kvmmti ftrewsmgri f y t v jjva tor v classified advertising rates no cnarge for announcement t births marriages deaths and enfifemenu in memor- lami 7flc plui 10c per line lor verse article lor rale tent etc 3c word mini mum cash 50c billed 75c bojt no to this office 35c additional coming events 75c minimum lint five lines each additional line 10c card of thank 75c for for tint 5 lines each additional line 10c accounta are rendered monday following insertion latest in8kbtion time im pjt wednesday phone 600 thhmnhhihmhtmmm births marriages deaths etc boatn airdrie to john and helen at ouelpb genera- hospital on tfcuraday march 3 i960 a son keqy brother tor jackson and battl grondingeranton and trude grontfingej arc happy to an nounce the birth of a daughter chrisuna grondinger on feb ruary 23rd at the gaelph goner a3 hospital died r cordiner at her home in ac ton on saturday march 5 1960 amelia anderson wife of tic late stephen cordmer and dear beloved mother of dirothy stapleton funeral service was held al the hh rumleyshocmaker funeral home kr on tuesday at 2 00 pjn interment fairvlew cemetery moore at st josephs hospital guejph on saturday march 5 i960 susan bolton in her 671 year wife of the late arthur s frederick moore beloved mother of george f roscford terrace acton mrs e l symington grace of newark delaware r mrs e j tudhope robuio of arise mrs p l buroombe margaret of montreal and the later william henry moore sister j af mrs george flsk mabel and walter both of vctpna b c and richard of tenant i also susvlved by grandchild laurie elaine moore of acton and nine other grandchildren service was held on tuesday at mclntyreand wukic funeral home i uelph interment woodlawn ce- metery in memoeiam lafppin in lovingmemnrj of mv husband james dobbie loppm who passed iw ay march 10 195ft tberc is a link death cannot siver and remembrance last for ever sadly- missed bv wife fimily and grandchildren a 174402 cards ot thanks wish to thank fntnds and neighbors whi sent flower caid shovelled our snow during the recent storm and mam othir kind nesses shown to us during m stiv in hospital these will alwtivs be greatly appreciated s74406 bruce parget r i would like to express im sin cere thanks for the mnnv fliwers gifts cards and visits 1 received while a patient in guclph general hospital and since returning home such though thil ness has added much cheerfulness to my eonval mrs c rae west 83741 1 1 coming events contintitdl for sale continimcj scout and guide mothers are holding a euchre and penny sale at the scout hall on friday ma ch 18 at 8j0 lunch served aju35 third annual fun fair sponsor cd by the amalgamated home and school association this saturday march 12 from 2 to 5 pm robert little school a374422 milton figure skating club ag ain present rhapsody on ice 19601 saturday april c 830 pm tickets available nowrtfrom club member b 422 710 hfliton junior fl holding their annual drama fest ival on friday march 11 at fair view public school lowville 8 15 p m admission 75c adults soc children b42 2 740 at home air and mrs jos h allan erin will be at home to their relatives and friends on march 19 1960 from 2 ull 4 o clock and from 7 to 10 in the evening on the occasion of the r 50th wedd ng anniversary gl ts are gratefully declined a 37 244 1h for sale for sale quantity of mixed baled hay malcolm moffalt ul fl- 4453 a374413 for sale apartment size heavy duly range 25 apply 54 willow st a 374405 for sale reg stered vaccin ated accredited holstein heifer 2 years old due march j7 phone acton 731 j 4 b 374 112 foft sale clearance sale of reconditioned stoves refrigerators washers good lei s hardware georgetown b 36 2 436h for sale lots of used tvs 17 inch at 80 21 inch at 112 so up wigo tv and appliances 75 mill st e acton a354347 tf for sale tomorrow s values buy westinghousc appliances for less nl home maintenance supply