Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1960, p. 9

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mm tteurt page to stress forage crop production during 1960 association program a 95 forage crap production will ht stressed in this year s progrim uf the hal ion soil and crop im provcmcnt association at a ret cnt directors meeting three cv ents were planned to focus at tenilon to the use or quality tor age in livestock production the first event wjll bu a seed dbplay day and hoy show to be held at the agnttilmr il hall mlllon fair grounds on thins dny march 17 strew quality seed this program will stress qu il ity seed and management of lor age crops lor higher nuliilional valul prof j b stone of the de partment of anuruil husbmdiv ontario ajineulturil college guclph will discuss the nut 1 1 1 lonal qualities ol hiy and othu forage crops as harvested undti different management pneliees another kilure or the seed day will be a hnv show with five classes the hi show is a continuation of ihe shnw si unci last year with lout classes john ston neelands president of the hallon soil and crop imnrme menl association announced th it by increasing the numbci of classes there would he in oppoi lunity to prowdc one section tor hay cured with mcchanitil h conditioners pasture competition a further step in the promot ion of quality forage will be the htllton pasture competition the kftouation plans o sponsor two pwc lists in this priu b in eluding a second pne list ihi tssmaxsrrrvb m professor hwgoble to address growers prof h w githk prmintul entomologist wilt re i tew insiit associ ilion hopes to encom ifct farmers in the early stages of cs tablishing i minified p istuu progiam on ihm inms tin lop tonltsmnt in this competition will continue in one ind pio inei il competitions he thud step in i he qssoiiil ions lunge progi im will ix i money money in lite mav or i ul june tins luui will nki in tin i itnis ol the lop tunti stints in haltons ww pistuu tompeiii ion on this im isioii ii ilton i umeis will be ible to nw m in ijiittunt pi ti tuts ill it in impoitml to qu ilil foi ige pio due lion eight groups ask county aid dami t mul vtf crops dunnj- ww ind m ike i commendations lot lontiol inci surcs dining i960 piol gobk is one of scvenil speei dists leatutecl by the builinjutiii and distnet fruit and vegetable groweis as soemt ion in toopci ilion with the ontano diputnunt ol aj riculturc it thui mini il medium on thiirsdjv mii e h 3 the meeting is heme held in wo sessions the iltunihhi pro- i wtll he demoted to pi oh lems of the iruil giowei willi the evening program diwitid to vegetable problems afternoon speakers the afternoon progiam uulud w pro goble and pi of c b kcljv ol the botaiu dipuimui oac di kills case control pi iclris h cum iv extension spmilist will dis cuss the subleel o pre itttliuj bruising during ipph huwst di j f blown of millon set relan ol the onl ino 1 nut mil vegetable giowus assim itmn will hud tlit tuninji met tin willi a discussion on liouji methods in liilhs tomitihs both sessions will ik tu id in the lions h ill bui luijjun teksrciw t- tifchl icquests lor monc f k cd county count illois it the febniirv meeting held in millon on tutstl i lebiu ir 16 mijor ted conotr appe ired on behilf of ihe lomc stols peel dul te i in ind hilton rcfi ment loi the annual gr mt ind explained the pisl u u s mil this veil s piogi ims dunne 1959 he sad tile mihli i h ul conccnliiltd on cm dtluiie oi nation 1 1 siiim il is n is now known to pit p lie loi itoirm wais