Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1960, p. 1

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a it etabfyrfth yeanno 39 acton ontario thurs jay march 24lh 1960 sttt ft by the pfiif office departmmi ottawa efgbt pageibeven cents united services fehalywelc first draft of budget during tinlv j sulf photo roof of the curling rink adjoining acton arena crashed to the ground late sunday after noon and an overall view of the wreckage is seen in this photo taken from the west end of the building facing east force of the snow sliding off the main arena roof is blamed for collapsing the structure which was erected in 1929 council is currently conducting discussions with in surance agents to determine whether or not the damage is covered just the facts col taf report of the collapse of the curling rink section uf the arena roof on sund iv have been a source or much amuscipcnt to the citizens of at tun reports and rumors of the toll ipse were a i most immuli iiclv magnilicd many times be vund the ae iuji fuels ns ttiev occurred according to various reports the whule arena collapsed in a pile or rub- bc three people narrowly esc ip ed being killed ind linilh thice people were killed arier mewing the scclion thai did collapse un sundu altemuon we were almost cum meed b radio ami television jx ports that evening thul we didit i see what we had seen to manv ihe nnk is known as the building win re kill tair exhibits and winning articles are shown just the fuels hwvimi lu cct baek to what did huppen the snow cm the flit uof of the curling nnk hid boiii remov ed bv town workmen the snow on ihe pi tilled st i lion ol the ai ena bad been rcmovecwot a dis- inncc of 12 feel up the side the snow un the buluncc ot the pfieh ed anna root llmnich nulling or as has his ii suggested is i i e s result ul wind slid ull tie nun mk slippol a shoi s op nioj onto thi tin airline link ou our lh wlkwav munil uji ind u ls dlulu pjrin mo mid lulupmil this rool un wnlh suk nu in r x 0nltinu elizabeth puree was praclkine ult djmagl wan jppun lu championships plume on the figure skitint on tht lee suiuee skjl n ll lhl lltna iniirmeduiti uam th il ear of ihe undamaged skating arena t u- m tk k ttin fcoa h in tltuim f her lather e b rurcc was in lk cu nnk wj sup gibbon and juk grver uip sco- fruntof ihcbuildin noonc was l bv snow wvelled nr centre silmon wines n in lite vlunitv cmimg nnk root and obbons j kminer subs chew aln wmii ankew i mas undamaged k buchanan woods ind hoi i man the damage included the col- a ui buck o lapse of thtiout wl the lutlm hutor rink and ijic pushing- oul or fvcn lhl histors ol ihe inn pttimb o b shorl set lion ctl ihe appears lu have been mqucsliojl jioiv collapses rink roof with a thunderous crash ihe roof of ihe 30v earold curling nnk collapsed undjr tilt weifhl ol snow sundav allcrnoun priclicing in the adjoining aiena riiabcth force h islilv pul on a sweater unci skate tuaicls went outside lo where her t ithcr tod force was wail inc fur hei m his c ir ind exclaimed the pi ice was lallinc in mr furct iccallcd nsi hilt in hour before he had shooed lour voungmcrs out ol the uirlrnl tmk wluie tluv had been plamnc while the collapse mich hae bein i n ilaik ihe arenas sole ueeupint was at no lime in iclual iiuilat mr force amghl eirctikcr herb freer town ollicials and torem in ai krrknes were contacted the tinal hocke games h id he i laed in the arena ind list public eenl was ihe bniomball tame ind exhibition tirls hockc m itch fndav howcier council was p inninc lu eunsider the question ul more public skating nights whik the ice held the curling nnk his not bein used lor that puiposc lor aboul 20 veais it is best kn wn as ilu huiltlinc where i dl i iir exhibits and pun winning priklun wm dispt ini it is p u tialls open lo the inni and joined b si ins the tdjuinine nmn with rclieshmmi booih aid sluve rs ml let ihe south wall of the anil t ii ins n iik where il w is sir uncd