Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1960, p. 1

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kghty fifth year no 37 isba acton ontario thursday march 10h 1960 eight pagesseven centi k 8uh photo any goalie could stop the puck during a hockey game if he hacf he support of two pretty lassies from the junior pipe band two youngsters who played goal booster night at the arena tn an exhibition game are demonstrating how with the support of the two young ladies they would block the net off entirely pictured left to right are joyce rennick bobby waller mark kqwoii and june rennick gait skaters local talent thrill hear 700 during booster night show almost 700 cold shivcimfc spectators billed the nc ir zero weather il the at tun itn t ri t dav cvcqitil to new l ik elect knl displ ly of limy sk nine pre sen ted by the d lit ricmc sk il ing club dunnc ih innu il min pr spoil- booslci nilhl pro gram the prugi im and u lists i lilted from small tykes lomdull skaters as they presented musinl mtmoiits ui intticsting mil colortul page ml highlighting i ik cicuihl ol figure sk hint uiu 1 mil i ann ward anil neil ciiptnui wist crn onl uio md nilgai a putin sula inniut p hi s eh impions their appearance on the he sui face drew regular roumls it ap plause as ho couple wailcd to the recuided musie hockey game a hockey gimc between it ims or the squirts it iguc st il tell the evenings piugt im oil with bant and the vutincstcis thnlled the gathering tudiencc uilh then enlhususlie dispf tv ol hockcl herb cook mil boh louteit well known at ion sports en thusjdms slole the shove when complete hi eomie outlils ihci donned the hlnlis mil uttinptitl to repe it the ft us ol the i ist moving gall sk iters howls ot laughter swept through the audienee is the lotiple ttttmptttl ficrnis mil twirls onl to e oil ipse on the surface ot the hi lltel t lell it tempt acton citimis bind mil alton junior pipe bind wtit in it ttndjukt and prpudc music dur ing the intermission dunne l hi pioei im st lexd hi he gall eluh neil cupmlei made his lust ippe it met dress cd in a gav nuklits eosiuint ind entertained the crowd with in excellent dtsplav of skiltne the inlet mediate wayne palmct broufcht mei oiics ol spun to the mltitsltd lutlltike is he csctuttd mine he illciits on the lee not i imu imn r ttlinpl mil w is he ml horn hit sk litis as lhe stood in llimsv costumes mailing thin tuin lo m ikt m tppc uanie on the m suitiet 01 hilt waiting hint tut in do a solo ihimlxi 11k innu tl booster night kll on one ul the toldesl winter nights so f ir this semsoil skaters framed a pit lore sqiie p itltiu w is inllowed hi five ol the uiiinc sk ileis is t leh nil in tuin step peel out hum a pietuie ii uile tu whul md w ill heloie the trowd taking pirl in this mini bet were baibara st hilling lin d i fantll lind i ann wird i vnnc gixlwin ind ruth fitgib- htm the tidies tjoiip presented til for two stiowuil tint m ins ol the patents were t dent id sk iters as well is their ehild mi the d tiling ul the sk hint eluh tetiv ptti drxssd is i tittle dulth liii md lie pitiiier ron nie shun slole the show willi i hi ii displ iv ol skinny is ihtv kipt pin with the interim di he skllels who acctimpinicd them un the let dunnt the duuh num be i conclude skating program the senior danet troup mil i soloiiiniht i ul numin diseh lomludtd the proci mi bv the ill skitme club mike bttukli lornui mul it tit isiiiet ul till mltltit spoils ummiltis itled is mister ol tnmonus tor ihi cicmnc mil it aibt pi niikd the implilvutk svsltlll mlllth spoils otfi ills in in ittts unities ind m inv is sist mis well ix sponsible tor the ii lorful leeni itiuns whuh hiuhu tied n tht mm tm the le mere at tun 2s bund u ikr aelon sis bond r mt k iifchl rtvd it 10 hoi id r 1 ullv almt ul ipl it kit t 1 iw ml ts we e p woods r 1 in va iviilsi i ind mis 1 dunn il alton and mis t i will o top this a small clastfjkd drtrtbe- menl placed bt4he acton free press last january b still drawing favorable results for the person who advertised as late as monday of this week a call was placed to the office qthc newspaper from a reader who had kept a record of the january advertisement and wished to locate the home addrea of the advertiser last week two calls were received regarding the same small advertisement i darts in path of car receives broken arm roy rognvaldsun 1 1 yearold son of mr and mrs gordon rognvaldson