tt arton ftee pfatvtriijrdy rasrtr lthh 1960 l make appointments approve accounts during erin township council meeting i pnv ihc i9m 1 405 ti the iiwwctqn jwd distributor or wattfcftylpowder fence vcwcri i kccpn and livestock valu tori were appointed by the erin tuw c dwwg their- ntulkt meelins tuesday manli 1 at hilubursh by resolution the following wnj appointed as inspectors and dltlributora of powder under the provisions of the warble ry control act north division j mcfcc west division c parkin on cast division a jackson south division d stewart appokntmentt made by bylaw the following vvtiv appointed to hotd office until i replacement is named lencc viewer chester bun jamo sm culr jcmceiwry a mtln cry george c burt arthur rim an and keiihtboilcv pound keen er r mcencrv t mcdowell w hamilton w murray k gra ham r wheeler k rcld 0 unf hour w awrev t mtcuicheon n sim lair and w mcpcc live mock valintors north division c b w d ji cast division n riddlci and vnitli division d stcwtit tendtrs submitted bv s r griilin and c king were k k ccpted foi delivers ol warble llv m povvdu in is pound containers al 42 ttnis nil pound ii was also agreed lu pinxhuse 12 elmrs from d butcher to authorize expejue pnvment of expenses foi dele gules attending recent convent ions wis approved tin eleik wis mithorired to piv ihret months mil lot room u mrs j mcmirick the i ix collecloi wits uuthini id to nolilvevcrvonl in iiiixhs ol luxes thai i deadline h id been set foi pajment council agivcd to pav the i9m lew amounting to credit valkv ceilworv ation auih otllv it wan tilho agreed to pay thtlrinhrc dcpaiuuat wl strvkes imkrcd iikjiih mountain vkw nuhdlv t skin requisition deadline tin eleik was mitliorted lo instrmi the mxixtark til llu school boards in lit dislriit that t0 requisitions must be tumid in ntii latct itian m irilt 2s council agreed iij takt jnil muiibcishlp in tin otitiuo id malum asstkiatmn ind ixpixs ctilittlvcs vviii chosen is tkkgil knox explorers news intended tor urn week 1 he inciting wan called lo or xki bv tkmaitl iuki mid wi ltd lowed with llu lvnltitu motto purpose mid inivii tin mitniuix wan h id liv stephen ink and a piavti whs given bv llnnunf liuiki hit olliilng whs luktn up liv jmmiaiuudaud the ollittuij navtr wn iv ml bv skiilim ole llu mil tall neeiiliiiv and luiisiiuis muni loilownl mumilststwftrvfkk tx gctittnl itxuimts mumming ti 139 si tnd roul ictounts am duntihu u j42190i were uith oned foi p ivintnl dming i ik mectmt seet il il tins ofionxsnoiidiiitt vvcix k ul in tk ill with council conttiiucd from page one building doc not conform vuih the zoning bylaw tht tlerk will then turn irit matter ovtr the planning board for tlkir commendation the letter to the ckrk with the application outlined tin company s plan to build a biyld ing and install the dialing equip ment necessary lor an 1 phone exchange councillor lowt sugtgsled that this was the tunc to request a extended coverage lo lake in larger number of subscribers i the immediate suiroondingox mayor gov reported tins w being discussed bv the north halton urban boaixl the recommendation of rofid committee was ancplcd with reference lo iht request ol the department of highwass and the engineer wis to tx in slructed lo submit their tviom mendations rcgardine storm drainage on queen st e to the department uf highuivs an amendment to the connecting link agreement wis antpted to include highw av 7 east i ixmi young st to the present town boundary the department of higtmavs proposes to change the etirve from queen st to young st widen the curb and dram tin highway along queen st t westerly entrance from queen st lo the highway will be thinged to enter the highway at a right angle