Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1960, p. 2

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av ilsvirtfn v vvvv w jyl wtfjv v some expert recommendations if acton council threw up its collective hands in desperation we honestly wouldnt blame them np ifs not because theyre having a rough tussle with the budgctthats an au nual event no its not because the cur ling rink roof caved inthats ust one of those acts of god wrjat were all worked up about is the recommendations council receivedno not recommendations either they re hard facts the department of highways plans to re commend to someone else in thfr depart ment that the speed limit in town be raised 10 40 miles per hour in several sections two of them very close to school crossings their reason for this action is that no one observes the 30 mile limit so it should be 40 so less people will break thsjow a second reason fs that pedestrians will be aware of how fast cars will travel so they re more inclined to stay out of the road the 40 mile limits in the town will be at the three main highway approaches from the east limit to the aax corner charlie han sen will likely have more and more cars on his front verandah from the south limit to the bottom of the cemetery hrll and no side walk in the area for the pedestrians from the west limit to the highway garage almost on top of the school crossing but probably the most infuriating bit about the whole thing is the recommendation that no stop and go traffic signal is necessary at the mill and mam corner representatives from the department surveyed the scene atidomsedhocahoffidetshetmelmikeli hood a signal would be recommended be cause of the amount of traffic one citizen was assured in a letter a signal would be installed what is the plan to solve the traffic tangle that develops jt that corner a red flashing light facing main st south a yellow flashing signal facing mam st north a red flashing signal facing mill st west and a yield sign facing mjjl st east with no light no parking would be allowed on the north side of mill st east for one block on the south side of mill st east for 110 feet on mill st west for 60 feet either side on mam st south for 45 feet and on mam st north for 75 feet with recommendations like this there seems little hope the newspapers of the country will ever be able to drop their safe driving pleas and we wouldn t blame the council if they threw up their collective hands and let the province run the town completely educa lions costs debenture payments and the whole traffic tangle they re building up an insidious growth there is an increasing amount of passive resistance and lack of conviction in this modern progressive age morals are more and more determined on the basis of what the other fellow does or what we can get away with than on what is legal and what s right tdday unfortunately seems to be the age where it s smarter to break the law in minor ways than abide by it unless we get caught it s the day of exceeding the speed limit and watching in the rear view mirror to be sure we re not followed by an enforcement offic er it s the day of trying to beat the income tax authorities it s the smart thing to do what is right and what is wrong has con verged into a lack of clear definition a muddled conception our morals lack the iviction the clarity they re in a muddled grey haze a television show is revealed as ft farce and not a congest of skill its ceniral figure and big winner is praised because af ter unsuccess ully evading the sufcect through several deceits he confesses in ear lier days when convictions were stronger and morals more defined he might have been horsewhipped companies laugh at laws that restrict publication of brand liquor advertising and seek ways to skirt the lawthe sale of lottery tickets is illegal but how many of them are sold and because they are sold we press governments to legalize them our only defense when we re confronted with the situations is to conclude there s real ly nothing wrong with it our point here is- not to deal with any single hem but the whole general insidiousness of the growing evasion of law there is a growing trend of bending the law to suit our purposes rather than our purposes to suit the