bv tailing be uns ii is now mix ssibli lo walk rxhind ihe scits it the south of the inni town workmen bccan ek ining up the lovs was estimated b uuk ulnnnisi it miniewhcr between s hx mil fin 000 trfr building oinmiiiis hisihuj ol ih hum ind council immctluk l declared the cnliie bu tiling el snl wreck iji m mil v ilnr j lek mcge i hie ill tin tuup tin il palm sunday the actc ant entireties will conduct i services in the knox presbylenan church these services are spun byjhe afiglcah cotigwgtt ion the christian rcfottned church the united church an knox presbyterian church in a united effort the churches will bring the message of suf fenng of christ the guest speaker will btf ihe rev lawrence e mason ba bth rev mason recently be came ihe stewardship counsellor of the baptist convention of ontario he is a well known speaker and especially among the baptist people a prominent fi gure mr mason held pastorales at paisley and williscroft strath roy aylmer first church ttllwn- burg and first church guelpfi since 1955 the public is heartily invited lo attend and lo listen to the inspiring messages of mr mason concerning the death and suffer ing of jesus chnsl shows the- first draft of actons i960 representing allnpirarirttinl msiiki the lihrary btur the pa shows star when milton figure skating club presents its carnival april 2 the lead in the big produeliun number snow while will be skated by an aelun girl linda braida an outstanding skater with the guclph figure skating club sne was asked to take on the role for added experience by the club pro assigned the role of her prince charming is andicw drcnttrs who lives noith ol rock wood they arc rchcirsing every week with the milton skaters budget shows a mill rate of according to a budget commit iii eport presented to acton coun il meeting monday as a commit ee ol a whole of the 80 mill rite based on estimates submitted bv ihe town s boards and commit ccs council has contiul over 2209 mills one of the largest ineic ises jn xpenditures is a hike ot 1127 ni ms for education not reduced in submitting ihe f4l 881 lt budget cuuncilloi bubcau ex plained grants subsidies and ri eeipts would leave 4868 lo he raised through i ix llton he noted ihe budccl us submitted w is b is td on hyurcs mihrinllcil bv ihe vanous boards ind commtllccs he pointed uul the hudgel com miltee had discussed some ot the ijur hems but ill u no illcmpl was m ide h ihe lornmillcc lo reduce inv ol the putposed c pendilures a mcelin uf t lie budiil coin lllee will hut he i rwicw tlil budge before us loinid pre sen tation lo a iceul u incetuil of council tnu nil j lot i ii in in prisinicd i breakdown ot the budget iindci the two in un divisions 1 a pc ml i tores over which ioi mil h is control at ihe lop ol the i iblc and 2 expcnditutis con i oiled by council ihe lire ikdown in hides the lvs9 cxkiidilurcs ind the pmipiisetl i960 budtel 1 he c in nil u vm is ovt i whu h couniil his no c niirol incliuk publ c mihmii 246 nulls and ihe luth xhuol 12 84 mills of the schkls ind the debenture chirjes on the buildings these two items accounl for an 1127 milt increase over 1959 the counlv rate of s68 mills levied bv tounv council is used lo miinlun counlv connecting link loads halton ccntenm il m mor h illun county he dlh unit the counlv j ul ihe child reus aid society the rcystrv of flic county hospitals counlv buildings ihe halton cwil de fense program board the planning board the bands the urban board and the credit valley conservation aulh only the debenture elnrges ire for the payment of debentures issued for the sew icc system the wit erworks syskm street paving maria street bridge the fire hall and warren grove subdivision the police expenditures arc for ihe police protection bv the ont ano provincial police delach ihe fci mis ti olhtr buariis jrc the expenditures itmlrolkd bv 1960 milprate breakdown 199 i960 inutasc mills exptntl mills expend public siiiki 18 28 9s8i2 23 24 26 