r r 4 acton re ceived a broken arm when he was struck by a tar after darting from behind a sehuol bus near his home on thursday march 3 treated at the scent of the accident by dr d a garrett the youngster was rushed lo guelph hospital part way by polite erui ser and the balance by ambul ante the yuunc slewaritown public st hoof boy had just lighted from he school bus and had darted it loss the road toward his home when he was struek bv a north bound eat mi hichwav 25 driven liv cvnl w stone of aeton the youngster has his arm tn urn tu sthool next week d image to the ear amounted to so reported constable williair bt nne 1 1 inv est itat ing officer torn noith hallun opp dc lelimtnt bui tin rr 2 rink msol j new tun mil b u ul at tun t bttkttt ol coilx town g i is ton ot guelph mil ii j smith ot gill entertain artists at tile eonelusion til the piu trim the skill is uitf ill who took put m hk pnil1 un vvtie illicit lined hv the minor spoils eioup m the 1 clio1 uiditunum continued on page eight feathers maximum pay aeton distnet llieh school boaid met monti iv evening tu stl i he teielieis s ilarv schedule lui the i9w1 sehuol ve ir l s lorn eliiinum or tin tin uue ind in in ilanient com mitlee itpuiud lo he board un i niixtiiil held willi le tellers re pieseiil hivis and with his com miltti in piesentiiie his return men i hums lo the buird he pi i i out ihit the minimum s il uv i u s h ul been m mil lined while i 10 melt isc hid been i lopkd i i i m ii mli in allet tonsidel ihle dlselisison hv bond nitmbiis i lu seheilulc was unani iii uslv ulopletl consider budget tlu it ml hiuuil lor l0 ilso i urn up it i bin i sin h i it tn t the mill le sviiil miitinc s ken t iii to thiuuchlv sciiss i he bti 11 i btloie tin uittnt u n i iuikiis ih bmim- llsil five days remain to obtain 60 plates with only live days rem lining tilth 19s9 litente platen loeal is suit i jack harcrave reported th h only so pel tent of last years s lies have been made to date 1 he issuer reminds motorists they must present a proper lia hihty certificate when pure has in g- their new pt lies if this eerllfi e lie is not tn the drivers posses sion he must obi un one i rum his insutanxx agent re id a letter from the arch iteet suggesting hljustmenls on the building contiaclv le tmed tin workmen s cumpcns num commission had uteived and appiuved the apph i hum tor eoveiale ol employees and boaid members rt i erred a letter from a subcontr le lor s solicitor lo the itxhiieels fur el unification and opinion accepted an ontario hydro tuiil inspection tenor l on the cl eelnt il mst illation at the school received a letter or thanks rum the aeton night school ommittee for the use of the sttitml md lmnasium for their innu d displiv rttcived t letter of thank- liuni ihi siiidenls who had visit td the roval ontario museum in tebiu ii v ap ttt- rrf rtrr proposal for meter reading accepted continue collection at two offices fur a twomonth trial period hydro and water meters will pnee again be read by one met lr reader consumers will re celve both hydro and water ac lourfts m two separate bills as pne piece of mad the hvdro bill will still huve to be paid at the hydro office on elgin street und the water accounts at the municipal offices on mill stteet this action was taken at the regular council meeting tuesday evening and resulted from ihe ac eptanee bv council ol the hydio commission s offer to read ihe meters fur a twomonth j ml per ind at ihejutc ol 10 cents per meler the bills being mailed lo- fcclhtr will requite only one stamp which will brine the tost lu the town down lo 6 cents per meter the observation was mule that this ts the cheapest wiy in which to reduce ihe numbet of complaints received from having iwo meler readers mayor goy reporting to cil un the committee meeting with ihe hydro commission ex rliessed the gener il concensus ol opinion was th it the ullim he in efficient and economical td ministration would nol b icuh cd until both dcpitlmcnls were agiln undo one tool fie lilt the fee nil 1 1 admimstialuc clsis would not en up this iui no lereemciit isytl hisbttu reached in whuh hydro md waier bills miv be paid it eithci ihuhydru olliec 01 thi mumciptl office ilthougl is councillor lowe said 1 1 sit ins to be hut i shoit step lo ee mine hick lu navincjn one place coimcilloi ailliiu hilt the niwlv elitled memher ul conn cil wis ippuiuud to no 2 turn mitlee he w