council agreed to accept detiv cry of an addrcssograph machine with three column lister the ma chine had been ordered last year and delivery had been held up reeve greer explained to countil thai the administration commit tec just didnt have the 40s0 necessary to purchase the muh ine various suggestions were put fntevaih and- ll was agreed to rent the mathinc for this star t a monthly rcntil ol sim 69 next year if the council desires it purchase the muhinc 90 pel cent of the rent paid vill be d lowed off the purchase pnec the machine will be used in the preparation of water bills tax bills and the avscvsmenl roll in the latter appllcttlon alone u is anticipated a nduilion ol two months woik will be midc councillor lowe supgcstrtuit a return to the prtxeilunltnlaw for the conduct of count il busm ess the suggestion is u he brought up foi disnivsiun il iht next committee e iht whok meeting hp4 mh1s presbyterians hold meeting plan projects the wms ind udios aus iliarv tf ulen mills pivblimn plan hot cross bun sale group to sponsor euchre tk it r tk il i 1a 11 a lii 111 l the february meeting of thi scout ind guide mothers assoe latum w is held in tlic seoul hill february 2 with is nitmbtrs present the pixsidtnt beryl ntwlun opened the meeting with the lord s prnyei liktn rtvnokis ikw mtm btr veas welcomed lu the assoc itttmn the minutes ol the lisl meeting vveix re ul ind adopted and ihe trcasuicrs it noil was approved il wis decided lo sell hoi truss buns it un this vm the mem be rs igicctl to givi the gii guides hut ttogs inel hot choeol itc illtr their skating patty find plans for i cuthrt mel nciim vale were in tdc with i comimilcc apjwuiled lei this pi o ice t the meeting closed with thi mipih bcnedittion ihd lunch was enjoyed by all circulatibn increase 10000 board learns at special meet ac ton libi try board durmg special meeting on thursd ly math chose peter dunham is llie new chmmin lu held the boaid lullownil the itsigllillon ol re goi don ail ijns otllei meillbeis ot the bond are v itech in m in c ku kilt ss mis h iranklin w mckiv g lee rev h b slokietl and m woi j ii gov whu atls t olhtiu tin hit town duung the spec id met tine ihe bemtxl ixviewed the innual tin ineid rcpuil mil discussed cur ixnt uxinls in btxik boimwin the tlml hhi uiuis tiiciilation ixpoit showed i tkliniic decixase of almost 1 000 borrowings this diup v is pull illy bl mini two week t losing list suminci d uting the hohd i puiiod md a til intt in public sihoul iibtaiy t lasses il wis nultd til it uliill ixulei liixuliliun wis down dining 199 wbik 1 he itix c uilc subse tibei s showed a sh irp incixasc ol iboul 300 ihhjks ix id during the ixpoil llw lollow int ciixul umn ligutxs weie tt lc ised for 19s9 adult nun liclion 2161 idult j it turn 10 128 u elllk nun tittion 4681 iiivemk fiction 18 798 the told tutuhl ion imouiiling ter3s768 icpith- enls in ineixise ol 10000 books lead since 1955 sufcr jjij5u 25 school teachers guests during l0jj officers tea on wedmsdiv march 2 the duke ol devunshlic chapter 10 db in id thtir miuh meelmg ind ofhecis lei it thi home ol mis w j butts church st tlu aunt mis k knos pn led il iht nut iiiil rtpot is etc he ml tt mi ihi v uiiius seeietimts ind pi ins ici mule leu iht toniing veil mis h r foixi givt sume fiets about re fugee yen at the close of ihe meeting hipler uekomid iboul 2s i mm llie robe it little belinell ptibhe school ait in i1ilii sthool iht uk etvlpl te lehevs i md m7 md gie clnplti o luisk iiibers w41u in xndiied h ofhccis tl the i lod weie i guests md me ten hind with so miss btttv mn lonbuia ind k blick miss 1 oshurv suit iwo scleilihis rom mv i ur luiv i iiitilil have d meed ill nicjil nnel on ihe si reel where you live