131602 00 198 high sihikif 7 is 9 572 34 1284 696851 529 counlv r lit soi 26 19107 568 3075178 67 olhci bimids 1 74 9 l if 284 1528889 110 xnhiiiliiks 902 47 19188 848 4604392 54 puirl 3 iii 16 72100 381 20625 5j 71 sjtjm id i 1958 dehul 100 093 52 51000 00 49093 52 300000 1115 6051581 849 46 120 52093 52 33 805 00 6 438 43 9 26 168 50 190 00 9 164 40 2 80 48 7 10 22 09 80 9 01 17 03 2 362998 91 431 868 24 800 council arc fur general govern yncnt at m is mills town opert lions it 926 mills and fire pro lection nt 1 68 mills items covered bygenoral gov ernment ire an anticipated 1959 deficit of 3000 plus council sal aries administrative salaries un employment insurance accident insurmee cemetery maintenance inhilily insurance printing and postage public building mainteiv ancc office adm mist rat ion legal fees election expenses work men s compensation assessment hcilth ind wclfirc ambulance service ircni opcrition dog con- tidl interest on hank loans scw- igc system deficil t ixcs written off is uncotteetable and misccll- aneous hems tciwn opcrilions include rood ijavclling sinding and sweeping snow removal signs and road in ii kings equipment purchases sidcwilk repnrs ind rebuilding lirhigi eolleclion ind street hthlmt the lire dcpiirtmcnt estimates truv will reunne 1 6ft mills to in nnt un ihnr equipment and opci he ilu dep irluicnt the council h is control over 22 09 mills ii is in this amount thai amv reduction of the propon ed 80 mill tax rile will jjave to be tound alter considerable dis cussion with no reduction being illcctcd council decided to call a speci il meeting on monday even ing of ncxl week lo review all ilims on the proposed budget if nceess u v uldilion il meetings will he held n succeeding nights obcitive of hiving the budget finalized bv march 31 don bexton again night school head eight new courses or fall scheduled only an even doen attended the annual meeting of the night sehoul xueday at the higk hool of the 186 who vttcndcjd vluhscs just 10 executive mem hers and iwo other met lu ic ve ir elect a new slate and hear about interestmi new courses proposed most executive members were renamed lo posts wilh a lew shills and the iwo others pre peedily put un the executive loo new slate don be mem is again chairman with ocotic bowman ocechair m in miss dons cnppv rccordint secietar mis j crcichlon ap pile itions secretary mivs flor nice wilkin treasurer and mrs d dills publicity convener bill mainprtx is properly torn mittcc chairman with mrs j ing lis ind another vet lo be named un the group with chairlad miss bella mae roscll on the ten end committee are mrs h helwig mrs c g mrs w bum lreli mis inptie mrs j whilhaii jones h m mrs w coon and mrww tmh praise and problems in his report mr brxtrm re polled i eaiod c ir in spile ol lower cnrolimnl ind hid we it h ci he uracil an improved met hod ol distributing ipphc ilion forms mil succeslcd three i mill in he poinled out iltcnd inic be lore chnstmis w is 86 pt i eciil ind iltir chnstmis 68 per cent the lick ol iniuesl neht iltn clinslmis prcsciils a red prob km he s ud the ii icturs reieive si2 t nilhl wilh i per iciil pud b the aclon eumniitlee ind the re mamikr bv the biaid ot educa hojl he noted concluding he p ud speci il tribute to mrs j crcithlon who hid spent mans hours working as apphe itions secret m in ihe ircasuten wilkin announced llpolt mis i bal line lihllv ovei 50 as ihe year eun eluded repeat popular courses f- ivorile classes such as sewing jipil oil punimg will be offere it un ncft all md some thil win dropped reeenllv such as millinery woodwoikmg and eng lish t u and eomposilion will be olleicd a un of special interest was a review il iilht brind new courses in the odinl these will onlv be held wilh sullicicnt recjstr ilion no it iiheis or courses are i vet two flower courses moral arranging a six nilht louisc in the i ill would be civcn bv mr robinson of robinson s i low i r shop guclph another six wiik