Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1960, p. 5

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pass civil defence budget discuss open deer season civil defence will cost hal ton county 244270 during i960 just 10 per cent of the 2442700 civil defence budget passed at the tu esday afternoon march meeting of the countv council federal jrants cover 75 per cent and pro vincial grants take care of anolh cr 15 per cent of the overall cost the budget submitted by linnl coordinator w b mcgregor was a a sub portions or the biulgct cover vatariis of ctpordinator secreiarv janitor and instructors at 8700 inivd at 1250 material and supplies at 1600 rent nnd ulihlv servii c at 950 and equipment the big item at 10142 the new equipment includes a station un gon to be used for a mobile training unit a rescue truck with basic rescue equipment and an erncrgenev feeding kit higher spending thebiidgetas one of four jhttlitfis ar the rounrva meet trig tuesday and a forecast of increased spending in hallon lor i960ithe tiiuntv assessors bud get totalling 2008 the build frigs committee budget or 19 000 and the agriculture ami reforest ailon committees budget of 14001 were all submitted this week the open deer season brittle waged on as council heud two sjdcs of the irjiumeni and turn- fed it over to the committee for study the department of lands and forests had ased cumulis permission for another open sea son in the couniv recently and council was holding a decision tor rommenl irom both sides fanners side r e austen of campbelkille v objected according to a mm i mittee report he aul in the i9w hunt a heavy coniontralion ot hunters had cut his feme and run oer his property and in the evening a ptwse was uitmed lo locate mo losi hunieis m the area he noted one resident ot nnssagavvov was shot and theie was considerable damage to farm buildings and other pioportv he said il the dcpailmenl riui a hunt thev should talk tnst with the farmers- to declare 5750 and hh mileage allowance was increased to 10 cents per mile effective january 1 council confirmed the appointment ol mrs a jackson as clerk for the assessors office at 40 pet week effecmc march 7 up own pay rates of pav for ioumdlois for both council and committee meetings was upped to ho poi meciingavith a maximumot 2u per ctiv with mileage nt 10 tents per mile el fee live janitai- 1 members attending conventions will receive a mat late ol j2s pei da plus danspoilation and teg istintton the ireisuivr was instructed to forward an additional 100000 to the joseph brant memonal hos pital kind at burlington and to pav the milton dislncl hospital j72 7m20 as the balance til mini ev received on the sale ol dibent many crania grants for 1960 included the following salvation aum 1 s00 cnib 600 lorne scois regi menl 200 lome scots edin burgh tup 1 s00 st john am- bulancc 200 na league of canada 100 ijalton music i es- malnfcso hihon mmual ine pieventum hineau 400 cariuf ian mental health asmk 100 comic 1 1 hv moiion nx essed concern at bill 86 now belorethe onluio goveniment regaiding changes in the paim manage ment act and forwaided copies of the motion to the premiei agiriiliuial minister and local mcmhri ol paihaimnl the chaumati ol ihe igiieulluiil committee was delegated lo at lend a hearing on the bill in toronto this thursdav mom mg cgit news ssssvwsv inllcd church the meeting opened with the c 1 r puiptse and hvmn 1 lie business pan ol he meeting was taken hv lot i urn lashv minutes lead hv diane angel the where hunting would be purnit i business pail til the meeting v led then hunt the hunt to residents the other side the oihei side of the piciuie was presented bv j red spires representing the geengetown an glcrs and hunters club who urged an open season to lowei uie deer population he said ufcv were a hazard lo motorists ind many good dogs had been shot because ihc were chasing deer on propertv of othet arm then- are mhuhi deer tit southern ontario