he noltd tout ixiiusis ol officers without uuops and weekend sihimis 1 ist spring lie s ml 1 silt pi isc c illoul w is ik id apd in si hours 21 mm hid been gatheied at bt implun ind moved to milton reviews festival trip highlights ol i9s9 wne the ouetn s usit ind htc gutids ind bind p lucks lor the oce ision in 1960 he went on the pipes md diums ol the i orne stols will go lo ihe i until ldijibuilh tisl ivil ind mi compete ij unsl permanent lorte nuliiuv ti mils horn gu it but im ind ill mu the woild thi lot d bind will bi ihe onlv pipes mil diums h mil iiptestnting c in ul i hi tspliin id iht mm will i ill tlu nun out lot iht h il i inp bill ik lug- t hem fiw i and hna is t4i liom s200 to 400 i in- u u lie noted ehj uqutsl tumid tln liter itim iht butt in wishis to disttihiile tht w ink n ind luumil pmsul the butt hi loi us tlloiis dlinnl the p isi tu mil pioinised lo tonsidu tin it qtiist requests win ilsn ioumii horn ilk t in uli in mtnl il hi ilili assotiiiion mil tin onl mo sihool inistms md rilipnus assoti it mu wluth iettilil no i9s9 1 mis tin n nd u icm ol in uli sum in rjss mil hit si net 200 m 199 y i w is iliml lo wntt im il niiiniii pillllts 1 ttllt vih1l i lisi ol iiju1 i i lions wlmh iiiuud iiiiinii ip il ji mis in 19s9 1 1 spon sihihl ul iht unit plout s one lllll 11 milt plos nine the bind iiim uopt i lid wl ii in thur niplovi s nun oil lo the tup tlu itquis lis ic ill iis w is linn d iiui to th rm i nit lo lilt an nil ition ripiisiiitinj tin blind in h il ion cuunlx v st inli iskidihil the 600 giant be renewed npim hii v to i tiie fe-n-b- to train and find tmplomini the si blind pet suns in tin i t r intuit in lets hum two o mir 100 i biigidnt aithtu lltll iipoikd loi tin s ih hum anm cmlu 11 11 imilion wlmh t ins i un wid moihtis md mills m p 1 in ttouhli thiotiehoiit sou t hi in onl ino mi mnimtl ih il list m ir unwrd iiioihus hoi ton tost tilt niilii ihnui while iht iiiuntv ki ml si 300 praise bureau ti ifdeii i in ihnf wnghi i lie f kit tlu ii qui s s g bennetts bull top seller in u s un nli tn shorthorns wen m tin linn w m il llu inlv islib lislutl all bull sk it winthist 11 vltlllll thin win ps bulls un tin silt hum tijil stilts md llu pi imini ol out ino iht siv t ip sithri liulk ill i mu ti mi ilk onl mo i nsim is s b mull doi un hid ilk l m sillu miii i s n his n i ihmipim stir lit i tiiitpti ntl in hut with i pm ol pul lid bulls u is ro philp pn ih pi tin pint in me 1 1h n i vi07s intultul ills blh l hum bulls h u km pul inimt lisutl wiih jood i uts it l un ii i i llu in e iinii 1p lbs p i 1 1 liinnj- llu t mm 1 in in mills list p ii id r giidlmisi milton hid tin iul thin l ops wiih i ino si mill it itl lllnlollll putts thkts9sl mil ws st il sd i 1 in is jl mht headpin hilitei the vin nut man eliilrnnns diopptd a clusi first gimi to the oaks ilk oikits ind bounced bilk with i lull ehiige ol stiikis md spins lo mike uj two mil tot ik win mom the otktilk oakus ihis puts the lktlinnns up into sttond pint with llu miniums siitni tins out out nim wttk vin noimms ink sinttstlk w iv with iht mu ihnuf being litm to the liu weekly awards jill llmi is i llpt iii 111 till pints clothinc iw ml ilns wnk mill in 81s inpk bill slim nnn will hit himstll up lo got il ins hitdw in lo i ish in ins vl single iw nil outlur l mu llu who is p niiline husill i it l hi t innoi opm is luulm nine to howl it j h it ihp mil in i 778 inpk done with i 116 smjli wins i hi i idgti s id a eiotiius is will is the smuts ol the a di tie inns over average willi llu limn llndeis who