Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1960, p. 1

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bghtyflfth yrmo 38 acton ontario thursday march 17tb i96t etght pagesseven cents k i utt pboto could be the caption for this picture as three young visitor af the fun fair get a closeup view of punch and judy during the petftirmance mrs e browne social convener for the home and school association made the ser and figures wrote the dialogue end operated the puppets shown above are her daughter brende browne rhonda burke and sean aherne additional vote tcmcton reeve actons jrecvs john greer will iiave two votes in halton county council this year it was announ ed tuesday whclmtdunty coiin ii okayed an extra mw tot the member in a letter to council acton clerk j mcgeachtc explain id the last voter list tor the own showed a total of 2 150 vol en which qualifies the reeve for an additional vote with deputy reeve r j har graves one vote acton now re ceives three milton also has three while nassagawiya hah two and all the rest have our votes per municipality welcome reeve at tuesday afternoon s meet ing reeve greer wis welcomed m the place of former reeve john goy who stepped up jp the post lion of mayor of aelon two weeks ago council agreed mr greer would fill he committee spats mr goy had held chairman of the printing education and spec tal communications committee and member of the finance hos- pilahzalion assessment and civil defence committee and the hal ton centennial manor board high blackout weather was perfect tor the lotal eclipse of the moon salur day night marly stayed up past 2am to sec the shadow of the earth pass ecnlv aerovs the sri white moon sonic were taking pictures third fun fair busiest best yet over 700 flood school saturday saturdays third annual fun fair was the most successful vet when over 700 excited youngsters and jostled parents flooded the hobcrt little public school for an afternoon s concentrated shop ping and entertainment over 500 was ruised for the home booths ringed the auditorium prizes banked the stage games entertainment and refreshments filled ncarbv clussrooms young sters wwtahiausly saved mon cy trooped froirrsonc to the othci parting with pcnhie lor si cents woith of candv or just two tries with the bull everything sold wares were all sold out in re cord time and games ind hsh pond simplv hud to close down when evcrv pruc was gone last to keep up business were the punch and jud show ind m ig which drew wed youngsters until five uclock i aclon citizens band mude tii oinlusphcrc gala ptavmg on tin platturm the eee lit hint deem ition were ugun undet the supcivii ion ol mii monlv root conveners busy general convener v is mis j dowding mrs w wolle w is in chug of shitts ot lulus taking atliui- sums at the door around the audiluimm w book sales wefc directed by david lidkea david spruston and john dowding home and school literature was displayed by mrs h r force plenty of games rooms the length of two coi y with olfer -l- traction ron smith was m charge of the bingq room george haggcll directed the games room while mrvenudkca and mrs j megcachic directed the hsh pund j refreshments wcjjavailable all iltcrritxin with mis j dnidson in chaigc ol hot dogs and soil dunks directing the eollee hu wen mrs lois mackenzie and mis t cochrane delighted ludienccs wilehed guelph leather ruput helm cualjii 1 smu k nttllclive ivniths in or the laden bake i ink mrs f hcllu ind mts it on mrs george it 44111 was 1 charge ol he whtu ikphuii- selling vm ptipul 11 used ni ler were mis d gaitctl mr c heller uid mi b buekwtf tlufvj gibson hid m ipr clothes mull spius ih his bilfhng arrav ol mayi icks his aet was alter llh the punch and jud show icntnch made written and ictccl b home ind school exeeutivc nicrnhci mrs e browne i sever il st john ambul inie bngidc members wen on dutv in he nuisc ruum 1 unexpected i lekel ibovc the i hubbub was piovidcd h the m s skill bujnil ot the schools 1 lie il uni sstem appaixntlyi niggiicd b some fi rfnlafc lucktlv ihcie wis no j9mk artel 1 11 el ike 1 md prniiipil rushed to i put 1 h ill to the noise i tananl avon air freshener en id