and mam of them in halton coonlv he went on council will allow the committee to make the do i mi n roads bjlaw three readings were given a prelimmnre bv law selling aside road expenditures lor the ciumtv tor i960 at sjtsoooo the figure- includes 2o0000 for mainienafuc and 100000 ibr eoiisinieiion trafalgar reeve f a phillips boted that last veat a supplem enlan b law hatl been ordered for an additional 404 000 in iv rpehdi lures follovung the meet ing chint engineer rov cmitl told the champion that the umn tvv total e pencil lures mi mails this war would neai 8srtt the sutarv ol murm ihm ssiir pi nned girk tned their pails for the mnllici and daugh ha thev had woislup which was taken bv mis allen and dosed the meeting with taps knox church on march 14 the ccit group had a special meeting we bad a st paiitcks pailvat which about to girts trom the ballmafad and roekwood c i t groups alicndcl ilu ihiex giuups re pealed the purpose and sang ihe hist voise ol tun hvmn the giils plaved lour games which were led hv pal sieve nson inula paikir and geraldine i il ilei the ship lee which fol bel tv finlv ind dtil buttctihan a bulk i stvle lun j f rogers unwanted list michigan has idenlitied and is puhheinng its most unwanted diners here is ihe list the stop sign diiltei the loolast con the drunkard the bumper pusher ilu two line ti imp the nov hullv tins fist gives a gixxl di ciipnon ot the most unw nassagaxvcva rcev a r ser vice told members how the chan ges would hinder the produceis inai kellng freedom okay lights tiafalgar lovviiships applied hin lor iniflie lights at the sev enthllne upper middle road intersection was considered and approved the counlv will pav half ihe cost of installation and maintenance warden doug sat gen i reeve of georgetown and ttalalgai dcmitv reeve f j near were nanuil council s representatives lo ihe clulditns aid socielv the lendei ol ihe canadian champion mil ion lot punting tile i960 minutes bvlaws audit in s icpoils and inagistialcf blanks was accepted accounts totalling 64 261 in eluding 13907 foi the llalton mantn enpilal iluhidi were appioveil loi pavment dixie wins b championship defeats brampton 31 in finals the youthful dixie team werei counlej tor the bramptuu learn crowned junior b champions when he carried ihe pink through the dixie defence and bulged ihe twine behind harris following the game the win tiers enjoved a party at the home of mr and mrs herb cook churchill road north and cuib ed their keen appetites with hut dogs cookies and hot chocolate flvihev celebrated their vie ton hamplei hts hot reduce assessment for micro plastics con 1 1 unfit from page one two assessors and ihe clukad muustraloi ivpiesented the town itjng gave a bnel explm ilioti ol the aei mill the mlcio plant and inlomud i he boud nicmbeis theic was nsuthcienl piessiue tn lie pnnklei svsttni expansion problem the eoinpanv icpicsenlalive also told the hund membois the picseiit supple ol walci made anv utiiie evpansion piohkmat al asked bv ihe chauinan in the actun mlnui spoils liock ev league friday night when thev defeated the brampton club 31 in the final game til the playoffs sparked hv the fast skating and sharp shouting of john ma son the winning team kept a stride ahead ol llie brampton team duimg i tie game young muson last moving tett w inger got hlt hi st courilei w hcii he e ai i ied the puck i thiough ihe entire brampton team ami linked ihe red light when he tooled the goalie on a haul low shot in the right hand coinei second tally i geoige took haid hitting de leiuciuaii i the wmneis notch ed ihe second lallv loi the chant pions when he hanged a loose puck into live net on a suamble in iront ol the brampton net mason marked up bis secontf and hnal tmukcr tin the dixie lea m in the lasi pciiod when he and alan mckcittic got a hreak awav and skated through ihe ch lire team to beat ihe goalie pete vale manager and coach ol ihe winning team had his lads placing last lop nnuh hockcv as