bow lid hittir thin iluu mi iei mil unbibid tin litiiul nlitsh nunls il rtinhnts co i nl i md simii up is i usull win j uk piinek kiiih andnivs ji nil spin s md i k inoi w ill in gnli hullo i ind bul loi dm who h ultd in aulph 1 ist s ituiil i in llu mi roll ill foi hie obpa all si ii i isitin milium ch iinpionships hut bull enml ind bid loituni willi lilt l p t llll tills qliihlmil rlll ii lllltl tl vm1 till sivih spill md uiil nisi niissul mu uehth mil i isi sp ii h 1 pins a b ul lllsl l lllll spi hill ills isln loi ben i tlit imli toiiliugent hum ailon bill vhiiiuiis w ivm spin s boh aeiitw mil 1 1 id ktiituti lii il i eihitl ti in ihe nun s tliisi in bul i nkd lo quilik in llu snitsinm m isins tin pm iitd lump u nsliip qu ihhiiia niiiuil dm lllll is llu pi suit ii i in with i hti emu i it 1 240 9 nd lint mue s is it im this m k adius colonel commends lome scots military band at annual meet third annual met ting of thi milium bind ol ihe i mm suits pdii reg was held in the millon aimoitiits on tties day tib 16 with 2s inimlxrsin attend inee pnsukm doug butk k rt id tht miiiuits of tin list innuil nititiifg md tn isurii ausiin i idwiih pitsinltd the tn isiiici s iipoil urpiisidmt bill kuldill piisuiiid thi lmm ul photou iphu molds ol the h mil wlni h w is iiupltd mil will be tonliiiiud esquesing approves grant for retarded at isqiusme township itmn ills lust ltbiiui mtitiiie i sum p mi w is ippmud i a tin milt m md disini i assn i iii m it kii u ud ihildiui mi mhi i ship ins m ihi assouiiiun ol rm il mum ipilnits s im i itnd piul mil ill nn mints ol u urn il it n ippt mud loinin 1l ii lilllllls wiih till ii lpill bi pud b tlu ii wiislup weed report nofes several proposals ciintv wul inspi toi v i jmiatllim suhmittid muiii pio p sils lor i 161 loimn wtid pioei mi t i unn inm milk 1 1 om mind hums iniliukd lo immiiipil i iiinuls mil wiul mspiuois i pt i urn n is in i in mu il wml iiintioi in inopei uton with tlu leiitultuiol tk piitmml ind llu nop ind soil impii nniinj eioup isstsi mu to inmtis wiih i hi mu il wtul spnmiie i out mtn tie til nls to tieiti md dishov buhur hutkilioin hid li if spin ti lonliniiine ineoti hums wiih i ul w i i mipmiis pitssine i it un pi u i ui i loiitt i done ihtn inhiolvus oitmiition i i mu tine i i insitiitiioti ol imm ulpll llu i mspiitols n till iouni md ptiss pjstir isi t mlisi bin unit ind ikmun stntuin puhliuii mi mt at i hut noltd tint ip piominitik s66 m i spuuhiuiis mu md b u his nnn ind t would hi lliiissn i this sundays church calendar presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rtv andrew h mcls nm b a bd tndat tfbrt 28th imil s p n m thurh rirmt 10 00 nm bible cuis 15 11 00 nmmorninx w r h i thiyu pnrii mri th frii f cvxl 6 00 in urns ptopl sk- jimi r conkristti m l nnit riunnj mi n pn nin ri rlu d n i i tl ft thi mniisi d ir nc tin- s r acton pentecost at tabernacle r kilinth j ri id pastor 1 c jrf tihnm 6 w sxmnl ffbrl vrs sth 1ttl 10 00 am stindai sh i 1100 am m time w h 710 pm finn tr tiiwdii 8 pm chrititn work ers training irt tixt thp church bijin cmrw 1 be c mtue isi i rt tium1io nikht tmi 1 mirrh t thursdv 8 pm-chru- ambawa dm vi ikw saturdav 30 pru i r msri nk ou arc alajs wtlcstmc christian reformed church rv j nutma ba bd mnokr soi quwn st box 46 phon sunday february 2sth 160 1000 m erulwh 2j30 pm dutth the chun of cw back to god hour all are welcome sleigh ride p 1 im rndi in 1- iiu n p im ailllll 1 lliiwlt ihoi innuil muth 1 e iniip 1 tfl llll il his w 1 iii s 1 tn n no 2s lijlnnv alki sk m lll l i irii h