tarrant tour quarts motor oil w nieolak tray leslie ann cochianc tv scrwee call paul tver saw mrs hemrieh paint roller and liav p lazcnby children s panties mrs r lee shampoo set w sproslon can dvjdbtvjvm cochrane cushion vtlurst v vodcnermrv g walhs two boy s shirts sharon white toaster john abram pen mrs newman china ornament f bosk 3 vouthor lois shan non glass bowl lome wieek 3 ouchcr s brum ik ehild s jacket mrs blunn child s dress gill pnee record mrs laing booth draws several spec til draws followed with debbie bousheld winning the candv c rob irts the w heel bat row m ss rutin md mai ion jerome the c ike dnw and christine preston the doll s the ss dnw the alii iclixe prizes were ill don ued bv aclon merch ints b c nnes had all heen donal id i the iun fair as well the comet chemlcaj- cbfjlm of newark new jersey will w her fuiishtetand tribute iheir leather lacquers and thinners to the catvj adtan rnarket from a new attott location opened this week the central location of acton in the area of canada being serv ed has influenced the final de cision tp locale in aclon ibelf murray r garfinkel president said on mill st the new canadian operation will be located on mill streej next to dills stationery in squanrfect ofthe former fi press building the primary purpose for thuf operation is to serve the many canadian customers more efflo tcntly and have better control on r e 24000 budget sparks heated discussion cat company with a variety of inuhctr for all types of leather t is also a supptier of lacquers md thinners for application on kith metal and wood as a result ot the high quality of the line of products being supplied comet chcmicat corn- bony has been expanding its ar jsa of service year after year resident manager frank heller 68 lake ave who has been a reiident or ac ion for a number of years has been appointed manager of this warehousing operation he will m complete charge of sales in inada lor comet chemical com the shipments being ihuuej ta y also planned that eventually alt products will be marnjfaclureh mr heller has a thorough nowlcdge of the ealhcr indus try having both tanning ind fin isiuug cape 1 icncc m holland in his own tannery he has been connected with the canadian- in in canada mr garfinkel sajd dustry since his arrival in both serves tanner wtechmcal sales and management the tanning industry oftcaawcktpacitics particularly in con ada has been supplied for a labdjvncchun with the finishing ol bcr of years by the comet chentfrnany types of leather form seven to promote industrial growth aclon industrial commission was formed at a meeting in the council chambers on monday evening in accepting the sugj test ions of the nominating com mittee the commission has iti aims set out to coordinate the effuits of all groups concerned with the industrial development of the town of aeton to promote and maintain liaison and satis- laclory relations between acton industry and ihc elected munici pal bodies and to work directly with the trades and industry branch of the ontario depart ment of planning and develop ment for ihe promotion of pre sent and future industry in ihe town of acton the nominating committee sub mitted a slate of nine suggested members for the seven man com mission which was increased to sixteen oy nomination from the ihe meet some of whom dci clinccta- the balloting uwt elected lo trie commission were g v barbcau n j braida wal warn parents a warning to all parents was issued this morning by cor poral ray mason of the local ojp detachment to keep an eagle eye on iheir children dra ins the spring floods the corporal noted that an abundance of snow u piled up in many areas and if kt mediate thaw lakes place ll might be fatal if small children are caught tn the swirling waters tcr cook dave dills b lvans j ledger and h tyler si other recommendations other recummendaliuns of the nominating committee accepted by the meeting were the commission be indepen dcnl of elected municipal bodies andor other oiganizaltons the term of ollice lor the members of the commission be for a period ol three years and that dui me that term inv i placement necessitated bv dcilh or resign