn i u wlm win liiijwuiiiiitud ity ml imni llnliiitb girl guide news hull inlroduiud lu a jiutivi wumun mix w 8ilolvngcl who told ol llu impioviinoru ol londllioiih biniv cliiulluiilty had loiiiu llikin onu uiiiiuiiik liulduni old wan how hi idvn ihik miv kuni in utllltaloii ill h llhiu krlod willi m on uiil ltd well lo in iki iiilhi lal jrul iktiiilittil i h mk n lolk t whik mill oi un i by n luktii by mi illlld llltk llull llu ituillxlu j1 slalf plwilo hours of work were spent on making the co glumes for the school operalla and the result ol the labor can be pictured above at five girls display their cosluoies piclured in iroirf on the left it marie huisman dietsed as mother goose and on ilia light bevarly suynuck as the due hest soared in lha back row left to right are gn tmimy ooreen mckelvoy and linda james all ladies in walling the auditorium was pack 3d lor lha lust night performance wednesday and tonigst another sell out crowd is expecta d jki t 47 new phones added in 1959 cxpankw of uunhom laulil kn in ahun during ivw w is tp itnl ul tin sltuulioit uniss llu kirilurv stned in llu dvii tili nhuiu conirnun ol canada u was ixtdetl in tlui loiiipnn s mlh annual ivxni issiud this week last mais kkpliotu mil stitution program of 11 million wum the lartfem in llu ompnn s history i he ipui t si u tiul 19032 tckphoius wu added io i how in huxio honorary patrons head scots edinburgh festival committee wkfti i itn imm i m am mrv le j when sexvn tahks nr puvl ladies hih fnxir went to mtx john snow dd penis high to robert mi en nx a hatwu couni prux win to mix- lkni mjjshatl and bl wood snow toot fuai the correspondents of the k jsn flxx pjcsx and miltuo cn adian ouunphm vcn pocslx ot mr odb on mondav f jernoon and were taken on tour of their new plant- it was quite interest jh iu soc and iu learn now the loud paper is published a mei lutkh ws rcd ahd taih re- cc5td a sheaf kr rxn in hospital hcnix hills is in gutlph coi cral hospital whth hi unikr wvnt an operation his main fnends wish him a specdv rso cr the united churxh oun peopk s mit in ttu churth on sunda niht uan htnuk jiiiim t u lillian and alarv htlubuiyh vuutvd un sonda with his parvnts mr und mrs rov hindk and umk all talbot mrs makolin mileud ol thomhuix is visiting a fvw das with mr and mrs duntan kingsburx and calhmrh md al o mviting with rur root hi r mix louella robertson who is in guelph gem ml hospital mr and mrs ted jeslin pals and nancv isited sundav ttn inj with mr and mrs ma milm roekwuud miss linda fount un mil don fountain srnnt the ueikcnd in guilph with mr and mrs janus fountain rov hmdkv ixtuitied lionu thuimli ot last wetk irym llu giulph gtni nil hospml congratulations to mr ind mrs lknd cutting on tht arrival of a daughter at tht gutlph gen inl hospital tuesday ol last week t lucid su nmr 47- u ph wire ultkd t s kulh bell man ijh lot this region said bunging llu loial u 1 s72 as ol deeemtur 14 anurding to llu upon iki imunu tolilkd s0 28s78 i lasl vear jl 1384 280 lmhu thin in 9sg hnnnt l sh iu un united to 2 48 or 11 mils luh ir thin ft llu prvmotts i u tin qtnrterh dltdeltd of w nuts per share was increased io ss cents for the final quarter and surplus was increased bv 9 107 843 greater custonur ust of oiu siixiils was iciomp iiiud in 19s9 bv an improvenum in um i un hs thomas w lidu pusul enl emphasiid in llu rpil rienuus imuisid b 14 s per mil dui m unk io jji iki use ot our seniles with eoieiil ed efforts to impmte piodiuli ilx we were able io limit tht increase in opei iling eosts to onl seven per