Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1960, p. 8

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xi thfr acton frw pwm thundy 1 march 31 if i960 r motorists anpfindlnu it dlf flcult to kctp thdr turn uiua this wntlur canadian i ibnirv weik april 3 lu 9 tuni oil the lelelsiem anil try u book what an uiwghily array ot lebiin mwiiihio have auumulalul in the inowhanks knox ihoir is praelleltin fur on easier e inula lo be given easter sunday night many residents li ie shed their huiw tent lor lighter ap parel sinee the iheimunieter ha risen a lew degrees willi ihe snow i isl disippeai mg slm1 il ill the bi iilehes bro ken during the winlei ice siurms ate being untovettd yuungsitis are eekbraling spring with i rush ol walei pis lol batiks and sonic have een returned to their hula hoops ouile i number of pot holes hive appe iretl on ihe slrekh of higlivvuv through town sitae lla disappear inee of ihe iee and snow prelaw of summer sunihvs this neek hundteds tf ears were funnel lid through town un then wiv to a pleasant jaunt on ihe taw 401 don l in lla hak ruuls for a pleasint dilve it this lime ol mar frosl is umimg oul and k mug i nightmare ul potholes and mud tloekev i ins ue gel tint i lair fill or tla spoil on tekmion willi lla miple u ils ind dilmit rid wings battling it out in the semi finals oik man anxious lo be nil of la wmtet weather reeenllv got uut lus powei mown and lag in mil hauling it sign of spllllg fuel wuuvsubia v miss paye mcettchcrn took over us crossing guard at the robert llluc school intj week when her mother came down whh the flu mareh cume in like n lamb and how tvill ll go uut that gets us uruund lo apiit tools day on friday and then enmer juil a euuple of weeks uwuy businessmen arc looking for ward to spilng business hat not eiarally been good during the last few weeks as snow and more snow dulled sales- activity ufttis lo the editor are wikonu but the edilor must know ihe name or the writer pseudonyms m ly la used in publiealion wjiat s your beif lla ihundeisturm and laaiy i un early wednesday morning iwakened many residents a heavy rain like that one and the snow md lee will soon dlsdp- petir ontario llvtlro workers re paiied la main feeder tine on run street this week adding new switches and lines lo the bunk of transformers near ihe subs la i ion on willow and river streets a leeelll article hi chaleluine m ig iua cuveis the reeolleetiuns ol the grand duchess olga youngest daughter ol the lust cai ol russn there s more than p issmg inkiest in llus dislriet is tla ciand duchess fornaih had a farm at campbellvilk bumibotlv else was asking us who writes sugar and spice sla d been living to figuic out who on the ticc press staff could gel away with witting about his wile that wiy bill smtlcv the column s author is ihe weekly iu w spinet editor al wiarton and the free press stall is in the clear susan wilson young h s student to meet prime minister tour ottawa sus in wilson i l6carold liidc 12 student at the alton high school his been ehuscn bv lla teaching st df to represent the sehool iu lla lolh annual adxcnlure in ciluenstup trip to ottawa sponsored bv the ottawa rotary club sla will at lend mukr lla uispiccs of the acton rot u club basa tvquiremcnls m siliiltng tla limning student win si hoi asia abihli and iitia euuaular aetutlics riy lo lapllul lla miuiil wiutat uill k lie m dion in run i on sutul i mai 8 and llv lo lla lapilil eil wlau sla will om 180 oltai students i mm amiss c in ul i in iouiiiil the p u li iiih nl buildings md ollai eiiu hiulditis dunne in oltn mis lis nil see piihameiit in session met i ll prime mlilisk i ind ree n e hi can uli in eiuetistiip nitifuali on hei aim d in ollm i sf will la mil bi numbers ol ll oil iw i rot ni club uut done wnh the ulhet stiuknls will ik buban wilson bill eel it pin he homes dunne the siai ice snow thaw fast this week on he eonipletion of her ad miiture in cihenship miss wil son will write i sinopsis ol hei tup whieh will la published in ihe free puss she will dso id dress ihe ita tl rot ill club halton lol officers named 20 yiarf old acton ys mens club celebrated ils birthday last thursday in the y m c a pictured above left to right are earl aaasales president of ihe club tnis year norm marlow charter president and clarence rognvaldson vice president 85 present and former members attended the anniversary lo renew old acquaintances j 20th birthday cake for ys men guests see officers installed no flood yet llltllls md llltls l t melted snow iu disnra huh ihis week nd k us ot hihhi maih to be un lolllltled llhh l is uk ft st ii all i ii tlliin touuti oiange lirila e letted bm cit dun leon trd ol oikulle as counti must it u lhiii nutlinj lexenlk in ihi j 1 ooi hill in mdlmi i