ilu earned ihe plav ihiough mil inosl l the game good nel minding mei 1 i lai i is in iiuluig ilie net loi the champs mined in an ix eellenl peilontianic- as lie kick id out shot alici shot mike jed ties seoied the lone ihe spn lephed pounds i ntinn 4nquucd it wan i used in pioies iiculated mi long hut lhit i old waiet bat ciillv seivtcing em mi long 10 and 12 infoinvd mi tween hi to as desued the svsi announce champions in minor sports play ovet 200 bovs wound up ihcit itnkev lin this season last indav chcii ihe plavolls wtie mmplel il and championship learns nam d in the vaiious leagues in ihe pee wee section dixie iclcakil the utampion learn lo lhatupionsliip and cop hi em ii i i tin pioccssmg ol pla- a is re a led was al iihi high a lmpeiame reviews formation in his iev icw ol ihe unnpanv mi i ting poininl out it had hien si uled 14 vi us ago hv thief ambitious voong nun lonslaiil m with ihe oiign ol the id i ted id to ispes tit diner when lack ol s he said fiiiute expaus hiemost m the minds melius bill lack ol wltel pies iue mfghi hamper this mr jamirson enquired if via er supph and piessuie at ihe uiv n t pfani ol ilu as all nghl and was old n was lmsonibh good but lhe would nelei it highci basis or appeal mi tamu son asked on what asis the upresenlatives ml the prxal was subsfantiatetl mr lanklin said dial due to nisur me inks being doubled on ae on n t il matlequate water pies ik unnpanv was paving a mere is in pumunns 1 lanklin inlormed his cumpam had no aig vmlh the town tegaiding supplv eosls and noted h s opiniim thai in time the n would he oveiijinie bv vn lh smt ihatf m not n seemed to k- thai tin svsinn uas msialkd near u us nit the lomp ihe li vhv ftn hinioi a division chain pionslnp weni to mailbtiios when ihiv diltaled st alhannis s t and i in aineiiian national ka tine ink went lo ikisliev lor ihcn win ovei kikhestei 12 ri mauling games will be exhi in i ion tills and pusciiilv the pce wce all siais jh placing a home anil liiinu seties wiih kigus lln ac ion bovs leeeived a hi dclcal in ihe acton aiena luisdav night a niiiin maiih has inen sih edolid loi logos utl saluidav momung local players star on tut sdav cv tilling n all star game with a learn puked liorn acton and georgetown midgeia eglte ated the millon juveniles s4 ib ihe georgetown aiena foui local plavis were picked ndr keen interest displayed by young archers 1h oiiil in iiiilitiuli lllllll ill plm lilll the acton free press thursday march 17th i960 elect lions club executive hear deputy governor speak i id instil ah lung hi inn rowed ihe lfanls down to six loi the stuu hnals lo in- held next tuesdav suiting has been innsisienllv high ihroughoiit lln contest and all conlesianls have been endea vonng to tallv iis manv golds as possible compelihon has been keen and the insliittloi has tinl a dillnull tlnh nanowiug down the oiigioil 20 matksmen foi the semiltnals those sutiessiiil rti sionng high pom is ami able to ionium in the conipeliiiiin are lhattlev maui piie with an auiage smic ol is janies lilumi john ciiigliiin llh miki saigtni un phillip divsdale 101 and david beetman wilh a km silverwood complete layettes at institute meet tin match meii wkd institute wi mg ol silver s held at ihe ge hcndeison on ihiusilav evening ol last week wilh ihe piisukut mis w k noiton in the chaii a good iiumhtt ol iininbeis weiv pus en i to auswci lln- toll call ii 1 weie a shut in how i would like lo he i nnmhei k c the darl placers wound iheli reason up last saturduv when thev held n pailv al the legion and plavetl unds and pilaris prior to eiioving an exeelkni lunch lu ihe dint game hoc loi lam heil ami doug mason teamed up and defeated champion jack luvle and his pulnei ted fl holl seems as though llee and doug decided lo show ihe chump he could be inalen hefoie thev lacked the pionleis up foi the season in the cuebre plav lack covle mule a comeback ailci his tie lial al tlii ts ami learning up with mike mecnsiall won ovei dude i mclsav