ilion be made bv ap point ment approved bv the re mainint members or the com mission the commission members elect their own chaninan nually the commission meet at the call of the chairman at limes and places suitable to ihe muj onlv uf the members the commission submit 1 voluntary written isgart of its activities yearly to thelown coun cil and the aeton chamber of commerce the commission convene a public meclinc of interested ens at the expiration of the three sear period for ihe purpose of reassessine ihe status of the commission select secretary noim braida was chosen see retatv ol the commission a briel meeting of the commission membets a chairman will be se kited at a later meeting w cook thanked those wlio allowed thiir names to stand for the commission and those who had shown thcr support ind interest bv attending ihc meet ints presentation of an estimated capital expenditure fortheaetdn hydro commission amounting to 24000 sparked a heated dis eusstun during the regular hydio commission meclinc on thurs day march 10 commission cr g bedtlv queried the ulthoi itv of the superintendent lo set th cslim ued budget with out ihc approval ul liic cummis siun whin seucta v tie isunr mis a urquh irt reid 1 letter i rum the ontario hvdro ippiuvinchc eapital expendituie commission tr bcatlv enquired how this bud get was arrived ul and who was responsible for us submission to ontario hydro budget by superintendent on learning thai hvdro super intendent d mason shouldered the reponsibilitv for the cstim kd expendituie mi builiv isk ed why it had never been brought to the commission t iblc for dis eussion ind approv il do we not budget like inv olher company enquired the jmtomxmmswmamt la ai ca choose b evans chairman to head planning board bud bvant w is ehoscn bv hi icllow board members as eh ur man of ihe plan runt board lor i960 at the meeting tuesday in the town ollice joe whithani was selcetcd as the viec chair man these two men ind secret ary jack mcgc ichie wcic aulh uncd is signing ulheeis lor ihc boat d the application lor ihc issu anee ol i building permit lor lot 38 icgisleicd plan s99 in the glenlea subdivision was again ttu in il down ihe board recom mended to council that the re quest be not gi anted and any decision is to ljjnltnj 1 building pel mil loi this lol be left to the dislielion ol the ontario mun leip il boaid the lol undei discussion is the s imc one on which 1 municipal boird he uinl wis conducted i isl month the lot does not c n lorm lo the ire 1 rcquiieinenls ot the 7oniril bv i iw action on in ipplie ilion bv the bell telephone company lor a permit 10 build a dial exchange on chmeh slreel wis postponed until ihc m lyor ind planning consujtant hive held discussions with ihe company thi program lor ihe vc 11 w is discussed and the consultant was authorized lo implement 1 1 in 1 nary area studv in thi the sjudy onsiiltanl will investigate ler ind potcnli il walcr supply ol the municipality boird mcmbcis held the n their budget to be submitted lo council ind agiecd u request a grinl ol v soo which was last vcar s estimate price war increases saks to almost summer volume reducesmicraassessment 3600 feoarctbrsmisses porter appeal bill t 111 hv ihc iherjtuhhies wilson welcomed i wit mi the public it win is hu hi opened i ll ii tic i idv lo bvi a i i l i tn ilteiuih n ihc ii iws wc e mutt hv juilv ind iiiivuiuiu jollow s j cibso table ol doll clothes mukr he 1 i bill torn ehildtcn putlte supervision wink mis tt sprovsh it i holuus two chuken du ton headed c indv siks tiers peg coon sh impoo se i one corner wis vmd with george golden 12 voucher a plants inim rouihkv s green pilcu three pounds butler pal houses limchouse sold bv mrs dunn yardk se i ft an leon k allan and avsistauls udi buxton change purse fcnid irtcnt- 1 ifaahaamouufitiiffi g n 1m tij joi u a c6b0 dactiori irp itu nl ot the micro plashes com p inv wi grilled ind in appe tl porter c jmpinv was the 1isii ssed dtninl municipal liek boird he irins m the town hall lone mi nil iv 11 f nuni aid r fc jtiniiesoii municipal -boail- s iw membets hi ird tompai v and town represent dives pusciil their viewpoints nvvpeints the