ills i ntui 1 lllol in til lo llu in hm ihtn i hi ims illllt lllll 11 iisi will 111 mu 1 iiiii ih iti nut w is op pul lilt ttllll 1 1 i in his s up nr puitiiliil ind in id in 111 illkt ii ilnnt mutt 1 volt of lit inks 1 i mis 1 id 1 i op mill iki hiiitii 1 ih i the acton free press thursday february251960 colonel arthur kemp co nl undid the nu e ting ami com im nil td tin ti ind un thur wink ul the pnsl two cars ht rtiom mended the hand appoint ti noin inalmn ttimiiiitlce and iidopt hm slik ol ofliins witliuul opt n tltitiiins tht cnuintl slits std ihe mid lur n union uf fut int2 iimuiiu ill pints uf the nttnn ml did sltissid tht uhhtiiiiis ol tht hind to llu iitjimint hi it it ivid tin loming ujp or llu pipis and diums ouisi is lo the rdijihuih ttstiinl tind txpl un id what it would me in tu ill nu minis of tin unit millon president orfittrs hppiiinlid for 1 win piisidtnl cpl bill rtddill pisl piistdint cpl douj biuk ii in pi i skit nt cpl doug huns in isurti pil austin lid with sitittiiv pi bum hotly son stiw ml pl john dun sihiii ih m in in pit alfiul k ul 1 lli nut i in v is idiom m d md i nui lint of tin mi hi in h dl iiiiiiinillii tolluwid lt pup nt lot tin fust milil try hill in tin mi lli hi at mourns un i thru ui i 26 bun itliiitns oir i hi pisl i ii iiiiludid 94 issimmiis 20 puhlu ippt inutts thui tl inn irmtl iilu usils mil 71 ti lining p n ulis tin h md ippt milt in bi iinptoii oikulli t nun i im ilion ii iniiliiiti cit lnwn ai ion mil bui hnglon tin lujhlilhl ol hit t u was i hi il mu m iisl tin uumi in juh com par hs i nci and us all toiit colonel j p st ill i le nl tut iiiihtniiv on uu and pi un u ishts is tlui ifftit sunn ilnlili iinnlk lomnunl nl it n puhlu nm iinj in mm in ipolis on toniptlil it igjius sit diuuifi hi biitaiti tluv hm siiiin ol tin must iliumin ihlt loads ind sunn ol tin mnsl nimntik tlimis ilns loiiiintni iiiiild do with ii lot inoii ol tlu hes maniac woman drutr to friend will sun look how close that munlac is diiving ulie id uf me 1 hilt for appliance and tv repairs manning electric call 230 you are cordially invited acton jmight school display night al the acton district high school saturday eebruqry27 8pm ii1mi am ilkivi imr iriima fashion show 8 45 m refreshments demonstrations in classrooms central ontario cattle breeding association tr 111 il is 70 luui ihk llnl is 711 pu iht puloiiuinit rijisiii nov isll iikinikai omario aitii brtrdlnc associa tion snht mini hud sut piihltin il mu iii not ilu idv dome s a witli si kin hi ul mlx in llu minis breeds is il iifahk i ik pulni ol ihe buctsm c niiinilltis has lietn ilu un pirtoiiiiiikt lisiul h it sins th it hut made o i t un on oiiumi tisl mil in of disn ihle type nh win ki is s i il i i ik ol l nu is i iliu iitirislic nt ol i sin s i lives in llu til in iht sire i in im i rilisiu nm us4 this hunu the use- inh lot lli wnu to i ul il iiisiinhli kill i mi in ol tin lipid un tiiiiiis th il hm been lo his flspillll tin pitpiltnt sill mi hiiiuits l hulls i i ilu liui htttik in imm m ul must hulls in plus juoitii fit pioduilion u ll ii ki in sins hid iwi i is mmv honor vw is i n nu t a i hul iii mimltlhsiiir 300 i or ml villi is s00 per cow i ok non ml mijl ks 7 00 per cow i ui stimns will ht jhtii in nit tow lur lunitplion il muss u for information or service halton county and erin townfhlp farmers should phone trianle 7 2204 or long distance zenith 40150 before 10 am 9 30 am may 1st to nov 1st better cattle for better living onestop service

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