and boh dilnk wahei the wav things went last sat uidav it aphaied as though ihe- ilclealed pint it tme spoil wenj the wmneis at ihe next one plav ed as timing the ciibbage game boh dnnkwallei and dude land sav won ihe lauiels horn mel and del joidan ilu wind up pariv w is eniovitl bv 2 niuiibeis tin league lust week the ac ion liotis club held a meeting at the home of lion frank tetrv foi the put pose ot electing the clubs exec u live- as a result of i hts meeting the lolluwing lions weie elected lo oiikc lion vic moms seeietaiv and hulktin ediloi lion jack dohetlv tnasiuct viou rav ai btc litsl vice piesideut lion sel lamb sicouil vice piesident i ion rmo biaitla tluiil vice ptcsidcnl i rou ivlei pa pi lion lion i unt- 1 i ions hank tcnv anil loin mullen both diicelois die two lollowing posilitins had bctu lilled pievmuslv mon johtisthi piesitknl and i ion lonv in islde i ml iw maieh 2s lo sutton and loot the lio eiuiiidid ol lln me- 011 indav iiubets onlv all oliheslll will and inat ilk dinner meeting j at a ilinnei meeltng held mon dav march 14 al the slalion hotel ihe depuiv disinct gov crnoi 1 ion vein stetk was presuil accompanied bv i ions hi me nock i imk fuiaid jt iv foul and will henold of lln dixie club and lion jim cunev ol ihe geoigclown ilub i ion vim stillei gave an in liicsting he answered many questions flr ed ai him by the up iijlcl coming acton lionx after a acssmn of not too mcl odious hinging lion john dryv dale wax introduced as a mem hi i of ihe acton ilub i tie meeting wax closed afler discussion or ai raiigements for thai let night scheduled for mav 6 two losses high si in ml girls junior and seiuoi baskclball learns- both weni down lo defial tuesday wmneis were the two expeii- ituid gcoijitown levins thlx ji ilu in si veu at ion giils havo plicd liming oinmiinliv ki 1 1 ride i c it i i alt pollock and campbell manufat hirers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 wafer st north gait telephone 2048 in ihe the tuesdav evening dail ses ion will in replaced with a nhhili- tournament and anvone n t crested in plaviug is asked lo uiil hi inn higgms i kave us name on the noiue boaul 100 damage to cars in main street crash cais tlnviii bv wellington gat diiiei ol aeion anil wilton cieed ol baine recened s0 damage k ii when illev wt i man when on ma a nominating lommitlt appointed to upoil at nuil iiiicling in api il u ol miss isabel mooic mi lindsiv and ms lkndusn iwo lavelus weie tomplcud donation made a donation was made it hospital fund mrs manv seoul ml l hi ought a loal ol her gtnitl honn i dimagt made hi cad wlin h sin lullkd oil u nl i loini ihe nucleus ol a luithei liul luml this was won bv mrs hai iv mauhington c lit lent events weie given bv mis dave williamson and a stunt paper was given hv mis hcndeison jr on the evenings subject health mrs lmd onvener lor ilie nicclmg gaidm 1 in in soiilh saluidav i vehicle had been il ol the iivi stand mi pulled awav il noith 4tttm4n pete mjrks ron mellon and j letts and malformations in child biian micnstall donned ihe um i u and how ihev ate- being ov foims lo strengthen ihe winning j o graduallv b new diseov n the tiealiyeiit ot them maiks and mel n the si on- whei the irn match in milloi id on tuesdav ol 1 nx mi i us isl urn- i oil iiminipin ihe uiv pi is c 40 dead right manager foils attempt to enter firebrick plant npanv apph induct ncs usuuk en i er i be planrs through ihi innt diis and appiimili rhi unptionisi lor an inteiviccc wilh lln ihiss this familiar ippicnh w ts abandoned bv a sospiunis looking v1mioi tr ihi p green hnhiiik puii uuiik when a small nihost tiitniir allempled to miei via the icai loading door in no short leims the man agemenl let it be known his presence was nol welcomed in such a rude manner and hi cva persuaded to n on his w o lodge omprahit dcie imt r in the visit ot s minil hi iiiunud a lew dav laid tnol bchile in had kxlgtsl t slnrng evmphunt at the ft iv press m lei it be known he was