healings were c ilk t ii i lowing i decision hv the c ml ol appe il lo uphold ihc issess micio plastics ind h had ire nclv recommended that ihc oven consider some means ol mm mine the present cause omplaml txluic the ncat ssnieiit was due he als nl irmed the compinv biurfi repiesentall hive given seiiuus consideration k some adustmcnl i stronger imeknec had been presented bv the company showing the exleiit lhe were being alt et ted and in proposed cxpinsiim lower atmssmcnl dunne the second ippe il ihc micro issesmcnl wis reduced bv 3 600 mr janucson chaired the one and threequ irter hour hearing and quesli incd bolh companv and town icpresciilat a lone and f frmkltn resented the companv while continued on pag five mtrn actons ills vvir being waged bv cingc opciators swung into llilh gc ir tins week when one owner towered his puce to an even 14 cents a gillon 1 he price si islnnc bck m u oik the lust ol mirch in spile of ulcmpls hv kisohne eiimpinv icpicsen to cuih the vvai and settle ihe price dispute once and for ill ik il antes arc en jovinc higher cisolinc sales opcrilmg on ipptoxim ilclv hill the noimil prohl m inv ol the luitcs hue doubled iheir s lies md itc on an cqiml e ill in age lornovci veilh sumniei ii ide musi ol the incicascd business is cotiunc i mm tnnsiinl mot i isis ajul seld im docs in outsi kr drive iw iv with less thin a link itil of cas titcsdav j ick mccallum one i ihc opei itors nolcd th tl one tipped to filf his gis t ink ind rem itked he wis hcadinc north he isked mr mcc ilium tf he would remain open until oeloek in thi and ohnc would be returning then would till his lank ig on the province wide gi w u list fill icdliced the dird price irotn 43 cents to 399 cents per gallon acton g it igc shared in this si md irdi hi n i i nlv i few davs md then priei begin once ig tin u 1 be i commissioner is he noted the commission was being asked lo approve i budget hcv had never heird of be lore mr bcillv teniiudid his col k igucs ihev were being asked lo ipprovc in estimated expendlt ute ol 24 000 ind pointed out 111 il 1000 foi the porch isc or i md on alnc sliecl was the onk known item hslcd jiaaa enihtuic fxplulns syslcm superit leiickiic doug m ison xpl illle i ihe svslctll ol i slim it it cxpinttitutesaoi ihe lommg cjr wis i norinil pi nee dure altei c ileiil ilmg piohised pro jects mil c isls tie s ihtiutted ihc huil get lo itu out in hvdio for i he i api il i nlv seeking nilcd budget is not nee im nor he il w is ihc ii lo cstim sed lobs lor m tn i g tvle ind com oik i 1 o ikes vcnficd this dim md pointed out il hid alw ivs been poliev lor tile super inlcndenl lo do llus mi tvki cxpliiiuil th u if it ippe iietl ihe anni ussion was exceeding iheir budge i the onl ino llvdto vv mitt like mot her peck u the liguiei mr bcatlv jmlcd il might he a giknl ide i oi the commission lo lake a peck il ihe ptcsenl time only esllmalcd budgel commissioner oik ihe commission w is approv il lut uiesti and pointed out n i essirv lo sxnil tin infoinicd niiiubcis supciitilei iknt s eh ate the cosl ol m- p ihe ve ii asked hv mi i ittv if he could pioducc i e pv il the hud gel mi m ison s id h i ul phon ed ihe icpotl 111 to hamilton hut would ik iblc locuie a copy uf tlit cstim lies tl fiiiessiiy coinmism incr hi it i v slated thc is i cotnmism in sh nikl sub mit inv budget and sliissul ih it lit hough he wis suggesting this be el me tie wis nil cilllcllng hie supc i undent ll wi old on iv be i iiier lo linn il vve did this concluded ihc coiiiiiuvsion el before ihe disc ussion ended mr be it i v noted he was not through with the suhcct and siiggcslcil the stirkiinlcndinl sub mit his cstim lies i ii ihe cum missions eonsukrilton no settlement dining the iiic cling linesmen dois n iiiaii md don andu son wcic plesellt i illsiuss scl u conli ul lor letiiciil ol he cniplov an he t cling im si ishinc rx bring i he i ihc 399 i i we en the mpl ivees tlli i in a iniiiismon onsumei nl level ll rem lined hghtlv below ihc si indardicd price until the hrsl ol the month when once igun prices begin to dnp ind lod i ne nlv ill act n gaiages hive lowered their puces ol gasoline i coiinlci pnlpos il dining list th n