is sworn in to oflitt in ihe tkfks ullue list liuhv by law defeated a by 1 iw lo set ihe pt i loel ul divlllbl simul rime lui hit summir of 1460 wis mlioduttd ind read i lusl tunc thi moliuti to read the bylaw it sccohxl lime w ts defc ilcd this action was t ken to apparently goad some higher authority tnlo atctplmc the responsibility for adopting ds t at uniloim dalus on pos sihly it pruvinttal h isis unless some other euitimilcnt bodv sets the litis or unliss the bv 1 iw is rcturnid lo luuneil mil re ul twice more no i ivlighl siting time will be observed in acton the siietisled ditts in the bv i iw were april 24 it 1201 tm lo october 10 it 2w im m tvor gov oi reeve gritr ind tkrk idmiiustr itor migt it hie weie ippoinlcd signing offieers lot ihe town a bv taw to provide for 190 expenditures on roads ind streets in actpn wis re id the required three times md passed a subsidv frinn the provincnl goveinmcnl is ipphcd for am unliril tu st per cent of the priposid 17 000 tn i question ihi inswir wis limii ifni i iirp- pkmtnl irv ippliiiitiort for ad thlionil ermis on ro ul expend hurts wis being considered dial system proposed a motion w is ptssid luthnrli ing the tkik lo issue i building ptimil lo ihe bell telephone omp inv ul c in id i lor ihe erect tun ul i suhsi iiiun il he continued fin pirc six dial phones here by 1962 to begin btmmjbxm gideon bibles were presented to the acton high school tuesday by representatives of the society during the assembly in the auditor um shown left to right are school principal e a hansen receiving a bible from m m coles and g harrap each room will be in possession of a bible for students use honor mr and mrs h masales on 60th wedding anniversary plviilclli kim nls ol ihe pmpcrtv torn m lite s2js72 the eurrent ac eiiinls w48s1h the leichcrs sal ims j701262 fvtidid lo it place iwo tvpe wiiliis ol ihe commercial c chttpmem tteh vcar and mam i un a lour times i year in spot hon ind it pair of all machines earned the siall members would be attending an osstf district 12 conference at buffalo i n much 18 the school will be t losetl rimivcd uoldicatton from ilu ossti- ihnmgh the printipil ih u mrs smilh s quahfkalions htd htin upgrufetl i mm class i u cliss v the setretarv was in iruited tu tdiiisi mrs smith i salaiv icit rtlmiv wire itlvisent the univetmlv of t wxmtd nr tismgthr sehtnl it r in examination m mav tor ihur business admimsl taiion course he tnl imm the pniperii ti mini t tee ihu tht home eeon imies niim hul been compkliti ind the he m hes m he wash rooms instilled uamed the tmrtntwirtatitin lommutee was mvtsttgaung pos sible attendance and bus route fur ihe 101 school vear discussed the accumulative siek leavx program appnned a resolution call ing lor the national embtcm to be flown from the flag staff to be raised before the opening and lowered at the end of each school dav approvxd a resolution au thorizing the secretarytreasurer to issue teachers salary cheques i on the last friday of the month signs of sprine wtie ciidnit tin sund ly in the ltciun auihlonum as beautiful bouquets tr mowers from the family md friends dec or a led ihe hall as iso guests l i thcrctl to congratuhtc mr ind mrs how trd mis ties on ihe tt tasion ol thcar 60ih weddmc in nucrsarv four d in chit is two sons 2s crindthitdrcn 28 lic il grind children as well ts tithii rein i ivcs friends ind picsls hlend cd lu chat with the aelon touplc and offer congratulations six children true actomans mr and mrs masales were mimed here in 1900 hv rev mealmne ot koflc firemen answer two calls saturday f i d lotikinc itiiw irtl lo tht summit months when lliv will be iblt to sit in the sunlight ind chit with friends ind neighbors dur int the wintci monihs watching television is one of their mam pasttimcs nests wile pnscnl from tor untu oakvillt milton hespelu guelph ruin lit newmirket ind at ii n m iv ir john gov ind ileik ufmiiusli itor jack megea ehie e illrtl un ihi col pit lo ullei umli hulitu ns un belt ill ol ihe lown ot alton the couple rcniv ed m inv he iiililul lltiwtrs ind tonjr hul ituiv t irds fiom ihe f imilv ind t ne nils their h sl ul fnends i un with humid e ills in s ilur i iv win i hit ilirm sum m ined them i i i hi tes iltnte il f- kinlntr vutin avenue when in oil htitir be tune ovxrheiled in i ihi km house h iht rt ir ol ibt h mt i n i tl im ijt w is islini htd ind liitnitn hid ituvihine untie conlnil soon