phone 385 a 36 4382 5 for sale first quality alum tnum storms doors windows awn ings rj dings sidings prices phone 385 a364383 5 for sale invest in a home freezer with chambers f od plan information without obligat on roy goodwin phone 127 acton a 38 54375 for sale for money making milking all dairymen need surge milking equipment for sales ser vice and parts call horace tomlin- son surge dealer brampton phone glcndelc 1 1275 atf personal feel old wint lo fed younger thousands of men women pasl 40 oep up quick with help of ostrex tonic tablets make 3day test only 69c at all druggists a 29 cow for sale large glossy prints atf por sale pure bred jersey cow due to freshen soon also 10 young pigs tr 8 9b74 c 43 790 cryderman s dollarsaver 1957 meteor economical 6 radio and padded instrument panel 193 down and 41 a month full price ii 195 1958 ford fairlane this is a hw mileage automobile with at tractive 2 tone finish for only 1893 1957 chev hardtop v8 auto matic and radio 41 monthly with youi 1953 model in good condition 1955 meteor with shirp 2 tone finish and overdrive iransmis sion only 1 095 test drive the all nfw 1960 dodge cryderman car sales where you can be sure of a better deal qyderman car sales ontario st s mlllon phone tr 86600 for sale 53 oldsmobilc 98 4door sedan hydromitic power peering nrlomatic dimmer custrni radii ntw wh tew ills hesnttfiil m tajlir green m fum cl for salf kitchen liv ng room and bedroom furniture tin trie tppliiiccs mccluv jri range tv idio and rec rd niv er si miteir custom sed in d 1 cirmge and cot all ui excellent ondilion phone 224 m or call it 17 young st after 5 a 37440b for sale take advantage of nir low coal quality window and doors doors 54 95 installed win dos up to 100 united inches 22 00 installed no money down if nv bin i vrr 1 windows and i drxrj tike no chnnces save fuel up 1 1 33 y git a free demons ntmn and en mile just phone fd or juk ot 66 or 89 acton i t 12 tf 410 woods freezers guaranteed goodwill used cars 53 dodke cmone i9s 5g om 8h wdm si 295 51 pontiac r wdin 150 53 ford coich sw5 52 ddge sedan 250 52 pontiac sedm dlic y 52s5 55 pontiac sedan 995 52 chov 2dior hirdnp 595 s2 chc sedan 295 55 olds 8b 2 dor hardtop 1 095 52 olds 98 sedan 495 52 olds 88 sedan 495 59 pontine laurent an v 8 nil lomatic 2 795 51 1irro hilf ion 215 1 ph mouth c ii 19 52 cmc pinel 295 4fl phmouth sidin 125 50 met jrdin od 195 52 aus i vedan 295 51 dode c ronct 595 51 che bsctine 2jjs5 51 cho swlnn 395 5 chivsltr new y rker 1295 53 fo d wdan crj 595 5 dodce haidtop 4bi 5 p nine 2 d or e id 1795 50 che beltir v8 1995 57 cho 4doir hardtop 1 895 59 vaux super 1 fi95 59 bu ck electn 3 915 heu wanteo coottnttod mikeuaneous ccmttfnimd proficient in mathematics and typ ing apply lo mason knitting co ltd guej st acton jk kelp wanted progrestjlve toronto real estate broker wants active sales representative for ac ton and milton districts good commission apply box 80 acton free press b36 34370 help wanteid give me your lme 111 give you security mar ned man with car to represent the fuller brush co in acton and ar ea we train you 40 hours work ays 180gloo weekly write box i5 free pcss a37 2 4414 help wanted attention what section of the city or country do you live m do you have an avon representative calling on you reaularly if yjou don t perhaps il is an open territory which could offer you a good earning opportun ity if you would like it sell avon pleise write dlstri i minager mis zicgkr norfolk apartmcrru guejphjjivrng phone 0 37 employment wanted employment wanted all kinds of odd jobs done in ipaie time pointing wallpapinnfi carpentry wall to wall furniturt ncrcjtion room etc phone 2h9 i 374421 lost and found lost beige wallet between coopers and eal m person il papers otc phone 10 n 37 4420 for rent for rent heatod 5 n om np artment in georgetown main floor bathroom ind kitchen 60 