he icpresctit itu s e mniissu i meiulxi step w i id ih lo i union iipicmnl uni ion cling i discuss v s mi 1 1 tug eltise 1 hie i ml lined thi next il iui iheir ot ihe act receive refund ihe i inmissun mv i mul ii the hlh x there uas plcntv ol appl iusc chituii llvdio mk js798sh tv contest ii i david be nh u on the ken sohk inxon itiif mng he pta ol ro lull hoin iiuiing to un itcur hoia biipeiinlcndei mr on one ol ihc winks he was one of sevet il t n eommuue ves iski uslanls on the show winncls ihe truifc and in ike morning as he j are announced next sundav li pllipeltv i i i mspeet i final dee iv mipinies the i assessment or s t ill teqti lc w lie i mil ptessuie 1 i sprinkle i do you favor capital punishment this subect recently sparking healed discuss orctfrom jhcslieei corner to the house of pari amem h turnecsirito one of the largest controversies of our t me if you have an opinion why not voce f the canadian weekly newspapers association has asked its membership to assist tn a survey of readers opinions on the abolition of capital punishment all readers are urged to mark and mail send or bring the attached coupon to the office of this newspaper as soon as possible it s not neces jary to sign the form if you wish tcfattach a note express ng your views please teel free to do so objected ihe ba se pplv su ms porter appeal dun ig the hist he u i i g with ihe p hei ipi wis k irnitt the eompit sal i si nit w th ihe assessi n inparison veith ntui mints in i wi with ihe c pressure tor the ki h ing the bung prope n ileil dui ng th i i appe il mt i n tvl t he do tou mvo camtal punishmtntt yes b no uiihoiiiiis inj aiumpi e at i sokm n the e imp inv vs is t pi ynd bv tirni shields firuril m in tg et the town was represent ed hv clcrkadminisiral r j mi geachie town ismsm r i 1 id u eeur and eountv assessor ro- during ihe hearing mr j ir isin isked the ountv assess f in indo trv locating in low i supplying its own water would hue a basis fy an mini n it isscssnunt i told tl wi board budget at 122200 approves salary schedule aelon high school board mel to met i debenture debt piv mundav evetimg to jinalize their mints which arc subect to pr t i lmt budget m met dis mail grants m i960 the otdj iiivsed the hems ot the budgel north halton obligations ue tot lit hive i irw irdeil it to mm ailed actun will pt lf4v ps i pil ci uneil tor inclusn in 00194 west esquesmg 4 0s the 19m iw rate the total irw ftlft29l north nassipawevn i ii tile tispaversol aclon has 2 9 3fv92 the balanie ot been esiahlished al 44isfu ih old orth halton disind li is impossible to compare debenture debt is apportioned to ihis hgure wnh pnvios ve irs ihe prvsenl milt n ind get rge ho usi ih aim high sitimlimn high sehmil disincts tomxrtv included in in the 9n operating budget the north halton high school diktnct it is esiim ill i ihis figure represents an inui ise of appmriajaiek 4jxk i the budget tor the operation ot the sehool totals 121200 a elusive of debenture pavmenls giants ot l000 swe expecied trans portal ton trom ihe province of ontano classes 2 000 1 1 122 200 the largest ats00 is earmarked lor leach crs salaries supplies 2 000 administration 3 s0o plant op eration 11000 plant main ten ancc 1 soo auxihars services 900 fees tooihcr boards 2000 7 700 night cumulative sick bink interem town action in dismissing ihe appeal which leave ft2jo0 lo be raised leave 3 100 cils bv taxa in i t mwu 1 capita outlay 410 nisi alities comprising the district members of the acton was the town of acton will provide school district board n ih or 44a west esquev a a new teachers mr ing t77i or jltjfttelrthschcdule sassagawesa i045h or 6500 cotid o pagt thrt sweaters were presented by acton y aac a board on tuesday evening lo the group leaders assisting the y secretary pictured above the young men ate proudly showing off their swea ters shown in the front row on ihe left is chris norfolk with h s buddy vic roach on the j tght centre row left to rig are frank cooper roddy holmes fred dawk mi and pete hurst back rbw d saitz y secretary jorm b f j end bobf r board member who made the presentation

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