mi blick taut oul or tht wtst and irish tvts ut snail ing g binks ittompinitd both singers on the piano the tc i i ible wis iilistlelllv deioi utd willi e indies md snip dt iltms miss m 7 be nut ll aiul mrs b mow il poured u i wezuzr uj m0iw il- geography contest highlights presbyterian ladies aid meeting mis a m mcphcrson presided tin monlhlv meettng ol knox ins aid hild m the ihuuh uk mil i pemil tin pnli mi limki lh ulii tot ihe hh th nm rnectmg ar the home ol mrs a mino nxtnl 1 mrs rov toixltm loiiiuitted the wm5 meeting plans were completed lor in worlds da of pravcr mrs mini sang a loveh solo al the i mkius ion of the business scvmoii mrs robert wnghi us in thi tharr for the ladies aid sevsmn arrangements wcrv nwde lot llu st patntks supper and vik ol wxrk in the thuah basement a redding coneiencx veas li en b mrv rob ro the studv book was dealt with bv mis garnet medou thoughis ab out praver was gtvxn b mis wallace lasbv a sovtil hall hinir followed uki vkm miss audrr croft of totm to was a wvekend guest ol miss eleanor mcalpin ruth ann huhbanl htwnc fiom the hospital or sick children in toronto is repirted to n grcssing faiorabb tin rst ip hvmn wlnl vite iniludid a i we hivt in jtsus h slupuik lis4jnt tu son lixnn mitlhiw minlh ihip nhi i be mis w m uihi md min a i biuhmin ktl in pnn hung to thi ahsiiue ol mis s urn nilk ihe seeiviarv who s il mis f anderson is is sist ml re id ihe minutes ind cor esptindinn sympathy fxpresacd an ispussion it smpilhv v is be senl mt a b miu in in us kn immni and t niesvigt i eood eeishis lo mis sonier tave thi ix port a jnotioo to pui hast some new lorks tas lav tire el mil the dee t sum ix udlltt the dishes wis kit lor lutuix etn siikiation a st pilnekspiitv piwiousk pi iiined wis untclliti loi ihe prtstnl owmjjjo ol uml ills mm ting iltysd with sine ing work fot the nieht is com mt md the mirpih beutdielton social time mis s muthews mtroduecd a contest whuh wis in realitv a ixlresher on georiphx n iming the tounlius in ontanu mrs j dennis proved lo k the vuniicr mis muthews mis jim mil mis iippin weix lea hostesses ind hid lunch pixpuxxi in ihe ki telle n where a inendls limi was srnnl over ihe lea nips a ihe vole ot tpprctiation to them was mu r fun fair features booths draws magic die children uti all plimuliig lo gt hikk lu sehinil sil with llu h puxnts whit ihcvll 11ml then i hi ill uinuil inn i in lie ul f ihe home and sclutol assoc kiilhk i dili tiling it mill ink twclkiv pi nils dulls tl this hkiks md hild ton booths it ll school will ik mg e indv while tleph mi iptiins inline ix n s btxiks convene i mis j 1 iwding sivs olhei highlights pi iiined ot eh ivvs lor 30 prizes bingo i in il ui in lish pond amijhineh mil judy show acton citiensn b in i will pi ly surprise party for ted hansen aflef thou pi icliee al knox i isl thursd iv i sin pi isc pix sentation vvimidc lo iht ort in ist and chon it uki tnl ifinsfin itt his n iw completed 17 veils in this c ipacily and is beginning to sti i new ree ml lot h ildtne the post iht loneltst in tin hisimv ol thi thuich his predectssoi fled sill who itmineilv wis oiginisl 1uhlis ie signed alter 17 cars george mussclk spoke i i m m instil on bell ill ol ihe li nip mil pit sen led him with m m elooioutdikh thciipomclei a specially m uk c ike w is suit ihly inseiilkel giicsls it iht sm pnse p irlv weie mrs hansen miss istibcl andeison the rev ind mis a mckcnie hiy club to attend canadian bandstand pliflftvvcic eimiipklcd linns dtvfvininl dining tht ittul n hi y club meclnil to itletid ihe suurd ly ilk in kin in uln i bindslind tv sh w in kit heiiei the 19 incillhcis piesenl jeu ted in ihe dtvolipn il pent id in susiiifwdsin ind dtei lepcilnil ihe hi y put post