month lv available now applv w j harvey 91 mnm st n aclon b 17 4417 miscellaneous for depend ible refrireration ind air conditioning maintenance call refrireration services phone 924 acton a 30 4251 tf kitchener upholstery have your chesterfield suite re- upholstered by us and save efin ishlng one week service call watsons music store atf insurance free estimates on insurance of all vinds if you are considering a chance from ydur prcsent policy or looking for a new plan contact omar h park phone ul 64465 s 401 047 tf wfloor r refinishing we now have a modern sander and edge- we will refinlsh your floors or rent you the equipment to do the lob yourself j b frank phone t brino in ycur sma 1 radio that is dust covered there may not be anything seriously wrong with il let us inspect it foi you free of charge ujiectt your tv tubes here wwo tv and appliances 75 mill st phone 89 a 374404 redecorate your home now osborne interiors offer free home displays of the latest de signs in draperies carpets wall papers or paint color combinat ons helpful suggestions and ideal j on interior decorating for home ap iiointmen without obligation call 14 j acton tr 79091 george town or visit our slore osborne interiors delrex market center georgetown ont a 36 u legal notice to creditors and othfrs in the fsute o7gforgf wil lia1m befvfrs tale of the town of aclon in lh county of hal ton maintenance man de ceased all oar ties havinft claims azninst the ifojeimnlloned eiute of gnrki willi un bt vers uh died ot or ib ml the twentieth day of februar i960 are required to fik pi of lienor w fi th under feigned solicitor fir hie fxrcutis in or before the twerty sixth day of march 1960 jf er wiici dale thefsat willb disinbutid hav ing rckird tnly t the rl nms then fikd datfdit aoton on irm this ninth dr i 1ith i960 c i leathfri and qc acl m ontii 10 solipit r ir tht fxccutors a 17 3 notice to creditors and othfrs in the estate of annie may bou ton late of he villle of rockwood in the county of wellington married woman de ciased all partus hjvinr chims alains ihi fuitmtnt onid ftiti of an nic may botton wl d ed on or about the fikhleenth day of feb ruary 1859 are required i fiu pnxif ihtre f with the under signed solicitor f r the execulricee on or tjpfire tiie twenn txth dij of mirch 1960 ifler which dal tht ealiu will be dstributd hav nit rii d only u the clams ihtn f xrf datfd it acton onnno thi seventh div l march i960 c f lfathfjtland qc aclon ontino s licitor for the executri is i 37 3 real estate rial ehan cwihiwd 177 47 frederick st s acton i monfy aviilablo for wond lortgaecs or buying out existing i rtifigts pivmints is low as 20 pi r month pr ncioil and lnlirwt guclph investments- company taylor 2 9700 a 29 124232 hy line chick customers gel high cgf income from extra effic len v high livability and hrge f size of h line no 934 series avers orde yours now from the acton farm supply acli n ont a 32 9 reimer upholstery spec alizing in reupboiswing all tpc ff furniturebrst qtialitv material fine workmanship prompt service also furniture tfn thing and ruj cieanint phone 8fi mirks grery acton a n cfor6f gibson pays isie highest prices frrded rsa old bled cattle and healthy horses 6 eel idence phone fergus 231 w 12 plant fergus 932 or gulph ta 4 878 collect fe prompt service a3f4099tf do you want your property sold or just listed we specialize in si id signs se for yourself tmr my pairof act n list with sydney k lamb real estate broker and insurance agency 8 m ii st e 163 longf eld rd act n phone 524 toronti clients call ch 70245 10100 fuh price 2000 down modern 3 brick bungirrow aluminum storms and screens recreation room 5 n ha mortgage car rlesfor 76 monthly princ pal interest and taxes mary gibbins phone 233 acton 274 arthur st 500 full down payment- 6700 full price 3bedroom home with all modern conveniences bascment sun porch just a few