law were ail guilty but is there anygoptt that our convictions will gain sufficient de ftnttton to dfverrthe present trend lsthen any hope that our resistance will become any less passive or are we all too comfortable and too satisfied with the status quo between the lines it will never be a best seller unfortun ately but the governments newest blue book makes very instructive reading the 600page volume details the departmental estimates the money the various depart ments want to spend in the twelve months ending march 31 1961 and what they want to spend it on the total with old age pen sions costs added in comes to 6 330 168 920 even at that the report from ottawa is that the treasury board the finance committee of the cabinet chaired by the minister of finance tr rimed 300 million off the amount asked by the departments the sums involved in what might be cl led housekeeping itemi show ust how big an enterprise the federal government has become picture if you can how much 22 million will buy m the way of stationery desks typewriters and other office equip ment and supplies or how much travelling itenjs of of government employees and servicemen and their dependents and moving of their household goods will be paid for with 67 million or how much telephone telegraph and other communications service will be covered by a bill for 22 million the above are only minor government spending and only a few of the minor items the maor items cover such things as public debt interest at 774 million a civil service payroll of 748 million more than half a billion dollars to each of family allowance and old age security pensions 229 million for ships aircraft fighting ve hicles and weapons for national defence a perusal of the blue book is likely to leave aseader with contradictory thoughts the oheris how difficult rt must be for a member or a house committee to put a finger on a particular spot where extravagance or waste might exist distinctively canadian tourists in canada from other countries must be appalled at the lack of originality used in preparing menus seldom in our tra vels have we ever seen an item such as pan cakes and canadian maple syrup its the season for thinking about maple syrup and nothing is more surely canadian prior to the arrival of white men in canada the indians made maple syrup and sugar each spring when the tap began to flow n the trees according to legend they discov enfd its properties when one of their squaws uted the sap instead of spring water m which to boil venison we noted recently an article claiming that only the lower quality grades of syrup were offered for sale n most stores and restaurants while th s is d scourag ng there is no doubt that pr ce is a factor and while production of maple products has rema ned fairly constant un ted states buyers lake more and more of our product on to aug ment their dwmdl ng supply there is a tremendous amount of work involved in producing maple syrup it is worthy of top flight promot on by restaurants and stores who care enough for the r cus tomecs to provide the best we have no doubt that a tour st n can ada would welcome the knowledge that t wes canadian maple syrup he was eat ng the good ol days back in 1940 back in 1910 photo by esthtr taylor this is spring lonsm ol ilk thuc is no molt k ol the c in id 1 tn wh ilcici ih it is th m mhiis link 1 mi so inr itktl to the isi h indsinnc isifca ol c in ul 1 lli 11 1 1 mnol km- 1 ik kmpl it 1011 t ti sunic rnuch miilci on an mj win th it ihieitciis to in 11 it but tin it nit two upcs of pi pk ulio utilise in nil 1 lunous il unit ol niv ioiiiili jtid my icllcm lountmmn lo iht point where i gel su en tied mil llnl im ipi to dee im llalk wilh nothin hut hot rige lo link it up ltrflwe 111 both well nigh peilcct tin first of ihisi is the ctn ul un who if fee is to find nothing ol ilui in this lounlrv or its piopk thisi birds clnm thin is no cullitrc tins suit ot llit al i inlu tlux ivir thil c in uli ms 111 1 milt md iriss oihti c 111 idians th it is thi in ihi piopk who nad ihi book iiiliis not ihi books tlu w ix indignant bunusc ihur ft mow c m idi ins would ruhir watch a hrslilass hoik i garni ih in 1 third rilt i 1 mill mm it thtv hai nun biin iasl of kinsgslon onl 11 10 but compirc