ixihik mister is bm willi un mdlriwn brun i httph the 20th annimsarv ecktya ion of he ys mens club drew 78 mtmhus and tuesls to lla y si thursday turkey dinner wis served bv ie ymca ladies auxili irv offlccn installed new olficcis ol the club mie iduckd by carl riddolls dtstial tuvernor for ccnti il dlsliul bunt ford olfkcrs for i960 he larl mi sales president ci in tin riilii laldsun vice president doug copctand scerelar dob younj ticasurei fle sumeieille sgl at arms and mansell nilhs ind clnar emilh directors mr riddolls congi itul ikd hit acton club oitlheit ahieieiiants eluiiug the p ist 20 i us he ilso outlined lla dulies whieli eon fronl the hew oil lie rs dm mil llieir lei in or ouiee fine record guest sk ikel lot lln innuie wis mae boivm m p is liiktni llonal ptcsidint he w is intio duecd hi pil mekenie who gnc t short nsunii ol mi bow nuns utilities mil iiliaienunts m y sdoin mi bowman pointed otil lla fine roeurd of the aclon y s men and mentioned huw out ol a small beginning i lol ol eom mendabk work both in voiine peopti s ivoik and eominumlv projeels has been i mad oul the eluh should be et ilelul to ihe oitginit nambeis wmse us ion was sltniid ikel hi ihe spin sonng eluh in nalph 1 mr bowmin ihosi is ihniu ol iils spixih st puds leltei to tla pluhppt ins ivhuh mis wtii ten while la wis impnsoned si paul hid eontunpl kid mii ink hm then loutid law unii age uid ukised tin phihppi ins but wink to dn is 11m lo im ischnsi and i sh ill be mill xou the spt ikei instd lilt utustioii or lehelhei mini ot us ire not imprisoned b modern soeiil ins lonis imprisoned hi double si tndards ind m iiv vihis a uplcd hi this tenet hum ri lolnilitin seinis to lx mine ip pieei ikd ih in ohlie hum uul eieflbtxlv w nils to be somelwxh but god emph isms serine md obligation uul these ite mil lound lot oflen in person d uul business life most ol us pmlevs ihese rules bul elo not put thirii mio pi n tn i mr bowm in th tetnintlnl ll then oitti t lamed liuuioi hid wisdom uul piestnkd him willi two ejjs on heh ill nl lla immheis ik ilso ih inked lla i idles auvihui loi unit splendid eflotl nests welcomed chutei iiainlais lisitd in hill iknsuii wue juk mieu hie l bill culkn mile mi son uul million led lotee 1111 unison monlv rool lln old loiee unit mikeuu juk ctiilhlon wis wolk ciotea williims junes ross m ie leitth i r ink gossolm md noun mu lowe juk cushion m dkd ihe pisl piesitkiils ol lla tlub noun muloui hill culkn dill iktison clinks knkntss jiek chlellton led him wes wolk mike llumvil ken m kuwii biu i it mekenn i itniiii i iiiitiue jek nei llld i i i loltlt ik id libit pksis mti jdii i in w j bi nil wen mum j h oi mie b wmin ys mm pit sukni ol nil it i i ills jim ken lliltk isl piesitluil i 111 uclph s mm luh uliu spi soud tla aihm ys mm club chietue koeni n 1 pt side nl h irn aibie loi d p ist piestdeiit ind iliuiniin ol tin emiim c u i ruld lls dtsltul toninoi rene j n k nett ind siel sill linn il sunt in ol acton ymca repiesuinims i turn juhs win hun aihn ol the i ions hib willi t wihidbutn l lln korui club ind m i mom ol the c in uli in li birthdiy i1cthiis luiihu binhdii eiiituvs un iipitssid in hope rusm pn suk in i u ph l s join milton juves for easter tourney mini ailou unity is inn bun skd lo phv iiiinnk hikkn veilli lln mill it iiieniilt k un loi ihi hie i iski iieekind tot mini time mm in hon mi lion l tti muks uul iti i iu mi iisi ill hit millon k un ins lu e ri shnl ol slllllllll with lllllllllls iiiomi1l up 20 te mis m iinslind md juk dim hob youul ind 1 ul bie us dimmed is lints tolkilois lln e e nine sine son l wis ion due lid in doul copiluid mil flniii hmks 24 join knox sunday morning on sunday 24 were received tilo membership at knox pres riyterl in chureh of these 20 were onlirnied and admilkd on pro- esslon ol lailh lour win i ins i erred cotil li nuil ind idinilkd on uokssioii ol i nth eeen mi mil mrs lul r biirniin s2 minn st n will r piwkins e hedei ick sk robnt s lovers rr 4 miss mai join i mil mtss maxim l cough rr 4 miss julie m iullllcs4ijkueleau mtaa kal ituirii l kiikuess 2h churihill rd s john i i idoueetii a me idi tit rd mtssd j urn 1 mil sav nisstgneeii wime d mi on 08 like an j llueli mi kiv 41 willow st russlt h murini rr 1 ii bum olln lam 114 mill st e miss june i canada wide nel iveik is jtbioiv wee k ii i oss cjtndi ind soi in 1200 llbi mis leioss tla domu will piiliupite moil linn w bilmg ml ons in ihe pioinue ol due- bee will tike put die piupose ol ihe week is lo potiil oul ihe lipid slinks hung ifi idi in in idi in hbt n us uul ita con lulling need ol lic i ei book dis ibulion und mtss joyce c rcnnk k rr ibcrshlp ceilirkutc were mr andm 4 mlnnnnnn anne sinclair 4 mis herhcrl 0 job 122 el lid- 4 willow si jl mks ruth h belli difve trom knox