minutes lo shops and schools low taxes live rent free 495 fuli down payment 8900 full price larjtn home with 3 selfcontained apartments separate entrances each whh bathroom live in 5 room aparlmcnt and let the rent from othir apartmmui more than pay your jnottgiki payment why pay more nha51 resale 10600 full price 3bedroom home beautifully decor nled labor saving kitchen 4 piece tilo bath l shape living loom full basement aluminum storms and screens oil furnicc hrt landscaped lot mortgjgi dines 52 monthly another bargain 1800 fuli downpayment 11900 full price one mortage neirlv niw 3 bedroom brick bun galow decorated 4 piccl 1 1c biui w th anilv l rtiape livina rckhti iluminum s tonus and screens large bascmenl sltd bium c instruction oil fumice nha moitgage carnei low land for sale 1 200 acres from 80 per icrt gem homes n nff under construcli n nha 6 mortgages om mor gage only for appointment to view call exclusive agent sydney k lamb real estate broker and insurance agency 8 mill st e acton phone 524 auction sales clearing auction sale of fewer farm machinery dairy equipment feed and furniture the property of john r giffen lot 17 3rd line west chmgua cousy 6 miles west of bramptm 3 miles west of snelgrove on monday march 14 at 1 o clock ihe following implements model 50 john deere tractor live power and hyd raulic 3 point hitch model d john jul fin pnventidn bureau names officers pluu spring cleanup mtmbcrs of eight fire depart lnls in hnllon cuunty clfar1no auction sale of dairy cattle the undersigned has received in structlons from fzra dankert to sell by public luctlon at ihe farm lot 2 con 2 eramosa town ihip situated tint farm wesl ol eden mills 7 miles from guclph 2 miles off hiprhway no 7 on saturday march 12 i960 commencing at 130 o clock ihe following pure bred cattle registered cattle eden view christine copiivat dm march 10 surmy height ptkgy rag apple due march 14 eden viow virginia rag apple due may 20 sunny heights rig apple governor due march 29 eden vkw patricia dandy due may 5 grade cattle hoi ileln cow due marth 7 hoist in heftr dut march 15 holstein hi ifer dm march 25 holstem cow due april 2 holstem cow due april 11 hoi stein heifer due april 10 holilem heifer due april 12 h ilslein cow due april 2 holslen hifer due april 10 holstein cow due apnl 25 holdein cow due march 2k homcin cow milking and rebred holstein cow milk ng h istein heifer due april 20 jrsey helftr due april 5 jirwy hcife due april 20 jersey cow milking 6 open holstein heifers rising 2 4 yearling holstein heifers 1 jersty heifer rising 2 1 yearling jersey lurfer this is n choice herd of citllt terms cush with clerkday of no reserve c h tuffin auctioneer phone rockwood ui 64192 edm mills frank smith clerk b 37 clearing auction sale in the twp of esquesing of registered and grade holstein cmltle modern farm machinery hay grain household goods etc received the undersigned have instructions from j c cunningham to sell by public ai ction it the farm lit 2 con 8 siiuited on t 7lh urn half mile norlh of h m by 2 milts west of cbl tiwer on saturday marf ii 19 c lmmencing it 1 i clock hie following cows registered holsti in c iw due before bale day rigisured ii ilsle n cow milking bred nov i remstered holstem eow milk ing bred feb 24 registtr d hoi stein heifer born may 14 1959 registered h ilstein heifer born june 15 1959 red hjliuin c iw fresh wiih calf at foot red cow milking bred sept 1 ayrth re cow milking bred may 23 8 rcg istered and 4 grade holstein hei fers pasture bred in june 2 year steers 2 fat calves 1 young una s col mlllein tuesday evening nrname the hnllon county fire prevcn lion bureau 1960 officers make pluns ln pring cleanup pro- gi m and scl up n blil inspec lion iii milion and burlington timing hit pixvcnlion week burlington prcxy president is disintl ehlef alt peituekr of burlington with as- sisiuni ihief georgt