inswcixd tin mil tall puipos install new officers for lakeside i ode liktsuk chipltr 10dl hild i pot lutk stippci il ihe i eul n meeting tuesd iv in the itgrnn itiihtoinim tht ictctil mis r spicketu pilsidetl phns wiiv tunipkltd l i tin d inn to hi lit id in apnl m in beis bioutht iwo iivliii uti us e leh to iht tneetint lo1 disinb utmn oveist is the tolluwmt olhttls weie in stalled loi 1960 honi t irv lit tnl miss jissit cults utinl mrs r spiclviet lust viec regent mis win spii st in u ond vitetxgttit mis a on u toiduit stuil in mis j dm minn isstst mt sttitius mis j dowdtng st ind ird ikiiiis mis j jot que mis s vilk itx lsuitr miss 1 tin i it u di issisiint in isiim mi oltiibein iduetitiiiii il sun mrs f smith pi op mi mines mis win tinm mis i rootitt ethiks sllki its mis j crcaiuci coirispondtmj win toll pi mis cumoiilli mrs wntlil ill ins md mis rwisi mis heilv itiiimikl howe is- ind vii pi k ii ms ii n nvenei iluv mis mis m ml mi ke nii in l ivents c iks pub d pill 0 sffs2s put your best foot forward gain the prestige that comes with attractive printing when you write a letter doei fhe letterhead show you arc a man of good taite someone who takes a pride in his work and busi ness perhaps you dont use printed stationery or you have neg lected ordering printed envelopes recently just remember that in many instances the firm or individual to whom you write may not know you personally but might form the wrong opinion if your letterhead is unattractive or you use no printed material at all put your best foot forward in good printing attractively and reasonably done by us your customer may judge you by the quality ot the printing that bears your name let us help plan your complete printing program mrv i w letterheads envelopes scratch pads invoices personal stat ionery checks wedding invita tions inf0rmals brochures leaflets dodgers year books placards posters il hoi i ht it ind ibtoid i ml i mrs x jxldsixikxtlhs mr a i mxui1 mis r mirk ind ihroul i mussclk mrs h hinl m i im convener mrs j kripek niiin bership lonvtner mis d mm nmg bi ur tommitttt mis j minn miv h helwit chi h lis aid nprestnl hive mis i lor c madi in n iti m il institi u lot ihe blind txpixseiilatue mrs s malthews eounullors mis jh helwit mrs j mehujh mis w talbot mrs j int ik mrs t wvek mr i mrs j knnek mrs i in mis win coon in tlixl t me ketl p- 1 virs s homi i vivf v holidaying in west indies ratepayers can local couple leave by plane d riokonf mi mil mix urm unilmul or nh mr ind mr ii ut llor edeniure business forms statements color printing tags ledger sheets catalogues tickets booklets advertising folders programs circulars time cards war dr and mrs j horn and of mrs edna dark for h dajs 1 sunday goals of mrs j cil- eertson were mr and mrs bob gilbertson and family of tor oaio mrs- mcdennott has returned ut in i um lop miubuh and nalk n vs umnvhm wn 1 holkli in mr and mrs ted jomm puw his dented lo ll kill t i three children of cohdcn jnd vi u w t u s mr and mlk1 ahcnwixs mr nh mn i m mr kaltr polls ol toronto mr alfred win ir of oumk and on th n- br i 11 mrmrs j slcwn of are m h lh undblad ended h ice folhc a ks hootas lr5 aid miss sbe rcrts a cue1 m lfi k at w j ijqai men and mrv bmie edutirus chase portions of the issik at si sunda vsrs h mr nd iunda enlnas n ivi l mr tsjjesn pus airi nano t ji j m alllu c i m were mr ind mr land hunter it albert nkvun fnda aflimoon to send mrt sfusztxjz a j vjj wshf itk mr a uz a7 ott lm md sundas eraiing ders are now bcinf called on ihe 21 1 hot palframanhh ihe formers parenit mr and erection on the school eight dills printing publishing co ltd the acton free press near guelph were sunaas visit mrs rov huidles rooms plus pjayrpom t