eellt l sinilln rise thin dunne ui oihei e u in the postwar period 11k ihiki o a omiioi j kelltei mukiv ro ii llioinson iiiul t i col john r h ilbet ci he id uu hsl ol lion oijiv pj i ions assoil lied willi the i dinhiilhli loinnultee spoiisoiiug hid oik ililmj i tl lp to i din huili ill august ol llu pipes it 1 1 el ill urns or hie 1 onie suits ieel bul in in md hal ion keginteiii mllltl i who llni heel united io like pill in he massed millluy dmd i mkks i iw- imiumlllw inii m mie ihiouijmul august md i he iost of uilirimfllum totutit hmili uul smiiliv ixpnises will he ululelwiilkll h iii i ll 1 1 s is mhiiiis mil i iii nds o hie lltiil kepiiseilllilt tin at lull iuitilown disliill is pipe i vv well honor to ctutatlu cipl un l w pilkll ehilimill of ik euinniillee s ml dus unk inleiesl is mounting in tin llnce eounlics md he lioped that eon siderahk hinnuil ml will ik fotlluominii llus invil ilion lo litem llu tesliv ii is not onlv eu u liniiui lo peel dullelill uul ii illun lull lu c in id i as i whole he si iled honoi tiv luuten ml birllev hull i i pumled out die iouh suits would hi mil only in uh m imhl ii huul m the iesli v ii iive angus 12 ikpillme ilite ins been se i it vii pin un august 12 md the e ntmeinl will nine home sep limber ii the ielmlnii t lev tiviil urns i mm augusl 20 to sep lemlki 10 among llu many punts baud will pi iy ovirse is he some weill known loe illy siull is seot i mil ihe lb m juieii i haluth mateh king 1111141 v aimy my nitive higliluid hume uoniiu dundee hiii 1111 rinks ul adin and bluk dear churchill community residents attend convention a iiumlxi hum line lie il telldnil ihe i m 1 invent ion m loionio 11 llu kini i elu ml siki hun hoi i mils week mi j nut mis w j mi dun ild md son cot don utendid ihe olden widihni immumiv ol mr mcdonalds sislei mi and mis i a williamson al stiecls vdk on saturday iebruuiy 20 rolkit lovvtie of r r i slleetsville etlebraled his 94lh bllttldnv op tliesdiv his tiiends ol this comnumitv wish him m iny h ippv re hi 1 ns tour printing plant mis willi un thompson w is limine ihi lice iriss eoiiespoii di ills who luiiied llu pimliiil plant on morul iv ll wis mueh ellioved mil 1 litlle more know leilee ol i hi puhlie ilton ol a newspaper wis l umd pi lends in sonv to lieu lhat mis c sonuiville is conlimd lo he i home ind hope lor a speedy lollowliiu d sive llu uil r 11 1 ill mia wilon lir a iluin e dh ii ihe s wh i ntt1 1 hi yll iv if 1 ike uh i ill ul md in mu iu i unlluiin w in 111 oiu i i ml- h lu hud llu h willi hum down mi wiih llu h 11 iriuis u ihtlliln he rose ill ill w 1 implin wi s uig many tmolllt songs of llle 11 until 11 ve is nine 10 el 1 lv is don md i ips oueeii lauuhl v ih 1 e pil accept resignations of eramosa officers llle usign ilion ul norm ill s mush dl i10111 i 1 miosi town ship pi inning bo tul was 111npt ul willi icuiel hy tin iiiiiiosi lownslup lounill it lluir lehiu 11 y nieeting held in rik kwood town hall lehiuuv i all hihm ell imkiiikis wele piesenl reeve joseph i onkes he silted cltik s s royie wis instnul id hv llu eouilell o expuss ihe it th inks mid applet lul ion loi his tlu ibk seiviees elui uier ills liim ul oil lee offlecr rculfma ihe leslgnilion ul ii t i d x hooi- lieer was alv leteived willi muih legiel mi i dwanls lei in expires 011 lebruuy 2f coiiespondeiiee was letd iroiu welliiielon soil m i tiop im pimeiiieiit assih 1 u10 1 si john ambiilmec i dell mills polite villige liuslees ml hungelloiil ml 1 utlhle uld ml ill i lllle le lulling alelllder ml mis ititlu bv 1 iv und lownslup