bundy of milton is iee president other of heirs ate seeiettiv frank rus sell u builmgtun treasurer al ian ktnu- ot the oikville traful gar chamber of commerce lit erature ihiiimin thief doug wll sun ol oikville tire inspection ihtiimnn ehtet a e clement of milton with dislriet ihitf tom vdiimsli ol bui linglon assist ing public relilions altun klaixr ind poslei and liophv eommillcii ehiirmin tapluin don c herring ton ol o iksille ross peiren altentkd the meet iny itpusenliny iht mtlm ctumliei ot cumnkiifc estate sale of real fmu furniture car tools etc ttie nrnnirtv f the estate of the lateb iluam bfevfrb 99 guelh st ihe crcscenh ac lon on saturday march 19 al ij0 sharp the following gilson nfiikeruuir 1 toks like tiiw cliirt jwil gns rinke looks iiki mw 9 piece modern walnut dining room suile i puce foam rubber chesterfield suite like new gl hllicrafler 17 inch tv arid stand ghd marconi mantel radio electric fan 2 beds and spring inuttxs eh 2 dres rs warh slnnd eood old hest of drawers mating anv ccasional chair rooking chair small labli i ak hnll rjck oak dsk good kilclun stove good chur kiclun tabh and chaiis gils n wishing machine cl limps sriitler rug cushion i s china itliissware cutlery bed ding kilolun utensils wsei ibjr row girden liosi garden tools dry fi wool sonu hand lools and other pmoll articles rhit furniture i citnn and well carf d f ir 191 chtv sedan txciouorwlly well wind fir rkal estatfc 4room naul brick cotlog with 3 piece biui full basement oil heat ng garage this h mi is in ml met cmditwn and in i i irgc lot terms 10 a down at lime of sale balance in 30 days or on completion of sale for further particulars apply to c f leathcrlond solicitor for the es tate selling subject lo a reserve breeding ewes and pigs 20 oxford breeding ewes due in april registered oxford ram bred by black bros fergus ont 8 ewe lambs lam sow w th 9 p gs at sd urn sow bred jin 15 t im sow ready to breed 8 fat pigs some m isbe sold before ulc fi thnflv shoots 8 thrifty chunks tbout 150 lbs 100 hiline legh rn tractor implements me cormick dcering w 10 tractor in good condition mccormick dur ing 3 furrowed m ter change able iractor plow on rubber mccorm ik deermg tractor disc mccorm ick deermg heavy duly tractor cultivator new mccormk d er ing tractor mower 7 ft c it 21v mccornick decring 11 disc fertil izer and grain drill mcc irmick deermg rubber tired binder h fl cut mccormick deering 4 bar s de delivery nki land roller cock shut ti actor spread r set of heavy harrows seed drill set of wo id harrows flat rack ditching boat 2 long ladders 3blade nid scrap r work bench mccormick detr ing 2 row scuffler rubber tired farm wagon hrge quantity of new mixed lumber mcd cream separ ator mcd manure spreadei stew art electric stock clippers cycle ne seeder sheep feed rack 3 iron kei bd tf41ms on furniture and car j a elliott frank petch b 37 2 auctioneers clearing auction sale in erin township of dairy and feeder cattle trac tor implements hag and oraln etc the undersigned has received in stiucbi ms fr im john e graham to sell bv auction at the farm lot 21 con 6 frin township sit uated on the 6th line 2 miles south of hillsburgh 3 miles north of 24 highwnv on wednesday march 16 commencing at 1230 o clock shirp the following milch cows holsuin cow fresh with ctlf at foot holstein c iw due in anr 1 blue cow due bifore sjle dav blue cow due mirch 30 here rd cow due about thne of sale black cow due in bred jan 20 shorthorn cow fresh with catf al foot shorthorn cow fresh in dec bred feb 13 shorthon c w milking bred oct 24 shgrthorn cow due in april bnndk cow milking bred jan 18 y cow milking bred nov 29 ersey c hprttn i wish lo express mv smcert thanks to all those who rem em bered me with cards fruit and personal inquiries and visited me while 1 was a patient in guelph general hospital and since re turning home also a special thank