course in home gardening would follow irtcr christmas aiifcht hv prof weill of the oac draperies and slip covers would ik tuieht bv miss jessie miriam hi id of ihe workroom at dun canmcphcc guclph she assist continued on page three beloved resident many years mrs a t brown passes away a woman who pi iycd i pro minent pirt in ihe iltans of ae ion passed away in hamilton general hospital on wednesday evening after several years of de- di health mrs a t brown council reviews insurance opposes speed increase will be remembered by many tor her devoted work in the church uid community evenis calculated fur the welfare of acton she was 88 years of age her husband predeceased her in feb ruary i9s5 mrs brown the former c ir mina walker was born on feb ruary 25 1872 daughter of the late william walker and mary wordcn no close relatives rem un hul her loss is mourned bv her bus band s rel dives miss alberta brown and r n brown actun j kerr brown of winnipeg and the rev j r brown or turner vallev alberta mr and mrs brown were mar ned in 1901 and many incnds brought congratulations at jhcir golden wedding anniversary in 1951 r v they lived over their drug store on mill st for over 50 years when the business was sold tu earl coo per mr bruwn was a graduate of the college of phan toronto they then moved to a liuuse wlicic mannmg filet store is now both subsequently made iheirhomcatpflottpn cen tennial manor milton both were very active in the town mrs brown was the prcsfc- dent of ihe w ms of the united chore h tor manv years and was a hie member she sang in the choir and taught sunday school mr brown was superintendent or the sunday sehoul for about 3fr years noted elocutlonlflt she was a willing worker for the wa epworth league- wc tu and young peoples societies her ability as an elocutionist wot well known mr brown was an avid stamp collector and amateur photo grapher he was on council and was past master and member of continued on page four cjvst snow which cau sed collapse of curling nnk roof ws heard by elizabeth fores timing m the arena sea ut uveru pn tik has revealed mtuniiatiun foiin 1 tnteixsirng t us and we aie sun il will be to leaders the arena was creetcd 111 i929 in fibruarv uf that vwr a pnvak bill was passed bv the ont ano legislature giving acton pi mi is sion to ervel a skating arena ind issued ji5tjd0 in dcbentuies to cover the cost uf its cunsiiuiiiuii m mcdonald and c hansen discussion ul the insurance euvirii on ihi arena consumed a maior poinon ol thi rcpul ir count it inceiiruz on tuesday even inc bell wood the local agent ami l morris of tin western as sui ince company attended thi meeting and discussed with coun ul various phases ot the insui ante coverage an tndipendcnl appranal is to be secured ol ihe damaged sei tion to dclerminc ihe cause uf i hi root collapse discissions on whether thi building is covered i hv insuramx will he held on re eeipl th this report t in thi hmk ol hc tun pre ol jxeimlxr 2fr iw wi tind vtik del ids tomiminit the 1 huh 11 n wilh ibis toinnl open i all hough ihi hnal hicki cinu me ol ihe v ear was plaveel at thi ihi slruiture vias civet id bv f saiurdav further saturd iv the laslnii meel pnxlucls andukatmg was beinc cunskkred thneth ot rh nlans and efforts ind hiulriimplanslk wluooi mmlkrs sptal i h un immihish agreed to compku v t mvvn ana ihi piovinei ol onl uto is insiued lor snow and lie i mil councillor i owe ipnss ins opinion in it in e ill ipsi wis nut due t snow toid is tin tlit ml ing nnk hmi hud been sh vilkd bv the town woikmui ind was ile ir ol ice and snow he lilt tin p u i il imaee w is ilu t nisi i i tie eoll ipse mr moms inloiiiu i em iieil lojs bis compinv wool n i lim issued snow lii i insii in 1 01 ihe building the nun immhui lor tile hthimnc anel imindid iiairifce lu ihe imuunl ot jy0h0 hospital dogs nvwrytt ttit attnutht it eoriciown ind two nitinl ihi goorgclown distrui ii ittimkd spok muk b messrs j m me do and