ind thl nat lonal bui id in j cikic make cnuil on a motion ol deputy reeve h ikhliim and couruilmaii i marsdcn a grint ul j25 is to be eiven to the willinulon soil mil clop improve me nt assoc lalion lor ihe ve it i960 ihe st john ariihul nice wdl dso receive a fciaiil ol ji0 lor the yeir i960 the roid expenditure loi i960 is is i ul lows 19 000 eoiislrmlion s23 000 maiutcnaiiec a lotal of 32000 cllllord dulheld is re appoini ed inspectoi undei the warble i iy control act his remuneration to be i per hour md eiglll 1 per mile ravelled mikiilflu who lold ol llu up eintlhomt they liawe oiu uol 1i1i1 oik u hie hum ul 1 rii tiller wh may h tve ivvliis i lid llu y hi id vi in liippeu hit lust ol sunn ihi llilnaloil woiki is h 1 lionu espn tally i 11 ll eat iiiolheib und luhlet worililp sarvk mlo i hiijiir lull ihmkiil ll till im hit pkiidnl ii lu hir ol llu iludy on alii 1 miv toll who wiu piogram 1 un in i piisldid tot llu worslili h il sslm1 hy mix joins inyll- ami mi- iii masiis mis li eilee 0i1s lonlithuud a luly piano mio mis 1 irye yoimn pi si lull prehidid lor a hik j hmon ss ikijihi lkoie eloning llu 1111 1 lug wilh ihe mlah ikiikih iu 11 lea hoslisncs iiiiliklnl mi- 1 owe mis i miblcrn md mis c coles ivlnuel hy llu pimld cut mis y tuug coin u sit s i r ill win ihiiuilwl by mis i ngi miisseile md guiimgs it on mm i j hissud reiies m llu lllelllooii gotll will ulli guisls meet council over quarry a petition circulated through campbell villi hiih week to top a new quarry from locating un ihu village m north umlu u meellng with gijoel nnpttiific and will pnihubly bu prcnentetl to nakbuguwiya lowmthip council ul u meeting next monday nlghl it wan luporlud wednesday mpp lllpt ken mikiic who wan ihown 1 h 1i1 man ot the commit ice n lined ul 11 public intel lug lutf wiec lo nl op ihi ijiiarrv ald lie wan n l nuu how iiuny rut met wen on hie f mi hli 111 10 dule hut wl iiuvl lonlaiiid many leopk ami got t lot ol dean he mid ii dl 11 ml i slmliy hall i ii til innlnuil llu gi up tiy check ing on miiiy kgllaliuii ifi u lar nuuwnis kimd ills it inl mu k s lllertf lug iiium i alum 11 llu puf iv i- him 11 i ared iioim iiim in i u 0 k milhoi 1 lowtr miii m villi w ii jhi ii i nig i pi tjkiiy ll ihe hm lllon htm i malt 1 hit jriy ull 1 ll on ipl i iu ijm nmli t hi uh hrlwuy 1 ivulejl robt r hamilton fred a hoffman opiofmtmis fvamtili r 1 ld noni ouiifh ta 42071 91 st 0orgt tur jack ridley cartage limited congmte hocks cindm locks sand livestock and fertilized farm service and sufpiies concrete srick clay srick stone bump trucks for hire fcv clan fs t f fully iniurad phone 2si acton bowl bowl for ploaiur bowl far humi open bowling acton bowling lanes hot ol membu obja it mala k this weeks special head cheese 99 drons meat market sorvlca and quality a specialty free delivery phone 18 uluipjiiy johnnyonthespot for you art you thinking about making important homo nplr1 c 41 and on of th fritndlv oxporloncod aoviton from j b mackenzie and son will com to your bom with m fref trmt h1i tell yow jint how much th material for aach profoctaill cost givo you mving tip too ut ut hlp you with youi homo improvormmtt nowl weve a planning service to take over youk home improvtmint proiem ftuihtn unrtt add a towch of tho modf n to any room youre planning to romodol wo can make thorn for you plywood peneb add an ov dtvidwal not to yoof rvnv m thy ro oaty to mtad and nnf 4 44 por 4 n panol call 49 now will advt you about tour home repams -at- qjbmacka

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