ilitr uu d the s unt ilk mot n in tint i in uk i i isl inn t ihe home u h ien gord m in i sqiusm tiwnship in nllmii 2s m i sptvstdi whin tht ht ilmg sys itni btt uile oveihi tied in estimilttl i h00 at ion and dislnct customers was innoune d by c s kulh lot d in in iger i tin bill ttleph me in i noon hour inletview lent iv fusl illienl inn iitneinienl of hi pioiil followid i tucsd iv i mnt ippiov d b alton tohii tl in isu met of i bidldiiil per ii it i a i new cieliuilc build me flu new huiltlin will be ted on thru lots in town piesintlv optioned by the tuin chuuli md llgin si its mi keith sutl in imhiln con li u 1 1 hi tu bt gin in j ul v of this ear with did itk phones in ipcnli m soriulmii in 1962 adn t i d svsltw w un periltts no longer necessary hul it w is pothled out prescnt- opcritors will bi offered other employment wiih the company one storey tht mw thmtt butliling will be or lie sltiiev construction with no bisirmnt it will he dc sicntd ttir hi i ore expansion md ill switihmg iqiiipmtnt will be housid in this building while the new huiltling is being con st rue ted bell workers will begin msi illalmn of the necessary equipment mil lints find pi ms for thi tonslrutltnn of ihe building wil tun tort n to cxisiinc zoning rigid hions mayor john gov lomminling on rtk isi ol tin inform u ion nr used iht in us is in excellent thing fur ae ton unlit itmg in ilur pn tnssivi slip in the towns cuvhnpmrnt on tv a luting roikwood in i mm divul btnh im stm ol frncst btnrruri depuiy ixevc of fra inosa township md mis bun him ins htm iiiiliinintd for ihe ken sohle am itiur hour md will ippt ir in h uiultun tv sunday c vi in fig the vomit miisuitii pt ivs the iioiilmn mil ti ubes music in the rotkwooti in logicai inough whm sm hi puny mil one of tlu foreign inidgt i c irs on the mid it i isptd whit ire vou t ir with pi nit un in auto- drevscd in ttip hats ind cants ft ud i tribute lender ted lewis ts th itf around he ice suilu lights weix dimmed ii i vim b uul show sllhs ht t i me ml it ship draws made in th sskiiiti hilh sch mil dunnl the intei mission di iws liusues sshllt t n ind ihi on witt m ult md the to wine i ii ii sthool im ins council at won pitcs jsq bund 1 it l1 llli 11 iniship lets t sioo a ncw membbt was inducted into the acton rotary club tuesday everting during the dinner meeting when dork n wlacbnde received approval of the club pictured left to right are pre sident f prouse mr aaacbride and secretary ron lewis the new member rs the owner and operator ot acton d7y cleaners and is nxengtongralulatirxis from the cufe members town and have hied in ailon their lives t using a lamilv ol six childten two sons li ivd ind greniille ind two dtulhttrs m idelemc min j mooncv ind veri mrs c sptrvsl jllltvetn aelon and two other daughters viol i mrs l brown and dorccn mrs p purdv both hie tn oakullc mr masales was born tn erin township ind his wile thi tor mtr alice thomas was born tn smiths fills mrs mtsaks in her i kinder vcirs vns in utivt member ol the united church w a ind dune with her husband his t ik en a ktxn interest m iht mini changes in town since thev weie lirst mirrtel she is now t inhn eil lo tht house during tht win ter months but cnjnvs the out d in the summeriime- tanncry employee 37 tears mr masales vv is i worker at beardtnorc and co lor 7 vi irs until poor heilth ton id his n tinmcnl in lttir t irs hi i in ered milk lor a nephew vicsles masales tor 1 veirs an irtlent sptrtsrmn hi in still be setn during the summer months as he- tikes his place in the theermc section during the baseball games mr masales is a number ol ihe orange lodgt local 467 and also belongs to the black pentptorv lodge in guelph he leads an active hie and walks dailv to the post office for mail as well as shopping enjoy vtsftrng during their anntvxrsarv celeb ration sundav ihe couple en joyed visiting with their imm relatives and fnends and are sixty teafts of married life were recognized on sunday when mr and mrs howard maaiiw of acton were honored by 1 50 visitors during an open house m hse legion auditorium thai coupe are pictured above with their two sons end four daughters during rhfc racsptforr thi members of the family pictured left to right tn the back row are madeline mrs j moomy vera mrs c spires uoyd grenv a living m acton vio mr l brawn and doreen mrs p purdy both of oakvote j

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