couikillor c hansen it hi bein built ind equipped lonipliteh or ihe estimated e jxnditure 1 1 the debenture issm i sis km ot 1 mi inihh inrfi the tsjfsiir v lose ill ihe arena lor the bal u ot this veor sign are to be posted oulsdi the bufldini anrt- p la dunn the t ikn of n r m tir 1 he annual census diliiu were ot beardmore si co designed ind idoal survisi n ind hi lp ha- drew the plans for the buildnw hevnivtii ind ill uh isqutpmini which were approved in jum itvtblc imm the old nnk eien 1929 bv messrs b udmre co who opening carnival have ilvi bexn insimmcmal in the lirst skating in the new hetpmi in mn uass building wts on tueecuu decern tht sx surt ue is 7s 17s ct bcr 17 the offkial opening was and the mnk aecommodairon parents jtn urged their ikildren to instruct ernipklelv awas i rum ihe buildinp town workmen have remuvitl all dingerous sectiuns ot ihe root and cleared up loose roofing and debris inside the building ckrk dmimstralor jack mcgcachtc tv- ported the south wait of thi arena has been boarded up chm n p 2 s00ur 900 with a lutal tpkjuau uv biuwrng trwm wind 1929 and was a carnival officiated e-apieiiv- fur snesitalors of over damage over bv reeve a masottand 1 mo persons there is a reserved counciluri nelson hansen andjeat sexuon ol 200 scats subscnb hamsun mr mrs- h p ed lor warlv tor all events moore r j kerr and p a smith 1 there arc four dressing rooms the nrst scheduled hockev equipped with hoekev loekcrs a game was on monday december commodious band sund rcfresh- 30 1929 the game was won bvjfh book and ticket booth brampton 31 acton eliminated c0kttca on foot thrr no snow load covcssfe mr mums said arena coveopc was tire lightning and extended coverage including majkhhts damage no insurance fur snow and ice toad was earned hc made the statement i would hichw ivs vigorousk opposing nv imuim of the m iximum hittliw iv speed limit wiihm the imiumpil bound iriij word was t lived in in the depaitnunl ihat a rieominchdalion would be loiwardcd lo the minister sug- tisiint ineaascs to 40 m p h an- ulur risommendalion lo ihe ninisui is thai nq stop and go 11 ittn srnal be installed at the mill ind m un street mierseetiod tr iltu lneiner cuwlc of the hilhwas dipartmcnt was to be mvitid to ittcnd a council meet nv in diseiiss ihe recommenda tion with council p dng sihite cikis i ktui irum oikviuc district i hum un simietv inlormed coun il thev w iuiii be unable to con- nue their den eonlrpl service to ii 1 iwn ol aetimthe subject is h iliseussyidritticsjiexl meet ihe gorth halton urban lorkiil out betvvesin i rk admims top ot board the ihud ttmncial statement was piesented and account iltinj s9 m were authorized lor pavmmi thi onineh also heard ihe urban board minuks of their last meeting received the magistrates summarv 9 receivedthe police report took no action on the cllv kitchener petition to the pro vincial govelrimc fen i cre r grants un capital expenditures prepare a new da light sainf iibrarv cunstrucuon time b law imorporaimg any 9 received a report on the provincial regulations which mas municipal board assessment ap- bc issued for presentation at ihe j peal april council meetings a decided lo consider further the clerk was instructed to j a request for municipal water ser venture to say that no arena in write to the department of vice outside the town boundaries to be the isscssor in m tkin his in nual eensiis will hive with nun a supph of lags a tuj vull he kit tor whuh ihe householder ma pa ihe assevsor if ihe house holder does not pas cash he wilt sign a receiving slip tor the doi taj and vvrll then be billed from 1 he town office j the clerk rwas aul honied k fckrs -e- aoved coiml whou ftndl tm myrld m hdmlk- a t brawn have both now paued away- mrt blown dm in hamilton general hospital wednesday mr brown prf 7 deceased her in february 1955 funeral service h friday- a mr brown was druggist her for over 50 yn j

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