cinjdiin m in mrs ind modis ruthkssk wilh thosi ol euiopi wilh one binlh ihiv sncir thai canaih his ahsoluuu no eiilture vtith thi nim ihi ilnn- midii owr sottk dog s binkf isis of t pla iht cbc has inflicted upon us fuee by bill smiley thc im in iht ul llusi wi ended up shouting at ih 11 kins htil cmije hom 1 uh otlur moss iht hir in sin ill towns ihi liiiint hit ins inn ition room in his hinges ol llit aits hul h ivc no ssoixl honu him irving to lill laknl ii ihe t iki viu mil lo un tlnl ill cmidians win in aim iki on 11 1 il 111 a qu mil inisiid 111 was montv ind dump with 1 soiltd 1 ibkilolh 1 ts ind mi living 10 till him mil tit 1 boiile ol tin ip hingo lli u our giandl hints win with hit limn bli spiijrili 1 mini 1 mn 1 ind out of tht ind 1111 uh ills wilderness and building trins lonliiiuit il t ulioids wlun his thtir minibus ut srn ill linn opinions nnlkiik ind ilun intlu inir u hliuwughi llity hut sli irp longuts and bid irummrs neveilllclcss wink mil hini ihw rt w1mi mles best tiling do is ki ilnm dnvil iiound mi ong ihinisihts heme ill lontin tnl il ind tultuitd which i tin wlun i 1 in mill ml nil urn pu in thin prisniii wlm h is sildom which is luolish ilnr up ind building mlirn il tints iht trouble with the si tuiusyons they g 011 1 ot hand taken from the issue of the free press thursday march 28 1940 in he most sweeping verdict ever rendered in a dominion genera election the people rcg istered their whole hearted ap proval of the war policy of the a 1 7 hals w tic corded the liberals as against 169 at dissolution a record major iv was given the mackenzie king administration j fur the conserv alive party the election was nut only a defeat it was u rout on monday evening at 6 30 a group of young business men will gainer al the y m c a fur supptr for the purpose of discussing tht possibilities of the formation of a ys mens club two represent atives of tht gutlph ys mtns club will be visitors for thi iv ening and here is the possibility thai mr bert priddlt of kitchen r regional director of ihe inttr national association of vs mms clubs will also be present a large turnout is expected before tom and bus nicol left for overseas we asked them to write a letter occasionally so that the folks back home would know something of overseas ton dilions tht first lellir appears this week tin part it nails after spending nint davs on the ocean pari of our trip we landed in scotland wt golpiir shore leave of fivt davs which wt spent in london wt wen fortunate to meet u ftw at ion tans and visiud wilh george la7cn by and bill nieolak whit are stationed about 20 milts from us and mrs leiirs in lon don will wt hopi vou nuir hive reason to have 1 blackout in ai ton al night the sound of nr craft echoes in tht sky search ligtits play baik and forth to endeavor to catch the m irkmgs on ihe plane as enemy aircraft could tasilv ri ich us here if ihiv lould gel higri enough so as lo escape being rtiognied but with nr tories all around us were pretty well protected the first edition of ihe n iss 1 iwevi school paper is on us rounds ind il is 1 pipu lo hi proud of it lonl itns mm pigis ind is tin woik ol lie pupil of nssagtwevi s s no 7 two ac ion bowlers j ad im son ind w corrv hut bun puktd for ihe fuemtn ill st u ie im in thi dominion ill impion ship mm 10 hi held in toronio taken from the issue of the tin press thursday march 24 rfltv the pretty little snow drops arc in bloom again easier ser vices in all the churches on suiu day now far the spring cleanup f farmers between br and toronto have been plowing this week spring was ushered in on mon day with mellowing breezes and bright sunshine the snow his nearly all disappeared and tht streets ure drying up nicely the shakespeare club held its final meeting of the season on monday evening another of shakespeare s plays will probably be taken up next winter assessor harvey found an own erlcss dog without a muzzle when on his rounds it was dispatched al the power house and crcmat edand this is not tht first om tilher if the council will make an en ergetic move early this spring ihey can force the telegraph and lilt phone companies to paint all their poles in own then forveiv shames sake the council will set lhal their own electric lighting poles