prcsbytep spidiugel 93 mill si e miss ian church uslowol and mr and ann i watkins 207 mill st e mrs- john d uduuccur 43 mi and tcrrance w wilson 11 vimyiiak rolid ttum drummond kill slrcct piesbyierian church niagarai admltlcd un u uiskt ol nam i alls if youre not fully insured its not enough jrbertwooi insurance agency 124 mill st e acton ont phon 5b3 i he i i spei obs whin lla hbi lllll lis open sx in heldxil lla sehool bus oni imuk sill n umil loi due isnl iiuuibils kill mukniii puiv wits n i i ink llolloee n uul imuk mist is c ie ilbilmtl ollued pi ntis mtn lln elosi l llu muni pul ol tin iiuiiiil llu hi iiililiil liulhil e ike eiliith ie is tin il 1 u i bi mt ml mis wilsm m is itul oul muiiliiis uul msls in loud tolki mil i ikt mu lidiuli i ud linus wue pi iitd nil ut s iu ii lilies ill dill liplo tin uul iii ui ink t 11 for appliance and tv repairs manning electric call230 check your mail box for extra savings in quality foods al your ledgers i g a lovell bros modern meat market where quality is higher than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 lla nl llu t noiton llikulk ivieirilnie sesnl in bm a uveii aelon linuald sftiiiui bm i quel ait m in isum bm p hall milton mirshttl bio d ashuell bur lineion i usi tunr bm h r ul burlington second ketur it bn e jordan oikulle lut lommiiirtiiiiti bio j wilson ii tnhi tikr bm 11 got don v ton imuatli iti p isl omile mimcr bm t tollin- enmpixll ulk- uxt- the ilemi n ind msl ill ituxi wen umduikil hi pc m bio leii samson hombi ihv eivek uj m ilu mm i tlood koiulllloil dins anse elub ind hoped tint lla t ti n s men club lull pmeiess it hl ihe lines ol lla uhuiiuanls dm inp ihe hsl 20 ie us tied koeh ih inked the eins sp ill r in i pti ytli ii ii service service youll get better values wlfio tv tv and radio repairs aerial and tower installations electrical appliances new tvs radios jack ridley concrete blocks concrete brick cinder biocks clay mick sand stone livestock and fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire pcv clan fs s f fully insured phone 251 acton it is important that children and adullt of all ages be immunized against poliomyelitis tleaie see y family physician or attend your child health clinic st albans parish hall acton lstanit3rrrll5ayeach month ill school children i jo in 3 jo o m dnlu 400 pm halton county health unit telephone 193 retardo the fire retardant paint with true decorative beauty successfully delays the spread of fire lovely flat finish completely washable applies by brush roller or spray 0 passes underwriters laboratories test or spray bcniimin a moore sn gordon hardware limited acton let j b mackenzie son repair your home its time to reroof keep your home n i p top shape repa r winters damage and gel a head siart on spr ng slop in at j b mackenzie and son and order your iko roofing ih s weet le us g vo you a complete csi mate and f endly exper enced adv ce on all your home m prove merit probes reroof your home for bettf- living knit hie niiil ill iii miil tlu mi i ihe vliems inil iv i hi 1 1ml up pn mptk quielsk ie el u intill el uli mim lis eeheh until ill iiot uul i h im ihsip pe iu el will inn tx ipilm ke n i iim 1 ke i 0wl me i line t dile mi m i iinki hni iven nautili tt im i i low int en i ik l mi in i aul u ttrtmm- iml nu- rtvcrhin ut the lxtnij ut llw ivtajloh n-vill4hl- tht tlumcimoitn e ith weel iuniln momiiit lull will h iht hoi i hut h ni i un luljxd i thimun he kmi tet hsh0lden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas si gtretphj- phora taylor 37150 makl hii tv antllpptl- ancc centre the store in the centre o acton r our expcrivncvtl men do the job rifhl the firel itroe topnotch refrigeration service don cuv oil lv fe all nir tltxtntal iruu- blcv autonrun wahxr mil elier appluuiees anel rein gem i ton one day service andys repair service call day or night erin 115 ot ta 44453 annual meeting the childrens aid society of the county of hatton c0rd1all1 inmtes m interestfo citizens to attend their annual meeting to be held in the sunday school room st pauls united church mikon oman on tuesday april 5th 1960 sjsjm guest speakbt mil waldkon a goff emxutihscintan onlano avmxigtion cjl s mrs leslie wills secretary sydney g childs president look your best in the fsmvaiijb step dar ngly nto the edscr parade wth a lusous new ha r co or let our cosmct c ians h de traces of gray brjghten drab locks phone now for a date with beauty blussaaac beauty salon asbestos stdewall shingles will add years of life to your homel let our planning service help your remodeling protects x the complete job is our specialty as well let your home town lumber yard u your onestop homeimprovement headouartbch ckeuzless 4sr

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