to the ditf irs and nurses e ac of kindness wt re deep ly appreciated and will alws bt remembered a 37441 9 j h hits flower offerings in the 1 beloved mom the wonderful acts will neer be firenttrn a speci il thank vou to dr kenne rex a h mckenzie and the riimlt shoemaker funerail h ime doroth and ollie stanlet m a r 4423 coming events 258 20 cu ft 319 loves tv and appliances 5 wvndham street guelph ta 4 1650 a 34 i time to trade for a better used cari st p m and look over our b g ew m f bet it r used ca- franklin prouse motors limited acton and georgetown s deadefrock service highest cash prices for dead or disabled horses and cows old hor jes 6c a lb for prompt service call n and tor zenith 9 7950 no charge to bu steve peconi rann harvey keith realtor acton 958 artf knox heather club st pit nek tea and baking sale m the church marc 19 230 4 30 pm a 4113 euchre and dance fndav march ii cesons c rncrs ptnm hie next friday march is a 3 440 ifce acton legion lad aux iliary banaar and tea saturday october 15 rrom 35 a 3 4412 remember the acton womens institute euchre and perm sale m luxton memorial hall march 11 door prtac ark drt as74403 the dublin w omen s inn tutr are holding a euchre aid penny sale on april 2 in luxton m mortal hau cards sis sharp admission s5e etvryone welcome 137404415 acton scotush dance club next regular dance march 12 instruct km 7j0 lo 830 pm special dance legion hall apnl 8 modem bbuare and scottish dmission ioa a r 44ii prices low values high 59 fi rd fsirline au omatic fi c 1 nder i 5 tdtfc airmitic nrio 5 stidetwkir chimp on d sdii wl pi m ic ksdin w vibtswagei i w chn lin 54 plvmou h s 54 cne exceller end tn 53 meteor edan i 53 dodci stat on dtac n 53 ixdse sedn ai a ford radio 52 cbfi sedan 51 pontiac dan 50 ford ha ion pck ui tuck i p m iieh rtsxi condton little motors vo t highway phone 00 earn extra morfev selling 4 distjtj fon old os tblished hatchery with 1 fran chim- f r on of the best selling lavers in america farmers poul rvmen ind jfcalers calling on firmers and poiiltmen are mak ng e od m nev o rr wn saleimin ivu ible t help vnu rwi nl s f fu 1 d ii s wnu rix 5 arton free prest a 36 2436 outstanding buy ve are prjj leged ti offer this immaculate corner bungalow pc fee condition and with m xtns it i mod at mctn tractor on rubber hooser post hole digger manure loader 3 fur reiw ace bottom plow 3 furrow fteury plow mc deenng no 45 baler case bale elevator 10inch gehl hammer mill case corn har vester cas blower w ith pipes msde silo pipes john deere fl fl jnulur and grain gmfc pne this t be seen lo be iprecii ed ma niske an ipp injnent f r ou 1 11 be glad vou did ind plea sin 1 urpned al hi miiesl p ftlii repairs to all makes rental mach fesf shisz labour saving hoffie iewino machines fre hmie detnotutnuon ptow atwmn crrrm wanted geobgetown tr luxix actow gordon hardwaki ltd ducts dealers in live and poultry and fresh eggs custom killing phone milton tr 84401 a tf help wanted w anted- we kt seek in with cxpfience ri gar ing and or cardir ine sim kywledce of f b es shiut be up e pnti pr virec fir rt ixited n siuth wj ont all co ec ndejice will be i wctes conf deice b x i fr pres a36 2419 i filter queen sales and service j a cleaner and healthier home ph ne ifter 5 pm t 4297 georgetown a 23 eow tv aerials- i ng trouble w th channels 2 prect ecept n hae a w ch added price t 50 larry nolan iiirt cample mxlel bungalow dmil f stiiller famlk clnse in el e h ng nha 5 mori gae arris for j76 per monji ne or g ccfuntry property a trici 2 stores h me 7 rooms bathroom large 1 taxe j85 jer 1 year ida for larger fam ly in mdi bidgt full price 6500 ploui cwop sen ire d rec toront line memtie toronto real est e board fafmptr mmntadsi john deere power mower mc deenng 32 plate tractor disc mc deenng 17 spring tooth power cult vator mc deenng stiff or so ing tooth cultivator is disc fer i lizer