disiiisftet with the ireatmeni rinvnt ai iht local plant 1 on his return tup he was once again sighuil itttmpnng to creep into thi uai eniraiue stct cai fnghlened otf bv one of the emptovecs the visitor onlv bukcd awav a few short lil and dolled anv of the rmplovees or manage- ment to rvut htm from the propertv general 1anager i bar beau whose lush hail xen aroused threatened io till him full of holes even this did not disturb thcunweccimc chap j defies bots he backed off a few more feel ruffled his hair in a testing manner and jeered at the tun ous manager 1 ha i labtvd siihd al the coopcrauon good mi lankln mfoimd aid tbal i vonll to iwn anil hkrwrse the town v it lompinv he staled in k ppumiti ihe position i nh i bin the appeal was based hied cms mpanv hail i being penalized in com lusion mr franklin pom lid out ihe companv would be hampeied in futuie expantion and w is hemg penahed lo the amount ol si nx ii ail dmonal pumps io opeiale the- svsiem in bunging in lht decision of the boud ilu i a hnel ad tout n mmi lor discussion mr jamtes on ii polled that some consider ttioii was lun to ihe eompanv in view ol theiait ilnv were oper as nig al tveo location- one when enlid presort pin a maple leal pin wa in mrs geoige sivill who is ku ing next month foi a visit with her brothers and sisters m tng land the travel theme vcas eat lied out in the sctvicttis used with the delicious lun served bv the hostess with the help ol mis tred campbell and mis c i milter instead not wilh some people think that a of lee inste even better r our mpcrlenced men tin the fnl right ihe first lime top notch refrigeration service 111 us ii us i m viiii ilulmil i1i is aiilitni1ii uisjiti iiii ir jiliiikis mil i in onf day sfrvice andys repair service lull duy ur night erin 11r5 oh ta 44453 harvey laverty heating sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n rockwood phone ul 69934 rockwood 24 hour srvice if you want something smart in hah wc have tut received a shipment if new spring hats pallants opptfsita post offic la ihe ale i i qua it tbei spending the nuiht in the cells v aoud i age pen pos i hac the met i thai ii iumd nil km d nn mg slontilv i and it tim 111 i iiilt i hi fr ihe nrrknii in v plitllll 11 itli visll talni tn idciitilialmn oiiii ihe r ml p nno no doubt an imesipmc nol n ruvisviv ind ih huv and while skunk v longei riihti ihe pit hi i lie t llk a p un robt r hamilton fred a hoffman opioveirisrs iiniiii r p ii uii phone gueiph ta 42071 s8 st georges square fires windstorms and explosions can be vtffv destructive and very costly please avoid a cippl ng ioss by having us adst our incurance jrf00d insutanci aoenct 1m mill s e acton out phonoju professionally cleaned cottons custom cleaners same day sbvke except saturday tn by 10 am out by 5 p m main st n phone 373 on guaranteed investment certificates for 1 2 3 4 or 5 years issucd in amounts from si off to 50 000 intfbfst is paid half yearly by scheoue or the intepfm ivaay be deposited in a savings account j or the rerpt mflv bf w to compound half yearly to ie m o ceif cate as a result of this cnpoundwtfao ip ivmo at fllv r vo a r i o 4hi on a i ipl r- bris s f 5 vear teri sselecied imcc npen 4j frtdar halton peel trust savings company hd offic oskvilu uanchesuampton antt butllngtcrn burlington bnfnch 41 bran st phone ne 41028 evenisgs by appointment mtlton tr mxh assets in excess of 41000000 jive your car a new homer treat it like i rrtember of tht family s s b mackd4 z1e and son about that new oarage youv been thinking about for years the complete project it our itockintraoo from the plant to the bvlwngl call 48 for a complete estimate today right in your home or in our modem friendly thowrooni n drive over plenty of parking weve a large telection of wnarl owildert hardware lo add a touch of the individ- ual to your homemprove stock up on chm lrf masonry supplies now p1ans mathiacs fftjlacktn bo

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