art painted a touple of drunken scotch men intruded themselves into the lown hall friday night during the progress of ihi sons of siol land al home thiv wen piomptlv assisltd out of ihi building ind const ihle harvey gave ihcm iwu minutes to get home or spend ihi nighl in iht tills mr alex mcgrigor ind fimih who moved to manitoba seiertl vi irs ago have returned to acton and will make their home in ontario again mr w j patterson returned lo gow ginda yesterday mr and mrs w l gnndelt of brimpton usilid acton fiitnds 1 isi wnk pt tit ions in in miul ilion ihroughout nissagnvivi prav ing ihe lountil to t ikt some it i ion lo tnfoni iht hv rtg ird ing undut speeding m ihe high w us bv auloniohilisis il is iiimorul 1 iikphom lint will bt consiruitid from os pnngi lo alton this turning summer al a muling of the lsqtitsing boird ot hi illh list link 11 iv is dtudid lo tiki iciitin ig unst industnis ill it lausid hit pohuiion of strums tin inlu 1 lipt hi it ii11l 0 in llil ills i10w1mi is 1 hntl o iliffumt plum ila ind 1 11 orlhi tot this is ihe linnllid i imipt in whose son il trust 111 ms mil hit ness spill oul in slinging 1 er dntnhis il unst t in ul ind thin mtnnu ol iiuiil rrequtnlh these in wilkd ui tied 111kirig1nl and stnkitut ptopli who simpli tannol ultist to a niw lik i hiu nut ilnm and tnilht ihun iil1h il mn iik line but its hopeless im 0111 i iiiliu a h ih 1 1 1 met souldu about ill u1111ls c in id dodging round the district by roy downs 4m tod 11 honor thi pitnn sunt ol hhiinl nl mi i tin pub no hi ihi tn ni pili i tin mi il nd issin time on 1 111 lmn ink m s wearin the green- liilmd si pilruk mil ihi ii lishu on thi mikrnd side tpress 1 tsl wnk as ihi wnl plllkksdll going to the dogs rorcftown counul is on ihi hut if il ilui wlnih i i nmw i j27w ionii l1 with ihi oikull hminm sk 11 1 kill lown n 1 1 ihi dos i un couniil ippi i i 1 sul 1 w 11 i ij nit 1 tin inoihu in but ihi somti ml it would h iu i qutl unk s inuliir si ww is appmpnikd i w 11 i iik vjik 7 ik h iki s gist 1 lin 1 1 sen 11c eluh mtghl irnm lo the rrstn with h itt 1 1 isli another prud trarakara millu n dillu 1 innnn uui n illn tin piudhoninu s caukn cintn u st t nliamus mu mi k 11 1 1 ii ihti molding lo plans announnil hi lto pipplt iwnn ol tin ouniii squire rtslaurant the mikiiii plans in 1 wk u i nil ml dininl loilngi motel with hir bowl nit dins swininn igp nniul etlioptnn tills nil iiinlininl il ainnl thil t in id 1 his nol ihi itsligts ot t nilionil culture wh it i should tl 1 is iilml irol out stephen i 1 nock thi group of seien kusli i ik sirilford festival ihi cileiri st impede and wainc ind shtiski hicli monuinints lo 1 111 unique iiilluril iknlopmenl insk id 1 wind up hollering al him the trouble with ihisc sad iiols is hit nobodi is partu uliili impressed bv them tht 1 nidi citiiilians ire nw busv miking monn ind helping wnh lln dishes ind building h miis ind meeting pavmenls lo be cnihnlkd bv glowing tal is of ihi fibulous tuliurt of rnrope th it is the first shtxk it thi ijo of ihise furqpeans who si rn us an ilher ihml is lhal mani of hum unit irom ihla eosmo- pohtin lilies straight lo tonmio thil is i iriumilie experienie in ms l thus thei set none of i in lriiidtur of c in id 1 nolhing ol ilk simpk nohiliti ol us chi ill ms n 1 blushing now ihaps riitunikli thi si soured intus in onli i lini mmonli m jst i iirontans who tome lure in realists thei hnd i mil wilh somethings in our t in idi in mode of hung as we ill iti but thei in rcadi lo ul ipi ind linpl thei hue mi the umbilieal cord thei n 1i11 that if ihn in willing 1 1 em l then pf0fes5ional directory and travellers guide y s dr w g c kenney physician and suracon office in synxin bl ck 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 111 chureh st 7 phone im dr d a garrett entrance river sr acton onl phone 238 funeral directors chiropractor un 1 1 1 t the i ilui fron will 1 ne glad to ha 11dm injis pi l 1 1 h 1 1 uk in pi the acton free press 1 rtviitill w tt wdi prtattaf mat faufaunc cv united i rttunded hi j8t5 tnd pubuahed eivry thursday ittfft how g st actoo onlvio uerobcr of the audit butnu of 1 ctmdmfooatt cwmji mi the onttroquebec dvi i jbkhkz vtfbt cwka adverining ratai on request sub 1 fu eripuoai payable in advance 3 00 in