drill snow plow blade john deere corn planter 2 row corn scufher 2 harvest r wftgons with removable sides cockshutt no 4 manure spreader cockshutt 4 bar sise delivers nk circular saw si n sleigh with flat rack bob sleighs 2 set lighl sleighs 3 set i harrows cutter light wagon road i can chatham fanning mill slush scraper 2 set platform scales and usuil small articles dairy and electricai eqlipment 27 can craf bulk milk co lm used less than 2 years 8 s m wi p and- piping f r 28 cows de laval pow er cream sepaalo wood s grain grnder electr c pa 1 healer elec tr c clippers ge 1 h p electric feed and harness about 2000 bus garry oats about 100 bus barbless barley about 2 000 bwies good mixed hay set n breeching harness set of heav harness furniture good fr gidairp 4plate table top electric rang fmdla condor cook stove like new 8 piece walnut drmng room suite mahogany settee and chair chrnne kitchen se small tables slone butter drum buttet bowl and ladle quantity dishes and cooking utensils this is s good lot erf modem firti machlnerv well cand for and stored inside no renre si the fim s sold terms cash frank petch aucttoneet- tl tr 72864 georgetown i geo currie clerk b 17 i harness collars pig crate sleighs bag trucks scales grain seed bags root pulper a i farm tools hay and grain 2s tons f choice baled hay 400 bus of garry oats 400 bus of heavy mixed gram 100 bus of rodney oats 100 bus of garry ott 1958 crop 200 bus o bai 5 bus wh top- r alalfa seed 200 bus- of mangolds 4 ft of silage household goods dishes books pictures lamps singer sewing machine clock sideboart tables 4 pine tables 2 pine cup boards wash stands dressers pair i of show horse eilltrs stove cro quel set linoleum linens old cndle i i7 siw buffil robe minv ither articles terms cash settlement w th wk on day of sale farming all articles must be moved before aril refreshment th on grounds j a flliott wm a gibson auctioneers ceo currie clerk r b 37 2 and young cattle 3 hereord sle rs about hod lbs 2 herkrrd steers ahul 950 ibi 8 tferefnd heifers from 800 to 000 k 13 yearling steers and hei fers 2 young calves this m a choice hord all raised by owner pigs and poultry 7 york sowitdue from m 25 i april 10 york sow bred dec 15 york sew bred feb 15 york sow with 11 pigs ready to wean by sale day 75 thrifty chunks 11 weanling bgs reg york boir bred by e didds york boar 10 months ild 69 leghorn henv tractor and implfments minneapolis moltne z tractor good condlti n f rd tractor good condition freemin manure loader for ford tractor msasey harrtf 3 fur w praetor plow on rubber mccormick decring henv duty iractor cultivator set of harrows new idea b0 bus manure spreader giid as new mrco mick decring i3dir fettil ler and grain drill mnn spoils mo ne tractor mower new idea 4 bar side delivery rake hn tnadey grants radiator shop specialists in au type of radiator service repairs rcoring boiling trucks tractors cars car heaters quick efficient service free pickup and delivery fhorm 5 acton colhct 252 qvasm st e acton otrt r t farm wngnn flat ha rack massey hrr 7 ft power take of bind er stiff looth cult vtor 2 section soring tooth cul ivator- set of siclghs massev harris 4 row pot- an sprayer moulder fanning mill fairbanlc morse hammef mill in good condition 75 esidleaa hammer m ii belt portable cattle manger eh feeders wtvxi s elec nc rr her co ot ln rrsal 2 unit milking michine wrti pipes and pump lor 12 cows mccormick deering elec- nc cream pa rotor electro pail 40 rods of berbed wir- electric fencers half h p motor high beam scales some household goods tv antenna massey harris binder knoiier all farm tools hay and cratn 20 tons of baied hay 12 ton ivose hay some straw 200 bus of rodney oats fit fo- seed teams cash w h clork an day of sale no reserve as the farm is sold all ami irs must be moved on or bef re apr i i wm a oibson aortlrmerr a 37 phone cuelph ta 4171