canada h 00 in the f j united states tx monthi si ts smgle copies c authonz- 1 wm jtkf second clan ma it post office department ottawa 1 g jttdppp tht nly fw avar pabuahtd in actaa 1 o a diluc whorinchief fla 1 davitf r- dills managing editor 1 business and soitosrial office phone 60 0 acton ihi ntilhtnd i ken si nilinikint red feather halfwai bramptos the 9vi irtiied red kjlhir appt il his i 1 k i 1 ruth hs ihtimin hi in ul om h iir the iimpatgn imwrrr np rl a lot il ot nisi over snooo wis n ikitid md n w old iprkn uh t thi ihjin ihk lumens w mid reeeiit uih hll ihcir budjil pay for french lewns trafalgar at lea- fo parents iro uilhng to hue their puhhe sehoot ehildnn inrn frmeh is in ixir ieiirritulni mihuii witling that thei haie agreed lo pai ihe tiniion lis tht rase he thi pmgnm wis introdueem in oakiillt ithuoh 11th sucia hm hi township school birard devukd ajnnsi msiituting french kssuns m the trafalgar sisiem two in ihe family georgetodr sheldon 7im 1 nutimmn iunl need 10 worn about the othtt when he s out on farm prjiiiet tails his wile is dr uki7autz 1k0 a id whowillnke ihargi ol ihe pit clinic antl off tie n town new consetiatkm area bolton the humber trails consenation arei 0 acres ol plaj picnu shade and timping area inlle opened this veir hi the metropolitan toronto and region conwialion auihonti ind will accommodite ihe occupants of 70 cars the m t r c k pi ins to spend 19000 on the area this year help raise gift of 20000k for child help eili i sw0oo a raisid lilt niii i n iti ns hiktin s fun 1 hi hiklrm 1 1 ss cjnda uh pirn ipi ed 111 h illowi en r l mctf thi mount shxned an increase i k luxl 0111 l in addition piinhjsis 1 lmcef card in n ised s rxr eent unr the lsl tiliiu l 774000 announcement of thi nsults was rrnde hi mrs jean arww tun naiiunal ehair in in i thi ln canadian com nnttie li imcef suppli in medicine food and equipment tor miicmil and child wilfin seniles imcff lasi irar aided more than ssoooooo ehildnn ind mothers m 104 coun ines mani acton loungster took pan in collecting pennies for other children and enjoved 1 spetial parti in the afterwards dr robert u buckner physician and surireon 39 wellington si acton onl phone 67b office hours 6 8 p m afternoons by appointment heal estate and insurance f l wright 20 w ibur st aetrwi ontario phonp 9s appraiser real estate and insurance dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick street off ce hours b appointment telephonf 19 dr a j buchanatf dental surgeon offce5a mtu street off ce h 8 n in i pra ci iae3 weanestuiy ahernoon telephone 14b c f leatherland oc barrister solicitor notary public offce hours 1000 im 1200 pm 106 pm s00 pm saturdsn by appointment only off ce 22 phon res 131 acton a 6raida ba barrister solicitor notary pybl c i3 mam st s acton om phone 576 office hour 6pm 9pm ipm 9pml sa urdt 15 cork st e guelpfc ta 4 22c office houh 9 a m 5pm saturdays 9am 12 a m hastings 4 payne barrtitera m solicitor nouiriet public 1a hm st acton offjcs hours von frl iatwllc un 1j0 0 pjn sat 1000- 1200 im a d moore dc palmer specific chiropractor 17 mill street phone 40 or 66 office hour wed 2 7 snl 2 5 optical and hearing aids e l buchner ro optometrist and hearing a idi 4r m ii st e phone 115 office hours wrdnendays only 2 004 00 pm fvmngj by appointment h uwe cafls for invalids robert r hamilton optometrist eyes examined hearing aid service 11 guelph st georgetown ont for appointment please phone tr 7371 auditing accounting lever hoskin chartered accountants 31 mam sl n 212 kr st w brampbm toronto 1 phones gl 14k24 em 4 9131 tkavauts omoi gray coach lines coachu leave acton standard tim eambound 33 ajn daily except sun and hol 838 am lljsam im pjn stf pm 633 pm sj3 pm is os pm sun and hoi westbound 102 ajiu 1357 pm 1st pm 527 pm 727pm 013 pjn us2 pm 1 13 am fn sat sun and hoi canadian national railways standard ttma eaatbound dally 6 44 ajn daily except sunday ju2ajnjfla too p m sunday only sot jjht dadf except sunday rlyer at george town 627 pjn daily tjr at georgetown loll pjn westbound daily 1144 pjn daily except sunday sjo ajn 6 44 pm saturday only 222 pm sunday only 0 42 ajn qagstop sunday only flyer at guripfc 705 pjn daily e sat and sun 612

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